My Best Builds in ARK: Survival Ascended in 2023!

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hello there welcome back to another video on Arc survival ascended and in this video I want to take a look back at this year 20123 and take a look at all of the builds that I made this year for AR survival ascended even though it's only been 2 months um there's a lot of cool builds here and I just wanted to take a look back because maybe if youve missed something but also just as a you know little reminder of where we started and where we are right now and we're going into the new year with fresh energy and hopefully some more cool builds I also just wanted to say thank you so much for the support so far it's been crazy I basically just started my live stream for AR one day because I thought you know I haven't done anything in a while and this looks like fun to jump back into and of course with all the building it really took off for my channel so thank you so much for the support over the past couple of uh two months weeks uh it's been great and hopefully we'll have many more cool adventures together in this new year as well and we're starting off with maybe the best build of them all my little starter shck that I started this whole game with um I mean it's not too bad at least it's not just like a thatch hot on a on a beach um it's also where I first started out with painting some stuff so I mean it's all right like it's a starter Shack and for starter Shack I think it's it's a it's a pretty pretty all right design I I was just basically playing around a little bit with the new building mechanics but the place this spot is pretty amazing like probably wouldn't be mad if I if I would actually build something cool on this place then it's time to move on to my second base and where I really started building and where everything started going crazy for the channel as well thank you very much for that and that is of course with this little starter home I made right here in the ruins um it's a little bit decked out for the winter wonderland event right now but yeah this is the little starter home the first one that I properly build and spend some time actually designing and improving and you know thinking about and then actually W made my first tutorial about as well um I think I still think it's is a very nice and cozy house I use this still quite a lot because I'm just lazy to move my and um it's it's just a fun build but there's so much more of course that we build here to rebuild these ruins we got like this greenhouse in one of these ruins that fits very well still quite happy with that of course I built this giant tables um that um I mean definitely looks very cool also functions in a wall to kind of make this area a lot safer for me and yeah that was the second I think I did which uh very nice build as well and then of course there were many many more ruins to rebuild here um which we did we also of course built some walls to be safe we got a lot of plans here to keep out all the dangerous things living around here I think we did the let's build on stream for some of these buildings trying to fit them all in to these ruins having them connected and some pretty nice buildings here actually um if we can get through there we go yeah just trying to rebuild these structures it's one of my favorite things to do in Arc just finding these cool looking ruins and trying to rebuild something into it and breathing live uh into these ruins and I think it just looks really really cool of course got another wall right there we got all these little ruin builds up there and then we got the big Workshop uh another one of the tutorials that is uh right here in the middle in the center kind of bringing everything together really and um what was supposed to be my hub for crafting everything but then I started moving on to different builds and I haven't really used it that much but there's definitely a lot of space here there's a lot of storage so um if I wasn't building so much and moving from Base to Base this this is a great place I still spend quite some time here actually but uh yeah I just fly a lot across the map I guess but this is definitely a cool Place another one of the tutorials actually I did a lot of tutorials for this place um but yeah I just love the way it fits in with these ruins yeah this was actually a very fun project to do rebuilding all these ruins and actually one of the reasons why we'll see another rebuilding of ruins in this very list it is time to take to the Seas and go to my ocean base and yeah I really also enjoyed working on this one because after doing all of the ruins builds I was really looking for something quite different a different style which is why I wanted to get into these A-frame builds and I designed quite a couple of different ones of them this is my little Stables glitching out of course cuz cuz why why why wouldn't it um and yeah I did a lot of tutorials on these because you also really liked these A-frame designs we got one of the first tutorials right over there beautiful spot actually like I basically built these buildings just for the tutorials but this would be a great place to live in like if if this was going to be our main base and we would live here with some of the tribe members everyone could have like a their own home and uh basically it feels like a a holiday vacation home like why is there a random roof there well that shouldn't be there but yeah this is this is quite a big big house and we got a nice little walkway I love this area actually like restarting now I if I wouldn't build in a ruin as a main base I probably would be would be here cuz this is great and then we got the second variation also a tutorial for this A-frame um again just looking very very nice and yeah this entire area is just is great spot I knew of this spot like cuz I think it was also uh quite a nice spot on the island like with these waterfalls um and that's why I had this spot in mind but then when it got time for the ocean base I was like yeah maybe I should check that out because it's very close to the ocean of course and uh turns out it is actually a very good spot for the ocean because you have a little bit of these higher areas in the water where you can more easily build them and then you've got a very deep area so it's easy to close off and still be able to bring in all the bigger dinos as well so yeah you can see one of the A-frame designs here this was actually my first time trying this design before I made the tutorial out of it and then I rebuil it up there um um yeah we the the place just looks very nice and of course the Crown Jewel here besides being enough space for all of my water dinos um I took away a lot of the Sharks the mags uh they are all in cryopods now cuz that's finally an option and that makes it a lot easier um but yeah we still have the mosasaurs here very cool very big but there's plenty of space here to make sure they can be here safely and then we got the dino do here another addition that I really enjoyed and you seem to enjoy as well uh so I made a tutorial for it too we got the Megs that I do use here uh and my Sak should be here somewhere but maybe maybe like a bird flew in and he he got mad again uh and then this is usually where I would uh do all the breeding for the mags because it's quite a nice little area and easily accessible by me which which is of course very nice I don't know why you parked out here usually I think because that's where the feeding trough is usually I just spk birds in here um but I didn't have the feeding Tru in there I guess so yeah this is the main base of course where I finally also made a tutorial for it just before the end of the year because a lot of you kept asking for it and even though it's a very big build I spend uh some some some hours trying to get the tutorial together for you but yeah I'm really happy with this design I I kind of usually I really like the more medieval builds but for some reason these a frames which look definitely a lot more modern I really enjoyed making these and I'm probably going to try to make some more variations maybe in different places cuz this of course all very ocean base related but maybe you can make some nice designs in different places as well um but yeah this is just a really good place and a very big base as well which I'm only really using when I want to go into the water into the ocean on this side um so yeah this would probably be a great main base I just haven't been using it as such but yeah there's there's definitely there there's so much here uh and I really love love the design I led seeing all the reactions of you guys on on this build like the the the the reactions to this were insane and I really enjoyed all my my time and work on this and hopefully well I think at least Jud by the comments you did as well and uh you can actually build most of this if not all of this yourself as well now so yeah that's pretty cool and of course I can't forget about my ongoing project of Castle black inspired build um it's really a combination of an a castle black inspired build and just a cool Viking style actually for this main build this uh Barracks that I built here I also made a separate tutorial about it just as the Viking L house but yeah I'm actually really excited for this build and I will be continuing it um I just it's a little bit slow because I only want to build on this when I'm live streaming because I think that's a nice live streaming Series so probably in the new year we'll try to in the coming like two 3 months that we still have before of course scorge Earth is set to release we'll try to finish this Castle U to be fair we are quite a nice way along we got the somewhat the wall design down and we just need to start building it and building some of the other structures to make this come together but yeah I think this is going to be a very nice place in the end and uh yeah especially this Viking L house turned out really well for such an unplanned build and um of course this is decorated very much with the castle black vibe in mind cuz like why the hell would you place so many so many tables and and chairs and menines and like it doesn't make any sense for for a base but if you decorate it as a base this this definitely would serve as a base cuz there's so much space so much space in this and um yeah there's there's a lot you could do with it so if you build this from the tutorial please let me know what you did with it cuz you probably can use it to much much better ends than just basically as a separate building project but yeah definitely one of the cooler builds and I'm can't wait to see what it's going to look like once I'm actually done with the entire play because there's still a still a little way to go here then it's time to go to a magical place Hagrid's little hot on the edge of the Redwood Forest I really had a fun time trying to design this thing and um yeah it just has a lot of cozy Vibes um you could definitely use this as like a starter home I basically built this to make a tutorial just to have something interesting designed um especially like it because it has like more circular shapes than you would normally use for a building but it has pretty much everything you would need to get a starter base going like all the crafting stuff some storage stuff uh a bed and everything um yeah and it's just nice and cozy that's what I really like and of course you can't build hagit Hut without a little garden really the turkey TRS pumpkin feeding troughs came in clutch for this cuz that really finished up the design in a nice way and of course of got a little patch out here for some some plants and everything cuz Hagrid's got to have his little little Gardner around but um yeah I really love this it's it's a quite simple house it's a quite simple design but I just really love the vibe and the looks of this place of course I can't forget about my cozy log cabin out here in the snow area also decked out for Christmas with the winter wonderland stuff but um but of course it's also very usable every other day of the year if you're not using the Christmas decorations and I really love this little cozy little Hut it's it's probably also good as a starter home maybe not in this exact biome but um yeah The Vibes are really nice I really enjoyed the building this for the tutorial as well um just got everything you need you got a little Forge you've got your Smithy table now hidden behind the Christmas tree you've got the cozy little fireplace there no fire though and yeah basically all the other NE these we got mortal pel bed storage more storage up there more storage up here it's quite cozy it's quite small on the inside but I do think it offers basically whatever you need to get started so um I might actually use this as a starter home at some point cuz I think it would work very very well and it's time for another cozy build here out in this nice little field and that is my Viking house house also a great starter house I especially like the way the painted thatch roof really Blends it perfectly with the grass around um really love that and of course the pen that you can make as big or as small as you want to fit in some dinos too relative safely and um again it's just a nice little cozy build where you basically have everything you need on the inside some storage some some crafting stuff a nice cozy little Hub where you can join your friends for for some drinks over the fire and of course your uh beds and you could add more storage here upstairs probably can be decorated a little better than I did nice little build that you can definitely use probably especially well as a starter base oh my God this this tour go very exciting all of a sudden um but yeah definitely another build that you can very easily use as probably more of a starter base and then maybe start adding more more stuff around or you know you move on to a different location but I do really like the way it looks and uh yeah I might actually do some more designs in this style at some point and then it's time for the mountain ruins one of my more recent projects and definitely still a work in progress because there's much more to do here but the first buildings are of course up and and I do really like the style that I've I've gone for here I love the painted rocks like the parchment rocks that the My Tribe mes used as well my friends um yeah I just really like these bigger runes to I I just like building runes rebuilding runes and this is a little bit bigger than the ones that I did before so yeah there's just so much here and now we actually using this as a base as well which is even better in my opinion because now I can actually see my builds come to live being used by my friends and that feels a lot better than designing something cool and then basically not really using it or barely using it ever so there's a little bit of Christmas decorations going on here still but yeah there's a lot to this build like there's a lot of hidden spaces to explore and there's so much room probably more than we're ever going to need but yes it's at least very functional um and actually use which is of course also great because like it's it's fun to build a lot but if it's not being used sometimes it can feel a little bit pointless and at least this one definitely not pointless because it is being used and it's quite a big build of course uh but I do really enjoy the design and yeah I'm still working of course on it there's much more that I will be adding to this build over the next weeks um before we uh weeks and months probably before we are done with the island um and yeah it's just a it's a very nice place to rebuild very cool place definitely cool for a base you got the main building here that is completely done then we have a little Greenhouse over here that I just recently added we got this platform for the industrial Forge which is easily accessible by birds which was the main um demand for this and it's also just a nice way to fit in that whole platform that you can't really access otherwise and then there's so much more to still cuz there's another Rune here that I need to rebuild there's this big box that was the temporary base that still needs to be rebuild at some point and you can see a little work in progress up there that's one of the next videos that I'm working on so I'm not going to show too much but yeah there's definitely something coming on top of the mountain as well so yeah there's there's already a very cool build here one of my favorites of this year but there's definitely much more to come as well and and lastly one of the more recent projects and really more a work in progress because I haven't done any of the detailing yet probably going to paint the roofs and stuff and there there's no decoration it's just an empty shell basically but it is the start of a very nice looking Treehouse that i' be hoping to finish up soon so I can make a build tutorial about this place as well because uh well the design is definitely quite an interesting one with all the layers all the different buildings sticking out from this so yeah it's still work in progress but hopefully it will be done soon and there we have it my best builds of 2023 in Arc survival ascended I really enjoyed making all of these and I'm really looking forward to see what other builds we can still come up with cuz there's a lot more that we can probably do and build and especially as soon as the new maps are going to be released it's going to be very exciting and I hope you'll join me on that Journey as well thank you so much for all your supports and I hope to see you in the next video byebye
Channel: Etholdir
Views: 19,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etholdir, Edeldier, Jurgen, gaming, gameplay, game, ark survival ascended, ark, ark ascended, ark building, ark building tips, ark building designs, ark building tutorial, ark base build, ark best base design, ark best base locations, ark base locations, ark base locations the island, building, build, ark how to build, how to build, ruins, ocean base, water base, ark water base, ark ruins, ark ascended building, ark ascended building tips, ark ascended building tutorial
Id: 3XulwX2rrVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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