Ark: Survival Ascended Private Non-Official SteamCMD Dedicated Server Setup

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hey folks I'm markk and today I'm going to show you how to set up an arc survival ascended dedicated server using steam CMD so wild card put back their restrictions on installing uh Arc survival dedicated server uh using an anonymous login using steam CMD so we no longer have to have steam installed to do this so this is a a little bit different than the video that I did yesterday and hopefully uh they don't change this so let's take a wh righto so first thing we want to do is essentially create a uh new folder where we want to hold uh our Arc data as well as our steam CMD installation so we have an arc folder here on our desktop um and then download Steam steam stmd I'll provide a download link in the description for you essentially we just need to unpack that and then uh get the folder here whenever we take a look at it we can see that we have the steam CMD exe right here for us so let's go back a little bit and then create a new text file actually before we we do that let's head up into view and make sure that our file name extensions is turned on so that's that's clicked for me make sure that's clicked y then we'll go into here create a new text document I'm going to call All I'm going to call this update Arc ASA and then we're going to get rid of the txt at the end we'll change that tobat to update it to a badge file and it's going to say hey this might be unusable do you want to change it we'll say sure and we can see that the actual icon changed here a little bit so next we'll go into here um open it up with a text editor in this case I'm going to use notepad plus plus and we'll have to create our batch file to update Arc for us so head down in the description and I will have uh this command for you copy and paste this and uh and paste this into your new badge file you created let's break it down into these sections so we can kind of understand what we're doing here so first section we're calling the actual exe file so it's getting our STM CMD file file so get our current directory then go to the folder Steam steamcmd and then our steam cmd.exe then we essentially will set a force install directory this goes back a directory and then we'll set it into essentially here into a folder called Arc ascended then we'll use a login Anonymous so from here we have to just essentially say hey log into steam use an anonymous login and then update this app it's uh 24 43930 survival ascended dedicated server so once we have that all set up let's hit save we don't have to worry about these wait and pause commands honestly uh you can remove these if you want to I have them in there just in case uh just so the command prompt window stays up after after I use it so once we have that saved let's update our Ark survival dedicated server so we can see that it started um it's locking in locking in Anon anonymously and it's it's going to start downloading our game so let's wait here for a second while it updates um we it essentially goes through takes a while to download so let's hang out for a second it takes maybe 5 10 minutes to update and we'll be back righto so once that's finished we should see success app uh whatever our app number is fully installed so from here we can head back into our Arc directory and then let's create another badge file essentially to run it so let's call this start _ ASA get rid of the txt update that tobat open that same deal and same deal down in our description uh copy and paste uh essentially our start command here so we'll call start paste this in here and then let's break it down so it's essentially saying hey start and then pointing to our server directory so um before we even go into this let's take a look and see so if we head back into our Arc ascended or into our Arc folder we should see an arc ascendant folder here head into that and now we should see essentially a bunch of different files here head into shooter game binaries wi64 and now we should see our Arc ascendant server.exe let's head up to here and copy this whole directory so the C users to our desktop to the arc descendant uh win64 and essentially I'm just going to paste that into this first section paste that in here make sure there's no extra extra slashes so it's pointing to our Arc ascendant exe server then our next section says we're running the island it's uh running a listening server we don't have to worry about that and then we can update the name of our session to whatever let's just update this to my name and then if we want a server password we can add this as well let's just keep this the way that it is and then same with with our server P if we want a server password we can do this we'll just put in you know server password Ser server password nothing too while and then in terms of ports let's set our port to 7777 and our query port to 27015 and then if we want to disable battle eye we can do that as well as set our max player then from here let's save it so cool that's all finished now we should be able to start it one thing to also keep in mind we need to port forward our Port 7777 and our port 27015 in our router prior to actually playing it to make sure that it's visible but assuming that all goes well let's head back into our Arc directory and then we can start Arc survival ascended give that a second and then a window should come up and we should see Server my name has successfully started and now we should be able to hop into Ark and actually play it so let's do that here real quick um it's actually worth mentioning before we jump into Arc in case we want to update our game or our server again in the future we just have to rerun this Arc survival uh uh update Arc ASAP pad let's hop into Arc and see how our server is running righto so once you open up Arc head into join a server and over to The Unofficial section then into the search section type in your name in this example I used my name just as our placeholder and we can see my name is now listed here we'll hit join type in any server password that you sent and we should be joining then assuming all went well we should now see our Character Creator and we can now play arc on our dedicated server let's just type in you know my name just to see see that it worked correctly we'll create our character head to our first spawn point and rip through this stuff just a check and make sure it all it worked for us just to show you that it's truly a new arc server chugging a little bit uh typical typical Arc stuff but oh wow it is having a hard time but yeah here we are an arc server with a you know dedicated uh dedicated Arc server I got to change my settings obviously but cool here we are thanks for thanks for watching hope it helps
Channel: MarkDotExe
Views: 3,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, Ark: Survival, Ark: Survival Ascended, Survival Ascended, Dedicated Server, Server setup, setup, tutorial, guide, steamcmd, how-to, ark survival ascended, the island, private, private server, nonofficial, non-official, self-host, selfhosted, self host, nitrado, windows, command, batch, file, personal, ports
Id: A89UnF1UPQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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