How to Shoot an AR-15 / M4 Carbine

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here we go see how we did was okay but write home about alright here's my crease I shot one before before that iteration just going for speed and I'm not sure where where it was but those are my rounds it's about 15 yards had a couple out here as I was just recovering walking it back in but uh he's dead hey guys got a full day classes here at two lauric group and I came in special early to give you guys some tips on how to mount a carbine so I plan on giving little tidbits for you guys over time but just how to mount a carbine or at least how I like to so first off what I like to do is ask whoever I have in front of me whatever students to give me kind of a fighting stance maybe they don't have one but they may give you some times fighting stance right in here great fighting stance if they don't have a fighting stance but they have some pistol background I'm like give me a pistol stance so I'll have them draw a pistol and point it straight ahead we're all clear nobody's here - lurks closed right now so I've just got cleared out guns and I'm not pointing them at you because you're not you're not here so anyway I'll have them either point a pistol give me a pistol stance and I'll just do open hands pistol stance ready present and they'll present I'm like now don't you move whether it's this or it's a fighting stance I'll say don't move and what I'm looking for is I want their body to square off toward a target so now as they are presented in a pistol open up their hands and like don't you move and then I'll grab the rifle and I'll basically guide it in to this already set platform stick it in the pocket of their shoulder and close their hands around it like so that's how I want to mount a rifle and it's very congruent with whether I've got an online normal fighting sense my pistol stance shotgun knight fighting stance right Stan's my body all looks similar my hips and shoulders are squared off toward the threat I have a little bit of an aggressive posture leaning forward not like the fletc squat or anything else like that but a posture that looks like I'm out for blood right so I'm poised forward ready in an aggressive stance what I'll usually see with folks when they're trying to rock a rifle is anybody who has I don't know it's kind of our natural default we'll take a rifle and we'll kick one shoulder way back like this in a old hunting style method right here yes now this can be great for accuracy but it's terrible for accuracy with speed under stress and that's how you're always going to be shooting in any defensive scenario so doing something like this and you can see as a rifle recoils all the Ricoh goes where goes in my shoulder right pushing backwards that's not good for recovery of the rifle meaning this rifle is just kind of kicking me all over the place so instead turning the rifle inboard right here allowing my shoulder to now kind of squeeze the rifle in this way allows my entire body to now I have to somewhat of a shock absorber all the way down through my leg so I can be nice and into this gun right right so that's what I'm looking for for my platform I want shoulders generally facing toward the target this is also natural if you got body armor it's going to now use your plates rather than turn them sideways and it's also really good for mobility we don't move at a blade event we don't move like this running or walking or otherwise this is our natural movement we're just hips and shoulders squared off toward a target right so I want to mirror that especially for running imagine you're down behind cover and all this if you have to get up and go your hips forward and you need to be able to mount a rifle during that entire process ah cool so I need tips shoulders all facing toward a target in an aggressive posturing with my shoulders kicked forward squeezing that rifle helping hold it in place so the rifle is not owning me I am owning this rifle and it becomes a part of me an extension of me and that's what I'm looking to accomplish with my carbine cool so let's kind of go over more of the biomechanics how that's basically to say face your target more so if you got a little bit of a bend that's going to be natural just by nature of putting one hand farther out and having one it closer in I next thing I want the top of the buttstock here to be basically right up here with the top of my trap right here so it's not way over so that the recoil is pushing over my shoulder I also don't want it way far down like this this is what I'm more commonly see so now my shoulder is way above it right here and this is bad because now for me to be able to get a sight picture I've got a shrug this shoulder way up dip this head way down just to get a sight picture and a lot of times you're trying to get in a sight picture real quickly and you're way down low you can't get in there you got to do this big shrug and it just doesn't work well for efficiency as now I've not just moving my head to my rifle but my rifle to my head and having to do some ad hoc manipulations with shoulder shrugs and it's just nice and ugly so I want the top of the buttstock about level with my trap up here also if you're standing up really vertically you see this big V that opens up that's bad and so if I get a little bit more aggressive into it it flattens out now against my body and that's what I want a nice flat surface having a little bit of a rubber texture right here is going to really help it stick now when I say pocket of the shoulder if you take your arm and just go ahead and face me take your right arm if you're right-handed and present it straight out and you should be able to feel a muscle right here there's the muscle the pocket of the shoulders right beside that muscle right where the kind of shelf of the muscle falls off that right there is the pocket it's far more inboard than you thought you don't put the rifle on the shoulder you put it inside the shoulder in the pocket of the shoulder right there perfect beautiful right there that's right cool like that I next let's deal with the grip and we'll deal with the pressures first and then I'll deal with a placement of the hands I want to be able to I'm not really trying to hold the rifle up in space instead I'm trying to pull the rifle back into me and you don't want to be like a day one jiu-jitsu student that's squeezing everything as hard as they can it's just fatiguing you and also it adds a little bit of a tremor I see this all the time with pistol what somebody presents and I see this business out here it's because they're Vulcan death grip the gun and you need to chill out man it doesn't take that much pressure to grip the gun gripping the gun just keeps your hand on the gun it's not even keeping it from jumping up and down managing recoil that's elbows and shoulders chill out relax when we rock our carbines I want enough pressures backwards so that I can hold it by pinning it back against me like this and I can switch hands like this so each way it's got enough back in the military we heard about okay you're supposed to do 30 percent here 70 percent here however you want to think about it but I am really this is the magic behind keeping my platform intact is this hand pulling back and this shoulder pushing forward to kind of squeeze in so it's doing this here's my shoulder and my support hand my lead hand pushing back and sandwiching in here and a lot of the power comes from here cool I'll also have something that I can get a little traction with a vertical foregrip or a hand stop something I can kind of pull back a little bit on that gives me a little bit of foam right here for placement of the hand there's a lot of different theories out there and I've got an earlier video uh that's talking about one of the cons that I'll bring up I'll provide a link to it but one is if I want a lot of control meaning being able to manage that rise of the muzzle that kicks off by pushing my hand as far out as I can I can really help mitigate a lot of that muscle rise and by being farther out I can really Drive rifle very effectively on target uh the only real downside or one of the downsides to this by mounting my hands way far out with more of a straight arm right here is that this muscle right here will fatigue very very quickly so if you've got a competitive shooting stage it's not that long you can rock this way all time all day long if you're a dude who may have to be clearing buildings or rooms for ten minutes or five six eight hours you can't do that what you'll end up doing is you'll rest this arm on your body armor you'll put this arm right here and you'll end up clearing rooms like this because you're so fatigued you'll hold your rifle up anymore and that's like some of like it's a terrible platform well you got to do what you got to do some ducks so uh but that's a real thing that we have to factor into our grip is just natural fatigue I've had a real big guy and you'll see in this video provide a link to strong dude and after two minutes of doing this he's already shaking you barely do it anymore so what I'll do also so I can kind of have the benefits of the control by an extended support hand grip right here I'll pull this back so now I'm using a little bit of bicep a little bit of my lat and my shoulder right here all to kind of keep it up right here and so you see this Bend it's certainly not a 90 degree Bend right here but I've got a bend in it and it's pulling in right so that's what I'll do about midway back and it's right here with my control so I can do my infrared night-vision laser or I can do my white light as well so right here alright warrior poets thanks so much for staying tuned please share this with somebody else like comment subscribe all that good stuff train hard train smart see
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 1,672,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Shoot, Introduction to carbine, Rifle basics, Ar-15, M4, Daniel Defense, Surefire scout Light, HSGI, High speed gear, Glock, basic rifle shooting, how to hold an ar-15, john lovell, special operations, pro tips, rifle tips, rifle instruction, home defense weapon, fast and accurate, glock 17, red dot sight, build an ar-15, best ar-15, ar-15 pro tip, how to shoot like john wick, shooting fundamentals, BCM rifle, firearm instruction
Id: pHcRgRab4P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2017
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