Ark Survival Ascended - Dedicated Server Setup Using SteamCMD on Windows

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hey everybody Welcome to the channel it's Eric from the MMG today I'm going to show you how to set up your very own Ark survival ascended dedicated server this is going to be for Windows and this is going to be a dedicated server so this is one that you're not going to play on you're just going to host the server itself on start out with we're going to be using steam CMD if you don't already have that installed you can just Google it easiest way to do it uh type in Steam CMD going to be the first link right here for the valve developer Community click on that we are doing windows again so you want to click on Windows and then the download is just the little one right here to download it I've already done this but if you haven't you'll have to unzip it I recommend you make your its own folder somewhere very very easy for you to find so I've done this this is a shortcut I have it directly on my C drive and this is this is what yours is going to look like except it's only going to have steam CMD in it if it's your first time you want to double click on it to execute it it's going to download files and fill up this folder for you once it's done you should be at a prompt here that looks like steam with a just a steam there and you we're going to log in using Anonymous so just type in login space Anonymous hit enter see it verify and log you in you'll be back in another prompt now we're going to actually download the game files themselves so we're going to type in app aore update space and then you need the I for the uh Arc ascended now make sure you're getting the right one um it is 2 4 3 0 93 0 then you want to hit enter and you're going to see it's going to actually start downloading the files for you this game is pretty big so it may take a little bit of time to download while we're waiting make sure you you hit that subscribe button on our YouTube channel that all right everybody once it is done downloading it should should say successful app fully installed you should be back at the steam prompt you just need to type in exit to close out the window hit ENT all right next up we're going to create the bath that's going to update your server and also start the server itself um so how this works is just you need want to right click go new go text document name it uh you know Arc start or something whatever you want it doesn't matter Arc start whatever delete out the do text oops make it a bat orbat hit enter it's going to ask if you want to change the file type so yeah yeah you do now it should look like this if for some reason it still says bat. text uh just open a Explorer window like I have here a file explorer go to view and then right here where it says file name extensions make sure you have a check mark there that will let you edit the type of file in the name itself like we just did there all right and once you have that file created you're going to actually want to create another file down here the arc server updater dobat um do it the exact same way you did the arc start.bat and um we're going to move these around so right now they're on the desktop just because they're easy to reach first we're going to look at the updater dobat so right click on it you can do edit if you have notepad++ or if you are interested it's a free download it's really good for editing you can also use regular notepad so it doesn't really matter uh and this is the code I'm going to put this in the description of the video below you can just copy it out what this is doing is this is going to launch steam cmd.exe log in anonymous do the app update and then quit so that's exactly the first steps we did to download the files what this does for you is it updates your server that's why it's called updater.exe that the steam cmd.exe file is and then you want to double click on it and it's going to open your window and it's going to go through all the steps that we did initially and what this does like I said is it updates your server for you and even if there's not an update it will verify the files that are installed for you so that's kind of a nice step um and it won't take very long to verify just maybe a minute or so once it's done it will just Auto close just like that now we're going to look at our Arc starts server dobat and we're going to want to do the exact same right click on it we're going to cut it now we're going to go into the same folder then we want to go into steam apps common arc survival ascended dedicated server shooter game binaries win 64 this is the location right here and you want to paste it in the same folder that the arc ascended server.exe is so we're going to right click and go paste yes and so now now we're going to look at this folder and I'm going to put I'm going to this file and I'm going to put this text in the video description as well show you what this is doing this is opening it um launching the start Arc ascended server to EXE the island listen Okay so multiple home equals your local IP address you want to enter your local IP address for your dedicated server so this is the internal IP that that your server is getting from your router so this is going to be um 192 something like that's going to be the first OCT tap cuz it's your internal router unless you have special routing set up where it's not 192 but that's what most peop will be but you need to find the local IP this will go in here next up is your ports and your your uh you need to get these open on your firewall and your router otherwise people are not going to be able to connect externally to your server I get that question number one everybody's router handles for porting differently and so if I showed you on mine it would only help the people who had the exact same router I have which is not very many people so you're going to have to Google this you're going to have to figure this out on your own it is the hardest step and it's where most people get stopped um I mean I'm not trying to be mean but if you can't do this you probably shouldn't be running the server anyways I've had people say they put their they just put their server on a DMZ which means they took the firewall off and opened it up to everybody please do not do that that's very dangerous um malicious actors can get on your server very easily that way so don't do that take your time do this right open your ports it's it's going to take a little bit of gr work it's not easy but it you'll you'll be a better person and know how to run your own servers from there on out once you learn it so make sure you take your time and do it you have some other things you can turn on and off battle eye is there uh cheat protection force respawns crossplay crossplay is going to allow other people to connect to your server from like Xbox PlayStation uh epic game store different stuff like that public IP uh is it says it's for epic I don't know how true that is um but you do want to put your public IP address in here to be safe so that is a lot easier to find you can just Google what is my IP and it's going to pop up whatever your your outer facing IP address is you want to put that in here okay so once you're good there just hit file and save and it's going to save your file now when you double click on it and run it it's going to pop up this window it should if not something else is run with your server you may be missing some kind of file that you need always recommend you update your server with the latest net updates from Microsoft uh VB Visual Basic updates too A lot of times that'll fix a lot of people's issues but if this is this is what you're getting this is what you want you can see it is start starting up it could take a little bit of time so be patient uh let it finish completely loading all right so once the server has ran for the first time you can hit that X to close it and next we're going to go and actually edit some more of the settings in the server so you want to go back to where your Arc start.bat is um and you want to back out from there you're going to go to the save folder which is in uh common arc survival dedicated server shooter game saved now because that's the server you just did you want to go into config Windows Server game user settings.ini and you're going to edit those this is where you can change some more settings on your server uh mostly the thing I want to show you is the server name scroll down to the very bottom you're going to see session name this is where you can put the server name so mine is called MMG you can also change your max players there's all kinds of settings in here there's one for password somewhere in this mess so yeah you just got to search through all the settings change what you want be careful you don't break something um and once you're done setting all that up hit file save and then make sure you launcher server again then once it's got successfully booted itself up when you launch into the game itself which is going to look like this in the server browser all right and once you are here here if you you want to make sure you click on unofficial up at the top and then you go to the search bar there put in the name of your server ours is MMG we hit search there is our server not to join it just click on it and then hit that join button and you should be good to go thanks for watching the video hopefully it helped you out if you have any additional questions join the ark official server and ask them there have yourself a great day
Channel: maturemindedgamers
Views: 2,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #maturemindedgamers, mmg, gaming, Gaming, Mature Minded Gamers, Community of adult gamers, #gaming, Ark, survival, ascended, steam cmd, free, easy, guide, how to, dedicated server, ark survival ascended, windows server
Id: INoZ33fudtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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