Is Mandalorian boob armor impractical, sexist or dangerous? Star Wars

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i sense a disturbance in my video analytics boob armor someone has said something really stupid again haven't they [Music] greetings i'm shading yes i'm wearing my metal brigandine in this video for reasons that will become evident as we continue and my social media has been rather active lately with people linking me and as well to certain videos in response to certain comments that have been made online and indeed outrage that in the disney plus series mandalorian there is a female mandalorian that has the sheer audacity to have armor that is shaped to her physical anatomy indeed boob armor now it's actually kind of encouraging and uh very flattering that so many people have been linking my videos in response to this because those videos not only have they done really well it turns out a lot of people are convinced by the arguments and evidence that i put forward in them and spoiler alert yes historical armor has been made to conform and present certain anatomical features as well as fashion styles at the detriment of a level of functionality as well as boob armor when looked at in context actually isn't nearly as dangerous detrimental basically not at all to women who wear it if it's made correctly but if you want the detailed breakdown please watch those videos okay they go into this i just say oh you're wrong wrong and leave no no please hear my arguments okay watch those videos i think they do a decent job so then what's the point of this video well there are some additional arguments people have made after watching those videos as well as a good opportunity to analyze this female mandalorian's armor specifically because in the context of star wars there are a couple of different considerations to be made because it isn't a perfect one comparison to medieval armor so there's some interesting things there as well there have been some people who even after watching my two videos insist that boob style armor is detrimental to the wearer not ones that simply have a bulge that pronounces or emphasizes a female's bust because that one is pretty self-evident there is a bulge on historical medieval armor and he just raised that bulge it's essentially equivalent and you say ah but it might direct sword strikes into the throat more than if the bulge was lower no that's what a gorget was for you know neck protection okay so so that isn't an issue i've seen some people share a woman's personal experience in wearing a type of boob armor and not taking into context that of course that if armor like this existed it would need to have been made well for it to do the right job okay if you had armor that was shaped to present breasts and actually had a cavity on the inside and that cavity went down really low to so the point where it actually pressed on someone's chest that would be heck of an uncomfortable thing okay even my brigandine here this is a very tight fitting form-fitting piece of armor and it looks makes it look great i think because it makes me look slimmer than i am in real life because it's very form-fitting but even with it being so form-fitting on the sides the chest area is still raised about two centimeters off the chest this isn't touching and that's important okay because it also shows that if this armor was accommodated to have two spaces on the sides for breasts right the center part in between the cavity the cleavage essentially doesn't have to go down nearly as low as the sights and i actually explained this in my previous video so people seem to ignore it completely but i'll re-emphasize that point is that the center point can still sit about halfway off the chest and not press down and if the sides are pressing on it any impact that hits the chest is actually going to be absorbed because that's what happens if i hit here the pressure i feel is around here i don't feel anything here because the the actual breast part of this brigadein isn't touching the chest and that would be the same if you have made armor to accommodate woman's bust okay if an impact happened on the center point and that center point still wasn't touching the chest even though it's indented to present present the shape but if it wasn't touching an impact happened here the entire chest part would compress and the sides would absorb the shock on the chest and you wouldn't actually feel anything on the sternum and so people who are making these arguments and some claim to be pretty informed on the subject are missing some very obvious answers and i think it might be because i don't know confirmation bias they're actually looking for a way that it might work they're always looking for a way that it must not work and the funny thing about that is if your intention was to find gold and you went out and looked in every location where it wasn't you of course aren't going to find gold are you and so if you want to claim that this doesn't work instead of looking for all the ways it doesn't work you need to look for all the ways it might work and see if they're valid all right so that's the first thing the other thing about this whole argument brigandine there is something that honestly really destroys the argument of that the breasts are detrimental to the armor's function because it funnels i've made many arguments in my previous videos and please again watch that video so i don't have to repeat myself but people have tried to say even with all the arguments i have presented that would undermine the structure of the armor which is i find really interesting because that is coming from an assumption that every type of effective armor has to have rigid structure and wouldn't compress yeah yeah what am i wearing a brigandine how much structure does a brigandine have this is made out of segmented plates okay there's no structure to it it can compress quite a lot now granted there are some areas where it disperses impacts like the chest so it disperses it around the sides the chest plates are usually bigger but it's got no structure in terms of holding its shape okay if i took this off it would flatten but the thing why brigandine is so important and i've made a whole video on it all going all the historical ins and outs and stuff and i suggest you watch that if you want to learn more about brigham dean this is metal armor that was completely contemporary with plate armor people often chose brigandine in lieu of plate armor okay it has certain benefits that they preferred over plates and this was a choice not just by poor people but also rich nobility often picked brigandine okay and brigandine doesn't have structure to it okay so if you think breasts or something like that will either funnel a strike onto the sternum okay and put all that pressure there or undermines the solid structure of the breastplate again it's completely ignoring the fact that they're a very prominent arms contemporary plate that have no essential structure to them anyway i mean a hit in the center of this brigandine a square solid hit okay is there a bulge on this brigandine look how form-fitting it is is there a bulge okay so many people in the counter argument area says that armor is supposed to have a bolt just because armor did have a bulge and it was a beneficial feature they're assuming that if there are certain types of armor that doesn't have the bulge to help deflect strikes that is going to be totally ruined because breast cups would deflect strikes into the center and not to the side okay and i already mentioned that if it deflects something into the center the first deflection will absorb most of the energy and the actual landing hit in the center is going to have far less force but there are plenty of historical armors that don't have any bulge at all no deflection and everything and so if a hit gets here or here or here it's not getting deflected and with briganding because there's cloth on the surface the first point will actually catch on the cloth and has even a less of a chance of deflecting especially because of the segmented plates and things and so when a strike hits on the side it's going to generally stay there unless it's really on the side or something like that and all that force is going to be hit in sorry did no one wear brigandine as a natural byproduct of this thing no heaps of people wore it because it was still phenomenally effective so i really hope that any vestige of an argument saying that you know breast shapes on a metal cure ass would funnel strikes in and not be able to flick them properly and therefore it would be horrible it's just no would it be as effective maybe not but would it be effective enough and we can see equivalence in armours that don't deflect things and were plenty effective enough that were worn very prominently yes okay you see i told you this brigandine would be important in this video because now we come to the next kind of argument about breast armor and i fully admitted this in my first video so it's important that you need to understand about the same context a lot of medieval breastplates did have that bulge but brigadine is a perfect example of a type of armor that is far more form-fitting and not much of a bulge at all i already mentioned that the center chest part sits maybe that far off my chest but overall very form fitting now in regards to the types of armors that generally have that bulge as i mentioned in my first video they can usually accommodate female anatomy just as well and they don't need to be made specifically for a female shape now does that mean therefore that female armor would never come about no and i say that in my video because people like armor to reflect fashion sense but also anatomy they're either manliness and if women were warriors prominently enough in history as i mentioned the first video armor would have been made eventually to show female anatomy as well or emphasize those parts in female anatomy that the culture of the time found to be attractive but people take that argument and i even made that argument in my first video and then take it a step further to say because there is enough space in armors that have certain bulges on the chest to accommodate female anatomy no armor would ever be made then to make more of a space on the inside to fit room for female anatomy and that seems to discount something very important i wish honestly i mentioned this in my previous videos but i get to mention it now so good thing for a follow-up is that breasts don't come in the same size okay and i know shock and so my point here is that armor that does have a cavity between your real chest and the surface of the armor itself can accommodate a female's bust most of the time unless they're particularly heavy chested and yeah a lot of women are heavy chested in the world not all of them i don't know the exact percentages but there's certainly enough and what's interesting is there were plenty of comments underneath my videos saying yeah what about the really heavy chested women from women who were heavy chested saying so that they wouldn't be able to fit in a male armor like that and so that's actually a really important caveat to mention in regards to that medieval armor made for men would not be able to accommodate heavy chested women it's a good point and so what are they gonna do yeah they're gonna suffocate themselves really squish in or if they were a competent warrior who had the money to make armor tailored for them would they make armor with a bit more space there i think it's perfectly logical that they would now some people say but it would be too difficult to make you think that was too difficult to make it still made okay like there are parts you know and elements of armor that are extremely difficult to make with very complex and sophisticated shapes did that stop them from making it no they were really good at it and by the way hammering out certain spaces in the histories and stuff like that doesn't mean that'll be too thin if they just start out with that area being particularly thick and master craftsmen can do this absolutely make that area on the chest thicker than other parts so if again that worry about this part of the armor would be particularly weak to being caved in stuff like that not if they just made it twice as thick as other parts of the i mean by the way the front parts of medieval breastplates oftentimes were thicker than the side parts as well because that was a weak point if a lot of strikers are going to be hit there and you don't want the armor to cave in they just made it thicker they did it historically and so they'd be able to do it on armor that was accommodating a female bust now we are going to get to the mandalorian armor specifically but i do think it's important to try and nab catch these uh additional arguments people have made in response to my previous two videos because these are still arguments that people are making and making it in response to the plausibility of female mandalorian armor and one of the arguments i've been hearing people make is that okay if you're gonna make female breast armor because of the precedent of schlong armor in the past that means whenever you make male armor you should make slong armor as well and it would be a sexist unreasonable imbalance that you're emphasizing female anatomy and not emphasizing male anatomy based on the precedent that male anatomy was emphasized in the past and again this is disingenuous because it's discounting the very significant thing why schlong armor existed and it was because of the fashion sense of the time the cod piece okay the cod piece was that it was a proper fashionable accessory and it was considered manly and fashionable to have that it wasn't a modest it wasn't crude it was a legitimate trend in the fashion and we see fashion senses being accommodated across into armor we see frills being made into metal armor to represent flowy kind of cloth the fashion of the time and so the thing that you need to understand in context then if you are in a fantasy setting or a sci-fi setting or anything like that and your armor is going to be reflecting a certain fashion sense or aesthetic style it would be in direct reflection of the aesthetic style that existed in that world or in our modern day and so my question then would be are cod pieces fashionable in our modern day do we see many people wearing them no no i'm going to say no on that one right and so then would it make sense to have armor that is supposed to reflect a modern fashion sense and fantasy armor and scifi hammer is usually made to reflect a modern sensibility of fashion not a past sensibility of fashion would it make sense to have cod pieces on their armor no of course it wouldn't although there are exceptions to this that don't seem to be acknowledged or noticed very much the male form that is considered more attractive and fashionable in the modern day is usually broad shoulders okay the kind of bodybuilder type of look and we see that style anesthetic transferred into fantasy armor to reflect our modern fashion sense and it turns out there are certain features on a female form in the modern day that we consider rather attractive and those are the things that are generally transferred onto female fantasy or sci-fi armor and it's not a bizarre thing but when you look at historical armor you can actually pick out the fashion style and sense of their day it was considered really fashionable for men to have wasp thin waists not the muscular kind of toned in ways that have straight you know sides on the waist no in a medieval sense it was like a pointed in waist like that and broad shoulders wasn't really a big thing so it's not an unfair equivalent that modern fantasy or sci-fi armor doesn't have schlong armor when there's boob armor in fantasy and sci-fi armor because have a look at the male mandalorian armor are they defining a male's muscular chest yeah of course it is in fact it's completely equivalent in representing a the male anatomy as female as the mandalorian boob armor is and by the way the mandalorian female blue hammer is very subtle okay this is not extreme in any measure and so that people could get outraged at something as functional and form-fitting as that is astounding it's honestly just people trying to get attention in my opinion so now let's have a look at the female mandalorian armor specifically and as i kind of already mentioned before looking at it looks really functional and honestly subtle in its kind of pronunciation of female anatomy it's not extreme at all i don't know how people are getting so upset about it but there's an important thing to consider about the mandalorian armor generally and as that mandalorian armor is not historical armor okay it's not made to deflect incoming blows it doesn't have a bulge it's actually very form-fitting now of course we do have a direct historical comparison of medieval armor being very form-fitting i'm wearing it right now okay this is very form-fitting armor now what's interesting about form-fitting armor i mentioned that in regards to armor that has the cavity and a bulge that it still wouldn't be able to accommodate particularly heavy-chested women and there would need to be greater accommodation for female anatomy in that regard but that idea is almost a necessity with form-fitting armor like a brigandine okay now if a woman is even medium not even heavy chested okay fitting into something as tight as this is gonna be rather uncomfortable and no i'm not just saying that as an uneducated i'm repeating the comments that women have left under my videos about this as well depending on their size even if they're just medium size or bigger having something that binds down their chest to such a degree to fit into form-fitting armasay like a brigandine is very uncomfortable so if a woman of at least moderate size if not bigger was trying to wear more form-fitting medieval arm like a brigandine i would hazard the guess it would be very beneficial to have a little bit more space in the upper section so it wouldn't be as uncomfortable and restrictive around there and this point translates quite directly to the mandalorian style of armor because it's very form-fitting okay i don't even know if there's even going to be a gap i remember how i have a small little gap right here between my chest and the armor just two centimeters not even sure the mandalorian armor has that and so there's either going to be a lot of binding and squishing and pressing down for a woman even moderate size to fit into the mandalorian breastplate let alone a woman who's actually heavy chested because then good luck right there's even a greater necessity for armour so closely form fitting to accommodate female anatomy yes boobs and it's not sexist it's not impractical and that's the baffling things it's actually a fairly practical thing and with the female mandalorian armour specifically we're not seeing two defined boob shapes in it it's actually a more central even bulge which is even more practical and look it's not a perfect bulge over the chest there is a slight tiniest indent to kind of emphasize the two sides right but like i said it's really subtle it's not extreme it defines the form very clearly and honestly i'm just going to hazard a guess here way more comfortable than if you know she was wearing the mandalorian male armor now could the mandalorian armor be made a little bit better so there was actually some measure of space between the surface of the armor and their actual chests because even like i said brigandine has that small gap between there yeah it could but we've seen that the armor is not just metal armor there is a technological component to it as we've seen from the mandalorian season one when he actually tries to repair it we do not know what that technological component is and i wish they would tell us and if anyone from the star wars thing is watching this my huge recommendation as to what type of technology it should be inertial dampening okay it's already a uh implied fact okay that star wars ships have inertial damping because the speeds that they can accelerate to and slow down to the people on the inside of these ships would be pancakes if there wasn't some type of inertial dampening technology now if you could apply that technology to armor that would have awesome impacts and results to the point where you could perhaps get hit by a giant rhino and not actually have your insides turned to jelly fall off a very large wheelie thing i don't know what it's called or perhaps even get your arm yanked from a tie fighter when you're attached to it having an inertial dampening field in the armor like that would explain a lot and make it really really cool because it would actually mean that the mandalorians would be able to survive some really severe impacts if it's actually able to absorb inertia in that manner that would be cool and because if it has that technology well then having armor specifically designed to disperse force evenly over the body so when if something hits the center it disperses it to the sides of the armor instead of actually hitting into the sternum there would be basically no necessity for that because the technology is doing it anyway and then you would actually have the proper metal the best car to defend against the high energy actual things like from blaster bolts and stuff and that would make a lot of sense and all cool fit and everything and it would it would actually make it all fit nicely in the lore and stuff and so there we go are there actually any other arguments i've missed that try and condemn you know female boob armor in one way or another and what's interesting even if i have missed some what usually means the result of these arguments is that if there's any validity to them it just means that design is slightly less effective than other armor designs and what's interesting they seem to forget that historically there were other armor designs that didn't have certain advantages that other armors did but people still wore them because they were still really really effective and so people think that if they come up with a logical argument that in some way says that this armor is not as effective as other that means no one would wear it because clearly no one historically war armor that might have had been slightly less effective than other arms but gave other benefits and other things one of those being fashion damn i was never done historically surely not [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 1,245,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, the Mandalorian, baby yoda, armor, beska, beskar, armour, boob armor, female, fantasy, scifi, science fiction, sci fi, jedi, lightsaber, skywalker
Id: bpbjSmZx3m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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