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hey I'm Jerry Mitchell and I'd like to share with you some techniques that I use to clean my a our style or modern sporting rifle I shoot a lot so I find myself in here doing this procedure very often and I was looking for a dirty gun and guess what there was Lena's gun she hates to clean her rifle too so I've got her competition rifle here I'll give you an idea what I'm looking for when I do the cleaning and very much specifics on on the actual lubrication and reassembly so all right we're going to go ahead and take a run at it guys I've got a chamber flag in there this is something you always want to own and use not only do you want to own it but you want to use it so with this there's no way I can have a round in the children number one priority guys they have no live ammunition anywhere on the table to tempt you to get it somewhere in the system so I've got a completely empty rifle no ammo go ahead and drop the boat I'm going to go ahead and pull the takedown pin here pull the bolt assembly out in the charging handle and set these on the side for right now I've got a neat little gadget here and this this little piece of plastic this little dogleg right here you can put in the back your receiver and a fix it to the pin so it basically breaks it open like this so it makes it you know it makes it fit a cradle like this relatively easy or a vise and you want to have a bore guide guys this is something you want to own as a bore guide so also use a stainless steel one-piece cleaning rod very easy to keep to keep that rod clean and also it's less abrasive should it hit the ball or anything on the receiver so I've got my little cleaning gizmo got my cleaning rod so where I'm going to start I've got a chamber brush guys this is something you have to have if you have a modern sporting rifle the chamber is paramount to keep clean so what I'm going to do the way I start my procedure I usually wet different parts of the gun with different cleaning solvents and then go and then go at it so I'm just going to start with some voiceover and what I want to do is what that chamber enough to where they can start cutting carbon or whatever debris is in there alright go ahead and work it in the chamber a little bit one thing about an AR the way it hit the gas system is constantly following the platform as you shoot so it's paramount that you have to have a procedure to counteract that so I've got the chamber wet with bore solvent I'll put my bore guide in an idea of this guide you want to clean it from the chamber in is to protect the rifling and of course the barrel which is the most important part of the whole platform here so I've got my one-piece rod got a new brush here just the impression that I do own a new brush I'm going to dip it in there because it's new and I'm not going to contaminate it but after that I won't dip the brush into solvent because you actually contaminate it so I'm going ahead and wet the bore with a couple of strokes here I could have got a longer cleaning rod I could have got next to undone this but anyway go ahead stroke it a few times and let it sit that is a good brush go ahead we're going to that set for a minute ah I'm gonna put my gloves on guys when I handle that boat it's pretty dirty so one thing I try to do as I get older to work a little bit smarter the least amount of this debris you can get on your hands and absorb through your skin the longer you might live so anyway let's go ahead and put some gloves on and start taking the bolt assembly down all right so we've got the bolt assembly of course you got your charging handle got it out so first thing I'm going to do is pull the little keeper pin here for the firing pin retaining pin it's actually a little Carter key looking gizmo there go ahead and drop the firing pin out comes out to the rear and you can see it's pretty dirty Lena's done a good job of burning up a lot of my ammo I think so we will go ahead and take the cam pin out and then take the cam pin out you have to line it up parallel with the gas key there and you go ahead and pick it out this way so that she can pin you can pull your boat out and of course your bolt carrier what's interesting here is this little pin that's something you want to keep your eyes on you shoot you shoot a lot of rounds through it it's going to bend it so I'm constantly monitoring that pin put them in a vise and straighten them but I've only done that one time after I straighten them once I get rid of especially my competition guns and also you want to check the condition of your firing pin all the time when you when you have a disassembly like this and I'll show you some technique here and I just a minute another thing you want to do is pull your extractor out and the way I do it is I depress the rear of the extractor with my thumb and just use the firing pin to push the pin out to one side and then you can pull it out those kind of make it a little hard so there's your pin that holds the extractor and you can take your extract assembly out and the reason I take that extractor assembly out I want to do a visual on the spring and I also want to feel the tension of it and I want to watch the face of the extractor if it's chipped or worn and we will do a test later with a cartridge when you reassemble it to give you an idea what it feels like if its proper so another thing I want to look at when I'm looking at the bolt assembly you can see that the gas key is staked in these two out and these cap head screws that torque down at the factory and they stake them so I want to make sure that hasn't turned so always do a visual on those two bolts so I've got this out got the charge handle out so what I'm going to do start the procedure here let's take this bolt assembly and wet it let it start sitting there for a while and I did want to get some bore solvent on it so it can sit start to dissolve some of the debris there ars pick up a lot of a lot of junk and that's just what they are they that gas operation makes them very dirty you can use bore solvent like this or you can use a CLP depends what you have if you had a sonic clean that's even better guys I've got a sonic clean edge it has spoiled me to death works really good for the job you can see about my fingers here we're starting to come off of it already with the cleaner so let that sit a little bit let's see rhe contaminant want to contaminate on my Borisovich anyway if you have a CLP product that will work too got a spray a spray product here I'm going to go ahead and wet it with this on the inside let it sit alright you can see already a lot of stuff coming off there this is probably just by three or four hundred rounds my personal guns I don't try to exceed about four or five hundred rounds specially on my mass guns my rattle battle guns what I try to do is keep a bottle of oil with me on the range and keep them wet the idea of an AR or modern sporting rifle in general they want to stay wet so especially when we start playing with them when we put lighter weight boats and we have adjustable gas systems that becomes very dependent on keeping your gun oiled guys so bring a bottle of oil with you oil is your friend so alright we got this we got this soaking we got the barrel wet so what I'm going to do next give you an idea we're going to break it down a little bit further go ahead and take this up or off the lower and pull a buffer assembly out this is something I do every every couple of thousand rounds depends if it's been raining while competing or not so go ahead and break the upper off the lower leave it in a cradle here so what I like to do periodically especially if it's been wet off shot a lot of ammo would go ahead and take the buffer assembly out it's got a little detent pin here on the back of the receiver you can see it right here this little tool by the way guys somebody had sent me this it's a prototype it's probably the most strict little piece of plastic I've ever had and I use it on the ARS constantly so one of my best friends when it comes to cleaning gun so let me go ahead and pull the buff you just depress it and the buffer assembly is going to come out to the forward position like this so you have your whole buffer spring and wait and usually what I try to do if I shot a lot this the buffer assembly is really clean on this gun but give you an idea how to how to maintain that I'll go ahead and take the cleaning rod and I've got a 12-gauge shotgun brush and I just fix it to the rifle rod then I'll take a cloth I'm sure there's better ways of doing it but I'm cheap and I've always used this way so anyway pull a section of it off not like that maybe a little better and what I do with that of course they just put it on the on the end of the brush and just wrap it on there like this and you can go ahead and run it in or way to the rear a few a few revolutions and it's not really high-tech this never failed me there so as you can see it wasn't all that dirty but I know it's clean and usually what I do with the trigger group guys I don't disassemble the trigger hardly ever unless I have a problem so what I'm going to do is go outside with a with the contact cleaner or brake parts cleaner what you want to do when you choose a product to do this you want to make sure it doesn't harm to finish of the firearm a lot of disc brake cleaners and stuff you buy at automotive store it's it's hard on a gun finish so you want to be sure when you use a solvent of any kind on it that it's going to be compatible with the finish of the firearm so what I'm gonna do here in just a minute is take this assembly out and blow it out with a contact clean to make sure that the trigger assembly is clear that's something I want to do when I'm into when I'm in the shop too is check the function of the safety you want to check everything you want to assume everything is wrong until you certified as being right so after a while we're going to step out and blow that trigger assembly out so now we've got the bolt assembly here and usually what I do when I have that bore soaking like this I'll take a CLP or bore solvent and spray the inside the receiver here at inside the track let that sit a little bit there's a lot of debris and there also all that blow-by that comes out of the chamber of course goes into the upper receiver it really makes it tacky and dirty roads relatively quick so we're going to go ahead and start cleaning this receiver the upper assembly there again I'll just take a good piece of paper towel and that little plastic tool again and what I'm trying to do is to clean that Raceway that the gas kira separate reciprocates in see the top of the boat the gas key runs it to the top of the receiver it's important that you keep that channel clean I see a lot of guys riding around on their four-wheelers with their with their rifles exposed that dust covers open and you got a wet gun guy you got to gum a lot of oil on it and you get you're getting a lot of debris in there you're just asking for accelerate accelerated wear so I try not to let that happen as you can see what's coming out of it already if you've got a cleaning patch of that size out of work in here you can use it I paper towel is already done done the job for me pretty good as you can see there's a lot of a lot of debris coming out of there ready and it doesn't seem to matter what propellant you use I haven't seen much difference in a ball powder or an extruded powder in the amount of fouling so it's kind of interesting you think one of them would be better than the other but I haven't haven't found that issue yet to be true so we've got it just about where we want it all right so that's done so usually what I do at this stage of the game I'll step outside and with the brake parts cleaner or that contact cleaner I blow out the barrel extension and the barrel that away all that the unburned power and everything that's in your barrel extension right here it's flushed down the bore it's really hard to clean in there they make a lot of gizmos and stuff to do it I've always found it just easier to get some brake parts cleaner or contact cleaner and get it with that so what I'm going to do is step outside with this nozzle and blow that chamber up okay guys the point of interest here is just barrel extension you can see it's a it's very it's hard to get in there with anything to clean it properly so I use a contact cleaner like this I usually do this outdoors for ventilation purposes so we're gonna make this real quick so I don't get too high on this stuff all right here we go guys we'll go ahead and blow it out it evaporates really quick you can see in the bucket how much debris is coming out of there you go ahead you can see that you can see the barrel extension now it's really bright so we've done our job there so we're going to just set this on the side and grab the trigger assembly so I'm go ahead and decock it one thing you want to remember on an AR you never want let the hammer slam on a receiver so you want to you want to retain a hammer when you drop it you get in the open position like this the fired position it's the same thing here guys you can go ahead and uh just flush it out and it all depends again on how dirty it is all right so there it is look like a new one so we're going to let this dry we're going to step in and get out of here for a moment and start reassembling we put these two assemblies outside and gave it time for that contact clean of the flash off so now we're back indoors with it so what we're going to do take our bore guide again and the whole idea by cleaning that part and blowing all that trash down the bore is so you have a spotless chamber guys and also that barrel extension is really clean so put the bore guide back in take our cleaning rod and put and put the brass jag on it from here on I had brushed the bore three or four times that's about all I'm going to do with it from here on I'm just going to use cleaning patches from here to finish the cleaning so I've got a patch that's what's good about this poor guy kind of it holds everything in line oh yeah not too bad do another one look like one more and we'd be good to go it was nice about that solvent it flushes all that debris everything out so if I had a chromoly barrel of course I'd run a patch down there that was lubricated to prevent rust but this is a stainless steel barrel so I'm going to do and run a few patches through it it's going to be good to go and from the look of the patch here looks like it might need one more one more if your boy would be extremely followed you might want to do the for solvent procedure again this one doesn't appear to have any problem so I think we ready to go right there so we let it go with that okay so we've got that clear go ahead and take the bore guide out and one thing I always like to do when I finish running a patch down there is to make sure there's nothing stuck not a thread or any kind of debris in the bore and it looks to be just what I want to clean from from in the end good deal so we've got that so now we're going to put our attention back to the bolt assembly here so we grab a paper towel we had a time for it to sit a little bit get some of that carbon to loosen up on it a hair so let's play with it and see what we can do go ahead and clean the charge handle I usually put this in all to Sonic cleaners I'm a little bit spoiled to that clean the inside the raceway where the gas key reciprocates make sure it's all clean make sure your roll pin is also in place that's something else you want to keep an eye on these little roll pins on the handles themself a very fragile so you want to keep a good eye on where they are in relationship to the handle so these are flush so we're good to go there I've got a little tool here that you can go inside of the boat inside the carrier if you needed to check if you have a lot of carbon in it and you can stick it in from the front and rotate it and this one had a little bit of debris in it what this does it goes to the back of the boat and picks up any any carbon in the back you can see they had a little bit good bit of stuff in there so that clean the bolt all the way to the end and actually feel it nice clean so there you have a guide you can see by the amount of junk coming out of there has some kind of a big big piece there you go got that clean we've had that CLP on it so we'll go ahead and wipe it real good what I'm looking to do here is to remove it much of course that fouling as I can but I want to make sure that the track here where the campaign runs is also clean that's a high load area that's the most stressed area of the whole carrier assembly so what I'm going to do is just take this paper towel and roll it up a little bit and run it in the boat as far as I can get it to the back of the boat see what we can find in there might have to come out where yeah that's pretty trash now you can see it picked up a lot okay making sure everything is in it's in the right spot you can also take your little doodad to here catch the back of the the carrier on the inside this catches a lot of debris also from from the blow-by from the boat to the carrier it's kind of interesting how they both assembly is made so all right that looks pretty good that looks pretty good so we've got the bolt itself right here most important part on this of course would be your gas rings we'll take a look at those in just a minute that's where that sonic cleaner Clem is that comes in handy here also what you can do if you wanted to use some of that contact cleaner you can go out and blow it and you get this thing spotless clean so what I'm looking to do is get much of that debris out of the channel here also weather weather firing-pin travels go ahead and get this firing pin clean you can see it had a lot of carbon on it all right looks pretty good what I'm looking for in this firing pin you got a little bit of debris on it if you want to get it spotless you can brush it out took it all off so it's clean from stem to stern you can see the head of the firing pin itself here guys actually starting to Brad out a little bit so it's been shot this probably has about 6,000 rounds through it from the look of the firing pin I'm also wanting to look at the end of the firing pin to see if it's not chipped a worn so another way of checking you firing-pin protrusion when you get your boat cleaned up another trick I found through the years is to take a take a fired case like this guys you get you an old fired case and on the backside the boat here where the carbon builds up you can actually use this as a scraper and if you want to get it truly spotless you can scrape most of that debris off and that's where a good solvent comes in it loosens it up you can see it actually starting to chip out of there in pretty good sized pieces so you can brush that with that piece of brass and it burnished is it right off without any damage to the boat this really gets beat up really quick it would have to take an extreme amount of fouling for it to hurt the cycle of the gun but if you keep it clean and you use the right solvent the next time you go to clean it it makes it a whole lot easier so stainless steel brush you can see it brightened it up pretty good with just that little bit of effort so the solvent did a good job this both is actually discolored somewhat okay I usually take a q-tip see if this one fit some of them doing some dope you can run a q-tip in here all the way down into the end and get most of that debris out of there that's where that parts cleaner come in again if you want to step outside and get a totally spotless but this seems to be acceptable another thing you want to look at guys is your gas rings when you go to reassemble you want to make sure no split lines up with the other so you want to separate them I usually do a 180 degree on them so there's three of them so that's all clean came out pretty nice you can see by the paper towel here is quite a quite a bit of junk came out of there you can pin make sure that's clean and one check it for wear if we got any sharp edges on it from where it riding on the bolt itself you can see the you can see the abuse it takes right here takes a lot of load done to unlock that bolt and especially when you when you start mucking with the gas system and you pick the boat velocity up how fast this bolt opens sometimes we we increase the cycle time thirty forty percent so it's really hard on that cam pin so you want to keep an eye on that the extractor which you're looking for and you extractor guys you want to keep the extractor lip itself clean I've actually had a pin break on an extract at one time I've had one extractor break this is a single spring with a little piece of hard plastic in the middle they make several upgrades for this but I've never really had any trouble with the standard one at all I'm just looking at to make sure that I don't see a crack anywhere on the side here but you have to remember this is a push feed rifle which means that extractor has to pop over that rim on every shot you fire so the extract it takes a huge beating that boat goes forward hits the cartridge and extractor has to jump over it grab it pull it out and do the same thing over and over so this pin this extractor pin itself takes a tremendous pounding so I've actually seen one of these break and of course your little cotter pin or your firing pin retaining pin is another they make this one both in a solid and the original split type so the standard part is not bad you just have to keep an eye on it so these are all your parts for your bolt assembly let me go ahead and get them off the pile here where you can see them and what they look like and we'll go over one one more time and a little cleaning tools that you should you need one so that's your bolt assembly the bolt and the carrier and this is the buffer assembly what I'm looking for on here because this is relatively clean so I'm just going to wipe it there give had a sonic cleaner the best way to do it we just dump it in sonic cleaner pretty good good to go alright so we've got all the Assemblies here so I'll go ahead and start to reassemble the bolt another thing you can do while you have your firing pin out you can also check how much firing-pin protrusion you have as you can see here on the face of the boat you so much protrusion you have what I'm looking for in my firing pin to see if it's not battered on the back or on this front stop right here you can see the stop starting to take a little bit of a peen so it's not bad shape it's got a lot of hours on it but it's got some life left in it so we're going to run it again alright so the way I put my extractor back in and go ahead and lay it in the track and with your thumb depress the back of the extractor go ahead and put the retaining pin in and if you have an enhanced bolt it's even harder to get in so there it is extract is in you want to look at the face of your extractor right here make sure it's not chipped on the edges and also what I do with this fired case after I do the reassembly I want to make sure that the ejector plunger is loose and also the extractor tension feels right so you can take your firing pin or punch and go ahead and take your bolt and push down on the ejector make sure that it's free and it's cycling good you can see the plunger here that's your ejector it's very critical it keeps everything running so it's clean it's functioning it's got good trial we've got spring pressure on it also your extractor you can take a fire case a fired case not a live one go ahead and put it on the extractor and try to pull it through and I'm pulling on it really hard so it's catching and from the feel of everything it's a it's good to go I'm sure there's more technical ways of doing it but it's got me through all these years so that's the system I use anyway there it is it's all clean and I'm going to go through on all learning procedure that I do on my boat and I'll give you an idea why I do it that campaign guys takes up a hell of a beating so that's that's the main load area on your whole bolt carrier what's interesting about the cam pin you notice you can only put it in one way into the boat itself the reason for that is so you don't assemble your boat backwards well you can't eject the case out so usually this boat this boat has a shoulder in the back where the cam pin only go in one way the military ones have a stake where they just hit it with a punch so you can't assemble them the gun backwards so pretty tricky so we've got the boat here give you an idea what I do when i reassemble I go ahead and wet the back of the boat itself right back here this extension I do the Rings to and this collar which is actually the cam of track I guess you could say that it rotates into carry assembly itself put it in the carrier you always want your extractor to the right side and you can see the cam pin hold is lining up so when you put your cam pin in you have to put it in long ways and then you turn it you can use your firing pin to do that you turn it across now when you drop your firing pin in like this you can put your retaining pin in from the right and you're good to go but you want to make sure guys is to make sure your firing pin is retained before you assemble because you can actually put that retainer on the wrong side the firing pin and then when you go to cycle the platform you're firing appearin will fall out into the gun and then you've got a really nasty Jam I did that one time so I'll give you a heads up on it you always want to make sure that you're firing pin is retained before you start reassembling so we have it in there it's retained and we're good to go so we got lucky get it right on the first time okay what I like to do on the cam pin is to use grease on it so I've got some grease you know what I want to do is load the cam surfaces that have the torque front end back put a little grease on it this really seems to lessen less than aware characteristic on that cam so got grease running back yep such a good grease that got away from me all right got that done so we've got the boat and the carrier your Lube from the inside so that's there so I'm going to take my trigger group next and on this trigger assembly it's got a couple of pivot points I want to cover with take the standard going oil here and run it on the on the wear points I'm gonna put a little bit down on the sear surface also the pivot area here and what I like to do on the safety I use a little bit lighter oil since we flushed it out and go ahead and put a drop under the safety lever here so it'll get under the let the plunger assembly and also on the outside here on that wear surface this light oil a wick in there really good so what I usually do after assemble is go ahead and wipe the excess off the outside so got it all warmed up check it good to go okay so we've got that we got the bolt together on your buffer assembly you can run a little light grease on it I usually just oil mine there again I just put a few drops like that go ahead and drop it back into buttstock and it's ready to go all right let's go ahead and do the upper assembly here won't take your charge handle put it in the track the correct way lock it in start the thought to charge handle it in just the little ways and what I like to do I like to to oil the upper assembly outfit it's actually in there so I'm go ahead and put the bolt in address it forward we've got that let me wipe my hands off a little bit better here find a clean paper towel we're going to get my hands clean take the upper being careful not to hold it back so the boat doesn't slide to the rear take the lower toss your front pin in and hook it pivot it over put the rear pin in work it to the rear and usually what I do from here I address the raceways with the oil from the outside that way it doesn't get wiped off on the back of the receiver when you assemble put about two or three drops on each on each side and talk a little suit on let's see finish wiping it down looking pretty good guys looking pretty good alright so there we have it guys a clean rifle is a happy rifle ready to go on the range guys there it is nothing to it few minutes right products you got it made you
Channel: Jerry Miculek - Pro Shooter
Views: 1,169,381
Rating: 4.9140658 out of 5
Keywords: Miculek, speed, shooting, fast, quick, draw, reload, reloading, world, record, battlefield, black, ops, gun, guns, firearms, firearm, weapon, tactical, assault, ar15, ar, 15, ak47, ak, 47, m16, m4, rifle, shotgun, pistol, handgun, clean rifle, clean AR, how to, AR15 cleaning, disassembly, Jerry Miculek, Miculekdotcom, 4K, 4K resolution, rifle cleaning, hickok45, iraqveteran8888, Miculek.com
Id: ZMuWlomfnf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2015
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