ARK: Survival Ascended | Viking Longhouse | Build Tutorial

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hello there welcome back to another Arc survival ascended build tutorial and today we're going to be building this Viking L house I actually designed this as part of my let's build castle black live streams but it turned out very Viking looking so I figured might as well make a tutorial about it as a standalone building I think it looks pretty good it's very big on the inside so you have plenty of possibilities but first let's get started okay and of course we need to get started with the foundations now for this build I think it's easier to do this with pillars and ceilings uh depending on your landscape of course but you want to have a decently High pillar to get started with so everything will fit no matter what the landscape will look like and then we'll go three wide before we of course have to place another pillar but this is also the way we will kind of uh decide the size of our build so three and then three more to the side so we'll get a six in total and this is going to be the corner of the build so uh depending on where you're building this you might want to figure that out as well so then we have a six long and this is where you want to go out by one so we're going to go out one to the side and this is where we'll have three again um and we can connect this up actually with the first part and this this is of course where we will need some more Foundation some more pillars to actually be supported and we can go with beams all along the side um all right and then we can go three out again basically doing the same as on the other side so we'll go out for a total of six first we'll have to do some pillars though three more and then we're at the other corner of the building so this is the length of the building uh well we're actually going to build a little side bit here as well but yeah this is the corner for the longest part so we'll do the pillar there as well and then you'll go out by two and then we'll make a little uh side part here as well so we have two ceilings and then we'll go out by two as well and this is where we'll Place some more beams and some more pillars to support everything so 2 two is what you want and then this is just going to be a little 2x two addition to our main build which want of course go around with the beams make sure it's supported with the pillars because otherwise you can't continue and then we'll go out by two again before we reach another corner and that is basically the shape of this build so now we have the two then the little addition and then another two and this is what we need so now we're just going to repeat whatever we did on the other side on this side as well so we'll go out by three make sure we have all the beams and pillars in place go out by another three we'll Place Another pillar uh and beams and this is of course where we go out by one again so this is where we have this little addition and then here we want to have another pillar actually want to have pillars on this part as well just for the looks and we'll go around with beams don't go around with beams on the front just in the middle cuz we're going to have some doors there and I think that looks better if you don't have a a beam going across the then we're going to go three out here again and then we're almost done with the shape of the build so three more and then we reach another corner of the longest part of the build and then we'll go in by uh well we actually can go across now but we'll go in by two and have a little 2 by two again and then we'll just connect everything with beams like so and of course make sure it's connected with pillars as well just because it looks a lot better if you do that and then you should end up with a shape like this and then of course you can fill in everything with ceilings now the good thing about building like this if you do need like some extra storage or maybe you want to place a generator down but you don't want to have it inide you can actually easily now make a basement underneath this base and you know hide your generator and maybe some storage as well very easily without uh having to uh you know do any any effort or building another layer on top of your base all right there we go everything is filled in now of course we want to make sure that we've got walls all around so it's an actual foundation and not just some floating uh ceiling so we'll go around all the way in every corner um we don't have a pillar yet we definitely want a pillar just because it looks a lot better now depending of course on your landscape you might sometimes have to place more than one wall just make sure that it fits all all the way up until the bottom um cuz that looks way better of course there we go so we're just going to go around the entire build like this until it's all completely um filled in and there's no floating bits anywhere so there we go now we needed to have an extra wall beneath so make sure it's all filled in and there's no gaps so you just go around all build trying to fill this in and this is our foundation I just find this a lot easier cuz if you start with normal foundations usually especially in most places it isn't flat enough for big this build or what build this big um so you'll run into some problems so you want to make sure uh just to start with the pillars it's just easier don't have to worry about running out of space or anything uh but you could technically also do this with normal foundations if you would prefer and you have a big enough flat space it's really weird that I can't fit anything under that but let's just continue filling this all in we're almost there um yeah this shouldn't be too hot it's just a matter of filling it all in and then we're up on the front and you should have something like this as your base Foundation now now we're going to continue at the front of the building where we had the doors we're going to have another row of three we can actually get rid of this one that's not supposed to be there so we'll add some pillars in here as well as supports and also just for the looks and this is where we want to have some Stone stairs going up to your front door basically you'll have a little uh Stone porch I guess uh just to get up to the door and uh you know look out over whatever your area looks like now of course I'm building today in the snow because I think that fits the Viking aesthetic but I think this build will pretty much work anywhere you want to build it let's fill in this front as well just with stone walls so that's all complete and then we'll add in some uh pillars as supports for our uh little wall that we're going to build so we want to have these quarter walls first cuz then we can have the pillars half height which looks a lot better if you do it with uh the railings so you can now get rid of of those cuz we just needed them to get the right snap points and you actually want to create those snap points at the end of this stairs as well depending how deep they go into your landscape I think this is still all right because it just will make the railings look a little bit nicer uh in my opinion because then you actually have somewhere for them to end so we'll do the same on the other side as well there we go and then we'll have something like this and then we can fill in the railings make sure the stone bit is on top and then just place them all along like this but I think just having the pillar at the end makes it look a little bit nice and a little bit more uh connected and a little bit more complete I guess okay so we should have something like this that's going to be our front and now we're going to place more pillars we're going to go too high basically on all the corners and also there in the middle um just to basically continue the pillars that we already had for the most part um because that's going to help us building this first level of the build so just go along everywhere and every corner or where there was already a pillar so in the middle of those uh longer bits you just want to place more pillars and then on the ends here the little adjusted bits we want to place pillars on every part because we're going to have some nice Windows there as well um so just go around all the baild placing these pillars just to make it a little bit easier to have some idea of uh where you are building cuz as soon as we're going to place walls it's going to get confusing if you don't have the pillars yet I just find this it's an easy build guide basically to see how far along the building you are or how many walls in you are um so there we go we're almost there and there we go so you should have something like this and then we can of course get started on the walls now what I like to do first is figure out where I want to have some doors now we definitely want to have two double doors both on these sides and where I want to have some windows now I definitely want to have some bigger windows on this end so I'll use the tall doors for that oh let's place that right there cuz then you can have some very tall Windows letting a lot of Light which is nice of course um because otherwise the build is going to be quite dark and then we're going to have the smaller windows so the normal windows I guess and we're going to place them in the middle of the longer bits of our building uh so that we have some more light coming in now as pretty much every time that I do a build if you want more windows or Windows in different places feel free to change that around of course uh it doesn't really change that much to the builds in general and then basically for the rest we just want to start filling in the walls um there we go just go around everything else to fill in with normal walls so that we have the first level of our build completely walled off and uh done there we go so yeah just go around and if you think uh no I want a window here because I want to enjoy the view of course that depends on your location and your preferences but this just makes it very easy to do that first and then fill in everything else so you have less switching around with the wall types to do there we go so we'll just continue to fill everything else in so that we have a first layer complete of the build the easy part completely done so yeah just go around continuing filling everything in um so that we have a complete wall and now if you're wondering why I didn't have any walls or any windows in these 2x two bits that's because we're going to have our staircases there to go up to the next floor in this case I think it's makes sense to have them on both sides because then it's easier to get around but of course again that's personal preference but we'll see that in a little bit when we get to doing the next floor first we'll have it all along like this okay and then of course we want to add in some of the doors and windows so we'll have some reinforce doors right here just love the look of these and then we want to fill in these smaller Windows as well with the reinforced doors I like them to be at the top but if uh your personal preference is something else doesn't really matter too much I just like the look of them going up and then here I'm going to have Greenhouse doors up uh stacking each other you can also add some um rope leers on the outside to look like shutters but that is Person of reference because it will make it even harder to see through those window so maybe if you want the view don't do that okay so don't mind the stone beams that I placed here that was my mistake but you want to go along on the top of all these walls we just created with some uh wooden beams to prepare for the next layers so don't mind the fact that I'm now having to destroy all my stone beams but um yeah I I I messed them around but yeah you definitely just want to use wood beams because of course you'll see these beams on the next layer as well and I think wood looks a little bit better for that than having Stone still poke through so yeah we're just go along all the edge and placing these beams in um like so and then we're ready to start on the next floor now we want to start by these 2 by tws cuz then we can also add in or staircases as well so you want to start with the floor like this then you want to add in the stair in the corner going down I really like these well rotating stairs for that even though they're kind of square still um they just work very well the ending and then we can basically fill in everything else all along so we just go all along the floor filling it all in uh oh hopefully not messing up too many times there we go and yeah just to fill in the next floor this uh yeah it's a it's a pretty big build um now if you're going to build this for your survival main base and you want to fit in the industrial Forge in particular because that's quite a tall boy you could also leave like a gap in the middle and build like a little uh balcony through the first floor so you have the room for that big structure but for this build we're just keeping it very basic and then we'll have another staircase going down on this side and we'll continue with filling everything in until we have the next floor completely available so yeah again if you want to add in the industrial Forge in case this is going to be your main Base main building you definitely want to um create some type of Gap uh somewhere in the middle probably create like a balcony where you can look from this floor to the first floor and then you can just have your big industrial Forge in the middle of that because in total the building is definitely high enough but um I don't know if the height of the normal floors would be big enough to house an industrial Forge so just in case you're planning on using this as your main build you can probably do that because you will have a lot of space in this house um but you might want to have something like that to solve the industrial Forge then we're going to actually add a balcony in these little uh adjustments that we made the three outs we're going to add another layer to that just to make a little balcony on both sides now you want to decide where your door is going to be and remove the beam there I like the doors to be on the same side at both sides but you could do change that around of course so you want to add in a normal door there uh the wood facing outwards like normal for this cuz I think that fits a little bit better in this case but you could also flip the wood around if you like that look better it doesn't really matter too much and then you want to have these high doors in the middle going to create more windows there and then just normal uh walls in the corner like so then we want to use some quarter walls connect them to the first layer like this then flip to the variation and place one on top so it all fits together nicely and then we're going to have some sloped roof pieces on the end to create our roof shape and include a little bit of overhang on the side and then you just basically want to finish the roof shape with the slope roof pieces like so then we have the first of our roof shapes in place but of course there's many more to come because we have quite a big build to go we want to fill this in again with some Greenhouse doors to make the windows and again you can add some letterers on the outside to act as like shutters but you will be able you will be able to see even less through those Greenhouse doors than you can right now now on the outside of the balcony we want to create some supports with the sloped walls like this definitely on the sides but you can also add them in the middle as well if you want to make it look even more supported and it's also just a nice way to add in some extra details on the outside as well now we can do the same on the front of the building as well so the same um supports like this and then we want to add in some more support for for the balcony as well basically just going along with some beams along the Bottom now this is personal preference I think it looks pretty good it makes it feel a little bit more supported but you could also leave them out if you don't like the look of the beams along the balcony because it does make it a little bit more chunky of course then we want to add in some railing just normal railing on the back and then the same on the front on the front you actually have another option because if we have these pillars from down here and we add wooden pillars on top it perfectly aligns with our balcony so you could make it look like this if you want to make it even more supported and more connected to the first floor but that is optional you can also just leave those pillars out like on the back so then we're going to add in some more windows just like we did on the first floor we're going to add in the normal windows in the middle of those 3x uh 3x uh three long bits um and that's basically most of the windows done and then you can also add some windows on the end of the 2x two bits uh just to leave some uh get some more light in and yeah have a little view to enjoy while you go up the stairs and then for the rest you basically just want to fill in all the walls again all around so that we have our next layer complete so we'll just go along all the build filling in these walls and until everything is connected make sure the walls are all facing the right way of course with the wood type and again I'm using the wood normally I guess which I don't do very often uh but if you want to change the wood around so have the beams on the inside that's also an option of course but I think just for the Viking look and especially here in the cold it makes a little bit more sense if the beams are on the outside um all right we should have something like this and then it is time to add in some pillars because we didn't do that and now it's very hard to tell where we are especially in the longer bit so again we want to add in some on all the corners and then in the middle of those longer bits just to divide them up a little bit basically just continuing the pillars that we've had for all of the build just to add in that little bit of extra detail all around us and then we should have something like this we can have some pillars along this window as well on both sides just for some extra details and then a beam on top as well um so it should be looking something like this there we go so yeah we have a lot more to build and we're going to start on the uh roof shapes on both sides so you want to add in the normal quarter walls and then the variation and then we can add a normal wall on top of that going across um actually we don't need these middle bits so probably don't place them that's just easier to not and then we're going to add in the slope roof on the side and we're going to pretty much do the same here on the front so first the first variations and then the second variation of the quarter walls here and then we're going to make the shape with these sloped walls now I think this is probably going to be impossible on official surface from what I've heard from your comments so you might have to go for a simpler roof shape here and I'm going to add in these little supports for my snap points but we'll get back to that in a little bit I'm going to continue this shape with the sloped roof because we of course just want to have this shape going all along and then we can have some walls some quarter walls again to connect to the roof and make sure to use the right variation so there's no Gap in between and then we can have some normal walls to connect the two and then we can actually use our sloped roof like this to create this little shape and again we'll continue this shape all the way because we just want to have a nice and pointy roof shape so we'll have some more slope roofs have a normal roof in the middle oh normal wall or actually no this is going to have to be the quarter walls again because we need the different snap points so first normal variation Auto variation and then we can have the other sloped walls as well again this is probably going to not be possible on official I'm very sorry uh I don't know how you would fix it probably go for more simpler shape and then we want to end in the sport like this for the snap points in a little bit then we have this on one side we of course also need this on the other side but for now I'm just going to cut that out so just build the same thing on this side okay we want to place uh a quarter wall down there and actually remove the one on the top for the end bit of the roof cuz now we're going to create some of the Viking details of the roof so we want to flip around and we have the slope roof like this and then connect one under like this this is what we're going to do for all the end bits of every roof piece we have because that's basically the little vik touch the little Viking look that we want to add to our roof on all sides um so yeah you want to have this little platform where you can connect the slope wall to and then flip it around for the bottom I like to make sure that these orientations of these walls are all the same on every side so that it makes more sense CU of course they look like this on one side and they have the beams on the other side so yeah we want to do the same here as well so again we're going to add a little platform here and then we're going to add the quarter wall underneath and then we're going to add in the sloped wall and just go through the snap points I flip this around because I want to have the same type of wood on all sides and we're just going to continue doing that on all of these ends because we want to have that on every roof end basically um and then what we can do here is add in a quarterb to you know kind of finish off the look for these ones it's going to be a little bit more challenging because you can't actually add in these quarter ceilings on the right place because we didn't do the same thing as on the other side so what you want to do first is place the ceiling then go up with the quarter wall and then you can actually place the ceilings in the right spot that we need them to be and then you can actually remove the first ceiling afterward so we don't need that anymore and then we can do the same shape on this side now we want to have it like this and then going back in like so it's going to little bit in interfere with the window that we have underneath but I don't mind it too much because I do really like this shape on the end of the roofs I do think it makes it feel a lot more like a proper Viking L house and it's just nice to add a little bit more detail into your roof so again I want to have the same side of the wall on this end as well then we have all these ends connected and we can finally get started on the roof properly uh that is going to be a little bit of work because as you can see it's quite a big building quite a big roof and we have some intricate details to add in so you want to actually add a normal wall quarter wall on top of these again cuz we'll we'll use that as a snap point so I'm just going to go around and place one of these quarter walls on all sides and I actually want to make sure that I have the same orientation you don't really see it but technically of course you can still see it on the inside so I just for my own sanity I like to make sure that they're all the same on every side and and yeah that looks a little bit better now we can actually get started on the roof we'll use that as a snap point to get a little overlap on the outside and on the bottom as well now you want to get the other snap Point actually because otherwise we'll overlap with the wall and then we can just connect it like this then for the other side we basically want to do the same we want to have one more roof like this because we're going to use the other roof as an other snap point but first again we repeat this little trick get the two snap points next to each other for the bottom layer now we want to place this roof like so so we can connect it properly to the wall and then we're going to use the other roof we just placed on the other side as a snap point so we can easily place the other one as well and now we can use those roofs as the right snap point for that so that should be the little end bit on this side of course we're going to do the exact same on the opposite side as well so get the right snap points first for the bottom layer of the wall of the roof and then we'll do the top roof again now uh for official probably this is going to be difficult so you might have to figure out a little bit of a simpler way to do it I really don't like that you can't have this overlapping and collision on official cuz it just makes building that much easier to have that flexibility so again we want to place these roof like so so we can line them up perfectly with the wall and use the other side to get the last bit in at the right spot like so and then we have both of these and bits pretty pretty much done we're going to add a pillar on the end of this sloped wall and then on the top we actually want to add in some of these railings and then going up like so to add in the last little bit of detail for the roof we'll do that for these ends eventually we're going to end up doing that for all of the roof um just because you know we want to add in a little bit of detail on the roof as well cuz we have quite a lot of it okay so let's add in these pillars on the end and we can already do that so that we don't forget because we have a very big roof still to build as you can see we only did a very small part and I think now the hardest part of the roof is going to be building these corners for the side bits so what you want to do you want to start lining up the roofs on the end first you can actually go all the way to the top like so and we're just going to do that for the other side as well just so that we have that as a starting point for our roof before we start working towards the corner um so let's actually do that on this side as well just want to make sure that we have the starts of the roof in because we're going to work from that that just makes it a little bit easier uh make sure that you can line everything up right that's usually how I design every roof I just start from the end and go to the point where some roofs will meet like here we're going to um also start with adding in these wall or these roofs first lining them up and then we're going to figure out how to make the corner and it actually is not too difficult so we want to add in the roof like this and now we want to see how far we can get by just doing a normal roof basically so I'm going to go all the way across here we're going to have have the crossover now what I want is for the wrong roof to line up with the wall and this roof can just make a normal corner like this cuz that's going to just align with the roof but what I would like for the bottom part is actually to line up with the wall cuz now we have a gap um and I think what I should have done was actually not place this yet but first get the other snap point for the the roof so I don't know if I still can cuz that's not the right one I need to be one lower so probably what I need to do is first get this snap point so I can get this snap point and now we can have the the roof all the way to the wall which is what we want so I probably made it a little bit too complicated I'll show it way easier on the other side um because it's actually not too hard it is a little bit of an overlap of the roof but we're not going to see that in the end so what you want to do is get rid of this one first look for the second snap point on these quarter ceilings that we've placed then have the roof go down like this so that you have it fit to the wall um and we can actually just place in the rest of this roof as well there we go um let's get rid of the top one for now because we might be connecting that a little bit differently but at least for the bottom layer this should be easier cuz now we can just come from this side go all the way along and build the corner without any problems and we already have the roof in place like this and I think actually for the second layer it's going to be way easier as well we can just go all the way across like so we can build a normal roof like this and we can just have a normal corner here so not too complicated and then we're already uh done cuz the next layer we can go straight through like normal so we're just going to fill all this in with roof and then it should all perfectly line up which is always nice when that happens um all right so that's one side done should look like this we have the nice connection let's do that on the other side as well so again we're going to start from these snap points here first place this and then get the second one in as well and then connect it to the wall and connect it all the way down oh no not like that not like that but uh like this that should be the way and then we can fill in this one actually yeah we can we'll fill in oh nope again not like that sometimes these snap points can be a little bit tricky or I can be a little bit impatient by um clicking too fast okay we should have that there then we can con connect this roof very easily making the corner like so we can do the same on the other side as well um there we go now we're getting the roof together now it's starting to look like something and then we can just connect it all the way through like this as well and then of course here we're going to have another Corner going in like this and then the roof will just connect perfectly love it when a roof just lines up very nicely sometimes it can be a hassle especially just starting out with a new build but when you finally get the hang of it it's just very nice if it all works out like this okay so now we are very far along with the roof what we want to do is actually Place roofs all along just from here so we only will leave the very very top open for now so we'll just go across all the way which is also nice but you just can go all the way across but because as you can see we're creating a a big roof so if we wouldn't do anything special at all at least in my opinion this is a little bit boring so we want to spice it up a little bit and that we do by basically going from the end of the roof now we'll go five pieces in so we have 1 2 3 4 five that is what we need and we do that on both sides so here again we want to make sure we have five in total leave the little Gap in the middle to create the extra layer of roofing on top to add in some more detail so we should have something like this and then we want to connect it with some quarter ceilings so you want to have quarter ceilings on both sides going across like this then we'll have some quad walls to make um the little shape that we're going to be connecting the next layer of roofing to so again you can decide what side of the wood you want to have on the outside we'll do this on both sides actually um so we're just going to create this little shape and we can actually connect this wall all the way to the other side because B basically we're just we're B we're basically building a roof for the roof just a little addition but I feel like that fits this style very well and it also just breaks up the roof a little bit more add a little bit more detail and it's a little bit nicer to look at so then on the ends we can actually make this as well just to look look a little bit nicer and we'll use it for SNAP points eventually and then on the ends we'll just add in sloped walls like this I will'll do that there as well just to finish that look cuz then from the inside at least it will also look normal and we won't see all of our little snapping guidelines that we're going to place between those walls so we're going to have some ceilings like this there we go and then we're going to actually build the final roof in here but we'll need some more snap Point guidelines so you can actually fill this in all the way through because on top of that we're going to place our little quarter walls we'll do that on both sides of course cuz we want to build those snapping guidelines and I probably want to make sure that they're facing the right way just to stay on track with everything else and then on top of here you actually want to place the um the slope wall again for the little detail bit that we have on the end on all or roofs and then we have it going in like this as well and then we do the same on the other side again there we go and now we want that last little bit of the guidelines here so we'll place in some ceilings on this layer as well just to get some extra snap points and then we want to have the little quarter wall on top of there as well because again the snap points is what we're looking for now we can get started with the roof itself and you want to have this snap point and then go all the way across like this nothing too complicated once we've placed everything down and then we'll do the second layer of the roof as well just completing it like this all the way to the other side and then we'll fill in this side as well basically doing the same so get this snap Point first go all the way across and then actually what you want to do um you can also do this later on the inside we want to fill in this wall as well so that we don't have any gaps anymore uh but while you're on the wall especially if you're building this in survival might be easier to do this before you close everything off and you have to build up from the inside or somewh um there we go just all the way across so that we don't have any gaps anymore and then we'll fill in the rest of the the roof like so should be very easy if you're at this point and then of course add some pillars on the ends and then now what we want to do is want to add in all the railings on top of the roof as details so basically for every roof you want to make sure that we get these railings in sometimes the snap points can be a little difficult cuz basically what you want is you want a railing that ends just before the bit that's going up it's not really wanting to work with me here um go come on please please please please well let's try it on this side maybe this will give us the point that we need come on there we go that's the one we need cuz then we can go all the way across like this we just connect them up and then on the ends we can actually go up like this to create the final detail and that's basically what you want to do for all the roofs so make sure that it ends just before the little bit that we build and then go all the way across and then on the ends have it go up like this we can connect it all the way across uh make sure that you don't overlap into into the inside of the wall and then we'll go up like this so we do that everywhere basically and then afterwards we can do a little bit of the size so here again basically want to do the same here we want to make sure that we don't go into the roof we connect it like this but as you can see that will overlap so we want to have the overlapping in the middle instead so we're going to try and find the right snap point oh there we go there it is then we can have the one going up and we can connect it like this so we want to do that Everywhere You could also connect up this part like so um that's personal preference I don't think it's necessary but you could do that if you like the look of that a little bit more again let's do that on this side as well so maybe let's get this snap Point first if it will let me yeah snap points can be helpful but sometimes they're just playing hard to get I guess so we'll connect this up and then have it go up like this as well so we'll have this detail all along the top of the roofs and then we actually want to have this railings connect to the ends of the roofs as well to add in that last little bit of detail and you want to basically do this all around and for all of the roofs just make sure you don't overlap to the inside um yeah then on the inside we're going to add some more pillars first off we're going to add in the pillars for the staircases here just to make it a look a little bit more sported we can actually add in a railing first we're going to head in this quad wall so we can snap the pillar to the right point and then we can actually remove the guideline again and place the railing down like so going to do the same bit on the other side of course so we want to have the railing here so we'll have the guideline we'll place the pillar and we'll get rid of the guideline again then there's a lot to do on the inside here because you can see there's a lot of gaps so we want to add in another row of quarter walls basically all across the wall so that we fill in all of the gaps that are still here I don't know why there's a railing here let's get rid of that and let's go all the way across filling everything in basically making sure there's no gaps to be seen and we have a nice looking building here there we go so we'll just fill that in all the way across there we go like so like so like so and then we should be able to just finish this all nicely there we go all across it's uh not the most entertaining work but I mean we don't want any floating bits and and gaps inal building and now we're almost done we just need to add a last couple of details before we have the Viking holes in Arc and we can start on the interior um but we're not going to add that to this video because this video is already uh quite long probably yeah because it's a it's a big build but yeah this should serve you very well as a as a base I think it's it's definitely big enough okay now we've got all the walls fixed we want to add in the pillars make sure they don't overlap to the outside cuz it's very weird if you have like uh pillars sticking out of your roof uh you could add in some beams but I don't think you'll need them on these places uh personal preference though if you want to add in some extra once so we'll go fill in all these places make sure to get the right snap points we want to actually Place some pillars here as well again make sure that they don't overlap to the outside and then um yeah just make sure that you have all the corners nicely filled in sometimes can be can be a little bit tricky to see which ones you've done and which ones you've not done so just go around make sure to check everything to make sure you don't forget any place um like so I think we're almost there we did that one we need to do this one we need to do this one all right and then on the ends of course we can add in some of the pillars like so like we did on the other side um like this and you can add in some beams as well if you prefer there's a lot of places where we can have these snap points so just depends on what your personal preference is like where you want to add in some beams I like to add in these pillars as well for the supports and then maybe have some here on the top as well cuz then we can actually have these beams and it all connects together and you can add in some more as I said there's so many snap points now where we've created these walls that you can easily add in all the supports that you like um cuz it does add a little bit to the build it makes it look more supported literally and sometimes that makes just a little bit more sense to have those so I'll definitely want a pillar there as well and then probably do the same thing as on the other side here so have the beams right there um cuz I think that's what we did right yeah that's what we did and then we have these pells going up as well connecting we these pillars and then some beams to connect it all together oh nope that went too far too many snap points uh but yeah this is what we want for sure and then we have I think we had some beams on the outside as well yeah there we go so we'll add in these beams as well but yeah there's a lot of options there a lot of options then we should end up with something looking like this now what we can actually do is of course make sure that we have all of our Windows filled in um I think we need to add in some on the top floor and you can add in some extra detail on the outside as well what I really like is adding these trophies on the outside of the windows cuz I think they look like uh wooden Shields and this just makes a little of sense for a Viking build I think personally so if you like the look you could add these alongside your windows definitely on the bottom floor because on the stone it looks very very good but if you like you can also add it add the windows at the top as well because uh yeah just adds a little bit of detail um which is always nice and then we should end up with something looking like this now I think this is a very nice looking Viking long house and you should have plenty of space on the inside you've got a very big first floor with plenty of room for most of your crafting storage or whatever you can even add in the secret basement I told you about and then you have another floor which is quite big as well now you might want to add in some extra walls to make some separate rooms and stuff like that but the possibilities are very much there there's a lot of room you've got some nice balconies as well uh yeah this is this is I think one of my favorite builds I really like the look of this and yeah I think you could definitely make a nice base out of this if you do so let me know uh show your uh screenshots at my Discord for example to share your builds with me okay so here we have the original version of the long house that I built I built this during my uh let's build castle black live streams if you want to join or or if you want to watch them back in full uh you can see how I came up with the design but I'm quite happy with the way it turned out like I love the look of it might not be very Castle black but it's definitely a cool building I built this basically as like a common area and the barracks for my castle black um so that is also how I decorated the place some of the lights have gone off unfortunately but you can see a whole bunch of tables and SE eating basically this is where all the night watch could come together and eat and sit and then we've got this bit up here a little bit raised up and we got some more tables here and some more things I don't know why this is here this is definitely not supposed to be there um but yeah so we have the table for like the Lord commander and stuff and we' got some more torches here I don't know why they're all probably ran out of spark powder but yeah this it's very simple decoration probably not necessarily the most useful way to decorate this place if you're going to use it as a base you probably want to do something different but hey this is what I did with there um and then up here first of all we've got connections to our walls here since this is part of a castle um we' got of course fireplaces everywhere cuz you need to stay warm and these are the barracks so we got a fireplace we got some beds maybe I should add some some storage in as well to be honest to make it even more realist to make it even uh more realistic I guess then we got a little bit of a common area to chill some chairs uh some storage some dummies to practice fighting and you go balconies on both sides this of course with the beautiful view of this Bay and the other side is going to have the view of the inner cour chart and then um yeah there's more rooms they're all the same probably should really add some extra storage in there I guess and then another wall connection on this side as well but yeah I really happy with the way this design turned out and hopefully if you're going to build this yourself in your own world you will enjoy it as well and if you want to send me some screenshots of you building it hit me up on um Twitter or X whatever it's called nowadays or join my Discord and feel free to share them in the arc channel uh always fun to see anyway that's going to be it for uh this tutorial this video uh thanks for joining and hopefully I'll see you in the next one [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Etholdir
Views: 8,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etholdir, Edeldier, Jurgen, gaming, gameplay, game, ark survival ascended, ark ascended, ark house, ARK house tutorial, ark build tutorial, ARK, ark survival, starter base, ark starter base, tutorial, ark tutorial, ark ascended tutorial, Build tutorial, building guide, ark build guide, ark viking house, ark ascended viking house, ark how to build, how to build, viking, viking longhouse, ark viking longhouse, ark how to build viking longhouse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 28sec (3028 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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