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today in Minecraft something really weird is going on Sonny why are you so small uh oh melon everything is shrinking I think the Ender Dragon is causing it we gotta go defeat it right now quickly like the video to help us melon melon bro not this again the Ender Dragon's cursed our game what do you mean bro I'm completely fine yeah come outside and prove it no I can't even go outside melon wait what are you talking about wait up too big to go outside no just Crouch you nerd oh I could Crouch okay yeah break your house up that works too wait I'll fix it up it's all good I'll come back to you sweetheart When I'm Small again bruh the world is gonna shrink we're gonna be here we've gotta defeat the Ender Dragon melon and we've gotta do it quick yo chill chill you're gonna kill me Sonny oh sorry I thought you were so big and strong that you'd be okay no gosh calm yourself all right buddy we got to farmsies up yeah yeah yeah let's start with the basics bro we're gonna need some wood if we're gonna go on a great adventure sure let me get some of these some of that some of these oh yes and now melon we gotta go mining dude stop all right let's go mining you don't gotta hit me but bro you're right we gotta mine before we get too big to even enter true I forgot the mines are gonna squish us to death we gotta find one quickly follow me Sonny I got a cave and into the dips we go yo don't hit my head on this iron ski yo yo Myron ski I'm gonna find diamonds and become the richest player to ever be in Minecraft shrinks every five minutes uh uh yeah something like that melon melon hell I feel kind of funny bro what the heck you just grew yo I'm way more huge than you the world is gonna be so small yo Sonny uh I don't like this bro I'm feeling funny you just inflated like a balloon yo this is not good bro I don't want to get stuck in the mines let's get the iron and dip you're right you're right we don't have a lot of time left if we get bigger again we're gonna get squished into the ceiling just grab his iron and let's get the heck out of here dude I'm moving so fast now that I'm bigger this is awesome kind of melon I have enough iron I just need two more pieces ah get out of the way you stinking block this is my this is my iron whatever brother so much of this cave what's that sound Sunny what did you do bro I think I hear a mine shaft near us yo do we even have time to explore that what if we get bigger dude we gotta get diamonds it's the only way to make another portal there's no other way yeah using a bucket on lava pools would be way too difficult instead we're gonna mine up ten pieces of obsidian yo this cave goes deep melon it goes so far they gotta be here bro smelt up your iron you gotta chill bro you can't even mind those diamonds without any oh you're right let me get an iron pickaxe oh there's gold it's so beautiful and yellow I want it shiny I'm digging straight down towards you you are really dumb we got lapis and Redstone in here where's the diamonds at bro I'm too big to even fit in a one block hole I'm grabbing up my iron you've got pants for me right yeah bro uh I just gotta find this Cave System you're in okay I'm making my bucket I got my chest plate my helmet gotta keep my Noggins safe bro where are you just dig down right here mellow look come through roll through yo you looking butt naked here you go put on some pants hey thank you let me cover that up oh yeah there it is now we gotta find Trace Diamond Sonny follow me I'm with you brother wait why are you mining coal I know it compresses into diamonds one day but that's not what we need right now we'll have to wait a billion years for that oh diamonds were made Under Pressure all right dude how do I get in this hole there we go where are you going I'm gonna go oh my we need one more Diamond Sonny how could you here's your punishment no Sunny stop enough bro you can't try that yo mama there's more diamonds right here no way hey bro how many how many I'm gonna mind him with a stone pick is that cool there's four of them stop stop it sunny stop it you know I shouldn't do this I shouldn't I shouldn't break it with this no enough give me these collect them all yeah six diamonds yes now I can make myself an ax and a pickaxe no wait what dude chew that's it ow bro you're gonna kill me chill chill chill yeah what are you gonna make for melon uh what do you want bro watch your back ah no give me the diamond you scumbag Sunny wait where'd the die oh they've exploded all the way over here I've got the diamond safe and sound don't worry and now I'll craft myself that diamond pickaxe and one Diamond Axle look how beautiful sunny hurry up and get out of the cave before you get stuck oh shoot you're right melon I'm coming up grab my workbench and where's the exit it's this way melon there's so many mobs I have your item I'm getting out of the cave yo please spare a melon some iron armor I will do you one better I will bestow upon you the power of the diamond ax let's go you got that pickaxe though right yeah I do watch out the zombie It's Crazy Diamond ax kill it and to celebrate I got you some birthday cake hey let's go man dude I'm not even hungry I'm gonna save that for later yo you just destroyed it I thought I could pick it up I thought it was an infinite food glitch whatever bro at least I got to eat half of it all right Sonny we've gotta get to the nether now though no more fooling about time to go to the desert and find some surface lava wait no melon I'm feeling funny again ah yo look at you bro you look so big and stupid how's the air up the wait no I'm feeling funny no no you got pumped up dude now we're both big yeah it's like that I'm gonna grab a bucket of water though in case we find the lava pool can I have my bucket oh sure you can sweet thank you so much Sonny I'm gonna grab a bucket of lava I had a bad feeling you're gonna do that and then you're gonna try and prank me with it please melon we gotta work together before the world shrinks too small it's not a prank if I want to kill you what's that's just murder yeah but don't call it a prank you know you're pure evil bro why does your villain Arc laugh sound like a chimpanzee guys help me melon's losing his mind get me away from him I'm coming for you sonny oh oh by the way wait can we put this on pause yeah yep right here oh nice there do you want half of your bread back too yes please there you go thank you nope nope can't do it can't touch this just make that portal trust you trust you okay so now according to my calculations I have to place a block like this and then I place the water like this and then I break the block like this yep yep doing it right yeah and then I go like scoop medus easy game pick that up and then I gotta go over here and be like one two three three uh uh is it this way oh no it's just I don't know melon we're gonna see what happens activate oh no I ruined it that's why we have the diamond pickaxe it's okay and we have a second lava pool right next door yeah melon why would you do this bro we didn't get the diamond pickaxe for nothing come on please tell me there's more please tell me there's more there's more live under here somewhere there's got to be more live under yourself somewhere no that was all the lava I actually gotta mine this bro all right I'll see you in 30 seconds and voila four pieces of obsidian and it's already three tall so technically I can do this and this and this and that look at it it's a beautiful portal uh Sunny yeah how are we gonna fit in that uh let's find out dig a little way in maybe please let me squish let me squeeze let me through come on I'm taller than this thing Sonny you idiot bro just Crouch you're right no you're wrong I still can't fit no sonny there's only one way I think we can get through we need to get ender pearls bruh you're right we just gotta wait until the sun sets and all the Enderman starts spawning his desert yo sunny it's night time and now we hunt yeah but I don't have a diamond ax like you so I gotta be careful these guys could hurt me uh what are you with coward Sony look how fast you are true I'm quick with it now show me the Enderman melon did you find any yet oh yo they're right behind you sonny let's get them I got the one on the left yo they must have just spawned bro there's so many I need back up sonny I'm fighting one where'd he go where'd he go trying to sneak up on me huh I got rechecks cause I'm huge the enderman's go oh you trying to try to teleport back on me just die how much health do you have oh he might kill me yes he dropped a pearl I'm shaking it I stole your Pearl so where is this other Enderman I'm fighting one get it get him drop a pearl yes yeah he dropped the Pearl bro we get into The Nether follow me hold up I'm killing a skeleton oh Reaper oh man Helen melon I'm going back to our portal I want to go get the blazes already before I get too big ah melon this isn't our portal but I'm gonna totally loot this place uh cursive binding gold helmet sure why not cursive Vanishing Fortune three shovel I don't think that's very good but it's kind of cool and I got something nice for you bro what'd you get me dude where are you I'm right here I got glycerin shiny melons yeah what have they done to my balloons here one for you one for the cactus one for you no what is wrong with you stop stop one for the cactus I will kill you son me no chill bro chill bro at least gave you two of them you are a scumbag Now where's our portal it's right here silly bean oh you're right I'm gonna kill this Enderman because we're gonna need more pearls true we gotta return home somehow ow there's two of them after us where'd he go yo do you have that fortune three oh it's not looting it's not looting dang it yeah that would have been actually coated if it was looting bro there's so many annoying mobs here why does this thing keep teleporting away let me smack you yes I got two pearls very good I'm about to die there's so many mobs yes he's dead I got two pearls as well run away Sonny run away finally the chaos is over the beautiful sun has risen and it's time to get out of here yo Sonny let's get out of here it works melon we're in the nether wait why is there a second portal here bro what is going on this curse is getting weirder dude we have to defeat the Ender Dragon and return Minecraft back to normal yeah oh we're getting attacked Sonny just move just move yo there's already a fortress boom let's go I'm in I'm in wither skeletons I gotta eat my bread Sonny you pushed me off nah you pushed yourself off bro that's on you dude I got no blocks I'll help you out in a second let me just defeat these first Yep they're dead let's go form these blazes and there's a blaze spawner right here shiny this works out perfectly no way quickly smack him oh no ow ow ow I need to back up I'm dying I'm dying melon you are huge hot fire drop a blaze rod ow it didn't even drop a blaze rod melon what happened you pushed me off I guess we should Farm separate blazes huh we're too big dude I'm farming up elsewhere okay ow what is hitting me these stupid blazes you gotta be more careful dude oh no oh no I'm getting chased by weird skeletons this is not good oh ow yeah there's a gas shooting at you too melon be careful I don't like this I'm forming these blazes are you getting them out I let myself on fire like an idiot let me get that out of my inventory where are the Blazers I want more blazes big jump let's go melon I think you have the only Blaze spawner uh uh uh there's places over there over where wait I think I found another spawner just gotta get over to it I'm too big for my own good oh I'm so low I'm solo one heart one heart you wanna trade off I'll come Farm it yeah bro come and help me I'm on the way biggest jump yo okay that was actually pretty cool and I'm at The Blaze spawner wait are we at different we there is two Blaze Spawners uh Sunny this is not good you're on your own dude oh if one of those hits go dead no it's fine we'll break this curse if it's the last thing we ever do Blazer rods what is hit three blaze rods the rest is up to you I'm not coming back to the nether I don't understand I forgot we got six blaze powder dude there's no way that's enough go farm some more Sonny bro you can even have my Pearl here you go buddy thank you can I also have some of your food fine but you better get those blaze rods or else I'm on it bro yo melon I got two rods just give me some more yes three maybe before is that four dang it just three but I made a little shelter here so I can easily Farm the blaze rods now bro just get one more and then we're good okay drop it give me your super hot fire nope nope nope he didn't drop one my makeshift platform is doing pretty good though the Blazers aren't flying away anymore just need to farm one more rod it's okay this is the blaze that I want don't fly away stay right here yes oh no Blaze Rod yes half a heart five blaze rods let's go I just gotta break the spawner and block the shots I think I'm gonna be okay melon this is not good this is not good half a heart I gotta eat this bread really badly yes just kill these two no okay it's a shortcut hey melon I'm back I got five blaze rods let's go and check it out blaze powder yo sunny and check this out well you were farming blazes I was farming some Enderman and I have 11 pearls bro that's perfect and I've got an extra one because I died I didn't need it uh Sunny bro I'm not feeling too good yeah oh yeah oh melon you're gigantic bro on the size of my house how am I ever gonna fit in here again wait no no not me no you're huge too bro we gotta hurry up follow the ender pearls let's go bro we've gotta break this curse we're so fast but the world is gonna shrink down into nothingness yo we've been running forever but we gotta keep going Sonny trust me we're getting closer we'll find this stronghold climb the mountain climb the mountain climb to the Peaks yeah shortcut we're so bro we can jump anything this is actually kind of goaded wait Sonny what the heck is that bro what is what hold on I'm climbing the mountain what is what is what bro at the very peak of the tippiest top of the tallest mountain there's this weird end structure you're right what the heck is that bro I'm climbing up I gotta check this out dude what is this there's TNT what the heck is the shrine I don't know but I think we should light the TNT up I think it has something to do with how we get to the end let's do it please don't kill us yo what was that bro about a million Enderman just fell yo this wasn't here this is new please please bro what the heck was that I don't know but Sonny look up there's some weird platform are you kidding me did that create an end Island bro I think so let's go check it out Walker I'm gonna let you do that bro I'm gonna grab all these ender pearls down here Geronimo how many two oh there's so many melons 15 I have a stack I have so many pearls you got a stack of Ender Pearls I have 21 make that even more I have two stacks two stacks wait melon you put a fountain for me thanks bro I got you dude and there's an end portal frame up here Sonny we can defeat the dragon let's go wait do you have enough Eyes of Ender let's see one two all right there's some pearls for you right there and then we go like this and now we can create the portal let's go oh and then I sacrifice a melon hey that didn't work but I think we can fit in this one uh bad news Melina I definitely do not fit inside of this one here's Sunny take on ender pearl oh wait take a singular ender pearl I have ender pearls let me in let me it out it just hurts it just hurts melon Sonny you gotta aim it directly in the middle just like this no way let me give it a try yo it works Sunny I'm not feeling good though bro oh what do me what's happening Sonny we're gonna run out of oxygen soon we gotta slam these crystals luckily we're huge so it's super easy I got this this Dragon didn't think this threw all the way shrinking the world down and making us huge makes it easy to defeat him come on just gotta build up a little bit here though some of these aren't that easy to break melon yeah hold on hold on this one's for sure an ender pearl jump wait why are my pearls throwing sideways this isn't gonna end well bro just jump in and hit it pat me Pat me on the butt hey it didn't work wait a second melon I have an idea check this out I'll jump on top of this one if these stupid enemy would leave me why are they nibbling at my ankles jump from here to here melon check this out I'm gonna jump all the way across from here to here ow ows dragons hitting me so much cause I'm so big melon I'm gonna make it I did the whole parkour boom yeah oh you idiot worth it I'll defeat this Dragon sunny I can smack him in the air melon you're absolutely dragon he doesn't stand a chance bro he's way too small we are gonna be the biggest most overpowered in all of Minecraft yes because he decided to shrink himself down like an idiot yeah that wasn't the smartest move ever although melon if we took any longer we would have been so big we would have gone into outer space and had no more air to breathe you're right bro there's still a chance he could do that to us we gotta kill him right here now come on melon melon I'm huge yo Sonny finish him quick please I don't want the world to get any smaller he's dead yeah but but melon I don't feel good why am I getting big ah I got big wait I feel fine yo save I feel normal yo we're back to normal we defeated the dragon and we could steal his egg now let's go pick that up boy you need a tour chili oh yeah you're right I'm sorry just grab one right here right right there right where huh I meant grab it like this got me a torch dig right under it sunny torch up and break it let's go we got the egg nice one bro I'm on a half a heart though I gotta get out of here let's go and now we can go back home and Minecraft is saved forever and if you guys want to save our Channel forever make sure you hit that like And subscribe button and click the next video on screen right now before Sunny dies wait what no no
Channel: Sunny
Views: 643,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r061mz1pzRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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