The foreign legion : men without a past

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this is definitely not 2019

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Me_on_the_internets πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is not from 2019 OP you must be mistaken.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Octosphere πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

old af

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pinotkumarbhai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] in Albania near Marseilles that the recruitment center of the Foreign Legion [Music] [Music] for whoever wants to enter into the Foreign Legion it is here that it all begins but before wearing the Legionnaires famous white Kippy there will be many severe hurdles to overcome 8,000 candidates come from around the world every year but only 1,000 are selected the first step the recruiting office so you want to enter the Foreign Legion time to enter his pockets and his bag on the table Foreign Legion 130 nationalities 7600 soldiers the majority from Eastern Europe and Asia for many they come in the hope of a better life me I'm from the streets to be honest I've been in and out of jail I'm hoping my luck will change and maybe that the Legion will help me toss some what's up chief that's loads or myself as this candidate there are many who want to start their lives over again the Foreign Legion can offer them a second chance I live in Nice but my mother threw me out because I did nothing and she'd had enough of it believe in the leech of the earth and they're gonna straighten me out and afterwards I'll be a man every day the recruiting office receives an average 15 candidates of all social and cultural origins why do you want to join the Foreign Legion change my life to get a professional new to have a future I grew up in France I know France I owe nothing to Turkey boys oh I want to join the French army one of the particularities of the Foreign Legion is the obligatory change of identity even for French citizens as you know when you enter the Foreign Legion you're going to be recruited under stated identity therefore I'm going to give you a new name you're declared place of birth will be Ankara your father's first name is going to change also let's call him Abdel don't worry after you'll have the papers so that you can remember all of this to join up the French must become foreigners besides here one doesn't say French one says gold the legion gives them a french-speaking nationality Swiss Belgian Canadian or Monegasque you're gonna join under Canadian nationality does that suit you well that's no problem for me so now I'm a small part of the Legion on this morning there are six candidates looking to join and face the selection procedure that is going to last 10 days Navy cough Ukrainian age 27 lead Olsen Brazilian 30 Monta Onew Romanian 26 routine from Kazakhstan 18 Zuber Ivory Coast Croatian 27 and new french-swiss 29 right now I'm going to establish the basics this is not a holiday camp you're here from 2 to 10 days shut-in no phone calls no leave so if there's anyone who thinks he can't cope with that you can leave right now it's not even worthwhile continue undress in the barracks civilian clothes are forbidden they may not yet be part of the military but they receive a uniform of sorts a simple tracksuit when you hear your name replied bags everything on the table to belong to the Foreign Legion one must make a clean sweep of the past go down there personal belongings jewelry cell phones the Legion confiscate all for the duration of the training that's a tough start and it's only the beginning of the tests that are about to get underway now three selective tests and potential eliminations straight away let me explain a psycho technical test those that have the mental aptitude of a mollusk you'll get no further therefore if the result of the test is less than 10 you'll be out Cooper test one asks you to run a minimum of 2700 meters in less than 12 minutes those of you who are tortoises or have built-in brakes you'll be packing your bags for the less fit the verdict is instantaneous they'll never make it they found a Galliano Paul keep going keep going shouts a little to put them in the spirit they've done all right and it's good for them yeah you have to hang in there that's what we've got to do and there's gonna be more of this medical test if your members are healthy you continue until you make the great well given all the tests that await them I need to be in good shape no lying about their health records see it's a chance to get a European Passport look out for anybody that might be lying about their medical records the group past the first three tests and has won a session of the hairdresser their hair is cut the lΓ©gion way it's another step on the path to the coveted white kepi the regulation two millimeters that makes everybody look the same [Music] Google's on television you feel like scre your Legionnaires where health nearly nevertheless there's a feeling of unity since now we're all in the same boat we're starting to bond as a unit there are those who cleared the first hurdle and those who didn't because they failed one of the first three tests the Legion calls them the repressed for a lot of these men it's back to square one a simple train ticket in their pockets and ahead of them an uncertain future [Music] for the group that stays on there's no question of claiming victory more tests await them stand to attention in two ranks line up come on come on the holidays are finished you wanted it now you're in it you're right in it you'll be here to serve in the Foreign Legion for the next five years exactly more I want you all to think you've got three minutes it's your last chance to change your minds if you don't want to go back to being a civilian you stay now's the chance no disaster Novacek dr. damu there are sure John J whatever is a [ __ ] love to see anybody won't leave raise your hand somebody nobody sure for my bad side being quite aggressive are you acting out your instructors role is my role taste what's lying ahead we trained them in the old-fashioned way stop our legislature Colorado system disorder given proteges LaFrance no key for constant wrestle don't listen to become real soldiers warm up form up facing me come on in one column patties the psychological pressure never ends Montana Zubair liedel sin' Rudin niba coffin bear name all are going to prove they have their place in the Legion the Corporal in charge of recruits makes them wait for half an hour without moving then facing the sunset of this kale Morty village some more people they wait and one observes they're motivated people who are not motivated they'll soon asked to leave but the people who are motivated well they know they understand that this is part of the selection process come on wake yourselves up come on form up facing me in a column no that's crap wake yourselves up over here down better better at ease spirit I hope that there is motivated as I was when I arrived here is if I dreamt of wearing the white champions now I do I think for them it's the same thing they think of Africa the desert and all of that Legionnaires life means someone that comes to the Legion is someone that's looking for adventure to be a man to spend life with the white Kippy one of just 7,000 in the whole world it's something sacred but you have to earn the right to become one of the few in addition to the tests every candidate is subjected to several interviews in terms of safety we don't take recruits who have murdered or committed perverted crimes people with a serious criminal past regenerated Savanti boo it's not this is obviously yes or no sit down Zuba uske Croatian nationality who speak French where did you learn your French I was born in french-speaking Africa in the Ivory Coast to be more precise and that's where I learned French so how come you're Croatian why my mother she was Croatian have you had any problems with the police or the law never never never you take drugs while some III did once but that was a very long time ago you have any debts or do you owe people money no so why are you here you have no problems you still stay in touch with your ex-girlfriend yes yes we get on fine seems to me there could be a little love story that's gone wrong here but she misses her since you separated well I asked him to be very precise because I felt it might have been his incentive a sentimental disappointment shall we say and maybe it was the case there's always a reason doesn't last a very long time usually and anyway I'm not really sure if that was his incentive all candidates undergo several interviews and answer the same questions every time their answers will be checked and analyzed their pasts will be studied carefully and to this end the recruiting officers have access to Interpol police records searching for individuals on the police's computer files takes barely a few hours if the Legion refuses serious crime it turns a blind eye to lesser misdemeanors for a few it's a chance to set the counter to zero when someone is accepted into the Legion his secrets whatever they are on nobody else's business hurry up come on stand to attention like I've shown you before you to stand to attention what's this proud of your future as Legionnaires well if you do mr. I tighten up your belts come on I don't want Cowboys out here now we're seeing the code of honor of the Legionnaires DB cough step out of the ranks raise your head come over here stand to attention properly head up support deal as your now that's better volunteers serving France with honor and loyalty and several each map is serasa rule is you single smell that's crotchety market I noticed coca-cola and chocolate makes you soft I've told you take coffee black coffee that gives you the neck milk and any of the other things otherwise you'll completely lobotomize yourself right difficult not difficult just a question of willpower they have everything they need in various languages and the leaders code of honor comes from here in the heart too long don't you surf Kiski our own accessories learning the honor code is obligatory it's also the means to check the cohesion of the group there may the french-speaking recruit knows he has to help Budin the Kazak after one week of tests and observation what's at stake is getting the work contract ok the committee can begin its work we've got 30 candidates today and we can only take 17 of them in theory ok let's start with the first Bethenny weighs open communicative educated honest works hard good incentive yes good he's already passed the military degree costs he spent six years in the regular forces I have a favorable opinion too good candidate he's hired next the only question mark is a dubious love affair he thought seriously about it before making its decision to come here he said it was all over yeah okay well let's see okay we'll take him what a deer recruit sue bear Nia coughs very motivated he never even got his visa so he crossed the borders illegally to get here visa for Poland but beyond that he made his own way here so he's very determined you Dean the Cossack Lyttelton the Brazilian and Monti on you the Romanian also received their employment contracts they are no longer candidates they're now successful recruits a first step and one that allows them to start their training in earnest they have now signed up to serve five years with honor and loyalty but even the slightest wrong move and they'll be shown the way out gore-tex jacket in the bag they received their first pack of the fighting man's kit and also the famous white copy of the Legionnaires the kepi is still wrapped in plastic don't touch the kepi [Music] they'll get the chance to try that white cappy's but just for a few minutes she's policie just ride off we haven't the right to wear it yet that's just a try we're still not Legionnaires yet no long way to go they'll earn the right to wear their white KP in one month under the condition they passed their first phase of training in the meanwhile they have the legions green beret a beret that the zubur has difficulty in putting on his head it's not a tractor drivers Barrett the legions bury properly oh the next day the recruits are leaving for Castagnoli near toulouse monks training you are going to work hard and that I'll see you again in four months time ready to join your regiments of course coming back wearing your white cap no sympathy for those that don't make it right you're now the disposal of the 4th regiment and you'll be under their orders for the next four months clothes bags and put the bags on the cabinet's on the eve of departure there are those that are happy and those like Zuba who have their doubts some apprehension because it's a new start it'll be completely different from here into or by me I see my dream here I go to the castle and after the castle I will make my dream to be original Novick via Hakeem champion foo colwiz II the foreign legions battle honours are part of history it's maybe this prestige that continues to attract the young from all over the world looking for adventure but for the new generation the legion also means a secure employment at least for five years discipline friendship but if you don't like the life in Laramie you cannot do this you cannot be in religion if you don't like I like the army because I like it since I was young I see movies when I was young little the approach to custard not be the train passes the damju district the foreign legions instruction and training center [Music] [Applause] no no fear if you have fear you cannot do nothing without seeing my mother playstation near the barracks in a farm cut off from the rest of the world this is where the recruits spend their first month of training if you're not tired you can redo the whole circuit look look where the targets where's the enemy the strain of military training is the first real test for the platoon on the programmed sport assault courses weaponry light exercises the recruits learn to go beyond their physical and mental limits I want to see how far I can go psychologically is that part of the challenge oh yeah definitely the competition you've got to fight for your place thank you you got five minutes to polish your boots at any moment the instructors could send home those that don't make the grade the recruits dig in one doesn't apply pressure they're going to let themselves go I would say that for this profession that's no good you can't let them run free gosh first method do you see the only bet is probably free isn't the right word but they can't take it easy showers at 2200 and then sleep but even after a long hard day there's no letting up everything is done by the clock speed speed speed the whole time you have to rush to eat wash to wash brush to dress and especially rush if you want to use the toilet wine you is going to be relentless and tell me just the beginning really finally it's time for bed but before that there's yet another room inspection at ease now listen up I don't want to see your towels like that ever again where's your towel where's your towel just answer my question who told you to put the towel down no one told me to see under there it's dirty and this isn't made up well at all to this root cubic in visa come on press ups re re basis perpendicular telephone very good now we are especially retina tones you wake up I do you understand what I'm saying now just go for all right you can all do these beds up again come on side that's that's dirty under there that's terrible okay sleep now don't you I feel like answering back you're complaining you will only be worse be thrown out straight away and back to being a civilian I've never seen anyone do that the recruits have earned a good night's sleep but here again there are strict rules allowed sorry I have to go to sleep now finally lights-out is at 20 to 30 hours we start the hardest part of the training is not the chores or the physical work but learning French most of the recruits are starting from scratch the aim here is really quite simple at the end of the course each soldier should know about 400 words of basic vocabulary which comes to about 100 words a month place amid poppy gnomes here we do things by two marks French are from 0 to 5 5 means fluent and zero means nothing to do so I put a 5 with a 0 4 with a 1 and so on it usually works you say they feel ok enough class work go to the sports ground and those who speak French please help out those who don't Tiana's French is improving rapidly I learnt French in school with Romania and it's been quite easy to pick it up again Fasil what is that French flag mean to you there are fancy the French flag what's also musi what's why we're here for the legion region is French fighting for France and for the flag will be defending the French colors oh no koma koma one month later on the assault course and the volunteers are beginning to look like joining me this is the hostile zone now they need to reach that small bend over there here's the drill keep an eye out keep eyes off but you go up by twos see why you see the enemy and then take cover forget you're working in teams of two the aim of this timed obstacle course is to check how well the teams work together what counts is not finishing first but finishing together each man has to watch the other's back [Music] [Music] the incessant screaming of orders the recruits reflexes are subjected to the kind of situation they might face in battle I love it physical labor it's also technical basic stuff here checking our reflexes stuff that we've forgotten you know life's been too soft we've lost the skills to to watch to to listen and react to danger to be war like a Linea after 20 minutes Zuba is showing signs of fatigue pepper dude enemy Sanson Canadian group a sensing country anymore right where you put your sights what level where's the where's the ring oh sure she says you're fit I put it on seven [ __ ] God said to her it's between seven and eight I can't process what's on to do miss relief now I'll move it up put it up at 140 though what are you looking for here while their reactions when they're exhausted you see they're out of breath they're tired we'll see how coherent they are at the end of the exercise that's hard you know punished physically we don't get much sleep anyway and now we've got to give them maximum effort you need every last drop of energy you know overcome the pain just do it that's what yeah so now they're just two days away from the white kitty much it'll be tough for them but after that they'll be feeling proud after four weeks of training it's time to take stock by now the instructors know the recruits and their personalities and to decide if they have the right stuff to wear the white KP is special he's already got military experience so on that score he's doing well [Music] if your fish get sick and he's also very good at helping out his comrades than me and that's excellent really excellent Jubair well he's a little bit much more particulars who bears what we'd call the intellectual types kind of coffee shop philosopher he likes to think things through but he's been getting down to it lately maybe wonder if he could I amuse you well routines are fighter I think he's all set he'll be going to the second Regiment of Legion paratroopers harder to judge now he works well he's dynamic but it's it's a bit too early for me to pass judgment the gym six you're I'm will come on more football boredom are today and tomorrow is the white kitty much you all know what that means for you those that finish will receive their white copies from general daddy next Monday [Music] [Applause] it's the most important test in their four months of training the so called weight Kippy much 50 kilometers in two days and with a 25 kilo pack it's no picnic so long as they finish the course these volunteers will become members of the Legion the first 25 kilometer stage will be extremely hard on their feet coolant or that hurts that really hurts yeah he's got a huge first blister it's not easy to walk on long today I sleep tomorrow be okay no matter routine the Kazak is not the only one to suffer well I'm hurting badly we'll just carry on and take care of it tonight I suppose I'm not gonna give up now we're halfway there there's nothing that works as well as some strong hot wine to keep the men going c'est bon after a month of hardships the instructors loosen up a little volunteer farward is Australian leads the section in a tribal war dance that's a great atmosphere singing their own songs and their own language you miss Romania yeah it's a bit I'm thinking ahead I'm thinking of the future it's come think of the past that doesn't do anybody any good in the Army I don't to think of problems like what kind of problems just just like Monty on who remains tight-lipped about his past no one here talks of their past and as far as the Foreign Legion is concerned these men were born the day they joined up at nightfall and everyone is under canvas Redeem is settling into his tent nice small house a small house he has to share with his Oppo Bernie hey Rudy what are you gonna dream up tonight food food smoking den is 29 over bean is just 18 he's almost like a younger brother but Bernie knows little about him language remains a barrier what do I know about Rudy he's not much I know how he got here I mean sometimes he talks about his mother his sister his brothers but how he's gonna send the money so that they can have a good education schooling I always wanted to be a soldier what ever since I was small army blood runs in my family my brother fought in Afghanistan during a time of Gorbachev and the USSR Kazakh means no good now I'm 18 I'm in the Legion career Legion is good I want career here [Music] everybody up it's an early start boy you ain't saw Sookie do you lose your well you know there's a song in the lead but it's not enough to have a drink to become a Legionnaire you need to be the first me me pop you were the first to drink but you're not the first to be getting up this morning today it's back to barracks and at the end of the white kepi much same distances yesterday but a little harder side tighten your asses and we'll make it back to base 25 kilometers to go the pace is quicker than the previous day the 25 kilo weight of the backpack seems to be getting heavier as each kilometer drags by after a six-hour March they reached the base gudinas all smiles he knows he's won his white cap e he and his comrades on our chairs and indeed the day is far from over first they have to clean their weapons then they'll get a chance to rest when everything is spotless you might think so you've been cleaning this for an hour and a half Tamid finished right we'll keep doing it until it's done properly even after a forced march when everyone's tired you need to keep going dig in just because you're tired doesn't mean you can give up no way first clean your weapons that's what it says in the manual [Music] finally the reward all tiredness is forgotten it's time to wear the dress uniform oh it's the best what does it mean to you the ordinary and the extraordinary perfect for military ceremonies still missing a few decorations a few medals give me two years and they'll all be up there okay d-day guys make yourselves presentable volunteers new time has come to renew the vows ya quelqu'un sermon that you made a few weeks ago only only fair you're about to receive your white copies so KP Aramaki B is the symbol of an elite force with a unique tradition which has covered itself in glory in the name of France B's we swear to serve with honor and loyalty [Music] [Music] the Legionnaires oath part of the passing out ceremony I was all no copy 10 when you come from Revell Croatia [Music] the official Munich congratulations welcome to the Legion Zubair and his comrades are now Legionnaires but there's still three months of training to undergo before being posted to their regiments the Foreign Legion welcomes its new members in time on a tradition with pudding and white wine now I'm a Legionnaire are you proud I'm very proud yes it's all I'm thinking about since I left home always thought about whether I could make it or not but I thought I would be able to it's a wonderful day it's been my dream now it's actually I want to get into action [Music] 9,000 kilometers away in French Guiana an adventure park for the Foreign Legion just a short distance from the border with Brazil this is the CEF II the equatorial forest training center this is where Legionnaires learn about jungle warfare these men are part of the second Battalion third Regiment of Legion infantry they've been in Guiana for a few weeks they'll stay for two years for the past week there been undergoing jungle training to meet the tough standards they'll need to stick it out another week if they make it they'll earn the right to undergo missions in the silver the Amazon rainforest there's nowhere to hide out here you can either take it or you can't and if you can't take it they'll know right away that's what's good about being here you know the ultimate aim is to create a cohesive unit these conditions will help achieve a well-disciplined integrated unit on days a 4-footer well now even blood the men are aged between twenty and thirty seven officers NCOs and Legionnaires they have all volunteered to serve in Viana men like corporal Kim who's from South Korea and a six-year veteran what did you think it would be like that's great perfect excellent good training I love it come on are we gonna save him [Applause] hey boo [ __ ] buff you're not even prepared to suffer for France how can I think you're prepared to die for her Mayfair crew I give you said prayer Maria come here you Warrant Officer Lopez as an instructor the 47 year old Spaniard he's a living legend in the Legion this is how you carry him like this okay see I can even run hold my rifle he served in the Legion for 22 years eight of which in Guiana a record he's out to test the soldiers physical limits and to spot the psychological weak points citizen you don't want to get dirty yes I do sir come on everyone pile on top of it say the millions in Sassoon and Eustace fire we want to develop a sense of injustice here to make him feel he's been unfairly treated it'll make it more aggressive you won't understand that now just like that on reflex but afterwards he'll understand be a man keep going [Music] if you see something most Legionnaires are already physically in good shape when they get here so we focus on the psychological issues Porter you're the casualty go think like casualty and you'll die like a casualty your mission is to survive another day sort of anymore victim there are two types of animal the prey constantly on the run hunt he needs to think and react like the hunter will reassess him since he doesn't have any self confidence I won't be able to change what's in his head I'll give my son on Facebook physically you know I'm not gonna keep on top of him but so rule ah you know within limits sometimes you know we might get carried away and that's why there's a doctor always around just to make sure all is well the face come on look aggressive [Music] my boss is your okay get down okay sure no sympathy so I think here don't be surprised by this they have no idea what's coming up they'll be anxious but it looks it scared and uncertain basically they're clueless it's a good psychological test inside the hood the prisoner is corporal Kim one of the toughest men in the platoon without making any noise instructor places a dummy detonator between Kim's legs what are you thinking about I've just waited to see what's happening maybe we've been taken prisoner I don't know yet this bar flinched when there was that explosion when she surprised it's up to the monitor to tell us to move or not gemoro say see good reaction he's well trained [Music] well we might get ordered to go anywhere so you've trained for things that might really happen welcome sir the NCOs here they bust our balls but luckily for us you know one day we'll be glad they taught us all this the blaring music is to destabilize the soldiers it's a way of making it seem like a guerrilla camp everyone gets the treatment and the interrogation methods are far from gentle a piece of wood is forced between their fingers and snapped where you come from which country in might shock yeah might and certainly for them they don't know why this is happening it's to see how they react a compound linking Fortin through it but they have to show control and not to let their aggression towards me at the time get the better of control the situation control your feelings you're trained to be aggressive but paid to keep it in check if necessary very well-paid you've got 10 seconds to get into the canoes the Legionnaires will now face the rigors of survival in the jungle the instructors order them into canoes and to keep their heads down so they can't see where they are the exercise will last 72 hours without food and with just a minimal amount of equipment more could you want you have the whole jungle to feed from no hammocks no mosquito nets and clothes that are soaking wet in order to get some sleep and some protection from the rain insects and snakes the men are going to have to build shelters using whatever is to hand for food they'll also need to make do with whatever they find in this case the edible part of a palm tree it's the second day without proper food corporal you has a temperature but early now if you turn down it's bad do you feel cold I think you might have to go back with the NCL [ __ ] no no I want to stay evil but I see if you see he doesn't want to appear weak he wants to see it through to the end I'm sure there are other men who are ill but won't say anything if they see the light at the end of the tunnel and they don't want to give up now ok you so what's up huh I think we've done since when since the morning oh you're missing your room right you're feeling sad wrong I missed a key we have a trainee here with a fever between 38 and 39 degrees I'm going to bring him in and he'll need to go into hospital Lopez is concerned that corporal you may have contracted malaria which can be fatal if not treated quickly have you already had malaria you want to go back to your comrades huh yes yes I want to go back it's not up to him anymore sending someone who's got a 39 degree fever out onto a survival course isn't a very good idea you better stay here it's what the civilians would do the army would say differently but they're the ones who are calling the shots so stay put corporal you tested negative for malaria that the medics think he has dengue fever an equally dangerous viral infection also caused by mosquitoes he's to be transferred to kuru for treatment and recovery [Music] nice very long out here 12 hours in fact that's a chance to assess their mental condition they think about a lot of things out here being so far away from their homes this year and nights Legionnaires usually think of their childhood and growing up they dream in their own languages still dream in your mother tongue even after 22 years in the Legion sometimes I've become institutionalized so not too often if it was a Allegiant meant to you so much it's it's a way of life it's 20 years that's a whole life through the month on TV complete it gets killed him what does Allegiant get out of you it's taken a lot for me an awful lot call me evil still the way I look at it is that when I joined up the Legion wasn't better off with me and so than when I leave the Legion won't be any worse off without me ten days into their jungle training and the third day without food the madness starting to weaken warrant officer Lopez decides that now's the time to move camp within that idiot United gather up the equipment we're moving it was a move that wasn't on the program yes you read some to see all their smiles of vanished now they don't understand and this is not good news for Legionnaire gamba from Senegal the platoon has to reach the new encampment on a makeshift raft that they themselves built and gamba doesn't know how to swim in the water even if you don't know how to swim how you flail you're done we have to we have to whether you can swim or not are you going stay back don't get in the way a one and a half hour long journey down the river lies ahead but on empty stomachs it's a major effort struggling in the water gamba is doing his best but is barely keeping afloat Legionnaires have to know how to swim especially for duty in rain forests like Guiana warrant officer Lopez decides to test gamble one last time what happens if you can't make it he went got is great you'll be considered unfit for jungle warfare to get his promotion gamba will need to swim at least 50 meters which is the width of the river gamba makes one final effort but by halfway across he's in serious trouble Aziza Brazil so what happened gamba the card was too strong sir I didn't have the strength anymore you didn't have the strength anymore that's when your head takes over it's a matter of willpower I want it so I'll get it are you gonna carry on anyway I will I'm gonna finish this gamba we'll need to learn to swim and then take the training course a second time to succeed you'll need to undergo every step of the training all over again [Music] okay it's the fourth day without food and the last of the two week-long course come on that's your sweats good for you it saves your blood and tears your mother's tears they ladder me there for my mom to finish the instructor is organizing the carrying of a makeshift stretcher a two-hour march through dense jungle terrain would you find the strength to carry on until you're on ticket buttering I don't know somewhere inside I suppose but they find it the adrenaline everyone's stronger than they think they are said if you see the me all that stuff but it's a reminder this is what you wanted to do call up and say hey we need you or the one that joined up for five years so you just shut your mouth and get on with it come say good there go to you go the second Platoon has more or less finished its training but warrant officer Lopez still has plans for Legionnaire Porter the young Frenchman did you bring my comrades deserved better than this you don't want my water well your comrades are gonna suffer was another test I want to make sure he's suitable why he's better his willpower is good even if it's physically isn't still a little weak but I think he's determined and he'll force himself to go further than he thought he could training has to be tough otherwise how will we know how they react in in tough circumstances my loan officer focus on continuing I know one or two that might drop out but this is the only way the training has to be hard very hard by the eye I'm only like a sheep who's never gonna eat meat right okay for here we want hunters and I say therefore a manager we trained them to be predators to eat meats if you will do that mean love Sangha but without hate a predator doesn't hate its prey as unit aggressive yes control and discipline yes but no hate okay man this is the final physical trial don't it's all in your heads now since you've probably not got much left in your bodies don't ask just do it for two weeks the Legionnaires of the second Platoon have coped with all the challenges that have been thrown at them during the training course lieutenant at bottom the platoon commander has come to know the men who'll be under his orders for the next two years corporal Kim has finished in second place in the overall standings after the course and will undergo further training to become a jungle warfare instructor himself Genet porter finally did get his grade and corporal Patterson from England the six-year Legion veteran achieved what he had come to Guiana to find adventure and inner strength [Applause] Kabul the capital of Afghanistan after more than two and a half decades of war an uneasy peace has finally been reached a multinational force the ISAF the international security Afghanistan force helps maintain law and order under NATO command amongst them 500 soldiers from the French Foreign Legion the mission is 24 hours a day seven days a week if fighting breaks out they'll be in the front line the main threat is terrorism on this particular day ISIF troops have come under fire while guarding the airport the second legions infantry regiment deploys for a manhunt leading the hunt ISIF Apache helicopters who relay instructions and observations to the Legionnaires on the ground stay in position will be guided by the Apaches captain Pella buff is in command of the fourth company and orders his troops by a radio leftenant Pascal is in charge of the second Platoon your mission is to intercept suspect elements only fire in legitimate self-defense [Music] the chase takes the Legionnaires to the village of Tariq al two kilometers from the airport and a former Taliban stronghold it's a maze of small streets and houses protected by high walls [Music] well you left do you see that little tower that's that's where he is you know you know well y'all need y'all please I just cut small absolutely a while ago but now we've can't quite see him if he opens fire fire back immediately I have to wait for an interpreter so I can amaze with a local police and go inside the compound Afghan police enter the village and the Legionnaires have to maintain their positions they're not allowed to use their weapons the icesoft mission ground rules mean they can only provide backup to local authorities and only fire in self-defense everyone's now waiting for the chief of police and finally he shows up at nighttime the Legionnaires can finally enter the house but cameras are not allowed inside the suspect has inevitably disappeared but in the courtyard oh well has attracted captain Bella buffs attention kill for fondo our chasm it how deep would you say that is 15 meters the captain is intrigued by the fact that well is dry in the middle of the rainy season tea research finished sir the troops have to withdraw empty-handed wait what's happening captain as well the suspect has vanished probably escaped down the well in which in turn leads to a series of underground passageways in Galatia turn gnosis nikuman or suitable to do or less well now we're going to maintain our relationships with the local authorities but hopefully we'll be able to come back check out all the underground galleries properly but for now I have to pull out what else well the mission yes it is a little ambiguous everyone's rushing about in the different directions okay so my laughs whoa the captain ends the conversation there he is duty-bound to say no more and he never did get the opportunity to search the wealth properly base camp for the second regiment is at Kabul Airport where they serve a four-month tour of duty one more exile for these men who have already abandoned their homelands and families in captain Pella buffs unit most of the soldiers from outside France corporal Lesko 29 is from Slovakia barracks here it's what we used to we get on each other's nerves sometimes but we you know we drink together and then we fight together everything it's the same as in any family there are good moments and bad and every family has its head right to father figure so do we see the sergeant's ordered the corporals like me and the corporals ordered the privates that's the way it is one big happy family and in the fourth company's family the smallest has only nine months under his belt but he's quite a baby almost two metres tall he's from Argentina and it was his taste for tattoos that made him want to join the Foreign Legion won't be that miss you see and in my country this isn't allowed in the army that's why I'm here filthy in our whole torso has tattoos come on show him Fernandes to enroll in the Green Berets Fernandez has had to make a lot of sacrifices dyskinesia to join up well I had to sell everything computer just to buy the airplane ticket they take there are expensive for people like me they say what Lucy shows you Trish's the many so you abandoned everything Wow I see deep sigh parents a bag with an old uniform in now that's it and cycled the new is it on duty in Afghanistan the Legionnaires rarely get the chance to put on their coveted white cabbies but today is payday while on duty anywhere outside of France the Legionnaires receive double pay the equivalent of about $3,000 a month this morning though they will be entitled to just three hundred and fifty dollars pocket money distributed by the captain himself Foreign Legion the rituals are set in stone and a time-honored ritual is that the pay goes into the kitty still it's quite important ceremony really the senior officers deals with issuing the Legionnaire with a pay that is addressed every move is part of the ceremony at your convenience captain the Legionnaires come from all over the world they're mixed up with all sorts of other nationalities so the ritual is earth is a form of common language something they can all relate to on them at your convenience captain like his fellow officers captain Bella buff is a stickler for the traditions of the Foreign Legion wherever he is posted he takes within portraits or his commanding officers and of shinnok alcohol a the founding father of the Legion spirit is Pinellas you'll see the core of the Legion is pride in a job well done and completing it no matter what it's about the military virtues physical as well as moral courage respecting your superior officers and I admire the notion of respects of more senior ranks as it works both ways it's respect in the marshal and the overall sense whereby orders are followed without hesitation and way and where the senior officer without showing it respects his subordinates to the point where if he has to order them in the worst case to sir death and he too will be right there with as men to the bitter end [Music] made up from volunteers from the world over the Legion has for more than 170 years been a unique and homogenous Corps whose code of conduct is reflected in their motto legio patria Noster the Legion is our country
Channel: Best Documentary
Views: 1,648,212
Rating: 4.8364229 out of 5
Keywords: french foreign legion 2019, documentary, french legion, foreign legion, french, legion etrangere, parade, training, army, recrutement, inside, french legion etrangere, french legion training, french foreign legion training documentary, french foreign legion reaction, french foreign legion parade, documentary 2019, french foreign legion, full movie
Id: yHjWbLqVzNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 43sec (4303 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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