ARE YOU MIND CONTROLLED!?! - Deep Web Browsing 167

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hello guys and gals me Muthu horn welcome to another episode of deep web browsing dank web browsing dark web browsing part of the week where we take a break from the side of the internet relax and look at well the dinkar side of the internet now as always ladies and gentlemen the theme for today is going to be random as always and in fact after playing so much a spider-man which is a great [ __ ] game by the way I figured the best way to capstone my addiction off is to finish this and then go right back and relapse ladies and gentlemen so let's take a little break from everything in our life and go to the very first web site so holy [ __ ] aliens now usually they come with a lot of awesome soundtracks I tend to have this one kind of a muted actually it stopped because I left on the web page for a little longer but it played the x-files theme okay you know you get that you know that one alright you've heard it in tons of mean compilations anyway so this is I was abducted by aliens now it's got this lovely [ __ ] G be a gif of this alien winking at me and it's pretty seductive and I kind of like it how it all began it was a hot summer day in 1995 and I was out on my bike and I saw this big-ass UFO and I was like damn son where'd you find this I soon approached it to see it alien he grabbed me and pulled me on the ship and then he flew me through his face the ship was like [Music] alien tribe damn dude I say don't have a turf war in the comments section but aliens they have a turf war and the galaxies dude goddamn they decided that they were gonna invade the other aliens homeland they did this and the UFO was shaking while they were probing me those who were gonna anally checked while they were a [ __ ] turf war it's that's multitasking to the extreme dude a hill of miles broke goddamn this helped me receive maximum pleasure from the painful throat while the ship was shaking on then the tribe shot out the UFOs power source and we crashed back on earth and everyone died but me and that is my story thank you for your time wow that is a [ __ ] story of the ages you know I read creepypastas for this this one this is this one that dominates the story what the [ __ ] is this give holy [ __ ] what a man I don't I don't even tonight that I'm as gender the L [ __ ] for them fans this [ __ ] right here 100% true if you believe me right don't you okay we have I think that gets I dub CNN side dubs dude elite in his natural habitat shriveling it through the space-time continuum you know I believe that's that's what aliens look like well all I want you to know is if anyone had a similar experience with a UFO like I did it was pretty scary I almost died send me an email and you blow the onion add onion holy [ __ ] it's finally over we have one more submission from a fellow abductee okay so subject is all [ __ ] him I just saw the emojis holy [ __ ] Wow my eyes okay oh oh [ __ ] I had a same experience with alien to the admin onion the UFOs alien star alien have finally come oh send this to 10 alien daddy eggplant if you get none back dead girl with the with the [ __ ] cross dead you are lonely galactic ho Oh get five back hmm you are a super star [ __ ] oh come on dude get ten back and get you a super space freak happy [ __ ] hundred a hundred out of a hundred get that alien [ __ ] mmm you know what really gets me going fire emojis is them aliens up in that galaxy where that Milky Way is they come here to abduct us send this to your fellow humans you just may be you will get probe with that thick alien dick if you don't the alien daddies will drop you at the spaceship and you will be left floating in space with no extraterrestrial dick in your cookie okay dude the emojis make me want to [ __ ] believe in reality again i sexually identify as an alien ever since I was a boy I dreamed of travelling across the universe anally probing disgusting inferior species people say to me that being that a person being an alien is impossible and I'm [ __ ] [ __ ] and I don't care I'm beautiful I'm having a plastic surgeon install abduction beams on my body from now on I want you guys to call me eight elem ow okay eight LEM out and respect my right to abduct cows from above and kill needlessly if you can't accept me you're a xenophobe and you need to check your earthling privilege all do you know if I have you checked your earthling privilege I just found out that I have earthling privilege I gonna get that check thank you for being so understanding blank blank thank you for your time Christian cost worth you know what everyone tells you there's a [ __ ] Red Room or you're gonna get raped if you access the Deep Web give them this [ __ ] link that's all you have to do just give them this link and that's life's answers right there god I wish an alien would come in my boy [ __ ] let's go to the next website oh we got linked to a [ __ ] export so if you don't know what an export is for Chan's paranormal board is like [ __ ] some of their best I mean if you go to B you're gonna get a lot of penises and raids which is amazing if you want penises and raids I mean who the [ __ ] doesn't but uh you have VG which is like video gaming and exes like paranormal where all the good creepy pastas and [ __ ] originate from so this is the daycare sagas first time hearing about the [ __ ] is from 2015 so it's pretty vintage alright did I even start the deep web series in 2015 I think it started in mid 2015 when did I start the deep web series holy [ __ ] question for the ages huh yeah that's so it's a new question dude didn't see any daycare discussion on here and I've been on X lately so don't know if there's been any already gonna copy/paste the opie of a different thread here as it's better written than anything I could toss together have you guys heard of this basically someone on slash are slash Salt Lake City okay so Salt Lake City Utah posted a picture of the building they found it creepy so that's the building they found creepy and I mean it's it's a little too green for my taste but I don't know how the [ __ ] it's creepy because it's supposed to be an active daycare but no one was ever seen coming or going people that get into it found a website which quickly ended up getting taken down and the Whois information wipe ooh oh that's actually kind of sketchy so religion you don't know website is getting taken out happens but like Whois information getting wiped at the same time that's a little oh [ __ ] it's sketchy yeah Bay huis information is basically site details all that [ __ ] then someone you want to can you don't I'm [ __ ] true what the [ __ ] is going on inside my house Jesus Christ by the way it's daytime what the [ __ ] is going on outside holy [ __ ] someone's getting someone's getting Wow all right dude I hope that driveway comes out nice dude you don't have to [ __ ] do it it's 6:15 in the evening Jesus Christ whoa all right Wow then someone walked by during regular hours and found no one was there but an elderly looking Mexican lady someone else kept looking around online and found shipments for 4,000 kilograms okay eight thousand eight hundred and eighteen pounds of plastic jewelry being delivered from China China join to the following businesses in several states okay so fun times kit scare okay II that that name Oh fun crest bait shop fun with phonics Funland jumpers a fundamental financial group okay all these names sound interesting one of the above locations I believe the bait shops I remember correctly has the same address as the home of a registered sex offender again we don't agree with any of this like this is just speculation on 4chan sport I'm just reading something the main post on our slash conspiracy was removed in the thread and our so I Salt Lake City was nuked by moss for witch hunting damn did they [ __ ] you they banned that [ __ ] here's possible explanation some people have come up with okay so some people have said it's a front for a drug smuggling op some have said it's a CIA FBI safehouse I read it just ruined lelou front for an armed smuggling operation to expand on the armed smuggling someone checked the bill of ladings for two different two different heavy shipments to deliver to the above businesses and found that there were two types of cartons in each crate one carton had a similar weight to 250 pounds of 7.62 mm ammunition well the other crate was a slight roundup of a weight of an ak-47 you know you know what man I do bill of ladings of like one businesses it's not [ __ ] it's not it's not out of the ordinary like if you're gonna do arms smuggling it's kind of [ __ ] for you to have like one a k47 in a crate right like I don't know it's like it's such a risk I don't know I don't know arms smuggling so I don't do arm smuggling and arms dealing ventures I mean thankfully not not at all but like if you have that kind of [ __ ] don't you think it's more profitable to get like multiple ak-47s and like more batches I don't know I don't know how it works dude I don't do weapons smuggling so maybe I'm just making this [ __ ] up but the final and most likely scenarios is a bunch of made-up [ __ ] misinformation coincidences that people jump to conclusions over you know what that's actually the most likely [ __ ] case because I actually believe this is like just some random date characters like [ __ ] Salt Lake City Utah dude like you ever seen how depressing daycares look in general like I have a daycare not too far away from me that [ __ ] is depressing as [ __ ] I don't see people going in and out all the time but it's depressing a [ __ ] and most daycares look [ __ ] depressing I'm sorry to say kids - no that's [ __ ] depressing parents no it's [ __ ] depressing it's just a shitty situation but like yeah they've got a they get they got that daycare situation going on and it just don't make no sense but let me read the comments real quickly so yeah I don't know I honestly none of it makes any [ __ ] sense to me like I mean it could just be your standard daycare I don't I think I think when you go to like our slash conspiracy it's a lot of friendships so the problem is is that you know obviously the name looks weird if it's fun times kids kids care which is what this one is because it's not bait shop Phonics jumpers or whatever that name sounds sketchy [ __ ] I mean it's a name that sounds like it's it's most likely like a [ __ ] front or whatever but at the same time like I've seen [ __ ] names for like like I've seen oh I shouldn't say strattera I mean I've seen interesting names for businesses that are legitimate so it's probably a real [ __ ] daycare dude people are people are looking to deep into something but let me look down to the comments dude because that's always the best part of a reddit third 4chan thread um I'm very close to creating a subreddit to talk about all this due to the massive censoring I guess this means we'll get a crash course and read it really soon more this is [ __ ] fascinating two possibilities it's just a random business that it doesn't really appreciate the negative attention for a bunch of tinfoil hats probably or the Illuminati uses as a front for their evil mind control rays or maybe a third it's a place of interest to a law enforcement agency is an online presence with jeopardizing investigations you know like assuming that it was like a real sketchy place then the ATF and FBI or whatever like whoever's looking and the shooters probably pissed that all the scrutiny is one up so now their intelligence another intelligence gathering is sort of hindered cuz of it that would really [ __ ] piss me off as a field agent right like [ __ ] man reddit killed my investigation god damn it extras to the start for spooks that is picking up reading scripts all these that have adapter for the comments to who where's Michael Jackson that boy better bring some [ __ ] popcorn dude let it mute to their threads confirmed CIA black site come on dude okay you know it's weird that like cuz I don't I don't know reddit destroyed the thread was really gone that's [ __ ] up dude that current theory is that it's a front for some massive utah-based pedo ring or it's a CIA human trafficking safehouse nobody has mentioned aliens yet oh oh but you got a Lamar you there no oh no oh no okay let's go let's go look around over here if it's a smuggling ring you're just doing work for the cops your snitches if it's sex trafficking honestly digging into is just going to get young girls hurt you all suck okay so no matter what this [ __ ] dudes like you all are asses okay end yourself commit commit neck rope well that's gonna ask tries and affect the [ __ ] out of it game okay so strides had affecting all of it nobody's really investigating stop it guys you relax with a 4chan versus reddit I want to see what's going on Salt Lake City Utah ground zero for smuggling human cactus back to Atlanta to be Atlantis to be fed by Aquaman who what dude yeah here woman illegally abducted in New York found in Utah okay that's a little that's a little sketchy that Rosario let me go to that too arrested in alleged human trafficking case do I have the McDonnell it [ __ ] off no I don't have the McDole ins Canada app get out of here looks like we skip Utah this week boys if she's so smart had the keys stop for Kim this is such [ __ ] I guess that's why you love it in the first place right turns out the sources people weren't using were legitimate they were getting shipping orders for another company okay so yeah the shipment thing didn't happen apparently it was like for another company and four thousand kilograms I mean you know Chinese it sounds weird for you to get Chinese jewelry in four thousand kilograms but it's probably legitimate dude if it's like the cash for gold type places grew up in Hispanic ghettos well parents were broken poles conspiracy versus X conspiracy context bro do you live in Long Beach too a lot of child care services and neighborhoods like this or exploiting government subsidized a funded child care programs that are not really so unusual this honestly just like a daycare in a poor neighborhood that went out of business and been abandoned for a year you know probably because from what I can kind of assume that it doesn't really look like it's the most swankiest of neighborhoods in Salt Lake City Utah so it's probably just like a daycare that might be doing that might not be doing so well on the on the books I don't know I don't know dude there's a lot of speculation here I don't want to really like [ __ ] delft too deep into it because I don't know if it's some Illuminati front I could get my [ __ ] face shot off we might actually dedicate a whole stream to looking at this but I spent way too much time looking at this anyway so let's get out of here and go somewhere else time to time travel time travel 101 I feel like I've read this before but any time travel blog is [ __ ] weird to me anyways dude I like thinking of traveling in time dude do I want to go back to the future oh hell yeah dude let's do it a time travel blog with basics for the beginners okay so let's so let's obviously work on our work on our header JPEGs for a second the time travel blog with basis if time travel time to time travel is a time travel blog dedicated to everything related to time and time travel and a website with the basics of time travels for beginners here you will find facts thought experiments infographic links to other articles and reviews of time travel movies and books I also post on my blog my timely thoughts um rationals are they're not on the subject of time and time travel prayer I will [ __ ] stop it Jesus do too late and stop making noise I'm an old man time to time travel hopes to answer some of those common questions that arise when thinking time travel so it's time travel possible how come you time travel what is time travel anyways and i've included a bit of a bits and bobs section with miscellaneous articles such as time travel terminology famous quotations and more okay so he's got like basically a giant I guess uh amalgamation of information for you to read up about time so let me go to the importance of time what is time travel is it impossible and yeah give me time travel terminology oh hell yeah let's read all this so what is time for time is a sweet yet strange thing it's invisible yet its passage can be seen and felt some people have too much time on their hands but it can easily slip through the fingers and you may find that you never had enough although time can be measured very accurately our perception of time can vary dramatically Einstein has been quoted as saying when a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour it seems like a minute but let him sit on a hot stove for a minute and it's longer than any hour that's relativity that's a it's pretty true dude or you could sit with a girl for an hour and be really bored and feel like an hour I don't even know where I'm going with that that was relativity I've had a really shitty dating experiences okay that hold that hold statement in the first end doesn't work you ever been on a date that's like a 30 minute date kind of and it's felt like two hours because you're just not talking it happens dude I've been scarred anyways not that we need any further clarification but we all know that in an hour in the office drags by inter interminably whereas a day spent with your children whizzes by and next to no time and with a knot the quantum mechanics the kettle takes forever to boil see I'm a little bit indifferent to that to an extent because like when I spend time with my friends it kind of does last forever that it feels like but when I'm doing work it's kind of like going through the motions it depends on the day right if I'm doing like general work then yeah it goes through but if I'm doing something I'm really enjoying that day yeah I feel like I feel like I savor it more I guess you could say the importance of time time is intrinsically linked with space and is often described as the fourth dimension some may argue that time itself is not just a single dimension in a single direction but could be multi-dimensional so instead of a timeline of past present and future we could have an area of time a volume of time or perhaps something even more complex but what does mean for us in real terms if time is a multi-dimension can we travel through it alright fair enough can we travel through time let's look at this so what is time do you got sunglasses on Glock oh Jesus priest taught there is a natural progression in the fourth dimension of time from passed through present into the future which occurs at a rate of 1 second per second but can the passage rate of change of time be altered can one second be experienced where 10 seconds of expired or minus 10 seconds this is time travel oh boo the definition of trying traveled there Forex lose the idea that time travel has taken place of an object judgments the projector nothing more than a normal flow of time you are now a few minutes into the futures compared to where you were when you first started reading the page but you have not traveled here independently from a normal time flow consider the case of a canoeist and a moving River if you drift at the same rate as a water he is traveling but out of control to be in control he needs to be moving faster or slower than the speed of the water simply drifting along the current is not paddling a dead duck can drift why wind daren't Jesus it is the same with time travel to be a time traveler to be in control your movement within time we need to move slower or faster than the ambient time flow I guess I can understand the analogy but Jesus Christ dude it's a little bit different you know time traveling is therefore a transport through time as an app in navigable dimension is much the same way that traveling through space takes you from one point to in space to another so you're late for work on Monday morning along with hundreds of other commuters I imagine I was looking for my car keys with you in your time traveler probably jump forward in time or something said my wife notably not helping me look for any of these elusive initiators of enter your wife as awesome if she says that to you god what a snarky [ __ ] response woof wife that woman up to limit he already did good for him what do you say that why do you say because you'll find them in the future she was right of course that time had passed from the moment I lost him to the moment of finding them I wish I was that optimistic about lost car keys dude problem do you find him in the future I mean I do but that's still [ __ ] my daughter had hidden them in her dollhouse so they were in the future but so as I and I I don't think that warn't a time travel okay nostalgic romantic evening so basically the idea is is that when we're traveling through time it's uh it's I guess not as easy or something it's it's weird how it's described in this situation because basically the way that time travel works is that we have to find a way to control slow and enhance our perception or control through time rather than just drifting along in it so it's time travel impossible the idea that we could travel in time should make sense we can travel in space from one coordinate to another so a similar thing should be possible with time to move from one moment in time to another it sounds simple but time travel really doesn't make sense going into the past and living the same moment again are going into the future and missing out on a whole chunk of what would have been otherwise a part of your life doesn't seem logical what happened has happened in the future hasn't yet been decided but this is old but is this old with some true or is the inevitability of predestination Quay sera sera whatever will be she will be more likely then there are paradoxes associated with time travel the most famous is the grandfather paradox when a time traveler goes back in time meets his grandfather as a young boy the time traveler kills his grandfather meaning that his parents could never have been conceived and therefore neither could he and if he doesn't exist he couldn't have gone back in time to kill his grandfather so then he does exist after all that's actually true yeah wait why yeah if you killed your granddad then you would kill your parents but then you die so then you could never kill your grandma what the [ __ ] yeah I never holy Sh I didn't even look that one Jesus that's so true holy [ __ ] another well-known paradox is the ontological paradox which refers to the existence of an object or information where it has never been created for example a time traveler goes into the future and sees a beautiful painting in an art gallery he then goes back to his own time and paints the picture he has just seen copying from memory it's designed the colors and materials and when it's completed the painting is considered to be so beautiful that it was put in an art gallery that painting is the same one you saw in the future who created the idea of the original painting yeah you're right you just changed [ __ ] time Jesus so some of them tickle the mind and are the source of material for some extra in science fiction after all in fiction anything a nap but in real life we're not sure yet what would happen given such scenario such as these we know the nature abhors a vacuum but does it abort a paradox such as time travel yeah energy requirement for time travel is prohibitive time doesn't exist so traveling through it can be can't be possible three-dimensional space needs to be manipulated to allow for accelerated time no validation so yeah we've never done time travel unless you go on YouTube and find a time energy requirement time 3d space alright so this is an interesting situation because it's basically gone into such detail about time travel and the paradoxes involved with it that yeah it actually doesn't make you think now do I personally believe traveling through time as possible I mean yeah I think that time travel is a possible scenario that could happen I mean the the science is really fringe around it but if you look at things that I mentioned like time dilation and wormhole speed of light I mean speed of light I don't think you can supersede I mean unless you find a way yeah maybe but you know you got things like time dilation and wormholes so like let's assume that we were in the [ __ ] future right like way into the future and these things were well within our grasp to manipulate I think time travel could be a realistic thing now I don't know how the paradoxes would be handled that'd be such a weird manipulation I think you'd see time travel is weird like if it was a real thing I think people from the future may have already come to the past you know we would have seen it at some point right like it's so weird how traveling through time happens but I don't know dude I don't know how it works I I feel that it could be a possibility but at the same time like it would have happened already you know what I mean like we would have had somebody jump back in time easily but anyways that being said let me go back and hit up a different website this one really tickled my brains and ladies and gentlemen we have a deep web video of the week it's about 36 seconds long and frankly it's coated in so many minecraft pixels that I'm having a great time just getting giddy about it dude so without further ado we're actually gonna get right into this video started at 36 seconds it's actually six seconds over my average now which is now 30 seconds on the dot but we're gonna hit play and just see what we're getting into so let's let's go into this and see what we actually have and a holy [ __ ] we start of what the [ __ ] oh it's going slo-mo I got to hear this wait a minute what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] hold on let's go back real quick so it's clearly a woman you can hear a woman go like listen closely to it listen closely it's clearly a woman going oh my yeah you hear that oh my right there there was a woman's voice and then she honks the horn and starts reversing fast and the thing just keeps [ __ ] going now listen to her here yeah she says oh my or oh man and that thing over there it's like [ __ ] just it's it's a human being dude it's like a human being it's on all fours just crawling really slowly that's [ __ ] weird holy [ __ ] it just disappears is it gonna attack I think it's just a slow-mo recap of it what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude okay all right number one fact it's got to be a [ __ ] fake for sure it has to be some fake [ __ ] but that's sketchy hold on I gotta play that again what the [ __ ] look at this no like legitimately look at this like it's not even it doesn't even look edited it's like somebody just going straight through the grass where the [ __ ] is this man is that it's like there's this girl's gotta be [ __ ] scared like out of her she's got to be so gone but like you can see that it's so humanoid walking cross and not like it's a [ __ ] animal or anything it's not even reacting to the horn or anything of that sort so it's like some sketchy ass dude like I don't know what it is it looks like if some dude tweaked out or something like crawling across the ground it's probably got to be some like drugged out individual doing some crazy drugged out [ __ ] but like to be out in the middle of the [ __ ] like fields doing this crap no dude not happening that's why I don't go piss out in the middle of nowhere dude you never know what kind of [ __ ] you find and it could be this crap but ya know you go further into it it just goes across there's no response given so realistically the thing is is now we have to decide is it real or fake now obviously I'm gonna lean on the fact that it's fake it's probably some friend doing this and they're making like a video out of it or some [ __ ] now the reality is could it be real like I said it could be some tweaked-out individual or it could be some I don't know unexplained new creature or something the thing that I'm hearing though in the video is like genuine fear and like this honk in Reverse it's like because like usually when you look at somebody faking they're like scares they're like starts screaming erratically which can be real for sure but like somebody who goes quiet like that that let that's like how I get scared like when I get scared I'm like oh [ __ ] and then I get quiet and like I really get quiet like that kind of stuff that Aries hairs on your neck I ain't [ __ ] with that nonsense dude that's too much like you see the [ __ ] you see any of this like going across look at that you don't do that dude you're reversing out of here and you see this kind of [ __ ] you don't do it man because that doesn't even look that it's not even like a dog it's like straight human being you can see the legs you can see the arms you can even see like the head move a little bit if it wasn't in Minecraft mode I'd have a little more time looking into that [ __ ] but frankly I can't look into it more than I am so 36 second video it beats seeing the Chinese people masturbate on the [ __ ] subways and frankly I'm gonna ask you guys do you think it's real or do you think it's fake and if for some reason anybody can decide where this was filmed at please let me know in the comment section below that being said let's go to something else mind controlled torture blog oh boy last updated September 6 what the [ __ ] was that 7 - Jesus Christ that's uh Wow Zane this website share it make a copy pass it on to others asked why people like me Peter mooring hell and Gardena and many others across the globe all claim the same thing Peter and me also claimed things like the perpetrators being able to hack our computers phones TVs this is not a new global sickness see below for symptoms and evidence so they've got evidence over here matrix deciphered really matrix the matrix deciphered do we live in maître do we live in the matrix we live in the matrix oh my god this is not a [ __ ] short book get it get out of here this ain't no short book dude but apparently they've got a mind controller everything written over here I'm gonna go back out here and we'll probably read that for later you know what actually I will I'll just oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I'll save that somewhere okay you know what I mean that that might be a book worth reading at some point but we're gonna we're gonna back out of this and go ahead up something else anyways first understand the human brain works on frequencies frequencies can be isolated and captured through brain transmitters those frequencies can be sent to remote computers for analysis through wireless radio kind of seems like you're simplifying the whole thing a lot I don't even know if they have [ __ ] brain transmitters Jesus like that the way that you're expecting also they can inject thoughts feelings pains and emotions anything you can imagine through frequencies being back at you via radio waves after reading my blog another website links below you will see why I am a true TI and what I say is truth and very important for others T eyes to understand you need to read this entire website and my other websites to understand what they can do and how to protect yourself okay why did they experiment on you without consent through my life analysis of what happened to me and research I realize that they are us a building building an artificial intelligence system that can monitor every human culture on earth every language and every gender that seems a [ __ ] far-fetched man I love that every of these conspiracies happen in the United States like it's never oh man the United Kingdom is doing something [ __ ] sketchy in the world or maybe China is doing something [ __ ] sketchy like mind controlling the world's always [ __ ] America dude always the United States always the estudios or Nautilus always always [ __ ] always the u.s. always America that is doing this [ __ ] all right Americans you need to relax with your mind control your weather control your [ __ ] blowing up towers and [ __ ] all that crap you need to chill okay stop just have a conspiracy free year apparently to the Internet that's what you need so why do they experiment on you without your consent yeah why did the United States and experiment on me throughout my life analysis of what and to me and research I realize that they are building an AI system I could monitor all that the AI is designed for national security reasons that though I'd experimented on T is without consent an AI system that can control people remotely is far greater weapon than a nuclear bomb yes yes it is technically they meet this system to be able to without the victim knowing control them the system is designed to be able to alter people's feelings emotions tastes conscience pain the system is designed to draw people in a decision past they would not normally do for example the system can inflict trauma on the victim non-stop for days and days on end and cause victim to go into severe depression and commit suicide the system can inflict feelings of rage and hate to cause the victim to kill someone they use the system to create Manchurian candidates you see this is a system used for war this is why the experiment on you without consent [ __ ] man stop us if they experiment on you with consent they can see they then they cannot make you do stuff you don't want to do you now see why that they experiment on you without consent okay so yeah I mean if the United States government said oh can i depress you to the point of killing or salt I probably say no I'd very much say no but you know obviously without asking my permission I can't really say no dude I mean makes [ __ ] sense to me all right the AI is so advanced that you are almost anyone will think of it as an actual person talking to you the v2k voice to skull the AI doesn't come across as a computer via v2 K because it is not talked like an on computer they can actually clone people's personalities into this AI and then the AI can use those personalities to assault victims V of I took V 2 K the AI can also give you feelings with the speech to make it even feel more real with V 2 K and voice cloning technology the AI can make you think of it as a George Bush or Arnold Schwarzenegger never believed names giving to you via voice 2 skull I think you're talking about schizophrenia or something victims need to be extremely careful about their thoughts because they can take your own thoughts feed them into the AI and have the AI assault you with your own thoughts played back and it will feel real to the victim the AI they have is extremely advanced much more than any commercial product you have seen in 2018 like I said they can capture thoughts feelings moods and use them against you the system is extremely dangerous and it can control our politicians and Lee I'm telling you this this technology fall into the wrong hands already okay so basically what they're saying is the system can control people and their thoughts to the point where they can alter feelings to make us go kill or kill ourselves and apparently the system has been captured already this is like like you like [ __ ] tinfoil best the best the Rolex of tin foils has been worn today let me tell you but you know maybe it's true I don't know dude the US government's done some sketchy [ __ ] in its time but let's go into this there are also other soldiers involved besides AI because they need to analyze the AI system to make it better the AI system uses an algorithm and can even figure out stuff by itself they can make the AI system torture you based on a trauma-based mind control algorithm Wow why the [ __ ] is waterboarding still a thing someone else being able to see through your own eyes either with lens implants in the eyes or through the brain it's hundred-percent proven that this fact can be done look at the BBC article I reference below with pictures of scientists looking through a cat's eyes with brain transmitters what they used on the cat is primitive technologies analogy they have the military NSA CIA gives them clear video so what is this umm they can apparently so they attach brain transmitters to a cat and we're able to see what this cat sees a human being has and my oh [ __ ] my it is blurry ish [ __ ] - god damn it but apparently that is realistic for the cat and that's kind of cool if they actually pull that [ __ ] off I kind of I am I am surprised I am actually really surprised that if that is cool so this is what they can do okay so they can give you visual hallucinations or artificial dreams reading thoughts retrieving memories manipulation of thoughts wills emotions desire and perceptions there's a movie I watched recently it's called inception kind of kind of like that remember lose your jamming your memory when you are about to have an important thought manipulation of human behavior for speech involuntarily body movements they can implant words into your speech they do this with EEG cloning and heterodyning I will explain this at the bottom of the page they can put you in a freeze where you cannot move your body semi-unconscious they can put you in a fake coma the artificial dreams they give you are like virtual reality they can manipulate you very subtly without you knowing unless you are aware this is happening to you they can connect to you and control your body and make you do stuff without you being aware okay they can [ __ ] basically control you're basically like a puppet okay that's what happens it's they control you your body is not your own you get put to the side that's it it's like mine Jack debilitation of mental acuity blurred vision or singing I sleep deprivation or control sleep they can give you extreme muscle cramp spasms joint pains and the pain that they give you is controlled by a computer so okay they can inject pain dot exe make your teeth fall out they can use secret medical glue to put devices into your skull and body and closing the wounds without a trace or a very faint mark of a cut Wow okay they have laser weapons that can cut you these are not laser weapons like the comics or movies they're a concentrated microwave beam that can cut things they can make objects appear like they are by you and there's nothing there are shadows the people that are doing this or the people doing this are drug addicts and hardened professional criminals they have the technology and they're brainwashed to think they are gods they try to make people think that there are gods or Jesus or angels be careful they are not they're very evil holy [ __ ] it just [ __ ] goes on and on and on my lord they can do every single thing they can I you know what I gotta say one thing they believe this and it is I get to them this is as real as it goes it you know that you know the very first couple Deep Web videos where we came across the dull spaces or whatever this is literally an extension of that [ __ ] man this is kind of like you know what I gotta say somebody's got somebody believes in this [ __ ] out right and it's impressive to say the least but I I feel like we're digging way too much into this is getting way too fringe at this point and I don't know how I believe about it it's long as [ __ ] this is a big [ __ ] page now I don't know how realistic this is I don't know if the government has that kind of control technology it's really [ __ ] reaching but what I do know is the next website I will be going to and it's not gonna be any related to this we're gonna hit out and go somewhere else Jesus Christ this was Wow there's already a long deep episode two god bless Satanism in pokey man's oh boy dude Lord cow coming in clutch with the answers we should be asking so Satanism in Pokemon is your kid experiencing satanic principles well let's find out what motivated us to do this book letter newsletter form was an inquiry from a grandmother on the internet she wrote dear George and Rita thank you so much for your interesting sefa news I have a question what do you know about poker man my little grandson is only three and a half and he's already obsessed with poker man and his mom my daughter Deborah who is not safe oh he's not saved yet buys him whatever he asks for he has all the cards counters like toy money and all the little plastic figures the last time they visited us he had his pokey man cards coins and figures with them and he was dreadful he was rude cheeky wouldn't eat any lunch tried to run away several times bit his big sister hard on the arm and made her cry what he also likes Power Rangers Batman karate he already knows how to kick box and swords he has a light up Jedi sword all his seven goldfish have pokemons names what can you tell me about pokey man we have a number of articles about pokey man and Harry Potter to which people without a computer have no access feel free to make copies of this and hand it to fathers and mothers okay so well here you go ladies and gentlemen what's treated with pokey man's about who are the strange little creatures from Japan and how they suddenly become global superstars most kids know the answer well they are called pokey man short for a pocket monster and pronounced pokemons and they have stirred up many mixed reactions we just sent a letter home today saying pokemon cards are no longer allowed on campus at Paula Williams a second grade teacher in Danville California the kids know they're supposed to be put away when they've come in from recess but they're often in the middle of a trade so they don't come in on time in most extreme cases the older kids are getting little kids to trade away valuable cars oh [ __ ] odd the oil we won't leave all experienced that [ __ ] fifth graders and sixth graders acting all cheeky God got a we've all fell for that in the [ __ ] second grade dude let me tell you it makes me kind of cry a little bit sometimes but it's all cool the first graders fell for our [ __ ] so it kind of evened out they were popular with the children at her church and elsewhere I was simply suspicious but wouldn't discern the problem okay blah blah blah we've told it they become stepping stones to the magic cards that have been popular and which we do not allow okay she is right for instance any child is exploring the most popular Pokemon website two will be linked in it to a section of a cult game such as Sailor Moon Oh Sailor Moon the cult man who you heard of boys and girls your fat fuel is illegal ain't it Star Wars and others more overtly evil a click on the ad for don't don't faster Sailor Moon dude that's that's as a [ __ ] all right don't be doing that all right no matter what J Pan will tell you to do don't do it how Star Wars of [ __ ] what others more it's a galaxy far [ __ ] away uuu r assests a click on the ad for Magic the Gathering is being brings pokemon fans to a site offering promotion such as this yeah of course Magic the Gathering wants to promote their [ __ ] come on it's that's why the ad was there let's not pretend this is something deeper than it is the Pokemon message the above website gives us glimpses of a mysterious little creature called Pokemon ponder the suggestion in the greeting welcome to a world of Pokemon a special place for people just like you trained to become the number one Pokemon master in the world but what is it all as a Pokemon master supposed to be the [ __ ] Antichrist well I guess we just decipher that [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen but what does Pokemon you ask Pokemon are incredible creatures that share the world with humans says Professor Oak the leading authority on these monsters there are currently 150 documented species of pokémon each Pokemon has its own fighting abilities some grow evolve and into more powerful creatures carrier Pokemon with you and you're ready for anything you've got the power in your hand so use it but what if children try to follow this advice what if they carry their favorite monsters like magical charms or fetishes in their pockets Oh jaysus christ almighty trusting them to bring power in times of need many do it makes sense for those who watch the television show in a recent episode ash the boy hero had just captured as 5th a little come on but that wasn't good enough said his mentor he must catch lots and more yeah turn those little [ __ ] into slave so you know how to play the game kids all right obviously Ash didn't understand the supernatural powerful that he constructed neither do most young pokemon fans today unless they know God and his warnings they cannot understand the forces that have captivated children around the world Oh kids like Pokemon well you just don't know about God's silly I don't know what similarities they got over there it's a little um [ __ ] but the Pokemon mania supports a financial conglomerate that knows how to feed the frenzy no [ __ ] the television series is free but a drug you got to pay for cable leotards but it drives the multi-billion dollar business it also inspires the obsessive new games that disrupt schools and families by giving the children a seductive vision to become Pokemon masters yeah man gift kids a [ __ ] goal right that's so bad attempting promise supernatural power I whatwe a new objective keep collecting Pokemon man just like it's like [ __ ] goals to shoot for right damn you know when I play Final Fantasy you know what that gives me a seductive vision to reach the credit screen a new objective to keep getting stronger tempting promise extra curaga abilities all that [ __ ] an urgent command gotta catch them all let's not assimilate that message and STDs boys and girls that would be able to be the wrongest and whatever do these enticements are drilled into young minds through clever ad snappy slogans and the pokemons rap and ER that was a great rap I will travel across the land searching far and wide each Pokemon to understand the power that's inside god I catch them all the last line the Pokemon mantra' feels the craving for more occult cards games toys gadgets and comic books no wonder children caught up in the Pokemon craze beg for more games and gadgets the Japanese makers count on it Japan yeah but one since the means often justify the economic ends in the end you're saying that like Pokemon is the only one that [ __ ] does this [ __ ] now what is this you can catch a Mew by cheating with a gameshark ah the game shark eating is not honorable but many of you have requested and sent me this information the moonstone of all certain pokemons such as Clefairy select your desired attack hold down the button until your opponent's life force started really mood of the Saint yugioh stops draining once you captured Zapdos all Zapdos that's that's a new evolution right that's the [ __ ] that says the evolution you can use it to quickly lower the health level of Articuno are you playing [ __ ] Pokemon broken English like what the [ __ ] Super Smash Brothers a unique fighting game features all of Nintendo's biggest star that's not even Pokemon come on dude yeah what kind of beliefs are you bringing down on Pokemon dude anyways this goes on and on and on like you think this is [ __ ] like small this shit's huge dude get out of here so what can parents do okay first look at look at God's view of toys games and cartoons okay look at what God thinks about Toys R Us apparently God's might of that company out of existence share your observations okay to teach young children a biblical attitude towards evil you know a kid believed in Jesus that's what's gonna okay model wise decision-making by the way anybody thinks that I have anything against religion I don't it's just sometimes you read this kind of stuff and it's mmm wait what does this game teach you what does it have anything to do with supernatural power I don't know if it does means ghost-type pokémon maybe but like no what did it teach about violence or immortality and their consequences there's a whole city dedicated to death so I mean there's no any more the you really wanted to put death in a Pokemon game dude like yeah that would be a great future permit death for the kiddies right you know play an Ironman mode kids this is game or toy have symbols or characteristics that link it to New Age or occult powers does it build godly characters you know honestly when you play something like Pokemon I guess maybe it shows you some baby assumptions of like Buddhist cultures I don't know I mean I'm kind of reaching at this point but like even then isn't it kind of [ __ ] up to just immediately smite that [ __ ] out of existence like who are you to say that you're inherently right or wrong this [ __ ] is kind of reaching in multiple locations don't get me wrong um I don't know I don't know that's weird I think anytime somebody sees like aliens or like any other belief system than their own they immediately toss it into the occult like it doesn't [ __ ] matter you know what I mean like it's just dumb it really is dumb like you got over here and it's just it's just [ __ ] but um I don't know I don't know dude I don't know both the boy and his sister burned their cards teaching your kids the joys of arson is a good idea you know you know yeah yeah yeah you might not be wrong but yeah I don't know dude it's uh it's a weird thing this is like a really big view on Satanism in Pokemon which like you know I don't I don't know the argument for it I think if you honestly feel your kid is developing some supernatural godlike tendencies from playing Pokemon then maybe you should just sit down and talk to them right like if you're a real religious parent then maybe sit down and talk to your kid and be like you know who has all the power Sun God and that that's about the only thing you have to answer for him right like I think shutting away pokemons like when you shut something away from a kid and only makes it more curious so like if that was the end it like just just talk to your [ __ ] kids guys don't don't be googling this [ __ ] just talk to your kids about what Pokemon is get an idea from them and then read up on it on your own you'll be a [ __ ] parent anyways let's go to the next website and ladies and gentlemen that was another episode of deep web browsing dank web browsing dark web browsing the part of the week where we take a look at the denker side of the internet so this week we've seen things all relative to time-traveling Satanism in our favorite pokey man's and well just a whole bunch of other lovely stuff it's been a pretty lengthy episode but I think everything comes to an end at this point so let me know what you thought about it if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like you would dislike it I am out [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 348,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: are, you, mind, controlled, deep web, dark web, deep, dark, deep web browsing, dark web browsing, deep web exploration, browsing, exploration, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, some ordinary gamers
Id: 1iwNcsTavB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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