Ark Survival Ascended Beginner's Guide

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hey how's it going everybody I'm flinger and welcome to Ark survival ascended this is a uh Survival game this is a dinosaur game this is a run and jump off a clip game because dinosaurs are chasing you but this is a free form Survival game and this is the beginner's guide for it all right so when you're first just starting out after you get the game installed on whichever platform that you're on uh this is the screen that you'll uh be presented with it will be changing there is regular news that pops on to it there's the code of conduct also you can actually uh pop in there's many different ways to play it if you want to play with your friends uh I would suggest that you you can either get servers or you can uh jump on the uh regular official servers The Unofficial servers dedicated servers I'm really not going to cover too much of that that right there is uh that's that's where you want to play I'm going to teach you how to start playing which means we're going to start going with single player all right as as we go in we get through this uh now this right here is the screen that you'll be added on or that you'll be at when you first start now you can go through you can set up some mods you can get available mods you can uh deactivate certain mods this right here is the interface that you're going to go through for all of your mods if you want to get mods you'll actually just press the button this right here will open up and you've got a huge Bunch that you can pick through granted I making this video right when the game first launched but expect this to get really populated over over time all right now you can go through and you can uh do your adjustments on things uh you can uh set up a bunch of different uh little uh small little bits on how to change the world I will get into a separate video uh in very shortly in the future on the settings that I use that I think are actually really really good for this game especially when it comes to single player cuz that's a lot of what I focus on all right so let's pop in let's get back in and then let's just go through and let's start playing so I can uh teach you guys a few things all right as soon as you go in this right here is the screen that you're going to be uh going on now the arc survival ascended uh character creation uh screen this is actually rather robust you can make some really interesting uh characters this way I'm just going to go kind of with the default and we're going to pop in I am going to name it remember always name your character because if you if you pop on and your character's name is Human everybody is going to laugh at you and that's what we don't want all right all right so uh but yeah I encourage you go through experiment with a bunch of different cool things there's a lot of awesome stuff in here you can make some really funny characters all right let's pop in all right now this right here this is the where you start now when it comes around to a few different places on where you start in this game there are some spots these One the red ones they're hard all right and when they say hard they're uh yeah as soon as you spawn in you're going to get eaten all right so I would encourage you only go there if you want to kind of really challenge yourself I mean I'm talking I really challenge yourself like spawn in and start sprinting kind of challenge yourself uh these other ones they're uh the yellow ones they are a little bit more a little bit less difficult but uh sometimes a lot of the uh a lot of the situations you get into can be rather difficult if you really want the best easiest first starting time I would encourage you to start in one of the green ones just for your first playr all right let's actually start just start right here right you the one I've been waiting for all right and as soon as you land onto your spawn spot this is what you will [Music] see oh man this game is beautiful all right so uh first things first as soon as you spawn you'll notice there's a bunch of rocks on the ground if you look you'll actually see that there's ones like this that you can actually pick up they're slightly different colors some of them are just part of the terrain some of them are oh there's a most shops up there all right some of them are part of the terrain and some of them are ones that you can actually pick up also these bushes uh I would encourage you to just go up to it use your um press your e key or whatever button on your controller okay there's a lot of stones in this [Music] area okay let's get away from some of these Stones so I can actually pick up a bush oh that is not a bush for picking up a lot of the foliage in this game uh a lot of it is uh the good ones that you can pick up a lot of it is not but in the new arc ascended the foliage is just amazing and fantastic mean look at this all right and then these bushes right here the ones that are like this these are the ones that you can actually pick up there's a whole varied variety after you've been playing the game a little bit all right by picking up all these things you actually get a few certain things you get Stones those are the things we got off the beach and then you'll get uh different uh berries that can be used for food um add that you also can be used for making dyes later on and then also you'll be getting fiber all right now some of these berries are a little bit different there's some of them that are new compared to the old Arc survival evolved if you played that uh these ones right here are completely new you'll be able to pick them out um but also then you have the regular tried and true ones the stem berries these ones right here um while these ones right here will actually just give you food and then they're also made for uh making dyes and such the stimberries and the narcoberries the white and the black ones they're a little bit differently are a little bit different the black ones will actually cause you to gain torpor and make you go to sleep and then the uh stimberries will reduce toror waking you up and then also give you a boost Boose to stamina but they also drain your water really really fast all right now getting into the stats there's a few different things there's the health which is how many hit points it takes for you to die if this goes to zero you die stamina this is how far you can run how much you can smack stuff how um how far you can do things uh and then oxygen this is how much you can hold your breath also how fast you can swim in water uh food this is just this is what it exactly means this is how much food we get so right now we've got 98.9 we eat a Berry and that goes up all right water this is how much water we have it goes up a little bit with berry consumption but it's easier to just drink out of uh some of the puddles and the rivers in the map to get your water Up full weight this is how much weight we can get now I would encourage you to really um raise this set up pretty quickly because you're going to need it all right melee damage this right here is how much damage you do also if you can increase it it increases the amount of uh materials that you gather when you're Gathering by hand all right crafting skill this right here there's whole videos that can be made on Crafting skill this right here is about it's how well you can actually create the custom stuff not the ingrams that you will eventually learn while you're playing this but the custom stuff that comes from them like the blueprints that you'll inevitably get later on in the game fortitude this is how well you can survive the elements I would also encourage you to raise this up at the beginning of the um game because it is rather important this right here is how well you can survive the elements also how well you can survive torpidity damage because in this game there are several different types of damage there is physical damage which damages your health then there's also torpidity damage which causes you to gain torpor and will make you go to sleep all right so I'm going to start off by actually pumping let's go two points into torpor or into fortitude all right so with that said now we want to do we want to start actually looking for how to make our first item all right we have the stone pick already learned we also have the toor torch these are some freebies that you get so what we need now is thatch and wood it also takes Stone but we already got those from the beach so I'm going to run up to a tree and I'm going to start punching it here's a good one all right now you have to punch it now what we're going to be getting is thatch and wood and this is going to be really really important all right also you want to pay very close attention to your surroundings because depending on where you spawn and also depending on random elements about certain spawns you might actually be spawning in a spot where it will kill you so yeah I mean you can have Raptors dillos all sorts of stuff the key thing is is when you spawn in if you see something that's charging towards you run the other way just turn and run um if there's something that if you spawn in and it's like really easy you know you don't really feel too much imminent danger things are just kind of walking around casually you're for the most part fine all right so now that we've got our thatch and our wood we're going to go in here and we're going to make this just by clicking our use button on it and then that'll make it down here and drop it off in our inventory now I'm going to put this on my hot bar now we're going to immediately use this Stone pick that we just got and we're going to start smacking a rock that we can get um for the Flint that it's going to give us because now we want to open this up and we want to learn Hatchet almost immediately also spear is a good one to learn as well close that up all right so here now we've got uh enough stuff for our Hatchet we're going to make that up and we're going to put this down on our hot bar as well all right so now that we've got those done uh what we're going to want to start working on is maybe a couple Spears and somewhere we have something to defend ourselves which takes wood and we're we're going to use our Hatchet to start chopping down this tree now we're going to be a little bit careful with how much wood We Gather because wood weighs a lot more than a few other things you notice that the Flint uh 19 of it only weighs 0.9 well this right here 45 it actually weighs 22.5 yeah so we're going to be a little bit careful with how much of that we gather now let's just craft up probably about three Spears because Spears actually do break now when it comes to uh harvesting up materials the different tools do different things the pick will actually get more flint and then Stone from this rock if we were to use it but if we were to use the hatchet on this rock we'd actually get more Stone than Flint it's an important thing to note when you're uh Gathering things also from this tree if we were to use the hatchet on this tree we'd get more wood than we would thatch but if we used the pick on this tree we'd get more thatch than we would wood yeah I said wood wood W all right all right so now let's actually start working on it getting some food getting a a kind of a shelter going that kind of thing also maybe getting a little bit of clothes hello okay all right let's get back over this way now the first little bits of clothes that you want want to get is generally just from fiber that you pick up out of the bushes all right uh now we're going to open this up and we're going to learn the very first bits of armor the cloth uh pants cloth shirt uh cloth hats cloth boots and cloth gloves now the cloth boots and the cloth gloves actually take hide which means we're going to have to kill a dinosaur and use as hide to get those but these things right here all they take is fibers so we're going to craft those ones first now when it comes to armor sets that you learn through the game different ones have different ways of interacting with the environment some will will uh protect you from the cold some will protect you from the heat some kind of narrow you out some will actually hide you while you're um in the foliage like the ghillie suits later on they actually make it harder for dinos and other creatures and other players to spot you so they're very important to learn as well but those are much further down on the engram tree that we'll inevitably learn later but for right now we're just going to gloss over that all right let's learn the let's craft some pants let's craft a shirt and let's craft a hat because you can't fight evil unless you have pants and there we go we've got our first pair of pants all right let's grab the um that's and also we're going to be getting XP from crafting these things as well which is very very important I'm going to learn a little bit more fortitude I'm going to get only going to get the fortitude up to 10 and then we're going to start worrying about everything else uh once I get fortitude up to 10 I'm probably going to go with uh weight up to about 300 just so I can start really carrying some stuff all right let's finish off our armor and let's go see if we can go find a dinosaur that we can use for its hide I hear something list resaurus this is perfect all right there's the adult all right and normally these things they don't attack you but since we're close to its baby this will attack you and that is important to know because if there's babies here the the parents will attack you if there's no babies then you generally don't have to worry too much about them all right and if you see Doos on the ground congratulations you are now the creature that made the Doos go extinct congratulations all right um but yeah uh yeah we need to also be very very close uh pay very close attention to all the other different things remember what I said about things wanting to chase you down and eat you well this dinosaur right here will absolutely do that but let's pick a fight with him all right now what he's going to do he's going to spit out this green stuff this is what they call a Dilophosaurus he's going to spit and if you have to kind of side side step that to dodge it and then run back and then he's dead all right now other dinosaurs because we are in a Land of dinosaurs are much much more brutal like that Barry Onyx down there that guy right there would Jack us up and we want to leave him alone because as of right now we are in no way or shape able to uh really fend him off that guy is yeah they're he's going to be there for a while all right but now let's get across this water and also when crossing the water you kind of have to pay very close attention to your surroundings make sure you're not going to get eaten but once we make it across we should be fine all right so now that we've got the hide let's open up our inventory Also let's learn a little bit more fortitude and then let's craft the rest of the pieces that we need for our suit of armor all right now also you'll notice that as we're doing this our armor is increasing because each of these gives 10 armor which means that we take less damage when we get hit plus also our cold resist and our heat resist resist are actually raising which means that the armor is helping us against the elements a little bit now cloth armor it's not going to it's not going to really be that amazing but it will help you out in the long run okay those are just uh Mo shops as you first get into the game you're going to you're going to quickly realize which ones will eat you and which ones won't eat you so yeah it's just it it just takes a little bit of time to pick that up but trust me you will pick it up and don't expect to stay alive very long for the first time you spawn in that's not how Arc is Ark will Arc is a brutal game quite often and it will chew you up very very quickly and that's half the fun like that guy right there that guy he's going to leave us alone unless we get close but if we get close he's going to rip us apart with those Freddy Krueger fingers that's just what he's going to do so I want to avoid him and I think I want to go back down towards the beach whoa oh it's a be okay we also want to avoid the bees yeah see he's just chilling out but as long as he just kind of keeps to himself we'll be fine but the moment he turns on us that's a big guy so he will rip us to shreds all right it seems I may have gotten myself into a pickle here that's also part of the fun all right we're going to try to get past this guy once again this guy has a rather close aggro range so we're going to try to keep away from him for the most part but as long as we keep our distance we'll be fine right we should be good other dinosaurs the moment they see you they will attack you so PE pay very very close attention to that all right but also over on the far right hand side you'll notice there's a few different things those are directly tied into the stats that I told you earlier that's a Dodo we want a Dodo hello and of course my spear broke this is why you make more than one spear all right so now that we've got more Doos we've also got some meat so now we're actually going to go cook a little bit of meat see crafting learn that also I want to learn a storage box Foundation the wall and the door for now this is very very very important all right then also remember that all these dinosaurs right here if you tame one later on uh because by knocking them out usually now uh there's different ways of actually knocking out these dinosaurs there's clubs there's uh tranqu tranquilizer arrows all sorts of stuff like that now um what you're trying to do is you're trying to actually make it go unconscious now here let me show you all right later on at level 21 you'll end up getting tranquilizers which uh require narcotics to make so I would encourage you very early on in the game actually start making narcotics now this comes from spoiled meat and narcoberries so you're going to want to save all the spoiled meat you get and then also all of the these little blackberries the other ones well you can throw out those stem berries for now but these other ones you just use for food freely until you actually get up a little bit higher level but the narcoberries save as many of them as you get early on because it is kind of important all right let's see let's go to we are missing thatch for this all right start making a little uh campfire over here and this part of the beach is actually really good cuz it's got a lot of little donos all right now also you'll see these babies right here now earlier I said that if there if you attack an adult they will actually turn on you normally non-aggressive things will turn on you if you attack around babies or if you attack the baby which makes sense all right but also if you want to claim these babies you you instead of actually knocking out uh these doos and actually uh taming them that way you can actually just take out the parents or tame the parents and then you can come up here and claim this d uh this baby but right now you can't do anything to it it's just walking around here as long as the parents are alive or not tamed you can't do anything but once the parents die you can freely claim these dodos as your own now they're going to grow up and you have to feed them but they'll be your dinos all right uh so here let's get down here let's make this campfire put it down here now campfires take fuel so we're just going to put wood in here we're going to also take all of our meat and then down below we're going to light the fire and just let it cook and also if you want to see the progress on this you can actually just open this up and right right there and these are the different things that you can cook and it'll show you right here the different ones all right and also another thing that fires will do is you'll notice it's starting to get dark well fires will actually help you stay warm um as it gets cold and also if you want to know the exact temperature all you have to do is press h and it'll show you exactly how cold it is it's 13° C right now all right now that we've got our food cooking now we're going to start turning into uh the uh getting this stuff right here done all right so now we're going to track this and this will show this over on the far side exactly what all we need for all this stuff to show up so we let's get some wood and this will show us exactly how much we have in our inventory as well you notice it on the left it shows you how much materials it takes also it shows you how much materials you have so tracking stuff while you're just out here grinding up a bunch of uh materials is really really important and it helps out quite a bit we want to overshoot this a little bit actually a lot of bit all right I'm going to be gathering a bunch of these materials and I'll bring you guys back all right so now that we've got our materials what we're going to do is open this up and I'm going to craft a couple of these and now for uh the doorways and the windows and stuff like that you uh really just have to craft the walls for those so we're going to craft up a bunch of those and get this going also um ear crafting in this game is a tremendous way to get uh XP it really helps you out quite a bit really dodo can you get out of there thanks all right now uh how you actually uh get uh the doorways and the windows is you come up and you just um put down act like you're putting down the item and press R and it'll cycle through the different things that you have to go for so here's the doorway there's the big door this right here is the window and there we go all right and we've got a dow that is in the neighborhood with a couple kids we're going to want to take this guy out all right now we can actually claim the babies appears there may be another Dow around here I'm just going to let you go on I'm busy building that barion is over there picking a fight we may end up having to move I would to be able to see where that bar onx is all right so there must be another Dill around here all right so now it says that we need uh thatch so let's go grab a little bit more thatch here we go wait now here we're going to learn the slop fast roof and the roof and stairs all right and then let's learn or let's craft two more walls four of those and let's see where we're at on these all right now as we're crafting these things I want to actually talk about a few things okay we need more uh fiber because really um as you're going through one of your first goals that you're going to want to do is leveling up through the game uh well kind of experiment play the game but there's a few different things that really do change how you play one is bullas get those put them on your hot bar if something's running at you um that's a smaller uh creature this right here will save your life very much uh the bow very very handy also there's all sorts of different Saddles if you see a dyo that looks big enough to ride it chances are if you tame it you can write it once you tame that thing knock it out put food on it and let it get back up you can tame it and then also you could write it as well um other things that will change the way you play the game tremendously are the improvements to the tools these are the metal tools which require the um uh the metal smelter and the Smithy but also they will give you metal tools which Harvest up materials so much better than the regular stuff that we're working with here all right uh let me get a little bit more of this stuff and then I'll show you where to get metal because we're actually at a really good spot for getting metal all right now as you're playing through the game you will come across these Little River Rocks right like this also down in the rivers you'll find them as well now they're the curved little ones that's not one of them they're the curved rocks that just kind of stand out they're the ones that have been smoothed down by the river those ones right there will give you a higher than average metal uh count than regular rocks see we can punch we could get this rock and we'd have a really small chance of getting one but if we got one of these Little River Rocks we'd have a much higher chance of getting metal see I already got one right there and these are really good sources of early metal I mean once you have metal tools you'll get even more from these which makes them really really good so yeah just pay very very close attention to them this guy is not letting me do anything all right all right so now that we've got this stuff start out the metal for now normally I would save all my metal and I encourage everybody to always save all the metal that you get uh because later on you're going to need that especially for your tools uh when you get to that point but right now for uh demonstrations purposes I'm just I'm just going to uh throw it out cuz I don't need it in my inventory all right there and then now for here we're just going to take we're going to put these in the corners and then and if you accidentally put one down the wrong way you can just pick if you have a limited amount of time to just pick it right back up all right now that right there that right that as long as you know this as long as you get really comfortable getting to this point from here on out it thegu the limit this game is an amazing game you can learn so much stuff in this game and it is really really impressive I just found out why we can't tame those guys cuz there's an adult one right there okay all right but yeah I would encourage you to go through play the game enjoy it and then just go on for the skies the limit but yeah as for beginners this right here will get you started this will teach you a little bit about the ropes and get you moving towards uh a much better experience later on down the road just remember things with sharp pointy teeth are not your friends not until you actually get high enough to knock them out put food on them tame them and then ride them around and eat their friends then they become your friends all right now a couple tips as you're going through this this because granted if uh you've been paying attention so far you should be well on your way to actually getting started really well make sure you make narcotics those are made in a mortar and pestle as you're going through the game because you will need as bun of these as possible spy glass Crystal you can get Crystal from the hills it is really really helpful for your uh Journey later on and then remember the Bas make sure you get those and all sorts of stuff like that all right so hey I hope the video helps you out I hope it helps you get started this is a really fantastic game and yeah is honestly I can't put the game down it's really fantastic so hey I hope you like the video if it helps you out make sure you hit that like button I really appreciate it if you're new around here subscribe and until next time this is flinger and take it easy everybody
Channel: Phlinger Phoo
Views: 24,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Solo, Ark Starting out, Ark beginning, ark beginners guide, beginners guide, ark new player guide, ark gameplay, ark playthrough, ark solo guide, ark single player, single player guide, ark guide, ark survival, Ark: Survival Evolved, starting in ark, Soloing the Ark, Phlinger Phoo, Ark Survival Evolved, Ark Survival Plus, Ark how to play on pc, ark how to play on xbox1, ark how to play on ps4, ark mobile, ASE, ASA, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark ascended
Id: 8T_jQ4eGTAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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