Arrested At MCDONALDS In Minecraft!

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today in Minecraft I became a criminal I planned a genius Heist to rob the bank and make myself rich not so fast there melon your Reign Over the criminal underworld is over now no go and subscribe to the channel right now to teleport me out of here wait what where did you go guys check this out I'm living in my own luxurious so kind of nice apartment but the only thing is I don't get paid I work eight hours a day seven days a week and McDonald's doesn't pay me a cent They just give me this apartment as payment what's the point of it what's the point of working yo goats I just graduated from University with a degree in criminology I'm a police officer check out the station hey good morning Jesse another beautiful day on the job oh what's that you arrested four people this morning great work bro and let's see what else is going on here hey it's Stan the Man you still make the best cup of joe in the entire station yeah you do don't you Stan yeah see what else going on over here go upstairs show you my cubicle hey Roger what's going on today any great arrest stories yo you're kidding someone in the city got arrested for pooping in the streets that's crazy all right let's just punch in for the day yeah feels good to be an enforcer of the law what a prestigious job I have in this Minecraft city okay guys I need to go to the bank to check on my savings I think I've managed to save like five or six gold pieces I gotta slow down at this right oh wait it's a green line let's go now just pull over here and park and now I'm gonna check on my savings right gotta turn my car off too gotta make sure I'm following the rules you know now let's see how much have I managed to save up so far yeah Roger that bro it's time for me to go on patrol let's make sure everyone in the city is following Law and Order and if they're not I'll enforce them myself get in the old police car start that engine up and let's see make sure everything's good in town and if I have to make any arrests at least the jails nearby we gotta go through slow down over the speed bumps don't go too quick over that wreck my car wait a second what is this is this a vehicle park in a No Parking zone I'm gonna have to write them up a ticket uh yes I just would like to check on big man mellon's bank account yes um I want to withdraw all the savings why are you laughing at me bro I spend you you're saving that whatever just give me my gold I'm out of here five gold pieces that's pretty good for the common people and just gotta go and drive what are you doing Sunny bro this is awkward melon this is your car parked here yeah bro what are you doing why are you giving my car a ticket uh take a look at the sign right here can you tell me what that says uh I don't have my glasses on I can't see it it's clearly a No Parking Zone and it looks like you've left your little wooden car idle right here dude it was just for two seconds bro I just had to go in the bank really quick two seconds two hours two years they're all the same to me you've broken the law dude come on time and why would I give you a break melon come on please Sonny please here's your choice you can either go to prison hey or accept your ticket bro how much is the ticket here I'll let you take a look there it is why are you laughing four gold all I have is five and this took me two years to save up that sounds like a skill issue melon you've gotta cough up to four gold right now otherwise I'll bring it back up and throw you in prison you want to take the gold I'll remember that you scumbag you scumbag I'm not a scumbag I'm an enforcer of the law and unfortunately you parked where you shouldn't have left your car oh yeah well oops oops sorry sorry I'm gonna let you off with a warning for that one look at me I'm stopping at the red light like a Good Samaritan yeah you better if not you're gonna catch another ticket and now it's green you're welcome to go bye Sunny jerk I'd say that was a successful Patrol one ticket collected we bring this ticket back to the station tell all the boys yeah Jesse I got one already hey Jimbo I already collected four gold for the station I might become employee of the month just need to find a few more people parking in the wrong location yo quandale yo dude I gotta talk to you sonny is such a freaking jerk bro am I right he's so mean bro he always trolls me and messes with me and he took almost all my gold today I only have one gold left wait you have a trade for one goal you're gonna give me two code breakers for this gold deal thank you so much quandale and you're giving me a tip Sunday night I should rob the bank because all the staff goes to party yo thank you quandale thank you so much that jerk Sonny he thinks he's better than me because he's a police officer soon I'm gonna be rich and I'm gonna steal from right under his nose was oh was that Roger you ticketed five people this weekend bro keep up the good work you got 16 emeralds wait don't tell Jimbo don't tell the boss I'm gonna be Employee of the Month Roger not you Roger me okay guys it's night time and it's time to make my move put on my mask and now I'm completely disguised now I'm just gonna Park in a legal parking spot to make sure I don't attract any cop or Sonny's attention then it's time to commence The Heist nothing to see here I'm coming in yo guard I'm not supposed to be here yeah I know just hold on I wanted to give you a handshake and die yes I've killed him no what's the password huh uh I don't know the password code breaker yes yes I'm in oh my God 54. let's freaking go wait an alarm just went off I gotta go fast I gotta go fast give me all the gold give me all the gold yo Roger we just got the silent warning from the bank someone's breaking in I gotta go and stop this criminal this is my time to shine see ya Stan wait the code breaker doesn't work on these chests come on 6969 no four five five eight no one two three no one two three yo it worked one two three words give me the gold give me the go old one two three for here too yes yes yes give me the diamond blocks give me the diamond blocks bro I got as much loot as I can have I gotta get in the card hurry up start my engine start my engine whoever's at the bank I'll stop them oh no I went the wrong way oh yeah Bank was right here the whole time whoever's in there I'm gonna give them a piece of my baton wait I just heard a police officer outside bro I can't go through this door gotta break out through the window gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here wait I just saw somebody run out of the bank no get back here yo I gotta go now and I gotta ditch this car I can't believe they're getting away dude Sonny knows me he knows this car I gotta get rid of it now I can't believe I let that criminal Escape I have to return to the police station and hang my head in shame I'm so sorry guys I let the whole town down someone just robbed the bank stand and I couldn't do anything oh no officer Jim's calling me into his office Jimbo I'm sorry yeah I got a quick look at them but I couldn't see their face they had a mask on the suspect was red with white undies that's the best I got I'm sorry Jim all right guys it's my first order of business it's time to upgrade from my apartment at McDonald's this house should do the trick hey Mr villager I was trying to inquire about how much it would be to acquire this house wait it's just one stack of gold that's nothing bro wait as a down payment bro you want a thousand pieces of gold bro just take it all take it all all right well guys I'm out of gold now but I at least have my diamond blocks what's that Stan there's a report that someone in town bought the mansion that thing's been on sale for years this is suspicious the day after a bank robbery someone bought the most expensive house in town that is about as as it gets let me investigate this place here's the Mansion Just Over the speed bump right at the edge of town who purchased this place oh this place is beautiful but it needs a little bit of decoration let me Spruce it up a little bit melon there melon air melinaire ding dong Knock knock hello anybody home yes I shall answer through my second front door what do you want you lowly cop wait a second melon this is your house yeah this is my house now get off my property before I sue you cause I'm rich I'm in the street bro this is government land here relax all right well don't step a foot across my diamond block barrier melon where did created some stocks and next thing you know I'm rich this isn't adding up I'm currently conducting an investigation looking for a red person with white undies uh that's very vague bro there's probably hundreds if not thousands of people that are red that also wear underwear on The Daily you could be right melon but I'm gonna have to take a statement from you uh what were you doing last night at 12 33 a.m I was just watching TV at home and then I went to sleep okay sounds about right thanks for the statement all right so yeah I'm pretty suspicious of melon guys so I'm gonna drive a little bit away and park my car so he doesn't suspect a thing and then I'm gonna go back hide in the forest and keep a close watch on him cause I'm pretty sure he was involved in this bank robbery guys I made a genius investment I lost all of my funds but guys look at this I have a glistening melon oh it was so worth it for the red glistening melon it's beautiful I shall hang it up forever but now I'm broke again so I need to commit another robbery and what better place to rob in my old place of work McDonald's so tonight I'm gonna break in and steal from the cash yo Mel is leaving his house and he's got something weird in his hands don't tell me is that the mask from the robber and he put it on no no he's gonna commit another robbery gotta follow him gotta stay close behind him wait he stole my he's an absolute Menace to Society but it's a good thing I'm here to stop him what is he doing uh guys I didn't realize this was a 24 7 McDonald's everyone put your hands in the air put your hands in the air give me all the money give me all the money you don't have money you just have fries in me uh melon you're under arrest caught red-handed and white undeed in the ACT what are you doing here trying to rob the joint aren't you ah this isn't melon I don't know what you're talking about get out of here you stole my cop car and then you tried to Rob McDonald's I gotta get out there's nowhere left to run melon put your hands behind your back you're under arrest okay okay chill and take the mask off you're going to prison that's right you're gonna spend the rest of your life rotting away here dude this is so boring I'm just gonna go to sleep hopefully this nightmare will be over in the morning oh no I'm in prison dang it this sucks Mr Warden are you sure he's a hardened criminal and he just arrived he doesn't deserve food okay fine I guess prisoners have rights to melon you're lucky the warden says you could go have lunch wait really yes food I love food where's this lunch break where where do I go it's time to eat I'm watching you melon keeping a close eye on you and all the other inmates so don't try anything I won't I won't yeah can I get a two sloppy jalopies make it quick make it quicks hey I've got a lot of me you know that robbery that happened last night two nights ago bought the Mansion yeah that was me and I got a lot more where that came from so if you can help me get out of here I'll make you rich yeah that should be more than enough thank you thank you promise I'll remember this okay melon lunch break's over get back to your cell okay I'm gonna save these steaks for later all right that's fine you can eat them in your cell at any time just don't make a mess then you'll have bugs and flies and it'll be gross listen up guards you keep an eye on this criminal in cell seven he's an absolute Mastermind I gotta talk to the warden okay guys Sonny's finally off my case it's my time to escape gotta be very careful with these explosives if I go in this corner aim it at the top Corner over there yes I blew up the glass perfectly now it's my chance to escape yes yes I can make it out of here use one more Dynamite to blow up the cage yes I'm got an escape way about I'm a free man I'm a free man what was that noise Warden something's not right guard what's going on with prisoner seven you're not paying attention you absolute for food who's paying you he's gone he broke you out of here where'd he go no way he escaped this prison this was maximum security wait a second I know where this prisoner went he probably went back to his house to grab some money before ditching town I need a car okay guys I stored these diamonds here before because I'm so rich he's gotta mine them up and then take my glistening melon and move somewhere far away to Costa Rica on a beach and enjoy the sunset start up why won't this truck start yes finally I gotta get to melon's house quick I gotta stop it before he escapes town I don't care about traffic lights yes I see you melon you think you're getting away you think you're getting away I'm out of here Sonny catch me on a beach after I cross state lines it's out of your jurisdiction and you'll never stop me yeah yeah it's you melon yo no I crashed I gotta get out of here you need to go back to prison there's nowhere left to run I'm right behind you like RoboCop yo Jill Jill stay back stay back I got one more Dynamite I'm not afraid to use it yeah use it I dare you boost oh no that that just hurt me quite a bit yo chill Sonny chill we can talk about it we can talk about it we can talk about it do you want to die or go back to prison I'll give you a diamond block Sunny think about it think about it all your problems go away you're rich you're rich melon you think you could just bribe me I have way more Integrity than just one diamond block you got like three or four then I can think about it oh yeah here you go here you go there's four and uh how much you got left uh I this I have one left I need this I need this if I want to start a new life for my plane ticket and everything that's it you're going to jail yo we're almost at the warden's office melon he'll decide your punishment please it wasn't even that big of a deal I just I needed to live you know I can't just work for McDonald's forever you can't just rob banks melon that's illegal well Sonny why don't you tell him what you did I didn't do anything Warden I brought the criminal back I've apprehended him and now we can lock him up forever in a maximum security solitary confinement what what wait Warden what do you mean an accessory to the crime I didn't do anything I didn't accept a bribe Oh no you're right they're still in my inventory no no you got me arrested I'm no longer a cop I'm now just a lonely criminal like you now Sunny you shouldn't have accepted a bribe I didn't I was gonna return those to the evidence Locker too late too late but it's not too late for you guys to like And subscribe and click the next video on screen for more awesome adventures let's go thank you
Channel: Sunny
Views: 318,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -wFt8Z87HMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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