Ark: Survival Ascended Dedicated Server Mods and Server Settings Setup!

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redo folks welcome back in this video I'm going to show you how to install uh Arc ascendant mods as well as how to update your configuration so if we head over to curse forges our survival ascended mods page here we can see whatever mods that we can install what I'm going to do here is I'm going to head over into popular mods let's view all of them and then I'm looking for the cryopods mod it should be one of the first ones all right cryopods so we'll click on that guy here and cool so to get mods what we need to do is get this project ID so there's this project ID on the right let's just copy and paste this down or keep this page open here for a second second wait uh let's open up our Ark survival ascendant start uh executable and here we'll open it up I already have it open here and now we need to add uh an additional argument here at the end so after the no battle ey we'll do a hyphen and then mods well if I can type mods is equal to the string so so set of quotes and then let's go back to that page copy the project ID and then we'll paste that into our mod section here okay that's step one we'll save this um just to in case you don't have this uh batch file already created uh take a look at my previous video and you'll be able to put this together on how to get an arc server set up using steam CMD cool so once we have this mods set up here let's head into our Arc ascendant directory this is wherever our server is actually created then from here let's head into shooter game saved config Windows server and we should have one file here which is our game user settings.ini let's right click it and open it with a text editor in this case I'm going to be using uh notepad++ okay so let's take a look here and see what all settings that we can mess with so if we want to show our locations on our uh show player locations on our map we can do that allow third person allow a Crosshair if we want to update our server password or admin passwords we can do that as well let's not worry about our ports the Mac structure and range uh this is the amount of structures or the amount of uh polygons or pixels or not pixels vertices that I can use um it's worth kind of Googling these a little bit just to see which values work best for you uh start time is the start time of our server we'll be starting it at negative 1 or just zero or at the beginning then from here uh Ox oxygen swims speed stat multiplier so if you want to uh swim faster and use less oxygen we can adjust that uh structures prevention resource multiplier so if we essentially want to uh build structures and then we don't want the resources to regenerate uh we can adjust this to be a little bit lower um so if we want resources to be closer to our base we can put this lower uh if we want it to be further away we can set it up to like two or something like that I'll set it back to one so that is um for the resources spawning how close close to your base or not the cool down for how often you can change your tribe name uh the the size or bounds you can build your platform on a saddle so if you have a platform saddle this is the area or the bounds multiplier so if you want it to be bigger we can set it to two or smaller we can set it smaller if we want to allow structures pick up we set that to True um additionally if we want some type of cool down after the structure has been placed we have 30 seconds to set that so if we want to make it longer up to 60 seconds we can do that shorter 15 seconds so let's set that back to back to 30 personally I like it a little bit longer um additionally whenever you pick up an item you'll have to pick it up for a certain amount of time so we can set this to half a second or if we want to set set it to a full second or two seconds personally I like it a little bit longer just just so I don't mess it up so we'll set it back to one for some people that like to pick up structures quicker um they might set it to 0.1 or something along those lines I'll just set it to one okay uh our next bit is hide or allow uh high damage from Source from logs from this uh essentially whenever damage happens on your server if you want it to be added to your log server to your log file we can set this to false let's keep this to true because it adds a bunch of bunch of junk we don't need uh raid Dino food drain multiplier that's going to be our Dino uh food drain multiplier so we can adjust that as we need need be uh PVE Dino Decay uh that is as dinos Decay and uh in the real world and get killed how long is that going to take we can adjust that here idle kick period so uh after a player has been idle for uh 3,600 seconds they'll be kicked so we can adjust that uh we can adjust our our auto save period you can also adjust uh how many structures we can have on top of a a platform or a platform saddle typically I like this a bit higher so I'm just going to set this to two or maybe even five okay uh we already talked about autosave Max tame dinos this is the amount of tame dinos you can have on the map that that can be adjusted item stack size this is essentially so let's say you have something that can only be one item so let's say prim meat for example I believe is a stack size of one so if you adjust this to let's say 32 everything that is only one stack size will now be 32 and so on so anything that you can have bigger stacks of will be bumped up to 32 times so we'll set that to one archon server game buffer log let's not worry about that let's not worry about this uh implant suicide uh item either and then let's uh and if we want to allow hit markers we can do that as well some additional settings we want might want to add here um actually before we even talk about that let's go through the rest of the file so we have these scal scalability items um this is really just kind of some postprocessing and texture performance uh things I don't really mess with these but if you're more if you want to feel free um you might get some performance things but more often than not you're probably going to have some issues if you start messing around with these um in addition if we want to start um adjusting some user settings so on the user side we can adjust the essentially Master audio um allow third person players as well as some additional settings such as like motion blur film grain uh clusters inversions chat bubbles um just take a look through the there's a bunch of settings here um but typically whenever you're hosting a server there's a couple other settings that you'll want to add so in the description below I've added some additional some additional configurations we can add here so copy and paste those right below our allow hit markers cool so let's get rid of this first section here we'll talk about mods in a section in a second but if we want to adjust our Harvest rate and our multiplier for our Harvest rate so if we want to harvest more we can up that up to like five or two I we'll keep that as one um additionally for how much health what we're harvesting has we can adjust that as well so how long we can Harvest uh our damage our D our Dino damage multiplier I for some reason have this uh copied here three times let's get rid of that so our Dino damage multiplier we can adjust how much damage we put out and then our structure resistance multiplier so how how much damage our structures can take then our difficulty off sets and our override official difficulties so this is how we're going to adjust where our dinos will spot or what levels our dinos will spawn so uh essentially this value uh difficulty offset goes from 0 to one all the way up to one so if we can set that to one we'll get the highest difficulty offset we have an additional multiplier so from here uh with our additional multiplier offset we can multiply it time 5 it's just worth me with messing with these Val vales the NR server configuration page kind of talks about it a little bit I'll link it down in the description so you can kind of get an idea of what these do okay so we added our server settings then let's uh I'm going to adjust this back to 0.1 so we have our regular vanilla difficulty or lower difficulty then if we want to set server PVE we can do that all right so back to mods let's do that here real quick we know what mods we want to do we have to add one more thing here so let's add in active mods we'll set that equal to uh essentially whatever our mod ID is I'm going to copy and paste this here and we'll paste that in it's also worth saying if you want to install additional mods or anything along those lines let's add in a comma and you'll essentially just put in the other mod ID the same things goes with our Arc survival ascendant batch file so we have these mods here we'll put in a comma and then we'll put in whatever other mod ID we want to use here but for the time being we're just using one so we'll save that we'll save this guy here we'll get rid of any additional spaces we don't need to worry about that too much but assuming that all goes well we'll head back into our uh Arc server too many files open here and then we'll start it it's also worth mentioning uh whenever we install uh mods here it will take a little bit longer to get them started so your your Arc server will take a little bit longer while this is starting it's also worth mentioning that uh in some cases uh whenever we update our Arc uh survival ascendant server uh this game server settings file might get overwritten so it's a good idea to typically go into our configuration and just back it up so I'm going to copy this our game server our game user settings and then we'll paste that essentially back in the directory of our badge files just so we have a backup just going to call that backup just so we have it and cool and let's wait for Arc to start here righto so once our Arc server started here we'll head over to unofficial we'll search for our server I named it my arc server in this case and it should come up for us we can see on the right with mods yes so whenever we click on that we'll see that our actual mods are required here so whenever we join it should install them for us it's also worth noting that if you don't see your Arc server listed it's worth going back into your batch files and updating the server and then putting your updated game user configuration back into there but assuming that all runs well cool our Arc server should now be running and let's just double check that cryo pauser here and obviously I'm only level one but if I search for cryo we can see the outlines for cryopods so cool looks like it all worked right and even if we hit Escape here we can see that our mods running and our server paying so we're running on a server with mods so hope you hope you enjoyed hope that helps have a good one
Channel: MarkDotExe
Views: 8,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, ASA, Ark Survival, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark: Survival Ascended, dedicated, dedicated server, server, nonofficial, non-official, mods, setup, guide, settings, confgs, configs, configuration, GameUseSettings, private, private server
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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