ARK: Survival Ascended | Workshop | Build Tutorial

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hello there welcome back to another build tutorial for Arc survival ascended today we're going to be building this Workshop that I made for my own main base but you can basically place it anywhere as long as you have a little bit of space it's a quite a big building cuz it needs plenty of space for all your storage all your big machinery to produce all the things that you need in this game and it will also have easy access for your dinos to get in and out so you can easily transfer stuff that you've harvested on dinos to your storage or to your machines after the tutorial I'll also show you what it looks like in my own world and what adjustments I made to make it fit into my environment as well all right let's get started with the foundations you might need a pretty flat spot for this but if it doesn't work with normal foundations you could also use uh pillars and ceilings uh to make the same shape we're starting out with a 2x4 and then we're going to go two do the other side and two on this side as well so with the one Gap there and then we're going to make this four again so basically doing the same as we started with and we'll do that on both sides so we make it 2x 4 again and then we're going to uh fill this in so we have this entire shape ending in those four and then we're going to go out here by seven for foundations so you have a long hallway basically and then of course four again here so we have it four wide and then connect it up and just fill in the entire floor well if you want some like wood in the middle you could also do that if you like the look of that so there we go this should be your fin foundation so the big long hallway and then this little end part for all your entrances to have your dinos come in and have your balconies and everything all right let's start with the dino Gates we Stone Gate here on the other side as well yeah right there and then one on the long end as well and nothing thing on the other end we're going to build normal windows and normal doors there um we Place some stairs here especially if you're building with like pillars and ceilings you definitely want to have stairs cuz you probably be a little bit higher there we go we got the stairs here so we can easily access the door and it just looks a little bit better than just having a random Foundation going on all right let's add in the doors for the gates as well so they are completed right away and that's that's the gates done for now um so this should be the foundation three gates on them and uh yeah it should look something like this let's grab our Stone pillars or beams in this case and let's go around the entire Foundation we'll leave rooms for where the doors are going to be so we'll leave the middle two open and then continue on connecting this all up there we go just follow the entire foundations here you want to go three out then leave one Gap and then three again cuz there's going to be another door there same on this side so three out one Gap and then three again and then you can just connect it up all the way to the gate again then um for the foundations here it's not that high so it's not really necessary to place these pillars below but just for the completionist in me I'll do it but especially if you're building with ceilings this will be necessary to have like enough Foundation support um this can be a little bit flicky sometimes getting the right snap points but it's just basically to complete it and if your foundation stick out a little bit higher this will make it look a little bit nicer have some extra details to the uh Foundation layer of the workshop um there we go we got that one in you might want to add some next to the gate as well um and there we go that [Music] corner there might be some spots where you have to work a little bit harder some spots you might not be able to place them it really depends on your landscape but just to make it all complete it should look something like this there we go I think we've done them all so now we have the entire foundation with the stone beams and stone pillars and then we can get started on some walls first off we're going to look where the doors are there's going to be two double doors here CU we're going to have a porsch porch SL balcony there going to have a double door on this side in the middle bit that we left open on both sides as well so that are going to be your extra doors besides the big Gates then we want to go to the uh well I guess the door without a frame at the top and we want to have them next to these double doors they're going to serve as some windows and we want to have them on the corners as well of this long bit there we go so I should have something like this we're going to have a lot of these cuz these I use as Windows and I want a lot of light to be able to come in here um so we're not going to use them all all as actual doors even though technically you could of course it's just to have a lot of light coming into the base which I like uh because you know it just looks nice and uh makees sure that you don't have to use too many torches orever to light up your base and then the rest we can start filling in with some normal wooden balls as well so just keep checking where you haven't placed anything now next to these Gates you can either go with a normal ball or more windows depending on your landscape or your situation and your preference of course any window you could technically uh switch out for just a normal wall if you would like or the location needs it so that's the first layer done then we're going add of course more layers cuz this is way too low especially uh for those Gates um but we're going to flip all the wood so we have a different texture on the outside um so yeah just connect the same windows in the same locations but just flip the wood around so we have the different texture I think that looks really nice both on the inside and on the outside so you have a little bit of uh diversity I guess um and you just go around all the walls and uh yeah place the same structure but flips I usually do one at a time so like you see right now I do all the windows first and then uh switch to the next type cuz it makes it a little bit easier instead of you know switching back and forth between building uh materials uh there we go just make sure that you keep flipping them around so we have the wooden beams on the inside right now um and the other side on the outside there we go skip those two and then this corner almost there there's a lot of walls in this it's a bigger structure of course but uh it does really work and I think you can fit most if not all machines you will need in this base and uh you'll be able to get in and out with most dinos except the very big ones of course there we go okay so we done all the windows now we can fit in the double door there and there and of course on this side as well just make sure they're all facing the right way and then we can fill in the last bits with normal walls as well um just to make sure that the walls are all completed there we go one more here oh that was not where it's supposed to go that's better all right let's fit this in as well so just keep filling in your walls until you have made sure that you have everything as it should be I think that is everything um oh no we missed one here there we go so your walls should now be three High uh one flipped one normal layer and then the other one flipped and then we'll do the pillars as well so on the corners of of course we want to go up with some wooden pillars to add some extra details to add some extra structure and around the gates we want to do it with stone pillars and we're also going to have beams going across so we're basically closing in the entire gate to add some extra support now um again Corner we definitely want to have a beam a wooden pillar there you can add some extra pillar for more detail personal preference you could all add all of them that I'm doing but you could also decide to do uh differently so we'll go here as well for the empty wall to spice that up a little bit and then on the side of the the main door cuz as I said the other doors are technically for us just windows so we're not going to place them everywhere but the empty walls I like to add them in and then of course this corner again we want to have some pillars and then around the gate we do the same thing with the stone pillars and then beams to just um make sure that we enclose the gate then here again the corners we want to have some wooden pillars wooden pillars here as well another Corner then I don't do anything on the front just on the corners here cuz um yeah this corner as well you could add of course more pillars but I don't think you need them on the front you could add them here or here but um I want the front to be basically a nice window and let in a lot of Light which helps if there's no pillars then another Gates some more Stone pillars to encase this gate as well make sure it fits in nicely with the rest of the structure uh and then we're almost completely done with the pillars um it's a big build so there's a lot of things to place but should be relatively easy once you've decided where you want your pillars but I think these look very nice add some structure to the build and just make it look a little bit more detailed l flat okay so now we can have our Greenhouse doors and basically fill in everything um just stack them on top of each other uh like so and these will be your windows and then of course in some parts they will be actual doors uh like this will be an actual door so let's open that just to make it a little bit more clear that's an actual door the rest of them we'll just use as Windows but I like having these narrow slits of light going in because it just means you have a lot of light uh coming in during the daytime which is very nice uh so you don't need all the Torches or all the lamps being on every time there we go and I think it also just makes the building look nice like instead of having boring flat walls or the tiny windows that we normally get there we go so just go around fill everything in and there's a lot of them so uh yeah just go around making sure everything has a door/ window in it and then here of course we have the double doors again these are going to be Doors door porch in this case could be a balcony really depends on where you're building oh there we go so those doors can be open and we should have something like this the complete building is now filled in at least the walls of it and then we're going to have to of course go up and build a roof in a second but yeah just want to make sure that you have placed all your doors to make the whole structure uh complete basically then we're going to be building the roof here I'll show you once and it's the same on all ends so you want to start with the quarter walls uh normally place them like this and one from the outside and then flip them around and place one on top of them this means that you can align the slope walls if it doesn't fit it means that you didn't flip them right uh then you could decide to keep the window going but I don't think it makes a lot of sense so I always just use normal walls to fill this in so that the roof part kind of ends the windows in a nice natural way then again we're going to do the same trick with these walls so we start with the normal orientations then we flip them and we place a second layer on top and then we're going to go in with the sloped wall connect it up and then we're going to go one up to make the roof meet each other in the middle and you'll have the natural one block overhang and you do that on all sides then we add in this little helpful bit at the top this will uh be helpful for the roof so don't forget to add that in as well so you should have something like this the roof on every end and a little help bit to make sure that we can actually uh snap the roofs in the right place cuz we'll be creating a little one or half a roof overhang so it's not too drastic and then we'll go into to the corner like this and then we can just connect the roof up again and we'll have the nice overhang on both sides I personally really like the look of this roof because I don't like the roof ending at the same length as the wall so this is a nice and easy way to get that natural looking overlap so now we want to fill in this second layer of the roof just connecting the roofs until we come to the corner and then we do all corner pieces like so should line up perfectly and then just fill in the other roofs as well then for the third layer it's going to overlap a little bit you want to make sure to place this one first now then we have to do something a little bit different to make it easier place this roof first so we can just connect this roof here cuz we need to make sure sure that the corner will align you can get rid of this one now and then we can make the corner align perfectly because we have the overlap in the roof and then on this side you can just fill in the roof like so um and then again you have the little overlap here so make sure nothing is sticking out and the roof aligns nicely so you don't have any weird roof pieces on the inside and you should have the corner like this now we're going to do that same corner on this side as well so basically repeating what we did on the other side so we start here in the middle then we connect the bottom part we make the corner right here and then we can continue with our roofs again we go one layer up we have the roof here we go to the corner build the corner of the roof like normal and then the slightly trickier part comes now we have already the guidelines so you can snap in the wall walls in the right place start with this one that makes it a little bit easier that's to line up the corner in the right way so that it overlaps uh without having any weird Parts on the inside and then you can have the normal roof on the end as well so it all works out and then you can go like so and like this so the whole roof on this side is done and we have no weird part sticking out on the inside that is very important to make it look all nice on the inside as well then we have the other side of the roof corners of course we're starting out very similar uh finding the right snap point with the little help we build and then we go to the bottom layer first to build in the roofs and go around the corner which should line up on the right spot and then we can have roofs again connecting up so we can make the corner like so which should I'll still line up without any problems like so so we have the corner going the right way then we want to start with the B the top layer which will be again a little bit more tricky to make a line up so make sure you have this ending here cuz that's where you can connect the corner to where weon get a nice corner and then we can fill in the rest of the roof as well so we have it like this we do the same on the other side as well so we want to make sure that everything lines up nicely uh like this you can see there's no weird overlap and no weird pieces on the inside so you start again with the little snap Point here with a little guide in the top sometimes just have to flip through them connect them up like so go for the corner build the corner piece here still easy second layer also still easy just line them everything up should be all fine and then the next layer again a little bit more tricky where you want to have uh the inside line up first so you go like this so you have the corner so you're sure that everything lines up and then you can just connect it like normally you should have no weird pieces on the inside very important uh and then we can continue the roof for this long hallway part first the bottom layer which should be relatively easy cuz everything should just line up like so so if we connect it here everything should be just connecting up and lining up and we'll have the little one overhang on the end so we'll do that on both sides so the bottom layer nice and easy like so and then we're going to go to the second layer we're going to go for the snap Point here cuz we need to make sure that we line it up nicely for the little uh roof extension that we're going to build on this part of the roof cuz otherwise it would be very flat and boring if we don't do anything so you want to have the bottom layer here or the top layer here first until the first three so it should line up like this and this is where we're going to do the corner pieces cuz we'll have the little extra part here so you should have something like this oh nope that's that's not right um yeah so this should line up basically with the door that we have in the middle of this part of the building so you have this lines up with the rest of the roof of course make sure you have no weird overlapping things in the corner and then you can do the middle part of the roof as well fill it in until you meet the little add addition that we just made and then the middle of it should line up with the middle of the door so so you should have something like this and then we can connect two more roofs to it to have a little bit more sticking out and then of course we want to fill it in cuz this looks kind of weird so we'll start out with adding these quarter walls or quarter ceilings to have uh a little bit of a foundation to work on get rid of this one this one is not needed uh so we should have something like this add in some walls to make sure that it looks a little bit nicer we don't have any cap so we should have this right now um and then of course we want to make a wall here cuz otherwise it's a big gap in our roof uh we want to have a window here get some light in on the top layer as well flip it like this we're going to add some glass to that later we could add the quarter walls here but we'll still have a gap at the top we'll have a lot of gaps too much air so we'll just use the slope wall even though it sticks out a little bit on the end don't worry about that just yet and then on the other side we basically want to do the same there we go so you should have something that looks like this um then what we want to do is we want to add well this is actually optional this is up to you if you like it or not uh I like to have a little extra ledge here to make it stand out even more so uh do we need those I don't think so uh there we go let's get rid of them for now uh so little LGE like this just to add a little bit extra detail want to add in some pillars here as well to fill in a little bit more of the Gap this is the best that we can do fill in the window as well or the door I should say so you should end up with something like so I think looks pretty nice and especially because the big uh roof otherwise would be very very B boring so let's make the same thing on the other side as well and then I'll show you the two variations you can do for this little extra uh part that sticks out so first off we're going to go three in with the normal roof to create this uh part where the roof sticks out a little bit corner like this and then we can just fill it in like so make sure that you have don't have any weird overlap on the inside so watch where you're placing your roofs but if you do it like this everything should work out fine and you should end up with the roof like this added long so and then we're going to go in with the ceilings down there uh we can add in two layers right away add in the little wall on the inside of course to make it look a little bit nicer uh there as well and then we're going to make the window again so we'll have this flipped outside sloped roof on the sides of course to fill it all in and then we add the pillars again to fill in the last little bit the top bit we can't really do anything about that but that's fine and then we'll add in the window as well so this part is all done so now we have the same on both sides this looks fine you can definitely use this um I think it looks okay definitely add some detail to what we want Buy be a very flat roof what you could do is oh uh that's not what you could do well you could do that but I wouldn't advise it so let's fill that back in as I said these are optional if you like the little ledge you can keep it but you could also decide not to have it so it would look like this it's a little bit cleaner and you still have the addition of the little roof to you know stick out of the long part without it being too boring then we want to probably add a corner piece here as well which should work without overlapping and it looks a little bit nicer or a little bit more smooth so this is another way you could add a little bit more variation and a little bit of a bigger out uh sticking portion to the roof on this side we'll do the other variation so again we'll add these cuz that connects up really nicely and then you can connect the ledge all the way to the roof bit which I think I personally think this looks really nice ledge just has a little bit extra detail along the roof there we go on the on the front side where we have the double double doors we want to start adding in the porch or a balcony depending on your location for now we're just going to go with the porch like so uh cuz we want to have a little bit of room on the outside that we can use to maybe add some extra decorations or some uh forges or whatever you want to add on your porch just have a little of extra space so we want to add some some pillars on these so like one in front of the building and go three up in total cuz we're going to add a little extra roof bit here as well as some extra detail so add in some quarter ceilings like this connect them all up and then we can make the little roof guideline again we start with one variation of the wooden quarter wall in the middle um like so and then we go to the other variation for the top layer so everything lines up with the sloped wall if you have gaps you use the wrong variation and we go for this shape again so we have the nice little roof piece here and again we need a little guidelines or help us for the snap points so you want to add some quarter ceiling here and then a quarter wall in between so we have the extra snap points that we need to place in the roof in the right way make make sure that you're watching where you place the roofs cuz you don't want to overlap to the inside of the building so you want to do it like this second one is easier if you place it on the other side first so you can just line it up with that and then you will have to get rid of it first before you can place the other ones cuz otherwise I don't think it will let you find the right snap point so again find this snap point and then try to find the snap point for the second roof without overlapping to the inside sometimes this can be a little bit tricky so it's just a matter of moving around pressing uh the button to to switch around all the snap points and have a little bit of patience oh there I think we had it there we cycle through there we go and then here you can just connect it up with the roof on the other side and we should end up with something looking like this I think that's adds a little bit of an extra character to the front or the back depends on what way you see the building um so let's move on with the porch so we have this little base figure so far um to give ourselves a little bit of extra space We'll add another layer here for the full ceilings and then we can make it a little bit more interesting shape cuz this is very square of course so what I like to do is add a layer of uh these quarter ceilings but then the tri angles uh to the outside so you get a little bit of a more interesting shape to your porch cuz the um the building is already pretty Square so I feel like it's nice to add a little bit more shape into these porch areas and you get a little bit of extra room this way as well we want to build some guidelines so we can place some pillars where we want them as supports uh so they don't stick out too much higher so definitely on all all these um Corners I think cuz then we can place the pillars like this instead of them sticking out too much there we go uh and actually I don't think this is lining up correctly will it let me do that or did I place the guideline on the wrong way might have might have placed the guideline yeah I don't think it will let me um um yeah cuz that one does all right so let's place the guideline here let's pick this up and now I should be able to place it like this I mean it doesn't really matter that much but it's just personal preference I like the pillars lining up this way um so let's get rid of these guides we don't need them anymore we can fill it in with fences in a little bit let's get rid of these guys as well let's check if all the pillars are facing the right way this is also um turned a little bit so let's add a new guideline so we can have it all nicely lined up with each other and then pick up the last one here and then we can fill in the fences the railings so we have the porch protected of course you could add multiple stairs wherever you want wherever you want it to connect to for me I'm just going to have one here in the middle uh I don't think we need like a big big stair but if you want that if you want to have like maybe a double stair on the side here or you want to have like three stairs in the middle or even bigger you can do that of course uh depending on what you need and what you want I think one is fine so we'll fill this in the stairs right there then we want to add some guides again first We'll add the railing if it will let me sometimes especially when going into the ground it might be a little bit more difficult so we'll add in the G guides first cuz sometimes the pillars will help adding another snap Point uh let's pick up these guides again oh yes let's pick these up uh there we go and then let's see if we can place the railing the way we want to now sometimes because it's in the ground a bit it it's a little bit more difficult but you should be able to uh get it in there maybe let's switch through all of them it doesn't seem to let me get the right one that we have on the other side so I think we'll have to accept this one maybe um in worst case scenario you just pick these for both sides uh and that's also fine so there we go we have the first porch here done looking nicely at the front then on the side we're going to add another porch as well so we'll start with some wooden ceilings and make make the shape you want you can make this as big as as small as you want to have it um I like to have these a little bit bigger so that you could add some uh crops maybe here or some extra details on the side just nice little additions to your base to be outside a little bit as well again on the end I like to add these so I have a nice shape of course you can do the same on the other side but let's just first focus on this one and you can repeat it on the other side the same way again the guidelines we use them for these pillars so that we can place them on the right height uh which just looks a little bit better and then we want to have pillars as well in the middle here cuz it does not really like an exact middle so we want to have one on this corner and then we're going to add one right in front or two right in front of the door because that makes the most sense again this doesn't really matter too much doesn't change too much so if you want to have them different or you have a different shape you want to have as a porch go for it um feel free to make your own variations and there we go we're connecting up all the railings and at the end of course we want to have some stairs going down some easy xes as well and it will actually let me Place everything nice there we go so this you want to place on the other side as well but for the time we'll skip that here all right so you should have something like this and then it's time to start adding some details to the roof and that of course means a lot of railings because that is the way to add detail now they are so versatile I like to add it like this of course again if you don't like to have all the railings that I show here you can do it differently but first we'll go around the uh border of the roof just to add a little bit more uh oomph to it a little bit more character and make it send out a little bit more uh because I think that is nice and we'll do the same on the big roof basically this is what you want to repeat on all sides so uh we have them sticking out uh with just the legs on the top and then we connect them the same way at the bottom so we have a nice railing going along the edge of the roof sometimes it can be a little bit tricky getting the right snap point but when once you start you should be able to connect the fences to each other uh to make it all line up nicely make sure to flip them the right way if they're not and then we have this on the front but now as I said we basically do this for all sides of the roof the same way so you just go along adding them at the top and then adding one railing below as well for the extra detail extra character to the end of the roofs I especially like the ends of the roofs just to stand out a little bit more uh and be less flat I guess uh there we go to this side as well just repeat it on all sides as I've said uh not that hard okay once you've done all that you want to add these railings as well on the ends of the roof so you just go around all of the building and add these sticking out because yeah again it adds some extra nice character to the build uh it's some more detail less flat lines I think it looks nice uh but if you don't like them of course you can leave this step out save yourself some railings but I think it looks very nice just had these little details sticking out like it's beams basically the the structure of the roof sticking out on the side uh and just go along the entirety to add all of the these let's do it on the other side as well um just to add this little trim basically there we go should be nice and easy and yeah we did that already so then what we want to do of course we want to do the details on these little bits as well shouldn't be too difficult they are not that big but you know might as well match the roofs on all sides so even these smaller ones we want to make sure they match up with the design of the rest of them very easy but I do think it looks nice because it just gets rid of those flat lines you have everywhere and it makes it a little bit more interesting to look at in my opinion um there we go should be done like so there we go then on the top of the roof I like to add the railings as well again just to add a little bit of more details standing out make it less flat uh and it's not too much effort to do it and it does in my opinion really make the build come to live just add that extra little bit to it there we go so we connect these up as well uh we have to be mindful of the overlap in the middle so we'll connect it like this and there we go again the lining up the snap points can sometimes be difficult but yeah you should have something like this and then of course we want to connect these as well because why not we might as well and it looks a little bit better in my opinion anyway you could add even more details to the roof like there's lots of little lines you could add but that's all personal preference so I won't do that in this tutorial for now all right there we go on the inside we have these gaps now for the roof so we want to fill in the quarter walls so that we don't see the outside anymore make sure that we have an airtight building here so you just want to go along all the edges and check if you have no gaps left like so just connect them all the way through because otherwise I mean doesn't doesn't look like you've uh you finished your base you know want to make sure we add them in along the entire edge of these wall walls also it really gives the uh Windows a nice finish because you have that little layer above it now instead of it just ending in basically nothing um which also makes it look a little bit better in my opinion um there that's not what we want can I pick it up probably not probably have to pick up the window there we go so yeah just add him all all of these bits until it's all filled in and then we want to basically make sure that we have the pillars make sure they're not sticking out of the roof cuz that might look weird so make sure they line up with the top of these quarter walls we just uh placed and just go around your whole build again um to fill in these last little bits of the pillars so they don't just end in nothing um and make it look a little bit nicer and make a little bit more sense uh like so so we just go around all of them that should be it and then on the big uh front part you could add even more supports like so uh to make it look a little bit nicer less flat for these big roof Parts again make sure they don't stick out of the roof and you can just fill them in like so um cuz I think just adds a little bit extra support on the outside as well you can do that on all sides of course where you have these bigger uh roof parts so again make sure you pick the right one so it doesn't stick out of the top and just fill in like so for some extra support on these end bits there we go this one as well just make sure that nothing sticks out where it shouldn't and there we go then on the front of course we can do the same there we go even though on this side you won't see it on the outside cuz we already added that extra level of detail of course but on the inside still you will see it just as completion you know you want to probably keep it all the same way okay and then on the outside as well we have of course the little extra roof sticking out which I mean it looks fine like this but you can add some extra beams to make it look even more uh supported so you probably want to add in these beams to make the structure all complet it and then we can do the same like so make sure nothing's sticking out and there we have it that should be the workshop completely done and you can start to decorate as promised I'm also going to show you what this Workshop looks like in my own Survival server I placed it in these ruins so I had to do a little bit of adjusting to make everything fit in the right way you know got rid of some windows because it's just facing like a cliff or some some walls of the ruins itself also instead of all the porches I have a little balcony at the front end and I have only one porch at one of the sides but this is what I mean with adjusting these builds to your own situation your own location and making it work for you I also have one of the big Gates that I can't use use because again there's nowhere to go there so instead of I turn it into a window uh which I think looks pretty nice as well so let's do a little walk around okay so here we go we're in my base inside the ruins and as you can see I lined up the gate on this end right here and I have the little porch on the side I have some water axes so that I can have my crops uh here growing and I have a little bench and table just to sit around you know join out side you know maybe have a tribe meeting if you need to discuss some plans uh and again we've got a feeding Tru and some plants here uh just so that everything is nicely detailed and then for the main hallway as you can see you got a lot of storage on the sides here a lot of walls and as you can see I don't have any of the windows on this side but that's because I'm facing a cliff and some walls so there's nothing to see got a grinder here we got a chemistry or uh yeah chemistry thing here we got um the fabricator here so all the machines that you should need should be able to fit and make all the noises they do we got this gate where I couldn't uh go anywhere so I made it into a window by placing the railing from Stone and then just flipping upside down wood every way until the top got a little Smithy here with the map we got the te is going down a little bit steeper here but it does look very very cool for easy access to everything where I need to craft with my dinos as I said I didn't have room for the big porch but I turn it to this little balcony where I can still enjoy the view and you know appreciate my base if this will let me do it yeah oh nope not that there we go so a little balcony here to still have some outside space and yeah this should pretty much be everything you need need you have plenty of space to fit it all in uh let's turn off all these machines cuz they make so much noise I built it with ceilings and that left me these secret rooms for my generator so I can place it below because it's all ceilings instead of Foundations so that's another uh you know advantage of using ceilings instead of normal foundations cuz you can hide it there but otherwise you can just place it normally inside the building I think it's a pretty nice build it's definitely big enough to fit everything in you could I guess add second layer if you would want to but this works for [Music] [Music] me
Channel: Etholdir
Views: 5,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etholdir, gaming, gameplay, ark survival ascended, ark ascended, ark house, ARK house tutorial, ark build tutorial, ARK, ark survival, ark starter house, ark asceneded starter house, starter base, ark starter base, ark ascended starter base, tutorial, ark tutorial, ark ascended tutorial, ark starter house tutorial, ark ascended starter house tutorial, best base location, best starter base location, Build tutorial, building guide, ark build guide, ark how to build, how to build
Id: Jah4RtCxMEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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