Archonexus with speed : Rimworld Biotech S2Ep1

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and we're back with some more room worlds and today we're going to be immediately trying to make ourselves a small little base inside this mountain and Tiberius what are you doing buddy drinking saikai tea what do buddy for you shouldn't be sad at all like oh wait yeah psychic dependency yeah it's been a while uh well whatever hey you guys start digging away the plan here is we're going to dig ourselves at this section I've been reliably informed that we should not go above 11 by 11 in terms of our rooms otherwise they uh they have a chance to get cave-ins and stuff like that it's just a roof support uh so we are going to might not hold this place and we are going to use the steel to produce things namely well everything we don't have enough wood to do much so we're going to put a door right about there making it a steel in fact everything is going to be pretty much made out of steel uh what are you doing Jason should you be Purdue making that oh waffles getting around to us never mind we actually have more than enough construction capacity and Tiberius is an absolute beast when it comes to mining like that is just insane and we still haven't even turned them into a proper Miner as in we haven't turned them into a mining specialist give me a minute to do a little bit of coring after I'm hoping by the end of today we'll have a nice A little bedroom for everyone and the Tiberius is finished but oh wow once they're finished with the steel they literally just eat through mountains like crazy like that's what three or four ticks and a whole okay that's about 14 I can't even remember this is on normal speed you got to bear in mind we're gonna have so much resources to play around with early on until we've stripped mined most of this mountain but that could take a while it's a pretty big mansion even with tiberius's massive speed this might take a little while to correct the first thing we need to do is to produce a table of course otherwise people will have to eat without a table we can't be having that Jason is there a preferred designated Builder oh that might be a problem they're going to produce so many Masterworks it's going to drastically inflate the the wealth of our Colony if we're not careful uh temperatures what are you doing you're going for a walk well that's okay then I suppose our colony is pretty small right now all right uh oh a few things I should probably note yes I am aware Dwarf Fortress is out and it is on my list of things I want to play but I still have to finish this series first we've got to like get this Colony up get them all to have three kids this is like a generational thing each one of these uh pawns has to have three kids and the best only get promoted to the next round so I still gotta finish that out one great thing as well all of our people can see in the dark every single one is Genetically Enhanced with dark vision or is it dark vision which means they can run around in the darkness just fine it doesn't bother with all plus we we have picked the tunneler meme so okay The Relic lost is a little bit of a problem we also don't have a do you want whether or is it mixing Jade Palace no where is this ah no do you want to others we don't have a priest yet uh that might be a while but for now everyone's pretty happy missing Jade Palace oh yeah our wealth is too high already ah damn it uh we're going to need to do some more digging aren't we even with this we probably won't be able to get enough for everyone in terms of resources and we need to start planting a crop soon for now I think we can live off the animals there is four elephants down here or three yeah there's two elephants down here I think they will make a wonderful batch of simple meals once we get ourselves up a kitchen the power is going to be a problem Oh that reminds me production wise we immediately need a research bench simple research bench thank you we will make that out of steel we are going to stick that in the corner in fact we might just go with two research benches to start we need them we need to get a whole bunch of research knocked out I'm thinking yeah first thing exogenetics and then probably a toxify generator what edit talks about generator we can't really generate power because we don't have enough wood on this map to run a normal chem generator there is something sort of hypnotic about watching Tiberius work that is just I don't think I've ever seen a miner just strip mine out of place so quickly we're going to build through well an awful lot of stuff really quickly in here and all just from Siberia on the back of tiberius's mining well the first day has gone by pretty well uh I gotta say Tiberius has done some good good work right there the Christ at one point I I forgot to cue up more mining orders and he started researching uh that is that is uh that is a good way to do mining yeah we're going to smash up some rocks here oh you know what put that on drop on the floor yeah we want to get some marble blocks and then we can make a statue or two that should make this place pretty right now it's uh pretty awful the barks and it's going to affect everyone's mood shouldn't be bad enough to drive anyone into you know mental break territory or anything like that but it'd be nice to get a statue or two in here and maybe section off some of the places tidy it up a little bit oh and we're gonna need food very shortly we picked ourselves up an elephant uh that should tie this over oh yeah I should probably grab a few more but we're not gonna have a refrigeration for quite a while Uh Wood wise we've gone on a little bit of a harvesting spree there's 320 wood but it's scattered all over the map so it's just there's no real trees around here we might have to actually research tree planting for wood so I'd like to avoid that if we possibly could for our food needs we're going straight into fungus so we're gonna put them uh fungal gravel and where did I find this stuff again it's under floors yeah fungal gravel you can basically put this down on any stone surface this basically makes the gravel able to grow fungus on it or whatever it just means that we can now go in here under plants and we can grab ourselves to grow zone and as you can see it'll only go over the fungal spots that have already been done and we can plant ourselves a whole bunch of Nutri fungus uh where is Waffle yeah that's Waffle's job is to plant that stuff and I'm gonna have to find a storage location for all of these chunks we're gonna have so many Rock chunks around the place oh components sweet and also a lot of limestone I'd prefer a little bit more marble if you wouldn't mind Randy I'm gonna put a little bit of marble around here it'd be good I was going to explore it this direction but I was just drawing at the zones I think as we kind of want to use the merge into our advantage to keep us safe and an 11 by 11 room would fit there now I could make it smaller than that but uh I don't want to get that close to the wall I'm making it any smaller but just ruin this perfect symmetry we have going on I'm just gonna make 11 by 11 rooms everywhere uh why not let's see how well it works out I'm sure it'll be a horrible mistake when the bugs come a call in but that's that's a mistake I wanted to live with for now oh these nutrifungus they can only grow in absolute Darkness you can't even have like one of those low light things around them the tiniest bit of light kills them so yeah we're just gonna leave them in there they should be fine I think I should probably put some doors around them though put a door there and there and there and yeah one in the corner there should be fine as well to make sure that no light gets in we're gonna grow all our patches in sort of this sizes I am interested to see how our box base turns out I think Tiberius is too fast for us we can't actually expand quickly enough to take advantage of all the space through Theory that's it that's a really good complaint to have now you'll notice here we're cooking in uh the middle of terrible filthy conditions very dirty things are probably all full of food poisoning and we would care except for the fact that you have nuclear stomachs nuclear stomachs uh yeah food poisoning chance factor is zero percent meaning we can't get food poisoning so yeah who cares we don't need lights uh we don't need to worry about food poisoning uh everyone has low sleep potential so they only need to sleep like once a day for a reasonably short period of time uh they are the definition of super pawns actually let's check on the world map here and this place over here is one we've got to worry about you will restock in 27.9 days so we still have 28 days to go back and get the gene packs we were looking for so we just got to get some of that research knocked out and a few other bits and Bobs but so far I'm liking the look of our base we uh we could have rather quickly cured out a reasonable sized area I think that's what like that's two days work that's monstrous research wise we're almost go dab go grab enough way don't you oh actually never mind you don't need us we are almost finished xenogenetics which perfect that will get us access to Gene Banks I'm thinking toxic fire generator is going to be our next bet we don't have the wood to basically pay for anything so I think we can pay in toxicity and we're okay with that all right that might take a little time but that's fine we have things we can be doing in the meantime in fact we could go up to a third research bench once we stop mining I've uh sort of outlined some of our expansion plans as you can see it's very very very very very predictable I might go over this side a bit first it's got more marble and I'd like marble to make a few statues so that we can put those statues in locations to help improve everyone's mood and also maybe some individual bedrooms for everyone might be a thing though I think this side over here is going to become all crops I'm not sure I've never used mushrooms or Nutri fungus before so I'm not sure how much we're going to need I'm going to try two rooms to start and tie this over on well meat we find lying around the place saying animals we destroy her first statue let's see what kind of artwork we get uh an abstract rendering of Plenty this scene takes place in the middle of a town well that's terrible because we get so many Masterworks it kind of messes up what your options are in terms of uh labor text it's just a you can't really do flavor text when you're making so many Masterworks all the time I think we'll make this here we'll seal off this room there this will be all one room we haven't actually flattened the floor yet we don't even have time for that right now we're just trying to get the place reasonably clean so it's not an awful room all the time slightly impressive Barracks that's actually very impressive the moment we got that wallet and separated out this area I like that uh we're probably just going to get some more storage areas Jason how you doing playing hoopestone yeah I think we feel moderately stable now we still have to wait for the first attack to come in which will be oh wow yeah I I just realized that the time hasn't reset since we moved here so I have no idea how long we've been on this child I have to go back and check the footage who cares ooh tuxify generator is done okay what do we need after that I think it has to be basic mechtech the ability to get out a few lifters and cleaners just to take care of all of those problems for us I think that would be very much worth it and for 400 research we can knock that it in no time it's assuming do we have the steel we've only got about a thousand steel I think we may just have to start digging some more uh compacted machine I'm going to use there but here you can mess up our uh base area if we do that we can weld it back in again it's fine but I'm thinking we're gonna need some more storage areas anyway and I can rip out those wall segments and replace them with other things or just regular steel walls actually no we got marble tiles now all right that was that was way too fast uh right I think I really would like geothermal power if at all possible because we do have a vent right there just right beside us that's 3000 watts of power that would be very beautiful remember that's 6400 that's 6400 research we could get micro electronics for that and we really need that for getting on to growth rats uh what's standard mechtech standard mechtech does not require electronics that might be interesting I mean we need a signal chip and all that but uh yeah we can we arranged that we made some uh some planning on the side this is so bizarre because we don't need solar panels we don't need uh Sun lamps and because we don't need Sun lamps we don't need solar panels to power them uh so that means we also don't need the batteries so that's two texts we don't actually need there's also no need for water when water mill generators and we're not going to be doing uh wind turbines they wouldn't be defensible since we're underground this sort of simplifies things I think we go straight here yeah yeah yeah confirm so we grab microelectronics now we still are gonna have to get a few things oh yeah frag grenades would be nice access to fragrance monitored cocktails but where is smoke launchers yes smoke launchers would be nice too but microelectronics is probably the better yet for now we don't desperately need it but that gets us one step closer to growth Vats which means we can start immediately churning out babies which we kind of need oh fertility procedures I should probably get those on the way as well we're gonna need facilitating procedures so we can extract eggs from people in fact that might be slightly more important fertility procedures micro Electronics afterwards yeah this is going to be expensive all right we got ourselves a subcore encoder and we're gonna need well it was like two of those actually again two components and 50 Steel all right then we're gonna need power so for power we're gonna go to toxify generator no you want to be just far enough away that I don't want you ever infecting the Farmland yeah that should be the maximum radius on you in fact I think but we might want to also expand that then a bit you see I want to sort of slowly toxify the entire base because it's beneficial to our pawns it go so we can correct that area as well but Power wise I'm thinking nice talks boxify generator right there and we're just not going to clean up the toxicity why bother uh Power wise we are gonna just run the power straight down the middle everywhere this is a terrible idea but uh it's my first Mountain Base so I'm gonna make terrible decisions okay done I think all right it'll take him a while to build all that up but then we should be able to run the mech gestator and the subcore encoder and once we get two basic sub cores we can get ourselves well I'm taking a lifter definitely and then on top of that we're probably going to want a clean sweeper yeah 15 sweeper to start then we'll probably add some more oh yeah I want to make sure any mechanism yeah we only have one right yeah we've only got Jason so we'll leave it to them and they can manage the loss well it's time for our first threat it's a Man Hunter pack uh let's see what our threat rating is right now 3269. oh it's a reasonable amount of threat right there Randy random Factor one point okay oh yeah this is expensive so basically we're almost halfway to Max raid cap and we've just got our first raid that's wonderful uh and here we have 63 man hunting tortoises well that's a lot of target practice I mean normally I'd be very happy about this to give everyone shooting experience however everyone's shooting experience is pretty good already so um tell you what we'll send Alex out to take care of this uh everyone else can just keep doing what they're doing Alex come on we'll get him to do a little bit of Berserk pulsing here and there and that should sort some problems at Buffalo where are you going you are going to oh yeah I'm gonna plant some psychics I just remembered that uh yeah everyone needs a lot of Psych height uh so we're gonna need to buy some to tide everyone over as well in fact I should change the drug policy to make sure no one's wasting that well let's watch Turtles kill each other uh it should be incredibly slow yeah nope nope where's berserk pulse ah there we go that's good that's gonna take a while hey go right there but cannot use berserk pulse tortoise is mentally broken well I've never tried to berserk post tour dices before I suppose what are you doing hunting tortoises oh buddy no don't do that tortices will mess you up they do not mess a bag I'm a single scratch of them so far that's actually pretty good I'm gonna have to get some more people down here we're gonna have to slowly bleed them out as they come at us this is gonna take a while that is just an awful lot of annoying tortoises uh tell you what why don't you attack those and those and those and try and clear at the closest ones just to buy us a little bit of time oh great someone got the shooting up to level 20. oh and someone got the shooting up to level 20. hey and someone got the shooting up to level 20. oh my god oh we try not to hang around this thing too much it gives negative moodlets uh where is it oh Alex has got Sun Life Sensitivity I forgot about that architect emanations makes people feel uneasy all right where is it our contamination it's minus five but the higher your psychic sensitivity the worse it is so let's try and stay away from that if we at all possible where are these Turtles going they don't seem to be making a b line straight for Air Base oh my God there's they're slow but they just don't die you get back there fine fine ugh it's just it takes forever to kill them all that's the set of annoyance about turtles but it's fine you take they're so slow we can just kite them for days I'll just finish them off that's a wonderful trail of scarier riddled corpses all the way along and that's only our first raid I can't imagine it's going to get much better from here all right uh we'll grab some of these for food at least they'll make some decent snacks the ones that are not uh immediately toxic and then we'll head back home and finish up what we were doing namely we want to get ourselves that Mech just did her running I want a clean sweeper and I want a lifter as soon as possible and maybe some defensive units oh fertility procedures seems like Tech is flying by hmm okay we've also got psychoed Brewing already done which is good I was worried that we were going to need that to actually make psychi but but all that basic mechtech don't almost tempted to go straight to standard Mech Tech and get ourselves some scythers just to help we don't even need a tunnel art getting a tunnel would be redundant for the scenario which feels so weird but why would we want one uh we don't need pikemen Scorchers Mech Commander helmet none of this stuff really matters I suppose a bandwidth pack might be nice but we don't really need that for a long time still stinking scythers hmm you know what can't get it just yet we need to get our hands on a signal chip but that we can sort out I think we grab microelectronics now yeah we'll confirm that this gets our hands on the comms console also gets us the high-tech research bench I'm thinking all of those things are good things to have on our Colony no uh Alex are you awake yes you are holding the tortoise once you've hold a few of those animals we're going to send you off on a trade Mission we need to do some trading as soon as possible Alex is off with all of our elephants I figured I'd wait until after we dealt with the first attack wave before we do our first run uh Buffalo grabbing turtles yeah we're slicing up all of those for simple meals I've curtailed everyone's consumption of the pemmican that is a cougar is hunting Alex oh buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy this is not going to go well for you Alex uh why don't you remind that cougar when we're top of the food chain around here oh yeah you don't automatically Target them to you and there you go yeah Alex don't miss off you go buddy back to work and yep now we've got more meat for the stockpiles excellent and our base is looking kinda nice though we haven't found enough steel yet I think I'm gonna do on some exploratory exploratory digging by that I mean well something along the lines of this like that should allow us to check everything in that axis and that axis and yeah just basically through all of these there oh actually no I have changed my mind there I don't want to go all the way to the edge of the map if we accidentally open up an area back there that would be unfortunate but yeah I'm thinking we're going to clear out a bunch of Errors I want to see if we can find some steel that's the problem uh Tiberius are you sure you don't want to make yourself a slightly faster way back still getting around here another just gone all the way around the world for sport you know what why don't you prioritize that let's uh yeah there you go steel excellent yeah come back over here and prioritize minding that compacted steel the more steel the better yeah we're gonna need all of that especially what we have planning we need to build a giant Gene bank and store a hundred genes that's going to be expensive and make it even put an even bigger Target on our back but that's that's all part of the plan it's a good plan but it's a plan uh it's time to name this settlement and with suggestions from the comments I believe the only name we could finally settle upon was pandemonium to pandemonium it is welcome to pandemonium ladies and gentlemen uh let's find out how long we can survive and where's our Caravan our Caravan is .4 days to destination if only didn't have to stop and sleep they don't technically need to though uh Tiberius there is just like the speed at which they go through the mountain is just sort of terrifying that's a double speed right now uh I think I'm gonna send them on a big exploration like Left Right everywhere we are going to explore the lot of this mountain I figure why not oh That's mildly unfortunate that sort of leaves a drop potable area sort of inside our base which is not good yeah about that I suppose we could wall off quite a bit of it or that could become our future fridge in fact I think that shall become our fridge that's actually that's perfect and in fact do we have refrigeration researched at all yes we do have air conditioning I keep forgetting we're we technically started with all of the ah the crash landed scenario attack so yeah we can make this a refrigeration room right here and move all in the kitchen stuff into this section seal it off it's a little bit far away from our dining area but it's not that bad as long as we yeah we can also move this storage area later on once we have a little bit more labor to work but but I'm thinking Refrigeration area and we can have the cooler sticking out into here to vent their heat I mean it's technically a room right that is a laboratory how is that a lab you know what I'm not gonna ask let's uh let's make this into a nice fridge our Caravan has our own legendary work marble sculpture oh yeah uh this is going to be our throne room though we can't afford to actually run the lamps for it but this should allow everyone to recharge their side Focus just that little bit faster Alex has never arrived here and now comes trade fun all right now there's a lot of Gene packs here no awful lot of Gene packs we would like to buy unfortunately we can't afford them because we only have a grand however there are a few things we can buy right down here I think a few people figured it out from the last little tease at the the end credits trailer and in the last video basically these are a bunch of statues made out of silver I want even made out of gold and someone cougar beat the absolute snot out of him and you'll notice them that their uh their quality is quite low as in this one here only has 0.48 of its uh hit points left so yeah we'll we'll just buy a bunch of those uh 11 12 of them hey yeah we'll take 12. I don't want to take too many because I don't want to over wealth this or will die well okay we're probably gonna have some huge problems with wealth doing what we're doing but we're gonna buy all those for super cheap do remember each one of those I think is uh they're the large ones I think they're 10 000 silver in each one of those or is it a thousand silver a thousand or ten thousand I can't remember there's a lot of silver in each one of those that's okay then we're gonna head back home and we're gonna repair those up and they're going to be incredibly expensive bear in mind I think we paid like how much was it 387 silver is what we paid for all those statues that's um that's a good bargain 387 silver that's like buying an entire car for a Fiverr even if you just sold it for parts it'd still be worth more one of the downsides of all this is we can't really run wires through these walls because they're not walls they're just raw rocks so we're basically running power cables straight down the middle which is going to be awkward if we ever get any exist events because someone could be standing on it oh caravan's home gonna be a bit awkward for the Caravans as well they're gonna have to do a whole loop-de-loop to get into places and ah those little baby elephants are the cutest now you better get back without getting eaten because we kind of want what gear you're gonna do oh wow you are carrying some extremely expensive items do not die if at all possible all right yeah how long how good are we looking at death rest death rest is pretty good for now but I'm thinking once we get microelectronics out of the way might be an idea to backfill death rest getting something to uh help increase people oh wow we're gonna need blood as well aren't we like both Alex and Waffle require hemogen to survive but they've only got the genetic where is it it's hemogenic they don't have hemogenic drains so they lose minus two blood per day instead of the total of -10 that comes with normal Vamps so they should be able to last a lot longer but we're gonna have to start draining blood from our own people which I prefer not to do uh but we might have no choice unless we find a prisoner anytime in the near future okay once we've unpacked all of those statues um yeah we're gonna actually extend that on a bit once we've unpacked them all we're gonna have to deploy those statues and repair them then we're gonna have to go back out and sell them so Alex take a quick break but I'm afraid we're gonna be gonna get back out again soon oh and over here you know what cancel those for a second I just want you to get rid of the ones out of here this is gonna be a refrigeration area and -10 yeah so you know what why don't you can go to -19 when you can go to minus nine uh let's see how it does now in here what we've done is we've basically put the heat exhaust into this section all of that should end up nicely toasty but not too toasty was that it's 9C in there yep but this allows it to vent without actually causing any well without having a risk of anything Landing in there because there's uranium barricades drop pods can't land in there as well as that we put in all of these animal sleeping spots drop pods can't land on those either unfortunately they can land in here all this place that's got the light Roofing they can land in there no problems at all uh yeah by the way build a roof there if you wouldn't mind so they are going to land in these areas and possibly inside the fridge itself but they won't land in here I don't know if that's a good idea or a bad idea but it's what I'm going with for now I'll think about it some more in the background time for Tiberius to go and explore wow they can mine faster than some pawns can move just look at that that is ridiculous uh go go go go go how's our roofs looking okay looking like we're not running into any areas just yet we really don't want to reveal any uh excess areas if at all possible but uh I do want to explore and find some steel already got some components we got a whole bunch of compacted steel right there we're gonna need that all right so how is everyone else doing ah damn it yeah I really need to clear this out this is going to be for food only uh yeah link all of those and it's gonna be for meals that could go off animals meats that type of stuff area revealed area revealed uh what do you got oh you know what yeah finish up that line but this is not the worst thing in the world it didn't actually touch the edge of the map so no one can attack in from there we could get drop pods but the worst case scenario could use this for crops yeah we could use maybe even Hydroponics without a sun lamp in here or something like that it's not the worst thing in the world ugh that's not great either maybe some psychi team not too far away all right though but you gotta give it to Tiberius that is some incredible mining You've Done Right There uh in fact time to go the opposite direction I figure we'll do a whole bunch of exploratory mining off on the sides and not all the way to the edge though and then I will do that line that line we'll do all four all three lines and then we'll sort of uh crisscross them a bit the more steel we can find the better we're gonna need a bunch of that shortly uh once we get the fridge sorted I want to get food sorted first before I do that and I'm thinking a couple of animals would do real good in our fridge especially if they've got large quantities of meat on their bones oh even donkeys well everyone is having a lovely nap uh no Masterwork clamstone Chef yeah we've made a lot of Masterworks here something to be said about having someone who's got a 20 in construction crafting and artistic and at the same time is a make things good sort of crafting specialist it's ridiculous how quickly our wealth is exploding which is great because we've got another raid uh let's see what's this one like race Factor based on age of colony okay but we're still up to 3500 points oh immediate attack breaching there are breaching raids so it actually makes it a bit smaller that's good we've got uh 18 humans wait a minute uh they're the porculons yeah they're porkies okay so they're nearsighted they're gonna have close combat weaponry low Shield Pack I'm gonna want that grenades gonna want that too uh waffle I'm gonna need you to go stomp some fools I think waffle can go out here and take care of this problem on their Lonesome if any of them managed to pass the Buffalo we'll have the other ones come out and take care of it you know what while I'm here I think I've got an idea as to how to make this a little bit more fun ah give me a man halter pulse yeah right up back oh there should be good and poof oh yeah they're attacking waffle that's okay waffle we'll just make you invisible for a minute yeah they'll change their minds and go down this direction perfect actually not really okay that guy got set on fire which is kind of hilarious but they also messed up a bunch of other stuff um okay so now there's more of them on fire which I will admit very very funny to me but not as useful as I was hoping hey give me a skip would you is that guy hmm yeah you can come over here come here thank you I needed that low Shield Pack nice now who's the other person that was someone else here that we wanted to kill oh the person with the grenades that was it yeah oh we're getting targeted we should probably get out of here or just go invisible again uh perfect uh waffle I'm gonna want you to stomp that one right there no no they're still alive waffle what are you doing three misses okay how is that guy still alive your melee skill is terrible waffle what's going on here buddy all right and we will set off a few berserks though uh berserk you perfect uh you know the plates to dust molotovs if you wouldn't mind okay holy Christ uh no we're gonna need someone else to go insane hmm a berserk pulse right there actually would be beautiful can I use okay there is fine okay ow uh so let's jump somewhere else I'm thinking that guy over there oh we missed okay well while they're fighting each other oh God what happened to her head oh it's gone good job waffle uh what's left hmm let's go grab that one while we're here I think we've got most of them done so far down down seriously how is that guy still alive waffle you're getting sloppy here buddy uh oh grab that one while you're here that one had marine armor hey where are you going come back here hey no no no no no no no no flesh ball flesh ball oh your name's fleshball I'm sorry but I can't let a flesh ball get out of the map I would I would feel terrible if someone called fleshball managed to escape alive come on kill him okay there we go now I should probably make sure I rescue this stuff that we actually wanted like does uh where is that low Shield Pack person yeah I need to immediately strip their corpse and maybe put out some of these fires God damn it this is a mess oh and I want that rhinoceros alive am I alive okay not alive but you know what I mean I don't want it getting destroyed by the fire so water skip yeah and I'll have waffle clean up this mess oh damn it I probably should have captured one alive just for blood draining purposes damn it damn it damn it uh Nick next group yeah we'll get the next group I mean Buffalo still got plenty of blood so is Alex it'll be fine for a while longer we also managed to get 18 medicine out of it though I literally let it get burned up in the fire this went pretty well ish I mean waffle basically took out the entire raid all by The Lonesome the next ones will be twice as big but uh maybe if I I don't play so terrible we could take that out as well with a waffle stop microelectronics already I suppose we do have two 20 plus researchers um I'm going to backfill death rest I feel like death rest is a good call and then we can get growth that's really really really early on I am kind of shocked at how quickly we can get growth Vats uh you know what I'm I'm okay with us not having captured any of these alive I don't want to crossbreed anyone with any of the the porculums they're just they're nearsighted I don't want nearsighted than any of our future pawns that's going to exclude all the mole people and all the pig people they're gone just just no more of them in the gene pool I'm just not having it uh down here we're just uh well we're filling our fridge slowly but surely come back here and die anyway fridge is being stucked what I want to do is start repairing up these statues as you can see they've all been beat to snot but we can repair them quite quickly and it cost nothing to repair them however I'm going to want to uninstall these and get these off their tile as quickly as possible we used to have moderate needs uh where is it high expectations already we have high expectations because we've prepared some of these and it's probably going to get worse uh how's our expectations looking now we have still high expectations that's fine uninstall uninstall and install and then we're going to immediately get Alex and sin the met on a caravan again Alex what you doing meditating to get yourself focused up that is great game of war as well oh actually I should pick up some cloth while we're at we're gonna need some more forms of recreation in fact I may want to research music just so we can get more forms of recreation and I need to replace that research Labs don't I and death rest okay okay I'm just gonna like that is just ridiculously fast researching we're going too fast I can't even keep up with all this uh so right with all of that out of the way with I suppose growth fats uh and then geothermal power at that point we should be well sorted no I'm gonna backfill a few of these after that though we're gonna need a bunch of things like oh smoke grenades guns that kind of thing we're gonna need to be able to improve as time goes by and we're going to need to be able to upgrader well equip the new children so we're gonna have to go to cataphract armor at least and that's gonna it'll be things we need to do but I think we're going to have the money to do it right now our Caravan with Alex is on their way back over here taking 0.3 of a day once they're there we can trade stuff out I hope they don't get ambushed along the way I'm trying to make them carry a not too much wealth on them at all times just so that the the raids that hit by shouldn't be too ridiculous is the hope now it's time to trade back all those statues you repair Dev I wonder how much they're oh God we'll have to scroll past all the jeans one second uh where are we uh here we go so they we bought them for about 360 or like under 400 bucks now we can sell them all for 28 000 silver it's a pretty good deal I mean pretty decent I must say oh nothing like selling off a legendary sculpture for five grand anyway this was the only way I could find to sort of transfer wealth between uh settlements everything else has been wiped out for example uh you used to be able to have in-flight drop pods you can have drop pods in Flight while you were doing the transition in aircon Access and then they'd land on your tile afterwards patch that out uh in-flight transport shuttles they've had a transport shuttle one of the Empire called in ones yeah if they were in between transports you could supposedly keep your resources as well that's been patched at hack animals beforehand if you put uh pack them up before you carried over your five animals with you all the stuff that was on them before you started would still be packed onto them they got rid of that as well uh having a pawn carry something like getting them to Hall say 75 components from one location to another when you are connected they'd still have that 75 components in their hand when the air connectors patch that out as well oh and you can't bring slaves with you unfortunately uh you could I could sell a slave to this trade settlement before aircon exist but they get wiped I don't know why but slaves anything like that they all get removed from the industry I think it resets all the social stuff so they all vanish you might be able to bring over animals but I'm not sure about that all right now let's see what we're gonna buy with all of this gold oh yeah a lot of Gene packs though I think yeah we're gonna take all the components we're gonna need all those components as well because we've got to build a whole bunch of Gene Banks to store all the stuff uh oh I'm gonna grab some cloth over here as well we're gonna need that to make a poker table uh anything else we want to grab earlier oh you have psychi t we're gonna want like a hundred of that to keep us going uh all of those go juices yep uh let me do some more shopping here oh yeah I also get sold them a single chip of power Focus chip and a nano structuring chip so that we can research all of the Mech Tech really quick ah lovely jobly so maybe I also planted a few low Shield packs psychic shock lenses Insanity lenses and I didn't give the jump jet pack but I did give them the shield but Masterwork I think that would go well with some of our very close carpet people like you know waffle could kind of use it and I think we've bought everything else they have on offer and the rest of it's all going to be jeans ooh give me a telescope while we're here we're probably gonna need that flat screen television I mean come on the guys could use some uh some entertainment oh it's gonna be all genetics right we'll take all the expensive ones first oh and we'll take the three Pollock seeds I sold them those as well just in case we needed them okay so maybe I didn't bring enough money we couldn't afford to bring a few Gene packs with us with all of my spending on the side but it's okay it's okay we got plenty more statues at home and we've just bought a bunch more statues as well so it's not like we haven't got money we just gotta make sure we get this all done in a timely fashion uh if we check here we've got another 20 days to tear this place out so I think we got time all of those components though are going to be necessary to make all the refrigeration units also I'd like to build another high-tech research bench these things cost 10 components oh uh do we have any more component patches I think I've mined them all out importance are going to be the big muscle here that's why I sold 100 to that crowd or was it 200 you know what never mind power wise we're running a little bit low here these uh these steel high-tech research benches require a bit of Power Plus we've got a couple of coolers over here then we've got our subcore encoder our Mech gestator and Ruth flats are done dear Lord guys we're machines at this stuff okay I do want to get smithing out of the way with uh then I want to get Machining so we can get Frac we can we've actually got fragrinated models already then I want to get Gunsmithing so we can get a smoke launcher just in case a Mech raid comes we're going to need those maybe get some mortars earlier on this time around in fact this might be a good mortar area should that be a good place to grow trees we're gonna need some trees long term so I'm thinking bonsai trees in there would be nice and I think we start with the research don't we in fact we do oh crap first I need more types of recreation for everyone then we'll go back and we'll knock out uh smithing that's the turn excellent okay well grab smithing and I need to get someone to make ourselves a harp now where do you make one of those I think it's a machining table ah it's so rare I make one of these things or you could just put down a crafting spot yep okay we get 50 work speed but that's okay Jason get on that you can go make yourselves a harp and in fact how much does that cost in terms of wood 150 wood that's kind of expensive yeah I think bonsai trees are gonna be the way to go and lots of bonsai trees and we'll make the pots out of limestone we can stick them back here so that they can grow naturally and we don't have to worry too much we could grow them indoors with lights but I kind of like that our mushrooms do require light in fact our entire base has no lights this is the strangest bass I've ever had because there's no lights anywhere people don't need it and our kids won't need it either and the robots do they need lights I presume the robots don't need lights actually if they do that would be interesting if anyone knows uh it can't can they they're mixed mechs don't care about lighting well there goes more research Jesus Christ okay Machining 2 000 points which I should probably get geothermal pretty soon but I'm kind of liking these uh toxic generators also the toxic waste we're producing from producing all these mechs um dumping them in our science room and I'm dumping them in our living areas at some point they'll degrade but this is going to take a little while it's like what 16 days indoors so 32 days for a single pack to degrade thinking long-term storage of these might not actually be that difficult a group of Travelers are passing by well welcome to the tile I suppose oh we're keeping our pack animals fed by just a giant growing zone full of dandelions uh we're also growing a whole bunch of cycloid plants out here that may take a while and indoors air Nutri fungus is almost done we're currently living on simple meals we have a few simple builds set up basically we're looking for 45 simple meals at all time in the fridge and then we have almost have a hundred Meats on hand so done all the rest of the animals get stored up here for later use there's only five pawns and they only consume nutrition slightly more than half of what a normal Pond does I think it's 1.6 is the nutritional consumption of a normal Pond we're consuming 0.9 so yeah we're almost half the the nutrition consumption of normal ponds they basically eat very little and do an awful lot and Machinist okay Gunsmithing immediately so we can get smoke launchers and I want to install this television as well uh you guys know how to make a base at home eh there you go now you got television as well oh and I need to put in the telescope where did I put the telescope yeah there we go uh you should probably go in somewhere out here yeah we can uh deconstruct that tile actually wait no we want this sort of to be inside well would you look at that that is perfect so remove roof from right there uh oh and we can put you back as well we remove the roof from right there we can immediately Chuck down the come on someone want to get rid of that waffle seriously just thank you all right then we can check down the telescope now the reason why it's good to stick the telescope indoors is because it gets the room bonus when you do Recreation inside a room that's a very impressive you get the very impressive room bonus you put this thing outside the door they won't get the impressive room bonus along with the recreation so just better to always keep those inside I think I think we can get oh we're gonna put our altar back here and I've even set a floor smoothing thing to go on assuming someone gets around to it right you are oh you're holding the Limestone blocks and it's gonna take a while the reason I want to do that is everyone is a little bit unhappy because we're missing the Jade Palace basically we don't have an altar room and I'm just gonna give the altar a whole section I mean we got space we got a lot of space in this base uh oh I should see if they're getting a few more things done like we're still a little bit off death rest panic but we're also going to want to put in a whole bunch of where the ah Gene Banks right we need one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven no wait I should change it let me let me do a little bit of finagling here and Gunsmithing is done Jesus fine uh we'll grab mortars while we're here I might even get into turrets this time around we sort of have a naturally occurring area here where we could put a bunch of turrets and use the long range ones to start pounding people as they come in from this direction I'm not sure how good it is though hmm might be something to try but we wouldn't want to invest too much into it I wouldn't turrets in my opinion don't really do so well all right Gene Banks going down we can now start storing those Jean packs we brought well this uh thankfully they haven't degraded too much takes about what another Gene Bank it loses five a day so it takes about 20 days for them to degrade yeah it was never gonna last that long now all we gotta hope is that no infestations happen in this particular room I sort of want to spread out nice and wides that if an infestation does happen we're sort of insulated against it or maybe lots of fallback positions uh also I should probably make sure there's doors everywhere so we have ways of containing them and we at least buy ourselves some time oh yeah our elephants are starting to lose skills the reason for that is we don't have any uh any crops to feed them but soon the first crops of neutral fungus will be coming in fact once this is finished I might put in a third place for neutral fungus though I don't think we're gonna need it I think two of them are going to produce more than enough food for the entire colony anyway once this is done we are going to take some more statues head back out and buy ourselves the last of the gene packs and put our wealth truly into just stratospheric levels uh how are we looking high expectations right we've got them down to medium for a while when the Caravan was away but now we're back up to high again probably all of the stuff we're building and all of the steel we had to mine to make it and all of the components we had to buy to make all of these as well be fine it'll be fine there's these guys are five super soldiers I'm sure they can handle that there we go 25 Gene Banks each one is capable of holding four genes so that means we can hold 100 genes all we got to do now is get those 100 genes and bring them back uh Jason how you doing hey we're gonna finish this off first though I want to give everyone mood everyone's mood a little bit higher because well we still have the Relic lost because we accidentally sent A Relic off on the ship in the last episode uh no do unto others means we don't have a priest we'll get around to that but we don't want one of those just yet the Natural Choice is Jamis but I think they would need they would need their own room and stuff like that to Give Them Enough of a mood bonus right now I don't think they could quite handle a negative 12 moodlet bonus I don't think it didn't work so we're gonna have to hold out a little bit on that one ah finally our first crop of neutral fungus this is good how long does that stuff last indoors restoring it spoils in 30 days that's I'm not even bothering putting that in the fridge all right from now on yeah you can yeah we'll pause all of you what we want to do is cook fine meals I suppose yeah we can cook fine meals and we're going to use Nutri fungus and whatever meat is available the reason we want to go with fine meals after we finish with mortars no geothermal generator that might be useful for us uh give me someone here who's actually hungry right now you know what Jam us you can go grab a meal uh consume that fine meal and because we're toddlers we should get a little bit of a bonus for this and let's see if you're eating stuff with fungus in it you sort of like it cooked fungus plus three mood bonus plus eight fine meal five mood bonus that's plus eight mood bonus right there for everyone eating fine meals nice just and we can safely get all the food from in here except animals are gonna be trickier I suppose oh one thing we should make it I was thinking about big a big hole over here and just dumping all the toxic waste the toxic waste can pollute that place as much as we want we don't really care it still has to pass under mountains as normal so that might be a way to leave the toxic waste and not have to worry about it for long periods of time this stuff takes forever to break down indoors I really should have played with that an awful lot more before don't really have to fire it off the tire as long as you have enough storage space and in this mountain I think we do we can store it for a long long time we're also just smoothing at the last floor styles God damn it just prioritize meeting at that last out Jade Palace disrespected minus four Jade Palace no longer disrespected nice so that's another -4 muted penalty gone meaning everyone's that little bit happier that's uh that's always one of the struggles keeping everyone just going and look at that lovely toxic waste spreading out everywhere that that is going to be useful for us anyway except I kind of want to explode those we have some grenades lying around I think we do wait wait before we do that Jason I want you to do something I want you to study signal chip uh that you see this research up here standard mechtech is locked however once we study this chip it is unlocked then what we can do is we can study the power Focus chip like I said we were gonna maybe power level this a little bit uh Now High Mech Tech is unlocked and Jason where are you again you're consuming a fine meal you know what go grab that fine meal I am sure you're going to feel way happier after you've done that uh how are we looking on the relaxing 17 more days yep massive mood boost and finally I want you to study manual structuring chip for ultramec Tech and that will unlock two things actually that will unlock Ultra Mech Tech and it will also unlock the waste pack atomizer which we will not be using and done now Tiberius do us a favor here would you buddy I would like you to grab some grenades there we're gonna need them I'm gonna see what happens when we blow up some toxic waste in here it should be pretty well actually it should be pretty that's probably the best description now hey you I'm gonna want you to exit the room yeah I think it kindly yeah you can go off and find something else to do okay so we can miss by one perfect we might get some bugs out of this oh toxic gas thankfully no bother oh there's a little bit of toxic waste come on well okay then that seems to have made things much easier pollution stimulus moderate Consciousness plus five percent movement speed plus 15 so we move faster and we think better when we're exposed to toxic waste that is that's just perfect so um all of our research people are going to be exposed to that constantly which is just but oh yeah yeah I have to open the door fine fine okay equip assault rifle please well that is beautiful waste pack infestation that's not so beautiful yeah that was um that's an oopsie right open the door waffle up front and center uh Tiberius actually keep the grenades buddy yeah you can stay right there uh E3 probably get about thereish oh wow actually there oh nope they're actually spreading through a whole bunch of the area and you can see them actually trying to spawn in this room we need to you need to go back and get your gun we need to get waffle to hold the door here and then we need to get everyone else back in this section yep this is a mess oopsie well I mean okay this is probably gonna happen at some point anyway Tiberius get back here okay please don't be horrifyingly bad please don't be horrifyingly bad you're probably going to be horrifyingly bad aren't you uh I should make sure the mechs don't go in there either shouldn't I you know what you guys can stay there where's the other Mech I didn't realize I made so many of those but let's go oh animals we should probably get the elephants in on this you know what no not unless it's a problem I think this crowd can handle it oh oh there's one of them and there's another one easy peasy uh you know what Alex do us a favor there we go Kent oh not the science benches quickly quickly quickly okay everyone get in here quickly are you God damn it that is really annoying and now we just gotta kill them all it's fine actually the great thing is we like the taste of insect meat so um yeah it looks like insect meters on the menu delicious I think they made some patch changes pollution stimulus used to give plus 25 Consciousness or 15 now it's only it's been reduced to five percent to five percent bonuses nothing to sneeze at but ah really the move speed bonus though uh that doesn't hurt now all we gotta do is just like spread pollution throughout the entire base I mean we have these things over here but it's going to take them ages to gain and we have to put in a third one because we sort of ran out of power um yeah oh that reminds me you should go onto the grid as well and we'll smelt up the the remaining steel here you should reduce possibly the radius on that thing just a tad so that it's not taking everything from all over the map anyway next step we need to get the last of the gene packs once those Gene packs are in there that will be like the basic decision we've made air Connexus and keep all of the gene packs and well our five beautiful Rainbow Warriors here the Power Rangers the primarks the primarks of Power Rangers I have no idea it's just these colors just worked out this way all right Alex uh time for you to go on another trading spree though I think this time we're gonna have to bring along a bunch more statues time to repair some more up well yep Randy didn't wait waste any time did he a group of Outlanders from South Western esler have dropped right on top of you they are attacking immediately threat points used Okay so great just just great uh Alex is actually leaving in a caravan with a bunch of wealth we just repaired up a bunch of statues which is probably why this is going to be so nasty uh eat everyone out here don't they we need a lot uh waffle uh waffle needs to get here quick now okay quickly quickly quickly Alex is leaving that is good I'm gonna let them leave waffle needs to get oh James opened that door well right there perfect now you two get behind uh you've got low Shield Pack so if we absolutely positively have to we can deploy that go go go go go go go go go okay so we got guns I'm not seeing any Dooms just yet pajamas uh give me a little Shield waffle get him okay you guys we need to take the heat off waffle yeah as well as that you have a berserk else don't you yeah right about there oh damn it your kind of size is compromised right there should be perfect so if you can hit that section perfect that takes a few of them offline and the rest of you are taking out that guy it pauses down you can also give us a quick focus on waffle that makes them far less likely to get hit we'll take waffle off the leash and then I think we're golden dear Lord good job team where are you going oh no you don't buddy 64 Neutron I mean hey he's off to meditate he's like meh problem solved I'm gonna go grab lunch let me know what let me know when it's time when the cleanup's done nope nope and oh waffle actually got hit there at the end that was crack from a human fist 3.2 damage you know what just walk it off buddy in fact don't even bother with Medical Care you'll heal that up on about oh I don't know half a day perfect that was uh beautiful now we just oh juice box two juice boxes four juice boxes okay we need to make a quick prison um and then we need to make a gene splicer I'm thinking we can put them together a little uh dead cam Gene package that'll make sure they become very compliant juice boxes actually wait I have spent far too much time I'm too late getting this episode out uh okay so I have to cut this out here for today with the plan I think is actually to keep a couple of these around you see these got two males and two females and this one here is a quick sleeper yeah I'm okay with them they could be a well actually Neanderthal we're actually being Neanderthal yeah they don't have any problems with eyesight they're just a little bit of a slow study we can we can blend them in with waffles line can we uh waffles and male they're female Perfection and we got e-wing over here they're a baseliner baseliner damn it and bass liner so they're all going to be basically well juice boxes or you know pyromaniac definitely a juice box quick sleeper body purist Juice Box oh yeah I'm gonna go make myself or convert something into a prison keep all of them alive especially this one right here they've got three hours to bleed out that's okay Waffle's got uh coagulated I believe yeah Buffalo and Alex both got quite late for just such emergency situations but I'm gonna cut this out here I think next up it's gonna be we'll we'll secure the last of the jeans so we've got them in the gene Bank we have still got 15 days left before that shop restock so I think we will be in plenty of time uh we're also going to keep continuing to pollute the place I want to have this entire place just polluted up to the the Wazoo not that it's Gonna Hurt our enemies that much but it will mean everyone gets a pollution stimulus and everyone getting Evolution this image means they just move faster and have better Consciousness even the kids this is gonna be fun yeah cut this out here I hope you enjoyed good luck foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 33,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Biotech, tribal, vamps, sanguophages, Lunk
Id: fIqUd6f8JBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 29sec (3509 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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