3 Simple Starter Bases For Ark Survival Ascended

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welcome back to another Ark survival ascended video and in this video I'm going to show you how to build free simple starter bases for Ark this is going to be a new video series so make sure you subscribe like and share and you can even join my Discord and show off your own builds if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments below and I also just want to say now that these are not good long-term bases if you're on a PVP server they are purely stter bases just to get you going so to start things off this is base number one and here are the materials you'll need so let's get into it so to start things off we're going to build a wall that is 13 long and 13 wide we'll be using Stone pillars and stone walls but we'll flip the stone walls inside out just make sure you put a pillar after every wall this will help with elevated terrain now if you go too high just make sure you put a pillar underneath a floating pillar again just to support the foundation and we'll tidy up with walls later [Music] now we're going to be building gateways in each of the four corners what you want to do is delete the two walls and pillars that are just to the left or the right of the corner walls just try and line it up as best you can you won't get any clipping issues on official and there is no snapping points for this [Music] [Music] and that's what the base is looking like so far nice little shape now we're going to be tidying up the walls so the walls are two blocks high on this base but you'll find because we've built on uneven ground there'll actually be three layers of walls so just go along and fill all the gaps but like I said make sure that by the gates they are two walls High [Music] [Music] [Music] now go around with stone pillars and attach it to the walls that we've just put down now I made a mistake earlier by placing a Gateway down without all the pillars being built so just pick up the Gateway put the pillar down then put the gate back down where it was otherwise you can't snap the pillar there because the gate will obstruct it next add horizontal Stone pillars all around the walls of the base starting to look good now lovely [Music] jubly now attach reinforced gates to the gateways and that is the walls of the base done [Music] next we'll be building the house so this is going to be six long and Six Wide we'll be using Stone foundations primarily but because of the uneven ground we may have to switch to Stone ceilings and using Stone pillars just to help support the base and then obviously with the gaps we'll put some stone walls down [Music] want [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now that that's done let's add a layer of stone walls facing outwards again cuz I like the wood for the Aesthetics and a Gateway this will allow us to have dinosaurs come in and out of this space above the stone walls we're going to add a layer of wooden walls now make sure they're facing outwards cuz again it looks more aesthetically pleasing but if you don't want that you don't have to and just use a good mix of Windows and solid walls you can even use doorways with railings in if you [Music] want so we're going to place two SE ceilings here and this is for later use of a balcony and then we're going to add another layer of wooden walls again use a good mix of solid Windows doorways with rails you're cool for the balcony you can either block it off with a wall or you can block it off with some railings it's completely up to you I'm going to use a solid wall and then two railings at the front and that's how the house is looking so far starting to look good now go around the base and add horizontal and vertical Stone pillars all the way around next we'll add Stone ceiling to the base go all the way around with this [Music] and then we'll finish up the roof with horizontal Stone pillars and stone railings so we'll be adding to the roof by putting a wooden structure in almost like a lookout sort of mini Watchtower but it also lets us get onto the roof as well so we'll be building it out of wooden walls and we'll be going too high we'll also be adding wooden triangle roofs now we'll add three I'm going to flip them cuz I think it looks aesthetically better but we'll add three before we go to an angle so it's free straight and then angle it go along free again angle it and so [Music] forth [Music] finish off this roof with wooden triangle ceilings flipped upside down and you're going to have to add wooden triangle ceilings to the bottom of these roofs to allow us to snap walls to it otherwise it's an absolute nightmare now just finish up by adding walls now you can add solid walls Windows doorways it's your call now the inside triangles that we used you can either get rid of them or actually keep them just for a bit more aesthetic on the inside now just finish up by adding wooden pillars all the way around this structure and then that's that bit done lovely [Music] jubly [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] okay Base number two here are the materials needed all right let's get building start by adding six wooden triangle foundations in a hexagon shape then add six wooden doorways flip them so they're facing out cuz I think they look aesthetically better and then we'll add six wooden stairs so we can actually get through the doorway now there may be one that you won't be able to put stairs on because it's too far into the ground but that's absolutely fine [Music] [Music] [Music] now add two layers of solid wooden walls [Music] next add six wood roofs facing outwards and then in between them we'll use wooden triangle [Music] roofs [Music] next we'll add six wood ceilings and wooden triangle ceilings in between the [Music] gaps so you can add a hatchway here for the ladder so it'll go all the way down however you'll be left with this big gap so what I'd recommend is actually not adding a hatchway for this and having a ladder that's almost separate from the hatchways that are going to lead up and you can cover the Gap with wooden triangle ceilings now we'll add some wooden railings all the way [Music] [Music] around after the railings We'll add wooden pillars all the way around and then fatch roofs we'll only be using six fatch roofs and the gaps in between them we'll use wood triangle roofs but we'll flip them because again I just think it looks better and then we'll add wooden railings that are flipped and at an angle on the fatch roofs they can clip into each other even on a ficial so don't worry and it just tops off the roof basically or you can use wooden triangles or a ceiling just to completely cover it up [Music] for [Music] [Music] now all that's left to do is just add some last little touches such as Stone pillars and the ladders to actually get up [Music] there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] last but not least Base number three and here are the materials you'll need so let's get building so we're going to add five Stone foundations and then on top of those foundations we're going to put two wooden doorways and then wooden walls again use a mixture of Windows or other doorways is completely your [Music] cool [Music] then we're going to build four wooden ceilings and a hatchway that way we can get up and down we don't not be using stairs in this base and then on top of those we're going to add two more doorways and more wooden walls [Music] and then we're going to go in one last time at another hatchway more wooden ceilings and more wooden walls and of course two doorways so we can get out to the uh the little balconies [Music] that is looking good so far nice cute little tidy base so in front of the doorway we'll add a wooden ceiling two wooden walls and two wooden stairs it just makes the entrance look a lot [Music] better now add wooden railings on all of the [Music] balconies [Music] thank you so much for watching your support is always appreciated and I said before please do subscribe like and share this video as it really does help out out and if you want to show off your own base builds join my Discord any suggestions you have leave them in the comments below and don't forget to check out my other art content and I'll see you on the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] oh
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 10,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended tricks, tutorial, ark creation, ark 5 simple, ark 3 simple, easy ark survival ascended ideas, ark survival ascended hacks, useful ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended starter house, ark survival ascended starter base, ark pve base, ark first night house, ark first house, ark easy house, ark easy base, 3 simple bases, ark survival ascended base build tutorial, 3 simple starter bases, asa, ark base ideas, ark base designs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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