Minecraft BUT We Can ONLY DIG DOWN!

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this is Minecraft but we can only dig straight down ah help I fell into lava I placed that there no common melon emojis to save me melon we're trapped on one block and we can only dig straight down yo wait suddy what am I gonna do there's a melon and you're gonna have to break it bro dig down let's go okay guys don't worry I've got a melon magnet with this power I can break this melon and save them yeah so keep you right here close to me I would never harm another melon Sonny let's dig straight down that's so fair I thought for sure you were gonna have to Splatter and blend and Sledgehammer that melon into a barely little pieces yo chill I would never do that yeah well you know what I would do I would take my stack of birch logs turn some of those into planks then make a workbench some sticks and check this out melon block him out and make a stone pick oh wait you already did it too didn't you yeah I beat you bro I beat you and I'm farming iron yeah I see that you left your coal up there though you nerd I don't need no coal I need coal bro be pretty cool to get some code oh iron yes give me these upgrades raw pieces of it I'm gonna schmelt these up at record time Mella you're going down yo I have so much iron let's go melon where'd you go I don't see you on your one block bro you're allowed to move a little bit to the side to collect some ores what the heck I didn't read that in the fine print uh well you should have read head a bit harder than Sunny dang it these terms of service are so unfair so I guess it find a Cave System or a mind chef with oars you're allowed to explore it just a little bit hey perfect timing I'm gonna explore this just a little bit Sonny just don't go too far you gotta stay close to the glass remember yeah yeah yeah I'm keeping it in my sight I see you all the way up there bro what are you doing bro I'm just grabbing some cool all right you get all that curl I'm gonna grab some wood guys I gotta do this quick no it got through good yeah get back over there and I blocked them out they're for melon now oh guys I got another really good idea watch this I'm gonna break this one and this one and this one just doing a little bit of excavation here hey Sunny already got an iron pickaxe Brody are you kidding me bro that's so unfair yeah you know it's unfair you being a noob yeah whatever you say and me being so good ah why why are there zombies yeah eat that I dropped you into a pit of zombies what the heck die come on die die Melon No you tried Sonny give me all this iron dang it my plans have been foiled is this going too far yeah plus there's a lot of zombies there I'm gonna go back here you can't cross my side of the glass honey I didn't I put the blocks in the way and destroyed some of your stuff so you drop and eat fall damage that's not cool dude you're right it's Eyes Cold cause I'm cool too cold too cute yeah bro you know my nickname was back in college uh idiot sandwich what the heck how did you know cause bro I went to college who do you think invented the nickname oh you're such a bully first of all we're both liars we've never been to school we've never been to University we've never been to college all right you're just a wander melon and I'm just a little son in the universe I was role-playing yeah yeah keep your RPS for yourself bruh I'm digging straight down yes oh it's beautiful melon what did you find I found the bluest most beautiful diamonds I've ever seen no way you found diamonds yeah oh it's so good I was gonna say back in college days they used to call me the black hole cause I was too killed but uh now I'm Gonna Shine bright like a diamond star no don't shine bright like a diamond I might have to but I'm gonna go Fenty on this why are there so many no no let me cross this glass let me across no you can't that's cheating fine I'll find my own diamonds hey melon hey melon hey melon shut up about it look up bro there's a creeper there's a creeper no stay right there please don't come down creepy oh that was too close hold on I'm right here creeper no it's frozen in space and time dude wake up I gotta wake this creeper up uh that creeper ain't gonna do nothing to me Sonny he ain't gonna do nothing hello I'm right here oh my gosh it's just gonna explode come yeah yay dude dude dude please move please Ayo chill Ayo send him too deep now even if the creeper Falls it's just gonna die yeah you think so I know so fall down creeper it doesn't want to move whatever I'm going down I thought I was gonna blow you up but instead it did nothing it just pranked me I found a cave come on there's gotta be diamonds here somewhere please now I make my iron pickaxe and immediately harvest the diamonds no no there's none and then melon I have a diamond pickaxe I'm golden no oh and I even have an iron ax just in case oh this is trash I've never found anything good I'm almost at Bedrock level I think I'm getting there keep her coming with this nice juicy diamond pickaxe I better not fall in any lava that would be bad yeah that would suck please follow lava please fall in love no I've hit bad Rock and I got nothing uh I'm not a Bedrock layer but I'm in a pretty big cave I don't think I'm allowed to explore this though feels a bit unfair melon but the gold the gold is right here it's a bit too far I'll be honest that's cheap yeah you can't do that no cheating I would never plus I already got diamonds so I beat you this round fine bro let's just move on to the next I got a ton of iron so probably Crush you first I gotta get to bedrock bro what if there's more diamonds here no don't go please diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds okay this is just deep slate for days nope there was no diamonds man the good news ow ow ow hey chill chill stop hitting me don't make me do this yo Sonny you may have won the last round but are you ready for round two yeah I got some of these boys and you don't okay now you do because I felt bad yes diamonds let's go off to the races let's go straight down use it on it on the dirt I don't care give me that melon yo you a rich boy yeah you know I'm going straight down how come you keep getting iron before what do you mean our own skis yeah I'm taking the Iron's Keys here too is it just me though or does iron look like fossils in new Minecraft uh no I looked at it upon further inspection no okay melon this is not fair yeah oh you died uh you're such a no wait you fella died too bro melon bro you didn't even have lava at the bottom of yours bro how are we supposed to survive this carefully melon very carefully I can craft a bucket too see ya Bob's away clutch up oh he's so goaded I got this nice really nice close [Laughter] close I did it yeah wow you're amazing bro I am the goat oh gold now stay on your side get him zombie yes yo Choo I'm gonna whack you with my pick you ain't ready for this yo you ain't ready for that skeleton who's sniping you hit him hit him with it I even see no skeleton hey yo you just sticking bones you ain't got nothing on me oh I'm a monster hunter now yo there's so many mobs in this Ravine melon there's so many mobs I want to dig deeper but it's too dangerous bro you gotta dig he's gonna blow you gotta dig Sonny I'm trying but there's a Skeletron after me no I don't want to die like this yes I got him there's nothing in this Ravine bro I'm digging further down yeah I didn't like this one too much barricade activate [Music] Sunny what's that look what me thinks me gots yeah diamonds now I have four diamonds you know what I'm gonna make with four diamonds Sonny I don't dude I'm dead right now hold on there we go clutch it up what do you think I'm gonna make with four diamonds sunny I don't know melon uh uh uh boots you're gonna make boots no I'm gonna make obviously a diamond pick ah no bro I lost one of my diamonds bragging oh and then right when I grabbed it out of my inventory I died so it got burnt in the lava oh that was too good actually I'm too hot no stop it stop what hey stop it you're cheating you're cheating right now all right I'm putting the lava Down You're Gonna regret that yeah with what what love are you gonna make me you can't hit you can't hit that's illegal oh oh stay on your side stay on your side ow I'm still on my side yeah heck melon you're gonna regret the day ow I'm gonna regret what day you're not even original with your kills bro I actually did something really cool to get you rid of you yeah me too yeah that's what I thought bro hold on let me eat some bread give me a second ow I gotta eat this bread melon oh how far no all right I gotta dig out of here Dig Down Dig Down Dig Down Redstone is that good I don't know why I got so excited I can make this clutch why can't I do this ah right melon I'll help you out again I'll even break the glass here you go you're welcome dude yeah clutched up myself buddy did you really buddy yeah bucko I've got 35 Redstone does that mean I get more value than your diamonds no absolutely not bro I'm winning this round well let's see what happens dude we're not at Bedrock yet come on don't give him anything let me Clutch up oh my gosh diamond yeah right that's capped yeah it was you could tell by the tone of my voice I was still sad contailed by the pitch of your hitch the pitch of my hitch what does that even mean it means what it means all right you are crazy bro give me this iron deeper I'll go deeper come on give me me something give me something give me that Bedrock I want to get to the next level already hey I got some Redstone okay then you definitely beat me this round yeah that's for sure unless I can find deep slate Diamonds the legendary diamond deep slate block and I hit the bottom I guess that means I am almost at the bottom as well yep that's Bedrock GG melon you win let's go I am to go I am to go oh I saw you swing at me I saw that ow okay you win you win you win you win yeah congratulations melon on your win but now it's time to conquer the desert and let me tell you I know all about ice cream and cake frosting and donuts and chocolate bars and cookies what does that have to do with deserts Sonny oh it's desserts oh sorry I spelled it wrong my bad bro you're so stupid I'm going deep yeah me too oh wait this is sand right here oh I'm going down at Hyper Speed now are you really now Sonny yes I am Mr melon hey stop that I have a gift no what you don't like the gift nice try nice try Sonny okay I have I have more tries hey thanks honey are you having fun bro you're just getting higher up you're not even digging down hey yo Hey ow how could it work for you I don't know bro you will regret the day melon melon melon that's enough it's never gonna happen you're never gonna get me like that what do you mean like what like what you're trying to do it's just not gonna work see and now I have this your hopes and dreams are done melon enough I know I started it but enough what do you mean this is exactly what I mean see it's not cool it's annoying thanks for the mats bro thanks for the mats all right have those mats and build yourself a couple of 90s start cranking yo we're in a cave really oh what the heck I really gotta make torches to get rid of this now it's like that all right yeah what it didn't work look at this dude we found a glitch in The Matrix no there we go Freedom now come on there's gotta be something good nearby please I just see more more cave no everything's too far more fall damage Maybe cover this and go deeper down into the dark depths I will get the diamond yo what's in this one I can explore a little bit no way you got gold are you kidding yeah let's go bro I'm getting loot I'm getting loot loot and loot no no no no no no no no wait what what happened it fell into no way your diamonds fell into lava no that's mine you can't be breaking that what are you talking about such a scumbag fine you can have that diamond bro fine I won't I feel bad I feel bad what do you mean can it was my diamond and you ruined it I'm sorry I feel bad all right oh yeah burn I got two diamonds at least wait where'd my water bucket go ah I'm gonna burn two no no please no that's right melon that's right bro what what is that that's right Mr melon that's what you get for killing me yo what the heck Sonny you scumbag no I just outstrategied you nice thank you yeah you know I can't do these as is oh I got a mine obsidian to get out of here why'd I place the water down that makes no sense you can do it the slow way ow there's so much lava here clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch bro I'm placing water it's my ping it won't it's impossible because of my pain you can just put it like this yeah I did it let's go I'm gonna go you don't have to blame your ping that's cringe no more lava oh [Applause] oh eyes are even more come on no obsidian okay I gotta be smart about this if I put water like this and mine the Cobblestone no it makes obsidian well time to slowly it's gonna be a slow Road bro this is a race wait obsidian's a valuable block I think I'm winning this round I haven't seen two idiot ah no I put the water away melon I don't like dealing with you please I need water oh my God crab water crab water yeah I'm gonna run to the ocean I got no choice and scoop actually I'm gonna get myself a little friend in my bucket right here melon how's your digging going very very slowly okay let's take a look here how much for lava is there Geronimo good one Sunny I'm gonna make this I'm gonna make this yeah and I even got a little fish friend guys the lava is almost down here well it's gonna be so surprised I finally got through the lava yes good for you melon you deserve it yes all the Llama is gone finally why do I hear a fish flapping around because I picked up a fish friend a fish a fish trying to pick him back up sonny why is there lava coming down at me no reason bruh that's okay I'll just ignore it yeah that's the smart thing to do that is the smart thing to do all right Sonny I didn't want to have to do this but now I'm gonna have to place a cobblestone above me oh spotted it in time bruh I'm too much of a genius for that to ever work dang it bro it took so long to flow all the way down I thought for sure it would get you nope I'm gonna go baby for a reason well who's winning this round I don't even know what kind of resources were more valuable I got a tropical fish in a block of obsidian I got three obsidians some gold iron you got a diamond though oh I did get a diamond and then you burned the other one yeah the other two actually why you gotta tell me I don't wanna know that Sonny I made it to the bottom I got trash from this I'm almost at the bottom bro this might be considered a tie game I don't even know if I picked up that diamond I only have two on me and I think I had these before we'll call it a draw yeah that's fair I don't think I'm finding anything yep that's Bedrock stalemate stalemate chill chill chill it's my you just killed my friend oh I'm sorry dude that was an accident hold on can we at least give him a good Funeral Service no but I can give you a good Funeral Service get married melon I can't believe you killed my fish I'm so emotional right now honestly Sunny was an accident that's not good enough here lies fishy 2023-2023 rested peace Sony I'm sorry it was a pick accident you better have some roses for my fishy I do bro here you go that's so nice I ate your fish that's for eating all my wander melons how could you you do this you're a monster he was already dead I was just making the most of it I guess that's okay logic whatever I'm gonna win this round dig into the Mountainside let's go um we're coming Sunny oh I already got cold that gives me a head start does it really now it absolutely does I have cold too yeah but I have my coal first that makes me colder than you uh but why would you want to be colder than me I don't know it sounded kind of like saying cool but it's not the same but like it's like the worst ore yeah it's not great I won't lie about that it's really not great oh now we got water to deal with I know I know that doesn't work okay that worked good hey what stay away from me this is pretty awkward don't look at me no melon stop hitting me I'm gonna die bro sorry no no no no clearly wasn't not an accident oh what did I just fall into I'm in a Skelly spotter yo what enchanted golden apple yo kill these skeletons quick before they kill me yo break this break this yes makes the jump oh so close one and a half hearts no get back in you're getting all the loot Sonny you're on the wrong side I'm cheated are you sure yes positive I am positive okay I'm back I'm back on my side then you cheat bro you're a dirty cheat well you you took all the loot yeah it's all my loot it's all on my side well I'm taking the iron ore at least bro this is my dub I literally just destroyed you this round whatever you say bro I got some wrong golden Roar that's gotta mean something stop getting on my side get off of my side oh this is your side I didn't know this was your side I'm sorry enough Sony I thought it was neutral territory sorry about that melon it's not neutral territory ooh more iron for your boy my shaft how are you getting all the good stuff I mean I can't even go into somebody in the shift actually wait let me explore a little bit stupid water there's so much water in here yeah you're on my side bro you can't be on my side like this I'm not even on your side whatever guys I'm just gonna dig down maybe I'll find diamonds on his side then break them into lava no don't do that ow silverfish what the heck so many they're so small and difficult to hit ooh iron let's go why am I so unlucky what's back here yo an emerald that's gotta count for something big uh sure but is it better than an enchanted golden apple absolutely not yeah villagers don't trade for enchanted Notch apples but they'll certainly take my Emerald sunny sunny sunny I'm getting lapis too I can enchant a normal Apple into a golden Enchanted one that's how that works right that's not how it works ow where's my shield I need my shield must eat bread I'm feeling decently wealthy right now after that emerald and Lapis and diamonds looks good melon how's your journey going down there uh it's going very slowly how deep is your mind yo I got the boss no way that was supposed to be me only yeah give me that La Paz yo what is this hey I'm crushing you sonny I got the rare exclusive item of raw copper uh that's not that that rarest honey but do you have any no but do you have an inch dude I won this round stop trying to get your way out of it fine whatever bro you got the enchanted gold Apple you next round but where I'll defeat you if it's the last thing I do we'll see about that this is it melon whoever digs straight down the fastest against the best resources wins in know let's go time to day let's do this dick I'm gonna hit a speed run here bro this is gonna be any percentage dig straight down nah bro I'm so winning this already got some iron here clicked up that go up hey hey yeah yeah yeah hey got that cash on me I'm dripping and then I get the iron and I gotta dig faster yo where to mine shaft there's got to be something good here get me something hey hey what's around here I got gold dang it bro there's nothing here we talking about I got gold that was nice ow oh Komodo keep taking fall damage this run is trash you're trash melon I got some La Paz you made that La pass chill out oh I took fall damage too come on there's got to be some good stuff in this cave hey get off I get out of my way bro this is my side sorry sorry sorry I was just examining and hey why do I see diamonds no way bro so many diamonds this is my dubsky give me these yes okay guys I gotta find a way to die really fast I have a booby trap at the top of the map come on creepers lava anything yes ow I fell in lava bro I'm actually killing it I've already pretty much won this round keep digging no bro that's unfair I just gotta smell a little more iron down guys and then I could drop an anvil on his head no way I found more diamonds bro what bro I just got eight diamonds I won this round I'm gonna win this entire thing this is so unfair how do you keep getting the good items just being goaded like that you know I gotta smelt faster one more iron one more iron there we go guys that's enough iron put the bottom down put the Anvil top yes let's go make sure he's there he is Bob's away hey melon look up what the heck why is there so sand bro what no what the heck heck's tired to make that Bro you've got to be kidding me you're such a scum hey Bella here you go this will help you next time I drop an anvil oh thank you Sonny it's so kind of you keep that Noggin protected just because you did that I'll give you one Diamond really you're paying me to drop anvils on your head uh no because you gave me that ah ah good job yo I actually clutched yo I made a water elevator because there's Soul Sand also why is there Soul Sand down here that's weird wait does soul set generate inside of mushroom biomes now I don't think so bro this is really sus what the heck is going on okay I'm coming back down I better have placed that water bruh this Pingo whatever I'm going down the slow way yo guys I'm gonna turn keep inventory off because I'm about to troll Mel it's so hard I edited this map just a little bit on the last level come on what the heck is this bro this is weird yo I'm almost at your lair what are you seeing down there I just see how God Is So sand yo what the heck in my tragic Golden Apple please no way why did I lose everything except my Notch Apple wait what the heck happened melon did you go down into the soul Vortex bruh this is trash how am I even supposed to get back down there well you have an enchanted golden apple that gives you fire resistance I'm pretty sure yeah but I'm gonna die of fall damage silly oh here I'll put some water for you I'm a good friend I got you oh thank you sonny here you go thank you very much no problem melon I'm giving myself a pickaxe actually could you give me a pickaxe yeah here you have an iron one you deserve it thank you guys he didn't even question what I'm standing on thank you get rid of all that lava so stupid bro yeah what the heck what's wrong bro what's wrong why did you have that oh wait is that a Notch Apple I see right over here no that's mine I just picked up a diamond and yeah it is an enchanted gold Apple I'll take that thank you oh my you have to be kidding me you're such a cheat melon I'm gonna help you out I put water down you should be able to make the jump thanks Sonny that's so kind of you thank you no problem dude Sonny what is that bro why is there a dispenser I don't know what you're talking about melon you mean this dispenser connected to this platform that drops TNT no why well Sonny fine you cheated and you won this round are you happy oh I'm not happy yet I'll be happy as soon as I eat this Notch Apple in front of you you're such a scumbag that was delicious bro and nutritious you're so annoying yeah here put me in lava put me in lava bro you scumbag push me in you won't I know you're a fire resistant oh this is a nice hot tub thanks melon you dirty cheat I'm out bro I'm out I can't do this with you anymore I'm gone yo goats quickly like And subscribe to the video in the next three seconds to bring melon back one two three yo it worked yo stop stop click the next video on screen before he kills me oh I'm not gonna kill you what are you talking about uh you're right cause I'm gonna disconnect bye
Channel: Sunny
Views: 630,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -n5e4QqBVVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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