HERE TO HELP!?! - Deep Web Browsing 75

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hello guys and gals me mood aha and welcome to another episode of deep web browsing episode number 75 75 episodes in holy [ __ ] are we out we have fair amounts out of the series now as always it's going to be a random Sunday exploration of course it's not really Sunday little earlier for me but hopefully you're having a kick-ass Sunday as always this is going to be the most randomest video ever just because every deep web browsing is random we don't know what we're gonna find hopefully it's going to be some edgy [ __ ] some dank [ __ ] some uh some normal [ __ ] and hopefully some hilarious [ __ ] but hopefully you will enjoy it this is deep web browsing episode number 75 so without stretching this obviously awful and try out too much longer than it has to welcome sit back relax and let's get into our very first website dark mamba dark Mamba is an independent private military company formed by ex-military core and ex-special forces man you know you know you know your site means the real [ __ ] when you gotta say ex-special forces alright like like I guess I guess it's just like the badge of honor for them we operate well right why does this seem like like I was playing GTA 5 and I want onto a [ __ ] site there this is this feels like a parody but this is a private military company we offer these services with total maximum privacy price varies case-by-case you must ask you know private military companies make a [ __ ] ton of money don't they so it's like man why can't we have a little bit of a web why do we gotta have this like [ __ ] weird-ass 1995 web 1.0 [ __ ] look at that the [ __ ] the [ __ ] JPEG really repeats itself come on now okay killing people and I asked what they do first thing off the bat not like protected killing people alright this is definitely a parody [ __ ] thing this would definitely be something that its young like GTA gotta move this Mike here killing common people you know the standard peasants kill important people without bodyguards kill very important people with bodyguards so they can kill important people but they got to be without bodyguards okay that's that's just a no-no but variant warned people no matter they can have bodyguards kill a big boss what the [ __ ] is this it we got you got important people very important people big boss [ __ ] many bodyguards many bodyguards ok well big boss gets the best treatment I guess they have a with or without bodyguard still has limitations as we can tell kidnapping kidnapping common people kidnapping important people and then kidnapping very important people with bodyguards so they've got it like they gotta have bodyguards ok think they got a very much but a little bit I gotta have a lot and I suck at grammar stealth work murder that seems an accident ooh sabotage house car etc poisoning with no tracks kill someone and blame another now they got some heavy work exterminate and armed band whatever what well like well I take out another group of assassins ok placing explosives a blast people car houses then they got injured injure common people injure important people without bodyguards of course but then injuring very important people and I gonna have some bodyguards but the lesser important they better not have a [ __ ] bodyguard dude particular request if you have particular request ask us the rules payment is made in bitcoins to ensure maximum privacy number 2 payment is made after the execution of the job 3 a little advance is needed before starting a job con tell a little is [ __ ] debatable my friends contact us if you are really interested only now they have a email of course it goes to Seguin everything so here's the thing with dark mambo all right this is how do I describe it I can't ever tell you if things are real or not ok I'm not gonna stay here until you oh this is the realest thing ever it could be real it actually could be real dark mambo could be the realist private military company on the deep web it could be but here's the thing it also couldn't be alright and that's where you saw in the fine line could it be could not be you don't really know the answers to these things so like with the it's like man my alarm systems going [ __ ] ancient I need to fix it but the thing is with this is that you can't tell if things are real or fake alright you really can't there's not a fine line but from my honest look at it okay because I've seen a lot of deep websites by [ __ ] now like there's over 70 [ __ ] hours of me browsing the Deep Web that's just edited okay unedited it's probably like up there in the [ __ ] hundreds now alright more than that even I've seen many sites like this and when you see a site like this from a private military company which again PMC is make a lot of [ __ ] money if that looks like this like you know kill common people if it has like a bunch of mistakes like this if it looks weird if it looks like a web 1.0 [ __ ] that any web student from high school could jerk together in like an hour it's probably not [ __ ] real okay and that's why I can sort of giggle a dark Mamba I mean again it just makes me feel like I'm playing GTA 5 and reading the Internet on there because it's a [ __ ] it's almost like a parody but it's not it's real you know it's in real life that whether dark mom is a real PMC I don't I don't really know it could be but most likely not you know so again is one of the spooky parts of deep web but just you know just I don't think it's real you know but but now that I've said that okay if it is real you know I don't wanna piss off any dark mom but PMC spec ops so I'm gonna back out of this and go to go to something a little more lighthearted hopefully oh I'm showing you a page of the uncensored hidden wiki something that details an illegal activity that has occurred on the Deep Web or an illegal web site and the reason I showed this to you just to show you that there are [ __ ] up things on here as well and I think that's something that most people know but I wanted to show this to you because some that occurred and there's a set of videos which thankfully I don't think you can find anymore and frankly shouldn't find anymore because it's child pornography but I'll detail what it is real quickly it's something called BB gun BB gun is a series of videos starting two girls a boy and a man a man and the youngest of the two girls appear in every video only five videos from BB guns here out of place or out in the public there are some additional fragments available again it's pretty impossible to find these so if you happen to find these or you work hard towards it you're chasing after child porn and frankly it's not [ __ ] right okay so you shouldn't be going after just legal by the way don't [ __ ] do it subtitles for some of the videos can also be found it's rumored that the producer was Vande for those of you don't know at vanda's vanda's when the feds come and track you down in the party van you know the big FBI van that comes in raids your place and takes you away after the boy bragged about his sexual exploits the girls are Lilia who is 10 years old and Len who is 16 years old I don't know what the plus or minus is thinking might be I don't know it could be a little older less maybe but apparently they've confirmed Lilia so be be gone 5 6 9 11 and V bro school or by the files that were allegedly released now man Lilia of course uses the Stars some of them all that have Lilia all the time duration 15 minutes 34 minutes 34 minutes 17 38 minutes and of course a detail exactly what goes on I'm not going to read these because they're way too explicit and frankly it's a little uncomfortable reading this kind of [ __ ] but I wanted to show you kind of articles that these always get really updated and they tell you of the happenings that go on on the deep of things that people uncover now whether it is entirely factual is a little bit up for debate but the thing is usually when things are covered up on the hidden wiki like when they're covered on here they really do stick to a whole stringent amount of truth and the reason I'm showing this to you again is because this kind of stuff happens and I only show it to you if I find it in like the first five minutes that are ten minutes of me coming across a deep web searching session normally I wouldn't show it to you if it takes anything past that because if it takes me 5-10 minutes to come across it this is kind of the first stuff many people who are browsing the Deep Web are going to be coming across right if they use the hidden wiki and anything else they don't use like spider searches and anything like that it's [ __ ] up but things like this do tend to exist on the side of the Internet and I'm not saying this to sort of fear monger or scare people it's just that we find cool [ __ ] and we also find screwed-up [ __ ] and I'm kind of warning you about finding messed-up [ __ ] so if anybody here and I know a lot of people nowadays from the series or Justin's I made the video on actually going to explore and being careful have begun to do something like this if you ever come across something like BB gun it's best to report it to one of the many Deep Web communities who are against this [ __ ] and frankly to the federal authorities even though again being behind such anonymity is a lot difficult to track down you can still manage to do it you know if you work really hard at it I guess there's a whole nother technical thing to cover but the thing is just like if you ever come across the stuff it's best to report it to many of the anti pedo Deep Web communities that exist and frankly to report at any federal authorities that could help in the search for this kind of stuff anything because it's an illegal crime and it's best to stop it if you can it exists but that's ultimately my final word on it so I wanted to show this kind of stuff to you again because it exists but it's not the end-all be-all so frankly I want to get out of this but I wanted to show it to you because it was so easy to find let's go to something else so we got this Illuminati website you know after that intro you know after the after the horrible streak of intros that I do all 75 of them it's always great to come across a site just dedicated to this lovely Illuminati symbol right now for those of you don't know who the Illuminati is there are they are a secret society of people who control the world and I don't know if we ever went to this site before it kind of seems like we do just because I see this logo everywhere you always see the [ __ ] the all-seeing eye you get this on the dollar bill for America but they got a nice little enter button over there so I'm just going to click on that and we're gonna enter the Illuminati order New World Order Wow and apparently you can join them - they are the Illuminati order 2016 they are a fresh spicy meme Fiat I like Fiats just DT a-- Ruach Coelho obviously we've got some Latin going on over here but this is their edict the Illuminati okay let me just zoom into this because you need a [ __ ] magnifying glass of the ages to read that the Illuminati order is an association live in DUP for two principles equality and justice actually I line up for them - that the Illuminati has already got my dick hard they're all our manifestation is based on these two premises that our general the light for the humanity if the order if considers to take the world to a new order and for this account with the motor forces of society as a whole independent of ideologies and religions our union is based on the purest moral principles without forgetting the teacher teachings if I can read I never can read night then great masters all the time all illuminated is formed in order to offer the maximum of its self for all it's only entailing is with the enrolled truth in the called temple nature that's a bit of a mouthful over there but if you look down over here they got a face book they've got at water they got a google google plus a linked in a YouTube page they got a Vimeo they apparently have a what the [ __ ] is this what is this hold on what what apparently it's a forum mundial I don't even know what's over there but they're like hello good morning brother at universal peace academy okay that's cool well I don't know what that was but they got an Instagram and a Pinterest so the Illuminati order are pretty on fleek with the with the social media world of today this was designed by a smart cat Wow meow-meow indeed but if we go to the overall page by the way which is very well made what little website you got antiquity okay that's pretty cool you got two edicts for some [ __ ] reason or another but anyways we've got two edicts all right two edicts over here both of them are exactly the same thing that we've read but I'm gonna go to antiquity antiquity is sporting a sprouting of the Illuminati okay this is one who's happy this is how like when one Illuminati loves another Illuminati they have babies what's going on the Illuminati is a millennia Rhian institution been born into the dawn of history in its beddings there are specific secrets forming a society based on the secrecy and the obedience a system of the illuminated ones were developed by diverse leaders between them Hassam Sabbath and nazzer ins to 1090 by is it Ansari Rocha Roshan I F to 1550 Adam wise hopped no I don't really hear about those two I hear about Adam wise hop that's because I'm from that [ __ ] I guess that's the most popular one right this is the Illuminati 1776 I guess the Nasser ins and the Rosh and wrote Roshan nya I hope I'm pronouncing that right too late are different just Illuminati with different names and older other sets of ten of lesser groups have developed a system Illuminati more or less perfectly the Illuminati is the Oh Siddhant in 1776 the German Adam wise hopped established the order of illuminate or iam so this basically just teachings if I the Illuminati came to be that's where they are this is antiquity okay this is this is how the Illuminati was [ __ ] born now if you go to class Organization and the class of the Illuminati the illumina the Illuminati is an institution based on the obedience the hierarchy and the rigid moral principles prevail in the order for this new generation one established new forms of performance action and reaction and differentiated systems of instruction modern methods man that is so eloquently written modern methods of influence and awareness are used as well as advanced techniques of social change currently the International presidency of the Illuminati order this with the sovereign master Paolo Bohr tell ok you know I got a I got a I got a copy this and look up who the [ __ ] Paolo portal is give me one second well it seems like just going for a cursory glance at Google Images I get these kind of people but uh I also get this page over here and I don't really I don't really see anything much out of it I I don't know where Paolo portal is but apparently this bro runs the Illuminati so ok alright then yeah I'm not gonna I'm not going to complain or I'm not going to say they're lying obviously I'd be talking about the Illuminati that wouldn't be right just move my microphone was stupid of me consideration of the programs of the organization based in agree with the universal harmony the nature is a great mirror of the universal laws of the common science was born open and available ideology the community we find in the important positions references concepts and decree direct and rational action without superstitions dogmas or preconceptions revolutionary Illuminati all right so apparently I need to find out how do I join ok show me the positions what are the positions available oh ok all right I got ya God ok existence of God has creative organizer and maintainer of the universe so I get I guess God's a thing religions and creeds respect to all religions and creates if older and modern okay so they're very friendly when it comes to that spirit form for God initially straightforward it sleeps in the mineral of dreams in the vegetable it wakes up in the animal that lives in the mane and it shines in the Angels abortion against any form of elimination of intrauterine life Ethan Asia against either passive or active euthanasia embryos in favor of the research using embryos the war all war is abominable they're very lovely people they got a the Palestine State against more a tear oh [ __ ] do this this might this might cause some divides going on you know but uh again please don't turn this into a political warfare in the comments section below we don't need that here please I love reading the comments I hate reading completely shattered nuked comments though they're the worst equality absolutely independent equality of race so they're they're very nice equality loving people I gotta say I gotta be honest with you I don't know if I'm walking into like some [ __ ] religious cult or some [ __ ] over here or if it's actually the Illuminati probably not the Illuminati but what's the X thirteen points 13 points in the order worldwide currency universal language total security complete and continuous social assistance D concentration of wealth and world income absolutely quality of the being social status ethnic an internal justice global health D concentration of population end of taxes unrestricted freedoms moralization of the being creation of the policy in the army of the new order they mentioned army man as [ __ ] it's [ __ ] crazy dude so apparently from what I've gathered this is the page run by the Illuminati now it's nothing really special except I guess a detailing of the New World Order okay this is this is it this is what we got people we've got it we've we've apparently got a New World Order run by if I can just dig the name out again I wow that's totally [ __ ] man Powell of or tell K dude that runs the Illuminati alright and God knows who else runs the Illuminati if you they have like no place for us to get any positions in round there's like no apply now but I guess if you wanted to learn about what the Illuminati were and who runs it now well I guess you have your answer but I guess there's nothing more interesting not for us to really find right now I did learn about the Illuminati order and the a world order but I think for now I'm gonna back out and go to something a little less a little less secretive everyone so I don't really show you all uh store sites but I show them whenever they tickle my funny bone and frankly this I tickle my funny bone not because of anything special just because they have straight-up Walmart branding now I don't know why it makes me laugh so much but frankly every other site that you go to is like ramp shop or you know it's just like it's like [ __ ] some marijuana selling website but you never really come across a site that's just like Walmart you know what I mean like I never really come across it so I figured I might as well show it to you because it does tickle my funny bone so there now by the way this is no way affiliated to [ __ ] Walmart in any question I don't think Walmart runs a deep website where they sell soul and electronics that would be if they did that oh man you could imagine the dramaalert episode on that but welcome to the Walmart stuff store site the best products and the cheapest as the slogan says save money live better we decided to do something good for both of us you can get some great valuable items for low price why [ __ ] Walmart like I know the slogan gets you do take the products from Walmart in themselves I'm like what's going on here what the [ __ ] all right well welcome to the Walmart stuff site the cheapest product worldwide shipping oh I bet let's go to the contact info welcome to the Walmart stuff site here you can find some great products that are much cheaper and affordable like iPhone macbook samsung galaxy s7 edge and similar take a look on what we sell in order today we ship worldwide go to the products category and buy now after receiving your order you will receive payment instructions thanks email Walmart stuff it's again org and also have a jabber if you go to the I open up the iPhone page here but you can order iPhones and stuff and it's actually pretty cool because they do manage to up data you can tell us updated because they're showing the recent iPhone release now of course you can't get a note 7-2 for obvious reasons the phone's just too explosive to Shep haha joke made but also got Dell products okay by the way they got like an XPS lot Dell laptops I think are some of the most expensive ones they appeared not to have the ami laptops too but the XPS is from what we're actually pretty decent hmm I put that away now this is available for 399 509 I'm pretty sure the XPS laptops cost a fair amount I think they're over like a thousand are they not but the iPhone 7 plus which apparently you can get here for 260 us which that's a 128 gig model you can get for that and if you oh what the [ __ ] for 30 bucks extra you can get a 256 gig man my 128 cost me [ __ ] almost what like a thousand cat Jesus Christ well I mean I bought it directly from Apple themselves so this is obviously getting a cheaper product so if I paid that much this is a fair saving to have now again may I remind people don't buy stuff from sites like this if you're buying stolen electronics or things like that that's yeah that's pretty much buying stolen goods don't do it it's illegal you can you can you can face some trouble if you do that so it's fun to peek but don't do it I know a lot of people ask why do I do it if I disclaim people it's just I need to cover all the tracks when I do these kind of videos right when I cover sites like this but they've got iPhone 7 plus iphone 6s plus which is kind of weird because I think though I don't know if the specs are exactly right on that but whatever okay they've got a a 10 Apple 9 all right everything makes sense all right every everything is everything is sensical in the situation but let's go to what we do what we actually do we card the items from the online sites and then ship them to our warehouse of course we use strong security like VPN and clean socks5 proxy we ship worldwide okay so you say this is some technical mumbo-jumbo how to order if you want to order something go through our products and pick some items adding to the item to the cart and write your shipping address after that in 24 hours you will receive payment instructions to your email after we ship your items you will get tracking numbers so you can easily watch where is your item yeah yeah I bet you can now they're selling Chromebooks 489 they're selling like s7 s7 s4 170 200 which I think they're always a little cheaper than the iPhone just because the iPhone jacks itself a little higher in price just because of the [ __ ] name and you know what I mean I mean it's good phone but it is jacked up unnecessarily because of that what the [ __ ] a MacPro six corn dual GPU for a thousand hundred nineteen dollars normally that computer the Mac Pro towers can retail I think some of them even go up to like eight thousand nine thousand dollars I think I've seen wanted like 10 grand holy [ __ ] that it if that's the case that is cheap AF right there ladies let me tell you that is cheap as all hell if you're gonna get a Mac Pro tower which is a good system frediting I guess you know you could build a better PC equivalent but for that price that price it's a steal oh my god there's even like wait what the hell is this wait the Mac Pro sick oh wait that's a quad core this is a six core version I was like the clock speed was a little higher on it it totally [ __ ] my head out alright but you can get like MacBooks you can get all this stuff but why the hell did they say Walmart what what is so Walmart about this site like why they don't even say they buy from Walmart calm like online and then [ __ ] him over it's like what is the logic behind this like why just wall I mean I guess it's a slogan but it's like either these people jerk themselves off to Walmart commercials or like this is the most weirdest type of like off-brand [ __ ] that I've ever seen like normally I don't show you these shop sites but it begs the question can you tell me the comment section below what [ __ ] would they pick Walmart what is the logic behind this this is just it is it just to look edgy and cool but no how would you look at G and cool with Walmart it's like the least edgiest shopping brand ever what is the logic I will leave that for you all to decide I'm gonna back out of the save money live better apparently [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] was a logic and here is our deep web video for the week two minutes and 23 seconds long way above the average for a video that we've ever seen in a long time I get a nice little black screen is the introduction to this entire video so it's about two minutes 23 seconds long being that long I'm not going to really get on with a nice introduction to the video I'm just going to hit play and see where it takes us so let's get into our deep web video for this lovely Sunday it's at play oh it's one of those types of videos walking around it seems I think there's some kids in the back what the [ __ ] yeah as people there's there's actually like people playing in the pool with the [ __ ] is this person recording this area now they're Lakers what the [ __ ] alright this is pretty creepy already out the [ __ ] yeah 26 seconds in and I've already been sufficiently spooked a little bit so it's clearly night somewhere why is he recording people playing in the pool like that what the [ __ ] what the hell is this he's just he's recording a family playing the [ __ ] okay dark area I don't know have to censor even the family I don't know if they showed up that well but I'll do it out of respect just walking around this okay it's clearly shot in America with the flag up there shot somewhere in the south I can tell just by the way the buildings look right the [ __ ] is this dude am I gonna see some [ __ ] mutilated corpses of the end of us whatever it is it's a very nice-looking apartment complex living area very well-maintained I mean I can only see so much because the dudes is pointing his camera down the [ __ ] is this ice cream social parade pull seasoned zucchini relish mobile-home wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute Sacramento California oh I was right it was in the southern US the [ __ ] is doing it's like a map of the entire complex El Cajon Valley El Cajon Valley or something what 143 144 140 what is he looking at that general area just began running at the end of it what the [ __ ] did I just watch what was him just recording that family playing I don't know if they were gonna wear that [ __ ] that was just weird but I guess we're gonna do this we're gonna have to analyze this [ __ ] properly if there's people playing obviously you can't make it out there completely blurred out D focused but uh you can hear the sounds of them playing right there's a dolt and there are also children children are really giggling around but you know moving past that alright if I can if I can actually actively browses through without clicking like a [ __ ] idiot we can tell that it's obviously in America they got the whole American flag over there and as evidenced by the fact that it is probably in Sacramento California we can move a little forward here again it's like it's so weird it's actually if I'm gonna be honest with you like it's very high quality for something on the Deep Web to be honest it might not look like that TV people like you might be wondering oh it's all fuzzy and blurry and [ __ ] no it's not even that but it's just that like I'm really good at telling resolutions and [ __ ] this is actually like you can tell by the aspects of this this is this is shot in HD like if you see ever seen like the older deep web videos have done they're all in like 360p and [ __ ] like that like you know they're all like well they're all like old even the ones that are like all like even the ones that are sixteen by nine are not like HD this looks HD to me at least just from how its shot and everything - even though again using the camera getting a lot of noise and artifacting because of the because it's in low-light and you know the cameras trying to compensate as much as it can it's shot it's it has good quality to it now of course the camera work could use a hell of a lot of effort I mean let's be honest here you're not really getting [ __ ] out of this it could also be to the fact that I rerender these videos but I think the most important part of this video up for analysis are these pages over here so they're obviously they're obviously in like this yeah here we go El Cajon Valley mobile home park alright well that's where it's supposedly add the hours of operation are 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. of the pool the pool is a pool is heated all guests must be accompanied so yeah it's in some place called El Cajon Valley mobile home park again it's a very very well it's it's a mobile home parties where for those of you don't know what a mobile home park is it's where like trailers are parked and everything like for people I live in trailers and [ __ ] that's like a mobile home park right there they got parades ice cream socials again they got like this Cikini relish I'm trying to see if I can find like a year somewhere you know what I mean like if I can if I can locate a year or some [ __ ] ah no you just look like this dude like looks over here pauses there jewel Julie Mayer will never know the wonderful exercises there's no year I can find wait wait what's this how do you keep cool august 5th august 19 so it's obviously before that but i cannot for the life of me find myself a I can't I can't at all find myself anything over here there's like absolutely [ __ ] all going on over here I cannot find anything they got like one thing posted up over here Sacramento California mobile home area for if you want to get a mobile home is this guy looking to buy mobile homes like his at when I'm [ __ ] witnessing here and then like the thing that happens over here is he like he like in this mobile park area when he looks over the map all he does is he points out to like this general area I don't know if he like 142 or 144 I think he means 144 but then he blocks out 144 143 and then it's just a stood like planning to buy the areas it's like a really [ __ ] up weird vlog that I just saw like yeah I never really sale I always say like ardour social experiment or like [ __ ] up like deep web art project did I just witness a Deep Web vlog is that what it was like is that is that Lea it's just like a two minute vlog because this has just been I'm buying a place but I don't want to say like what the [ __ ] did I witness to be honest like is it creepy yeah it's kind of creepy to be honest just because the fact that the student was like recording the people for no reason and then goes off throughout this trailer park in the dead of night doesn't say anything and then like at the end if you listen he's fast as [ __ ] he just runs out of there oh dude this is [ __ ] weird that's as much analysis I can really do on that other than the fact that like what we saw over here was kind of [ __ ] it's kind of weird honestly that's what it was just weird if we're gonna be dead serious about it but I think I know they want to back out of this I don't think there's really much more to see other than what I mentioned if anybody has more to add let me know tell me what you think I am going to close this off and and go somewhere else oh [ __ ] red Carter's well we at red Carter's understand the need to explain thoroughly what we have to offer along with guidelines pertaining to using our products safely so again this is a credit card website they they sell some dank asset credit cards let me take the headphones off look [ __ ] stupid but uh you know why I show these ones to you is sometimes these sites they go really above and beyond to push their brand and they do a [ __ ] great job at it by the way like most sites don't but like some sites they look right now zero [ __ ] already earns it a [ __ ] chance for me to read but anyways is going to it well we have been in the business of for over a decade they're the leading vendor Lulu is cloning credit cards we are also a men of our word whoa amen a just just one man all right really won't have to tell you the practice in which these funds are obtained are less ethical at best what defy that's busting indeed we're very sorry to hear about whatever financial misfortunes that have brought you to seek us in an effort to create a posture with a prosperous business relationship Wow did you just assume my financial position I could have just been [ __ ] rich and just wanted to like [ __ ] around on the Deep Web you you just assume these things that's [ __ ] up dude however if you invest in our cards your financial troubles will be nothing more than a month monotonous memory of times you were going through problems that no longer exist after cashing out the necessary amount of money it would take to dig out of dig you out of your hole and then climb as high as you feel you need to in order to be happy once again Wow you know honestly is such a sight is just like it's like it's a clairvoyant to certain kinds of people geez we're red Carter's the ultimate credit-card seller on tour with class with class standards and zero [ __ ] this is amazing unlike the rest [ __ ] and Joker's on here we deliver on our promise any card you order from us will work anywhere in the world that's a fact we shipped hundreds of cards worldwide and not a single one of them was rendered invalid so yeah we know what we're doing we're not trying to brag you know your honor I ask you suck our dick but you know saying so Wow mmm what lads now credit cards we sell cloned credit cards we can make good prices if you buy two or more mainly Visa or MasterCard oh so you get like a little [ __ ] buy multiple offers [ __ ] okay all the credit cards are mainly Visa or MasterCard our team is dispatched in several cities of Europe and we can easily have more than 100 cards per day each card will be cloned only one time therefore we assure a minimum balance of $3,000 on each card all cards are verified before the sending in the pin code will be delivered with the card we've never had a bad experience with our clients but since we can't predict the unwelcome surprises we are willing to refund in full or send another card if you face a failure oh they got they got a little refund fault okay all right not that's very nice you know that's that is that is very [ __ ] nice dude okay they're they're they're very either they're a very satisfaction under percent guaranteed it makes sense the cards can be used all over ATM stores online now Western Union what is is we use a bunch of powerful computers combined to a technical hacking trick and a strong button it once the system oh I bet you do once the system is launched we can reach the database service and change the information of Western Union Mt CN the code you need to get your money and thus redirect any payment to any name of our choice so we simply changed the receivers name and country and place yours instead this is a perfect way to make big money instantly anywhere in the world where the you would W service is active now hold on it isn't that really unsafe though like if they had if they changed like data on the let's say they changed like names around right and like the security like services at Western Union which I'm sure because they deal specifically in money transfers would be pretty [ __ ] high we just look at any changes that goes on in the database and track it why the [ __ ] were you going using your real name to take stolen money you're asking to get [ __ ] molested Jesus Christ we are professionals we are here to do business about ten years ago before darknet drug markets became prevalent you could obtain cards as easy as it is in today's age to purchase a bag of cannabis onigoro alright that's pretty sweet there are still there are still very few trustworthy vendors who don't hesitate cuz tumor base created due to their consistency much more consistent than our store ever was over the years if you'd like I'd be willing to give you contact information for these vendors as well as a personal referral for you to ensure that they will deal with you as you being a new customer is very unlikely for you to get a response without oh well they even help you do business on darknet markets interesting don't do it because buying illegal cards is illegal we recommend you to encrypt your messages using PGP only when you send met email with highly sensitive informations contact us at red Carter's at Sagan org okay well you know what that is probably the best like intro page to any site that I've read honestly that is the best intro page like normally you would find place like this like we sell credit cards oh my god you should buy a credit card here no [ __ ] with class and standards you don't see that very often that's a very prideful thing to have now let's go to that credit card section over here we'll see what kind of credit card search that what kind of prices we're dealing with you also by Western Union PayPal prices shipping feedbacks PGP Guan we don't need a PGP and an escrow that's that's pretty pretty pretty dink all right so the Western Union they describe what they need item needed first last country valid email to send a messages to and you can buy 15,000 to 200 4.45 bitcoin which i think is about 300 she US dollars that's for 1500 okay alright so they got proofs apparently yeah apparently they've got proofs what da [ __ ] track cash at agent location I don't really know how that's proof though you could have just transferred money and said that was you Ryan what that's so weird how's this proof I don't really know how this is proof though okay well apparently this was taken in 2014 there's some pretty old proof too let's go to the PayPal PayPal account so they got some paper accounts free to buy where you can buy like four thousand four hundred ninety one USD for like three BTC I don't even know why you should keep that much money to pay pal account anyways like it's not even like I think it is federally protected but not properly for its users but anyways they've got some premier accounts for sale pretty standard [ __ ] alright let's go to the credit cards for the cloned credit card of the prices of 40 BT point forty BTC with a guaranteed minimum amount of 3,000 and most of them cash out so point forty BTC is like a little under three hundred ish because I know the current price for Bitcoin I think it's like six hundred fifty right now I think that's where we're at price for batch it fluctuates two cars three cards four cards five cards all right you can get like basically batches will save you money if you buy in bulk so you need to contact us in order to know it's different available amounts so if you bought like five cards you got like you have fifteen grand dude just like straight up USD that you can like whip out of there you probably shouldn't do it cuz it's legal but that's what red carter's does shipping and delivery they ship to USA Canada Australia Europe South America Asia Africa just anywhere if anything bad happens they offer a hundred percent refund mmm and refunding only applies for registered and track shipment but express shipping so you can basically oh wait we ship worldwide 100% securely and discreetly even if the parcel is open there's nothing to incriminate you well okay now they got some this is the best part to read to you got one from Jodi great seller respond in time this I feel like okay wait Zach for fast relievers promise we'll order again our been good vendor good cards these read out like [ __ ] eBay or Amazon like reviews you know okay and you got you got bull boy saying very fast this Abba lab is amazing the seller great communication good stuff I love how nobody here has done anything any anything get well like nobody has questioned these people out on anything that's crazy I was very skeptical at the beginning but when I saw the offer for the W you I said why not I was like what the [ __ ] it really works I don't want to know how to do it or how their computers work but all I know is that I'll keep doing business with these people alright you know this honestly reads out like a [ __ ] this reads out like one of those clickbait like pop-up things you know when they give you like a little slot machine it's like and it's like play the slot machine you can win a [ __ ] free iPad and then there's like these facebook comments porn on the ground it's like I couldn't believe this work oh my god I'm here wow I would give my left nut to learn how to do this it's just stupid [ __ ] like that oh you can put name email message order number Oh see I guess you can kind of prove yourself not again I don't know if this is like legit I don't know if this is truly legit you know what I mean by the way you just saw the illuminati site open up there and it was it's pretty pretty [ __ ] uh-huh how legit this is you know it's red Carter's I got the escrow service I got all the stuff over here which offers extra protection and I guess that's nice I guess I guess I guess that adds to it but I don't know if read cartridge is real but what I do know is whether it is real don't do it because again it is [ __ ] illegal but anyways there's probably about like the best site that I've ever read apparently there oh geez in this game and that's pretty cool and they also really like like they also have a really good like personality with how they come across on the webpage that's what you want from a shopping service right you don't want it to be like we sell credit cards Center stolen you want it to be like we're red Carter's the ultimate credit card seller on tour with class standards in zero [ __ ] let's go to another it almost seems like the more and more I stay away from like the deep web or something like that or like hit man's on the Deep Web like I purposely stay away the more and more that come and spout up every [ __ ] week so here's one that says here to help when you have a problem that needs fixing I'm here to help basic rates will be discussed via secure email PGP required initial deposit cover expenses and 20% of base fee an additional 20% is due upon locating and providing visual confirmation of the subjects identity the balance is due upon completion travel cost equipment bribes and additional expenses are included in the rate schedule and will be itemized prior to agreement and payment of deposit contract outside the US will not be accepted at this time I plan to expand to the EU UK in the future but this presents logistical challenges that will need to be solved first at least this feels like a somewhat more realistic assassin not like I'm a [ __ ] ex-navy seal don't make everything look like an accident dude initial request should include as many details regarding the subject as you're able to provide such as name sex approximate age hair color eye color height weight physical address living arrangements make model of personal vehicle social media accounts quality photos are especially valuable for the identification stage of the contract I can be reached at here to help at Seguin org using the public key below please include your own public key minimum 2000 2048-bit in the body of the message clear text messages will be immediately discarded all right this person seems like they're taking their anonymity very seriously a note on payments all payments are to be made with Bitcoin upon acceptance of the contract you'll receive a message detailing total cost and the Bitcoin address you will need to make the initial deposit so sequent payments will be made to additional addresses that we provided at the appropriate time a note on my personal ethics contracts involving subjects 15 years of age and younger will not be accepted there isn't a strong logical reason for this requirement but it provides a somewhat fair demarcation between innocents and people who have it who have had the time to earn this fate if you want to place a contract on a child to punish a parent guardian perhaps you might consider the more reasonable solution of targeting the adult and skipping all the [ __ ] okay I don't mean as I don't function as a means to punish individuals I simply remove them [ __ ] edgy dude additionally contracts will be complete completed as humanely as possible well we got a very humane hit man on the loose dude Silas dude is going to torture requests involving torture of humans and animals will not be accepted if the person deserves torture they will have to wait until they're in hell again my job is simply to remove them a note on my methods reasonable requests will be considered depending on the circumstances I prefer firearms and poisons requests that involve sending a message or any other form of public exhibition will either be refused or heavily surcharged and finally requests that involve me knifing the subject beating them to death with a large blunt object etc will likely be ignored outright while providing me with a hearty laugh I'm gonna give them a little giggle makes a note on political problems town county officials sure city mayor and probably state governor doubtful u.s. senator representative president Supreme Court justice go do it yourself and stop wasting my time oh [ __ ] mayor's probably if you ask them to kill like [ __ ] big people yeah he's gonna tell you to [ __ ] off and not on my personal life I like long walks on the beach and frozen margaritas well I've - hi there - good today when I'm at home I work as a deacon in my church is it okay are we gonna agent 47 right here I'm old enough to complete in my first contract while a bush was POTUS but not so old wait bush senior Bush junior but not so old that I feel the weather in my bones I've never killed anyone I know personally I'm somewhat sensitive when I'm not on the job and maintaining my professional detachment seems to require that the subject be a complete stranger okay what we have is a very humane hitman you know very a person who just simply removes people all right and lets people who needs to be tortured await their fate in hell [ __ ] edgy as [ __ ] dude but this is here to help so again don't please don't message these sick unless he turned out to be actual hitman don't [ __ ] piss them off or bother them but uh again don't actually request a hit that's [ __ ] [ __ ] illicit but this person has like again feels like this episode of the deep web you know it's not like I'm reading the same stuff again it's like I'm reading a very personalized very upbeat sort of version of something [ __ ] up you know we have read Carter's who are really really nice about it they were they were really upbeat and like at least giving an aura of positivity despite them committing a crime the [ __ ] here to help it's like this dude is just giving this aura of positivity despite them being a freaking hit man it's like the most surreal episode I have actually recorded thus far you know it's like we've seen [ __ ] up [ __ ] before but here we are seeing [ __ ] up [ __ ] but the thing about the [ __ ] up [ __ ] that we're seeing is that it's done so eloquently and so humanely like this person is a very humane killer they don't want to kill children they have demarcation points and and they tell you to [ __ ] off when they are supposed to tell you to [ __ ] off if this guy's an actual hit man he seems he or she seems the most legit hit man out of everyone that I've seen so far because at least it's like an actual [ __ ] human wrote this and he seems like a human wrote this that probably does some contracts in their life it makes sense god I love it it's correct there's not much to really see out of here other than it's somebody real worried writing this [ __ ] it's not like copy paste from every other hitman thing that I've seen it's old normal God and that ladies and gentlemen was another episode of deep web browsing now I know we didn't see like some alien [ __ ] or some weird stuff like that but we did witness was a bunch of Illuminati illuminated witness was the Illuminati [ __ ] website of 2016 we actually really just saw a lot of web I mean we showed you guys one [ __ ] up event that was cataloged on the hidden wiki but the rest of it was actually stores that we witnessed and services for the most part which I've never really made I mean I've always mentioned it but I've never really had a whole video based on services but I gotta say the week services that I showed you the hitman one the dark Mamba which is most laughable in autumn all and the red card is one were some of the best because at least in the case of red Carter's I showed you all one of the OG sites of the Deep Web apparently and from what it is from what I saw today I'm gonna be I'm gonna be honest with you like usually I'm the most skeptic dude in the world but at the end of this recording session I mean I think we found some real webpages and services because at least have written by [ __ ] human beings and if anything if they were fake which I know most likely they could be they were at least on the most entertaining services and stores that I've read in a long time and of course nobody will ever forget the [ __ ] Walmart store that makes no [ __ ] sense why it is related at all to Walmart and ultimately to cap start it off we've seen weird video video that I personally can't explain but I'm going to call it the first deep web vlog that we might have seen of course it was a completely muted vlog but you know it feels like a vlog nonetheless maybe the dude bought a lovely new mobile home and just wanted to share it with all of us lovely peeps I'm going to back out of this and I'm gonna hope you have an amazing Sunday ahead of you if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it this is deep web browsing episode number 75 I will see you all with another deep web session next Sunday this is me with our an I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 395,033
Rating: 4.9164524 out of 5
Keywords: SomeOrdinaryGamers, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, deep web, dark web, dank, deep, dark, web, internet, browsing, exploration, deep web browsing, episode, 75, here, to, help
Id: tRUHMs8EX7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 6sec (3006 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2016
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