ARK: Survival Ascended Solo Survival Gameplay Series Part 1

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all right guys welcome back so finally ASA is here uh we waited last night uh it didn't end up coming out to like 1: in the morning but I had to go to bed so here we are starting it today um very very very excited about this I've heard so far you know no nobody said anything bad about it other than it it is quite intensive to run I'm hoping that my system can can can run it pretty good so we'll see uh but again thank you guys so much uh as you can see they got a new UI here for the starting menu looks pretty cool and uh yeah remember if you guys want this to be a full-blown series hey smash that like button subscribe and we'll keep it going let me know in the comments what you guys think and uh we're going to be starting a single player experience I'm not going to jump on any official servers right now just going to be playing single player kind of get the feel for the game um see all the new stuff and you know just do our little the same thing we did before guys same same thing we did before uh so this is the remastered version of Ark um it's $40 on Steam like $45 or something like that uh we'll see if it's worth the money I I it it it's supposed to be more than just a little graphical upgrade uh there's supposed to be a bunch of gameplay changes some things that to look out for is u i I guess there're supposed to be baby dinosaurs in the wild I'm interested to see how the hell that Works um but we'll see if it's worth the 40 um I know initially this was supposed to be a free upgrade and now um they changed it to a paid upgrade but if they put enough work into it I can I'll understand I'll be all right yeah I get it you know what I mean so we're going to go ahead we're going to jump in to Island it's the only map available right now uh I'm not really tweaking the settings too much I'm going to leave everything Baseline they have this new system um here where you can just choose the difficulty uh I tweaked a couple things I turned off the single player setting and I I up the harvesting rate to I think two instead of 1.5 and that that was like literally it I didn't change anything so I want the game to be a lot tougher this time around um going through as you guys know my first time through the island I had some pretty boosted some boosted stats guys so I want this to to look and feel be just different all right let's let's let's go into this guys so I already got an idea of where I wanted to base I was thinking about it last night um all right here we go oh wow this screen even looks different so yeah they got a lot of new UI changes and um you can see right here graphically it already looks pretty damn good we'll go we'll just be Brian how about that uh body template we could be musly we could be thin we could be short and Pudge we could be gigantic Goliath of a human yeah that's that's me right there all right hold on my we go want to make sure my headphones are up all right guys so uh overall height we don't need to be Max height though we don't we'll be like we'll be like that tall um I think that's a good mix between I know a lot of people make themselves so goofy but I wouldn't be able to sit there and stare at my character for like a prolonged period of time like that all right so we'll go with that anything else I wanted to change now we're good head um Dam it actually looks pretty damn good guys that actually looks pretty good you change the the length that's sure oh I don't remember how in intensive the uh s the the uh player creation was in the the original I didn't really do much of it I felt like it was pretty basic I remember it being really really in depth and like even this like you could do like face sculpting and stuff but I I generally don't get like too into that uh cuz I'm terrible at it like really really really bad at it all right so we'll roll with that you can change your your head height your face fat your neck muscle oh no it does looky pretty good though it does it does look good guys all right our leg length or thigh fat 0% thigh fat Chad that's it there it is all right so we're just roll with this Goliath of a human let me see this was me if I was a Spartan chat right bab where's his neck his neck is buried in it's buried in muscles somewhere in there all right let's see uh so uh like I said I I plan on living in the middle of the island uh you guys know the river that runs um up and across it separates the Redwoods from the the top part there that's where I want to go and uh that that's where I want to live uh cost they you don't have to pay for the DLC anymore they they changed it it's just one purchase and you get everything um but that river that goes across and separates the uh the Redwoods and like the northern part of the island I want to on the north side of that River and there's a huge well at least there used to be a really really big flat area there because I do have a goal for this playthrough guys um I'm I'm G I want to do like a Pokemon moment here in in Arc and I want to collect I want to have at least one of every dyo that's a goal of mine collect catch at least one of every dyo and so I need to have a big Dino storage area you know what I mean um but yeah that that that's where I I kind of want to live so we're going to we're going to we're going to feel it out but the best place for me to spawn I'm thinking is West Coast here and then I can um CU there that little island strip here now there's a few Raptors on that I I'm I think uh but there was a lot of uh you know I think there's like trikes there's some flyers over there uh it's a so that's what we're going to go we're going to go west coast spawn right there rip innocent baby dinosur add another one to the growing list dogs grandmas do now baby dinos I'm not going to just kill baby dinosaurs I thank you for the Super Chat I really do appreciate it and everybody who dropped the Super Chat overnight last night I really do appreciate you guys on Jacker with the six man thank you thank you so much all right let's let's do this guys let's do this so yeah we're g I'm thinking we're going to start off here West Coast Zone 3 and um we'll see how are you the one I've been waiting for you might be I hope so it's been so many cycles since I was her do I even still remember hope I wasn't sure you'd ever turn up the odds just kept getting longer I guess I've been losing faith while they've been gaining power you have to reach me everything depends on your survival Master this world make allies of its many creatures grow your strength and skill explore this place like I did so long ago put the pieces together and find me Survivor you may be the only one who can Jesus that was so [Music] bright and here we are guys must I say that [ __ ] looks good and there's a well there's a dead fish we all right so uh I wanted to be more down there you know what is crazy is actually this is where my base was around here I think it was right up on top of this mountain um on my first play through on the the island now I'm running the game on um the max Graphics I might actually go up top there because there's not too many bad things so that I notice every I don't know if you guys can see that every every so often I get like when I turn too fast I get um some frame skips but that's it other than that the overall FP is pretty decent right now wow it's thick guys like just the overall like vegetation it's so much thicker like I said I lived in this area and it was it was very very sparse but you can just look and see like the veget the vegetation is just so much thicker yeah I based up here I'm pretty sure it was here yo this area looks completely different dude what that's Insanity all right let's get some uh Basics going guys punch some trees grab some Bush oh [ __ ] like you can actually see the bush like getting broken away at that wasn't like that before right you would just keep hitting and then it would just kind of like puff away I don't I don't recall it actually like doing that I I forget a lot of simple things though chat so yeah look at this guys this area looks a lot different than it did when I cuz I'm pretty this is the platform right that I was based on yeah like my my little base was like right here I think all right so let's go ahead craft myself a pickaxe we need Stone sh I probably should have stayed down on the uh on the beach looking for some yeah so I did I see the these Canan berries are those new yeah these are new guys verd berries I've never heard of those and I've never heard of these yeah there's two two new berries what is that okay we're good um can I get rocks from right here so we can't pick up any of those the game doesn't like me looking straight down like like like vibrates so I'm going to have to head back down to the beach yeah it it uh you can see it right there it tears when you look straight down it it the game doesn't like that very much so we're going to have to go down like I said down to the beach is that one of them Steeler dudes I hate those things so much Y what are the rocks that you can just pick up off the freaking ground dude there we go I mean that's all I needed just a few to get the uh get a pickaxe going now that we got that we can head back up top yeah the game is only out on Steam right now it is not out on um any other system yet other than PC I know they were talking about the console release being next month but like even if you look at like the rock textures here guys that that's completely different it used to just be like rock you know what I mean but now they have like the rock with the roots and the grass and and all that [ __ ] like all integrated yeah I was checking the settings guys I didn't see anything that was vsync specific like I did go I did cap frames at 120 I don't know if I should maybe cap them at 60 but um yeah I was checking through here to see if there was like just a strict just vsync option and I turned my uh frame generation on performance maybe we try Ultra performance too I don't know if that will change anything but yeah I cap frames maybe I would bump it down let's see what it looks like if we bump it down and and cap it at 60 some games if you go too high um yeah I already got motion blur off I turned that [ __ ] off immediately um but yeah I didn't see any other settings to to Really dink with I could probably turn like Reflections down too but it's not like an FPS issue cuz my FPS is pretty consistent look oh see I did something oh now it's worse what do we change chat oh I think I capped at 60 right 60 frames let's let's not do Max frame R Jesus okay so whatever setting I changed absolutely the game didn't like that I think it was our frame generation right how the hell did it get on I broke it guys performance oh there we go okay I fixed it we're back in the money chat yeah it was my DLS site it was acting up but see right there like you see how when you look at the ground I I think that's a camera change like some kind of the game like stutters when you look down it doesn't it doesn't like it let's go balance on that turn off frame generation oh jeez all right I mean we'll see I mean why not why not we'll see what happens yeah now our FPS is actual dooo it won't even tell me what my FPS is is all right guys we we'll figure this out we're going to get the settings nice nice do that oh I am still capped at 60 ain't I 120 and then I just won't Max them we'll save motion blurs off light BL Blom light shafts there's no lighting issues does anybody know what setting is for their um built-in R tracing I don't know if it's Global illumination because they don't uh every every game like words their stuff differently oh whatever I did it's not doing it anymore all right we're good Chad we fixed it I don't know what the [ __ ] I did but I I fixed it I was just moving stuff and it worked it's not doing the little stuttering thing on the ground anymore oh my resolution is probably way too high guys yeah I'm playing the game right now on Epic in 4k so um but I don't know it it it seems like it's working now um let's go ahead and yeah we got to get some ingrams going all right so we already got a stone pick I got to change the key though for inventory to tab good morning just just wanted to say I told you so about the Raptor pick being real in game footage hey Mr DeMark you're you weren't lying I I I do take it back guys I said I did say it I was like yo there's no way the game's going to look that good um and I was wrong I was super wrong chat this it it definitely looks freaking phenomenal um right here yeah I I was I was super super wrong um this [ __ ] looks phenomenal okay so we're going to go ahead and get this down on my bar here oh there's another Berry here A M Mangan Berry many bushes so yeah they definitely added new stuff I have no points available so we got to we got to we got to do some leveling [ __ ] we got to do some leveling I do have levels right now I got five of them so we're going to go Health uh two points uh carry weight right off the bat got some Ingram points we're going to go Stone Hatchet spear how far is wood into this cuz I'm like yo maybe I'll just skip over thatch and go straight the wood building you know what I mean um and we got to get Bolas but Bolas I think are yeah level nine so let me go get some clothes done up real quick yeah like I said I like this area it's it's it's relatively safe I lived here before there there is a chance for some predators to come down the hill there I've had carnos and [ __ ] uh in this area before and then right down that way there's some Raptors spawns but if you stay like right here it's generally pretty safe and we got doos and stuff that we can hunt for food we're good to go all right so I'm going to craft some clothing sleeping bag we need hides and fiber this we need hides and this we need hides so let me get a let me get a beer going and a [Laughter] hatchet all right so just want to make sure we don't get overweight either all we're looking good guys some of these berries like Sim berries we can get rid of for right now uhoh how the hell do you just oh yeah we don't need to like super super cap right now until I get some chests and stuff like that all right so we're going to hunt doos uh I didn't even check the level of that I probably should have [Laughter] though whatever really Doo what the hell there we go I like dude I can't hit it get the [ __ ] out of here bro I'm not playing all right so we're just trying to get some hides right now that wasn't a baby dodo it was a normal size dodo it was normal oh we got to get more hides uh cuz I want to get a sleeping bag water skin why am I freezing by the way that I'm not quite sure about it shouldn't be all that cold in this area oh look at the little baby dodo that so how do you get them oh [ __ ] I have no clue how to to to like imprint the baby dinos that are like in the world it's so tiny dude this a little chicken nugget I'm not killing it so so you just feed it yo why am I so cold dude I'm actually dying chat like legitimately I'm [Laughter] dying I didn't call this part of the map being considered cold did I really get I got one piece of stone are you kidding me forgot the hatchet gets you more Stone I'm on the west coast of the map [Music] um [Music] there's a good chance we're going to die here chat not a big deal we can just spawn back I just don't understand is the torch better cuz this [Music] ain't this isn't doing anything for me yeah I don't know why it was so damn cold makes no sense this part of the map isn't even that cold actually I don't remember cuz by the time I came over here I had already had some levels and better gear on so uh I I can't say whether this area was cold or not but I know right now this [ __ ] is freezing oh I always forget to move my camera on yeah we're just going to have to keep it moving um from this area I was just trying to get the basics started how the hell do I loot my body bro I don't know if I maybe I I didn't turn a uh a setting on or something it won't let me loot do I got to harvest it like let me get a uh pickaxe real quick uh body interaction is a bit wonky at the oh is there like some kind of like work around that you got to do there we go so you just got to stand I I can see at the head here now I was able to like pick myself up at least all right there we go so yeah if you stand at the head you're able to access yourself damn I didn't grab my armor off of myself there we go meant to hold see now it's not cold anymore it was so weird must have just been like a a weird like cold front or something that came through that [ __ ] was wicked awkward all right so we're going to keep it moving guys oh I do want to move uh over to that area if we're going to die a bunch of times I'd rather get it out of the way now um let me see do I have enough for a bed roll see a little bit more fiber I drop some points in fortitude hoping that they'll help help out a little bit now theories aren't like crazy overly aggressive I think if you get like all up in their face they'll they they'll beat you up but I don't recall them just being like aggressive here we go so we can get our Bolas um get the bow [Music] arrows wooden Club all right let's craft the sleeping bag and I could only do two Bolas right now uh what do we need for Bolas is it hide please don't be hide it is now the bullas are right now going to be just to keep the Dinos from uh killing me you know what I mean it's just going to be a defensive measure where you at uh and then eventually obviously we're going to use him to tame but for right now let me get those on my bar I only got two right now how many how what do we need need for more thatch that's [Applause] easy uh so I only have enough to craft one I'm short more Stone so we can go [Applause] for all right so four of them should be enough like I said I just need them to keep Raptors off me for the most part and then other than that we'll just we'll just keep it moving all right and I got my sleeping bag y we got our sleeping bag and we're going to head out I want I want to scout that area if I can even make it there uh that's going to be my potential new base area like I said we want to move above the river I should probably make some food and uh let me kill this dodo I got another campfire so I'm not yeah I do have another campfire so we can cook up some raw meat let me do that over here real quick and then while that's cooking I'm going to run down do I need for this fibers we're going to we're going to we're going to do a water skin and I'll cook up this meat so is this a DLC or so this is just a the uh Next Generation remastered casby for the original Arc um it's pretty much the same game it's it's it's not like there's any new story or anything like that they are adding like new dinos they've added new items they've completely you know reworked the um some of the like AI pathing systems and all this other stuff they were talking about uh they added new like they they added a bunch of new stuff and tweaked some things um and obviously a huge graphical overhaul what was that there it is I'm like dude where how my campfire go all right so we'll have that going I just got to grab a few more fibers oh is a baby parasaur that's a pretty cool system um having the baby dinos now I wonder if you if you try to like imprint a Bab baby that belongs to a parent I wonder if that makes a parent aggro I mean I I get why they Char there's no like the amount of obviously the detail and the work that went into this it took them time it's not like they were able to just like layer Over HD like some of the companies when they do remasters it's literally like a film that they put over the existing stuff um but this does look like they they put some work into this CH it's not just some cash grab upgrade it's this is like when you want when you're asking for a remaster this this is what you want for real this is this is this looks really really good wonder if I should do two water skins yeah we'll do two ah Soul thank you so much for the Super Chat are you the going to have the best I I I am really really glad you're enjoying the streams I hope you're having a great day today yeah we don't need to mess with that all right so we're good now chat we're good [Laughter] see I can imprint this dude right now I don't have a saddle or anything like and screw it but let's just imprint them I guess level 41 and he's following me so that's pretty cool chat I I never really thought about this like you just find a baby dinosaur in the world right give them some food and then you make your way you're moving around you know what I mean with these babies and you can raise a baby you know as you're making your way across the map I I it's that's a cool pretty cool system so let's give this dude some food I have no idea what the hell how do you just click oh T I forgot thought it was shift click let's give this dude all the berries so now we now we got a literally a baby dino just following us come on bro it's probably going to die but I don't want to be judged for that Chad it's not my fault um so let's increase our melee damage a little bit and I don't know if I should go another point in fortitude I feel like 20 fortitude is plenty especially for this early in the game I'm not going into like the winter biome or anything like that um let's see here could go another point and wait ah there we go so I can I'm just going to skip thatch and we're just going to go straight to Wood guys we're not far away from uh being able to craft up some hide armor and once we get hide armor we'll be good be good to go spy glass we need to get Crystal for that but we're going to be headed to the mountains so all right let let me see my meat should be cooked up here 16 pieces of it so far I'll keep that's enough for me to keep it moving all right let's head out so I noticed when the game loads a new chunk as you push through the game kind of stutters for a second while it loads it all in okay so we just got to make sure we're being careful here cuz this area is kind of dangerous and once we get down to that River the river is quite dangerous too I probably should have tried to tame up like a freaking trike or something to to ride o oh big Raptor pack over there guys something's behind me oh [ __ ] it's a cliff caral are you kidding me oh there's no surviving that fall dude we're next to we don't the [ __ ] out of here might be able to Nagle our way down yo this looks really good though man holy crap is that a whole ass Raptor it is we're not going to we're not going to make it chat there's no [ __ ] way dude probably should have stayed over on the west coast took my time got a freaking trike a flyer built a little mini base and then came over to this part of the map cuz this trying to make it over here on foot yo it's this is going to be no joke did I just [ __ ] I don't even know what the [ __ ] that is ah here we go damn guys that [ __ ] looks crazy man it's like the little Mist effect and stuff that they they added it just looks so like atmospheric and like Casp I know you don't like Arc bro but that [ __ ] looks good down there is absolute danger zone um got the snakes down there we made it to the Little River part here though I could probably put a sleeping bag down on this this ridg line here this rid line is pretty safe for the most part so let me go ahead throw on a bag right there now the sleeping bags are a one time use right or there's a cool down on them I don't I don't remember damn yo is it me here's a fog look like it's getting thicker 100% getting thicker you know what it be nice right now some of those climbing picks from [ __ ] aberration dude just scale down the side of the mountain here all right start to clear up oh supply drop over there coming down I forgot about those I'm used to playing on extinction so uh I haven't seen supply drops in a while yeah we got some uh supply drops I'm not going in that swamp area though that that's that ain't going to happen okay we'll keep it moving I think we can't I think there is Raptor spawns yep in this area too and there's a raptor right there how am I going to get off this Ridge chat big bugs big bugs all right let me let me get set up here try to try to stab them up make parachutes can you get parachutes this early did I pass it I don't see a parachute yet what level do you get them at I think that's a yeah level 22 guys that's a little far away it's all good we can we can maybe swing this it's just one Raptor right we could bow it kill it if we have to as long as it's not a 150 Raptor I had a spy glass I might be able to scope it out it's right over there but I'm going to stay tight to this side [Applause] caral is it stuck in the wall oh is that two Titans what might I I I could probably swing jumping into that but scale down here like this [Music] okay better not you better no not like this not like this let me out guys I almost had it I don't I don't understand what happened oh we got a moss here level 63 too man oh [ __ ] that'd be perfect I might come back and try to tame that Moss chop cuz you just hand feed them with some berries and and you don't need a battle for them right level 63 we just got to be a little more careful this time damn man went down 5T and just [ __ ] took mad fall damage bro there we go [ __ ] hope I can get to my body my dude is dead as [Applause] [ __ ] come on give me the loot [Applause] dude so yeah this is the only bug that we've re that we've run into so far that is quite annoying is you got to be like in the perfect spot to like access your body and it's like random too it's might just have to take the L on that I probably could clear out the bushes nighttime setting into right now now these bushes are [ __ ] infinite dude holy crap oh we got it yeah the the night time looks good too guys this is it's not as gamma like like I don't even have to do hit gamma right now this is just the night time way better where the I mean some people might not like it some people probably are going to miss the the old night where it was like ridiculously dark but I I I prefer this for obvious stream reasons I think we might camp out here oh it does get darker doesn't say right now this isn't bad who will miss the old night I mean hey you never know you know what I mean you you change something in a game and people tend to not like change even even though 90% of the people that played the game would up gamma at night because it was just unbearably dark um but you change it people still like why you know what you just know you know how how it is I was thinking about camping out here for the night um cuz we still got a distance the where I want to live is on the actual up opposite side of that mountain right there it's in between the two mountains the thing is can I get off this Cliff face without freaking dying you know what I'm going to build another sleeping bag I'm not going to I'm not going to take uh we are getting cold too yeah so as the night sets in that that's what we're going to have to worry about is it just being really really cold damn I need I'm short four hides man I'm pretty people were saying that those dinos are really rare right the um the Titans titanosaur all right so we're going to get some meat cooked up while we're waiting uh I don't know how long night's going to be but oh [ __ ] I wanted to go somebody said build your way down I don't have any wood it's really unfortunate part I mean I could probably run and oh there's a [ __ ] tr what tro truden or whatever the little narc dinosaurs that are the actual trolls yeah look at that the the moon's busting through we're stuck like Chuck right now guys we're stuck like Chuck like I said if we if we can't make it uh what we're going to end up doing is we're going to go back to where we were previously we'll probably build a small base there nothing big um and then we're going to have to get some kind of dinos tamed and maybe a flyer Peter or something like that to get ourselves across the map check our Ingram see what we can start working on here crafting wise so we unlocked the hide armor so that's what I got 35 points should have enough to get the full set nope we're short three what it burned through all that that already man that does not have a good burn time guys yeah you can't make parachutes to level 22 unfortunately but it's all good we're say we're just we're just waiting it out for a sec I don't know how we're probably going to have to push though um let me see about making a torch just bit of wood course there's no freaking tree around here I don't think there's any way I'm going to get back up this let hoping that maybe I can get a little bit of wood from like these branchy looking tree things here that ain't that is not happening all right we got another level though run around at night and kill baby dinos that's the mama Jam trck thank you thank you for the Super Chat no man we can't kill any baby dinos all right what is that is that a that looks like a white Berry and there's Raptors down there area looks so nice so what I'm thinking chat is we get down we swim across like that way to avoid the Bears and the Raptors we can swim across get to that little corner there and then swim across that way seriously the rain why why are they doing this to me guys all [Applause] get that shed in it's still right there dude yeah I need a torch but I need some wood [Applause] so the rain looks good too just the overall atmosphere man they they' really nailed it the water effects it look [ __ ] looks good guys all right so my goal is to swim across beine like right there I just don't know oh demal the campfire oh that would have been such a good idea it's too late now though all right there's about a 90% chance we're going to die right now [ __ ] I'll say 97% piranhas seriously oh we're dead as [Music] hell okay oh look at that at night that looks crazy oh [ __ ] nice we got a drop over here all right let me go grab that real quick or see if we can cuz we got to be careful there's sometimes going be Raptor spawns on this little Island right that looks Wicked yeah we're not getting our body back this time chat that that's too [Music] far oh [ __ ] that looks those look cool as [Music] hell whoa we just got a journeyman's lance I don't even know what the hell that is [Music] is Shields going your um off hand oh can you not use the Lance oh you can only use it while Mount well [ __ ] that sucks all right let's get uh geared up again this area seems relatively safe so we just got a slower roll I was I was definitely trying to do too much too early on that big journey to that part of the map is just not practical but yeah I'd say the Baseline nighttime darkness is very very bearable oh look at the Meg in my opinion I I don't I don't know how everybody else feels I I I don't I don't mind it I think it's good it's not it's it's not too dark and it still definitely gives you the feeling of night oh I didn't even know there was Megs on the inside of this all right let's craft up some clothes that's wood we got a pickaxe how much do we need for a spear now uh wood and flint all right all right so we'll go Hatchet spear torch and I can get a bow we just need a little bit more wood bow and arrow and then act and then arrows themselves get 14 arrows going wooden club for taming just getting rid of all these seeds I don't need those right now now that we know the javelin is absolutely pointless right now probably going to craft up a few more Bolas too melee damage and carry weight is pretty decent right now yeah we could start focusing on the hide armor once we get um established here let's get some hunting I can't kill the babies though even though I need to hide little baby trike put your torch in the bottom right [Laughter] slot what bottom right slot what like all right we got to get some more hunting done guys we got to get we got to get this hide we got to get a small little base built up and of course there's going to be no Doos me to K me I could try to kill a parasaur but I need Bolas in order to keep it scared the [ __ ] out of me that was a 71 [Music] w [Music] oh [ __ ] we need our Wendy where is Wendy Mr Demar we're going to get her man we're going to get her for sure holy [ __ ] brother thank you for the Super Chat and thank you so much for dropping the 10 gifted [Music] dude seriously I appreciate the love man why won't let me Farm the bodies some kind of bug I guess damn it seriously but we're we're going to get we're going to get Wendy back we got we got her it's you know she deserves it wonder if we just got to reset it find a point where I could drag the body there we go so we can do it with this there we go just walked away and came back and I was able to farm him that time damn now this little dude's just abandoned can I imprint this little guy uh wasn't a full crash yeah I got the UI before to like imprint but this one is not popping up maybe I got to have the meat yeah yeah he is he's like running yeah I think it's cuz I killed the parents so it's seems pretty scared knock it out I mean is that okay to do like knock out a little baby I don't I don't feel like under any circumstances it's really okay to just like knock out a baby but I mean there we go got him I just had a I just had to we just had to give him a little a little bit of persuasion chat and now look at that now he's ours come this way bud yeah see and is a level [Applause] 71 all right this area seems decent enough for me to uh get a little structure built so let's get some wood going here here I might want to feed this little dude right hey little bro uh here's some meat uh and that's all you can have cuz that's all I got be happy can we check his food his food is quite low kill this one here all right we'll tell the baby to stay Hey listen you yeah they changed the whole [Applause] UI I don't remember the fast commands I got I got to get back on point with those we'll leave them right there I'm going to hunt this dude to get some meat nice only a level seven too just got to get some more food for the the the little guy here oh I got meat on my hot bar I see people pointing that out in chat uh yeah we'll just let him have all of it I got the cooked fish meat that I can eat for myself um we're not going to be able to imprint this dude though before he matures I got I and I I didn't change the imprint rate which is fine well we'll worry about that later all right well right now while he's doing that we're going to go ahead and uh build ourselves a little structure here yeah I'm super overweight and this thing is so heavy I'm just going to drop this guys I don't I don't know if it's like worth it but to me it's not really worth it right now to be holding that thing weighs 20 freaking pounds and I can't even use it just I don't know in my opinion it just seems kind of pointless to Lug around all right let's get some um fibers so as you guys know I I I I am the thatch King but I figured this time around I'm going to skip that and just go straight to Wood we're like super overweight we can like we can't run can only craft one damn [ __ ] is expensive chat got to get a couple foundations down up so I can place a a legitimate bed get a chest down have a little bit of storage [Music] I got three pieces of foundation so far that's a good start not going to lie guys this is a pretty nice area like there's not anything that's really really all that dangerous over here the weather seems quite nice we have an abundance of food we got water um we got Raptors across the water there but they're across the water there hopefully they don't come over here right cuz then I'm going to then I'm going to be uh eating my words okay let's see about getting a bed and then a storage box okay so right now I'm to I'm going to literally have four pieces of foundation very very small place but it'll work for right now okay how much do we need for the storage box still need damn the storage box why does everything feel so expensive I feel like I'm barely getting any freaking [Applause] resources oh no no no no no cancel that cancel that cancel that stop stop well [ __ ] thought that was the storage box but it was the foundation okay so for the bed we just need more fiber and thatch all right so I'm going go ahead place this down and for the bed I just need a little bit more thatch you know one of the dinos I've never tamed was one of these these guys ever oh need more okay so now we got that crafting up uh we can also get a campfire going once I get this bed set this what I should have done initially when we first started yeah everything does look quite good guys like just the textures on it everything are really really nice all right so [Applause] let's only reason why I'm going to keep some of these berries right now is for um tames yeah even like the texture on like the foundation it looks quite nice all right so we got to figure out can you use spear no okay spear is a two-handed weapon so this dude's going to take a little bit to mature what what is he looking like right now 26% his Health's going up he's got plenty of food all right we're good to go now I don't know if there's Moss chops in the area I would love to get a moss chop for my first tame yo look at the water CH it like actually like Ripples and moves oh no those Raptors are in the water over there can you guys still see screens here I don't know how guys I was looking they don't have like a vsync setting um cuz I would love to get rid of that screen tear for you guys but I don't know let me see I lock the frame rate it looks like Boo Boo all right maybe maybe if I lock it at 120 we'll lock it at 120 see if that helps is that any better I mean I still feel like I can kind of see some the thing is that I see no screen here whatsoever yeah screen tear is very subtle um it's it's like if you know what it is you you'll be able to see it uh but s thank you so much for the Super Chat be the fresh call also have I played Telltale Walking Dead yeah I've played all the Tell Walking Dead games on the channel um a long long time ago though uh generally uh when you have screen T you just turn on vsync and it and it goes away set frame cap to 144 I I forgot what hurs my monitors set at right now to well I don't know if there's any Moss chop spawns in this area yeah the water does look amazing guys it it's really they did a really good job um I I I I'm going to be honest it it exceeded my expectations of like what I was expecting from Asa um it's definitely a bit more than than what I thought 100% quite a bit more we could go wooden raft guys say screw it and just take to the Open Seas I did that in my playthrough last time um I started off on the other side of the island I actually built the raft and came to this side of the island it actually looks better okay uh hopefully stays that way and it looks a tiny bit better for you guys so we're just kind of scouting the area right now for some uh some easy tames without getting ourselves into too much trouble with like Raptors or anything get some hide from these Doos some dude on Steam Community posted he went directly to Nvidia control panel and enabled the vsync option I'll check that out later on for sure but people are saying it's pretty it's it's a little better I mean I could see it when I turn but [Laughter] e yeah cryptic that's what I thought man like be like the screen te the and the crazy thing is is I don't see any screen tear whatsoever on my actual monitor but then everybody can see it on stream this is the third game not like that that's done it um I've had other games in the past too it's yo Chad do you notice that the did they do that in the first game the axe looks more beat up did they have like a visual appearance for low durability before or or is that what the axe looked like this whole time I I don't remember I don't remember the axe looking that beat up though all right let me let actually we can repair it right let me see right click [ __ ] to repair I need uh we're going to need thatch wood and Flint ah Jens I limited it to 60 bro and it it it looks like actual crap dude oh there's a little monkey dude that's a shoulder pet [Applause] right that [Music] sucks I don't I've never tamed one of these before I actually have no idea what to even do do just like give them berries or [Applause] something yep there we go fedu Baran now he's taming up where the [ __ ] is he going dude [Laughter] [Applause] stop oh you got to I got I got to stay crouched is that why he walked up to me when I crouched like I said I've never this is new for me guys I've never tamed one of these [Applause] [Music] before it's really just taking off man damn I just lost oh he got attacked whatever it's not even probably worth taming that little monkey dude right now yeah he got attacked so all of his teame literally went to zero so when the Spears Break there's no repair in that right yeah it just breaks and disappears completely all right let's get this hide and stuff back to base real quick oh one of these dudes level 75 Apache can you ride [Applause] those I I think you can cuz don't you don't you farm something with them but we might be a to get do up some Bolas and uh and get that patchy level 75 not a bad little starter tame I don't know what level you got to be for the patchy saddle though that's the only thing I'm concerned with he's doing good food wise they do torper damage so I could use it to tame other stuff right all right let me see here so we're going to go with this this this try to craft up some uh the rest of my clothing here I accidentally did two how do you cancel got two arm wraps I guess a Preston you have a great rest of your day all right okay so we're I also need to doop a water skin I mean right now I I guess it's not crazy important cuz I could just walk up and just drink the water but as soon as we do start going on like a little Expedition I am going to want to get a water skin crafted up but I'll save that I'll save all our uh stuff for Bas right now we're going to need more Stone all right and I'm going to repair that axe too just so you guys can see if the visual appearance changes all right so this is what the axe looks like right now and it's almost broken okay and if I right click I still need Flint where's a rock D our Harvest amounts are sorry as hell dude I might actually have to boost that like look at the the amounts we're getting guys it's like really really low I don't I don't know what it's set at I don't remember oh I forgot we could start doing hide armor too yeah so we're going to go out on another hunt here I'm going to actually mess around with the bow and arrow too um and see about getting some more cuz yeah we could get hide armor that would be really really nice all right so let's uh up create this axe real quick again we'll do do a side by- side comparison that's what it looks like almost damaged repair it oh yeah so and you guys said that's new cuz I do not remember that being that way so they have like a visual appearance for um for items when they're beat up wonder if players I mean I don't see why you wouldn't be able to see if if you got good visuals like look at another player and PVP and like dude I know you're is about to break bro I see that 2% sword you're swinging over [Applause] there [Music] oh fatal error unhandled x what something something something whatever well we had our first crash two hours guys had our first crash it's the same with your body when hurt you have cuts and bruises and they they even want h on the intro guys I could check the rates uh I don't remember where it is world no uh player no no no so yeah the the harvest yields on two this is all Baseline too no I I I think I changed it this was 1.5 I changed it to two uh but this XP Baseline on the medium difficulty is two so yeah Harvest Shield I mean we could upd it to three what is three max three is Max on the slider um so without going I would have to go into ini I files to make it any higher than that or can you just type it in I don't I don't remember or I mean we'll try three three can't be that bad right I don't remember if you have to go on ini I files or if you could just type it in we'll just max the slider it should be fine we'll see how it we'll see how it feels all right and we're back Chad didn't I have a [ __ ] bed in the Box oh I got hit with a roll back pical briyan base what do you mean this isn't even a base yet this is just oh seriously oh the Y oh that's nice guys Baseline you can pick up items now wasn't that a mod I don't remember if we needed a mod for that to be like put stuff on and then pick it back up for some reason I felt like I needed a mod to do that yeah I don't know so how do you Autos save an AR guys you just F5 it cuz we I mean I could I could hit F5 every now and again not those I mean we didn't lose too much progress it's not it's not a big deal all we did was lose when we walked across the water and um I went hunting the doos and stuff that that's that's the only thing that changed which just fine cuz now I'm going to go back out and uh get the Doos again anyways should probably do some more Spears at some point so these Spears don't last very long saw a save but oh right I see I see okay cuz I'm pretty sure these Spears these stack in your inventory if I'm not mistaken we got we got a fair bit more that time around not not still not a crazy amount for that big ass Rock [Applause] but [Applause] d so I'm going to I'm going to craft up few extra Spears here yeah we still yeah we we do have starter tools um that's why I didn't want to crank the the rates up too high um I know once you know we get levels and and stuff like that the better tools iron and [ __ ] like that everything was was start going a bit smoother we are super overweight though my goal right now though is to get full hide armor along with the Bolas that we were trying to craft d i I wasn't standing here I'm not going to store the berries in there it's just waste the inventory all right we're going to go on a hunt I'm going to try to get my hand on a lot of hide I want to try out the bow and arrow too so let me see what level these dudes are kind of tanky he's a low enough level he's a level 15 could probably take it out 100 it's going to run soon got him and we got all a bunch of our arrows back that was a good good kill there we go guys if I had bullets I could probably try to get this Paras SW but it's going to run off we could I mean we could try to chase it Corner them what level is it though if it's way too high a level then oh it's level [Music] 11 got him [ __ ] man just [ __ ] everything's break en chant left and right what we get for working with primitive tools right we're going to obviously need some more fibers uh but you got to think guys this is this is the new starting point for Ark so uh going forward I know they were talking about new maps adding more dinos and stuff like that so you know if this is the starting point and then they plan on building on top of this refining this making it run better and and stuff like that it's I I feel like Arc really is going to be in a pretty good damn spot guys you know what I mean like this is this is day one need thatch too all right needed to get that repaired so I can finish harvesting this all right so let's do up some Bolas whoa whoa why why is my Diplo in the water what's the uh why J and I think it was you for unfollow yep okay all right so we're going to go ahead and craft up some Bolas here I can do six that's a good start um and and then get a few more arrows I got a we're going to need more wooden clubs what level do I got to be for torper arrows to start doing those I know we got to learn narcotics oh did they change the way the forge looks or is this a different TR arrows right here so yeah we need uh Naros which we need more spoiled meat and we're going to need a mortar and pestl problem is my meat needs to be I I should probably do a chest just for the meat and then split it and spread it out that way I can uh probably actually so yeah it's going to take a little bit to get spoiled meat if you put spiled meat in a compost bin it swrs faster uh Curry than for the Super Chat my character look like Kanye I he's kind of he got a he caught a good tan uh courage again thank you so much man I I appreciate it so you just split it in your own inventory okay let me see so let me take this and this and then split all split oh okay we'll let that go and then that that should all spoil down got six Bas we got an extra club I'm going to drop this heavier stuff and we're going to go out get some hides because our goal is to get hide armor once we do that we'll be in uh we'll be in good shape start off over here again now I'm scared so I'm going to keep dropping a save oh feed the little guy let me make sure he has food yet oh he's he's good yeah he's he's good he's got way more than enough I mean even underwater looks great now it's not as cloudy [Music] this guy probably be good I think he's going to run though right so uh we could probably keep up with them though boy was I wrong he is a fast one I want to kill him in the water yeah so I got a bunch of stacks here let me actually split all of this so I went on I'm splitting all that meat I got I got food so I'm not super worried about it but getting Naros is going to be really really important it's going to help out with early game taming and that should give us at least couple what 200 spoiled meat is or it's a little baby one aren't these guys good for like poop should I imprint it is it good for anything chat we got a little baby one here we can bring back to base we can get [ __ ] from him right like poop screw it yeah we'll get him all we just got to bring him back to base real quick y the the baby dino is such a good change I'm actually going to look around and see if we can find a baby trike cuz if we can get a baby trike um then we don't even have to worry about T Yo the the baby animals like in the in the wild definitely changes up the game quite a bit um some people might like the change some people might not like the change I personally don't mind it like I I find it to be quite interesting to be able to just find the babies um but then it also does cut out on like having to tame like having to go out and knock him out and obviously you know the levels are the levels like that you know what I mean if you find a higher level one that's not a baby but so I guess it doesn't really matter uh so locer my my uh my PC settings are in the in the description of the of the stream and uh if you type I think it's exclamation point specs it will also inform you is this thing not coming yeah this slow as hell really swimming slow guys you see this come on dude so we got to get him some berries right yep right there almost 200 spoiled meat all right let me grab him some berries real quick we got a a trike family on the island that we're on here so I'm going to go down and uh see if there's a baby over there um so I don't know if it's all baby so far every Dino I've seen in the game other than like Raptors we a fair bit of the dinosaurs we've seen so far have babies um you know the Diplo the trikes there's a whole pack of raptors over there which just got me feeling not super comfortable cuz it's not like I'm safe from the water they will straight up cross that all right hopefully this is enough to keep him fed going have to do up another chest got a fair bit of hide here so what we're going to do is we're going to start working on that armor go health there we go and this we just need course don't have any thatch moving on up in the world guys we're already up to hide leather or hide armor now feel like they changed up the color palette of the armor like this I don't call this armor being this light it's got nice Reflections on it though I'll tell you what yeah definitely drop another [Applause] [Applause] save [Applause] yeah yeah there's no cryopods I still got to figure out now now we're back to the old days of Ark I remember you guys telling me the the the stories of how you had to play and stuff um without cryopods and I was like man that that sounds archaic and now uh I'm about to figure that I'm about to experience that firsthand what it's like to play without Crow pods about to figure it out first tan guys got a lot of thatch that time around though okay Stone Flint go ahead get up one of these uh I need more Stone actually let me do another storage chest oh look at that they like Snap keep all my uh crafting resources in that chest just pretty much everything I have right now okay so that's what we're looking at right now for narcos I actually got to go ahead and farm up some more Narco berries but we got to get a pestl and mortar before I forget or mortar and pestl uh so we got that and then might might as well do up some have Naros cooking while we're out and about try to do multiple things at once wish I had a berry farming Dino that's why I wanted to get a trike but did you guys say that uh F uh the F or whatever fiomia we'll just call it the uh Foo sure whatever that the the poop dude nice's pooped dude poop dude um you can Farm berries with him only no the game does not have uh vsync at least from what I've seen uh we we checked all the settings uh you can lock your frame rate which I did um but it didn't really seem to help all that much yeah there's a pack of raptors over there and there it seems like they're getting closer and closer f they not getting a whole lot of narcoberries right now unfortunately damn those Raptors are way too close for comfort guys guys there's really nothing I can do about they're going to come over here and just eat my freaking my babies sounded weird when I said that I don't know [Music] why see if we can move them this way I just don't want them to like draw the Raptors oh [ __ ] please stay over [Music] there yeah I could put up some walls but uh going to add a little more permanence to this location than I was initially planning on so what do I need to craft that mortar and pestl hid and Stone 6m good morning again I want to thank everybody for coming and hanging out today I know we started quite early today but uh I wanted to play it last night but the release was all over the damn place as you guys know uh but remember guys if you want more of this um oh I was definitely excited to jump in and check out ASA um but and I know a lot of you guys enjoyed Arc as a series on the channel so if you guys do want some more arcade smash that like button subscribe and we'll keep it rolling Hatchet gets more Stone right [Music] so craft one of those we're on the island so I'm all the the way on the east side or the West Coast guys on the little um Island Peninsula thing where we're over near the red obis yeah we're all the way on the far west side of the [Applause] map so all this stuff like snaps to the foundation now I don't know I don't want this to snap though I just oh and then you could hold it and then it makes it free place oh that that's really really cool okay and you can rotate it that that's nice change guys and that's even a new model too I don't remember the pet did it always look like that I don't remember it looking like that I thought it looked [Applause] different okay so we're going to go ahead only 13 dude oh it's 5 to one Narco berries all right so it's all good get ourselves a little bit of Narcotics it's not going to do much right now but all right so now I'm going to head down seems like that pack of raptors moved that way a bit okay so we're going to look for a trike so we got this strike here which is full grown what level is it level seven I'm good oh don't these guys get pearls or black pearls or something I forgot what these dudes give see if this works again so anytime you can't Farm it you just walk away a little bit come back still can't Farm it [Music] okay so that was the level seven right this one is a level five probably just kill these right they're quite low level but I think if I hit one the other one will aggro right I'm pretty sure if I hit one of them though the other one's going to get all sorts of pissed off at me and then I'm going be fighting both of them at the same time oh it's a fast boy way faster than I expected yep he doesn't give a [ __ ] about the bullas oh [ __ ] we're stuck like Chuck yep and both of them did come holy [ __ ] he really launched my ass this is bad this is real bad who would have thought [ __ ] trikes this low level would be this dangerous okay one's down one's down get yeah even the armor you can now see the that my Armor's taking damage I I know I seen a baby trike [Laughter] [Laughter] he there's another trike this one is level 111 that's not bad guys that's a pretty good starter trike oh there's a little baby right here that's 111 so what are the rules for the babies do you got to kill the mother first I think you got to kill the parent first damn there a little 111 baby right there guys so we could kill the mom and then just raise the baby you know what I [Laughter] mean yeah the mom definitely going to wreck us what level is this one that one's only 55 [ __ ] so I could build a trap try to get that trike in a trap um the only issue is how the hell am I G to tame it even if I trap it how am I going to tame it 111 we're talking that's probably going to be at least what 50 plus 60 torper arrows [Applause] [ __ ] slingshot wait I could I could tame her with a slingshot is is that a real thing let me see here about my thing is if I build this trap right guys um will can trikes break through wooden structures like if I build a wooden trap for it to fall into will the trike try to break the walls to get out they they will break it okay so then we're going have to do stone yeah we'll have to do stone it is what it is I was trying to save on uh on resources a bit [Music] but all right so we're going to have to go out and farm some Stone uh and and a lot of it but the good thing is I think with uh um with stone walls and stuff you only need so where's the rest of it it said I unlock stone walls doorways and all that stuff but I don't see it on here they changed the UI up it's just different so how do you how do you do doorways and [ __ ] now oh does it require uh so I I went in Grims right so they changed the way the inrs work a lot of them are stacked where they used to be all indiv visual if if you come here you see how it says Wood Walls doorways and window frames all bunched in oh so I have to while I'm building it I have to change it what once the wall got you okay I'm tracking then too easy all right hold on give me one sec guys and again I want to thank you all we got over a thousand likes on the stream that's freaking absolutely crazy you guys are amazing all right give me one sec before we do this all right 22 Tran arrows oh that's not bad I mean we're we're going to get the Trap built and then I'm going to try to see about uh how we can go about doing it got to get that Forge built too start getting some metal going so we can get a Smithy crafted seriously so we need wooden thatch to to fully do [Applause] it d I'm not even going to be a to move man I I need to hurry up and get one of these strikes so we can we'll be a to Resource farm so much easier because I'll start being able to stack extra um extra stuff on them right now let me uh say I probably dropped the the Flint isn't even all that heavy though what's C so it is just the stone that's crazy heavy but I only need like five lounds or so so I can walk what am I at oh I'm still point one over drop that Anderson good morning brother how you doing thank you for the Super Chat man they have new caves I'm excit I'm I'm definitely excited to to dig into it guys there's you know obviously the island was uh my first ever experience um on Ark but I I played it a little not even a little I played it quite unbalanced um I had my my rates were all boosted to [ __ ] my the dinos were boosted to [ __ ] it wasn't the same experience that I had on like aberration or Extinction um even scorched Earth was super super boosted and um it it it's nice to be back and to re-experience it you know looking like this it's freaking amazing so I'm I'm I'm definitely you know as long as uh you guys are interested in seeing more and and and doing more than we're definitely going to be digging into this let me go ahead and craft up that forage really quick too night time's going to be setting in what was it we needed fiber hide wood Flint stone yeah we need a little more little more Stone oh my Diplo is fully grown there we go guys I feel like that looks different too I don't I don't recall it ever looking like that I know a lot of you guys said that a lot of the models have been changed so only got eight uh we have more in this chest yeah so we got enough to get uh our Smithy and that's new too I think right where it tells you how long you have I don't know maybe the other game did the same thing I don't remember seeing a time though I'm like how much fuel you got so this is our Diplo Lev level 71 um now the only thing is is if you find a level 71 baby in the world right and you raise it this I guess this is the difference between raising and taming it stays level 71 right but if you tame a level 71 it gets the stat boost right like like its level actually goes up so instead of being 71 it'll be like 110 or something like that right so I guess that's the the benefit of taming over the babies but we can have them follow us uh let me actually get my attack command set on my keyboard or my mouse here uh so whistle attack this target nope this and he he can hold a little bit probably right let me see man they got a really small [Music] inventory he only hold 59 pounds but he only has three Slots of inventory these dudes are I don't remember so were were they always like this I thought the dinos never had limited inventory slots I thought they were just limited by weight got 200 100% melee damage though which is not not bad so it seems like the size of the dinosaur dictates how many slots it has in its inventory so that that's pretty cool we are going to have to repair this should have done that before I left uh like I said night I'm actually going to head across the water though we got a lot of stone over there and I don't think I have to worry about the Raptors anymore ni and this Diplo is uh it's got 400 health d d i I always just call it a Diplo chat I don't know it's just how my dyslexia Works don't judge me all right yeah that Raptor pack was across the water um uh thatch which is one of the things I'm worried about but I think we'll be okay I'm going repair and craft an extra craft up some torches and arrows oh Diplo is the the long okay so then it's a what is it just D I won't call it a Diplo chat it's a what a is it a d low or a diow okay so we're good got to eat and [Music] drink I'm not trying to overeat cuz I don't want to waste food resource all right that's good dam look at that that's it's pretty gorgeous can you imagine like what aberration and stuff is going to look like in this I I dialo okay so we just got to be cautious guys uh the it was a whole Raptor pack over here but push comes the shove I got our Dio here who's ready to take one for the team my carrying weight is so garbage dude and then I can give him one stack oh maybe not Chad maybe you could just no yep three three items I don't know maybe they can hold more than three yeah they can okay so their inventory just isn't blocked out but yeah there so there's weight Capp not not item capped guys I'm an idiot don't listen to me chat don't listen to me okay so he can hold a stack for us I feel like the inventory look different before for like it it like had the blocks I'm playing on the highest possible settings Ricky yep SPL I swear the old inventory was different right like it was darker like the the squares were like dark when they were empty all right we'll let that one cook up and then we'll turn that off so we're not wasting Uh Wood and we're going to go out and do we're going to have to do at least uh two more Stone runs how much Stone are we working with right now guys uh let's see 327 plus another stack here sting out almost 400 Stone we're going to have to do another run for sure we got enough metal for our Smithy yeah if any of you guys are wondering uh what my setup is I seen uh yes you ask um you just type in exclamation point specs or you can just check right in the description of the Stream um and they're right there [Applause] damn it can't move I'm literally I haven't been robbed by the bird yet and he's been flying around us for a bit now I still can't get over how that looks that looks crazy at night need more storage I'm going to try to build um what I can currently he got another level give him a little bit of Health I've never used one of these dinos before so it could be AC ual trash for all I know guys I think to build walls you just need thatch and stone right no you need wood too okay well that's unfortunate Sean Harris how you [Music] doing okay so we got two of those crafted up one wall all right so we got we got a decent bit of stone right now um the thing we're falling short on is wood so we'll go do a wood run what am I drinking a Canada Dry but it's because it's winter time we get the uh the cranberry flavored ones and uh these things are delicious the only soda I'll ever drink I don't really drink I don't drink like Coke or Pepsi or none of that [ __ ] um but these I make an exception in the winter time and I I'll have some of them should probably build another chest just for wood and Stone should probably buildt some walls too but I I want I want to get the uh I want to get that trap done oh casby the orange fantas man I was addicted dude that's actually the reason why I stopped drinking soda was those damn fantas man all right you come over here bud you're in the way come on so we're going to separate these boxes I'll do wood and stone um in their own boxes CU we're going to need a lot of it early on here yeah I I I honestly I don't even need the Torches guys it's not that dark at night like I could see maybe if you're in the like in the canopy it could get really really dark but when you're like out in the open like this it's it's it's not too bad bad I didn't don't even have to raise Gamma or nothing it just looks nice all right so yeah we got that separated let's make a few wood runs here [Music] [Applause] well this guy's adolescent I'm going to check his inventory make sure he's got food in him now can you ride the the F you can ride it I actually love this side of the map over here I like I said I would build here oh that Raptor pack is back I would build over here again guys but um it it's it's very far this area is far away from like like mining good mining spots like I kept having to fly super super far and I wanted to be somewhere a little bit more centralized and I I noticed when I was on island I was spending a lot of time near that River I was going there to get pre like you know looking for rexes and then the Redwoods are right there for you know there it just was everything just felt like it was right there and I kept having to go travel from so far away and uh yeah that's why I kind of wanted to situate myself a bit closer to the middle of the map yeah I'm I'm ready for the danger cuz like I said once we get over there I'll build you know walls and stuff like that and um you know really protect ourselves I won't you know be living on a little platform like this and and I I did I did enjoy my original Base building spot but I just I kind of wanted to change it up the the original Base building spot too it had it had a decent bit of land but uh I said I want something really really big this time around we'll do one more wood run and we should be good probably have to do a few more Stone runs too soz I think it costs more Stone than it does wood but [Applause] got to get a stone farming dyo that should be good so this game is PVE and PVP I'm playing single player right now so um neither but yes this game is PVE and PVP I don't even want to know what official servers look like right now so what do we need to craft this these walls Stone thatch what all right so to catch a trike will two foundations be wide enough can I do a a ramp into a 2 by two a 2 by two should be big enough for a trike right guys or should I do a 3X two a 2 by2 okay that's what I I felt like a 2 by two should have been enough [Music] oh four that's way big need damn I already through all that stone well that sucks guess shoot through that stone so fast I got the foundations done but yeah for now if this was a more permanent trap I I would have went bigger cuz there's no reason not to but this trap I'm literally building it to catch this trike that's it you know what I mean I'm not building it for or any other dinos that we might find in this area uh but yeah there's no uh there's no permanence here whatsoever to any of this stuff we're building all right we got to go out and uh get some more Stone but I'm going to I'm going to start the Trap over here I'm going to prep [Applause] it how far down I think this is it right here yep okay so we'll build it like right here this is fine okay now you guys said when we're doing okay yep and then they have the new variant bar right there you can swap between what you need so I'm wondering should I do the stone doorways right cuz I got the Stone short doorway and then they have the regular Stone doorways but I think we just do stone doorways like this too high bro why you in the why is he in the foundation like that bro come on can't bring you anywhere dude come on you [Music] idiot that wasn't my fault that was all him chat like why would you be standing there you know you see me working here Dam it's going to be a lot more resources than I uh initially planned for what would that is one high enough for a track oh dude that would be so much better if I only have to go one high all we got to go repair our our uh our axxe come on [Applause] bud it looks like these reddish stones are the ones you can just pick up off the ground the hell was that so now we should be good to go going to get a couple extras just so we can Farm up up without having to worry [Applause] all right so we're going to have to go across the water uh the only problem is that Raptor pack is back I wonder if a trike if when I tame this trike if that'll be enough to take on a full Raptor pack or if it's just going to get shredded so we got a lot of stone over there I don't see the pack so we might be all right seriously that's all we got dude oh CH it's resource numbers are pretty pretty bad that's all I could carry before I I had to come back oh I still got an extra oh I already built two foundations what the hell that was a little bit of a waste I got an extra wall there place the foundation and break it I'll be able to get my all my resources back there [Applause] right give a stack to him look okay half I mean half is half is still better than nothing half is still better than two foundations sitting in my uh my locker so well the only issue with crafting while Gathering is you you you walk really slow while your dude is crafting stuff is that the Raptors over there can't tell yep got half of our resources back doing [Applause] that it's a pretty sad Stone run though guys I'm only able to run like what 300 not well what 300 Stone a run that's pretty sad uh how much I I don't know how many FPS we're getting because when you use the FPS counter in Steam right now it's not working it just says not available so I know I'm getting well over 60 probably I'm probably close to like 100 FPS right now if I were to take a guess um just like the way it looks [Applause] just got to be careful over here yeah we can get about 350 Stone per trip man C it's how it's it's the way the world goes around you know you got to Sticks and Stones baby [Applause] right feel like one more run should give us enough to finish our trap actually let's see what we got right now we got we got quite a few let's let's see what we can craft right now cuz the uh foundations are a bit more expensive than the walls so we might be okay yeah I can do 10 walls which I need two four I only need five right I think I need five more to finish the Trap uh we also need a ramp right so what do I need to craft the ramp uh fiber wood thatch I need two ramp pieces so what what is the complaint that uh cuz yeah I mean so far other than like the little bit of f FPS um drops and stuff like that we're having uh I mean I definitely would say this would be this is a pretty big W for Ark what are the four R oh yeah two side by side damn it most people can't get a but well that that's the thing that I was saying last night regeneration Nation um and that's the issue with PC gaming this is just a little insight guys uh the over the past like two and a half years there's been a huge jump in Hardware like we went from like you know the 20 Series 30 series and then like the 40 series um like graphics and the the thing is is a lot of people still to this day for whatever reasons uh many reasons are still using 10 series and 20 series graphics cards and the problem is with when you're running a 10 series or a 20 series graphics card they those are PlayStation 4 equivalent that that like PlayStation 4 4 generation those are PlayStation 4 generation cards it just is what it is um so when you have a PlayStation 4 generation graphics card and you try to play a a nextg game this is nextg you're it's not going to work but the problem with PC games are where if you have a PlayStation 4 and you take a PlayStation 5 game and you try to put it in a PlayStation 4 and play it it's not going to work but with PC games there isn't that itation like you can still buy a game that your PC can't run and it will still try to run it there is no like there's no barrier to stop a person from doing that so a lot of people who are using 10 series or 20 series cards yeah you're not going to be able to run this game it's like trying to run a PS5 game on a PS4 it just isn't going to happen um so and and those cards are very very old you know what I mean there are older cards so that that's the main thing if you want nextg you're going to have to jump up to at least a 30 series card and it's only going to get worse um even people with 30 series cards are only getting about 30 FPS on what level Graphics though I mean if you're trying to run the game on Epic like no there's definitely optimization issues like I said the game definitely needs to be optimized um 100% because even even me I'm I I have a 40 series card and I I was having some FPS issues when I first started so for sure you're there's going to be some optimization issues but I guarantee a bulk of people that just straight up can't run the game um they all have I guarantee it's 10 series and 20 series cards because they they have on their minimum requirements a 1080 and I was like [ __ ] I was like a 1080 TI can barely run most games nowaday on on high graphics there's no way it's going to run this um so I I was calling [ __ ] on their minimum specs it it just didn't make sense to me uh but yeah it all just depends on what resolution you're trying to play at you know if you're trying to if you're running a 30 series like even like a 30 cuz I upgraded from a 3090 to a 40 series because there was that big of a difference guys um I I I I had a 3090 and I was only getting like 40 50 frames per second on a lot of games and I was like what the [ __ ] like this is supposed to be one of the best well it was one of the best graphics cards but when I tell you the jump between a 3090 and a 4090 guys it's insane like I I have a 3090 in my my stream PC right here and I have a 4090 in my my main stream PC that I'm I'm playing on right now and when I tell you the difference between the two cards is it's like it's it's like 100% it's compl you can't compare the two cards so um yeah it's just the jump man it it's it's absolutely insane uh but you definitely need to play around with the settings a bit because it was it was lagging out my car card when I first started too uh but I turned some things off I I made sure that if you if you are having issues with your your graphics make sure you're going on here to your RTX make sure that if you have a 30 a 40 series card or a 30 series card I I wait doe the 30 series cards do uh dlss I don't remember but uh make sure you guys are you know changing this Go performance D make sure you're swapping these around and change some stuff like if you're running a 30 series card and having issues uh the 30 series cards their weakness is R tracing the 30 series cards are really really bad with rate tracing I could not play anything with r tracing on so if you're having trouble with your 30 series cards make sure you go and you turn off turn down like your Reflections or whatever so whatever one of these um happens to affect like the way the water reflects and stuff you got to make sure you turn that [ __ ] off because uh yeah the 30 series cards are garbage at R tracing anything any card that's not a 40 series Card cannot do R tracing period it's just the cards are garbage when it comes to rate ration so make sure you're lowering uh your reflection quality make sure you're lowering your Shadow quality turn off motion blur um you know things like your the the a lot of the lighting things you're going to have to tweak a little bit if you're running uh older cards and this isn't just with art guys this is with any games going forward like these games are starting to get bad like some of these games are so graphically intense um a 3090 is not even a good card like that anymore you know what I mean like these the games are just progressing so quick uh that the hardware is having a hard time keeping up but yeah it that that's one of the things I try to tell yo that looks wet um is yeah if you are running anything a 30 series or below card you have to turn off R tracing no you don't you don't come in the Trap dude come on but yeah look at I think I think that's or did it was it always that dark oh [ __ ] it's going to bother me I got to I got to flip that yeah a lot of games that are coming out guys almost every single brand new game we've played um in the past like two months have just had terrible optimization um even for like a 4090 uh just terrible terrible optimization and these ramps are a little longer than I expect expected okay so there it is guys we got a trap uh but like I said I'm running this on a 4090 right now with some settings tweaked and it's running pretty damn good uh I am getting some screen tears uh which I got to figure out how to fix all right so I'm going to move this this guy cuz I don't want him to get involved in this fight you guys said does the rain hit the water I'll check and see if you can see the Rain On The Water yeah everything has uh like wet textures I don't no not that I can tell maybe oh the water just looks good regardless but no I can't can't really tell it looks like there's some kind of texture like [ __ ] happening but I I can't can't make it out the water's Rippling too much um one more there um I could I'll get it trapped and then I'll I'll go uh figure out how we're going to tame it how's it go shame the UFC F I mean it's all it's all a numbers game Casp you've seen the numbers dude you know come on man you know what it is [Laughter] bro we got a we got a blue drop over here where the [ __ ] did the trait go oh there it is there it is there it is babe you make a chicken babe yeah are you making chicken yeah yeah oh can you make some extra for me too you yeah I can like that I think this is the 111 here there it is okay so go ahead and hit him with this Arrow oh he's fast oh he walked around it oh stop stop stop stop stop stop on one of it's too steep come on come come come on come on oh I almost had him is he in is he in we might have to go uh 2x3 guys yo he ain't having a chat what right damn [ __ ] hit the [ __ ] out of me what yeah he ain't having it guys guys he's a having it dude we're going to have to just tame this one with honor well semi honor I could just like teame it from up here yeah oh wait doesn't this side have to be too high I think the entrance has to be higher than the rest of it regardless oh [ __ ] we missed oh we got an imprint nice dude all right so yeah we got an imprint on him so we're going to have to change up our game plan here guys look at my armor bro we just got shredded all right how many narcotics did I end up with only 13 [Applause] guys why is my inventory shifting around oh what did I do oh okay I must I hit something weird guys and it like changed up the uh the UI down here so I only got 13 now I'm wondering if if we do a combination of of of the club can you I don't even know how the hell you would do that club a trike probably just got to get good right well I can't I can't get the baby until I kill the mother um and then it's like if instead of wasting the resources trying to kill the mother I'm at least going to try to tame it first you know I've never really used a slingshot I don't think I've ever used a slingshot fiberwood hide [Music] okay so we got three slingshots done up should I hold like 100 Stone on me so it just shoots regular Stone as ammunition all right so we're going to start off with our bow see how much progress we can make with this [ __ ] I don't even know if this Bow's going to be enough enough to uh finish it we need fiber and wood oh take you baby [Applause] so we got 13 Tran arrows um and then we'll try to finish the rest of it off with the slingshot and the the Mallet if we have to oh so hot oh we can't be missing though [Music] is it already running oh change this mind it's not not running anymore [Music] I'm out of arrows oh you [Music] [ __ ] this I hope these guys are good sleepers man so I'm going to get the some meu berries yeah I could do some spikes around it just in case um like I said this area of the island is relatively safe for the most part look at the little baby just staying h so we're going to have to Nar it guys cuz it's only at 1.8% and there's no way that's enough torper so we're going to have to just get some narcoberries or we could just you could could force feed it n which one is better guys just give Force feeding narcoberries or just going to making narcotics and giving it the narcotics there's that Raptor pack right there it's a level 111 and it's going to gain 55 levels the Narco berries [Music] really yeah I can't wait to get rid of that man that Raptor pack is just not a good time so what do I need for wood spikes to learn it first obviously fiber hide and wood oh happy birthday rapael I hope you're having a great day got to get more storage man I'd be lying to you guys if I didn't if I wasn't if I said I wasn't really worried about them [ __ ] Raptors right now got it I'm about to try to make a uh some spikes to keep them off of my trike gu what fiber that and hide I believe I think it was fiber hide in Wood I don't have a trike sadle not yet there it is now we got it so I got a question guys is there a way for me to like position some like Spike traps right and then build myself up on like a little Tower maybe and then try to lead the Raptors into the spikes and and and kill them would you think the spikes would do enough damage to kill them now it's going to prioritize the meu berries right the at least one more y look at the spikes though like that [ __ ] even the spikes look good [Laughter] man yeah I was thinking about trying to craft up some kind of way to lure the tra the Raptors in cuz Raptors can fit through a reg other doorway right [Applause] guys did that just eat the meat off my a post on with the Super Chat man thank you so much uh playing alongside with you 470 TI and uh 64 gig ram was handling all Epic settings just fine same Terror and momentary frame drops every yeah that's the only thing I'm seeing so far but post I hope I I hope you're enjoying it I'm having a good time myself man off to a slow start here but I feel like this start in Arc is you if if we go back to my very first playthrough I feel like my start here is a lot better than my start back then right at least I hope it is um go one more Point wait and then I mean I could try that real quick let me go to my desktop dude of course because it's a full screen [Music] application right let me try one thing real quick guys I'm pretty sure mine is already going to be on though oh right here pync use third uh application sent so how how do you turn it on then oh like that you just click it and turn it on all right U now I got to remember to turn it off though because there is some games I have to uh turn vsnc off but we'll see if if that does anything I turned it on though guys we got we got some vsync what what happened huh what but it's not real that's why I don't watch new shows really now I'm stressed all right well let me know if it's gone guys or if it's still there I I I still feel like it's still there actually you know [Applause] what spe it's definitely still did I not hit a Ply chat does somebody does somebody know if I hit a Ply or not if you if you go back and look I did okay then we're good boom so the trike should be safe unless a raptor can fit in here so the trike is not safe now the trike is safe now bad boy is going to take a little bit but as you guys can see we can track the the team and we can see how much percentage we have so I am going to have to feed I am going to have to feed that some Naros at at least twice um I got narcoberries on it right now that I can just go up to the inventory and force feed it if I need to uh so it's not a big deal so once the trike is done uh let's work on that Smithy right now so we need hide stone wood and metal we need fibers for the trike saddle so that was not bad at all so we got the trike saddle and our [Applause] Smithy got to extend I got to extend our platform a little bit I won't even disrespect you guys and call this a base I I have to extend our platform a little bit that thing it's taking forever to grow up there we go so the Smithy will be able to craft uh wow that's only one metal all right yeah so let's hide wood I do need to do up a feeding TR too but I just don't have the the the metal right now store that in there all right so I'm going to go out and get myself some more game is tweaking out right now about to go get myself a bit more metal oh yeah my my pickaxe that I just crafted something's going on right now now that the game is not having a good time with you gu see the flicker the hell is that I'm still doing it what the hell is [Music] that now now a lot of you guys know how how fast is I've never been a part of wild card doing like new stuff um like when they release new stuff are they are they pretty decent with like hot fixes and [ __ ] or did they do they drag their feet Grim thank you for the Super Chat I really appreciate you like if they got like bugs and tweaks and stuff that they got to make make like what's the turnaround on them like [Music] polish they don't drag their feet they drag their whole body it's gone now whatever it was it might have been from the force vsync shenanigans okay so the only issue is I guess it's not an issue cuz I can just do this [Music] right o but that did leave an opening over here then I'm going to reposition this one to just be a little sharper of an angle that all right we're good much better all right so I probably should force feed at some narcos now getting a little low and I want to push out and not have to babysit this damn thing I don't know how many berries I should force it okay so it stopped going up 10 we'll do 10 there are new official dinos in uh another map in the arc mod list main menu oh really uh we'll take a second cuz the people might be interested in it I I I'll check that out here in a second yeah so it's going to I'm probably going to have to force Fe to all of these guys it's not we're even going to probably need more now the good thing is is once we get this trike done guys will be able to um Mass Farm berries for the most part like the trikes are decent Berry farmers but post again thank you gra I appreciate another Super Chat dude it really means a lot dude and I can't see the exact amount of likes because as soon as it's over a thousand the uh UI changes guys but I do want to I I I I know it's well over a thousand so I want to thank you guys um for all the hard work like you guys are out here crushing it showing so much love Community out here really going here I'm showing so much love that I really appreciate that guys 1.2k you guys are insane Chad out here putting in work today let's see what we looking at 57 all that we got 57 whole berries there are new official dinos and another map in the ark mod list main menu wonder what level this is it's a cool color too it's a level 40 what do you mean caspy we're doing this for you man it's all for you I feel like I'm going to really be over here babysitting the hell out of this trike right now guys it just already blew through most of the Nars I gave it see where that lands us you can't get the B though like that that's the thing about getting the babies is you have to kill the mother and then the babies don't get the the tame bonus like like right now with this it started off at level 111 and with the taming bonus it's going to end up being like 100 like 160 but when you get the baby which is right over here which I'll get later on the baby doesn't get bonus levels it's just if it's 111 it just stays 111 it doesn't rank up at all so that's why taming in a way is still better than getting the babies because you get the extra uh levels no the baby doesn't instant tame no you got to still feed it and it grows up but you have to you the the baby Can't Be Tamed until the mother's out of the picture or the parent or whatever whoever it's it's tied to it that's why the baby's standing right there it's not moving yeah it's like they assign the the baby dinos to like an an adult Dyno that it follows around and you can't can't you have to break the chain you have to take it out and then once you do that then you can go ahead and teame up the baby yeah the viewership On Da is gone uh like I said I I it was kind of supposed to be just a revisit we jumped in did an episode um it was supposed to be a revisit but then it it popped off a lot of you guys were enjoying it um and then it it petered off a bit like quite a bit but you got to remember guys I I Linked In the last episode of days gone I I did link the continuation like so if you if you go and you you click on that episode right in the comments I pinned the comment that will bring you right to a continuation of where I finished um the whole entire game and it it legitimately picks up exactly where I left off for the most part all right let's get all out here we got to get a little bit more metal now um that should be enough to hold it over at least while I'm out here look at that big boy right there yeah look at all four of those damn Raptors right there CH parasaur don't bring them over here oh my God that parasaur better not bring that [Music] Raptor really this little copies like what was he trying to achieve Grim thank you for the Super Chat man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get [Music] and I'm free oh yeah we've played we played days gone we play pretty much all the games on the channel chat like pretty much all the games to some extent you know what I mean I I I'm I'm All About checking games out um and then you know based on the performance if if a lot of community is enjoying them we'll continue playing them if it's kind of like a meh you know not a whole lot of people were interested and then we just move on to do something else you know what I mean um I spent 13 years of my life from 2006 to 2019 in the military and play very little video games so from 2006 to 2009 19 uh we have a lot of video games to to get caught up on you know what I mean uh actually I could probably keep some of this Flint for arrows Flint's not all that heavy so like our back list of games is is [Applause] insanity well jasine I really appreciate that means a lot I I played a little bit of Skyrim on the channel it was very long time ago though we uh we had quite a few mods installs I I never I beat the original version of Skyrim I never did any of the DLCs um so yeah we started off on Skyrim played it a little bit the viewership wasn't crazy heavy but it was a hectic time on the channel um and I kind of just was like oh we'll come back to this at another Point yeah I I served in the military for 13 years I was uh I was in the Marine Corps from 2006 to uh 2010 and then um I spent the rest of my time in the Army all the way up to 2019 [Laughter] um I want to get at least 300 in total on my weight damn that's a level 103 Doo but other than eggs like what are Doos good for well baby another Diplo there or di [Laughter] di oh another uh that's a level 102 dodo some decent levels my armor is damaged yeah they they added a new thing to the game where your weapons and armor um and your body you can physically see damage that Raptor pack over there's kind of uh where's my uh for check the dino log oh but nothing could have killed it Chad there's nothing here what would have killed it the Raptors would still be over here if they and how did they get in there's this little space here but that does that does damage it wasn't starvation I had I had I had like 90 berries on it I really I just topped the berries off there's no way it woke up we were only gone for like 2 minutes yeah if that's what I'm saying if it died wouldn't the bag of food and berries that I had on it still be on the ground no oh hold on I okay maybe maybe we just got a maybe we just got to log out and log back in chat and it it'll it'll like repopulate n yeah it'll probably it'll probably yeah this is it see it's lagging right now it's probably loading everything back in [Music] just having a hard time loading in the trike so it kind of [Music] froze seriously bro oh my God I hate when you get these crashes that won't even sit behind like task manager and [ __ ] why multimon all right I can't I couldn't send a report because my game crashed that hard balty thank you for the Super Chat man I many look take to get to the center of the missing trick my the world will'll never know no it's going to be there dude it's going to be bad like that's why the game was got hung up it was probably trying to reload the the the trike and stuff it's all good guys we're get rolled back the trike will be there uh it's all good you just gota you just got to have faith chat you just got to have faith got to let the whole intro roll though if you skip the intro I might mess it up there boom resume voila oh what's that in there level 160 something [ __ ] trike guys ni it's only level 25 like what did I do chat like what did I do to deserve this like everything was good man like why why does this have to happen to me AR with the six months thank you so much game's good minus my trike that is no longer in existence that was I literally spent two hours of hard work to acquire it for it to just disappear last I I I don't know how to how to load like different saves is it in the menu oh don't do that oh by the way before we even before we do any of this um Poston pointed out the mod I think he said in here in the mod list right terms and conditions yeah I agree uh he said that there's new dinos oh [ __ ] look at that yeah so they got this and they even have a map oh what is that additions ascended that's pretty so if I wanted to add this right how does it work this large ratfish is found in the depths of the islands oceans with recognizable to so so do we just click on it and hit install is it that simple yeah I think literally just click and install guys you can add yo this thing looks sick look at that the spiny Speedster the catosaurus lurking in the jungles and grasslands catosaurus are hostile to most creatures of the Ark featuring a heavy uh dormant of Venom lace spines catosaurus causes their victims to rupture and uh in a rejuvenating burst of blood this aggressiveness could possibly be a weakness uh maybe there's a way to take advantage of their venom tame catosaurus a able to heal themselves and Allied carnivores with the explosive blood bursts in addition that their fast hitting attacks in venom catosaurus are also some of the fastest terrestrial mounts you can find what CH is it me or does that thing sound freaking awwesome that sounds so dope and then this is the new map umam himhe that's cool that they already have um maps and stuff like that on here too this thing looks insane too the ma the marsh so around the what Titanic Terror will devour whatever it's too foolish to approach with thick scales and hide and its colossal line tooth line jaw are very powerful foes occasionally maybe see basking in their Turf with a with not a car in a world maybe it's worth investiga how much it likes food that's pretty cool too I mean there's no reason to not grab these you know what I mean they're pretty they're pretty cool and they're all pretty lore friendly it seems you know what I mean none of them I would say are like seem out of like even the only one that was even kind of op sounding was the this gu though but other than that I mean it's all mods but I mean none of the dinos are like they all seem like they're natural like they could easily be made by the devs and put into into the game you know what I mean that none of them seem super out of place by any means this guy seems like he could be pretty powerful but yeah the rest of them don't really seem all that crazy for the most part got to wait for these things to finish installing oh yeah I don't know anything about this map um I'm not I'm not going to mess around with the map right now we're just going to be uh we got a lot to explore on the island so we regret it soon why is it going to break the game all right well our we got to now come up with a different plan guys cuz I had our the only thing I could think that happened is the Raptors cuz the Raptors were right here right in the water when they were CH chasing that parasaur before I ran down there and my thing is here so the only thing I can think is the Raptors did indeed come over here ran ran up to this got in here through this somehow ate the dino got killed on the Spikes all of them despawned and then the bag despawned after the time limit of sitting on the ground that's the only thing I can think of now if we see that Raptor pack over cuz the Raptor Pack's gone for real guys I don't I don't even remotely see them anywhere just trying to scout and see if I see him anywhere is that a MOS no damn it we got some shitty ass luck today guys with teaming dinos it's got a baby I spared it because of the baby I don't know guys the Raptor pack is gone maybe not that thing's running from something what are you running from if it's t yeah it wasn't it wasn't tamed yet um like my my two that are those two are tame but yeah the other one is gone that is [ __ ] insane looking man we could bow and tame one of these that probably be one of our Best Bets what level are you 15 is that where we go from here chat we'll tame a Petra get ourselves a lowle fly fly a level 15 ain't it though then at least we'll be able to travel the map a little easier [Music] what only got one club though cuz you could you could you could Club um the flyer right it's level 11 oh [ __ ] is that a Ciro or that new thing oh we got some real real crap Dino spawns [Applause] man well the thing is this I could like bow of this right we can get we can get this this one here problem is we got him I didn't expect it to be that fast [Music] what level is this level three seriously things going wake up wed fast [Music] so does any of you guys agree that you think the uh the missing trike has something to do with the now all of a sudden missing Raptor pack I said they were literally right in the area directly across Dam are we getting no taming [Music] effect we're not we haven't even got 1% yet needs fish since when has that always been a thing oh [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me those little dolphin dudes [Music] [Music] just won't eat [Music] a little bit of berries did some work though on that on its torp for sure just going to try to well we'll let that might just go grab a lower level trike now something easier to tame because I needed the trike for multiple reasons I just need a mount I need something that we could ride um so that's why I'm trying to get the the flyer but we just needed we just need anything man see something real quick only sus thing is uh these walls aren't even damaged I feel like if dinos really got violent with them like a whole pack of raptors they they would have uh they would have been damn yo why is that not taming chat I freaking damage is pretty good with this damn bow [Laughter] if I grab that Bronto egg I'm going to piss off that Bronto so I'm not about that life ah there we go another trike oh there we go we got a little bit of taming now I'm going to have to go give it some berries though yeah it just took him a little bit start eating oh here we go this is it love you babe love what was that noise the [ __ ] was that did I [ __ ] is something eating the [ __ ] oh yeah so right now the spawns are pretty pretty light in this area I was hoping for maybe a moss a moss chop something but damn those berries really plummeted fast holy crap all right let me get why' it go down so fast I don't even know if I'm going to make it please don't be [ __ ] Raptors are those Raptors no they're too too small come on swim faster dude oh no come on [Applause] d it there's a raptor over there yeah we just got to get our body back which is fine um but I see a singular Raptor that might be that might be the plan guys that that's going to be the plan so uh you could go back to your body JB and get your stuff back um but I'm thinking recover my body and then come and try to get this single Raptor what level do you got to be for a raptor saddle just stop don't [ __ ] ruin the game right now dude just stay over there let me see boom 18 see yeah we could get uh get a raptor that'll be a good first mount you know what I mean good first Mount um and we can even use it to fight a little bit hopefully it's a decent level yeah we we just got we got to get some Bolas um and if I if I Bowa it can I run around to the back and then just beat it with the uh with the with the club and then when the p and then bullet it again and then just stay behind it and it can't attack me from behind right as long as I stay behind it because they can't they can't rotate when they're bed right oh head shots from the side so as long as I'm not standing in front of it as long as I'm not standing in front of it we should be fine but yeah I think that's what we're going to go for guys but we're going to end this here guys it's been a quite a long episode I don't even know how long we've been streaming for 5 hours okay holy crap um but thank you guys again I hope you guys are enjoying this uh it it is definitely good to be back playing some Arc it's been a really really long time my thoughts so far on ASA it looks phenomenal uh they really did do a good job um the system like a lot of you know the items in the game look different there's a lot of visual changes lots of visual changes uh definitely nextg there is some performance issues that they definitely need to get ironed out and some like bugs here and there uh but it's it's it's decent guys it's definitely decent I I definitely think within a few months and some Polish this is going to be it's going to be quite a good experience um in my opinion uh so remember if you guys do want a full series of this um smash that like button subscribe and we'll keep it rolling uh I I wasn't sure cuz we played Arc for a while on the channel before and then it kind of died off pretty hard but um after four five months of playing it but um remember if you guys do want more just hey let me know in the comments smash that like button subscribe we we'll definitely keep it going guys I will be doing some more streams here today uh but might be a little bit before I start the next one I don't I don't know exactly what's going on but um thank you guys again if I don't see you in the next stream you have a great rest of your day or night and for everybody else I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Brian Menard
Views: 62,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARK survival ascended, ASA, gameplay, review, gaming, survival, crafting, open world, ARK, action, dinosaurs
Id: GdI5XPy46a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 316min 14sec (18974 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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