Going To The FUTURE in Minecraft!

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today in Minecraft I froze myself and went into the future Sonny this was such a dumb idea help guys I'm being chased by the future police and they've got lightsabers Please Subscribe right now to teleport me back in time no this is too far melon melon bro PlayStation 6. it comes out really soon we should go to the store and see when it arrived oh oh yeah let's do it uh sunny but what about my statue I just finished it who cares what the heck PlayStation PlayStation yes the store ps6 only two weeks left bro I want it now melon please please can we get it please can we get one Sonny you lied to me you said it came out today no melon I said it comes out soon I just wasn't sure when Dude two weeks is in so long hey melon we shouldn't do anything stupid like freezing ourselves yo I could freeze myself and then I could wake up and it'll be two weeks and I could get the PlayStation Sonny that sounds like a terrible idea what if things go wrong and you wake up like 3 000 years in the future I know this is gonna make me sound like I'm super impatient but how the heck can I freeze myself so that I can time travel two weeks in the future and buy a PlayStation 6. well Sonny what really rich people like Walt Disney did was to freeze themselves so that they can be unfrozen in the future but that's not really a super great idea what do you mean it's a bad idea while Walt Disney was a really intelligent man I'm pretty sure putting yourself in a giant freezer isn't a great idea considering that his body would not survive the unfreezing how could Walt be still you why it wouldn't work please don't try it yeah yeah yeah whatever you say quandale freezing myself for two weeks sounds like a great plan I don't care what you think I'm gonna do it now I've just gotta go home and build my own cryo-freezing chamber and then have Melody freeze me you bro stop snoring and wake up I need your help ow Sonny what's wrong with you bro it's like three in the morning okay so melon I got this really great plan I'm gonna need you to press a button that's gonna freeze me and then I need you to press it again in two weeks and wake me up that sounds like the dumbest plan ever let's do it hey melon it's not as dumb as your statue what the heck is wrong with you sonny look at it you're wearing a poopy diaper oh yeah make fun of me while you can Sonny I'll remember that whatever dude just help me get in the cryo chamber I'll help you get in the cryo chamber Sonny okay melon so I'm gonna jump inside of the secret cryo chamber and you just have to press this blue button to freeze me and wake me up in two weeks for the PlayStations out yeah yeah I'll wake you up in 200 years Sonny thought he could just make fun of my statue huh well I'll wake him up in three weeks yeah that's right I'm gonna play the ps6 without him it's gonna be so awesome I'll have it all to myself and I won't have to share it's gonna be amazing two weeks later guys this new ps6 is awesome check out realistic Minecraft looks on this this is awesome awesome oh I'm so glad I don't have to share it with sunny guys maybe it would be better to share with sunny this way I'd have someone to game with maybe I should unfreeze him I think it's time I unfreeze him hey melon it's not as dumb as your statue actually scratch that this guy made fun of me he's staying in there for a while one eternity later oh my head is so cold where am I oh wait a second this is the cryo chamber two weeks must have already passed time to play Playstation hey melon did we get the ps6 yet I want to play some games what is going on why is the house fenced in where the heck are we melon what did you do this looks really weird why is there a giant melon head in the sky why does this place look so futuristic original House of melon the first yo what is going to just go with Founders property surrender yourself immediate this is my home too no this isn't good I don't know where I am I gotta get out of here quickly guys I don't know what's going on but I've gotta figure this out quick I just wanted to play PlayStation 6 and now all of a sudden I'm trapped to this dystopian future where am I uh why is there a giant wall closing the city in put your hands up and follow me uh who the heck are you there's no time to explain get in the truck over there I'll follow you you sound just like my friend melon actually hurry up the guards could be around I'm moving you want me to go in the back of this get it now yeah you seem really angry and aggressive I don't know if I should do this Sonny there's no time to explain okay I'll explain once you get in no ow ow okay chill I'm in all right Sonny now that you're in I'll reveal to you my true identity wait melon it's you I'm not the melon you know Sonny I'm melon the fifth the great great great great grandson of melon the first whoa oh how is this even possible it's only been two weeks no it hasn't been two weeks it's been 500 years wait what I just the PlayStation six listen Sonny when you were frozen melon made this entire city to be loved and admired during his end days he went mad he lost his fourth melon seed and he went crazy he built a wall up so people couldn't leave yeah that sounds just like melon he wanted them all the love admire and worship didn't he yeah he did but listen Sonny I'm part of the resistance I Want to Break these walls down and make sure the city is free and the key to that is you okay melon the fifth that sounds pretty reasonable but it's just the two of us how am I supposed to help I don't even know my way around the city there's far more than just the two of us follow me I'm right behind you I'm gonna introduce you to the secret society come with me Intruders in the area please report him to the authorities you've seen he is a dangerous individual and we need to stop him right now melon V is that supposed to happen no that's not normal the alarms are off the arch melons know you've arrived Sonny we gotta be careful from here on out I'm right behind you lead the way there's some Troopers here I'll take them out don't worry Sonny bro did you not even shower this morning you smell awful no man I had to run down to the station and put on this gear looks like we're having a serious Code Red emergency right now yeah bro you have an emergency to go and take a shower yes yes all right Sonny I took them out we've got to be careful bro those guys do damage yo great work dude that was epic can I get one of those blasters uh when we make it to headquarters I'll make sure your arm to the teeth perfect I love arming my teeth we got two more Troopers right here Sonny stop you infidels surrender yourselves immediately or face consequences dang it they recognized us I have no choice ah I'm out of here melon I can't deal with this you take care of it dude there's so many more keep running I'll cover you keep going keep going Sonny follow me follow me yeah you lead the way I don't even know where I'm going down here and in to the secret area follow me sunny wait there's nothing here melon are you sure this is the place no this is exactly the place if you notice this Willy right here it's a little bit different Secret Door whoa is this the resistance headquarters yeah this is all the men I've gathered up and we're engaging Mission wall breaker this looks Epic but do you guys have a PlayStation 6 here Sunny a PlayStation 6 is not important right now we've got to save the citizens and redeem melon kind I mean that's cool and all but I kind of waited two weeks which is now 500 years so that I could game on the new ps6 he's supposed to be the chosen one and he's making us go get a ps6 he must know something we'll get this ps6 for you you will where's it located and do you have all the new games I really want to play the latest and greatest yeah I've got all the games that involve breaking walls I know what you're talking about Sonny yeah you've got Minecraft too you I've always wanted to try that game out I don't know what that has to do with breaking the walls that we're trying to break I trust you ah so melon where do we go get this PlayStation from sunny I believe there's one ps6 located in the museum it's like an ancient Relic or something oh that's awesome where's the museum it's right about here and it's conveniently close to the science research facility which we need to go to in order to get the wall breaker that sounds awesome so we'll first get the ps6 then I'll play Minecraft 2 then we'll go get the science facility Yeah by Minecraft 2 how is this gonna help us get the wall breaker it's critical melon absolutely critical because if you want me the chosen one to help you help you destroy these walls I I've gotta just play this thing at least once okay I've waited 500 years for this moment the chosen one speaks do you hear him he's bringing hope to all all right let's go get this PS5 yes the diversion it's working melon is the team in position is it time for me to get my PlayStation and become the chosen one yo Bobby is the diversion complete ready sir it is all the guards are gone all right Sonny follow me I'm right behind you melon the fifth to the museum was epic I'm in Sonny all the guards are gone this is our chance we've just gotta find the vulnerable Point yeah smell it I can smell the PlayStation from here I could practically taste the plastic yes yeah this PlayStation yeah it's in here look at it the ancient Relic it's so beautiful it must hold the codes to the wall breaker yeah it totally does guys I've got it the next gen system it might be 500 years old but it's gonna be amazing I can't wait to play some video games Bobby what's up we were ambushed Bobby no sonny the whole mission's gone South we gotta get out of here we're getting overrun don't worry melon I see an Escape Route I just gotta break this Crystal let's get out of here Sonny the safe house is compromised there's only one place left we can go yo there's fireworks on the helicopter pad where should we fly we have to return to the house of old melon the first yeah they'll never expect to look there plus I'll have lots of spaces I can set up the PlayStation yeah that's what's important right now let's go okay let's go through the roof and no one will suspect the thing oh this is perfect there's even a flat screen TV in here just gotta put the PlayStation down and ah time to game sunny I lost my whole crew I lost the headquarters I lost everything I've been working on for the past 30 years all right how was this PS5 gonna help us break down these walls oh it's not I just really wanted to try out this new game wait wait wait what do you mean you just wanted to try out this new game yeah your whole resistance movement and your whole life story that's a you problem melon the fifth I'm not really that interested I'm just trying to play some video games here do you mind a little space it's a you problem my entire friends and family were murdered so you could play some stupid video game well I didn't tell them they had to help I just said where's the PlayStation and then you guys got all weird in your head with the chosen one and I'm the Savior I just want to play Minecraft number two Sonny you're right it is a me problem and that makes it a you problem get up ow I'm half a heart I'm sorry I'm sorry you're gonna help me get this wall breaker whether you like it or not I now realize you're not the chosen one you're just some idiot yeah that's half right you know who's even dumber than me 500 years ago you're great great great grandfather well he's the one one that froze you for 500 years so you look like the big idiot to me just like that we're all looted up I'm ready for this epic plan melon Jr Jr Jr Jr Sunny I'm gonna be honest with you this is our backup Backup backup Backup backup plan and it's kind of our last resort and it has a point zero zero zero one percent chance of success hey that's a lot better than zero All My Friends Are Dead and I don't have a life at this point so this is all we've got are you ready Sonny I'm ready but what exactly is the plan honey we have these have these so we can blend in with the Troopers then we're gonna sneak in through the sewer systems and it's really stinky so I'd put on your mask oh good idea now follow me right behind you oh cool I've always wanted to wear futuristic storm trooper armor okay Sony do you have your grappling hook I do and this feels like a real I would say you're welcome but you killed my whole crew pretty much no not true I'd call it more of a skill issue ow do dude you almost killed me don't make fun of my crew I wasn't you brought them up I thought they were really nice people just not the best warriors now according to the blueprints should be this way the second water stream yes it's working it's working uh never mind where are you leading us is this even the right place Sonny I found it the Secret Door move go in then I'll go down you go in all right all right thank you gotta be very sneaky beaky like from here on out okay I'll stay diligent and you show us the way to the wall breaker device Sonny I'm gonna need you to go in first you kind of look more like the Stormtroopers than I do all right I caught this under control hey how's it going guys yeah beautiful day we're having oh wow really cool Blaster you've got there and where did you get these shoulder pads oh what's that you're looking to have a tuna sandwich for lunch bro your breath is gonna stink dude I actually think you have beautiful eyes Mr Trooper you shouldn't be in here with that armor bro you don't yeah he's just he's an associate he's a new guy here yeah don't worry about it guys he's in training he's in training this isn't the proper uniform can we even trust you wait what do you mean this isn't uniform I do not look like that scumbag scoundrel Rebel melon Jr Jr Jr Jr don't even talk about that guy I hate him yeah what do you mean bad at um looting things and stealing PlayStations you guys are so transparent surrender yourselves now wait that was confidential look outside I'm sorry I'm sorry we got a blast back I thought everyone knew about it already Sonny take them out whoa our blasters are way more powerful yeah they don't even stand a chance bro we're epic yo relax you're gonna kill me oh oh two words two words okay sonny calm down bro we need to get in quick the alarms are blaring and there'll be a whole Army on us in the next five minutes as long as the armies just more Troopers will be fine but if they bring in an arch melon then we're in real trouble please not an arch melon Sonny this room it has the wall breaker in it but how are we gonna get in it's secured oh I kind of have this level five key card when did you get that I don't know it came in a chest or I got it from a trooper I don't really remember it might have been the guy who was eating the tuna sandwich we've been looking for that for 30 years use it now okay open up let's go let's go you were the chosen one Sunny look at it the wall breaker it's beautiful and it's not even guarded ah sorry oh sorry there's a lot of guards down here you start hacking into the wall breaker I'll defend you I'm hacking I'm hacking eliminate them I got a grapple hook dodging oh epic I got rid of the Clones please hacking into the Mainframe you got this melon Junior and uploading the virus 99 100. it's working Sunny we got a dip we gotta dip the wall breakers activating run melon Jr we did it I will stay for the cause melon Jr you'll always be remembered he gave his life for the cause and he saved the city look at all the villagers they can finally go free and return to their homes and I can return to my ps6 oh man this is awesome the villagers agreed I could install it here and live with them forever I'm their hero I told them it was just me and melon Jr didn't even help and you guys Heroes a thing ah guys click the next video before I
Channel: Sunny
Views: 206,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e9YYxZnQES8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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