ARK: Survival Evolved Server Setup Tutorial | Linux Guide

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how's it going everybody lucindev here bringing you another tutorial video today we are going to set up our survival evolved on Linux so to get started let's SSH into our server we'll clear that out all right now first thing you're going to need to do is get steam CMD you will need dependencies to run that if you've never ran a sting CMD before on Linux I will put the dependencies on the screen now and I'll also have them in the description below in order for you to copy and paste if you don't want to just type it all out all right now that you have all your dependencies we are going to need to change some files so we're going to do sudo Nano slash Etc sysctl that config hit enter our studio password and we're just going to go all the way down to the bottom then we're going to type in FS dot file Dash Max equals 100 000. Ctrl X Y then enter and then we need to do another file so we'll do sudo Nano this is going to be slash Etc security slash limits.conf we're gonna enter on that one and we're going to scroll all the way down again and at the end of this one we're going to do uh asterisks soft no file and then we're going to do a hundred thousand again then we're going to do Asterix uh hard no file so and a hundred thousand on that one as well then we're going to hit Ctrl X Y enter again and then we're going to do another one so sudo Nano this is going to be slash edc's uh La Etc slash Pam dot d slash common on um hyphen session we're gonna enter on that and then we're going to scroll all the way down and then here we're going to do s session going down we're going to do session required Pam underscore limits that so we're going to do Ctrl x y and enter and then and then from here we are going to reboot the system so we'll do a sudo reboot and we're going to wait a few seconds for our Ubuntu server to boot back up okay and boot this should be back up so let's SSH back into our server to our password and if we did everything correctly if we type in U limit minus a our open file here should read at a hundred thousand in our case it does if yours does not say that redo the previous steps and make sure you typed everything in correctly our our next step as we're logged into sudo still our root user we are going to allow the ports in the firewall so we're going to do we're going to first check our status of our firewall to see if it's enabled or disabled so we'll do that by sudo ufw status type in our studio password mine is inactive which means it's disabled if yours is inactive as well first thing you want to do is allow your SSH port so we're going to do pseudo ufw allow 22 I'm going to enter and that's going to allow our SSH to open up there so when we enable the firewall we can still SSH into our server so now we can enable our server so we distributed ufw enable this is going to ask if it's direct disruptive connections all that stuff but we took care of that already so we can hit yes all right now if we do uh pseudo ufw status again our status is active so our firewall is active now so we're gonna allow a couple ports on the TCP and UDP protocol so we're going to do uh sudo ufw allow and then the first Port is going to be 27015 and then we're going to do the same thing against pseudo ufw allow the next Port is 7777 and it entered and those are both the ports that we need to open next we are going to create a new user by Studio add user we'll call this Arc server hit enter tapping the password for said user confirm that password just enter on all this stuff why for for yes on that one and then we can do Sue Arc server sudash arcs over here to switch over to the arc user type of the pastor for it and now we can do mkdr for make directory then we're going to call this uh we'll just call it server enter and then we're going to CD into that folder I'll do PWD to print the working directory so I can copy this line right here now we're going to do steam CMD enter this is going to initialize tmcmd it's going to download all the files so we're going to go ahead and let it do that all right now that that is complete we're going to do Force underscore install underscore dir we're going to paste that in I'm going to add a four slash the end of the uh the uh path there I'm going to hit enter then we're going to do login anonymous we're gonna let that log in all right now that we are logged in we are going to do app underscore update and then the app ID is three seven six zero three zero then we're going to do validate we're going to enter this is going to download all the files for arc Arc is a massive game so this could take you a while depending on your internet speed I'm going to go ahead and pause the video and uh when we come back this will be done all right now that's done we can just type in exit and we do LS real quick you can see we have all the files in here now so for the config file locations all the INR files that you need to edit your server with they are going to be in the shooter game so the CD shooter game uh uh then it's under uh saved which I'm not sure if we're gonna have yet yeah so we don't actually have that yet because we have to um we have to start the server first so let's just go back to our director here actually no I lied we need to be in that shooter game file and then we need to go to let me go to binaries next then to Linux all right and then from here we are going to create our start server script real quick all right so let's do Nano we'll just call this uh start and then in here we're going to do U limit dash n a hundred thousand or whatever number you put if you put 100 000 and then you then you put 100 000. then we're going to do slash shooter game server space the island for the map uh listen go to dash server Dash log now this is all your uh your startup uh scripts uh if you want to add extra things to your startup uh you can hear once you're done uh control x y and enter and then we need to change the uh the permissions of that so to actually make it executable so for that we're going to do CH mod a plus X and then the name of file we'll just start and move my mouse out of the way and hit enter then we do LS our script is right here so we're going to go ahead and run this script real quick just so we can get those uh irony files for us so let's just do I want to do it in a screen dash s call it server and then we'll do oops okay yeah I see what I did wrong I forgot to add the little period uh just uh before the forward slash there control X Y enter all right now we're good to go now for um thick a fig I'm sorry for the actual console I mean this is all this thing ever shows sometimes this this pops up when you have the uh the uh the file sizes limited that's why we upped them to a hundred thousand however it still comes up but don't worry about it it's like a bug or something I'm not really sure but the server does indeed boot up so you don't need to worry about it um so since this doesn't actually output anything but what you see here a video control a then D to detach from that screen and we do a top command real quick you can see that the server is running right here so you see me I'm logged in accessing top and the actual server itself under the screen is running using this percent CPU and this percent of uh a ram so we do a control C to close the get out of the top here if we go back some directories here now we have that save folder there under the shooter game so we do CD saved and then CD config and then CD Linux server oops CD Linux server here's all of our ini files this is the the main one here and then you just Nano these files so Nano game user settings that I know you can come in here edit all this stuff to what you uh whatever you want whatever settings you need to make uh not every single config option is going to be in here by default you might have to add some for example the gained ioni file is empty by default so you will need to populate this if you want to add extra settings in here and um same thing with the engine that ini file is also going to be empty by default so you will need to play around with your config files to set up the server exactly how you want it to be but for this case since it's just a simple tutorial I'm not going to go through setting up entire server with all the settings if you need to find the settings for um for each of these you can Google search them for uh like default settings or custom settings things like to that nature and then you just simply start and stop your server to update the settings so if you want to start start um sorry if you want to stop the server you need to go back to your screen so we can do screen Dash LS see all of our running screens and you can see we have your server so we do screen Dash R we'll get back to touch screen and we can do control a and then hit K this is going to kill the server so if we just hit yes on this boom kills the screen server shut down so that's how you turn off the server and then to start it back up again you just need to go back to the um to the folders here and then we have our start server script you can just run the script again now you can put this in the main folder if you wanted to you just have to change out the directory of this actual uh script so for me uh start server this directory here because I'm I'm in that directory so I just listed out that directory like that but if you want to go to the main directory you'd have to you know type oops type out the whole thing you know like for example uh we'll do a slash home slash Arc server slash you know shooter shooter game Etc et cetera you gotta type out the whole uh whole directory there so if you didn't want it actually in this if you wanted like in your main folder here for example so it's just easier to access you have to go through all the directories you can do that if you want to it's your choice well that's it guys that's how you set up an arc server I appreciate everyone watching and I will see you on the next one [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: LucianDev
Views: 11,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARK: Survival Evolved, ARK server setup, ARK Linux server, ARK server tutorial, ARK dedicated server, ARK server hosting, ARK multiplayer, Gaming server setup, ARK server configuration, ARK server installation, ARK mods, Linux server setup, Gaming tutorials, Online gaming, Multiplayer gaming, ARK gameplay, ARK server guide, ARK server management, ARK community, Survival games, Linux gaming
Id: vT_rzpd3ZGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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