MELON Is Kidnapped In Minecraft

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today in Minecraft I got kidnapped hell melon where are you bro guys please please dude it feels so good we finally have a new vacation home what could possibly go wrong bro I just finished the front too it's gorgeous nice work bruh I'm putting down our little rooftop above our dirt bikes gotta keep these things safe from the weather and sunny I'm just gonna be careful cause last time the pillagers came and destroyed everything I'm gonna make sure there's no Pillager outposts out there that's a good idea bro make sure you take the walkie-talkie with you I'll grab the other one so I can stay in touch you're right Sonny I'm got full netherite so I should be okay like check this out I could literally destroy you in two seconds oh I'm sorry Cindy I'm just showing off my power while you go deal with the pillagers in the meantime I'm gonna spruce up the house just a little bit more all right bro I'm riding this dirt bike out of here see ya now I heard there was a villager Outpost somewhere in this direction oh my god oh I almost crashed Sonny coming in uh I found something weird Roger that what did you find melon uh Roger what you just said to Roger that uh it looks like there's a black van in the distance over melon be very careful you didn't say over over now Roger that Sonny I'm checking it out seeing what's up yo wait there's some pillagers here wait what's going on what's going on melon what's going on do you need backup I just finished building the dirt bike area hello hello uh no sorry oh what the heck where am I bro what's going on I'm in a cage what wait Dr longbottoms where am I why did you do this no I don't want to be part of your evil experiments wait I have a walkie-talkie maybe I can no it's not working I'm out of range guys I don't know what happened I was just talking to melon on the walkies and then he cut out I think that minivan might have taken him I gotta find him I gotta find him first I need to go upstairs to my bed and grab all my supplies this is getting serious grabbing stun grenades and regular grenades and if anyone took my brother melon I'm gonna explode them that's I've gotta go see dondale pringleton he might have the answers his Tower is located just over that Hill he's the oldest wisest man in this Village and Mr pringleton better have some answers for me I just hope melon's okay dondale Don Dale there he is dondale pringleton the wise the wisest homeless man ever um so Mr pringleton please tell me you saw something melon was out fighting pillagers nearby and then something happened I lost his signal on the walkie-talkie look at me Don Dale look at me wait you saw something you'll tell me if I can find your compass your old lucky Compass that's Rusty look at that one hey guys luckily his Compass is right here so let me just take that and uh Don Dale I found your compass if only you would talk to me here you go buddy lucky compass what's that look for a bridge across the river It's gotta be around here there it is and there's a car with a villager wait you tell me that villager knows something I'll investigate it once melon I'm coming I've just gotta get to this bridge and talk to the Villager please tell me he has some answers dude Mr villager wait this is the Villager Mafia you're kidding me this is a toll bridge [Music] you're not gonna let me cross unless I give you 20 emeralds wait what's that you saw a minivan cross this bridge earlier guys melon was saying something about a mysterious weird minivan that was following him around the Pillager Outpost this has gotta be important I'll get you your 20 emeralds I'll be right back yes I'm almost back home I could grab my emeralds wait what's this I Dr longbottoms have kidnapped Melon No guys not Dr long bottoms he took melon that's what that minivan was dang it don't worry melon I'll save you I've got emeralds right here I'm gonna snag these up and I just need 20 of them to make the trade with the Villager Mafia okay I have enough emeralds to pay the toll please let me through yes okay okay now the question is where did melon get taken to he was in a minivan and then he must have come past this road perhaps they stopped at the gas station to fuel up let's see if we can ask someone for Clues also I really have to pee there's got to be a bathroom here somewhere I think it's around the back yeah here it is oh yeah this is gonna be good just gotta empty the old bladder sonny can you hear me come in Sonny come in yeah melon I'm at the gas station bathroom are you nearby yeah bro there was some evergreen tree wait melon melon melon guys melon must be nearby summer he was trying to tell me where he went I've gotta find some evergreen trees let's see Dr longbottoms must have come past here somewhere I've gotta look for evergreen trees spruce trees spruce trees yo there's a forest right here I'm gonna try and walk you melon one more time melon melon did you go past the spruce Forest yes Sonny you go and get the right direction guys I got a little bit of signal from Ellen I'm going in the right direction I lost him again but he's got to be around here somewhere let's just keep following this road maybe it'll lead us to Dr Longbottom's Lair wait a second this looks a little bit suspicious why are some of these grass blocks torn up wait a second this is an off-road path somebody was driving a vehicle here big enough to destroy the grass let's see Yo there it is a black minivan that's what melody was talking about earlier melon come in melon come in did you get trapped in a black minivan yeah Sonny bro I went and inspected it and then they took me in melon don't worry I'll get you out of there wait there's villagers here this must be his lair where did these guys come from where did these guys come from destroy them quickly wait there's too many there's too many I gotta move I gotta move there's gotta be another way in maybe up here please please tell me there's a ventilation shaft there is I just gotta sneak in here very carefully this is good this is good okay we're dodging the pulitzers and I've gotta jump down and be really really quick Kill Em I'm in I'm in I can hear more there's more pillagers just around this corner that's it grenade out boom Retreat yes I just destroyed two of them there's still more though there's so many guards in here what is Dr longbottoms cooking up let's see uh dude there's a lava pit melon come in come in do you feel lava do you feel heat yeah bro I can see lava and it actually looks like it's getting a little bit closer please hurry up melon I'm trying to get to you but I can't make this jump across the lava I gotta find another way around wait there's a secret door here six nine six nine nope that's not the passcode one two three four that's not it either melon I'm gonna need some help what do you need Sunny there's a security door here with a secret password can you eavesdrop with some of the guards yeah yeah yeah wait I think I hear them saying something bro I just heard one of the guards whisper one seven three eight okay let me give that a try over and out one seven three eight enter smell it it worked success I'm in yes bro hurry up I don't have a lot of time okay guys I wonder what this button's gonna do activate what's the control room yo look at that bridge this is epic melon I'm coming buddy I'll be there soon yes please thank you I've just gotta get across this bridge and find melon he's gotta be here somewhere yo what is this room there's husks everywhere it's so creepy that's it hit him with a stun grenade and wait for it wait for it let's go make the jumps make the jumps if I fall I'm so dead yes just one more job just one more yes I'm through I'm through smelling I've got to be close can you hear me yeah bro I can hear you wait no don't take away my walkie-talkie please no guys I just lost melon signal it sounded like Dr longbottoms just took his walkie I've got to press this button and I don't know what's gonna happen I have a bad feeling about this let's go elevator melon melon where are you sonny I can hear you bro without the talking I'm coming down an elevator deep into his lair there he is Dr log bottoms he's making a getaway Melody got out of here where are you sonny I'm in the cage please help I see you bro I see you yo Sonny I'm getting lowered no Dr longbottoms activated his trap and then ran away okay Mel how am I gonna stop this flick to switch flick the switch is it stopping no bro nothing's working what about this one this one melon I'm flicking every lever you're getting closer to the lava good do something Sunny I'm gonna burn what's in this chest a bazooka and missiles melon I have a bazooka maybe I could blast you out of there yo Sonny don't shoot the cage shoot the gears above me wait you're right if I destroy these it should stop lowering this I've just gotta load it putting a fresh missile boom did it work did it stop yo it stopped Sonny let me out you gotta get me out of here somehow let me just reload this wait no no sonny Sonny don't don't kill me now don't kill me now hey go to the back of the cage you'll be fine I'm in the back and I gotta aim this precisely at the corner actually I'll even shoot it a little lower at the iron blocks did it work melon are you okay dude I fell on the one piece of volcanic rock I'm okay just gonna jump and find my way out of here melon you got this it's time for some Parkour just don't fall in the lava I didn't come all the way to rescue you for nothing Sonny do you have any blocks or something yeah here let me help get some blocks ow Sonny watch where you aim that thing middies sorry sorry I was just trying to build out and I filled out and then Nick the pass yo I'm free let's get the heck out of here Sonny follow me melon back where we came from I'm coming Tony and that's it I've destroyed Dr longbottoms is Contraption boom yes destroy his life's work he'll never get us again let's go going up melon I saved you bro this could have ended so badly bro I can't believe I made it out of there I thought for sure I was gonna be fried wander yeah that Lava Moat almost cooked you all right let's dupe Sonny I'm lost where do I go follow me melon we've just gotta get past these husks I'll uh I'll uh I'll grenade them uh it's not good this is not good uh I have them distracted I got blocks I'm okay I got blocks yo I'm Sonny do the part the part's gonna shoot me yes I'm through melon I'll blow them up again let's move move move go go go you're chasing us Sonny I can hear them just keep moving just keep moving I have a bazooka if worst comes to worse this way and this should be the exit there might be a Pillager or two left out here I couldn't fight all of them yeah I think we're good get in the van sonny get in the van are you crazy I'm not getting in that van I'm gonna destroy it yeah there's no fuel in there too get out of here now I can leave Dr longbottoms can no longer kidnap anybody Sonny do you hear that what is it what is it bro it's self-destructing in 10 seconds we gotta go run uh fella we're out of time oh Sonny that was a very large self-destruct we got just barely far enough away melon bro if I was one block forward I would have died that was insane yeah man that was crazy you almost exploded no moral of the story no one kills melon but me dang it's sunny but at least we made it back safely to our home yeah and you guys should safely press that subscribe button yo melon what is that no it's not too long bottoms he's back and what's that he said he's gonna turn us into babies no don't stop no Dr long bottoms Melanie transformed us into babies bro I'm crawling around I look so tiny too what the heck dude we got these big old heads yo your melon is looking juicy yo yo Sun cap Loki looking way too big for your body yo chill chill melon chill chill stop it melon okay I'll stop yo Sonny what is that I think that's Dr longbottoms's Evil Lair melon crawl out of this window ow I'm drowning no oh my gosh I'm in the water that was too scared Sonny chill bro it's one block of water you don't understand I'm tidy you're being such a baby about it see what I did there see what I did there I see what you did bro I'm literally shorter than these sunflowers so Beauty anyways as I was saying this is Dr longbottoms's Evil layer melon we're a little too weak to go in there right now I think if we enter it it'll turn us into microscopic babies we've gotta get a little stronger first okay sonny what do we do we need to go and Chop Stop punching me we need to chop trees every Great Adventure Starts with cutting trees okay let's go cut some trees down bro good no I'm not a tree I'm not a tree my name is Sonny my name is not tree beard leave me alone whoa wait what getting some trees I got some wood I got me crafting tape sonny get back here I gotta smack you dude look how fast you can Harvest trees just right click the logs I'm goat mode actually I'm baby mode yo what dude being a baby is actually awesome Sunny that's crazy there's crazy Sunny get back in babies aren't supposed to be so violent oh it's baby mode I keep my inventory perfect Mel and I have some bread for you bro in case you need some food uh you want bread yo I need some food I need some food give me that bread give me that bread I'm here at the crafting table I'm just getting some planks making some sticks get that pickaxe you know how it is and then here's that bread bro 32 for you hey thank you sonny I needed that now melon I heard a rumor that if we want to destroy the baby machine we have to go to the Village which is conveniently placed right next to Dr Longbottom's evil lair bruh Dr longbottoms it's such a goofy name he's goofy bro yo thank God this Village is so close though I know dude and if we need more bread we can Harvest all of their hay bales but for now we need to find my friend quandale dingleberry yo I found quondale look at him bro he looks so goofy oh my gosh quandale I'm so sorry I can't believe the baby machine turned you into this hideous villager you used to be so beautiful don't worry bro we'll destroy the baby machine wait you want us to give you 64 logs what are you gonna give us in return yo Sonny we gotta Farm the logs he's gonna give us something super powerful that's what he said I wonder what it's gonna be what's inside this chest yo he's gonna give us the passcode then we can open this up and become Almighty we just got a farm 64 wood Sonny look how easy this is yo give me all the wood I know yo I turned my wood into planks now I gotta get new wood that's fine it's easy goat mode I mean baby mode sorry baby mode this is the one time being a baby is awesome yeah okay how much wood you got I got 24 okay if we combine our wood we should have enough I have 48 now nice hey melon I got a question for you yeah how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood hey chick as much wood as a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood yo melon look at this boy look at his eyes bro he's looking baby right oh he punches babies oh my God get out of here no I got stuck you got clapped dude he literally disciplined you he said that's a bad baby let's go okay I'm gonna get all 64 of this I don't need your help I already have 64 wood I'm giving it to the Villager as we speak sorry I'm giving it to quando dingleberry Lord quandale sir Lord quandale please accept our offerings give us the wood dingleberry why are you being so greedy melon he wants 64 diamonds now there better be something golden in this chest 64 diamonds that's gonna take forever dude that is a steep price quando dingleberry this better be goaded loot melon it's time to crawl out of here yes oh what the heck every time I crawl I can't I can't scream I'm just looking in the dirt I told you it'd scare you if you slip and fall into water or farming patches or really anything bro I can't see anything when I crawl I'm done crawling let's just get to mining yeah I wonder can I mine with my fist yo what the heck what is that block whoa obsidian I just got an emerald yo I just got iron lapis bro what is going on I'm getting cold I got a cookie I got another ride Ingot melon we're gonna become so overpowered I love getting cookies out of my Cobblestone it's the best flavor yo can we get diamonds from just mining stone yo it seems like all of the Cobblestone drops overpowered loot hold on let me upgrade my tools this really is baby mode yo melon maybe Dr longbottoms isn't so evil after all maybe he's kind of like just trying to help us out a little bit now give me this Stone pick oh I just got another nether I didn't get actually suit will disappear forever no we've gotta destroy the baby machine quick let's get diamonds we need diamonds come on please drop some diamonds yo Sonny's got diamonds I got two diamonds let's go nice I got one Diamond earlier here I'm gonna give it to you yo we can craft a diamond pick and make this go so much faster let's go that's super smart and then after this we can craft a Nether I pick if we get a smithing table you're right bro you keep mining up I'm gonna make that smoothing table melon I got the spinning table upgrade that pickaxe yo let's go give me that another right pick boy how many diamonds you got I got five diamonds you wanna make yourself another I pick two yes yes yes give me some of those thank you Melon now we both have netherride picks let's get these diamonds bruh wait sunny sunny what if we make ourselves an enchantment table and then we get efficiency on our pickaxes yo that's so smart let's do it let's go you get the cows I'll get the sugar cane okay we need to make a book which means we need leather I'll Slaughter these cows get over here where is this sugar cane yo I just killed the cow and another cow shot out of it whoa melon every time you kill a cow more come to life baby mode is golden let's go wait it's not coated Sunny we're gonna disappear remember oh you're right that baby machine is pure even but cloning cows is pretty cool man is this sugar cane melon I've got the leather did you find sugar cane yet no not yes I found sugarcane let's go come on chop that up and craft some paper I'm back in our mind come on give me that I think I've got enough I'm coming back Sonny I'm swimming let's go melon give me the paper uh hold on I gotta craft it up first Sunny okay I'm trusting you don't mess this up I got 12 papers I'm counting the dough you've never been more educated and right now well done what's that supposed to mean Sunny it means you got a small brain but you just expanded it through knowledge ah you're so rude and I've expanded through an enchantment table let's go look at that baby right there oh sorry I kind of made that a little weird let me move this and now it's time to enchant my pickaxe let's go yo what efficiency level 1000 whoa bro this is gonna instant break blocks let's go oh these 64 diamonds it's not gonna take long at all melon Sonny this is gonna be easy mode I'm actually lagging a little bit though I won't lie yeah we're kind of going too crazy with it so be careful not to fall in lava or something I'm just gonna dig to the side good idea that's actually smart give me all of this I'm not doing it I'm digging straight down I'm crazy you're a Madman sunny I can't see anything so much loot I'm just going in circles melon I have 15 Diamonds the amount of XP that I have on me right now that I can't even absorb yeah I feel like there's a lot of bugs buzzing around me like these are some flies or something how's your diamonds looking I got 23. nice I got 18. that's it you were broke boy melon I left some back here I got 20 now 28 30. nice dude keep it up give me all these diamonds 39. this is big I'm at 28. oh dude we can combine our diamonds we have enough yo you're right we got it we can stop mining right now or I could get the stack myself melon I have 30 diamonds how many do you have I got 50 dude we got more than enough okay I'll meet you back at the surface let's do this dude I don't even know if I can find the surface this is so confusing yeah I'm just gonna dig my way up and build oh no I've run into dirt my arch nemesis not the dirt okay I'm at the surface yo look at this chicken I bet you it'll multiply yeah it does infinite chickens Sonny come to me come to me where you at bro where you at I'm at the crafting tables near cuandale Dingle bear it's sir Lord quandel dingleberry to you yo chilly sir Lord Mr Sir Emperor II the quando dingleberry to you Supreme Overlord quandel dingleberry yo give me those once I got 50 years it's just the way it works boom there's 32 on top that's easily a stack sweet that's awesome bro thank you what are you doing nothing dude why do I get the feeling you're gonna waste our diamonds on Armor why would I do that Sonny that makes no sense you are so cringe oh I made two helmets by accident so you can have a helmet dude I'm giving the rest of the stack to sir quandel let's go yo Melody just gave us the password it's this year's date 2023 2023 yo 64 nuclear Dynamite I'm grabbing my stack bro this should be plenty we can finally destroy Dr Longbottom's baby machine Dr long oh chill don't hit me with that dude whatever you do do not press right click okay just chill I know this stuff is radioactive I just want to slap you with a little bit though hey why did the zombie say nope I think if we get close to evil mobs they just get noped out of existence what that's so weird wait Sonny how are we supposed to get across this makes no sense I don't know bro it's gonna be really hard no why look at that melon roast you're gonna regret the day sunny no no no I'm just gonna craft some stuff real fast like that and like that boy right there armor up I want to be a little thank you bro I look so cute in my gear maybe I want to stay as a baby forever no Sonny's getting to your head you're wrong you don't want to be wanna be true if we get any smaller we're gonna disappear okay melon come over here all you gotta do is crawl oh God it's dark Where'd I go I'm going in F5 if I crawl yeah me too yo this is actually so great thank God we're babies it makes it so easy then we just jump through this crazy portal whoa bro this is crazy Sonny this parkour is gonna be so hard to beat don't worry as a baby I got it nice one no melon this looks like Dr Longbottom's evil baby machine Lair we've just gotta get across this Obby and Destroy his machine okay sonny let's do it I got this dude this looks hard be careful time it right yes I actually did it no you trash Sonny I just wanted to join you next one no this is actually weird okay I can do this hey melon why that's for punching me in oh next ah this time I could do it for sure I just gotta wait on this little twirling block and make the jump melon you pushed me you literally pushed me that was an accident Sonny I didn't mean to do it that time there's Ghost Box Sonny no whoa just tell me where the ghost blocks are they're like two steps after you make the second jump okay good thank you you just go first then just go I don't even care idiot you are an idiot oh no baby Mode's so hard you deserved that I am not a baby I will make this no crouching oh yeah just don't Crouch and you're fine crouching gets you killed make the jump all right be careful here Sunny is Ghost blocks so you gotta run and jump okay Run and Jump there's ghost box here too chill chill that's a ghost block okay you got the smell you got this is that also a ghost block wait chest with their fists that's a ghost block that's a ghost block too you gotta do a three block jump here Sunny oh boy you wanna boost I got it don't worry who boost yo I wanted to boost you I wanted to make sure you were safe there's still more ghost blocks this is so annoying oh no are these all ghosties no it's just a two oh it's easy two for another one dude you're gonna push me too yo yo go evil be very careful on these fences they're extra thin since it's baby mode you're right just keep moving slowly and don't uncrouch whatever you do and don't punch me oh melon I want it to be coated don't worry melon I'll show you how it's done this is pretty toasty bro it's getting hot no no sonny you almost made it but no you you really didn't almost make it it'll show you how it's done Sunny you can do this you cannot do this and now you guys are probably wondering why don't you just build and get across because it doesn't freaking work here Dr long bottoms is too smart for that I can make this jump though here we go melon I'm entering goat mode you can do it sunny I'm right here your turn bro you got this do it yo oh this is so weird come to baby come no don't jump don't jump don't jump don't jump there's no room for both of us you're right no I actually hit you on it first second why are you like that you said there wasn't room for both of us so you're right melon you better make these jumps then oh this is crazy this is mixed one I'm joined winning you bro okay how do we do this this is so weird Sonny it's very simple you're just gonna jump on these fences like so make the jump rope on the next twirler I'm on the fence I'm with you okay this is gonna be very tough Sunny take your time be careful yeah see Sunny I'm gonna wait for you I made it we're here hold Crouch hold crouch in case there's ghost blocks yo you're right you're right there's no ghost like Sunday I checked them baby vacation machine wait that mob just died when I got close to it yo the mobs can't even get close to let's go eat it creeper oh you did you did hey Enderman yo he looks like he's from the doors just one shot him with my bread nice one bro melon this looks like it's the baby vacation machine we've got to destroy it with nuclear Dynamite but we need to be at a safe distance this could go really badly if we're not careful Sonny I'm gonna give you an ender pearl we might have to end a pearl out of here good idea I'm gonna go all the way up there after I throw my Dynamite okay why don't we go up there first actually oh good idea go like this and be like yo entering goat mode how are you standing on that yeah don't question it bro I'm just kind of cute look at me I'm on half hour just give me a second look up at me Bella don't I look weird I'm like a zombie coming out of this wall bruh how did you do that man okay I'm coming down to you eat a golden apple Sunny if we both throw our new killer TNT at the same time it should break it you ready I'll aim at the bottom you aim at the top got it three two one Go destroy it yes yo it's breaking it's just the core left if I aim at the right spot it should break let's go yo Sonny recoil eagle and apples who's Too Close melon we did it the core is destroyed let's go sonny I'm feeling a little bit funny oh yo what is that what is that wait a second I feel taller again yo we're all grown up we did it we're safe bro Dr longbottoms thought he could but we ain't no babies bruh we grown men out here yeah that crawl around I could finally run again I'm free hey Sonny no eat the freedom you were free to get blown up with nuclear Dynamite make sure you guys like And subscribe if you enjoyed this video and click the next video on screen before this dynamite hits us please click it right now we'll be saved quickly
Channel: Sunny
Views: 513,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fT7aspbYFl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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