ARK SURVIVAL ASCENDED Gameplay E7 - Baryonyx Breeding & Mutations!

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well hello there you wonderful humans and welcome back to Arc survival ascended hope everybody's having a fantastic day we're back on the community server the vanilla Ark survival ascendant server on the island where all of our community M I think we're up to 70 people online right now which is great to see an active Community it's uh really amazing I can't wait to actually EXP and have a whole bunch of fun with everybody playing uh but thank you all so much for the support on the ark survival ascended Series so far youall have been truly wonderful Chrissy thank you for upgrading to a super bean and thank you everybody for uh your patience while dealing with all of the you know the launch issues of of Arc ascended you know server issues we had a little bit of a some some server downtime today uh but ended up just purchas purchasing a brand new server upgrading with a ton of new Ram uh and Slots so we can get even more people on on today we are playing with accelerated rates so we do have um it's like two times XP five times Gathering uh accelerated breeding rates so that way we can we can breed things pretty quickly and uh it's been great it's been great we've got a lot of people on it seems like we got um a great Community growing which is just super exciting to see let's see here I think we're going to have just enough heat with three May yeah there we go so as you can see we're hatching bionx eggs today uh we're going to do bionx eggs Pteranodon eggs and Raptor eggs all today while we're doing this we're also going to build our pens for our Raptors and uh and bionics as well so we're start working on the red light district like we had on scorched Earth back in the day where all of our Dinos get their groove on it's going to be great so I think we're going to work on the barx one first now the question is do I work on the red light district up here or should the red light district be down on the bottom I'm kind of of the idea that maybe it should be down on the bottom looks like we got a little bit of lag today what's our ping at 80 that's not it's not bad probably have a little bit of server optimization stuff to do since this is a brand new server just got it set up red light district should be down on the bottom I think you're right I think you're right ooh someone built a pirate ship by the coordinates ooh I have to check that out that sounds pretty nice let's see here so maybe we'll start with the Raptor pen thanks for all the work on the server in arcst streams a ziron thank you so much yeah spent about five hours today just trying to get the uh the server all fixed there's a massive uh memory leak that wild card hasn't fixed yet it's not really anything anybody can do other than Wild Card breeding in the Shady underground that is very very accurate all right so if we're going to be breeding in the Shady underground we'll build our Raptor breeding pen first and then um we'll work on the rest get some Fiber probably need to do a wild Dino wipe actually for a brand new server too um but we'll wait until do that later but yeah it's a good time good time next week we're going to have our first event we got to maybe do a poll we need some ideas for our first uh event on the server I've got a list of different things that I want to do but I'm curious to see or hear what all of you think we should do as well so if youall have any ideas feel free to leave in in uh chat my base is looking good it's thank you for the kind words I appreciate you I don't know if that's true or not [Music] but melon rush you change your YouTube name to what it will be on Arc hell yeah nice also to anybody that wants to join in on the servers we do have accelerated rates once we figure out where the good balance of people are I think maybe 100 people per server will be pretty good but then we'll set up server crossplay and all that stuff too so that way um you'll be able to transition between arcs and all that stuff prettiest colored dyo contest snail racing uh we need a mod to ride snails we'll have to figure that out at some point then all right so let's let's work on this this little Raptor breeding area let's check on our bionic eggs I'm hoping to get some bionic mutations today we'll see how it goes what what what is this this is a thing do they all do this what in Sam Hell stamp you built this the most smartest way possible how did I not notice this at all yesterday why do we even have doors oh my God so we got a 198 and a 21 Berry Onyx uh let's check out our stats first see what we're trying to do we got Hal Berry and ghost here um so we've got 3,696 Health wait 593 and melee damage 507 was that 507 or 407 [Music] 407 that wall just opened Queen I know what the heck was that right so it looks like looks like Hal Berry has better stats across the board except for maybe stamina no Hal Berry has better stats across no um ghost has the better health so we need the health from Ghost and the rest of the stats from halberry what's the server this is a private uh members only Community server if you want to join in you can become a member of the channel at a super bean and hire that'll give you access to this server and all future servers as well all right so this baby is probably not going to cut it unless we got something else all games matter thank you for coming to Bean welcome to the community this one's leay poo poo how do I do that um there should be a join button at the bottom of the of the YouTube channel or like kind of like just below the video rather uh you click that join button become a super Bean then join the the members only Discord link is in the description for that that'll get you access to the uh you know obviously the the Discord itself as well as all the server information this is we have one server up at at the moment I have three or two other servers already purchased ready to go uh we're going to do One modded server once in the uh once the mods stabilized they aren't stabilized yet I don't think they're going to be working very well for probably a couple weeks and then we're going to do another vanilla server maybe vanilla with sprinkles this might become vanilla with sprinkles as well but maybe with a modded map we'll see we shall see selheim looks pretty good so we might check that out the Pokeball mod I mean that would be a good quality of life one huh what are the rates we've got uh you know what let me just let me just post this let's see here I'll I'll do a pin chat we are playing playing on our members only whoops members Community server a server become a whoops become a member to join I will edit the description become a member there's that link uh and then server rates oh God dang it God dang It Bobby I just want to copy that sorry everybody I just want to get this R out because a lot of people ask what the rates are become a member to join rates 2 * XP 5 x gather 20 x tame and accelerated breeding rates there we go all right and I'll pin that pin you have a campfire at Latitude island is it okay if I build my base there saberwolf yeah of course absolutely absolutely and mad screams they already announced that they submitted Arc for um approval on consoles they did that like two weeks ago so yeah it's there but it doesn't mean it's ready to be released yet they have a uh basically they had the the pass the QA for console approval been watching you for a while I hope my wife lets me get the game so hopefully we can play together all games matter just cook her a nice dinner you know um cook her a nice dinner give her a give her a back rub or something like that it's PVE yeah yeah it's PVE PVE with PVP settings for breeding [Music] purposes all right now that that's done Kimberly lavender I'm playing Arc for the first time I've become a gamer with Animal Crossing New Horizons and have branched out from there thanks for introducing me to so many fun games Kimberly that is absolutely amazing thank you for being a part of the community and I'm so glad you got into gaming you could be doing way worse things you could be doing you could be out there doing crack it's a good life choice that you've that you've chosen all right so breeding pen I don't think this needs to be particularly humongous I would like to snap it to here but I want to snap it lower um cuz I kind of want to build it under this we snap it there that's too high I really I don't know if we have a a super Secret Squirrel way to kind of reduce the height of things [Music] so I want it about here so maybe what I'll do is we'll just build it and we'll pray that it looks good our server's up 24/7 unless there's a reason for them not to be yes as in glitches [Music] or not glitches but um like today it was down for quite a few hours because something we couldn't fix was going [Music] on see I want this to I have an idea of how I want this to be you know what maybe can we get this to snap out ah there we go beautiful so I logged in for the first time got confused how to play and got killed by a huge snake and lost everything I'm so lost smug yeah that'll that'll happen smug welcome to Ark it's uh it's not going to be your first death or it's not going to be your last death rather um but it'll get easy you just got to make some friends play with some other people get used to the game and uh you can go pick up your bag but the snake's going to be near your bag oh smug I'm sorry you had a rough first experience we got snaked the other day all right so what we're working on right now is the Raptor breeding pen then we're going to build the Barry Onyx one actually you know what that can stay up here cuz this is where the Raptors are going to be they'll poop the eggs straight down from there um and that'll look really good if I picked this up cuz this was a decoration we can build it like that you're only a little late it's not bad better late than never they say think definitely think about getting this to play in the steam deck I haven't tried has anybody out there tried to play this on the steam deck I know that in theory it should work but I imagine it runs like a god awful [Music] potato this is my uh own ser and smok thank you for the Super Chat I'm going to we need a group of people to volunteer to make like a community base at like safe spawn one like easy spawn one uh maybe something with some like extra resources or items or something like that I can keep the items stocked or one of the moderators can we'll also be kind of looking for moderators here pretty soon uh for people to be able to you know help take care of things on the uh the server as as well as on you know the back end of the server when we start expanding [Music] [Music] stuff oops God I keep hitting the wrong buttons today I got the name of one from last time wait what all right so this the the beginnings is of our Raptor breeding pit I think what we're going to do is we're going to use ramps from here which we need can you do how- to vids tag yeah so i' I've been working on there was supposed to be one that came out today but the server was down and I spent all day working on that rather than than actually being able to make anything as far as content goes but yes I will I promise cbera how have you been welcome back you can use a quarter wall to fill the spot by the stairs well I kind of like the way it looks cuz what I'm going to do is I'm going to use pillars to I have some Stone pillars that I'm going to use to fill in the gaps which I think is going to look nice [Music] maybe hi tag and chat been lurking long story short I was rear ended going through a car wash oh my God I'm fine but my bumper is not car is going to the repair for tomorrow you vet I'm so sorry to hear that that sucks I've had that happen [Music] too we got a little bit of L L today let's see here we got a 207 ooh a 227 I bet that's a good one ooh let's go we got 4,224 18 408 perfect and 617 weight all right this is now our male one so for those of you that don't know the way that I do breeding is I try and get uh things with perfect stats uh for breeding purposes this 227 is very very good so now we get we need to get a female with the same stats as this one and we're going to murder that one I absolutely cannot wait for this game to come to consoles uh watching people like you play it makes me excited even though we are getting it really hopefully soon in November yes these servers will also be console crossplay too I've been scrambling to move all my tees to single player so I don't lose all my mutations are we talking about from Like official servers or something oh what what the heck what the heck oh God I'm stuck there we go all right we need to see if this is going to work the way that I that I wanted it to let's go like that that yeah just the same way as as old Arc you know just to get rid of those funky little Corners that we got there nasty Beast what it do you can make me a welcome a where'd it go A Welcome Center since I'm be going to PlayStation Network once it's released oh nice vlight thank you for coming to Bean thank you thank you all right so let's see here I think we should be able to fit our six Raptors in there for breeding purposes and then maybe we'll get a little bit I don't know if we need a little bit more room I think this is going to be okay I'll put a pillar there pillar there go down with the sickness perfect and what we're going to do this thing I'm to use wood across the top I really love the new building stuff it's so nice we'll do wood like that I'll do it up here as well I can't put it on the stairs though cuz we won't actually be able to get up the stairs if we do that I don't think that would be a bummer you like the stone pillars oh yeah I love building an arc it's one of my favorite things I get horribly horribly addicted to it [Music] though keep I keep an eye on the Ping um we might need to do a wild Dino wipe cuz it's a new server actually we might do that um might try and do a wild dyo wipe in a few minutes please don't try and tame anything should have done it when the new server booted finish up any tames meow uh finished my Marathon 2 hours 27 minutes on a hand cycle oh my God one leg hoo nice um let's see here grab these and uh one L hendo thank you so so much oh use the quarter walls in the wall below the stairs to create an arch over the stairs to create an arch over the stairs wait say that again oh I think I see what you're saying that look pretty nice can we do that with these or do we have to build the corner I think we have to build the corner walls right yeah all right so let's do this we'll flip this bad boy like so flip it like so then we're going to do these like that to be able to get in and out oh you know what we can do now too God I love the new building changes it's so nice being able to have like these pillars go across like that now mhm I like it I don't like that I keep always trying to like control Z stuff like that's not going to work tag like what are you doing with your life all right let's grab some uh some resources upstairs is um it's a setting so all of the things I have no mods this is a vanilla server anything that you notice that has changed on this is all stuff you can change in the game user settings or the game I I and it's just adjustments to like stacking rates and things like that to be able to just some quality of life stuff you don't need a mod for the most of the changes in the game you can get away with um using various things for that okay we need some Hood you're still on the hunt for atha you just got to Twin 22 M 222 males you could be persuaded with a berry onx oh my God I'm going to tame mine as much as I as much as I want to I I very much enjoy giving away dinos rather than getting them because if I get a whole bunch of dinos then I don't have anything to farm you know do you still need pillars every few feet to build on slopes yes but it's a lot easier to do stuff now than it was before the RG is almost done taming no worries no worries I'm not going to go uh Crazy On You I know you I think you posted in the chat to to wait for the wipe the wipe also ladies and gentlemen if you do find yourselves enjoying the ark series Al likee would be greatly appreciated it helps out so much it only takes a second holy cow you got 78 people playing right now on the server hell yeah I'm glad I upped it to uh to 100 today I had a feeling we'd have a lot of people playing [Music] today which I think is more than the average um official server right looks like I'm starting over on my single player world save and backup were corrupted it no longer boot up sa why don't you join in with everybody but yeah no there's a big corruption issue that's what happened to our server today um wild card is supposedly working on fixing it I had to buy an entire new new server today like like $200 for the new server today U but I did up the ram too to the highest that they offer so we should be able to support everybody on the server without having any issues although I think the only problem that we'll have is we have the accelerated Gathering rate so if anybody uses a Bronto to harvest we're going to see a lag Spike with that wonder if I'm going to get any input lag playing from Europe yeah you'll your ping will probably be in the hundreds but um it could be worse Jesse what it do you going to join in and play some survival of ascended why can I not craft these right now ramps oh they're not oh they change the way they look when you can craft stuff that's weird h all right um wiping dinos in a dinos in a few minutes please don't start taming please don't start new tames I know I'm trying to get to water right now you'd think by now I'd have like a a canteen on me I can't afford a new console so no ASA I get it magar hedge thank you 83.5% done nice just let me know when it's done we'll do the wipe right after that it's probably the longest tames we got going right [Music] now got a new breeding pen you know I really enjoy making the breeding [Music] pens it's like one of my favorite things what the heck and what no I want it to be yes yes it was there we had it other way like this let we stick the Raptors on here and the eggs will drop right below we can even let let them hatch in here and then we can just come in and pick out our mutations and that way we can just kind of come in and out whenever we need to and all the mutations will be there we need more wood check my eggs now oh yeah I should probably do that so let's see here our juvenile M1 I'm not going to cuddle it I I do need to get a better one but we're not going to cuddle any of those yet we got a 207 and a 202 nice Raptor brothel sh first rule about Raptor brothel Club is you don't talk about Raptor brothel Club H and I hopefully building us new PCS soon are potatoes a where's our potatoes [Music] now [Music] [Applause] silly question but the sa room for my base and just for the server is it okay at times if I can put my dinos in the Obelisk and if I might want them back I can pull them back um I think well actually I don't know if I have those settings turned off I should have them turned off cuz people can pull stuff from single player which can be a little bit of a nightmare but it's not like we're doing PVP so it should be fine if it's on you can do it I won't uh I won't hate you for it so we need half walls right somebody was saying half is there half walls wood wood sloped wall we have quarter walls that's what it was oh and I have a whole bunch of those made already we'll just make more if you use floor torch is for breeding did you know that if you paint the torch you can change the flame color I did know that I did indeed Brock what's going on it's done taming do we no you don't have to you don't have to rejoin all right um wiping dinos now we'll see some lag no reason to relog all right let's see here cheat destroy wild dinos D and D tonight no no D and D tonight unfortunately I thought I did have D and D tonight but I did not these quarter walls are kind of nice but a little a little too small half walls would have been better would have been much more nice M if we pick this up and then grab this bad boy fix this a little bit stamp how's the new computer coming looks like we're running out of fire stuff all right this looks good we should just be able to get our Raptors in here now and we should be good to go loging everything now hell yeah all right let's move all these Raptors so these are all of our breeders right here we'll start with our female this will help clean up the base a little bit I do want to go for the fully uh mutated the fully mutated Raptor at some point I think will be really nice so the goal is we kind of want them to sit right here and then the eggs will drop right down here so so all the babies will always be here and then and it's going to make it super easy to breed them let's grab our other female I think we'll just do two and two so a total of four females in there we'll just let them go pretty much most of the time we'll let them go for the at least for the stream you don't want to leave them breeding all the time cuz you'll actually create a ton of server lag and they'll end up starting breeding with themselves while they're wild too which will just creates a a dino explosion on accelerated raid service I missed the last stream did you get revenge on stamp yet for the paint job not yet not yet but Revenge shall be mine jatina how are you enjoying playing are you in tag hunting for some thas today maybe maybe let's grab this off put this on mating enable mating We need oh we need some doors shoot tag bringing out the Raptor [Music] apocalypse all right why is she not is this one not enabled Behavior aha what's my Deets what you talking boot oh that helped a ton see how we we were at 80 ping before uh so there was an overspawn of dinos I got to figure out which one's overs spawning you can see now we're down to 33 H I had a feeling it was the dinos what's my coordinates I'm on herbivore Island Super Secret Squirrel land [Music] that ping is so much better especially with freaking 80 people on right [Music] now got to love trying to figure out Dino overs spawns I have a feeling it's it's uh it's probably fish the the island always had an overspawn of fish uh fish and I think it was just fish I'm super enjoying it and dying less which is good hell yeah unicorns respawned oh no it's not a it's not a new server like that it's the overspawn of raptors at tags place I don't think so I don't think so door we want some some of these bad boys all right there we go we've got our Raptor breeding pen now which is good the first entry to the red light district has been created oh I apparently using wood for this you know what let's not do that let's use stone stone looks good beautiful all right our first entry into the red light district has been made it's uh brown chicken brown cow [Music] alley would love if they stop mutating in the unused zones what do you mean oh yeah you'd think they'd have that fixed by now but you'd be wrong you would indeed be wrong see I really I really wanted this to do a thing so this this wants to come down on the center of this I think we're just going to have to leave it like that all right see we got our eggs here we got four eggs which are in fact incubating so now we can walk back into here and we'll be able to we'll be able to just walk into our mutations which is nice that's why I like building breeding pens like this it's um it's very very convenient so now we need to build a Barry Onyx breeding pen let's get that going we're getting a good start to the to the red light district today you stream everyday Tag arena I do I do indeed how are things going for you by the way sorry I I know the server was offline there for a while unfortunately was out of my control on that one until I bought a new server that shouldn't be a common occurrence yeah I stream every day second commercial in 10 minutes really hold on that shouldn't be happening like that God such a pain in the butt save you finished your base nice you're way ahead of me I'm building the uh the red light district for our uh for our mutations at the [Music] moment 10 more minutes let's go stop we can try and uh maybe see if we can find those thas later the bionx mutation pen is going to be slightly more difficult to make cuz they're so th no doy like I no I appreciate you saying that cuz I I need to know cuz they've they've changed a lot of the YouTube has changed a ton of the um commercial stuff basically the ads the ad settings there's a lot of really good things coming for it so like ads won't actually take over the screen anymore very soon which is going to be really nice they're going to go above the chat so you they'll be become almost not really noticeable which will be at least not to like interrupting the stream and such but this kind of in intermediate time is a little bit of a pain all right so we need a bionx pen right oo do we get any mutations we've got 204s two fours no mutations is there a stone roof Corner yeah all right so this pen needs to be a little bit bigger it's we're going to come out like this needs to be wider and longer what's my new favorite part of Asa honestly I really love the breeding the optimizations they've done to the building is pretty phenomenal as well we should be able to build significantly larger bases now uh without affecting the server negatively because of the instancing that they've done for structures whereas uh back in survival evolved if you if you built say something that was 10,000 pieces then the game had to render 10,000 pieces uh if you build something that's 10,000 pieces and it's all attached to each other but it only has to render one piece uh cuz it all instances together rather than separately which is pretty a pretty substantial boost in performance making meatloaf to din you going to put some of that in my mouth cuz meatloaf is like my favorite food and you can't be hopping in here talking about meatloaf without sharing [Music] does your new pc look pretty snamp [Music] oo I'm super excited for stamp's new PC this is very exciting I think I'm going to change the look of this one I don't want them all to look exactly the same you know each each building in the red light district has to has has to have its own personality right beatloaf does sound amazing I'm going to make this uh like this creamy chicken and shrimp thing tonight which I'm excited for Jesus that is a lot of fiber we don't need all that uh no we can't stack foundations that's an s+ thing we've got a couple more eggs I think I'm going to use wood pillars for this one also Sky what do you think about uh ascended so far have you been enjoying it a server treating you all right other than the massive downtime today uh let's see here we need oh I don't have any stone walls what I thought I made stone walls today you love it oh yeah I didn't think I would be excited to play really I guess yeah if you have a ton of hours in like say regular Arc um that makes that makes a lot of sense it is one of my favorite games of all time though I think that that'll do it for that you have over 6,600 hours in Arc oh yeah that would explain why you didn't think you were excited for it I say it looks so good to be honest I just hope mid-tier PCS can handle it uh unfortunately not really like mid-tier PCS in like a year or two will be able to handle it a lot better one's right now cruising for a bruising [Music] are these default Graphics yeah these are maxed out though like default Graphics that are maxed out so quarter walls we're going to use quarter walls and ramps I actually think that I might have my pen too small evanel uh words and stuff thank you for coming to Super Bean welcome officially to the community make sure to join the members only Discord to gain access to the server a 3060 can run it yeah I guess 30 series would be considered mid- tier [Music] now Ry nuber thank you for the 17 months yeah 3060 is pretty affordable too if we do this oh balls I think this will look good for the bionics breeding pen hopefully did I put no did I would like to snap it sideways into that wall please no give me give me oh I saw it I felt it it was there oh it like it like skirts right right by it do it like this then maybe come on come on you dirty little game don't do me like this oh oh nailed it oh this last one's going to be no bueno I don't think I put a 3080 Ultra TI gaming in mine oh has anybody tried to play it on the steam deck I know it's probably a pretty crazy question I asked earlier as well and I didn't pay attention to see if anybody actually said if they did or not so that's my bad did I get my revenge not yet soon steam deck is crazy hey you never know it's worth asking oo I think these need a they need a full-blown dinosaur gate don't they um and a full-blown dinosaur gate is two level 200 plus dinosaurs already yeah you you tame max level stuff and you and you get max level dinos I just tried to play arc on my steam deck and it was running like a tiny airplane but it's sort of it sort of ran it that sounds very very convincing all right we're going to put all of this stuff down we're going to start hatching we've already got our M1 we need to get our female one for the for the mutation breeding I haven't made a stream in Forever Ador miss you community a Courtney welcome back hope you've been well got married yesterday and now me and the hubby are recovering by doing nothing but watching your Arc content oh Melly congratulations to you and the husband that is amazing 86 people on 86 people on and averaging 42 ping that is amazing God Pingu would be in the hundreds with the old Arc all right I'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] all right can we get an egg if we're doing a driveby yeah of course absolutely oh God I'm trying to hatch these bad boys and it's too cold so I ain't got no fuel shoot how many eggs are in the P I think there was like six or seven in there now that I joined how do you join the server um uh go to the description and join the members Discord once in the Discord go to the arc section or the gaming section there's a server and Arc announcements channel in there that has the server [Music] info a little bit of work but it's not too bad I'm super excited for stamp's new computer a Jester thank you been following since ancestors but now my wife watches you almost religiously and more than I do we mainly tend to watch the vods though well that is amazing thank you to you and your wife oh I am starving I was like is my screen blinking red koi thank you for coming to Majestic Bean thank you thank you thank you I don't know how many of these fires we need I think we need three there we go perfect are we going to tame an owl um I have I have no oh Christ what the fry frack freak is this excuse me there's something that can carry a freaking T-Rex now it's only 2 days into the game what you doing oh my God what the two people can ride this thing it's a Reggie what the heck oh God hi oh man the ghillie suits look freaking cool now they look super Gilly so who is this we got Mock and Matthew B has invited you to a tribe Alliance [Music] um recruit to failboat oh god oh there's three of them here who is this yes it's Avalanche Master nice oh God everybody's getting naked today okay it's going to be that kind of day I need some rocks hold on I got to build a gate man that thing is crazy look at this thing I don't know what is it what kind of creature is this supposed to be we came for the berry eggs yeah just snatch them up there's there's one sitting right there right now oh my God everybody in the club's here everybody's trying to get some Berry eggs oh my God I got to ask them Bowlers a question I do we need to make a stone dinosaur Gates which means we need a buttload of stone a buttload of wood and a buttload of thatch and we're going to need a one of these it's the sky Reaper it's the sky Giga apparently the Rena perfect such a great name you know what I need to get a female Berry so that way we can get more eggs for these people since I said they could grab eggs oh God God we need to get an anky I think we're going to I think we're going to try and tame an anky today it's been it's been too long of uh not having an anky or a docus for that matter was those real yeah no that's it's a new dyo to the game apparently we're need fuel for our fires as well I don't know where I left Winona the Big Brown Beaver I think I left her up on the mountain top up there somewhere she's just beavering it up we need to find another Beaver today too we were only able to find a level 20 Beaver somebody is actually built on the main Beaver spawn so they're not actually [Music] respawning ad doic a docus believe it was the last Dino they added to the OG Ark you left her by my house I thought so sure she's been taking well care or taken well care of I does I feel like that's not how that said all right Stone dinosaur gate perfect you don't build on the beaver spawns Justin oh my God long time no see I hope you've been well being well taken care of yeah something like that that thing is creepy looking how that carries a Rex with such small wings I have no idea but it does we got some babies up in here what do we got what we got what we got level 221 204 I think that 221 is the one we need is it a female it is a male all right H oh my God it's the stamp the stampeding stamp is back on her new computer this one was 227 well we need a female regardless so that way we can start getting better stats let's tame that 216 maybe we'll have better luck with that one 210 [Music] 190 216 let's tame that one just in case o it's a female with good health it's got everything but the melee damage which is not bad all right that'll [Music] do yeah that was the one we wanted yeah got people all up in this joint today got to cannot wait to start getting things organized right let's grab our dinosaur Gates we got to get our berry onyx's moved we are thicker than a something that's thick I'd be terrified of yeah I saw one of those insects when we were flying around yesterday it was terrifying did I build this without a center well that's our life now I don't have much Choice yep that's just our life this is our life I'm building things without a center you know what it'll add to the uh you know what actually this works out cuz what we'll do is we'll make this a gate that way we don't always have to open up the big gate right we can always just go through the smaller gate can I play this on Xbox yet no not yet eventually also we've got almost 800 people watching and less than 300 likes if you follow that like button Legend says that you'll get good luck you'll get all the mutations uh your will stop crashing and good things will happen to you but if you don't nothing but terrible things will happen so it's up to you you know I don't know what to tell you not saying you should need a door I should craft a bunch of these doors actually thicker than a disco on a Sunday evening is that I feel like this is better op options than that squished to buddy thank you thank you thank you it only takes a moment why why why you looking at my Raptor like that what did he ever do to [Music] you expecting zero crashes tag look that's what the Legends say okay but we know we know how Legends do all right so none of these are mutated we got a bunch of raptors going just going to town in there it will release on Console when it releases but that is the uh the best I can tell you do we have any mutations we got 204s everything is 204 in here all right so not a single mutation if if you're wondering why I'm not murdering them it's because I'm lazy cuz they're just going to die on their own anyways all right let's do this let's do that we're going to make this like I said look where the hell did that just disappear off too yeah we have no official information on a console released date yet if we had one promise I would I would tell you you know wouldn't keep you leave you hanging all right like I said each red light district house gets a slightly different look just a slight a slight change all right let's get the Barry onyxes loaded up in here now I think this should work where' my shoes go oh it's cuz I have kiten shoes on I for forgot we got that from an ascended drop yesterday is this going to this will work this is going to be great just keep telling yourself that and things will work out you know they make the normal doors taller yeah they made everything a little bit taller which is nice cuz I'm the jolly green freaking giant right now like the fact that I can even even fit through most things is crazy are y'all going crazy in here what y'all doing all right let me hop up here and the goal of this pen is to just get the eggs falling off just like before the problem is the Tails so I'm thinking maybe we push them a little bit more forward as long as I can get around the Tails I'm happy yeah see freaking love it when a plan comes together the red light district getting made once again so yeah what we're doing is we're we're breeding for mutations which gives us uh stat increases as well as uh as color uh color changes so that way we can breed things to be pretty and Powerful I have a whole full-blown tutorial on breeding coming out tomorrow we're supposed to come out today day but had a whole bunch of issues that I had to contend with today I just dropped two ascending ghilly chest pieces from a drop do you want one ooh ooh I'll trade you a Barry onx egg for one that would be great all right what do we got here we got the 210 we need to murder those where's order 66 uh so let me show you exactly so these are some of our mutated Raptors that we got uh so we got like this red one we got the purple feathers right there we've got the green body we've got you're not mutated don't freaking look at me like that you're just trying to hide in here so you don't get murdered who do you think you you sneaky sneaky little devil how did you even get in there all right Order 66 is that the right one this one all right we make sure we get rid of any bodies or things are going to go very very badly for us oh those are some grumpy Raptors all we're going to have to do this the hard way all right we have slate problem slate hi Barry how did you get in there oh no hi Berry get out of there oh she's going to be stuck we had a couple of escapes they've [Music] abonded all right let's not do that with the Raptors again shall we let's make Better Life Choices I think is what we learned from that halberry is very upset where we going to leave Order 66 in here for the next time did you actually get through a doorway no no you didn't you're just you're pretending like like you can do that let there be chaos yeah sometimes the breeding pens they uh they can go a little all if left unattended like that un accelerated breeding rights Order 66 you get to live up here [Music] now do you have any levels [Music] ooh she's helping I will say that that was the case I like that she's still breeding through the wall she's like I know my job I haven't forgotten all right can we we're going to make a bigger wall for that this time now that we've learned our lesson I don't need ceilings I need walls hi Berry cannot be trusted we also need to make sure we whistle everything passive stamp I see you what you doing over there also where H Berry where are you squirting them eggs out feel like there's a conspiracy of foot here look at the water it's a freaking pirate boat oh hell yeah I used to love building boats like the oh my God there's a lot of raptors out there too um all right all right we got we've made we've made some issues today they got a freaking pirate boat who is that that looks real nice I have to go fix that Raptor problem first though I need to make like a nice nice dock for people to be able to like Park all their dinos and stuff at mother son of a biscuit eatting Dino love man the new building system really allows you to make a great looking pirate ship I'm going to have to make one of these this looks really good did you design this yourself or did you watch a YouTube video could you you just penetrated me with your boat could you de penetrate me could you could you at least take me out to dinner first before you me [Music] I'm ah great this is where I live [Music] now I mean it was it was a cool pirate but I didn't want to get like entered like that [Laughter] God right that didn't happen oh there's the Raptor that's an awesome pirate ship [Music] though who gave them a license exactly hold on I want to want to take a tour on this this is nice are you what's your name no I can't read it [Laughter] Flappers oh hi who is this oh it's uh it's 15 Tales okay oo I like it this is a nice little boat it's very optimized I appreciate it this is sweet I love it hell yeah I might have to make that same exact boat now maybe a little bit bigger what does that say there's another dead Raptor Baby by your other dead Raptor oh that's super helpful there's a lot of dead Raptors I'll tell you what uh we'll figure it out wait there's a juvenile Pteranodon here what are you [Music] doing what's a mejoberry are we are we breeding Raptor or dude Bros right now ready to mate enable wandering to mate we should what you going to do with that big cat [Music] butt all right too cold so we need some we need some torches in here I think we'll use torches for this particular pen you know I usually do a pretty good job of censoring myself but sometimes there's just no other words to describe a situation or feeling that you have you know and it's good for your soul anyways scientifically proven Derek thank you for coming a majestic being welcome welcome welcome we've currently got over 80 people on the server and uh if you're wanting to join a pretty amazing community of people and accelerate ated rates across the board much more enjoyable to play on then become a member join the members only Discord and play along all right so let's see here we're slowly cleaning up the base slowly getting things built out we've got our berry onyx's doing Berry onx brown chicken brown cow stuff uh I think we're going to we got to replace our male yeah actually you know what are you H much longer 69 come on 69 69% done what you going no I I sing to my cats I often can be found following my cats around singing what you going to do with that big cat butt and they look at me like I'm insane and maybe I am but at least you know I feed them I clothe them I clean their litter box at least they can just let me live My Crazy Life you know that was the correct word when a boat enters you exactly there's literally no other word for it also if you follow your cats around singing to them they uh they lose their minds stamp why are you naked don't look at me like that put some clothes on ma'am you might have died oh no is that why you're trying to tame a tan trying to get a Pteranodon right now all right 204 204 204 we're looking for 206s if we want a mutation there's a man with long long arms in the server going around giving gifts and his name is Santa excuse me what oh the pirate ship left oh no they they literally plowed me and then left I feel Done Dirty I leate to stamp are you out here trying to tame thas without me is that what you're doing oh my God all right so what do we need to do to finish up our our pen over here I want to make it look a little bit better we need torches no you're prepping okay okay okay okay okay what you going to do with that big cat [Music] but torch Tor yes the old Tor I don't think I need 31 of them but now we have them put those bad boys right here I think I need to figure out how to uh 52 52 is good I got to figure out we have one overspawn on the server I got to figure out what it is oo The Sweet Sound of new babies 206 we got a mutation I don't know what it is I don't know if it's a color or a stat mutation yet looks like it's a stat mutation and it is probably one we don't need we went from oh it's a stamina mutation okay we got a stamina stat mutation on this one nice I'll take it stamina's not bad I mean it's not great but I'll take it Dale Davis thank you for becoming a majestic Bean thank you very very much and also thank you to everybody that has helped support the uh the community and uh all of the streams and pretty much everything over the course of the last bajillion years so for the red light district we need to put all these torches down right and then we need to paint then we need to change the color to Red I think is the plan also torches oh my God we need fuel will they heat you have to be very close to a torch for it to heat anything up right is something inside of me what's what's going on oh H Berry too cold uh corch thank you for becoming a majestic Bean welcome to the community thank you very much need more wood all right we got to go find Winona Winona will know what to do stamp has plenty of practice dying in games as we all know snamp does have lots of practice dying in games so do I though I'm like the professional of it would no no the biggest be level 60 and proud tag throwing out the AR content like no tomorrow just wait till I start actually making videos and stuff which I need to do very badly I've got the breeding video coming out tomorrow I'm going to make a freaking boat video now there's a tickle chicken up here to I got a tickle chicken what is our taming number it's either 15 or 20 uh 15 or [Music] 20 was that is that tickle chicken unaggressive cuz jatina was definitely not on that tickle chicken and it just was like mm- not today skirt skirt and it left oh no what is it tatina are you on that is it humping the trees what is it doing right [Music] now are you what the heck is this I'm just going to leave that thing alone I don't know what's going on with it it's like I really like this grass I'm going to fle it I'm going finger it it's Gathering I mean I know it's Gathering but why is it doing it on its own it's on auto gather I guess but why did it do it when I looked at it it's like this is some really nice grass you got here let me just gather this up hi Louisa all right Winona is full of wood all right she gets left here again oh I'm full of wood it saw you with the boat probably I think I can live through this drop yeah creatures gather on their own when directed to the source now that's pretty nice is The Game worth it do you like dinosaurs um do you like survival games do you like pretty games do you have a computer that is better than a potato if all of the answers to these questions are yes then yes if one of them is no then maybe not couple ascended Ghillie for Berry eggs I would love that feel free to there's some there's some Berry eggs in the Berry sex pit right now that you can you can grab if you want all right there's our new female we're going to we're going to put okay so we need we actually need to swap out we need to we need to swap out some stuff right [Music] now definitely worth it then all right so we need actually I am realizing that I don't think I can get that bionx out of that uh that area there right Behavior disable mating oh my God why stop no give me the game is 10% off until November 1st oh also another reason to pick it up right [Music] now thank you stamp all right let me let me snatch her out of there thankfully we got the bionic sex pits now so uh smidge of a problem what is she stuck on she's stuck on something there we go hi Berry halberry you made some good babies for a little bit I appreciate you what does export dyo do I'm I'm I'm be honest with you I I genuinely have no idea not a clue we got to go on an adventure a beaver finding Adventure today at some point as well all right so we're looking for 227 level females after this so that way we can replace this bar onx with one that will use for our [Music] mutations this more than the UI updated Ren look at look at the stream buddy it was the boat penetration that that convinced me oh my God ridiculous all right we got to see what kind of raptor action we got going on up in here we've got 204s no 206s kick the player who built on the beaver spawn it is a bit of a problem I'm not g to lie um that being said I think stamp is taking care of the pteranodons at the moment so that's that's good um that being said yeah I don't know I don't know what we're going to do about that I don't know if they're still online either like if they're still playing yeah building on the beaver spawn was was a dirty dirty dirty dirty uh dirty thing to do but to be fair there should just be in general more beavers [Music] spawns Trevor if you look at the minimum system requirements it says a 1080 is your graphics card better than a [Music] 1080 I think uh ooh how did that get out there yep it is actually inside that's a smidge of a problem what PC do I have I do YouTube as a living take a wild [Music] guess oh stamp oh my God Stamp Out Here straight murdering are these are these getting their groove on yet yeah they are okay so this has a solid chance of being the bionx that we need I'm going to take it actually in here correction tag does chaos for a living true yeah no I have a uh I have pretty much the best computer that you can get cuz I kind of have to you know plus there a tax deduction but you can run it on a semi- potato like I I've heard of people running it on a with a with a 1060 yeah you have to you have to run it on low settings and stuff but honestly the game the game looks good on low like everybody I know that there's a lot of controversy around the game right now and literally everybody expects that they should be able to run everything on Max no matter what but I'm sorry to break it to you but in general games from now on are not going to run well on Max so like we're hitting kind of like the next evolution of stuff and especially when you're using nanite and Lumen Ray tracing all of this stuff for a game it's hard to freaking run but look at this so this is on completely Max we can go to low settings save and this is the game on low settings if you can run the game at low settings it still looks way better than regular Arc oo there's an RG there in 4k though oh it's low in 4k oh my God there's this one person that's always flying around with like 50 billion RGS and I don't know why can I run it on Windows [Music] [Laughter] 95 NAA I had to buy a new graphic card yesterday to be able to play M gra card did meet the requirements but the drivers were too old interesting you couldn't have upd the drivers I'm a little confused on that one if I'm being honest unless it's like AMD or something too hot oh Lord have mercy on my soul too hot again what it's night time what okay all right my husband keeps looking at pieces to upgrade his computer and I'm like nope Patricia how are you all right we got to pick up some of these eggs actually sweet okay people have been picking them up hello stranger hello darkness my old friend what the heck is going on with the these torches is this how they're supposed to look I really wish you could turn off like the sound of torches cuz I would love the sound of silence I'm good now singing Uptown funk in my head oh don't you even dare get that stuck in any of our heads ma'am oh it's already happened God damn okay the lighting suddenly fixed itself I don't think these these torches are going to quite I really don't like the sound of them oh hi you A thick one aren't you who are you oh it's broken ooh thank you for the Ghillie stuff ooh oh and it's way better way better stats I just got some furry gloves I'm furry glove man now thank you broken grab as many oh here actually here um boop boop and Boop there's three for you joined the server today and only got an hour on before had to hop off but first T was a 125 pterodactyl nice that's awesome I like that like the little baby Raptors smile at you before you murder them can we do this yes just don't like T torches we're going to have to get whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa slowly roll their home skillet that sound was drilling itself into my brain and I wanted to die they really do need to fix Lumen though like I don't think they really know what they were doing with it and it's it's a little wonky but some ptas just flew up in the sky nice God no no peeks get some angular jell for the torch for H who are you stranger danger what what is this a flare gun oh thank you much appreciated all right so what are we doing now we are we're we need to we need to breathe these eggs or not we need to hatch the eggs it's been too hot still too hot can I bring it near the water maybe if I put it in the water I don't think that changes the temperature at all nope love the ER Raptor sticking out of the breeding pen yeah it's a little bit of a hot mess just got booted by an ad I know I saw it happen I tried to stop it all right why are you dying are you not on the trough is the Troth too far away no the Troth are we out of meat long arm man how many people do we got on the server now also ladies and gentlemen for those of you that don't know this is a members Community server uh you are welcome to join if you want to become a member you can join along and play with all of us which will allow you to get access to a private PVE server with accelerated rates to maybe help you enjoy the game even a little bit more we'll be doing weekly events obviously this week was mainly just actually getting into the game but next week will be our first event we'll be good I don't know why this this one's dying very odd it's eating off the trough now though and it's inside of me 85 when you logged on a few minutes ago noce we are very stuck uh stamp could you bring me a raptor please stamp I am uh I am full-blown inside of somebody and I can't I can't move I made it victory is mine I don't think these babies are able to eat off the Troth it shows that they're on the Troth but are they I don't think they are if I get my first mutation I read it back to the parent you can yeah if you want no wonder it was dying there wasn't meat in it until recently oh interesting what's the server cap now I have it set to 100 at the moment uh but I should I might be able to update up it we're at server ping 60 but I believe that's just this the Ping is only getting high because I believe there's an overspawn of something just haven't figured out what it is cuz we don't have mods to figure out what it is anymore if I noticed any breeding changes at all no not really it's still Arc still the ark we know and love there quite a few other changes to the game though so okay so sweet we're at two cold now so we should be able to hatch our [Music] eggs there's a bunch of mods out but they don't work I mean they work but the servers have massive problems with them right it went from too hot to just can't get it warm enough there we [Music] go all right I like what stamp did with our Raptors right there it's looking pretty good um all right red light district is is is looking good what time is it it is 2007 nighttime should go by pretty quick thanks to these settings that I adjusted I think the game is Saving right now because there's a mass lag Spike or the servers reset yep all right let me check the server and let me turn this on do face cam or something oh Lord oh it's so bright mucho brto all right well hopefully it is an update to fix the issues that we've been experiencing all day connection timed out yeah yep yep yep yep yep yep look at it fixed server go byby I was loging in a trade I'm assuming it's probably updating [Music] this one I have so many servers from having to test stuff today hydration in a snack break it's not a bad idea not a bad yep so we uh just installing a new update it's starting right now so we should be good uh memory usage 37 gigs of RAM wait what that can't be right we've been using 37 gigs of [Music] [Laughter] RAM oh my God that's insane they have a memory over overflow I know it's really bad there's a there's a memory leak in the game right now which is is particularly bad uh looks like the server is started hopefully we don't get the same problem that I experienced earlier which is there's a there's a memory leak there's a glitch with the the tribe data that causes servers to not [Music] work hopefully the game freaking saved before the server saved before shutting down we're back up 88 people online am I drinking uh Red Bull and vodka all right give me a second we're going to wait for the server to stabilize and then we're going to log back in okay nice looks like we're good [Music] uh well we have 50 billion argies over there for some reason it definitely rolled back a bunch dang it how far back are we right now oh my God kitten thank you for coming to Majestic Bean welcome welcome welcome my toddler just called mac and cheese meow and cheese nice RG gang invasion you know what we'll do while we're uh hold on while we're while this is happening to help people that might have been trapped in a bad spot because of this we are what people might be T never mind what the heck are you you're a monster you are beautiful in so many weird ways come back who are [Music] you it's Dave that's Dave Dave you're beautiful I don't know if anybody anybody has told you that lately but you are the most beautiful creature creature I have ever seen in my entire life I would like to marry Dave we will uh make sweet sweet Davey babies all right anyways I going to do this un momento so I'm tired of not being able to see oh ghilly gauntlets and Gil oh my God that's how far back we are we are so far back oh my God we just got the Gillie back I want my ghilly back ghilly back baby Gilly back [Music] wings all right well that was fun all right does that mean we still have a nightmare in here oh we got we just got whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we just got a oh hell yeah look at that mutation oh that's really pretty that cyan mutation looks so good safira thank you for coming to Super Bean welcome to the community yeah unfortunately I have zero absolutely zero control over those type of uh crashes that happened with the updates at least for right now the cyana magenta would be nice yeah if you've never played Arc is it hard to pick up and learn it is um there's definitely a learning curve when you first join you're going to die a lot uh it's going to be unfortunate but as long as you can get past the initial dying part and getting like through the beginnings of the game then you shouldn't really have any problems like it is a very very enjoyable game there's tons of different ways to be able to play it what is this who is this show ancestors hi Berry hi Berry ancestry bionics and M1 so this is okay so this is the first baby of that group health stamina Oo we didn't get the melee damage I'm going to set the Get Wrecked stamp Behavior Uh options unclaim I mean what you got to scream your demons out when you sneeze okay it it it came out of [Laughter] nowhere Sher how are you oh God oh Lord much better I feel much better H sorry to all the children out there but like look you just sometimes you just got to sneeze okay he and uh and it makes it feel better I'm the world's worst influence I'm sorry anyways I don't think we got any more mutation that Canan mut mutation is beautiful [Music] though Holy Spirit exposing Sneezy demons exactly imagine you're at a funeral I would do the same thing the ultim Mania thank you for coming to Super Bean like just don't invite me to a funeral is the moral of that story I don't think you oh we got a we got a pink taint mutation nice that's our second new T that that restart seems to have given us some decent luck all right so we got a we got a pink taint and we got a San body mutation since since the roll back any plans on building a community base yeah I would um I don't want to take responsibility for building the community base I would love it if the community as a community built a community immunity base that I just spent 5 hours today making sure the server was up and running um I moral the story is yes I would like to do it I just don't have a lot of time to do it I will keep things stocked for it though I can do that if somebody wants to build something for all the the uh the members to be able to uh to start off at I'll keep it stocked with stuff but I know there's a lot of people that are getting into the game I would like to make it at at uh starting spawn one that way those that want like a little bit of a helping start can start there those that don't can start at uh starting Spawn Two spawn one is a little less unsafe than two you'd love the build it go for a Juro um also reat back to me on Discord you've you've played a ton of Arc and I know you're super active uh probably going to add you as a as a moderator for both the server and for the uh the back end as well if it's something you so desire my husband and I are about to join we may get our niece to oh hell yes sass yeah anybody that wants to help actually put together the you know the community starting zone obviously would would super super appreciate it it's going to help out so many different people all right what are we doing let's hatch this egg I kind of like my like freely hands I feel so fancy right now all right baby all right what else are we trying to mutate we're trying to mutate pteranodons cuz stamp is going ham and I do like like a good Pteranodon mutation uh so I think we need uh a flap flap sex pit so we're going to make that next you want to join the community but you're on Playstation well we will be having a the server will be crossplay across all consoles once it releases so it's not going to it's not a big here for you all of these servers will be open to consoles as well a what you heard me it's like a mosh pit but different maybe I should make this one out of stone nah I like the mix between wood and stone I like the I like the look of the wood walls I don't like the look of the the the stone walls very much I like when it's mixed though and then we'll get some pillar we're going to use Stone pillars for this one cuz we're fancy and that's it yeah Justin thank you for coming to Majestic Bean again welcome back to the community all right should the flap flap sex pit be up higher or should it be lower like like we can so that oh you know what we were supposed to build the freaking we're supposed to start our farm today the greenhouse yeah we need the greenhouse higher I kind of want to attach it to the greenhouse maybe that's what we'll do so we'll attach it maybe to like that part right there let's do that what's our ping at right now oh I didn't do the dino wipe are are we Gucci for a dino wipe H hate everything all right where's Winona um let's see here five men should be good no new tames no new tames starting for meow we'll do it in 5 minutes that's 7:05 we'll do the next Dino wipe so Winona is up here anytime we do the server restart it seems like we need to wipe dinos afterwards what's a dino wipe it just kills the wild dinos so that way don't you leave that soap in there Min you best clear that out drop it on the [Music] ground it deletes all the Untamed dinos uh there's there's an overspawn so every once in a while we need to do a dino wipe just to uh get the Ping back to normal it's it basically just it helps the server stability basically like over time as like when there's an overspawn say somebody kills 200 dinos uh in the efforts of like trying to tame something then there's a solid chance that maybe 100 of those respawns will actually end up being the thing that's overs spawning so you'll end up with like an overabundance of say fish instead of other wild dinos Stacy your Raptors in a pit are dying without food uh they have food they have food one of them was uh was feeling a little bit ouchies but the rest are okay uh cotton let me know wait cotton what are you taming question mark bug okay let me know when it's done the same change my settings the color seems washed out no tag we are taming another bug can you give us a little more yeah yeah yeah yeah I just post it in there uh Blake just let me know when you're when you're ready why does it always zoom in on the dangly bits I did change my settings though accidentally I turned light Bloom back on which is I I hate and then also what I like to do is I like to go back into the adjust brightness in HDR and then we're going to turn down the gamma correction to right about here perfect so technically I did change it accidentally [Music] we are super encumbered all right so this is going to be where our our farm is right and then we'll on the side of the farm we're going to have the flap flap sex pit which is going to be great it's going to be the most magnificent thing anyone has ever set their eyes on okay we need what is it called what's the thing that you put the seeds in to grow the plants it's called [Music] a I'm just going to find it oh my God got to love when your brain just doesn't do brain things wait do I have to craft them at a workbench crop plots thank you they do need to be no they don't we need large crop plot we need fiber thatch and Stone am I I don't have thatch what it's because Winona doesn't pick up thatch she's too cool for thatch so ladies and gentlemen if you do find yourselves enjoying the live stream a like would be greatly appreciated it helps out so much especially with a new series about to start playing for the first time ah a mega good luck to you you're going to die a little bit but it's going to be great it'll be a great experience there's plenty of of community members on the server to to help you out I'm sure it'll be great we might need to tame a tickle chicken we still need to find a good a good Beaver if anybody finds a good beaver and uh maybe maybe we can take does anybody have a good Beaver on the server that wants to breed with Winona who is a male if anybody's got a decent female Beaver that wants to lower themselves to mate with my garbage garbage maale Beaver that'd be great what server this be this is a private Community server we currently have I think about 90 people on the server at the moment like as far as like that's how many people are on right now there way more than that like over the course of things uh we will be extending the server to multiple you know what the Ping is 55 right now I don't even think we need to do a dino wipe I think there was just a bunch of people logging on I think we're all right um but yeah if you want to join the server it is a members only server you can become a member and uh join in and play along this will also be crossplay so it'll be available to play for both PC Xbox and PS5 players and we will also be hosting a cluster so I've already got plans for two more servers so the more people that join the marrier it'll be question mark we're also going to be holding weekly and or bi-weekly events it is PVP PVE settings with PVP enabled for breeding purposes and we'll hold PVP events where we'll actually like save and then you know wipe the server afterwards we not wipe the server but reset the server after the event Blake is that $2 for saying your bug is tamed help me out should I get Asa on PC or wait for consoles my PC barely meets the minimum requirements but I do own a PS5 wonder if it's just better to wait uh RIS I wish I had a good answer for you we don't know what the performance is going to be like on the PS5 yet tag what my Beaver it's 125 the phrasing of that sentence is great um yeah Blake yeah when you're done taming your bug if you want to bring it over it' be great then we don't cuz what I want to do is maybe since somebody took over the beaver spawn maybe we'll make a beaver breeding pen and and start breeding beavers for the community I vividly remember the first time I played Arc back in the day I died within 5 minutes every time so I joined a public game I got ganked for 20 minutes and haven't played until a yeah it can be it can be pretty rough Ser restart soon uh we won't need to restart uh wait can be done with everyone online but yes I would I would love your beaver all right we need more [Music] Stone how many crop plots should we make we need fiber we can oh we can make a whopping one right now have to take an arc break to enjoy the snow again yeah I don't know I mean you have a you have a PlayStation 5 we just don't know how it's going to run if it's going to run well if it's going to have any problems we do know what to expect from you know the PC version right now you can always just update your graphics card uh RIS what what graphics card you have right now I'm assuming you have like a 1080 or like a 20 something if it's 3 years [Music] old is fine I don't think we need a wild Dino white no Courtney thank you for coming to Super Bean oh you have a 1660 super yeah that's that's pretty low I mean you could get like a like a 2060 or a 2070 um and be able to play it on low settings which would which really wouldn't be that bad low well it' be like low medium probably medium settings Maj junkie says I am in your walls tag I don't know how to feel about that boring coma thank you for becoming a member welcome to the community consoles are easier to optimize for because they have a hard setup yeah that's that's what I feel like I feel like the consoles are going to be pretty good and if you have a PlayStation 5 you're going to get 30 FPS um probably like upscaled 4K which means it's going to be like probably 1080P or 1440 upscaled to 4K it's going to look good just if you can wait maybe maybe wait you're still going to be able to use all the mods traditionally like if it was Ark survival evolved I would say just get it on PC and upgrade your graphics card when you can uh but now that crossplay is enabled cross mods are enabled I genuinely think if you have have an Xbox series X or a PlayStation 5 then you're probably going to have a better experience at the end of the day just because it's it's going to be easier to optimize it's going to run well and you get all the same benefits which is actually really cool that that is a thing nowadays we need more Stone Allison how are you hope you're doing well all right do we have any bionics babies not yet I like that the pickup all nearby like just doesn't work that's if they actually do crossplay and it's no longer the promise just the goal I mean it I'm pretty sure there's no choice because H I guess that's yeah no but I suppose that's fair it's too hot right now oh all the freaking torches are back God we really got knocked back far I'm running a 4090 it is a the Asus stricks one oh tag you bloody idiot oh that's brutal ooh I like that they actually put the gate back in your inventory now though traditionally when you picked it up it used to destroy the gate it may not be crossplay yet well that would be a magnificent bummer but 216 juvenile bar Bionic this is the one that I that I released all right we're going to cheat save world I'm going to start doing that manually until we get some more server stabilization seems like they essentially integrated s+ in the game as a base mechanic now yeah for the most part which is amazing I don't know like I I have a I have a hard time seeing that it's not going to be crossplatform with everything else that they've been implementing especially with Unreal Engine 5 the capabilities of crossplatform with that as a base um as well as the cross modding and stuff like that I would be very very surprised if it's not crossplatform I just it just doesn't make any sense considering also nrao advertises all of their servers as crossplatform capable once it releases I'm not usually one to be like it's definitely going to happen I'm usually a lot more like trepidacious about things but ooh we got another another Raptor mutation oh it's a dark blue body oh that's going to be pretty although I think maybe it's not I'm not sure cuz you know what I think I'm an idiot just ignore [Music] me all right so we need crop plots let's start putting these [Music] down suck if it didn't have crossplatform yeah um I think I'm going to go oh my God got those over all the eggs that just hatched I like that thing snap to stuff now so go like this like that like that and then like that and then like this that should honestly be all we really need and let's see if we can get wona renona probably has all the seeds that we need reg I really don't care did you do anything with those handcuffs you got last stream not yet I have not yet so we got a Marberry seeds Tinto Berry all right we got potatoes long grass Rock root really only one of each though kind of surprised actually take this we're going to drop the rest see if we can get us more seeds I was expecting to see your house and then nothing's on top of the hill I yeah I know it's a bit disappointing we're going to work on the house we've been building the red light district first though no 60 FPS for PS5 no most games on new consoles sorry to burst your bubble aren't 60 [Music] FPS the Eager Beaver nice all right um we'll put Winona right here we're going to make some Beaver babies it's a surprise Beaver mating session in the Stream all right so let's see uh enable mating # surprise Beaver Brown Chicken Brown Cow time what you going to do with that big beaver butt beavers do not lay eggs no they uh they lay babies as long as it plays decent Min games play 308 FPS anyways like we can I'll set mine to 30 FPS right now most people probably won't even notice after a certain amount of time at least although with the compression on YouTube you might it might be be more OB obvious so we're talking about this server for a while before doing a wipe and reset maybe we can do a purge we haven't done a WI and reset we we just wipe Wild dinos every once in a while to fix we did a a dino wipe earlier like a wild Dino wipe which doesn't affect anybody negatively unless you're in the midst of taming something we do a warning first yeah baby baby oh we got to wait for it to adj estate too so we got we got some time here right let's boost just wait again all right so now her ago is prego and do we get any more seeds we got some more savaro seeds ooh Some citronella longrass Roa root who's a beautiful Beaver all right anyways let's put it back uh 60 we should only greet each other on other languages now oh my God all right so we need some fertilizer too I guess so we'll do we'll do citronel here oh we need water too so we need to actually do irrigation and everything as well the new irrigation system is actually pretty nice so we've got that we really just don't need a lot then we need a long grass then we'll do Savar root I feel like Roa rout is going to be the one that we probably need the most rather carrots carrots and lemons maybe all right so we're going to need to test out the lots of raptors in there [Music] [Music] yeah nice you know what I have a small door that I made specifically for this pen that we should probably start using I know I hatched some bionics in here oh it's a 229 thank you stamp I'm assuming you saved the 229 on purpose cuz the two oh does it have a mutation on it too I think it does it does it has a red Spike mutation dang no it doesn't it has a mutation on it I just don't know what it is H might be a stat one it's a male that has the health stamina weight and melee damage [Music] again all right so we need to murder everything in the the Raptor pen now the the spikes look different I mean from up here the spikes look different but they're they look very similar to that one right there all right it looks like we we don't have any mutations in here in the Raptor [Music] pen God dang it oh no it got by oh they're all getting by it's a freaking tragedy two more damage you suck why am I killing them uh because they don't have [Music] mutations there is a dino limit that you can have on the server you just cannot keep every single dyo it would crash it would destroy the server essentially over time and we're calling the weak yep oh my God stamp stamps out there just just slapping them in the butt got to eat that booty like groceries there we go plus you get levels in meat from it too so it just kind of fuels everything else in the game it's honestly one of the best ways to level up in the game a tickle chicken would be good for slaughtering it would [Music] be 227 please be a female god finally it's a female with the health stamina attack and wait there we go now we're talking all right so that's going to go back to our bionics breeding stuff thank you everybody you're so kind all right so let's work on getting oh man we're going to need so much stuff all right so we got to get the Pteranodon breeding pen going it's going to require those a bunch of [Music] these and I suppose that's really it for right now so we'll have a nice little Greenhouse right here and then we can walk through this side which will then go to the Pteranodon breeding pen over here so stamp doesn't have to do all of that anymore that attach right into there which is nice we'll do a little bit of this and then we don't need we don't need anything too crazy for the Pteranodon breeding pen we just need a spot for them to be able to sit which quite frankly it can literally be like right there what the heck I think this will actually work pretty well yeah we'll just we'll just put some roofs on obviously we haven't gotten enough metal or glass to make our Greenhouse quite yet you can do an Avary with multiple levels too yeah I want to I want to make an Avary at some point for sure oh [Music] hello I'm stuck on something [Music] hello V welcome [Music] [Music] welcome you joined the Discord but there isn't any did you join the the members Discord one in the description that actually doesn't look too bad over there I think what we'll do is we'll switch to stone walls just to change it up a little bit I don't have a lot of stone walls at the moment I don't have any in fact I have I have zero stone walls yeah there's fish in the Troth there was I put like a thousand in there earlier stamp are you streaming right now is she streaming hold on let me let me check he playing I supposed to help her set up her uh YouTube settings all right uh I'll be right back for [Music] for [Music] for [Music] now we're back needing a snack all right ooh we got a 229 oh it's got a mutation it's got like a salmon taint mutation oh it looks so nice mhm a patrol lineal one nice that's going to look so [Music] good what kind of snack it I got some uh some [Music] Doritos this new AI pathfinding is like so good stamp just got a color mutation she got an orange Pteranodon mutation looks so good you had to to buy Doritos cuz of the streams oh my [Music] God all right there we go all right so we got our first bionics mutation looks so good we've actually had some good luck today we got Raptor mutations bionic mutations now we've got some uh some trodon ones oh there's a 206 Raptor in here it's probably a stat mutation I don't see any color changes on there oh another 206 right here twins of it we'll claim one of them we got to do the the uh the age-old coing order 66 is like just a perfect name for everything that we have to do here oh God dang It [Music] Bobby I want to get a nice imprinted Pteranodon [Music] to um to start flying around and checking out people's bases though it's been a couple days I imagine people are starting to build some really really cool stuff we got penetrated by a boat earlier which was pretty great there couple stuck in that wall that's being a little bit of a pain to get to are the numbered for the color numbers for the colored regions still the same I I genuinely have no idea who that is all right things are coming along slowly but surely things are things are happening we got another Berry onx egg ooh two more I've seen it was a small update to the trader situation I haven't seen any of that yet but we have been streaming for a hot minute now oh yeah the beaver up top supposed to have some babies up here somewhere oh it's a little baby beef a juvenile level 13 33 look how cute it is do we have any more up top cannot believe how long I forgot about that for y'all still getting your groove on the Eager Beaver I think you're pregnant she looks thick tag what was the Sushi on Fire called that you had a while back our sushi place had what it was called The Flaming Dragon Roll what that say unclaimed oh thank you Black Op I don't know if I'm still able to imprint on it if it's claim I think I can still imprint on it wants car in 55 seconds all right let's get it down the stairs come hither My Little Beaver oh maybe not you might live here for a little bit 15 [Music] seconds I stopped trying to get it down the stairs fair enough I think it's is it on the Troth oh nice yeah it's perfect beavers have if memory serves three or four I think it's four different color zones not 100% sure but once cooked prime meat how perfect was that yeah shake that Little Beaver booty who's a good Beaver you can hang out here for a little bit look at this Pteranodon mutation looks so good oh God frog oh my God Kermit it name is Kermit how perfect is that freaking nailed it I think it got too cold cuz it started raining there we go Hermit the freaking [Music] frog do unofficial get boosted rates for holiday events uh yes I'm not an unofficial person though so I really just I just don't know the type of info what site do you use to stream saol we are on YouTube buddy I use YouTube nice twinsies well not twinsies but same levels which means they have all of the stats that we need so that's another male we don't need that we need another female though and that is also not a female God dang It Bobby Behavior now we need to do options and unclaim actually you know what we're going to keep this one this one is going to be the one that we imprint on and it's going to be the bionx that we use to actually as our main mount for now come hither little baby it'll be a great time so this is going to be our uh our actual Mount bionx we need a great bionx name if any of you out there have any wonderful bionx names I kind of have one in mind already if somebody says it we're using it can we do another Red Dead Redemption playr we'll do one at some point um if there is a overwhelming reason for me too I will why did we save these two this one was Sav cuz she's a female and we can use her to breed this one was I don't know why we oh this one had a mutation of some sort it looks like it was not anything we cared about Berry Bucy oh my God Berry Manalo who this is come back I want to know who you are Barry b Benson that's a that's a mouthful right there all right options change name we got Barry on sale nice Anna um you know what nobody said mine ooh berry onx water whip berry bé we'll go with berry white mine was going to be like Barry Allen from the flash you know Barry good boy mink hell are you doing [Music] today it's a beaver the E Beav Berry the Onyx H some some not bad some not bad name choices there the Pillsbury Doughboy that's a good one I don't know why I like it but I do I approve all right do we have any 206s 204 204 all right we're going to turn off the Raptors now the Raptors they just they breed way too much over rptor will now pick up eggs within its range I don't know if that's true or not I haven't haven't tested I haven't heard anybody mention that either I think this Raptor might finally be Max leveled I don't know how I'm going to murder this one right here this one like fell through the floor or [Music] something it does it shocked you really that's pretty awesome we definitely need to tame an over rptor now it's basically like a like the s+ nest that's awesome we got stuff all over the place all right we need to go touch one or the new Beaver up here oh two minutes I used to use ois to steal we eggs I don't remember that being a thing like automatically picking up eggs and stuff what is stamp doing stamp's like the ground is so groundy it's so beautiful is the ground if only beavers would make nests that'd be nice that' be really really nice anyone have a highlevel RG tame mail I have an RG egg somewhere that we haven't hatched yet I wonder if it's a male oh it might have expired wait wait wait wait wait wait I think it's back here never mind okay so we turned off the Raptors we still have some in [Music] there pick up these last two I like that I try and pick up nearby and it just doesn't actually do that my God I just got dinos all up in this joint Lord hath Mercy right how much time do you need to embra imprint wait which one were we imprinting on we were imprinting on Berry White Berry White's the imprint one we need 2 minutes for this one the building looks so much nicer oh yeah for sure it's it's quite a bit nicer so let's go let's get some Stone I want to finish building our Pteranodon breeding area so that way stamps or and just our lives in general are a little bit easier I actually can't wait for the gigachad Raptor what the heck and what is a gigachad raptor jamy have have you been but my first game too many cooks comes out on Wednesday that's amazing tag did you chase me with your dinos no no I did not the rap a Raptor with the jaws of a giga I don't know that was a thing they see her stamping hatting trying to catch her stamping dirty 14 walls might actually be [Music] enough the gigar Raptor it's essentially a huge Oar Raptor huh yeah I didn't know that was going to be a thing that's super awesome it's been 2 minutes I don't think we're out of once cooked prime meat hell yeah 35% we didn't run out of fish meat did oh my God we did uh okay that's a smidge of a problem how the heck did I run out of fish meat already oo don't like that oh it's cuz all the freaking pteranodons are eating it yep Oh my God all the freaking pteranodons are eating it all of my berries are going to die oh my god um went through a [Music] thousand raw fish meet today all right we're at 26% 52% imprinting everything will eat fish first that's lame that's insane what time is it it's almost 8 okay um we do actually have to stop here for the day I'm going to have to get a bunch of fish meat I don't think we have any fish roaming around here either no we oh we got one uh but anyways ladies and gentlemen we do have to stop here for the day I do very much hope that you enjoyed the live stream thank you so so much for hanging out with me if you want to be able to join in on the community server feel free to become a member you get to become a super Bean or hire that'll give you access to all the servers that we have available now and in the future uh it greatly helps out to support the channel as well but thank you all so so much for hanging out and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 16,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival, ark survival ascended, ark tagbacktv, tagbacktv, ark ascended, ark ascended gameplay, ark ascended raptor, ark ascended taming, ark ascended raptor mutations, ark baryonyx, ark ascended baryonyx, ark baryonyx mutations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 7sec (10147 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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