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[Music] world of the Imperium of mankind a learning [Music] experience the two sons of arch duuke vea were dutifully sat at their desks when the door was flung open rodrik the younger of the two by only a year seemed to jump in his seat at the Vigor of the entrance brond sniggered at him for a second until he too locked eyes with the new arrival expecting sister rosmerta the wolfish grin was instantly wiped from his face in the stad of the Young adepa Who usually took the classes was a towering figure of a man decked out in his Stark and sharply pressed and perfect uniform he locked them both with his renowned glare the two boys bolted to their feet and snapped their heels as they stood at their tallest sit barked The General the chairs were filled with alacrity both boys sitting straight backed and attentive if not AED rodrik raised his hand carefully above his head the old man narrowed his eyes and gave a Curt nod to him it is excellent to see you Uncle Marduk can I ask you why we are honored with your presence the glare he received was withering both rodrik and brond shrunk back the sister is advising your father as is her Duty I am only here for a few days and know the topic to be imparted today one of you will be the Crown Prince of this world one hopefully in service to the emperor someday someday soon this is too important to leave two underlings no matter how loyal hence you will not receive flowery fallaces and fripperies today this is the price you have the best food lodging services and even luxuries that any human could dream of receiving but this is the price the burden we nobility carry for all those Millions beneath us knowledge you will say the unvarnished truth the schedule states you have been instructed to study the subject I will hear no can or wrote from you let us see if you have not just read but actually learned your topic he turned to the board and picked up a piece of chalk standing with one arm behind his back he wrote in Swift and clear writing the title read the words of the Imperium from least to most dangerous he swiveled on his boots to look down at his nephews with a raised eyebrow bouncing to talk in his hand rodrik slowly raised his hand again and received the same Curt nod he asked shakily Uncle M duck can I clarify the question please the General's eyes widened for a second and then he nodded more slowly rodri blurted out dangerous for the inhabitants asants or the humans in General Sir Bron sneered down at his brother imperiously but snapped his attention back with the answer an incisive question nephew for this exercise let us say that it is for humans in general gentlemen first give me the sub pipes in your order of estimation at this brond put up his left hand and pulled down a finger with each of the names listed from least to most Paradise World M standard jungle ice desert gas giant he beamed your logic snapped the general without turning around from the board he had written the list upon obvious drawled the middle teen boy Paradise worlds have no heart har environment or weather the only danger there is boredom mclass standard watch the weather reports don't go mountain climbing and you are safe jungle has some nasty Critters who can kill you in your sleep if you're stupid ice you get lost you die shifting ice and Avalanches are lethal the water is worse desert unrelenting heat without cover you don't last a day gas giant unbreathable crushed or frozen if you do not secure every Last Hatch yeah that's the worst he sat back in his chair he went to raise his arms and fold his fingers behind his head but quickly brought them down again mid action when he had turned around from the board the glare from Marduk was enough the man then shot rodrik a stern look an agreement with brond are we anything to add or change he spat giving the older boy a wary sidelong look rodrik nodded I cannot agree for one Bron has forgotten ocean and swamp Worlds the general nodded curtly again for him to continue while still facing Marduk the boy looked upward and to the left in contemplation then began my order would be paradise mclass gas giant Desert Ice jungle swamp then water I shall only explain my differences in estimation gas giants would have staff at highest alert at all times hence they would be cautious so I de it low threat deserts can be survived hunting for Water by spotting local animals of vegetation jungle is indeed full of bugs but also there could be many large Predators few jungles are entirely mapped I would have thought swamp same as jungle but you have the factor that everything below your knees or even higher will be hidden from you you a 20ft lizard or amphibian could be down there or even Rippy fish you would never know it until it was too late I place water as worst as no man can survive in the case of a sunken ship or conveyance there is nowhere to swim too not forgetting the gargantuan sharks and other predators that will snaffle you as quick as cheese and the world of view as passive and safe so much so that even my brother ignored their threat at this the teacher turned back to the board and wrote both their names and then placed a mark next to rodrix he then glared again at Bron I am not totally in agreement with either of your evaluations but your brother was closer in his estimations and at least he completed the list he continued now you will take it in turns one will name a world the other its trait and threat think before you order them young men think rodrik looked at his brother and said pleasure worlds brond nodded in agreement and turned to his uncle to explain pleasure worlds are almost universally Paradise planets that are preserved for the exclusive use of the elites nobility high ranking officials of the administratum Navy astrom militarum or even ministorum all of the Surfs who abide there are specifically trained to fulfill our every want or need most indoctrinated or molded from a young age to be plant and servile there are no environmental threats and the presence of a gaggle of other Elites means that the region will be heavily patrolled ships of the line will most likely be in place while the officer in charge is residing there and of course there will be many officers the same applies to the guard arbites Etc only a fool would assault a pleasure world the Imperium protects its Leading Light we know the only threat is boredom or being pleasured too hard the name written on the board the chalk now bounced again in their uncle's hand bronze stated agry world but did not even acknowledge his brother rodri nodded and spoke entire world set aside just for high density food production be it aquatic or landbased Flora or faer some water worlds are used for harvests of krill and Plankton or even larger actual fish stock most are cleared and then crops planted that are collected by Mammoth haulers the people would be Hardy but non-combative all predators REM moved long ago perhaps a grock stampede or a downed hauler may be the only threat bardu edged the name on the board and swung around on his heels civilized World said rodri Bron took up the pattern like our world there is high civilization an orderly planetry Defense Force the presence of adeptus arites yet they are not densely populated at below 10 billion subjects so not enough to be classified as Hive worlds of course some are more developed than others but Law and Order are enforced and barbarity kept to a minimum more marks went onto the board as Bron then stated dead worlds his younger siblings eyes widened and he shook his head I said dead worlds not death worlds Rodrick sneered brond the younger boy nodded and then proceeded dead worlds where there is no active life or even traces of a biosphere some are scoured by exterminators some are Baron because of xenos predation or biological chemical or astronomical events that have slain everything there some never had any life and could never support it by this r there is nothing there to harm humans unless it is the environment alone and with that anyone should be taking all necessary steps to protect themselves from simple my choice is symmetry world next brond piped up worlds are are given over to the burial of the honored dead some decimated by xenos some by Civil War but the result is that there are far more dead than living on these worlds the morms and burial lines are lesser threat than anything living most have garrisons of powerful warriors of the Imperium for few planets are designated as Cemetery worlds without them being the sight of a battle worthy of the title and few worlds not offended by the crack forces of the emperor would qualify for such an honor thus from saritas to Space Marines there will always be some form of Honor Guard of worth the names and more marks went on the board and the man was now now nodding more casually and juggling his talk whimsically as they sped up and became more directed in their task Shrine worlds stated brond holy planets that are protected by the Light of the emperor through the Imperial cult Shrine worlds are usually the birthplace of his most beloved and elect the holy Imperial Saints many are also training grounds for the ministorum and even hold abies of the adepta sororitas without hesit tion rodri stated Cardinal World Bron picked up worlds that are entirely administrated by the ecclesiarchy some have Cathedrals that span entire regions but all are piously run and the emphasis is on the worship of the god Emperor the only reason my brother could put these less safe than Shrine worlds would be the sheer number of pilgrims and this has its own security impact anyone can hide in the lines of the supplicants traitors teens are scum abound where there is a high population density he ran on immediately Armory worlds planets which hold moth resources of the departmental munitorum tanks small and large Firearms artillery Munitions that are not currently needed or stored on these worlds hidden from xenos they are not obvious enough to draw attention but anyone attacking these worlds is in for a Sharp shock as their populations can break out these resources and then you use them in their defense said Rodrick Rodrick then blurted industrial worlds they are not run by the adeptus mechanicus so do not produce finished work but they do Smelt and refine ores and materials brought in or dug out of their rock face the smelters cover most of the land mass so there is little danger from the low population they are busy and such activity is always dangerous one cannot trust the machines that run them nor be guaranteed not to be run over by incompetently driven or automated loaders low danger level but even the atmosphere can be a threat just as serious to one's Health as being flattened mining world rodri did not miss a beat like industrial worlds yet without the smelting and refining these are planets that have materials required for the Imperium and its Wars yet there is usually less atmosphere likely more automated carriers and definitely more threat of structural collapse from the ongoing strip mining of the world or meteor derel worlds he shot back derel worlds are abandoned or had existing civilization scoured away long ago either through war or disaster again their empty of sentient life although this seems safe there may be traps or old archotech weapons that could reactivate and which did The Killing in the first place also no zenos world even if derelict is safe their spite knows no bounds and they can leave traps for us or even worse they might return to claim their old Realms Fortress World rodri picked up they have the bastions of The Emperor's might Fortress worlds are huge mustard grounds that are protected by orbital defenses Garrison fleets and even dockyards often the starting point of any Crusade and Lynch pins in the Strategic Defense of the realm fortifications cover their entire land mass and their seas are monitored for any anomalies entire scores of regiments of foot armor ordinance and Cavalry are stationed on these planets the only real danger is that such places are targets for zenos or traitor scum should the Fortress world for it can mean the entire sector is open for picking over night worlds Bron grind a favorite it appeared planets that are home to an order of Imperial Knights sometimes connected to a local Forge World of the mechanicus sometimes not yet they are socially maintained as feudal settings and near as dangerous as those worlds thus they can have a high respect for Honor Duty and personal exploits of Valor their world can be seen as rough and often violent in many more ways than ours their population are not as advanced as a civilized world and the value of life is far less than that of Honor name and Duty to cause a fence to a knight or any of their retinue will mean a duwel to the death and these Warriors are just as lethal outside of their God Machines of War as in them they are safer than two feudal worlds for most anyway as the knights themselves are Advanced so sheer barbarity is less likely from these glorious Warriors of the Imperium bronze seemed lost for a second then snapped back feudal worlds planets and population ations that have devolved to a more iron aged structure and technological level pre-industrial they are ruled by Warrior Kings and their subsequent underling Lords in a pyramidal structure rulership is maintained entirely by force of arms and said arms are usually melee or early Firearms at the very worst mostly agrarian in nature the very populace are the threat to others here for they live and die by the sword feral World brond chuckled these are sky worshipping mud hut dwellers and tree swingers these worlds have fallen so far that they are barely literate and utterly without culture or worth some were blasted by ancient accidents most are overseen from a distant their people are so pathetic that they are cave dwellers and breed mutants and psychers to the point where the governor of the world will have to cull the herd from his Palace in orbit their only worth is to the Space Marine Mar who may Dain to recruit from these holes the people are as likely to eat anyone coming to their world if they do not sacrifice them to their primordial gods of wind sun or Stars even cavemen can be dangerous in numbers I suppose Hive worlds worlds with the great cities the hives are situated with tens to hundreds of millions of humans in every stack they are thriving bids of humanity some manage phenomenal industrial out output of simple equipment and tools that do not require the oversight or knowledge of the adeptus mechanicus yet most are filled to bursting with none ever seeing the sky sun or Stars they team endlessly and devour the food from a plethora of Agri worlds in their radius yet they can be the most fertile recruitment worlds for the Imperial Guard Navy or any other Venture that requires massed movement of men and women the value of life is little they can even subside on their own reprocessed dead to be left alone in a hive is to quart certain death gangs rule the underhive levels and corrupt officials can make even the midp a thing of horror it is not what the emperor intended but it is all that we have at this moment Forge worlds Bron shuddered the mechanicus is necessary but they do not worship the god emperor in his ultimate expression they call him the omnis and barely to the laws of his realm yet they are the priests of technology and it is on and around their Forge worlds that the weapons of the Imperium are truly made they forg the warships of the line those of Commerce and exploration as well it is they who craft the god Machines of War both Titans and knights they provide the armor for the Space Marines at least as far as we know but most definitely for the saritas it is they who turn out the L guns the tanks and transports of the astrom militarum the Imperial God it is they who come amongst the rest of the emperor's world and maintain the power plants that keep the hives and space stations all in operation yet it is also they who take men and women and alter them they train the tech priests on Forge World but they also make the Mindless servitors and the skari legions they do not hold us in high regard as they are autonomous we cannot trust them for too many armies and populaces have disappeared shortly before new fances of the skari march to war threats industry on this level is always dangerous but the tech wizards of the mechanicum cannot be trusted hence we both see these worlds as dangers to any that are not mechanicus chem worlds Roger continued animatedly words that have been changed due to war from either our own punitive action or through the despoiling from the xenos nothing grows on such worlds that is not Twisted by the foul Airs of vapors the rivers run with muuk and M and poison all that they touch such worlds are substantial dangers even to those in protective attire for acid rains can burn through even the best civilian protections to go to such a world without protection is a death sentence rad World Bron continued quickly where either ancient Wars or EXT at's weapons have been dropped in the atmosphere C is such a world scoured of all life on its surface the very ground and air are filled with radioactive poisons hair falls out teeth bleed and end in your meals and the unprotected suffer a swift or slow death of deterioration these curses of radiation can travel through Wars and transports to even land on a world let alone step outside can be enough Sentinel worlds said Brun now looking at his brother with more respect as they both forgot their rivalries in their display of knowledge to their Uncle who was now smiling at them both as the points against their names were tied the central worlds are those created by the Lord Commander they are akin to Bas or Fortress worlds but are in the Imperium nilis the dark half of the realm they are concentrations of vast military power but are beset by all of the horrors that we are protected from by the presence and divine leadership of the Primark the threat to them is every zenos who would take advantage of the difficulty to travel due to the krick's maledictum and how it cuts off their half of the Imperium from the emperor's Holy Light as such they are targets without compare to the zenos and the traitors Heretics and witches who rebel against the master of Mankind's rule Frontier worlds now Rond whistled dramatically ah the poor riches who live thus the frontier worlds are named so as they are on the very edges of the Imperium sometimes far from defenses and navy they are intensely vulnerable for none can come to their aid in time unless they show legendary courage and tenacity in holding out even then there is no guarantee that any alert has been received for we all know of the inconsistencies of communication through the astropath choirs they are on the very border with the likes of the Halo Stars the expanses that are beyond the light of the astronomicon so travel to and from them is a challenge and their neighbors are often as evil as the sloth as terrible as the green skins and they can be corrupted by the zenos as well the TOA Empire attempts to convert our very people to their unclean way of thinking the Elder convey them and carry off entire populations for their depraved and deor appetites he now turned and bumped fists with his brother as he said death worlds rodri continued these are worlds where every flora and fora seems inimical to human life where the trees can wrap their Vines around throats and carry off men in their sleep where flowers can fire darts or sprays of neurotoxins that paralyze and break down the body ready for their roots to take in the nutrients where the beasts that breed here are so ferocious and aggressive that they can attack even built up military compounds surviving volleys of lasar on fire and rampaging through settlements almost Unstoppable where the knights are haunted by killers in the dark and the sunrise brings carnivorous flying lizards that attack anything they see kachan is such a world and its jungle Fighters are some of the finest Warriors that Emperor commands for without their Killer Instincts they could be wiped out in a single cycle to step foot on one of these death worlds May well be suicide War worlds Brun sugar his head these are worlds where there is an active Hot Zone where the forces of the Imperium are in active warfare against a xenos traitor or mutant usually it is the entire planet that is a wash with unfettered war where forces Rush at each other daily and the foes of humanity number in their millions or even billions worlds attempting to be taken from the green skins worlds attacked by the bugs worlds with a decadent greedy Elder stake a claim despite having no way of utilizing the space or resources of the planet both boys now stopped taking a breath they looked at one another is that it is a warworld the worst you can think of said Marduk now almost playfully rodri clicked his fingers and beamed at brond xenos Worlds Bron slapped his own forehead of course those planets where the filthy xenos hold sway surely these are the most dangerous of all worlds bar only one other the danger is not only to life and limb but to one's very Soul Above All Things the alien wishes to corrupt and twist the human heart and mind to make us bow before them and forget the light of the emperor's love yet now I think of one more what I consider the worst rodri now looked at him a gape what could his brother know that he did not Ron leaned forward and said forbidden worlds rodri now blanked he Shrugged and opened his palms to show his defeat brond looked at him while scraping his tongue across his teeth in anticipation before starting forbidden worlds are those that have been placed under quarantine by the holy Inquisition as the name States they are so terrible so dangerous to human Minds bodies or Souls that they cannot even be approached by any outside of the Holy ordos and that surely must make them more dangerous to us even than a xenos world for we attack them every day all across the stars but these forbidden worlds we dare not even think of invading them they are that dangerous rodrik gaped at brond as the older boy could not help himself but to cross his arms and set back in absolute victory at that the general then threw back his head and gave a huge Belly [Laughter] Laugh both boys looked at him with surprise no small part of anticipation what did this Warrior who had led so many so far from home seen or done did he know of worse his Outburst over General Marduk played placed the chalk down on the side of the board then turned to both conspiratorially now young men I can state that you have done well you have forgotten one world I can tell you about a penal world where the Imperium places its most horrific and dangerous prisoners where we also recruit our penal Legions by the looks on your faces I can tell you want to know all that I do about worse planets he put his finger to his nose and tapped it as he said alas young ones if I tell you of the worst of the lot then I would have to execute you immediately with this he winked and both boys sat back laughing partly to join in his little joke but mostly out of a sense of unease they laughed to exercise the fear that crept from his seemingly jovial actions but both knew that look he said it nicely that it was true there was worse out there and both smiled at him nervously after the polite laughter Muk stood to attention and nodded to the door I can state that I shall report to my brother your father that your time has not been wasted keep it up and our family shall not find you wanting study hard boys now off with you both as the two jumped up from their desks and left the room marock looked out of the window and whispered to himself I hope neither of you will ever find out in the shadows of his mind he saw the laks of burning multie fire of a demon World men and women Twisted Inside Out weeping as they lay on the ground without Bones the dark rainbows of color that bled from clouds that looked like loved ones doing unsp things the Carnage that have been wrought on his men and women in mere hours by things that Shrugged off battle cannon fire and ripped through slab Shield Orin as if they were rattlings he hoped they would never witness the horrors of a demon World a place bagged into the warp or blurted out from it forever Bes smudged and befouled with a neverborn walked its surface as if it were their home the general snapped out of it clapped his hands together to get rid of the chalk then exited the room himself he had a war to wage
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 31,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WORLDS OF THE IMPERIUM OF MANKIND IN WARHAMMER 40000, WORLDS OF THE IMPERIUM, WARHAMMER 40000, 40K lore, Warhammer Lore, Audiobook, Warhammer Audiobook, Warhammer stories, Grimdark Stories, 40K stories, Planets of the Imperium of mankind, Baldermort, Baldemort, Baldermort's Guides to Warhammer, Imperial World Designations, War, warhammer 40000 lore, Warhammer for beginngers, Starting in warhammer, Planets in warhammer, Wargaming, Sci fi
Id: yjTSA8K12FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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