TOP 10 BEST RAT HOLES on The Island! | ARK: Survival Ascended

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when it comes to the island staying hidden is key to survival so we proudly present top 10 rat holes on the [Music] island and coming at number 10 this can be found at 25.6 latitude and 21.5 longitude and then here it is on the map now before we start I just want to clarify this up the coordinates that you guys are seeing on screen now are going to be slightly off cuz Arc has a bug right now so just kind of keep in mind of just where this spot is and kind of just look around in the main area or just check it out on the map and go to that exact spot that you see on the map just know that the coordinates are slightly off anyways here is number 10 it's a nice little small rat hole a little bit awkward to build in but it is great for a solo player who's looking to kind of just stay more hidden away from everybody and not have to deal with with the uh toxicity of people if that makes sense now the downside of this of this uh spot is that it is a super cold spot so living here is definitely going to suck and coming at number nine this can be found at 32.0 latitude and 87.8 longitude and then here it is on the map now this location is definitely an awkward one to build in however it does make for a pretty decent base if you are looking to stay more hidden so this spot is a little bit awkward as you can see it's in the water so it's definitely going to be a partially underwater partially Out of Water base so it's going to be a little bit tricky to build in for sure I'll say that however you can slam a vacuum compartment down here in in the back and actually live you can live in here put a couple Heavies it's a nice little temporary base location and you have a decent amount of room in here so overall it does make for a pretty good location and you even have this nice little like air bubble up here as well so if you're looking to kind of stay a little bit more hidden but kind of more of like a temporary base that not a lot of people really know about this is definitely a good one for you and coming at number eight this can be found at 61.3 latitude and 91.5 longitude and then here it is on the map now this location is actually a pretty decent one again it's another great one for a solo or a Duo looking to kind of stay more hidden but this is a really good underwater spot for a just smaller tribe so as you can see over here there's a very very tiny entrance which means not a lot of people are even going to see it in the first place like you you really can't really even see the r hole even when you're right here it doesn't even look like it's that big however whenever you turn this nice little corner right here it opens up into this nice decently sized room now yes it's not the biggest but you can still fit a lot of stuff in here including some maybe some dinos if you can get them in here but there's a decent amount of room up in here it does make for a pretty good location the only downside is there is a second opening up top up here that you have to figure out how to defend if you can figure out how to block that off this will really make for a really good spot to live in and coming in at number seven this can be found at 53.0 l itude and 71.7 longitude and then here it is on the map now this location is actually a really good one again for a smaller tribe it's like a solo or Duo I promise you this entire list is not just ones for solos or Duos there are some pretty big r holes in here but we will get to those here in a second this location is a little bit tricky to find that's why I'm kind of showing you guys where it is it's pretty close to that Obelisk however finding this location is definitely very very tricky cuz it's literally in the middle of nowhere now as you can see there's this nice little kind of cave entrance with some ruins right next to it well actually if you look up in the top left hand corner you'll see a tiny little opening and that is our Rat Hole now this location opens up into a decently sized spot you will need some grappling hooks to get in here it's a little bit tricky it looks like a big entrance it's really not it's actually pretty tight and um it kind of blocks you off on part of it so you have to use a grapple to get in however once you're in you have a decent amount of room you can easily put some uh some like foundations down some forges maybe even some maybe a dyo I don't really know if you could fit a couple dinos in here or not but if you're looking to really stay hidden this is a great one for you to to uh build in for sure but uh yeah let's get on to the next one coming at number six this can be found at 83.6 latitude and 57.1 longitude and then here it is on the map now this location would have been a really really good spot if it was located in a different area also there's one more downside of of this location you have to use bench and chairs did to get into it so I'm sure ark's going to patch this spot up so it's kind of a little heads up if you're looking at this just know that this spot might be patched if it's not look at the size of this thing this is like perfect everything in here is just Flawless completely flat tons of room you can easily fit a a Indie Forge you know some forges Fabricators all that in here perfectly the only downside is is its location the location does kind of suck that entrance being right on the ground means that people can basically walk walk up and just throw some like cluster grenades in and then you're just done that's the only a downside with this spot but it is a really really good location if you can figure out how to defend it now getting in and out of the spot is going to really suck having to constantly do it over and over and over so just know that but otherwise it does make for a really really good spot this video is sponsored by Mitra 9 Mitra 9 is a Caba and katum Selzer company that quite literally makes you feel good my favorite flavor is tropical now Caba and katum give you a similar to alcohol just without the impairment it's more similar to a high mitro 9 has really helped me get through long stressful days use my code Outcast for 20% off at mitron must be 18 or 21 in some states coming at number five this can be found at 20.0 latitude and 52.6 longitude and then here it is on the map now this location is definitely a little bit of a different one so this one is in the snow kind of like some of the other ones on our list however this one is very different it is still nice and compact so building in here is going to be a little bit of a struggle you're not GNA be able to fit a couple things in here like some Indy forges unless you can figure out how to clip it just right in the terrain cuz it is possible however this spot is a bit awkward so instead of most rles like going like up or in a wall you're you're actually going down so with you going down it is does make defending it a little bit tricky however it is a very very long hallway so once you come down here get in and out of this place is just going to suck I'm just going to make that clear right now the only way in and out is really with a PT or with some grapples so it's going to be a little bit tricky but if you can figure out how to defend this spot it could make for a really good spot so lots of spam turrets will definitely be your best friend right here now once you're down here it leads back into this little area and then down a tiny bit more not too much down here though so you can build a nice little compact base if you are a solo or a small tribe it does make for a really really good location and coming at at number four this can be found at 46.4 latitude and 74.6 longitude and then here it is on the map now this location is a super super hidden one like as you can see I'm looking straight at it right now you cannot see it at all because of paline with these just little like roots or whatever you want to call these things are so that really does help block this spot off super super well another down well actually a good side for you downside for somebody who's trying to raid you is that you are high up in this in the uh ceiling getting be a little bit tricky to to defend this there's not a ton of room in here but you put a lot of spam turrets on those walls I guarantee you people are going to struggle to get in here for sure this spot up here is very very wonky there I mean it's just it's like platforms and random things just all over the place so if you're looking for a location that's a little bit more difficult to raid but with less room I guess you want to call it this is definitely a good one for you now up here you do still have a decent amount of room I mean you you can fit a good amount of stuff in here but it's going to be tight and very awkward to definitely work with so just a little heads up going to be a tricky location but you do have a lot of room to work with so it does make for a pretty decent base location coming at number three this can be found at 55.2 latitude and 75.3 longitude and then here it is on the map now this location is a really really good spot if you are a little bit of a bigger tribe still smaller tribe but a little bit of a bigger tribe looking to really stay hidden this is a really good one for you you are super high up in the ceiling so it's going to be a very difficult raid for anybody that's trying to actually get in there so as you can see you have a super tiny entrance right here which is really good and it actually spans back up into the left of this little r hole so you have a nice little platform right here not a ton of room but still a pretty nice amount of room to work with it's going to be a little bit tighter in here but you do have I mean if you want to call it flat it is kind of flattish room to work with it kind of angles down a little bit so you're going to run into some uh Foundation issues you're going to have to build up a little bit but overall it does make for a pretty good rat hole and a really good spot that not a lot of people are going to really mess with coming at number two this can be found at 65.4 latitude and 48.9 longitude and then here it is on the map now this location is my personal favorite spot this is basically one of the best locations for an onland Rat Hole which we will get to the underwater rat holes that'll be one of the next videos that come out and I must say there are some insane underwater rat holes just a little teaser for that just a little teaser but yeah anyways here's this spot it's right here on the side of this Cliff you literally cannot see it even with me being right here it is almost invisible especially with the floating Rock glitch that Arc somehow still hasn't fixed from their last game but who knows who knows anyways coming in here it might look like a real you know a nice little stupid rat hole you know a little bit big you know it can fit a couple foundations couple forges you know a fabricator and all that but no wait until you get into this main room so as you can see when you go down into here it opens up into this massive room this room is absolutely enormous whenever Cliff platforms come out it's going to be a really good location to work with so you have a lot of room in here it's a little bit awkward you going have to build multiple floors in here but it does make for a really good base location you have a lot of room it even spans back into here a little bit farther too which is super good to work with you can fit some dinos do a some uh dino breeding possibly it's going to be a little bit hard but you can still do it and yeah it does make for a really good Rat Hole I'm just afraid that this one might end up getting patched because it's going to be a very overpowered spot but uh yeah that's it for this one let's move on to number one and finally coming at number one this can be found at 92.5 latitude and 71.5 longitude and then here it is on the map now this location is absolutely insane this is one of the many underwater rat holes that we are going to get into so this is just kind of a little teaser of what's going to be in the next video so yeah as you can see with this entrance you have to use a vacuum compartment and some benches to to get in here you can try it with some grapples it can work but it's defin it's going to take you a lot of tries I'll just say that so your best option is some just some benches or some chairs to get in which I can show in a future video I don't show in here though but this location is absolutely enormous so as you can see it doesn't look that big but once you kind of come back around here and turn through this corner it opens up into this just insane R hole so here is the first room decent amount of room you can build a nice turret wall right there and block that entire area off and no one's getting in I guarantee it anyways over here this is your main room it is absolutely enormous tons of rooms to work with it's all super flat you can build a massive base in here put a nice little teleporter in here and no one's getting in simple as that you can even Vault drop your entire entrance well can't really Vault drop now but you can put vaults on it and it's going to keep a ton of people out not to mention it's in the bottom like super far bottom side of the map so no one's even going to find it in the first place but yeah that was it for our top 10 rat holes I hope you guys did enjoy don't forget to leave a like if you're new and hit that subscribe button and thanks for watching
Channel: The Outcasts
Views: 47,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L-yvT-Nolqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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