AR500 body armor Testudo Gen 2

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oh buddy today's a special day i'm excited we got some stuff we got a package we got a package in the mail check it out who's that from what's that say right there that's me who's that from yeah right there uh-oh reno may don't hate me reno may please don't hate me reno [Music] what's up everybody welcome back to shoot ride live my name is joe we have a package today i have not opened this yet it is still completely sealed we are going to do it together and take a look at what i purchased this is an armor bundle from i ordered this on their july 4th sale that they had i've never had body armor before this was not sent to me for free i purchased it therefore i'm not going to take it out and shoot it this is not a review of their plates this is not a review of if it works or not this is actually my own personal armor that i ordered for myself let's get in it all right set that aside so we what we have in here is the testudo gen2 independence day package it's the testudo plate carrier the gen2 it's in black i've got two level three 11 by 14 inch multi curve base coat plates and then two of the 11 by 14 trauma pads blunt force trauma pads so we got the pack on the top got our two trauma pads these go behind the plates front and back and if you don't know what these are for when you have a plate system and you have that force of the bullet hitting the plate these are basically designed to kind of take some of that pressure off of your body from that that force hitting it it absorbs some of that kinetic energy so we got two of those plate number one plate number two now the reason in the beginning of the video i said reno may please don't hate me there's another youtuber uh named reno may that's his channel you should check him out he actually just made a video as of me recording this today he made a video yesterday talking about why you should not purchase ar 500 products he had some good points i don't know if i would completely agree with everything that he said but this i'm not purchasing for if i am in an extended fire fight this is something where if i'm in a situation this is going to be something that is going to save my butt in a situation until i can either get to good cover something of that nature but this is really just going to be to save my butt if i'm in an extended fire fight where i'm going to be taking multiple rounds of high caliber it's just going to be the luck of the draw if i make it out or not so on the back of these they have a sticker threat rating level 3 multi-hit protection against 762 full metal jacket steel jacketed bullets with a specified mass of 9.6 grams 147 grain and velocity of up to 2780 feet per second plus or minus 30 feet per second so that's the top writing for this so this should stop anything 762 and down is that always going to be the case are you going to have hot loads that can reach the 3 000 foot per second mark sure but you know that's that's very possible but would i rather have this than not have this if something were to happen absolutely so let's take a look at the carrier all right so this is the testudo carrier here i honestly thought that there would be an ar 500 patch on there nope not in the box um okay well it is what it is the plates just fell over so there's that what i'm gonna do is get the plates and the trauma pads put in and then i'll be right back all right so i got the trauma pads and the plates installed i've got the side straps adjusted go ahead get that all velcroed and here we go this entire setup is approximately 25-ish pounds with the plates and the trauma pads and the vest i don't know exactly how i'm going to set it up yet i will most likely have my knife here on this side which is this guy here this will be in this area somehow i will attach it to the molle system you know for easy access for when i need it and i will have a magazine set up on my left side what i'm not going to do is attach anything to the front and the reason being for that is i don't want anything extra here in the way you'll see a lot of guys set up their vests where they've got a double layer or even sometimes a triple layer of magazines my philosophy is if i have to go prone down to the ground i don't want anything extra here getting in the way or snagging on anything while i'm trying to move around get up or whatever it is that i have to do so i want this area to be as clear as possible uh there might be a couple of little things that possibly end up on here but there won't be much i'm gonna have magazines on this side i will probably have some type of pack that i attach to the back as for like a medical kit trauma kit that'll be something that will be attached probably on the sides lower or i will be carrying it in a completely separate pocket like a smaller kit or in the pack on the back but i want to keep the front as clean as possible it's comfortable it doesn't hit my neck on the sides it's movable and going forward anytime you guys see me shooting if i'm out at the range or if i'm up at the mountain and i'm doing any shooting i will be wearing this there might be a few cases where i'm not but for the most part i'm going to be wearing this because if i'm out shooting i want to be practicing my movements and the feel of how it would be if i'm wearing this so that if i get in a situation where i need this i'm not it doesn't throw me off if you do get body armor i highly suggest you do the same thing anytime you go and train or practice wear this or whatever set it is that you have so that you're you're using it uh to be used to it in your practical situations and on top of that it'll also get you used to doing those things or those drills or those movements with the extra weight because this in itself the setup may be an extra 25-ish pounds but then you're going to have loaded magazines you know i'll have my knife on this side and then whatever else i choose to attach to it say in the pack in the back that's all going to be extra weight that you need to be used to carrying in that type of situation so that you don't get out there and you're like oh i'm protected i have all of this stuff woohoo but then you get five steps down the street or up the mountain and you're like i can't do this anymore right so you need to have that practice cardio what's what's the first rule of zombieland cardio right i mean i would pick twinkies but you know cardio anyways guys thanks for stopping by i'm joe with shoe ride live this is my new self armor pack i appreciate you guys for stopping by i love you i'm out you
Views: 3,477
Rating: 4.448276 out of 5
Keywords: armor, body armor, plate, plate carrier
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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