AR-15 - How to Clean & Lube Your AR-15

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what's going on guys on a cat5 today I am going to do a video request that I got from one of my subscribers and he goes by the screen name of Sheldon goobie Sheldon goobie asked how to field-strip in air 15 specifically reference how to put in a bolt and how to put in the charging handle and I'm taking this as an opportunity to go across the entire rifle and show kind of ar-15 101 how to field-strip it how I clean it how I clean it there's tons of ways how to clean it and also how to lubricate it which all three are very important so let's go ahead an get started and I'll go over how to field-strip your ar-15 okay the first thing we're going to do is we're going to make sure it's safe drop the magazine magazine is empty pull back on the charging handle empty and chamber is empty now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and pull the trigger and there's a pin here and there's a pin right here this is your pivot pin this is your takedown pin what we're going to do or what I do rather is I like to completely separate the upper from the lower so on this side I'm going to push both of these flip it back around pull that one out and pull that one out now what we have is a separated upper from our lower pretty simple right well it is it is meant to be that way now what I'm going to do here's our bolt here's our charging handle and if the dust cover is closed that's fine once you pull back on this it'll just open you'll bring this back aways you can just take your bolt out your charging handle is is in the channel you get right here you can drop it down so there's kind of a lug right there and you go to put it back in you'll feel when you can bring it up see it won't go there because it's there so just drop that out and that's as far as I go with the upper this is also as far as I go with the lower and typically I don't even clean anything in here this usually stays pretty clean sometimes I may put a little bit of grease just on the hammer face here but other than that you can pretty much just set this aside I also want to point out too that for anyone beginning this whole process with ar-15s tech Matt right here ww tech matcom they make a really good product it protects your firearm on the tabletop but it also gives you a nice list of all the parts in your ar-15 and an exploded view and that actually might prove quite helpful to some of you if you do decide to check them out and you decide to buy one use the promo code and sz8 five and they'll give you a 20% off with that said let's go ahead and dive into our bolt here so here's our bolt carrier group and we'll go ahead and do a simple disassembly of this it's quite simple but we're going to do first is we're going to take the firing pin retainer pin we're going to take that out it's pretty simple if you're out in the field and you need to get it out usually you can just use a bullet tip push here and then kind of monkey it out like so okay we'll just pull that straight out I like to give it a nice whack firing pin will come out then we're going to twist our camp in take that out our bolt will come out and this is pretty much as far as I go you got your carrier and your bolt here as you can see mine is pretty dirty because I've been shooting it the greatest secret and gun cleaning is an old t-shirt and if you look up here there's a tremendous amount of products that you guys can use to both clean and lubricate your ar-15 now I've used all these and I like all of them of course my favorite is ballast all okay you guys can use whatever you want but I'm going to show exactly how I do it for me and this is what's worked for me and you can do whatever you please so before I spray this down what I like to do is take the upper and right in here and the barrel I'll just spray that down turn it a few times till they get all up inside the barrel and then I'll just let that sit now take my t-shirt take these parts now I'll just spray em down now my bolt carrier group is a fail zero bolt carrier group and so it has a special coating on it called nickel boron and that makes it much easier for cleaning so if you have a milspec finish which is a black phosphate finish it might be a little bit different for you but the whole mindset or the way of doing it is pretty much the same they also make some tools I want to show you this is the combat applications tool or the cat tool and I've used this before it's not bad looks like this now what that's used for is cleaning off any really thick carbon on your bolt just scrapes it off firing pin well I'm working on a t-shirt here sometimes what I do is I'll just put the t-shirt over it and then stick this in get a nice tight fit and just twist that back and forth place stuff came out with the bass I'll sit for a little bit and then I just wipe this down it's the really great thing about the fail zero coating is that for the most part you can pretty much just wipe everything off all the carbon comes right off make sure you get inside right here to let's say now what I consider this is kind of my I just got done with the range I'm going to clean it type clean this isn't like I'm cleaning it to store it for 40 years that would require a little bit different method of cleaning this is just the normal everyday I got to clean my gun you bill shoot it again in a couple weeks or something for a couple days that is a dirty mess that really is pretty much how well I clean mine you still see a little bit of carbon here maybe I'll try and scrape it off with my nail but that little bit of carbon isn't going to affect much so I'll just leave that like the firing pin down everything looks good there so basically as you can see I just sprayed everything down let it sit for a little bit and then just wiped it off sometimes I'll take a long q-tip and a little right down here really nice that dirty before we reassemble it one important thing to look for this is your gas key the screws should be screwed in at just certain amount of inch pound to believe it's 60 and then the key should be staked to make sure that the screws don't back out you'll just want to check make sure that that's tight if you can't wiggle it with your fingers you're good to go now some people say you have to line these up so each gas key doesn't go with the other but really honestly I've never had an issue I don't think it matters really matters so we're going to take our bolt put that in our bolt carrier notice the this is the way it would go into the firearm you want your extractor on this side wrap your cam pin in like so twist it that's in go ahead and take our firing pin drop that in take the retaining pin and put that in so there is your reassemble and cleaned bolt carrier group and set that aside now I sprayed this down with ballast all and it's been sitting there so you can use cleaning rods or you can use what I use which is just a bore snake and this is probably the easiest thing ever that you could use it's just a long piece of fabric with a weighted end and then it's got some bristles on it to get in the grooves the rifling and what you'll do then is you will tip it like this you're going to feed the weighted end into the chamber okay and then just let gravity do the work it'll come through the other side here like so and then you just pull it through so let's just pull right through like that and I'll do that a couple times just run it or through there we are that for me is a clean enough upper and next step I'll show you how I lubricate it now specifically talking about lubrication you'll see other videos where they may show grease I got I use two types of grease TW 25b and pro shop products pro gold I have use those I've had perfect luck with them some people use mobile one synthetic 0w 20 is what I've read is a pretty good wait I'm sure you could use 5w30 if you want to and the milspec thing to use of course is CLP cleaner lubricant preservative that's what ballast L is that's what I use so that's what I'll use in this the key points to lubricate are along these lines here right here and just a little bit in here and that's pretty much all I do there and specifically on the charging handle just because of how it wears as you can see right here it's already I haven't maybe shot 500 rounds through mine and because of the way I charge it there's somewhere right here already so I like to just put grease on mine now to reassemble this it's very very easy you take your charging handle your upper receiver upside down you're just going to place it in here there's kind of a little spot right in there I don't know if you can see it but that's where it falls into place now it's now it's locked in you're just going to want to put it in you know about that far take your bolt carrier group your gas key down make sure that your bolt is extended out the gas key goes right into the channel and then you just push it home that's really that simple now to get your lower back on your upper if you close your pins like I do I just don't like them sticking out just going to open those back up attach your lower to your upper pushing your takedown pin and your pivot pin sometimes the pivot pin can be a little tough and fold your desk cover up and we'll just do a quick function check so we got it on safe doesn't go fire hang on to the trigger we'll charge it again and see if it resets which it does very good so that is how you feel strip clean and lubricate your ar-15 style rifle hopefully this video is helpful guys you have any questions or comments please leave a comment below take care have a good night
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Views: 1,707,447
Rating: 4.9050965 out of 5
Keywords: nsz, nsz85, guns, gunsmith, gunsmithing, mn, minnesota, ar15, ak47, ak74, clean, cleaning, field, strip, bolt, bcg, fail, zero, nib, nickle, boron, lube, lubricate, how, to, ballistol, clp, slip2000, hoppes, take, down, apart, put, together, fix, assemble, disassemble, assembly, reassembly, reassemble, disassembly, function, colt, le6920, m16, m4, stag, dpms, mega, bore, snake, .223, 5.56, mil-spec, mil, spec, grease, cam, firing, pin, gas, block, key, stake, check, wilson, combat, trim, rail, rifle, firearm, custom, build, lower, upper, lubricating, receiver
Id: bLPF1m6BpD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2013
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