That got a bit hairy : Rimworld Biotech S2Ep6

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and we're back with some more room world and our little Power Ranger murder Squad are doing really well we have just so much meat in the fridge in fact we had to open up our second fridge over here just so we could store them all uh we're currently still knocking after research at speed I want to actually upgrade epilogue I believe they've been with us for a while and after their close call with death I think a few upgrades for them it's appropriate we should show our thanks for their uh continued efforts anyway there's a bunch of stuff we've got get up for them circadian assistants Stone skins land Beyond a character like in an arm I mean they're a transhumanist we might as well make their dreams come true now in the meantime there's a few things we need to take care of one I uh moved a few things around namely there was a toxin generator over here I moved over there namely it was starting to encroach on the prisoner area and our prisoners here are immune to toxins so they'll be fine however newer prisoners might not be we scrubbed that the last minute and moved it it moved it out of the way so I think we're gonna toxic this place just fine but maybe keep the prisoners quarters not quite toxic yet also it's almost encroaching in on our crops we're gonna have to be careful about that as well but more importantly all these talk specs when the D grade it's where are you going are you just going for a wonder where are you going you are also going for a wonder and you are holding talks why would you go for a wander this far away from the base you literally are like you just want an infestation to happen while you're trapped in there is that it like is that is that the plan so if we just I'm gonna have to make it a Zone and just Zone you out of there anyway uh these talk Spec's been degrade it turns out if there is not enough space for the insect infestation to spawn not the regular infestation the waste pack infestation turns out they're completely different if the waste pack infestation doesn't have enough space no one's quite sure what that space is some say it's about a six by six grid is how big you need it which we don't have here so assuming that's the case if it can't find a place where it's degraded it will default to the center of the map unless that's occupied by something like your base in which case it will just spawn right outside the walls so what I'm thinking we do is we sort of wall this Chunk in here so that all the infestations happen in this area and then we make it so that our Traders go around it to get in but our enemies get piped through it and that way we can sort of play the insects off the Invaders potentially it'll we'll have to test it get it to work I'm sure there'll be some problems but I got an idea something a little like that what we're going to do is make it so that they have to come in here this is not finished but they'll have to come in here zigzag a bit and then get through to this section and that's if you're a bad guy if you're a Trader you won't want to go this way because it'll be the longest we'll have to wall in some doors and in theory the trader should come down here and go on this side door meaning they bypass this area which should hopefully be full of really angry insects that's the theory you might have to hollow out some of this area as well we need to give them enough space to spawn in um I'm worried they might choose to spawn over there with this construction project but we'll see we'll probably put in some sort of kill box designer here and I'm thinking I want to use turrets it would be nice to actually try out turrets I have not used them in ages they're still pretty terrible but it'd be fun to try a few new things while we're here there we go that looks like it'll be awkward to get through now we just gotta seal up a few locations and we'll put in wall segment there there and you know what we can just wall that in there effect you know what let's not bother remove any of those doors we can just delete wall segments as we need to that should mean the fastest way to get in for a trade or should we to go around this weight in that door but for enemies they won't be able to get through that door so they'll have to take the long way around it's assuming they're not sappers if this doesn't work we could always move this back a little bit uh I'm not sure we might have to make a hole through a mountain there's things we could do but I'm hoping that what will happen is this will spawn all of our waste pack infestations here and then we can use those as a tool to smash up anyone that comes in into Texas uh where are you going all in components and why is it look like there's combat going on what happened to you fleeing what are you fleeing from I missed something right there's a spellaped right there spell it whatever they're called I think there was a cocoon left over here somehow it hatched got out of here walked the entire way through our base without attracting anyone's attention and somehow got back here I have no idea um okay we've got the parents inbound waffle is also about to get over there as quickly as they can just just you come here come here yes and I'm afraid actually I'm not afraid for you I'm I'm afraid you're dead yes oh okay kid sorry about that uh go grab yourself some some medical attention in fact let's just just rest until healed over there for a second what gets you some medical attention real sorry about that did not notice how do you already have tending going on what the that how did it get that deep in there and how did I not notice drama aside drama aside our first crop of hops have come in we'll we plant another one and we're gonna get our own beer production going on why not it just helps people keep it in an even mood and when it comes to our upgrades for epilogue we are missing two detoxifier lungs we are yeah we're also going to give the middle of a gene pack boost so I should get someone out shopping to pick up some archived capsules well look it's toxic Fallout I think we'll be fine somehow I mean okay we're gonna have to bring some of our animals back inside and find some way to feed them but uh hmm we'll stick them in here in the kitchen we don't really care about food poisoning anyway so yeah and then the elephants are currently out on the road with Alex when we bring them back yeah we'll have to stick them in there as well we'll have to feed them but this lasts a maximum of 12 days and our people just don't care about toxic folic uh it doesn't bother them in the slightest now where is it actually you're gonna have to death rest soon epilogue might be annoyed by that uh but they won't be going outside in fact they've been trapped underground for so long they're starting to go a little bit stir crazy but that's fine that's fine we're gonna get them a whole bunch of upgrades soon a quest has come along that are quite like silent new reformer all we have to do is get three detoxifier lungs to one location and I think we can afford that if I could just get my hands on some more gold because uh we can't make any more lungs yeah they got enough gold we can buy oh well while we're here and we've got a little bit of free time because of all the toxicity outside here's one of the kids they are uh Sky dreaming in the middle of a toxic Fallout and you know what they are just fine with it not a bother on them good genetics in that one good strong robust genetics in fact our entire Colony doesn't care except for the animals the elephants I'm gonna Zone in here that way they could eat some of the fungus now I know that's going to be competing with the uh the prisoners food but who cares the juice boxes have done their job we are actually up to quite a decent stockpile of juice and yeah it'll be we probably won't be giving the kids their own death restrooms at least well until we're we're picking some winners let's just say oh these conversion attempts don't worry about them I think epilogue will be fine when it comes to that front they they're so infrequent that they're certainty recovers they're never going to become a non-learner at the moment though we are trying to put them together a few extra things like some detoxifier loans though we're going to sell three of them on a quest flash storm great uh where is The Flash storm anyone yeah I think that'll be fine except for the poor iguana wow well sorry about that buddy anyway next up I'm thinking oh yeah we're gonna do take this quick Quest that means we're gonna get a cyclic new reformer and an archive capsule we need two archived capsules I haven't been able to find any in our local trade Partners so I'm thinking we grab this and we take them the nearby settlement royalty I think we just went there estimated travel time is 14 hours yeah how is it 14 hours to get there we're like whatever that's your estimate a quick fulfilling of that trade offer yes thank you kindly don't want to attack there go back to pandemonium now wait why did I do that Quest again oh yes silent new reformer and the archive capsule both of which will come in very very handy it's just your odds of getting a silent new reformer ever are incredibly slim so anytime they come up take a lift their opportunity presents itself because it's just it's a free silent well not free but it's a silent new reform of which honestly the quests are so rare trying to get up to someone up to level six just by doing quest for silent new reformers would probably take you about a decade of in-game It's Time flog got a promotion uh after that last incident down here where she kind of got mauled by a bunch of those small little bugs I decided that maybe a few upgrades are in order by a few I mean Stone skinned land 70 armor plating for Sheriff all across the body will definitely help also I'll buy on a cart having a heart of Steel in this Colony seems like a good idea then to detoxifier lungs we're gonna redo their Gene pack so we're gonna get rid of if we can get rid of the toxic lungs and just have that built into them it seems very appropriate considering well the error is transhumanist they're going to enjoy having you know bionic lungs in there then we're going to install a neuro calculator increases the resource the research speed by 20 so considering their job that seems like a really good idea also circadian assistant which will half the amount of sleep they need or it drastically reduces their sleep requirements that seems like they should be staying awake more and doing more sciency stuff and then a bionic arm and a bionic leg by neglect because well their left toe is missing we might as well replace the whole leg no point you know harassing this or half legging it whatever you want to call it and the buying a car because you know it just seems appropriate at that point so yes eight operations uh hopefully none of them get botched but I am not holding out too much what two percent odds so there's always a two percent chance of any operation failing no matter how good the conditions no matter how good everything is this place is completely sterile there shouldn't be any issues so wouldn't 50 chance of each operation failing we've got good ads this good odds this could go well oh it's an eclipse and a toxic Fallout well good thing we're not solar we're running entirely on toxic and Dylan look at that stone skin gland Veronica oh yes their science is going to be incredible all right 407 is a little bit High I think that might be to do with uh they're currently experiencing a work frenzy which is making them research everything faster I probably should have waited for that to wear off before I operated squeeze the maximum out of them but uh that should make for one incredibly good researcher we just gotta get them a new Gene pack for that we need a couple of archived capsules we've only got one in storage but once we get our hands on the second archive capsule we'll give them a slightly upgraded Gene package just slightly and a read well it's about time what do we got over here we have 44 humans hmm delicious you have one stack of grenades mostly guns okay that's about it what type of raid is this prepare for a while and then attack yeah mortar capable then and over here we've got what do some of you have spheres there's 14 of you with Spears what is going on rice so nothing too dangerous here it's just the sheer quantity of this 52 over there 44 over there and well vaffle is actually down for a nap so they won't be back up for another 22 hours [Music] um yeah I need to go for the defensive plan here this is not really designed for dealing with this many ranged attackers I mean I haven't put in any turrets well we've got all of our pieces lined up we've got three people on mortars and one person Alex out in the field uh waffle is dead for a death nap and epilogue is stand for some surgery nap so right now we've only got four pawns and we have to kill how many was that again uh 96 enemies that's gonna take a while like that's just a lot of people to kill I was considering putting the kids on mortars turns out the kids can't man mortars uh who knew they can yeah they could I'm not going to do their education is more important they're going to let them get their education in because you know sure they'd be good on mortars and all that but that's not what we're here for we're here to train them up to be the best Next Generation all right over here we are going to release the hold fire uh we're gonna fire mortar shells at this location reason I picked this one they've got three low Shield pops if we can stop them or kill them that would be much more preferable this group over here is actually a lot more melee oriented they've got 15 Spears in here I'm kind of okay with them having a few Spears this crowd actually though has grenades and stuff and I don't want them anywhere near our kill box or messing things up because grenades can cause problems so I think this one is the best one to Target first so Alex is going to start heading down this direction along with three mortar shells and in fact here comes the mortar shells now and impact in three two one and only two for human corpses and I suppose we tend a few as well let the the mortars keep firing okay we're gonna try and get in closer I'm thinking invisibilize yep perfect and then jump jet I think some berserk might be in order dammit they're too spread out right berserk that one did he just wow that guy didn't even hesitate he's like oh you've got berserk stabby stab head cut clean off well that's that's good to know uh yeah you can berserk that one too ineffective let me guess so SARS yeah I hate that those guys all right well that's two other low Shield packs gone wait did we already huh two out of the three dead that's actually not too bad all right who to Target next I think we get a little bit closer and try and find a bunched up group to berserk pulse uh we're sir invisibility yes okay oh you look pretty tightly packed and same here let's see that might be nice yeah that should gain us a few deaths now the rest of you Pile in oh there's a grenade in fact if that's a grenade I think we have a skip for someone come here Joe you're you you're a Berserker right we put you right wait wait wait where did the grenade go damn but I can't see where the grenade went all right you know what we'll stick him right there I think they're gonna do it there uh what the hell never mind that did not work out nearly as well as I was hoping okay you invisibilize again I think you're going to get off one more berserk person then we're out of here um oh that looks super tasty down there yeah Alex move move uh The Outlanders are beginning to result no they're not no they're not first they're going to kill each other some more and then we are going to get out of Dodge very very quickly um yes uh jump pack as well uh mortars are inbound you guys can come to the front line we're gonna need you all up here and there is probably our best bet we're gonna do a wait around the corner strategy and we're going to take all the other parents with this as well this is going to be a family day out well except for the kitties the kitties are not coming along for this that would be bad all right well those mortar shots are a little bit late and yeah never mind hey Alex you need to get in there and we are going to close that door behind you we want to make sure they're both closed that should force them to go through this section now I've been doing some numbers and I'm afraid that we're gonna get a waste pack in fact station shortly probably tomorrow and it seems those waste pack infestations can happen once every 15 days from what a manila count up because that's what happened last time we had two days of a pose or 15 days of oppose between winning Westpac infestation and the next oh you guys can all come down here but we're definitely gonna need that Scyther uh it's gonna be awkward you guys you're all staying over there that's Grand and this crap how many of you are left and we got 30 humans but three of you at least are injured Beyond movement so that only leaves 27 and we just gotta watch out for this Nitro guys low Shield Pack and we should be able to make a mess all right then we are going to lure them in here and then we're gonna be able to shoot across this diagonally if needs be but I'm thinking what more likely we're gonna do is we're gonna set a Scyther down here to hold the door and you guys might take the outside one but you're not gonna take the inside one yeah we'll wait till they get into our kill box here they come time to start warming this up uh invisibility on groovy's Mom perfect they can hold a line Alex come forward a bit we're gonna want you to uh grew up a storm in fact can you hit up a storm from here no you cannot damn it uh from there maybe just need a little bit of a storm started and then back off yes that's far more fun that way foreign ER there [Music] and we just have to keep an eye on groovy's Mom oh invisibility is wearing off quick quick quick quick invisibilize them uh oh they're actually getting some shots off across the corners there let's fight we will put some more people up there fusing you know what uh we need to get that low Shield pop guy I would like to grab them if at all possible we can grab that low Shield guy out of there we can buy ourselves some time Alex damn it they low Shield pop themselves that's um fine and how's you looking seven seconds on your invisibility that is incredible oh my God that is brutal uh just invisibilize him again and they can just sit in there in that lightning bolt chamber that seems like a little bit too easy to shoot them down is this fishing a barrel and I kind of like it all right they don't have anything else they can really do to it cause any more problems oh the diagonal shooting is really annoying oh that is annoying as all hell uh um no I'm not wasting it in sanity lands on one of those Muppets uh you could's mom is down which is unfortunate and that guy is still up but oh shredded by mortar you know what we'll leave it we'll leave it I think we're good for now you're just gonna make sure that our our little Shield wall here does not go down that would be bad so long as groovy's Mom holds up we are golden instead of grenade that's a grenade uh Alex who's a favorite widget Goofy's mom needs to move uh groovy's mom needs to move back to there perfect now they can charge forward again a couple of other things to make your life just that much simpler okay this is only the first group the second group has already started the result so we gotta mop this up and then move on to the next group okay there we go um You're Gonna Want to Break Out those doors aren't they we could open the doors for them well I think we kind of have to otherwise we're going to be spending ages trying to kill all of these and we need to be doing prep work for our next kill we're gonna have groovy's Mom open the door and they should be able to hide around the corner fill them all just a little bit more and boom they could just all run away we don't care perfect today and Goofy's mom can come back in and we can close the doors behind us bye-bye now thank you for visiting for this next leg of the fight I've moved the Lancers back here it puts them just in range of this section and they can shoot you some of the walls and that should help things along oh you should pull back just a little bit for now okay that seems like it seems to be working uh jams can invisibilize Goofy's mom again uh okay uh what are you doing oh you're attacking the person on the ground well oops no no no just go you know what I'm just gonna leave you there it's fine uh everyone else can maybe tuck in just a little bit we want to make sure we get the maximum amount of killing going on and yeah I don't think that corner is going to hold it up much longer oh low Shield Pack damn it I need to rip them out of their um pajamas no Alex yes Alex can skip them we just have to make sure Alex is holding fire we don't want him doing anything that might set this off oh oh God damn it well yeah that had to happen okay you are all shooting at that guy who's equipped with an lmg only one person's in your range okay at least it buys us some time I suppose I should really put down some barricades for them next time but hey you live and you learn I think for now what we're going to do is maybe just continue what we've been doing I'm pretty sure the Lancers are uh in trouble one way or the other but I don't really care so much you know you still have plenty of normal heat left over so invisibilize perfect now I want you to run down this direction bolts can go through walls that's um good to know you'll hear please death Tash is dead don't worry we can revive them they're not dead permanently and yeah they seem to be wearing it what they're doing that's okay that's okay we are going to do a berserk pulls I think damn it I need a better angle over there might be a better angle and I'm thinking if we can get a berserk pull itself in there would make a wonderful mess oh God this feels like it's getting a little bit out of control and not gonna lie uh yeah just uh stand over there for a second we're gonna let them Bunch up just that little bit more maybe um thing is we can't really use a berserk post Down Here Without driving our Lancer or Scyther is berserk as well ah how much should they get a bunch up though if they Bunch up enough we might be able to do some fun stuff here like they are really bunching up like tight that case I want you to skip them out of there and Alex you are set to Notifier I'm going to get you to berserk pulse this location immediately afterwards yeah right there should be good okay Alex berserk's there perfect and then goobie's Mom can come back in and that low Shield Pack is definitely proving to be an annoyance fine fine still good we're still good foreign Alex I really need to improve the Walling on that side it's just they're able to shoot through there and it's kind of messing with this whole plan and offering so this was not a very well designed kill box it wasn't so much a kill boxes trying to have fun and it kind of does work hey we are pretty much ahead of neural heat unless you want to do a neural heat dump or go over charge you may have to overcharge your people just a little bit okay how many of you were left alive too many 47 humans they're probably having such low damage cats and we're running out of neural heat we've got how much more left I think we're going to have to retreat we just can't hold this land there's too many of them 47 humans we just don't have enough Firepower I think we'll buy ourselves a little time with an incendiary launch uh that can go there uh Jamis I think we're gonna get you to a berserk pulse over here you can't afford it so we're gonna have to overcharge you but I don't really see a way around that uh groovy's mom you're staying behind to hold the line I'm afraid you're uh you're a sacrifice uh Jason you don't have anything you can use in there we do have actually no we that's the only Inferno Cannon we've got going on is tiberius's one all right Alex uh you are weapons free again and Jamis okay what's it gonna take for berserk pulse we're gonna need 65 normal heat we are nowhere close we have 44. um moving the limiter sorry buddy you're going overcharge uh right there no no no no no no right there should be there oh man thing is they're uh you hold down shift to Target's the grand but it also cues up movements there you go perfect yeah James has exceeded neural heat everyone else start running and then Sentry thing has gone off has it not yes you have used it exit everyone like it everyone who can still let oh epilogue from your feet um craft up buddy door is going to be closed for a while I'm afraid everyone run a bunch of them are going to kill each other we're fine with that we're going to retreat and hopefully buy ourselves a little bit of time in fact oh sonico no no stay inside kids are all zoned inside we're pretty much down to our last gasp of stuff there's 43 left you're still gonna have to pass through here and burn a little bit um all right you go to there Jason uh this is a horrifying mess and epilogue still yeah woozy is all hell and not really very good for this we're going to be falling back some more I'm thinking uh still 41 humans left gooey's mom is now down the rest of them are covered in flame return so they're less likely to go down and we've got 41 enemies charging towards us hmm don't really have a lot of options look at this side focus is less than 50 I've never actually used enough solubilities to do that it's just we have so much neural heat to play with kinda works out that way um all right you monsters Bring it on I think we've taken it most of the low end ones how's Waffle doing still got 14 hours left we may need you shortly buddy okay we're gonna need some Focus fire on the ones trying to close distance actually maybe capture a few no in San Jose Lance in Santa's Lance is her best bet we in San Jose land some of their close combat people oh great they turned around and came straight for us well that's one way to do it and yeah I think this is a lost cause we gotta fall back some more even epilogue's taking more injuries hey you buy some time I want you to Insanity a couple preferably ones who are uninjured wow most of them are injured we did a pretty good job at injuring a whole bunch of them hey you uh get insane you get insane foreign acid spray that one thank you very much and Jason start heading back this direction Jason jamas epilogue I need all of you to start heading over here actually just get her in the corner for a minute that guy's about to open fire okay oh that got real nerve-wracking there for a while oh right uh shoot as many as you can before they leave I'm still pretty annoyed with them they're gonna smash open some doors but holy Christ so it turns out when you've only got four people's worth of damage and some mechs it's not enough to deal with 90-something people even with all of our side focus and mortars and everything that was okay so Healy time repaired this time and yeah tomorrow one's day 752 we'll probably get our next infestation is what I'm thinking uh we'll find out that was a rather expensive fight uh epilogue over here took a bullet to the brain they now have a brain scare right and we just sort of upgraded them and now they've instantly got downgraded again that's unfortunate uh we're gonna have to fix them up thankfully we do have bioregeneration so we can do that um these conditions will be healed torso Brews skull crack head bruise brain damage mangled uh 8.7 days so no I wait until uh waffles off once the waffle is up and about then we'll do it Alex where are you you should be meditating yeah what do you want no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you were going straight to meditation buddy gonna be meditation all day every day until you're back on top we need uh we need our side Focus levels at maximum considering how low damage we have and how much trouble I put myself in I've kind of cranked my wealth really high because I wasn't too worried I thought our team was just good enough but this kind of makes me a little bit nervous that was a lot of things going wrong all at once all right uh Jason's gonna repair these up we are going to put them in some kill box areas and I think we're gonna do some reinforcements down here as well this uh enhanced kill area it needs to be a little bit improved I really should have used some more of these abilities the remote repair sounds like it would have been interesting or even the remote Shield uh damn it I really should have looked more carefully those just I've never really bothered playing around with the mechanator too much but I'm thinking for the next round that might be more important to actually Shield our Mech up front though I think it only like it gives it a nice big Shield but then the shield will slowly go down and you can't actually stop it or top it up until you've gotten well on you have to actually stop the ability to recharge the shield uh we'll see we'll see I think we're also going to add some place steel to the corners here I'm thinking a few plastille chunks might not might help expand the life of this uh Corner killer yeah our enhanced killbox definitely needs some work anyway for now it's time for tash's growth moment oh Tasha's dad died as well that actually you know Tasha's dad didn't die so much as Tasha's dad is currently offline Tasha's dad will be back and this is a tashir and they are Tiberius as we won so we need to get that kid to be the exact same as Tiberius so we want namely mining mining is the big one uh medical intellectual Construction mining medical intellectual and construction so mining no medical yes intellectual yes uh construction no mainly I suppose oh yeah we kind of have to go with that we don't want social social is actually one of our dump stats in fact cooking plants animals crafting artistic and social are all dump stats so oh this could get awkward body modder chemical Fascination creepy breathing psychically hypersensitive careful shooter oh God like body modder actually seems good yes also psychically hypersensitive could be good if we decided to go to cast a route with them we've already got a lot of casters but um oh that's two good choices actually psychically hypersensitive or body modder while I was leaning towards more casters after our most recent fight I think I think since their since their mom's a body model I think it's only fitting that they'd be a body model as well I mean you can't always be all about the Perfection of it it's got to be like a little bit of a little bit of role playing here and there so they'll take after their mom okay another dad who's currently actually where is their dad I think they're Dez in the mech gestator you know we'll find out when when they come out it'll tell us what their name is anyway growth moment for Simon Simon is Alex's frog all right Alex what have you got I think social has to be their most important step considering they're our primary traitor slash recruiter so social psychically hypersensitive type of stuff is what we're really looking for from their child all right let's see what you got here do you have social yep we're gonna knock that one out immediately it's important on top of that we're probably going to want intellectual and medical or medical because while they're on the road they need to be able to attend themselves and intellectual because well yeah we also need researchers now and then though I don't think we need a researcher right this minute um we're going to have enough researchers for now so long term we'd like to give ourselves some options you see they're mining cooking plants and crafting are always going to be oh and artistic are always going to be negative because of the genes they've got attached to them so we need to spread it out and give ourselves more options to get stuff so I'm thinking yeah we get melee hmm yeah we get melee right here boom then then here what do we got a fast learner always that's never a bad choice nice owl uh no misogynist no wimp no come on Fast Learners are any choice this the power of fast learner has been vastly degraded though because we get plus eight stats uh for a bunch of things where shooting is getting plus eight so fast Learners not really what all we need to do is get up to 12 shooting base we get plus eight from the gene so like fast learner not really as good as it once was oh well but all the rest of them there look well pretty terrible so yeah they're a meth kid so far sorry Simon you know not trying to be mean or anything it's just you know the way it is all right uh that's just it and there's the other three growth moments all right this is gonna take a minute okay Jamis what's your stats for your kid you could we need you to be cooking basically and oh what I'd really like to do with this one is make them into a Leader's cast system um for example like all the rest of them I need their mood to stay pretty solid so for that I can't give them turn them into religious leaders or Colony leaders that gives a minus 12 mood or you need an extra 12 mood to keep them sane so I'm thinking on James's line the whole chewy line we try and make them resistant to mental breaks so that we can turn them all into leaders without them all going insane so like Iron Will steadfast sanguine you know that kind of stuff throw all of that on them if we can and then they can be like the the cook leaders you know like I mean hey easiest way to a man's heart is to his stomach or you know with a mono Sword whatever oh one thing we got to remember though we never find that cooking genetic so they've only got the strong cooking Gene we've really got to jump on it and let's make sure we've got the right one okay you could it's definitely the son of Jamis perfect okay got it so you cooking can you get cooking yes you can you gotta immediately put a point in that then after that it's animals Medical social yeah okay let's don't overthink this one iron willed yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ascetic not quite so much lazy bloodlust depressive tough oh this is just too many good ones like tough is just makes them incredibly tanky oh damn it oh normally I normally I would just go straight Tough because tough is just such a massive boost halves the damage it's like a it's it's your s tier stat it's the one that just is so useful ultimate the game but I did just monologue about how awesome it would be to make them into a leader cast so I'm gonna go to iron wild like I'm gonna be slightly annoyed about it but I'm gonna take it I'm ah just getting both of those in the same never mind it's fine I just should read that I got anything we could have got terrible stuff instead so that works oh damn you kid you you better be like we're gonna make you the leader of the colony when you actually grow up a little bit more all right night time for groovy beats waffles kid well in that case the beauty of the lunk line is it is Simplicity melee construction plants and animals uh right okay kid where are you oh you're right in a field of mushrooms well this is probably yeah for your gross moment I suppose it works um okay growth movement for groovy beats double check make sure we got the right color yeah yeah okay Grant so you there's only four stats that matter one of them is melee uh yep that would be great the other one is plants animals and construction uh so Construction oh wow well awkward you see crafting shooting medical and intellectual all get Negative system which means this is just a wasted point it doesn't really matter what we do it it can't overrate their genetics so for example medical here has a minus eight to it and it can never have a passion out ever so even putting this point in should not do anything Maybe I've never actually tried before I guess we're about to find out so let's just say medical that's always useful and uh intellectual done there you go oh wait sorry it's like three passions get a little bit ahead of myself uh no tough that would have been too nice for our or melee Pawn well that's two beautiful choices right there body Pierce no body purist means you can't give them bionics they hate themselves uh volatile that's just a straight negative uh staggeringly ugly well we're already there I thought and Greek memory no and none of these really speak out to me except for secondly hypersensitive and jogger jogger on a melee Pawn exit means they get in closer and they're actually UPS their Dodge chances slightly uh but psychically hypersensitive on a melee Caster yes it's Gotta Be psychically hypersensitive if it was a choice between psychically sensitive and jogger then I might think twice but psychically hypersensitive hell yes gotta be oh okay that just leaves sonico over here and their father's Jason and ooh yeah you're gonna be our our crafting you're gonna get construction crafting and art ah it's gonna be a tough Trifecta to hit all right let's see let's see what the gods have gifted you Randy be gentle poor kid could use a break all right we've got no construction no crafting and we have no art that's um exact opposite what have we asked for Randy okay fine fine we'll just have to take something else intellectual shooting in melee Maybe Cape melee shooting and okay well your animals you're cooking your social and your plants are all going to be trash uh plants maybe will that do anything you know what well fine we'll leave it as it is uh bloodlust psychically wow that's a that's a good hypersensitive going around hard worker yes it's got to be a hard worker I mean yeah yeah it's got to be hard worker they're gonna be our Crafters so giving them hard worker is just a no-brainer it's like a hypersensitive always good bloodlust always good but hard worker yep I think that's what we're stuck with so uh yeah I think I'll call that okay you didn't get any of the traits you need in crafting construction or artistic but we've got you plus eight and all of those so you'll always have a passion in those at least one it's not the end of the world but it would be nice if you could get a burning passion all right all the child growth moments complete Let's uh immediately repair of our kill box and oh eplog how you doing still waiting on waffle to wake up Waffle wakes up in an hour so I think it's time we tanked you uh begin the bio regeneration cycle it will take 8.7 days it will heal your mangled scar in your brain your mangle brain shall be healed cannot find two different world medicine God I need to go on a shopping spree once Long's up we're going shopping oh the toxic Fallout has gone okay we can put the animals back outside and we can start replanting stuff they're not the worst in the world when we've got this much resilience built in like our people don't even notice and we grow all of our food underground but it is nice to be able to let the animals in ah okay okay we've got a good thing that comes up here spectacle of insects this guy wants us to provoke an infestation of hives at our base yes I am hoping that it will spawn over here oh two to stop all of our cleaning Bots going into this location I built a door here jammed it open and then just set it to not allow so now no one's allowed in there anymore it's just the Bots would like to come over here to to wander they'd like to wonder if the farthest edges of the base in the hardest to get in and out of place imagine well I don't know why and we still need to let them in here so they could drop off the toxic waste all right but unfortunately Caravan ambush from a bunch of pigs okay oh eight of them that's a lot that is an awful lot however it is Alex they're short-sighted but they can be invisible they can jump around the place they have access to berserk I think I think we can make their lives a living hell let's just Zone the animals somewhere out of trouble for a minute I know we could use the elephants for the fight but we don't want to risk them getting them injured or damaged would be bad so instead we're going to use Alex to do most of the murderage yeah syringe on berserk not enough okay let's see invisible right that should confuse them a little bit um no grab that one shotgun person first uh berserk calls no no just a regular berserk should be fine that one now okay why would you stand there it's just I suppose you just see someone going visible in that spot and those two can start punching each other we can you know what let's fire this piece when it's been a while there you go earn and then we can berserk someone else oh they're throwing molotovs at each other that's always fun uh you can actually it's berserk that one there you go and you can all kill each other and that guy's on fire so let's do them a favor and make sure they stop being on fire well not that they stop being on fire that they stop caring about being on fire and there you go see they're no longer caring about being on fire Dutch hey meatball meatball meatball [Laughter] uh who are you pole pug some of you are getting way too close how about you go berserk buddy there you go you can go kill some people of your of your own and that's another one dead I love how it's just absolute chaos and they're all murdering each other and Alex is just like yeah this is a wonderful thing about humans once they go berserk they just fight to the death there's none of that pose and they're hanging around they will just keep fighting until someone's dead and there's one then I think one of them's getting away are they more lark yeah more Lark can can get away he can send the message to the rest of the porkers that try and attack one of our colonies or one of our Caravans come on there you go perfect all right let's get the Caravan together steal their meals and get out of here this Caravan was dispatched to get her hands on some glitter World Medicine we had to go up to the Royal City to get that so The Exodus Empire have sold us the necessary glitter World medicine so that we can fix the brain of epilogue now uh ruffle at the moment is catching up on all the plants that needed doing we have we have a lot of raw fungus you know what let's uh unsuspend those package survival meals we're going to need a few hundred of those oh come on Alex is just trying to get home stop ambushing them Decay Packers this time right but oh my God 12 melee humans we do have six elephants so where are we is this the same map I feel like we're still on the exact same map we just got ambushed on already it what the ah fine did we at least keep how's Alex at neural heat looking yeah they're fine they can definitely do some fun stuff we'll send the animals back over to the corner again and we will take care of these the good old-fashioned which maybe if we can Bunch them up in him with one berserk pulse it might be more efficient I think that is what we're gonna do well Whitney officer side of the river or shoot the ones that come across okay I need you guys to Bunch up some more okay one down two down oh my God Alex you're a monster in fact it's berserk that guy there and while they're busy beating the snot out of that guy yeah that's good oh my God uh let's jump back a little bit actually no let's berserk a second one uh you can go berserk too um what are we doing we have berserk bolts you stick a berserk pulse right there we can get an awful lot of them oh yeah I think that was the money right and then we'll just pick off the ones around the edge that are not berserk and now they're all berserk so let's just kill what remains no they're not they're still berserk they're not gonna flee just yet oh wait they're gonna try now no no no no no no no no keep killing them keep killing them don't know uh no no no no no come back here you guys have been annoying me so I'm taking your meals and I'm taking your lives perfect right we could probably do some hunting but I think it's just time we left again seriously it's just um well well if it isn't an insect infestation waste pack infestation I should say now if we check under history we can see when the last one was so this current one is happening at day 754. the one before that was was it 737 17 days so yes 17 days between those two and the next one before that is where is it this one over here that was actually on the 22nd so 20 seconds to the 37 so it's like 15 days seems to be the absolute minimum time we can find so far between waste pack infestations so we're gonna get these regularly considering the amount of toxic waste we have but I believe the way it works now is we could have all this toxic waste to grade right now and we wouldn't get another waste pack infestation at this moment because well we've already just got one now there seems to be a cool down timer on this uh we're going to have to keep people out of here from now on I think uh oh what I should have done is put a door here we could exit out put a door here exit out so where people can get in this section I'm instead gonna have to make a custom zone so we have made a zone that avoids this area in here it's called avoid infestation for obvious reasons so no one should go close to that uh I think I might want to move Tiberius back what Tiberius get out of there for a minute just fall back for now let's see what happens right so I think yeah I'm gonna change the Zone slightly but I think we should be able to avoid going in here and triggering any of these hopefully the Traders coming through this section the bad guys come in through this section and they'll have to fight off a bunch of Angry Angry Angry bugs oh and we have finally knocked out cataphract armor that is good to know I'm kind of getting used to this research screen I know it's all the same research that there but it just it just it feels odd trying to adapt to this newer looking yeah the research speed is still pretty fast even if one of our people does have massive brain damage all right uh we've got pretty much everything we want now though I do want to get some turrets up so we're gonna knock out uridium slug turrets while we're at it and we've also got the Rocket Storm launchers I think we can do some fun stuff down here though we might have to make some changes this insect infestation thing is um it's an interesting defensive Edition I'm not sure how well it's going to work oh which reminds me that Quest where is it spectacle of insects I say we take it Alex is fully side focused up yeah everyone's fully side focused up I said we accept this Quest is everyone fully rested I think waffle needs a meal yeah they're consuming a fine meal right now once waffle has done that what we can do is accept that Quest and then see about murdering a lot of them uh yeah let's go for it yeah who are we going to give the honor to is the question it's either groovy beats or Simon both of them are going to be getting at this level one with vampire Simon's probably going to go further so I think the six points can go to groovy beats namely because that'll get them just the one level they need and then they're done and all the rest can start going to Simon after that foreign oh we got a couple of Troopers to help with this well oh more than a couple one two three four five six of them right I'm gonna have to change a bunch of things I don't want them doing any jobs that you know require brains well we reassigned everyone to a proper schedule we also oh actually we didn't put them to make sure they stay out of the bug area uh We've also set them all up to work so they won't do anything but maybe some Stone smashing and Hauling and things we don't want them doing anything crazy and an infestation seemed to have spawned exactly where we thought it would that's third line from the end that is a perfect location let's get a team together and go Smash It uh I figure we break down this door here and we have a bunch of extra people to help out right now yeah let's go take care of this well it's about to start spawning now let's see yeah it's pretty minor and this is the problem we've got with them they're gonna start smashing the walls uh which I don't like uh we'll send waffle in because I need you to stir them up and yeah keep that door open keep that door open I have awful uh oh yeah you can't go there because this is in the way fight well we'll oh my God it's gonna take forever hey yeah let's okay I think I'll fast forward this a bit the whole run around but this is why I've left some of this area in The Home Zone you see we got to get people in there to repair all this stuff they're going to smash up and Destroy every time they spawn in but in between normal infestations we should have 20 days we could of course burn everything in here but that would also burn all the waste packs and that would also destroy all the insect jelly we kind of want to keep the meat as well so that we can make more meals uh you know what gems you can go back to making meals again we should be just about coming up on stirring them up in fact the easiest way to do this is let's grab one of those Point go into the mountain when the mountain can come to us yeah that's stirred them up hey you are death in 10 hours no no hit him again perfect I have awful just run away I almost kind of want to stay and kill that little bug but it's not worth the effort all right uh cannot go there well yeah fine we'll put you to there and then we'll get you back in assuming they keep up the chase I'm doing this wrong I know it I know it I know what I should be doing yep that's what I should be doing we should be deconstructing the walls so that we get a shorter direction through that way we get the enemies out and we don't have to worry about any of this should be fairly quick yeah nope nope nope nope stay still stay still and we'll put you back to there perfect and then we bring them back to here we set that to no one's allowed in we set that to no ones that I didn't know I know you want to go in there and get yourself killed you guys are you're really motivated on doing that I understand but we're not doing that today okay everyone there and it should just be a case of lining up and doing our normal kill boxy stuff uh let's give a little bit of focus to waffle and then on top of that we'll give them invisibility as well wow they pushed through way too fast was nothing that coming uh that's a problem uh Alex I'm gonna need to do a war race oh no I put that in the wrong spot in that case we're going to do a wall raise right there oh God oh God that's too many okay that brought us some time I should maybe have been a little bit more cautious there waffle oh hold that door you get over here perfect yeah they've got nuts in there that's fine that's fine so for this next bit and we are going to try this slightly differently uh first off we're gonna smash some of these walls up okay everyone back in here eh perfection and some people can't shoot why not go here you can go here we're putting waffle forward a bit but we're not putting them in the doorway putting them in the doorway is bad and we should probably invisibilize them a little bit as well nice and then we'll just throw down a quick berserk pulse just to self and him up yeah right about there should be grand this is one of the reasons we left the three tile Gap here but we might should have left maybe a fourth but I really wanted to make sure that we had plenty of space in here and that should be the end of it though it's going to be a case of going through here grinding out the last of them and repairing all the damage they did we'll have to deconstruct walls all the way along so this has got to go this is gonna go this is gonna go and that'll allow us to repair and replace everything that's gone down in here yeah this was a good learning experience I'm glad this is one of the smaller ones we're gonna need to keep waffle jammed in further and we're going to remove that door that door if someone stands in it they have the potential to get friendly fired we don't want that so yeah I think we'll move that door one oh actually no we'll get rid of the door entirely and where's the rest of them oh come on fine I'll go in and kill a lot of you and there goes the infect infestation perfect now we just gotta take out all this insect jelly and all of this tasty tasty meat we are gonna be was it pandemonium meals I believe it was or pandemonium survival meals uh pods have arrived excellent what was what did we get out of these I can't even remember some cold and simple last deal yeah we we don't really care uh thanks for everything well well we fixed this up our friends are leaving with a few minor complaints like once rustink exposure major and initial toxic buildup uh we may have been hanging them around some bad places namely they had to go through here to get in and out and uh well this entire sector over here is almost Radioactive with toxic waste I mean it happened all right uh repair wise it's all going ahead once this is all repaired up we can just start replacing the walls do want to start the repairs or want to just want to start Walling up just yet it's going to take a few minutes this makes me kind of nervous because right now an infestation Could Happen anywhere and this was a sort of a which I'm gonna call it this was a quest infestation so I don't know if that resets the mountain infestation timer oh well not going to worry about it what I'm more concerned about is this giant pool of insects here just waiting to hatch this makes me nervous normally I kill everything on a map so leaving this here just feels wrong somehow can we get another one of these while this is here like if we wait 15 days and another waste pack infestation happens we'll just happen right on top of this one or will it happen like oh let's not worry about it we'll worry about it later if and when it happens well time for a Manhunter pack uh rhinos we got 52. it's fine it's just more meat for the fridge that we can't use fast enough I think we're gonna need more mushrooms uh and I might even need to make some actual crop Bots though I'm worried that the second generation we won't have enough bandwidth for all of their parents to be turned into Bots that we can get we can get Sonic go and turn them into it you know what we'll worry about that in a minute uh we're also starting to wall in this section again so that we can have a proper a base room for our infestations however right now it's still a little bit wide open makes me nervous but it's fine it's fine we're going to have to kill the Rhinos the thing is I don't know if the Rhinos will set these off I don't think so as far as I'm aware rhinos and mega spiders are animals and mega spiders they're all on the same team they don't care you know nature against the man and all that thing so hey what's right over there that leading out in seven hours that's fine what hit you oh it must have been some of the newbies we had around the place but we will get the team together we will get them into What's this called again ah yes the canyon of Carnage I believe was one of the names that was coming up first all right well once everyone arrives at the Valley of Death we'll sort these uh these rhinos out okay here they come uh for those of you who missed this this is uh sort of a lightning trap a Reaper's Rift here is designed with a roof over the entire area with only this section left unroofed that means when we call down a lightning storm it can only strike in one location because it has to hit the ground it won't land on roofs for some reason uh probably something to do with game balance who knows so what will happen is we'll get Alex to cause in a lightning storm and in fact we're gonna get them to call in a second one shortly afterwards and as you can see all the lightning strikes are gonna land in there and that seems to be bad for anyone who might be standing in there and we're going to give them a invisibility and then in fact we're going to get them to give themselves Focus yeah and there you go now we have a lightning Valley where well things just get shot like crazy and then they got lightning storms coming on top of them in fact this let's send another lightning storm it's more fun that way oh lawful is getting pushed back out of the way by this sheer quantity of enemies yeah that's sort of a thing that'll happen yeah groovy's mom is coming along to back them up their job is to stand behind them and prevent him from getting pushed out of the way oh my God how many is there 49. well there's not gonna be money for much longer all right waffle what are we looking at actually get rid of the roof so it looks slightly better uh invisibility is wearing off on you I must say invisibility with a melee blocker is just totally broken oh and raining lightning down on top of your enemies is sort of fun but let's just throw in a few more lightning storms uh is that four okay that's four lightning storms how many can we get down I wonder let's do a five uh yeah that seems to work pretty good okay waffle let's say oh let's be careful we don't want waffle getting any damage done to them or anything more than necessary uh another lightning storm why yes yes I think we will that'll be six lightning storms thank you very much um oh my God well it's working waffle uh you seem to be doing pretty good buddy their Dodge is absolutely incredible like they've only got hit once so far we're actually no twice um and I think that's it oh wait there's one still standing never mind okay then so um yep I'm gonna call this absolutely hilariously fun for Miller killing this thing is just absolutely Unstoppable I mean you don't need help with the melee killing as it is we're getting to kill them with lightning instead of grenades still an awful awful fun time so for the death of 50 plus rhinos we're looking at uh seven points of damage oof I might want to leave more space in here because the lightning bolts seem to take out Corner walls ow yeah they definitely do seem to like the walls okay so maybe don't have that there yeah we'll leave at that section well we're cleaning up that mess we've still got all of these bugs to deal with but we'll worry about them later for now we've got an exotic Goods Trader coming by which is good because for some reason I bought 40 medicine and it seems to have disappeared it just vanished and never showed up we sort of need that to fix epilogue their brain is still sort of mangle scared uh Alex uh exotic good Traders come by I would like you to call them whenever your lesson is over what are you even teaching them teaching them about animals actually that that might work you're pretty decent at it and it is your kid that actually works out quite nicely all right let's grab maybe some sweet sweet medicine please tell me yes glitter World we'll take it all you know what we'll grab some Advanced components while we're here why not plus it gets to spend some of that insect jelly we're just never gonna eat anyway our people are much happier eating insects and fungus I don't don't ask all right how are we looking over here actually pretty good we're almost done what are you doing you're wandering why why would you wander back there it drives me mental that they come through this location it's literally as far as they can get away from everything else I zoned them out of here but we kind of need them for some things all right once though and once that's walled back up we're not allowing anyone else back in here we're gonna wall this in take everyone out the door will be locked it'll be finished oh while this is going on we did manage to pick up a prisoner on one of our Caravans and it's time we put them into storage before they do a something like having a mental break so what I like to do to put them into storage is normally you have to knock them unconscious instead I just sort of image and drain them twice and prioritize operating if you imagine drain them twice you get moderate blood loss then extreme blood loss doesn't actually kill them just knocks them unconscious and then we can what the hell I don't want you to finish them off I want you to carry them to the crypto sleep casket there you go boom carries them to a crispo sleep gasket and we can save them up until a royal Trader royalty collector comes by we've already got three people in storage and to wake them up what we do is crap uh crank them out of there and then put in a jab of hemogen into them good to go up and right like in no time and off they go now epilogue here needs to get their brain fixed so we should stick them into the biosculptor pot but I'm curious to see if they can their Gene coma will wear off in there so we're gonna put them together a little template it up for them this one here gives them great intellect which was you know already great uh non-citizen so they stop aging um oh wait no they never get chronic illnesses damn ageless yes so they don't age anymore which means they should stop demanding to go into age reversal all the time or they will eventually by the time we knock them into 21 or the other uh they don't get carcinomas or anything like that so we can give them a stomach we give them psychic dependency robust low sleep so they can spend more time researching dark vision to blend him on everyone else very unattractive and kind Instinct because we like to package them up and it keeps the complexity reasonably low we don't have to do anything too crazy with them and it just requires two archived capsules uh so yes let's let's combine that and at the same time I think we need to give them a nuclear stomach which reminds me I should make one of those though I think we will have to hold off slightly on epilogue's uh improvements just until Alex comes out of death rest considering how lower damage output is has proven by well those 90 Pirates or something that almost messed us up I think we should keep more people out till then again we do have those mega spiders to defend us so if that messes up we'll have to kill them so you know what no no let's be very cautious we'll wait till Alex is finished with your death nap then epilogue can get a gene implant a nuclear stomach and then go in for their bio regeneration for eight days yeah we still got a day left on Alex's death rest at the same time we've colored in our Temple the two orange stripes start to do with Jamis the two green are for Waffle the two pink are for Alex the two red are for Tiberius the two blue are for Jason and the last gray one is for epilogue I figure it's their favorite color so you know we'll include them in it they've been a very valuable member of the community even if half their brain is gone right now that that can be fixed oh speak of the devil their ears must be burning anyway oh what the hell people of Lira have changed from 12 to 10. and there's other people we care about or not I can never remember no no it's the land wilter ones we actually care about so never mind all right so I figure this is a nice template it's the the Power Ranger Temple you know be fine uh this uh goes like Treasures the same colors as the ones we used in their bedrooms and I think I got it pretty close so honestly the colors get kind of iffy for me all right uh that still leaves epilogues uh Gene enhancements and silver flare oh is that gonna mess up your death resting hmm we'll find out okay time for epilogue's final upgrades uh one nuclear stomach and done order an implantation instead uh give it into epilogue yes we will confirm xenoderm and Plantation ordered and once that's done in fact Tiberius you should be able to get around to it should you yep there you go yo grab a couple you okay buddy seem to be having a bit of a problem there he's freaking out he's freaking out man all right okay you kid I'm gonna get you to clean up the mess in there what the hell is going on oh okay right someone's just having a freak out all right we have to get them to move a bit I think there was something wrong with the beds I moved everything around but once I put them here they seem to be able to do it now I I don't know there was something in the way blocking them whatever uh Xeno Jeremy Plantation complete 1.8 days xenogenic Kuma accident now they're aged Us in all sorts of stuff now all we got to do is stick them into their pod begin bio regeneration cycle uh yeah confirm it and then you can do it carry to bioregeneration cycle yes confirm go for it unless you want to grab something else first no no come on all right so the hope would be here that while they're in there that Zeno germination comb I would wear off if it does great if it doesn't so what yeah they're going to be in there for 8.7 days ah beautiful mechanoid cluster well that's going to be interesting just don't land in the far left of our base and we're Grand yeah we're like we're at like twice the uh the threat scale factor something to be said for having five Super pawns and uh well a head researcher all right then so where are you Landing oh that is really pathetic it's a toxic viewer do we care I'm not sure we care about the toxic skewer like I'm not even sure this would do very well against the bugs uh we could more to them I suppose to trigger them but this just seems like a waste of time I think we're just gonna leave them there you're not really a threat to us and that toxic Spirit going off in nine days doesn't bother me either we can just bring all the animals back inside yeah you can just stay there never mind in fact I think I went out of time for today oh and waffle waffle uh standing in this Corridor fighting you know streams of wild animals and bugs while lightning rains down from the sky uh I was looking for well people were going to be they'd love to see art of that so I went on to those uh AI Arts generation things I know there's some controversy over those things there's wonderful pictures you can see of them generating beautiful images but yeah they're pretty terrible from what I can see unless you know what keywords to use or unless you don't hit the right jackpot they're uh mediocre at best so I've got a few pictures there you can see that's that's me trying to get keywords up to you know get something that looks like waffle fighting a bunch of bugs and elephants in a tunnel while lightning and fire goes everywhere you just uh I can't make it work very well I mean some of these pictures do look pretty awesome to be honest but they're not really incredible what I consider them more is uh just kind of a fun thing for now but yeah I think the technology seems kind of dangerous but not here to worry about that what I'm here to worry about is getting them out of here getting our kids raised up and getting the second generation armed and equipped they're only eight we need to get them to 13. you guys need to like start growing faster or something once you're 13 we can give you guns armor we've even got the cataphract armor research maybe we should start actually we should start producing their armor and weapons now that that will be for the next episode I uh hope you enjoyed good luck foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 24,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Biotech, tribal, vamps, sanguophages, Lunk
Id: mCN6f8FDJpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 43sec (4243 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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