Are There Any Instant Citizenship Countries?

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some folks are in such a hurry to become dual citizens and to get that second passport that even the idea of waiting six months for a citizenship by investment seems just a little bit too long to them and so today we're going to talk about the often mythological instant citizenship countries and my recommendations for getting citizenship quickly [Music] hi i'm andrew henderson here at nomad capitals we've built a team of over 30 people spent over a dozen years curating a global network of experts all to help seven and eight-figure entrepreneurs legally go where you're treated best more so let's talk about this idea of instant citizenship countries one of the challenges that i have about the offshore industry in this case the citizenship industry is they have a lot of misleading statements out there where people will make it sound like getting a residence permit or a golden visa is citizenship it may lead to citizenship but the citizenship is not guaranteed it takes a while there may be conditions that you need to meet such as learning a language first or they'll suggest that by you know purchasing citizenship through the the cbi program in saint kitts and nevis for example that you're becoming a citizen of multiple countries that's not true you're becoming a member of a caricom country or an eu country in the case of malta where you have access to other countries but you're not a citizen of all those countries and there's a lot of sleight of hand where people it sometimes even think that when they go to apply for their residence permit or apply for their citizenship by investment they will be granted instant citizenship when they land and so the reality is there are not many opportunities for instant citizenship you know in theory if you move to another country and you're a world-class olympian or a world-class artist or you develop a cure for cancer the president of the prime minister or the parliament could grant you citizenship pretty instantly i imagine if you went to the right country and developed said cure or whatever it may be that they might do that for you but even then it's going to go through a certain bureaucratic process so for me i look at two ways where citizenship is instant snap your fingers number one is you're born in the soil so since all of us watching this are ostensibly already born this is an opportunity for any children that we may have but not an opportunity for us we've already been born now maybe there's somebody out there who is born somewhere or they've got a parent from somewhere and they're able to claim citizenship again it's not really instant but okay it's the process of just going and getting your passport i had a member of our team recently who got together at a family gathering and found out that actually their mother was a croatian citizen they didn't even know it their mother didn't even think that she was still a croatian citizen and now this team member of ours were helping her go to the embassy and apply for her passport and so basically she already is a croatian citizen she just didn't know it and like anyone else she just has to go and apply for a passport i would call that pretty instant so other than birth you know physical birth on a territory or birth to a parent the really only other way to instantly get citizenship is in a relatively small number of countries where they grant it by marriage so armenia used to do this you could get married and immediately apply for citizenship again it wasn't like you get married congratulations here's your passport but you could apply instantly okay uh in countries like cape verde for example the same thing iran for example if you you're a woman you marry a man i believe the citizenship is pretty instant i know someone who did that one of our viewers pointed at mali in africa offers instant citizenship if you marry a malian citizen probably most of these aren't citizenships that would help you a lot or that you would even want i wouldn't take an iranian citizenship it was offered to me i love the iranian people i'm fascinated by the country but it's a passport that has some problems right so we're not talking about you know top tier passports here with all due respect and so you know my first suggestion to getting citizenship quickly is plan ahead right i am often hearing from folks where their wealth is growing too fast especially people in cryptocurrency where they've left it to the last minute and now they need a second passport to accomplish some certain goal and they cut things so close that sometimes they don't achieve the goal in the desired timeline because you just can't get citizenship in in a week right anyone who tells you that it's a scam now you don't want to give a guy money in an envelope and have him hand you a passport because you may not even be a citizen of that country it may not even be legal right the goal is not a passport the goal is a citizenship certificate that allows you to go and get a passport and so the fastest way for most people if you're not going to marry a malian or a cape verdean or if you're not going to you know claim a long-lost citizenship from your parents or be reborn is likely through citizenship by investment so if you have citizenship by descent through a grandparent or through a great grandparent there's still going to be a process of applying for that you need to provide documents you need to produce records some cases like the english-speaking countries they can be pretty quick we did one in belize once it wasn't that bad uk is is relatively you know straightforward in some cases we're doing one right now it's a little bit freaky um but that's still going to take time the others are potentially years away i mean italy forget it you're waiting years spain others so that's not exactly instant just because you qualified as mean you have the benefits of it we talked about the exceptional programs where you get something by doing some crazy investment or curing cancer i mean that's going to take a while bureaucratically naturalization of course takes time golden visas residents by investment just because you're a resident doesn't mean you can be a citizen right away and so for most people the fastest thing is doing citizenship by investment now there are many options you may not need the fastest passport right you may afford to wait a year or two years or three years especially if your second citizenship is a plan b i'm not suggesting that you go to the caribbean in one of their five citizenship by investment programs and you spend a hundred thousand or 130 or 150 000 plus fees if you don't need a passport for a couple of years so one question i would always ask is how long are you willing to wait now some people can afford to simply be impatient i can afford to pay why wait right but just because you can pay doesn't mean that you should so you always want to look at all the options which is why i say don't call someone who only sells citizenship and residence by investment because that's all they're going to offer you they're going to ignore the fact that your mother was from you know indonesia as we found it with someone recently and they're not going to tell you just do that and you know whatever just wait a little while and you'll be fine you'll accomplish your goals but if if speed is the goal and you're not doing the things to be mentioned then what you want to do is a citizenship by investment program in the caribbean with one of the fastest processing times and that changes from time to time every month or every quarter you know some of them seem a little faster than the others saint kitts in nevis has a 60-day rush option it's going to cost you 75 000 more than the cheapest option if you're a single applicant may or may not be worth it i'm just doing a calculation with one gentleman recently um because he wanted to expatriate and it's like was the 75 thousand dollars to potentially save an extra month month and a half was that worth it but the other thing that's most important about about these cbis is how quickly can you fill out the paperwork and so that's something where i think most people are letting their clients go around and spend six months to a year filling out paperwork when it could be done potentially in a month right and they'll quote you know what's the timeline to get citizenship by investment it could be two months three months four months five months depending on the program and whether you pay more but then if it takes you you know seven months to collect a few all the documents and fill the forms that's going to be an issue so you need to find a way to to speed that up and so for the average person that's going to be the fastest way and the closest thing to an instant citizenship okay because as long as you are you know not a criminal you haven't been sued 11 000 times you don't have a deadly disease you know your business you know makes sense you're not in some you know nefarious business you know you're probably going to be approved for the program and so that is likely going to be more instantaneous than most other options for the average person and so instant citizenship i think it is sold as something that you know people like the idea of instantly you snap your fingers in reality citizenship doesn't work that way unless you're lucky enough to uh just be born and to take advantage of that through your birthplace or through your parents for everyone else you're going to have to put in a little bit of work but certainly more investment more money can get it for you faster with less work how can nomad capitalists help you four ways number one subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of nomad capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomad capitalist plan number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and i you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference nomad capitalist live it's coming up soon and number four if you want some help right now because you've got a burning issue you need something solved you want to lower your taxes get a second passport or build the nomad capitalist lifestyle of your dreams go to and click on become a client
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 49,270
Rating: 4.8762217 out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, second passport, second citizenship, dual citizenship, citizenship by descent, citizenship by investment, portugal golden visa, malta citizenship, st kitts and nevis, caribbean citizenship by investment, malta, golden visa, moving to europe, life in europe, armenia citizenship, citizenship by marriage, europe, cbi program, uk citizenship by investment, italy citizenship by descent, italy, europe golden visa, living in europe, cbi
Id: 23YvuBIIWlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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