Ark Survival Ascended - Basic SURVIVAL GUIDE!

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hello and welcome to Ark survival ascended this video is meant to serve as a kind of guide intro getting started tips and tricks guide for the people on my Discord who are just joining the server basically survival ascended is the original Arc but remade so if you know Arc then most of the things that are true from the original will be true in this game but it's just launched it's amazing it's an unreal 5 engine it looks beautiful and while it is in Early Access the devs are constantly bringing out patches to improve stability and bring down the pretty heavy system requirements but yeah me and the dudes on my patreon and YouTube member Discord have a server and if you want to join up you're welcome to join in but this guide is supposed to serve as a refresher for maybe somebody that's coming back to Ark who hasn't played it for years or someone who's never played Ark at all I'm going to try and cover all the basics you're going to need to have a successful experience on the island now the game begins with character creation there's nothing too tricky here it's all Aesthetics if you want to be a regular Joe with a totally realistic male body standard you can do that likewise if you want to be a very small person who spends way too much time on the weights and not enough time on the treadmill you can do that likewise if you want to be a blonde lady with massive Bonas you can do that too so let's give this girl a name and jump in before we do jump in though I'm going to cover the problems with the server browser basically the multiplayer server browser can only hold 200 100 servers and there's a lot more than that so when you're looking for the server you're going to have to jam refresh a lot of times until your server comes up don't worry it's probably there it's just going to take a while to show up but if you do want the password that is on the Discord so after character creation your first screen is this map now it won't look like this because I've discovered quite a bit of this island basically you'll have nothing but these icons they kind of show you where the most dangerous dinosaurs are and where it's safer to start out your journey now it's possible to start at any of these locations and do just fine but generally speaking you want to start down by the green ones because the weather is a bit more harsh up in the yellow and the Reds also there's way more dangerous dinosaurs up there so we'll start over here right on the corner South Zone 3 oh amazing so before you do anything have a second to take in the beauty that is Ark survival ascended this game has had a massive graphical update and it looks stunning oh yeah oh no that's bad so don't be surprised if you literally spawn and you're dead this guy is nothing to mess with he's got razor sharp claws I think he's in one of the Jurassic Park movies and uh yeah it's not uncommon for you to just die off the bat and there's nothing you can do about it Arc is Savage both in aesthetic and in difficulty but there we go he's over there and we didn't get any stuff so we don't need to worry about it you've got your armor here that's important and stats so you can improve your health your stamina so you can run for further win for further do more stuff before you get tired oxygen so you can dive deeper food and water so you don't get hungry or thirsty as quick weight which is quite important early on lets you carry more melee damage obviously do more damage crafting skill people usually ignore because it only really lets you craft quicker which isn't a slow process to begin with and fortitude which is essential if you plan on going to a lot of cold or hot areas to help survive the Heat and the harsh conditions and torpidity down here is to do with how quickly you're going to get knocked out and boom we've already leveled up so you're going to get levels out the Wazoo as soon as you start but the first thing you're going to want to do is get yourself some tools and that means Gathering some stones from the floor now as a loose rule of thumb you're always going to be wanting to press e on the floor whether you're Gathering stones on the beach or if you're Gathering berries from a bush it's always good to have these in your pack and they never really take up to too much space or weight so we spammed e on the ground a lot we've got a lot of berries a lot of thatch a few Pebbles and whatnot now it's time to start thinking about our first tool it's going to require thatch so we might have to punch a tree a bit there we go this will do damage to you so it's not like a a solution but it's a good way to get thatch if you don't find any on the floor there we go punch that tree to the ground bucks and Betty here is pretty badass so now we'll make a pickaxe and then we drag this down to our bar so we can use it on the fly so now we're going to look at Stats and to start with I'm going to start putting stuff into health health is pretty important if you want to play PVP you kind of want to have about 250 to 300 health but even without PVP it's a great stat for PVE now on our server we're mostly chill dudes there's no real violence yet I mean that could change who knows now that we've leveled up basically you have to select these stats before you can access the engram every level you get a new set of engrams that you can unlock so we're at level three now which means we get access to the level three engrams all the way down here to H it goes up to oh man yeah level 100 where you get things like turrets and crazy stuff but we're going to start with the basics a stone Hatchet a spear a campfire and maybe a cloth shirt and cloth pants so we want to make an axe now how do we do that Flint this time and thatch and that's where the pickaxe comes in handy this is the perfect tool for getting both of those there are basically two Gathering tools in the game for the most part the pickaxe and the axe use a pickaxe on trees to get thatch and use an axe on trees to get wood likewise with stone use a pickaxe on Stone to get metal which is valuable later on and to get flint which is needed for the axe so boom and ax but luckily enough we've also gathered the bits we need for a spear a cloth shirt cloth pants and a campfire all essential and let's PL some more points into Health why not and already oh my God there is something weird about the shape of those but never mind so now dudes and dudets we hunt we're going to look for some simple to kill dinosaurs and there should be plenty of these along the beach even even the ones that will attack us should be pretty easy to deal with right now oh except that one that's a raptor they're quite deadly we're going to go this way now as far as map spawns go the far right Green Dot is harder than most because there's Raptors on this beach and those weird therizor with the massive claws for the easiest experience I would suggest going to the Green Dot on the left but even over here is still survivable but also we've got legs okay here's a raptor a great chance to show you how deadly these things are oh my God you are not surviving a raptor attack no way also if you think you can come back and grab your stuff do be careful because the dinosaur that killed you is probably still lurking around in fact yeah oh my God so yeah expect to die quite often oh man Savage so while we find our New Mecca let's talk about the status icons down in the bottom right so you have torpidity at the top that's how close you are to getting knocked out and if you get knocked out it's pretty much game over then you have weight beneath that that's how much weight you're carrying and how much your capacity is it'll slowly fill up as you get more stuff then the flashing red drop is water intake now you can drink from the sea cuz apparently it's not salty just press e on the water and you're good to go and for for food this is where it comes in handy that you've been pressing e all the time Gathering up all the bushes that you can because you should have a healthy stock of berries by now if you haven't been destroyed by a raptor oh my God that guy is dangerous oh my God he threw poo oh my God this is not a safe place to start so engrams now that we've got the basics it's time to go a little further the things we're going to want are a sleeping bag that's your respawn point a water skin because you're not always going to be near to a source of water and then the basics for your very first base this will be made out of thatch which is not the most durable but it's fine for now and let's gather the things we're going to need for our first base So eventually you'll be able to learn almost everything in this tree however if you're playing with friends it's kind of good to specialize maybe you're going to be the base building guy and your friend can be all about the weapons and the armor etc etc but let's learn thatch ceiling and thatch roof for now oh now it looks like we've been very lucky look we've got a supply drop these will drop around the map and they can be very very valuable early on the color of the beacon above it shows you what kind of level you have to be to get access to it now because this is white that means you can get it from Level zero so let's take a look okay some good stuff in here a war map a signpost some spark powder oh what's this an iy Thora saddle and it's purple as well pretty bad able a water skin so we don't need to craft our own another saddle they're pretty heavy though a cloth shirt that we don't need and some meat that might come in handy now these other little bits here are to do with the bosses this is late game basically when you fight the bosses in this game you're going to want to have to come over here use the artifacts that it says here to craft these summoning idols and then go and fight the boss but that's way late game nothing to worry about yet however weight does seem to be an issue for us so we're going to drop these saddles or narily I'd find a chest for these but for now we won't need them for the purposes of this video all panas like I said the water is not a safe space so with the basics under wrap and survival not really an issue it's time to think about building our first base we're going to want to put some things on our hot bar to craft this we're going to put the foundation walls and the roof these are the only three things we'll really need we're also going to make a door as well because doors are pretty cool and if you're looking for where the doorway goes it's in thatch wall some recipes have kind of been bundled into each other for Ark survival ascended and that's pretty cool so when it glows white it means you can craft it and we can gather the bits we need to make these crafts while we're crafting pretty cool but the bottleneck for us is fiber which means we got to do a lot of berry Gathering so here we go my pack is way overloaded probably because I looted that Supply C earlier but I've got the basics to get started with the base so we've got five foundations and we're going to put these down now building an ark is a lot of fun we're going to put down a foundation here here here and here we've got one more than we need but that's fine then we're going to put down some walls and we're going to need eight of these to get our first base up and running it's going to be very very very simple this base but that all it has to be because all you really want to do to start with is worry about surviving we can worry about thriving later on now if you want to put in Windows or a doorway you can press R and it'll cycle through the available options on the building material that you have so we'll put a window over here I reckon one there and there and one out the front door looking pretty good so that's the walls in place now we got to think about rooftops so we'll drag these down onto our bar we're going to need four of these triangle pieces and four of these regular pieces so let's go and grab that thatch so here we go time to put the finishing touches on our first little house now this thing won't protect you from a lot of dinosaurs basically if you want to come back here because you're being chased in the world and you hide inside your house a dinosaur is going to smash your house to bits to get it the meaty juicy U inside so as a rule of thumb if you're getting chased it's better just to die than to leave them back to your base where you're going to get koed and destroy your house in the process anyway so we'll put the rooftops like that oops no now if you do make a mistake you can empty your hand hold down e on the Block and then pick it up simple now in the corners we're going to put these little bits oh man nice little Tiki Hut now it's time to put down our campfire and we're going to put this campfire inside because you can put it inside it won't start a fire and that's generally safer plus it'll give you a nice light source inside your house now by default it snaps to the center of these foundations but I don't like that that's a bit you know restricting so if you hold Q you can put it wherever you want and we're going to put this o yeah in between there looks good to me campfire is going to need some wood so you open the inventory by holding down e and toss some wood in here now when you tap e it'll light the fire oh yeah and give this nice warm glow inside our house pretty cool most things you interact with you just hover over it hold down e and you'll get a spin wheel of all the things you can do so we have a weapon a house and a campfire it's time to go to the next step before nightfalls night isn't super deadly it is super long though so waiting it out is not really a realistic option we're going to try and get some leather now so to get leather we're going to focus on dodos dodos are basically one shot kills not very deadly at all and they are a good source of hide early on if you can find the body where did he go there we go using an axe on the body will get you some nice little meat and oh my god what the hell is that can we kill this thing it's a trudon I think we can get it I think we can kill this thing nope he's knocked us out and we're dead oh my God oh my God but we've had horrible luck Raptor spawns so close to our bases this early in the game this is Savage but this is Arc this is how brutal and deadly it can be now eating berries is great but do be careful you don't eat the Narco berries these are narcotics and they will knock you out and the last thing you want to do is pass out on the beach getting stoned on narcoberries because that's a great way to become wrapped food oh my God and there they are over there those freaking Savages also a lot of the creatures you're going to hunt are going to try and run away and that's where one thing you can craft is going to come in super handy now doing what we've done this episode has already got us to level 9 which means we should have unlocked Bowers there we go yeah and these are basically things you swing around and uh they wrap around a dinosaur's legs and stop them from moving they cost three hide but we'll usually get more than three hide from the D URS we need this to kill now Spears have a big chance to break so it's also really good to grab as many of these as you can what is that is that a bad guy that's a bad guy so having four or five Spears at any given time is usually a good idea also because you can hold right click and throw them but that's a bit of a waste and these things can break really randomly so let's see if we can use a bowler on this parasaur here and then take it his hide put the bowler on our hot bar switch to it hold down left click we get a tick when we hover over to show you that this thing can be bowler basically things with four legs can't really be but things with two yeah boom so we got him now we get the spear aim for the head bam lights out for you son and use the axe to get this delicious meat and leather oh yeah look at that he's a big dude and we got 25 bits of hide from him great that's exactly what we need to put down a sleeping bag so we'll open up the fire put the meat that we got from him in there as well because this will cook up into a much better food source for us than berries so we'll craft a sleeping bag now and this is again one of the really essential crafts with the sleeping bag in place you can right click on it and set it as your your spawn point we'll put it over here in the corner next to the fire nice and warm and so now with the sleeping bag in place when we die we can spawn back here but also you can use sleeping bags for travel so if you want to kill yourself spawn over in a different location like one of the more dangerous zones you can set up a little base up there as well so thank you for watching this quick tips Survival Guide for Ark survival ascended if you want to see more videos on Ark whether it's the multiplayer server that we have on our Discord for patreon and YouTube members or if it's deeper dives into how to tame an animal and other advanced concepts in the game let me know in the comments section but we got the basics covered today we have our first little thatch house you can see here it's not exactly a mansion but it's a great first step we've got a campfire for food and warmth we've got a bed for sleeping and respawning and we've got the basic tools to get us going so until next time my dudes take care
Channel: Sjin
Views: 14,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sjin, sijn, ark survival ascended, ark ascended gameplay, ark ascended, ark guide for beginners, ark asa, ark survival ascended tips, ark ascended best start, ark ascended tutorial, ark ascended how to connect to server, ark survival evolved fix, ark community server, ark survival ascended community, ark ascended how to start, ark survival evolved ascended, asa, gameplay, ark new, ark survival, dinosaur game, dinosaurs, survival game
Id: ohP3X4HaSD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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