How To Portforward For Dedicated ARK Servers (PC)

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hey everyone my name's ned and today i'm going to teach you how to port forward for arc this is for creating typically for creating a dedicated server which can be played on by both steam and epic games players so the first thing you want to do is before starting make sure you either own the router or are you know have been given permission to kind of tinker with it edit these settings and forward some ports if you are in a college dorm if this is your school's router don't don't port forward on it uh you probably won't be able to log in in any case but without further ado let's go ahead and um get into it so first you want to go to start type cmd see i did that way too fast sorry go to start type cmd hit enter then you're going to open the command prompt you're going to type ipconfig this is going to be blurred out on my screen you're going to look for this default gateway so there's going to be a few numbers or a few things ipv4 address is what you should see you should also see a subnet mask and then a default gateway so keep in mind what this default gateway is then you're going to want to open your browser i use chrome i'm going to type in my default gateway in this case mine is so let's search that up now this is going to take me to my netgear net here is my router my netgear dashboard login and so usually most people have their dashboard logins default so usually the username is going to be admin and then the password is going to be password but i may be change in your case you're going to want to look on the bottom of your router in order to check this is usually where it is it should say you know default username default password so i'm going to log in here um okay now your router dashboard is likely going to be to look very different unless you have a netgear router um so if you do have netgear you're not going to want to click advanced but if you don't have netgear it's probably also going to be under advanced but it just depends every single router looks a bit different with the dashboard of course not just physically and so in my case i'm going to go to advanced this is usually where the port forwarding is then in this case in advanced setup this is where i'm going to find mine so usually look for some advanced uh area maybe some some area to do with firewall that usually is where the port forwarding is located in this case advanced advanced setup and then right here port forwarding slash port triggering once you reach the port forwarding page you're going to want to click add a custom service or add a service or there may be an area that you can already just type in some info like this without even having to click a button regardless you're going to want to you know basically add a service and then there's going to be a few boxes so your boxes might look a little different they might say different things but i'll kind of try and go over every single one and what they might be called differently depending on the router usually there's going to be a name so service name uh in this case i would recommend naming it whatever the port you're trying to forward so let's say i'm trying to forward two seven zero fifteen i'm just going to call the name two seven zero fifteen now there should be a protocol uh oh before the protocol you might see a thing where it says a bunch of it's like a box that has a list of games in this case if you see a bunch of games you're going to want to click the custom box this way you can set the parameters of the ports yourself rather than having it do it for you based on whatever game you may have selected usually routers do not have arc in here because the games that they usually have are very outdated so the first port you're going to want to add is generally i mean you don't have to do it in any particular order but you're going to want to add 27015 so there should be a few boxes for ports usually maybe an uh inside port external starting port inside starting port and an inside ending port or just a single port box regardless you're going to want to type 27015 in this case i have two boxes i'm going to type it twice in both of them try not to use ranges just just add one service at a time with that one port in the service and then lastly or this might be upfront in your case depending on what your area looks like but it's going to ask for the internal ip address or the ipv4 address or the private ip it could be various names usually this is just the the essentially it's looking for the device to actually open these ports on and so in this case i'm port forwarding on my computer that has an ipv4 address of of this right here and so this is going to be located in your cmd um also you may have a drop down where you can select your device itself and then it'll automatically get the ipv4 address but if you don't have that then go go back to your command prompt find the ipv4 right here and then paste it in there and then once you're done with that you're going to want to click apply or add service so after you've added that service we're going to add two more you're going to want to add another surface called uh you can just call it seven seven seven seven seven just to not make it super confusing sometimes people call them arc one or you know arc two arc three uh might be just a little bit easier if you just name them based on what the port is so yeah seven seven seven seven four sevens make sure again make sure it's on both both protocols tcp slash udp in case they didn't mention it earlier make sure the pc uh the two seven zero one five is also on both these protocols and then type the same port in each of the port boxes if it has multiple and then of course find the the same device that you're running the service on just like with the last part then you want to add that just like the 27015 then we're going to add one more so this one's going to be 7778 do keep in mind this is for one singular arc server if you want more you're going to have to add two more ports well three more ports per server you don't necessarily need three you can do it with two but three is just an extra measure for uh it's just an extra measure basically an extra raw client port uh in case it needs it anyways seven seven seven seven eight i don't know how many times i said seven there it's three sevens and then an eight and so i'm gonna go ahead and add that one as well and make sure it's on the right device that i am using and then you wanna click apply add that port as well once you've done that you're pretty much done uh you want to you can pretty much close your router dashboard then you wanna go to either ipchicken or you can go to google and search what is my ip and i'll leave a link to ipchick in the description and then you'll want to grab your public ip from from ipchicken or what it might be wherever it may be copy it open steam uh i'll explain how to do it on epic in a second but on steam go to view servers and then uh you should be on internet you're gonna want to click favorites and then click add a server paste in that public ip in this case i'll just type 10 10 10 10 oops and then after you paste in the public ip you're going to want to type colon not semicolon make sure it's colon and then 27015 if you've port forwarded correctly and the server is already up then you should be able to add that to your favorites and then it'll show up here the name and everything if it doesn't show up after you port forwarded you may not have done it correctly or you may have to check firewall additionally i can actually troubleshoot your issue personally for you i do individual discord help i charge twenty dollars for this so i'll leave my uh discord info in the description if you're interested so now i'm gonna show you how to do it on epic games in case you are on epic games or have friends on epic games so we're at the main menu here on epic games you're going to want to click join arc and then you'll go to unofficial now you're going to want to search for the exact name of your server do this carefully you don't need to search the whole thing just to kind of limit the possibility of accidentally typing the wrong thing so maybe just type the first few uh letters or something and then if it doesn't show up then so you'll want to in my case right my servers are called arc vanilla evolved since i'm already port forwarded they're showing up here if your server doesn't show up at all like in this case right i just typed it wrong purposefully if it says no sessions found make sure that you've checked the right all maps make sure it's on all modes this is just sort by but make sure it's not on one specific one specifically make sure it's not on the wrong one and then um you may have to uncheck show password protected if none of those work then your server may not be port forwarded correctly just to double check you can again use steam to double check with the view servers thing you can it'll always tell you even if you don't have arc it'll it'll tell you whether or not the server is up uh if you do that and so yeah that's that's basically how you port forward hopefully the video is helpful if you found it to be helpful you can give it a like or you can subscribe if you would like more help with this whether it's uh creating your server which i have a guide for creating the server itself i also have a guide for configuration installing mods if you want to and also how to enable epic cross play feel free to check out those videos as well and if you want help personally from me you can add me on discord like i said i'll leave that in the description so uh yeah thank you for watching and i'll talk to you later bye everyone you
Channel: NeddyTheNoodle
Views: 59,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark portforward, ark how to make server, ark how to portforward server, ark ports, ark what ports, ark how to port forward, ark portforwarding, ark port forward server, ark forward server port, ark what ports to forward, ark how do i port forward
Id: ZzAC08bd7M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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