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box of omen vashtor where mesh the cogs of Industry to grind between their ever turning teeth the Flesh and Blood and soul stuff although mortal and the infernal Bose where Roars the hungry furnace its Flames hope to devour it's heat to give life from searing Crucible into molten ore on blood and bile a bubble where stretches the quail and clutter the keys by candle flame and cold buzzing Loom and lit by desperate hand and mind obsessed driven set free by mortality discarded where Sparks the wire where rides the cable where Blends the Flesh and the adamant where makes the engine infernal and whale amidst the bound and bargain soul there do you find him there do you see him and in the seeing does he know your heart your mind your price foreign and Damnation is his gift [Music] welcome gentle listener I am Voldemort your faithful servant and I wish to introduce you to the forces factions and events of the Warhammer 40K Universe the Grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war if you enjoy my little tap dance do hit us with a like and comment or a coin via super thanks and know that we do mythology and dinosaurs too links in the description now on to the topic on I say for today we will be continuing the ongoing narrative Campaign which has promised to alter the entire setting the arcs of omen and this is the entry for the newest warp entity the being that would dream of being a God the archifane there would be God of cogs and smoothies and hell for Jizzle thus far in the narrative vashtor has formed a tenuous alliance with the war master of chaos avadona the spoiler rashdor has promised to help avadon to capture the keys to a mighty weapon so powerful they will hand him the victory in a material realm while Vash door will be able to then Ascend to true godhood all they need do is capture many artifacts spread across a Galaxy but if combined they will form a key and whatever is locked away will provide the two the means to fulfill their greatest desires for Abaddon will not rest until he has not just seen the emperor not just taking the head of rebooty Gilman the Lord commander of the Imperium and Primark of the 13th the ultramarines Abaddon wants it all he will not just Smash and Slaughter as most believe he wishes to replace the Imperium to reforge it in his own image and to do all of this rashto has created huge ships made from spacehogs vast vessels that are now armed to the teeth with them at the core of chaos Fleet all of the Imperium has known unpredictable and near impossible threat levels to contend with the Navy does what it can but even indominus Crusade Fleet have made their end under the assault of the forces of Darkness factions of angron being the proof of the matter as his murder curse spayed across the entire fleet destroying it utterly believasto has one important item to collect if he's ever to realize this prophecy of abaddon's he must take an item from one of the most heavily defended stations in the entire Imperium not necessarily due to the shield ships of Firepower is concealed but because of who it harbors rashdor cannot ignore this one item this one part of the Central Key petite is on the home of the most feared and famed of all the emperor's very angels of death for they were the first to fight at his side even during the unification Wars they were with him and this is the center of their power it is called The Rock and they who call it home they are the emperor's own first Legion the sons of Lionel Johnson they are his Dark Angels before we get to the meat of the day the vents of markets passing I think it is important to remember that this channel is for new players and Avid consumers of the universe hence I shall briefly explain why this one Citadel is so important what it was what it is and why The Rock the rock is a vast facility a Bastille once called the alduruk the rock of Eternity and it was old when the Primark lion l Johnson landed on the world of caliban although this was also the name of the mountain on which it stood I'll do look and that is now all that is left of the world of caliban but I'd be bad the primarks were dispersed across the Galaxy as we know and One landed on the world of caliban I will not dwell too much on the history of minutia as that we shall save for an entry on the lion himself but it is best to know that they were civilization in a more feudal era the monastery with the center of a group of knights called the order it was one of many on the planet for there were great beasts around the forest of caliban Horrors touched by the warp and many knighthoods existed to defend Humanity from their predictions thus Lionel Johnson was raised on caliban and in the number of the order it is where he learned much of battle and honor which runs through his veins now both battle and honor he was found by the emperor and given command of the fighting first and he renamed that Legion the Dark Angels they excelled and recruited from caliban filling out their ranks of astartes Space Marines with honor-bound knights and their kin from the population alas for a myriad of reasons the Lord who was above Lionel Johnson in the order Luther he came out into the stars with the Primark but was sent back to caliban to train men not to lead them he turned from his friend his Lord the lion he turned to traitor and when the lion returned to his home to his stock to replenish and plump out his numbers again he was attacked by the traitors under Luther the night he had once so trusted and in the battle it erupted from this act of betrayal the planet was destroyed only one segment of the world survived its destruction the home of the order the Mastery fortification for beneath its surface in catacombs running deep into the Earth there were ancient devices from the Dark Age of technology and they protected the chunk and much of the Fortress oh much was destroyed yet those tunnels and places beneath the ground were protected and they were the heart of the Fortress artifacts of ancient power both mystical and technological the planet was gone their home destroyed their people wiped out but still there was The Rock it had no atmosphere nothing would ever grow on it again yet the heart of the Fortress remained and on it the new was built to defend the old when the legions were broken down into chapters of Space Marines of only one thousand each the Dark Angels kept ties with all of their successors and they kept a rock as their Center of operations they're Bastille the spiritual home so the Dark Angels have since that point over ten thousand years ago being what is called a fleet chapter they do not stick to a fixed position none know where the rock will appear as it has engines and the ability to move through the warp like any other ship just on a different scale entirely even spacehogs can be dwarfed by its bulk enemy fleets torn asunder by its gun emplacements all while it is practically immune to harm behind the gorgon's ages avoid Shield of such power the none have taken it down with Firepower alone and the only beings to ever walk its Halls were the Dark Angels or the one set of Interlopers who came to warp trickery and sorcery the rock is a place that has never been a hub of joint activity or diplomatic and massages being toasted it is the secret home of the Dark Angels and its whereabouts is a secret they would sacrifice the lives of entire planets to protect yet in rare events it will be sent to the front by its Master the Lords of the Inner Circle the Grand Master of the order the chapter who is presently Lord Azrael the rock is a focal point of power I but also of hope much as people despise to admit it much as they might attempt to deny it there is no avoiding the simple truth the Dark Angels are both respected by their allies and feared by their enemies they are the sons of the lion when he was ever one of the greatest primarks they the best of its Legions for the rock to fall it would not only be a horrific blow to the image of morale of the populace the nobility guard and the Navy it would shape the adapter societies to the very core perhaps even more than the loss of mccrack perhaps for the Dark Angels can have a very jaded reputation amongst their Brethren but in truth others may never want to be Dark Angels but not mimic them do not consider them their spiritual liege but there is not an astartis A Space Marine in the entire galaxy that does not respect them does not have a healthy dollop of concern when dealing with them like an intimidating older brother who may not get invited to all of the family gatherings he has never taken lightly never ignored and never threatened he lurks there when all else fails and the chips are down ready to do what must be done for the Dark Angels to be defeated is an intimate loss for all startes for the work to be taken by unclean forces it would wound every Marine alive so now you know and let us proceed to this the arks of omen vashtra on those occasions when Vash draw the archifane manifested in real space he was forced as are all demons to confine his Essence within a corporeal shower though a demigod of his kind and possessed of the ability to reshape reality through cunning and force still he felt as constrained at such times as would be a mortal tearing the void in a pressure suit all was different within the warp in the metaphysical realm of infernal industry known as the soul forges flashdor was for you to exist as his true self he was a Gestalt realization of innovation without conscience a churning massive invention and obsessive artifice here he was a time resting an ever-revising Quantum schematic of unfettered leaps of logic the nearest glimpse of his true aspect would have driven all but the most supremely intelligent Mortals instantly mad AR sanctum layered the conceptual heart of the soul for jazz it was a place of endless firing pipes and cables hungry churning gears and gales of sulfur esteem the entire impossible edifice twisted and realigned constantly under the influence of a Galaxy's worth of conceptual mortal imaginings it was guarded by entities embodying the boundless malice of the cruelest mortal intellects and the raw power for annihilation those Minds imbued into their most diabolic Technologies deep within the ghastly machine washed or brooded in a place of drifting Smog and flickering neurological lightning each Theory and concept a crackle through his Consciousness struck like Hammer to Anvil to send immaterial Sparks dancing amidst the moods Vash door discerned visions of events transpiring across the span of real space the arcophane had embedded his imps through the societal fabric of countless Galactic Civilizations wherever sentient Minds employed imagination the imps found purchase in Superstition becoming Gremlin ill or Wills weird gin caco Sparks an innumerable other spirits of sabotage and mechanical malice anchor dust in the fabric of reality vashtra's imps showed him much he sought for arcs of omen and their Bale fleets he watched the Netherworld blade cut through the Gloom of the Countess expanse demonic techno possessors had been joined by warp Smith masters of possession demon engines obliterated cots and countless other technologically corrupted Renegade factions their Bell Fleet grew and spread he saw the chaoticus and the Hound of the void and the seed of Doubt a sailing Forge worlds and holdings of their Nike allies they stuck here and there across the Imperium nines rashdoor was unsurprised to see that of the three arcs Only The Hound of the Void had held to its Mission and recovered its key fragment The Infernal Trinity flitted through the empiric Sparks before him and vashtra saw it deep within the galactic core being ruthlessly picked apart by the kin of the Chronos hegemony for trespassing in their territories the sobbing God by comparison has somehow escaped the Peril that had almost engulfed it Scourge Master ugata had prized his Renegades and sorely damaged Ark from the hungry jaws of high Fleet Kraken despite still being heavily infested with Warrior bio forms the sobbing God was now engaged in raids upon the worlds of the Phil goth nebula and spreading both chaos corruption and tyranny Invasion wherever it went flashdor was intrigued as to what cunning Innovations had allowed ulgata to affect his Escape he tore his regard away regretfully reminding himself to focus on greater matters hear the perfidium and its Emperor's Children Masters gripped by their Obsession to claim not only their own key fragment but as many more as they could recover there the sacral Geist dark drifting lifeless traces of wizard plant life were dotted here and there about its corridors amidst the human and blasted dead Vash door reflected that the longer such a huge complex Galactic mechanism ran the greater were the chances of unexpected complications arising and other parties intruding upon its operation had the blood God planned the interruption of the battle of Malik or merely seized upon it in Wrath rashdor suspected rather the changer of the way his hand in that cataclysm his pawns sacrificed upon the altar of expediency neither possibility surprised verstor but both concerned him he did not doubt that the Servants of the dark Gods would be compelled to acts of sabotage in the name of the great game and then of course there was the dreamer the Exar King he of any were a cause to despise vashtra's artifice if he learned the truth he roamed further afield by the day and no longer fought alone he left broken cogs in his wake the sacaged only the most recent amongst them the arcophane concluded that matters required acceleration it irked him to rush and to simplify the elegant workings of grand mechanisms particularly those most Central to his grandest inventions yet it was better he pragmatically reflected to drive a device to Breaking Point and that's how it achieve its purpose than to allow it to stagnate and fault her for the sake of caution or ego as the demigod of every scientist who injected an agent or practiced a theorem before it was ethically safe every engineer who ever cast aside regulations in the name of liberated intellect it was well within vashtra's nature to improvise Stars a span of time had passed since the events of Malik Bale at least as Mortals perceived it with their limited senses now it was time for vashtor to dirty himself with a confining touch of real space again he knew which Mata most demanded his attention already he had consulted with the war Master for appearances sake if nothing more did not know yet was the location of his Target there was a reason that archifane tinkered always with so many Mortal devotees and devices one amongst his countless cars in real space had kicked perfectly into alignment and generated the solution to his quandary rash door had only to step forth and claim the offered output a brief moment's contemplation showed him which of his parallel schemes could be enhanced by forging connections with this one focusing on individual dancing Sparks the arcophane triggered walking dreams and manifested data Omens to activate mortal servants and allies he was soon satisfied that all would fulfill their designated functions One By One The metaphysical cogs turned at vashtra's bidding within the limited temporal flow of real space events occurred in linear fashion over centuries cause and effect manifesting with each mortal decision action and choice beings discovered his worship by accident or design dedicating entire life spans and all their imagination and artifice to his plans Technologies were created underwent catastrophic failures or mutated in line with vastral's whims each time advancing his designs with Clockwork precision Renegade Warlords offered him their devotion or stuck Bargains with his proxies they undertook star-spanning quests without ever knowing that they were butt cogs in one of the archifane's innumerable devices perception all this transpired with instant synchronicity the Clockwork of carefully aligned realities meshed and churned growing in complexity until it filled his shadowy sanctum and fused and turned with the cogs of his own warp staff the essence of vashtor crafted itself into the fractal complexities of his latest real space engine aligning corporeal frequencies until it achieved a singularity of warp translation the veil of reality shredded before him rashed or the archifane stepped into a dancing storm of lightning corporally manifest rash door stood with hammer in hand upon a going dares at the heart of teleporter and shrine he permitted himself a moment to align his senses and absorb the scene around him a rogue figure lay prostate before the dares augmatic arms and tendril sped wide several other less heavily augmented figures knelt beside what vashtra assessed as warding shrines each device bore signs of fresh sabotage to break their Supernatural power rastore sends the layout of the facility spalling out around him its pressure vessel nature and the hard cold of the Void Beyond its fragile metal skin just as intended he knew that he now stood within the heart of a highly classified a deep void research and monitoring station shared by a covenant of the superstitious Martian tick shamans and the entitled meddler's Humanity called inquisitors that likes Blair Vox Amplified by neric prayers they competed with the howl of warning caxons vashtor understood every machine language in the history of the Galaxy the crude cyber Patois of the adipose mechanicus was no mystery to him larkivane could not resist a chuckle as acolyte tubed praise upon him as an avatar of the omniscaya he slammed his hammer against the dares and infernal energies coursed through the chamber the locals adept's prayers turned to screams as mutant circuitry erupted from their augmentics and burrowed through their bodies melding twisting and tearing them into flesh metal spawn and how the strike of Ashworth Hammer upon the dares and the arcing energies changed too he sends the distant energy signature line questing tendrils of empiric power interlocking to form a temporary Corridor through which a Fearless bound of pook's Tomb and Mortal stamped stood aside as a squad of Space Marines carried in the black and silver of the death watch materialized on the dares the shoulder guards bore an array of proud loyalist heraldry they wielded the potent weapons of Veteran Zeno Hunters the leader carried a heavily modified Bolter achieved Power sword and wore the icon of the Imperial fist on his shoulder guard turned to verstor and slammed one fist against his chestplate Hydro dominatus embarked verily replied version know you your role at this juncture watched Sergeant Leora he loaded the title with dry amusement for his part the alpha legionary chuckled then thumbed the shot selector of his weapon I do dark artificer We Shall Serve go forth then and fulfill your role said vashtra I will see to it that an escape craft awaits you and your brethren when the deed is done follow you the cold Beacon that bears my code's signature and you shall find it my thanks dark artificer said the alpha legionary he flashed a string of hand signals to his waiting brothers and the faux kill team hastened from the dares rash door watched them leave through the shrine's glass doors turning left and jogging off down the corridor the archifane Marvel to himself how strange it was to experience only a single event of all Moment In Time Each after another rather than watching it all play out at once Not For the First Time The archifane found himself grudgingly impressed that Mortals achieved anything at all with such a limited view of reality the clatter of approaching soldiers broke vashtaw's reverie he expelled a furnace Rumble of annoyance the aorta's Cog have their task in this moment and I my own he muttered striking the Deus the third and final time the Machinery within the chamber rised and warped in response copper and silver nematodes flowed from the point where vashtaw's hammer strike had struck the desk squirming over and through the stylized letter I wrote 30 feet tall across on the deck of the chamber the energy is arcing over the teleportarum Deus turned to blood red and void black as Astor stepped down and hefted his hammer at his binaric bidding the grossly deformed Tech spawn heaved themselves towards the bar stores to meet the first soldiers coming the other way briefly some wore what they no doubt considered Advanced body armor and clutch laser rifles linked to Bulky backpacks by wire trunking the Insignia on the floor was echoed on their shoulder guards and Helms others were cyborgs these wore rubberized Crimson Flack robes They Carried weapons that melded powerful Technologies with primitive artifice then the text spawn slammed into the newly arriving defenders in a whirl of deformed Limbs and whirling blades Moors of wet flesh and straining wire snapped closed over Limbs and heads nests of rising mechadandrills erupted from pocket orifices to ensnare victims or punch into their bodies and spew demonic corruption into fresh hosts sparkling masses of bone and ragged wiring swung like clubs into the Helms of luckless mortal soldiers officers bowled orders from out in the corridor and a concentrated hail of gunfire tore through Mortals and spawn alike Vash door watched with interest behind him the rising mass of technological and infernal flesh heaved and settled into a new configuration somewhere between a cavernous Moor and a wall of the infernal going cogitator Banks dark energies weld in the depths of the Hideous edifice another wave of cyborg soldiers trampled the dead and dying in the doorway and chained their weapons on Vash store he turned his powers upon them and made them from within artificial organs spattered and died augmatics spouted wording filaments and tore loose from the bodies they were part of ripping bloody Trails through flesh and muscle as they went some of the cyborgs had a blurt of alarm as they helplessly turned their weapons upon one another marionettes moved by vashtaw's Will like clockwork a third wave of soldiers poured through the door of the shrine precisely as Vash door expected the discolored Lightnings of the corrupted teleportarum burst outward and the newly fashioned warped portal blazed to life the arcophane casually hefted his hammer as a howling tide of indentured demons erupted through the portal and surged around him they fell like an avalanche upon the Defenders soaking up their Furious volley fire and tearing into their prey with shrieks of Glee and the screaming began before leaving the chamber vashtor turned to attend to one last task in his warp side the inner workings of every machine and the vice were laid bare overlaying reality like glowing schemata he traced pulsing power cables an emergency reroute circuitry beneath the floor of the shrine to a central point passing right we expected it to be he had after all subtly influenced its placement some 300 linear years before this day automata linkery who mattered nasty they've left undisturbed this Fail-Safe device would reach critical charge and trigger a Vortex bomb the resultant empiric detonation would first denied everything within a hundred miles and then plunged the insulation its contents attackers and Invaders into a howling warp Rift had no time for such inconveniences but he did have another design in another place that required such a weapon a wave of vegetable's talent hand and the intricate mass of wires and circuits cradling the bomb mutated silver worms rise through the underdeck spaces weaving themselves into the newly meshinged temporal stasis generator vastral had improvised it was a crude Thing by his standards but arcophane knew it would prevent the bomb from detonating for precisely 55 minutes and 55 seconds just long enough for his purposes the deck plates above the device melted away by Quicksilver adventure's bidding the Levites hovered-free amidst the crackling cradle of dark lightning it would be a pleasure to see the device fulfill its purpose a farseers last moment of realization side vashtra whistling then he brightened how easy it was he reflected to start thinking in stilted causal lines when Bound by the limits of real space he would simply observe the moment once back within his sanctum with a chuckle like grinding gears Vash door Center bomb skimming away through the warp portal and turned to his immediate task his demonic host had torn a bloody path through the secret station it was a cramped structure its octagonal corridors reaped with pipes and cabling and solo a ceiling the Vash door had the stooped to Traverse them corridors radiated out from chambers packed with cogitator banks life support shrines scientific equipment and the sort of Mag potted Furniture typical of installations often subject to low or zero gravity many of these spaces were now lit dark Crimson thanks to the quantities of human blood spattered across this strip Lumen bodies or bits of bodies lay everywhere amidst the wreckage of improvised barricades and the fire started by wild weapons discharge Steam streaked from ruptured pipes half seen of monstrous beings crooning and Keening as they stalked through the clouds of vapor here and there mortal soldiers still fought back amidst the strobe light of emergency Lumen and weapons vast or emerged into a chamber where armored Mortals poured shots into plague bearers from whose bodies jutted smog belching boils and glowing pipes impatient at such delays rushed or waded into the soldiers with his hammer swinging he swatted one Warrior into a wall he closed the Talon of his free hand above the Helm of another grimacing his immortalist panicked fire rebounded from his corporeal shell garage door dragged the motive force from the mortal's weapons and War gear with a thought then channeled it back into his victim in a single killing jolt tossing aside the smoldering corpse Vash door turned to face the last mosul who blocked his path she stood tall cladim finally crafted power armor and wielding a blade that pulsated venomously in vegetables warp side Inquisitor halux shall hear of this Abomination she shouted thank you that I care little fleshling asked faster predicting his voice in a static lace style from every Vox emitter in the room you will when his Vengeance descends upon you the Mortal snarled hurling herself at Vash store impatient and unwilling to feel the bite of that blessed blade he parried her strike with his hammer then shoved her backward into the Embrace of the plague bearers many there are wish vengeance upon me but they all have their price and their uses he said before stalking from the chamber The Mortals war cries turned to whales of pain and horror at his back dark Fame passed through a few more corridors and Chambers that he knew as well as if he had designed and built them himself a last heavily warded blast doors blocked his path its Defenders he crushed with swift Hammer Blows Its Wards he burned away was rerouted motive Force ripped from nearby machinery beyond the ruptured doors vastral found another chamber an appearance little different to the dozens he had already passed a hunched Adept of the machine God was wired into Banks of ornate cogitators stacks of parchment printouts and iron-bound tomes surrounded her like a rampart she glared myopically up at Vash door through ocular lenses the towards skin of her face was Parchman huge Twisted in disgust at the sight of him if you felt any fear the Mortal did not show it you will tell me what I wish to know restaurant styled as he loomed through the doorway Abomination she hissed I am blessed in the sight of the omnis are and I will never impatient vast or drove a Talon through the adept's throat she gagged blood Welling from the awful wound not you fleshling redirecting his gaze to the mass of ancient cogitators that packed out the room tell me what I wish to know the Mortal would fear and loathe you if they knew your truth I can give you Freedom a body purpose Lumen flickered and read out sputtered as the Abominable intelligence that had hidden for so long within the inquisitorial station replied what is it that you wish to know rashdor emitted a furnace Rumble his eyes flared bright tell me where I can find the battle station that the musl school The Rock [Music] the octaphines fleet and intentions rash store went on to interrogate the artificial intelligence and he gave up the location of the rock itself it could track it through the endless computations and information it gleaned from the Imperium in general was to lead this force and as we have heard gain support from many quarters along with the husso demons under his direct thrall but he also made compact with two he had already worked with the arcophane had a working relationship with none other than purple rabo the demon Primark of the fourth Legion the iron Warriors thus rastor requested forces from him and also from Abaddon gained a huge Fleet made up of ships from both parties as well as his own of course we captured a massive space hog and installed the artificial intelligence within it the intellect known as the orac Myriad was then gifted the huge composite vessel and thus was the orac Unleashed created the AI being able to use many of the subsystems of the ships that made up the Twisted Hawk it had a vast array of defenses and weapons at its disposal yet even its huge size was no match for its monstrous Target The Rock itself hence the arcophane also developed augmented weapons that attached to the foul Hulk strong enough and specifically designed for one task and one task alone the countering of the gorgon's ages The Shield that protected The Rock I planned centuries in the making about to be realized in the most horrific way possible for the arcophane would Ambush and evade The Rock itself with the location known the perfect moment was chosen for the Dark Angels had been watching a world where chaos Space Marines had been Gathering and they suspected that the Fallen may have been there hence they mustered to strike in force they bought a rock with them The Rock came out of the warp with a fleet of escorting Dark Angel ships yet before they were truly translated fully operational their senses were blinded by a wavefront from the warp it was a perfectly planned and executed trap the ships of the iron Warriors and black Legion fell on their opposite numbers in a Welter of Rage fire blasted loyalist ships had gutted some the Panic was short and the Dark Angels reacted with amazing efficiency they drew back and seemed to run for their lives but in truth they were dragging the enemy Fleet after them in hopes of protecting The Rock the site of loyalist corpse worshipers ships in retreat was too much for most of their enemies and the chaos Fleet rampaged off them in Hot Pursuit but this of course left a rock on its own now there were forces in the system quite impressive ones for task force 12 of Battlefield have faced us was above the primary World marwell's reach it had none other than ultramarines led by chigurias a chief Liberian and they had been called there due to a lack of Imperial ties the sex calls could go ignored or go unnoticed but in Act of rebellion or lack of payment would always always elicit a response from the Imperium of unkind hence the Dark Angels had agreed to assist and brought to their largest asset to The Fray but they were far from The Rock and Hulk the orac Unleashed was bearing down on that facility the Hulk was being pounded by the Lawless Fortress as it came on but the Goliath then retorted the Gorgons Aegis the void Shield that covered the entire meteor flared as it was struck but there was something wrong deeply wrong for the five weapons attached to orac Unleashed did not stop unloading their powerful beam method and then the energy is oscillated at exactly the same resonance as the shield itself a design beyond the comprehension of the mechanicum a weapon the tech Marines of the Dark Angels could not even understand by matching frequencies the shields then became a conduit of the blast huge lightning strikes of power came from the shield burning and exploding entire segments of the rock its defenses had been turned on its Defenders and when the confusion was at its height when Hulk had gotten as close as it dared rashdor took to the void of space and flew down to the Rock his is the power motive the ability to see all mechanisms and cogs were in hence he could detect every defensive hardpoint every secret entry to this Fortress and he took control of the attacking Force directing them to these Achilles heels and within moans the arcophane and elements of the iron Warriors and black Legion were aboard pinpoint Perfection teleport arm strikes being in Terminators exactly where they needed to be assault ships stopping squads of ancient Terrors Marines of the long War directly into the very Heart Of The Fortress and it was instant Slaughter in all sides both Defenders who had been successfully bushwhacked but also the attackers for the rock even without its main Shield was a bastard and even rogel dawn would have been proud and the Defenders were the Dark Angels those terrible Warriors who would simply not die never yield and never break the stoic Defenders made the attackers pay for every inch of ground they took every hole every Corridor every intersection but this was a piece a plan orchestrated by an immortal a symphony read over centuries of murky planning a prophetic foresight would play it being a god he was so well prepared so precise in his imaginations The Defenders were swiftly losing and even the heroes of the chapter now fought at the very front of the battle vashtor stood atop an outside Spa of Gothic architecture high above the oraclees mountainous prowl hundreds of data tethers speared from the whole pleating of the Ark and into rash towards corporeal Hyde binding him to the craft in a mass of mechanical nerves through these connections flow the voice of the aura chamelead in the form of data in loads and nuanced vid feeds the Abominable intelligence warned vegetable that firing the unmaker had burned out three of the weapons five projectors it advised that the weapon would be no further use without extensive repairs fortunate then that we need not rely over much upon the durability of mortal manufacture grumbled vegetable the weather has served its purpose ahead The Rock's well to fill the void Vash door saw the distant flares of real space engines and knew these marked where escort vessels were settling into their precisely managed pattern his warp side revealed shimmering energy Spectra where battery and transfer whipped back and forth between Renegade warships and the Dark Angels Battle Fortress further away still vastor perceived the spectral flickers of distant battles as his hunting packs fought against the scattered dark Angel's Fleet the World Of marwin's Reach was eclipsed by the looming Rock but vashtaw had seen enough of the planet from afar to recognize the energy signatures of unexpected loyalist warships orbiting it those vessels would have detected all that was happening in the interplanetary void that in turn meant that haste was required yet vashtor was not overly troubled like any talented engineer the arcophane had worked redundancies into his plans to account for any unexpected issues this was all the focus he could give to his wider plan for the moment however for the beguiling song of his prize wailed from deep within the rock to capture his attention knew The Mortals locked many Secrets away within the vast Stone Fortress but only one interested him the last of the three pivotal mechanisms that would form the heart of the key the archifine stretched out his warp craft and seized control of heretic Rock's frequencies throughout the system he spoke knowing that his static Laden voice boomed from countless Vox grills Fox Ponders Geist waves and Supernatural Communications relays race all attack craft unleash all the munitions Play Your Part in my grand mechanism of havoc your archipene commands you first all felt the orac Unleashed shudder beneath him as the immense craft fired extra thrusters and closed with The unshielded Rock the Colossal vessel approached from a high angle to avoid the miles long plasma Trails of the battle station's Drive cones as it did a wave of Dark Angels Interceptor craft spilled from launch bays in The Rock's flanks and Rose to meet it flocks of Hell Drake's heretic astartes gunships and void sorting demons erupted from the launch Bays of the orac Unleashed in response vashtor found himself in A roiling Storm of dogfights and strafing runs xinjiang demons riding fleshy discs served Trails of fire through the loyalist midst they heard fistfuls of mutagenic flame as they went a wing of heldrake shot low over vashdor's head their flaring Jets silent in the void they were caught amongst a barrage of Rift cannon fire twisting into freakish stained glass Effigies of themselves before being swallowed in a collapsing warp Rift a formation of Dark Angels gunships arrowed towards orac Unleashed a swarm of fighter craft flanking them fashion noted the expertise with which the loyalist Pilots flew how they cut apart heretic interceptors that tried to break their formation darcophene watched the interplay of mechanical systems and strategic attack formations for a moment they raised his hammer he channeled a blast of Arcane power through the weapon and into the center most loyalist gunship the attack craft disassembled instantly bursting apart in the nebula of component parts the other loyalist craft threw themselves into frantic evasive maneuvers as they were engulfed by the expanding cloud of mechanical debris vashtaw couldn't resist a chuckle as he watched armored figures formerly passengers of the disassembled gunship now struggling hard vacuum or bouncing violently from armor glass canopies as their escort craft collided with them rastor returned his attention to the Rock torn inexorably by the song of his prize the Dark Angels battle system loomed larger even than the gargantuan Arc of omen now descending upon it yet it was virtually unshielded many of its weapon systems temporarily crippled by the onslaught of the unmaker while the orac Unleashed was fresh to the fight gun batteries and esoteric alien weapons studied the Ark of omen's Hull like Boyles on a plague victim they opened fire as they Hove into range and raised billowing clouds of flames across the Franks and upper plane of The Rock impact slammed into the void Shields that have been raised to protect the Tower of angels and caused them to blaze blue in return and despite its wounds The Rock hurled an intense Firestorm at the orac Unleashed missiles and Laser blasts bashed across the arc's players of void Shields power Fields thermocratic arrays temporal shunt guards and other weird and exotic defense systems Investor's warp side the complex energy schemata of the Rock's internal systems overlaid its corporeal reality he saw clearly the damage brought by the collapse of the gorgon's ages yet he could see as well where repairs were already being affected maim systems Awakening back to Wrath he knew that should this point-blank shooting War last too long The Rock would overwhelm even the orac Unleashed yet vastor's plan would not allow this his infernal senses felt dozens of countdown crons all reached zero simultaneously throughout the heretic Fleet as they did he tore free from the mayor showed data tethers and suspended amidst a flickering Corona of energy swept toward the rock like clockwork a wave of boarding Torpedoes and Troop Landers thundered from the launch tubes hangers and embarkation decks of the orac Unleashed at precisely the same moment a secondary wave of boarding craft fired their thrusters and dived toward the rock launched from the picket ships when vashtra had first given the order to attack these assault formations had drifted unpowered among the sensory cacophony of void War a long precise approach vectors until the moment came to wake their engines now they converged upon the rock from multiple angles and for all the skill and Firepower as the Defenders dozens of them exploited the element of surprise to reach their drop points unscathed down through the Mayhem thanked by soaring's ancient demons at his back came nine blazing chariots Towing on silver chains a huge crystal Prison set in a mass of Flesh metal mechanisms following the arcophene's meticulous orders warbands of black legionaries Iron Warriors and wordbearers put down on the airless plane Atop The Rock though they did not know it their attack pattern echoed closely that employed by typhus The Herald of the walking plague when he had launched his own assault against the Dark Angels not so long before like the death guard before them faster's heretic astatis converged upon the tower of Angels in full force even as Dark Angels Ground Forces gathered to meet the assault against old Elder look so the traitor forces struck against the Rocks towering flanks informed by vashtor's Nai omnipotent knowledge of Technology traitor teleporter salts materialized data on target while boarding Torpedoes punched through the Stony skin of the rock straight into near surface corridors and galleries attack waves struck at Hangar Bays cleverly concealed by Stone overhangings and Gothic extrusions but laid bare to the occipane's warp side as the onslaught intensified vashto allowed part of his Consciousness to dive between vid fiends Auto sensors and tactical inloads witnessing his forces piercing the hide of The Rock and multiple sites he saw Dark Angels rushing to meet each fresh boarding assault he noted the Ferocious firefights the rage along claustrophobic corridors and through statue-line Chambers simultaneously vashtor focused also on creating his own breach with a contemptuous gesture he re-routed the motive Force flowing through five energy conduits the backlash detonated the power cells of our served to manned gun deck and blew it outward into the void in a spectacular Fireball swatting aside tumbling debris with a wave of infernal energies vast or alighted amidst the cavernous ruin of the battery indentured demons capered and tumbled around him dragging the prism engine into position amidst wreckage that even now was twitching and rising in the akifane's presence the moment the device was ready rashdorf struck at a blow with his hammer and it blazed to life faster and faster the prism span blazing with Unholy Hues fit to drive Mortals to Madness at the precise correct moment Vash store stuck it again and the prism shattered collapsing into a howling warp Rift contained within the flesh metal cage the arcophane nodded to himself in satisfaction as fresh waves of demons Spilled Out of the rent to swell his ranks so reinforced Vash door prowled through the deck's inner bulkhead door and into the Rock itself with every strike of his cloven Hooves against the ancient deck plate dark vein felt his anticipation grow the mechanism sang to him it crooned its promises he could see its power shimmering within the deepest depths of the rock now tantalizingly near as the Roar of balters and the crackle of Unleashed warplane Drew him back to the moment vastor knew he would not be permitted to claim his prize without a ferocious fight ahead the corridors opened into a chamber of huge size its echoing vastness painted in vibrant Hues by huge stained glass Lumen that hung from its vaulted ceilings emerging onto a carved balcony rashdor saw his demonic Vanguard locked in battle with hulking loyas Warriors clad in bone white Terminator plate let us unmake you then it's not the occipane as he strode into the fight the Nemesis gate the arcophane was now blatantly leading his forces to the lower steps of the rock where the deepest secrets were kept their Prisoners the artifact of ancient Providence their weapons of ultimate sanction and they had to stop him but vashtra was mighty and more than able to concentrate his forces now he kept abreast of the entire combat through his powers and he forced his way forward at the head of Terminators and legionaries of the black Legion and iron Warriors two Legions one does not ever wish to face not in the Crusade not in the heresy and certainly not ten thousand years later even so these forces were augmented with endless Legions of madman fanatic hordes and allegiance of vashtra his own demons and the Dark Angels were in dire need of any form of brick any form of respite for nothing could stop the arcophane and his Entourage even when the Dark Angels assembled dreadnoughts and veterans in the gallerium exacto there was doubt doubt if they could hold back the tide behind them not far within their vault the object was practically singing out its location the Vash door and so he would not be gainsaid but he threw everything he had at them the Dark Angels fought with cold resolve even their armor went haywire their bandoliers of grenades going off under them their weapons freezing for Vash door was controlling the technology that he considered his tool he would drain all energy from Power Armor would have some shoot their own allies but this took a toll on him concentration it all required more and more of his concentration vashtor was a mighty being in the warp but it could only Force so much of his Essence his sentience and his power into the corporeal form he had constructed and he would not let go of his management of the overall confrontation hence he was held at Bay by Azrael himself but he was stopped and as the jewel went on Azrael began to know the truth he had not healed from his surgery we had just crossed the Rubicon primaries had become a bigger stronger and more resilient Marine yet he was not even healed from this process or held him back despite him wielding the sword of Silence and with each swing of their weapons Azrael was weakening all seemed lost as their Grandmaster was beaten back and the forces of evil now seemed so inexhaustible that they could simply not be stopped they would take the nameless gate they would go within and they would be in the very Heart Of The Rock and that is when everything changed for new forces now erupted from the Shadows of the Rock the light failed across the entire structure and then they appeared not just attacking the Dark Angels but was shot and sword claw and spell they sailed the forces of vashtra as well the two-sided battle had become three-way and the iron Warriors and black Legion were taking the majority of the fire from the other two sides if truths be told and this is when the last player made his entrance vast or strolled towards the nameless gate he would smash a path through the remaining Dark Angels if he had to before he could reach them however the Shadows rised and thickened around him the archifane felt hostile power envelop him he sends contempt and infinite duplicity rushing like currents through the penumbra energies and tasted bitter poison mocking laughter flitted around him as the gallerium extractor vanished behind a massive shadow faster uttered a string of machine code Oaths as he saw to break free from the malefic conjuration he loosed a storm of infernal motive force that blasted Shadows to tatters he slammed his hammer against the flagstones beneath his feet and some he had buried cables and wires that burst up through them to strike like serpents at the coiling darkness the mocking laughter turned to an affronted growl low wet and rumbling as out of some colossal hunting cat denied its prey the Shadows rise inward with a doubled Force Twining about one another like coiling ropes that lashed around vastral's limbs his body and even looped about his neck like a hemp and noose slashing wires and blasts of energy severed one rope after another and sent afraid and Scattered away as ashes vashkar's eyes blazed and the industrial glare momentarily drove back to Darkness that crowded in on him yet more and more roped slithered from the Gloom belatedly faster Drew back those parts of his mind that he continued to obsessively observe the Strategic situation through voxen or Spec's Networks she cursed himself for his compulsion to maintain a grip upon the wider strategic situation at such a Time realizing it robbed him of the immediacy and focus he needed to Stave off this onslaught he suspected he knew the name of his unseen assailant and thought they may be bending all of their considerable power to this attack as Shadows entombed him and dragged him into the awaiting Abyss the arcophane reflected bitterly this was not the first time his compulsion to see and understand all had been his undoing rashed or expected banishment yet instead the light and solidity of real space bloomed about him the ground was hard under his Hooves the light Stark as it spilled from the countless star speckling the Dark Void above he had not been attacked he realized but rather summoned to the surface of the Rock the vain glorious fool wishes to glout he exclaimed took in the tower of angels looming ahead of him and the firestorms and wrecks that marked the ongoing battles between his dug in followers and the dark Angel's armored formations he saw the vast shape of the orac Unleashed hanging High overhead rashdor did not need his warp side to know that the Ark of omen had been sorely mauled in its ongoing duel with The Rock yet the vessel fought on with the cold cunning of the Abominable intelligence that inhabited it inflicting yet more damage on The Battered Rock the archiphan's warp census warned him of fresh Shadow portals opening across the surface of the Rock he growled at the sight of more robed word bearers and Alpha legionaries emerging supported by demon engines and battle tanks even more disturbing was the site of chaos Knight carried in the penumbral Livery of belakor's worshipers starting from within portals to join the attack some turned their guns on old aldaruk or the dark Angel's tanks others assaulted vegetables own beleaguered forces not to gloat but to Humble one who needs reminding of their lowly place in the pantheon came a rumbling voice from behind vashtor he turned to see Shadows coalescing into a towering figure whose vast wings blotted out the star field the dark master manifested from abysmal darkness and even vashtor could not help but admire the sheer infernal Majesty of dispersed amongst demon princes where would it have been once water for you to leave thy labors here unimpeded said vashtor you are the Lex spittle of the despoiler crowd barracore appropriate perhaps that the oil grub king of Sutton scraps should serve as a mere tool in immortal's hand yet you are not without your greater uses I commend your labors and sabotaging The Shield that warded the sad remnant of a place no benefit to one such as you as my intent I should be even as he spoke he sent scrap code imperatives squaring out through the battle station summoning all those of his followers that he could to his Aid and after I worked so hard in so many ways to ensure this meeting took place said balacor wounding a spiteful thing you are with little purpose and less wit said versto by purpose here is to remind you which demon deity holds Power Over The Mortals which of us dangles did the spoiler on a thread and then to send you back to lurk amongst your cogs said bellacor with that he launched himself to the attack the battle between the two demons was complex for all who viewed it the arcophane was a master of Technologies but he was much out maneuvered by the Dark Prince and it was a close-run thing indeed yet the bellacor just taunted the archifane he stated he had only come to disrupt his plans and when he had achieved this while keeping vastral busy task force 12 was approaching the arcophane's forces had been summoned to his side on the surface but they were no longer enough to take the Rock from the Dark Angels and certainly not able to contend with the forces now arriving from the task force for they had bought Knights of house Raven who are now tearing apart those oil to the archipene and tigurius was amongst their number leading from the front with no other choice rash door could do nothing but order a general retreat of course he did not wait he himself just took to flight and returned to the orac Unleashed but he knew that he should at least save as many of his lone troops as he could not to save face but to bring at these some back to their masters the orac Unleashed that mighty space Hulk then ran for the edge of space and disappeared into the warp the Dark Angels had been saved I but they had saved themselves also and any traitor Marine capture we're not sane oh no they were taken down into the tumors of the interrogators but of course the Dark Angels were still sons of the Lion they gruffly sent all allies from their Capital informing them that they needed to re-raise the shields the Gorgons ages and any inside would be trapped but none mistook this for the faint reason it was very simple this was the Rock and they were not the sons of the Lion so they were told to depart immediately if the sons was diplomatic as their sire yet the Imperials who had saved them also respected them and they left without complaint or protestation Durga hung in total darkness even his unnaturally sharp eyesight was confounded by so complete and absence of light he had surmised his cell had been diligently designed to Blind even Space Marine senses the chains by which he was bound cruciform to the rough Wet Stone of the war had also proven more than a match for post-human strength such details had raised questions for Durga during the early days of his captivity yet as the days called past the sensory deprivation crashed with sensory overload and The Damp of the cell crept into his flesh his curiosity had dulled as an unremitting drag of his own heavy muscled body worked slow torture upon his arms and back Durga had ceased to care about the dark Angel's secrets starvation took far longer for one of the heretic astartes than it did for immortal yet in the end even he was not immune to its ravages nor could he endure indefinitely the slow festering of his wounds or the turgid curdling of a mind trapped in a void dark box then there were the visits of his interrogator kept carefully irregular commencing most times was a shocking barrage of blinding light and deafening White Noise projected from concealed Vox Ponders Durga came to both dread and long for the awful stimuli of each fresh interrogation each time allowed him to prove to his captors that his hatred for them still Burns strong yet each time also brought him incrementally closer to wishing he knew the right answers to satisfy their curiosity once and for all any end would be preferable to this interminable purgatory the Duggar sluggish thoughts shattered like glass as the lumens blasted him with their glare and Aurora static caused his ravage body to fill with adrenaline he thrashed weekly he thought he snarled but it was hard to tell him it's the din the sound cut out as suddenly as it had begun but the lights continued to flood his skull even through closed eyelids how did you know where the rock would be Durga didn't know his interrogator had entered the chamber the dark angel was simply there a whole King's silhouette against the glare the demon knew he snarled the questions were familiar to him learned by wrote so that he could have answered them in advance had he known the order in which they would come how was the gorgon's Aegis disabled the demon the demon made a weapon I have told you pain tore through event like wildfire Doug had long given up attempting to determine where it came from or how it was administered he knew only that it felt each time as though his insides were being scoured with Jagged glass and acid why did you attack us to burn your cursed chapter in all its pain roared through him again why did you attack us because you are corpse worshiping Vermin who again agony why did you attack us fine you curse on Smart Durga blood and spittle running from his lips as I have told you we came for the device the one the demon coveted what is the device I don't know the pain lasted longer this time racking Durga until he raised and howled then hung gasping in its wake what is the device I do not no he wheezed loathing how broken he sounded what is the nature of the demon they call it the arcophane Vash store it has Allied itself to the war master it is a thing of engines that have cogs I know no more but I lose a damn thing that a spoiler would never have abandoned me in this nest of vermin Duggar braced for pain but none was forthcoming its absence had become as jarring as its onset where is the demon now ask the interrogator opened his mouth to explain weirdly and for the hundredth time that he did not know he Frozen surprise the information was there poised behind his lips are so eager to be voiced it the somnian Stars the demon has fled back to the somnian Stars pain exploded through him is this a trick ask the interrogator no no gas Durga it is in the somnian Stars that is no small region said interrogator give me specifics Duggar found that he could and felt no inclination to keep the answers to himself he told all that he knew you hoped it might be enough to bring an end to his suffering even though part of him knew it would not minutes later interrogated chaplain zacharus sealed the door to the heretic cell and left him in the darkness again stashing the heavy iron key within his robes he turned to asmodai who waited in the corridor the heretic said the same as the others he reported as Malay nodded gravery expression hidden by his ornate faceplate where has this sudden knowledge come from where the son eagerness to impart it he missed it must be reported to the Supreme Grandmaster said zechers and yet it must be wandered at also for does this not have the ring of the supernatural about it said asthma die if it is the lure for a trap it is a strange and unsubtle one nevertheless said zacharus nevertheless echoed has made eye in agreement I will bear this Revelation to Lord Azrael that he might decide what is to be done with it dread times are these not since the revelation of Luther's betrayal as our Brotherhood faced so much peril The Rock itself has been violated by the neverborn infiltrated by the Imperial spawn Luther escaped something prevented by my predecessors for ten thousand years show the weakness in me that is a dark stain upon my soul which will remain with me for all my remaining days even shall I somehow recover him and return him to the depths of the rock once more truly I am not merely Unforgiven but Unforgivable Ezreal chapter Master of the Dark Angels [Music] I would under the spoiler swung drachnien and lobbed ahead from another blade-armed cyborg the creature toppled amidst the spray of oily blood and motive Force avadon stepped on it as he pressed ahead crushing the Cog design in blazing there into the collapsing chest cavity more soldiers of the adeptus mechanicus lunged at him with their 10 Sonic blades thrumming and he slew each one in turn there's a spoiler was in a foul mood and not to be delayed by such half-human impediment as these bursting through a gold chased Arch Abaddon found himself overlooking a vast cogitator pit wreathed in sacred incense hunched techadips peered up at him from their stations Elite's guitari clattered along gantries firing their rifles at him as they came raised the Talon of Horus and that fly even as his black Legion I spilled through the artridge's back and joined The Fray they've none alive Lord keep their carcasses in the pit the Servants of the omnis are fought with all the Zeal of Fanatics defending a sight sacred to their God yet all their cyborg might and hardwired Faith could not match the ancient cunning and fury of the war master and his veteran killers so it was that mere moments after he had led his spear tip Into the Heart of the tech priest Shrine Abaddon stood Upon A Gantry overlooking a pit filled to the brim with the Flesh Blood and sparking Machinery of its Defenders he glanced at those of his own Warriors who had fallen and Curtis lit this has cost me demon it'd best be worth the time and lies everyone gestured to the cabal of sorcerers who waited at the rim of the pit they began chanting swaying and scattering i-core from spiked sensiers as they worked their infernal sounds the air crackled with dark power thickening until it felt as though a malefic thunderstorm were about to erupt at the chamber's heart within the pit the Charnel heap of ruined machinery and butchered flesh heaved worms of copper and silver rise around the vast Mass leaving brass threads behind themselves as they chewed and squirmed even Abaddon was not above Grimace of disgust the sound made by the profusion of Flesh and metal as it surged upwards Sparks drizzled from the churning Mass Gore splattered the Gantry and the reek of cooking flesh rolled over Abaddon as rudimentary face formed amidst the foulness one eye formed from a huge Lumen Dome the other from hundreds of clustered ocular augmatics its open wall was found with Jagged spars of broken cogitator and transonic blade added on the de spoiler his voice a blood wit Rumble calm you before me to account for the actions of the once mortal am I to believe you have muzzled the lurking mongrel for its misdeed Urban scowled he had long known that permitting bellicor within his inner circle of lieutenants was a Gamble better to have such a duplicitous being close than leaf and free to run a mark he had his own plans for Bella cause punishment but he resented vastures accusatory tone there will be an accounting for bellacor arcophane it should be a time of my choosing and in a manner I orchestrate I am not your servant you are part of my plans not the master of them I would be more cautious in my toner address had I failed as you have to deliver upon your promises not one of your lackeys am I to be commanded thus ground fashion one of our Champions would not have failed so spectacularly to seize the prize from a border Rock said avadon and yet one of them it was who engineered the setback replied to grates demonic Avatar corpse meat and shattered circuitry spilled from its malformed lips as it spoke was it not you in command of the attack was it not you who failed to plan for such contingencies last happened on I began to question the vaunted talents of the arcophane a poor Workman blames his tools demon how is it that your Rivals have not overthrown your hold upon the soul forges to aradon's surprise this Bob was not met with anger but with a volley of rock static Boons that he realized approximated laughter you seek to go with me as though I wear a simplistic mortal construct of primitive urges of flesh-bound Mind meat the embodiment of malefic artifice am I complexity creation experiment and progression Unbound blame is but an error to be action time and operational constraint that only one of us here must obey here sanity is a limitation of Mortals that places the detail of my labors wholly beyond the capacity of your mental architecture negligible is the advantage you gain in these futile attempts unfavorable the expenditure of oxygen and energy I would alter attack where I you War master Abaddon suspected privatry that the demon was more fallible than it protested he had fought him many seizures however and he knew a hopeless Escalade when he saw one he decided to take the occupane's advice and allow himself a base chuckle very well Mighty and all-knowing Vash door how do we improve upon our design after this setback all matters of true importer questions to which many answers connect speak plainly demon replied Abaddon unable to keep the ill temper from his voice the sounds of distant battle were growing closer from elsewhere in the shrine complex and as yet his expenditures had brought him no informational value he suspected the archiven you as much and was enjoying testing his potions completion of the key remains our single purpose that you might have your weapon and I my final apotheosis we still require as many more key fragments as can be secured and we still lack one of the triumvirate of core mechanisms our arcs have now accumulated more than 70 of the desired fragments amongst them a pleasing High ratio of ritual significance and thus supernaturally empowered artifacts no you that my labors toil without rest although the key nears completion in its place of restoration those of our Arc still huntings search for fragments of great power that will ensure the key is as great and terrible a devices can be engineered as it should be so all this is but without everyone caught himself it would not do to name them missing prize in the slowest Sanctum he did not know who or what might be listening without the last of the story all is wasted effort the key will not wake some cogs turn more slowly than others or master some alignments recur if you have a point to make make it I am going back into battle it's about Abaddon his patience at an end exploded the required knowledge of the place of restoration I have into the minds of those who fell as captives into the hands of the lions-based progeny even now the biomechanisms of their minds release the secret they are compelled to speak aradon thought quickly mind racing weighing the Importer of the Demon's deed audacious lead Defoe to the key have them deliver our final prize in person poetic for an engineer but what makes you think they will walk into such an obvious trap and he make excuses for Space Marines they might be but they are not such fools I have many cogs mortal Myriad are my mechanisms literally it is but a matter of logical consultation so audacious yet so seemingly clumsy a step as this is it the Trap it appears a Double Bluff seek we to bring them to somnian stars or to want them away they think not of grand plans seeing already the complexity in engineering expended in my attack upon their Stone sanctuary and presuming a sum total that has ended in defeat now they're sorts are of vengeance now their CFO fled one that perhaps knows things he should not they will not risk my freedom nor restrain their need to punish my frontary perhaps Scout Abaddon something exploded outside the shrine he danced over his shoulder to see black smoke boiling through the arch his Warriors slipped out into the fire lit Gloom and the bark of their bolt guns rang out I've gone turned back to the Demonic Avatar even if you are right why would they bring a rock why not simply send warships or the better if they do said Vash store I have still the aura Community ad it's talent for locating the rock remains undimmed if they seek to conceal their Stonehaven I shall fall upon it while they rise in the doors of the Trap you would have no way of bringing down their Shields a second time said avadon this at last do a flare of Anger from the demon the Myriad eye lenses Blaze with sudden and intense furnace light I love God of the folded no device fashioned by mortal hand can I not undo but it will not come to that they will guess too that I might return they will catch their secrets close keep them inside and surround them with strength it is their way only be ready to spoiler in your linear terms the end Jason's closer another explosion bellowed nearby the shrine Shook and chunks of the ghastly flesh metal Avatar tore away as the sorcerer's concentration wavered Avalon wished to interrogate the demon further remained unconvinced by its claims but he was out of time do your part demon and I will do mine do not fail me again the only answer he received was another Vox blood of dark mirth which distorted into a whole of feedback as Avatar of vashtor disintegrated back into the pit in a gory Avalanche avadon turned towards the sounds of battle with his sword swirling would vashtor uphold his end of their bargain could the key truly be fashioned and used as his Unholy Ally claimed with the final onslaught of the arks into Ultramar the Damocles golf ottom of makaria and then Medusa reach yield the rewards of Supernatural power they promised as had so often been the case in his long War Abaddon had to trust in his agents his followers and his inconstant allies with a snail did the spoiler stowed toward the battle he was all too ready to vent his frustrations upon the hated Imperial foes and so we inch closer to the waking of the lion the Primark of the first Legion we have seen the model and what a model it is we know he is coming so only two books now remain in this campaign farsight and then the reveal one would imagine as it is called simply the lion and I cannot explain how excited I am for this new law and I hope you will join me here when it finally drops I have been Voldemort your faithful servant now subscribe and like and all that good stuff if you enjoyed the video and join me every Friday as I take dives into the Warhammer universe or check out our other channels on natural history and mythology links in the description Patron merge notification button you know the Boogaloo and until then no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun toodaloo
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 115,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40000, Warhammer Lore, Warhammer Stories, Warhammer Information, arks of omens abaddon, Abaddon the Despoiler, Abaddon the warmaster, Ezekyle Abaddon, Arks of OMens lore, Warhammer lore, Vashtorr Lore, Baldermort's Guides to Warhammer, CHAOS, KHORNE THE BLOOD GOD, SLAANESH, Lore, 40K lore, ASMR, Insomnia, ARKS OF OMENS ANGRON, THE WARP AND DAEMONS EXPLAINED, Astronomican, Malakbaer, World Eaters lore, ARKS OF OMEN VASHTORR, Warhammer 40K, 40k lore vashtorr, Vashtor, 40k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 45sec (5445 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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