Firearm Safety in Defensive Situation | Gunsite Academy Firearms Training

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hi I'm Dave miles with the National Shooting Sports Foundation and today I'm with Bob Whaley range master here at gunsight now Bob at gunsight your goal is to teach people how to defend themselves using the art of the modern pistol a rifle shotgun but using firearms for self-defense correct and a critical part of that is not only knowing how to shoot the gun but also how to figure out who you should shoot and probably more importantly who you shouldn't exactly let's talk about target discrimination target discrimination it's a vital skill you see with more and more people exercising their constitutional right to defend themselves learning how to use firearms and carrying concealed weapons becomes very critical to you understand that before you can launch that round downrange there are two things you have to do number one you have to locate the threat and then you have to fully identify or discriminate that threat to determine that it is someone that you can legally morally and ethically engage with deadly force sure I was a policeman for 31 years I spent 15 years in Swat throughout my time as a policeman before and after training academies everywhere taught watch the hands watch the hands the hands will kill you was the big thing and it that is true but there's more to it than that every year we see instances with police law abiding citizens our soldiers downrange who key on the hands they watch the hands almost to the exclusion of everything else the mind is set to a trigger of if they're armed I'm going to shoot yep and we have to remember there's lag time to shoot there's lag time to stop shooting so they key in on just those things they see a gun they start launching rounds downrange and it's about that third round that their brain is screaming hey he's wearing the same uniform iron or hey that's Joe whatever yep so just watching the hands is not enough so yeah you have a system then could we use to determine whether this is friend or exactly when I was in Swat full-time team doing a lot of work every day we talked a lot about how do we prevent blue-on-blue or friendly fire instances you know hey guys he's gonna be carrying the same kind of gun as you or hey look for the uniform look for the badge whatever it was but it wasn't until I met a guy named Paul Howe who is a retired United States Army Master Sergeant and spent over ten years as a delta operator who introduced us to a a teachable system that you could learn and apply in the real world okay the system goes like this it's five steps number one whole person hands waistline surroundings and demeanor and here's what it means first thing I look at I wash that whole person I look at the whole person I'm looking at him to determine is this one of my guys do I know who this is is this an unknown is this a bad guy that I recognized immediately or is this somebody I'm not sure about is this a true unknown sure i watch the person identify my collapse to the hands is he holding a weapon is that weapon capable of creating a situation that justifies deadly force if I don't see anything in the hands and I'm gonna break to the waist line the waist line is the most common place where somebody will hide a weapon doesn't mean that that's the only place but remember I'm dealing with fractions of fractions of a second here to accomplish this task if I don't see anything there I break to the surroundings it may be within leaping or reaching distance of them and running through the whole system is demeanor I was only involved in a couple shootings my team throughout the years I was I was there was only involved in a total of maybe a half dozen matches we had a lot of guns pointed at us over the years but just because somebody has a gun points a gun somewhere or does it doesn't necessarily mean that a they're a bad guy are they pose an imminent risk to you sure human beings have you know they exude behavior you know the eyes are the window to the soul well I'll tell you what body languages is a window to intention yes so I want to look at that because my experience in the experience of the officers around me will tell you they're a good guy gives off a little bit different vibe than a bad guy sure ok that's not a one on her percent sure thing yeah you have to let the situation speak for itself mm-hmm but sometimes that off-duty policeman who's looking at his buddies in a certain way if you're doing more than just keen on those hands and just seeing that weapon in his hands you're gonna pick up the vibes which might cause you to hold just for a second now a lot of people are gonna say well Bob that's a bad thing if I hesitate I'm lost that may be true but you use this system in conjunction with and in line with the color code of awareness this is a way of enhancing your system of maintaining your awareness it supplements that so if I'm using my system I'm in yellow I have relaxed awareness and I get in a habit of loosely discriminating people as I go about my business I build this skill and it is a skill I'm very likely to be out and out ahead and I will avoid having to respond in that moment sure you know I can be out ahead of the issue but if you if you're paying attention more than likely that person that may be thinking about doing something exactly you've probably already identified him as a threat long before they come within that space where they can hurt you exactly but again as I said it's a skill yep so here's how you build it okay you have a little fun with this thing when you're going about your business you know you're walking through Walmart you know you're at work and everything instead of just looking at people from now on look at them in terms of this system okay because remember you have to be able to do this in a time it takes you to either present that pissed or I'll bring it from low already or even to turn and just glances somebody you got to collect this information so for now on as you go about and you're starting to talk with people you look you're gonna see that whole person in that same instance you'll collapse to the hands if I don't see anything I'm gonna look at the waistband I'm gonna look at their surroundings and I'm gonna gauge your demeanor what is this person's intention based on their body language how they're moving all that just start doing that very loosely very calmly very in a very relaxed manner so you start building the skills it's just like applying the color code I will tell students look when you become aware of your environment it's very likely you're gonna be ahead on the game you're gonna see bad things out there okay but there aren't a lot of bad things out there in the world but there's an awful lot of good things and you're gonna start noticing things in your environment they're very enjoyable you never saw before because you never made yourself look for sure the same thing about this system and applying it to people you're gonna start seeing things noticing things and perceiving a lot of good things about people sure that just passing through letting your gaze blast by a television channel notice that right with no intention you just don't see him so it you know it's not only a system to identify bad guys and be able to shoot the right person that's critical you don't want to shoot the wrong guy you know they deserve to their own safety too but hitting the right person but it's also a way of being more effective and interacting with people also so and there's a way another way you can do build that skill on the range okay how's that well first off you need the right kind of target guys here at gun sight we don't shoot unarmed targets here we shoot targets that present a credible immediate and ongoing threat so our targets that you shoot are armed and we do not shoot unarmed targets here at Gunson so we're going to talk about how to set up a poor man's decision-making range help build a skill all you need is any in front from 2:00 to 4:00 or 5:00 let's keep it to a nice manageable area targets of some kind that are armed now the target can be printed with them and you can get these types of targets in a lot of different sources here or it can be just a plain target as long as you have they are nice sticky or something that you can put up there a nice way to do that or an easy way to do it is take a blue gun hit toy gun something other than a live firearm set your hand down on the printer I make copy of it okay and you can do that as many times as you want so you got a lot of your your target does not have a thread on it paste that on there okay now it takes two people to do this so I've got my bank of targets okay he's now armed I have my buddy turn his back so the other thing you have to have you have to have the skills to be able to pivot and turn safely so you need training in that to understand how to do those movements again safely yeah so I have my Bank of targets know what's gonna happen is I'm gonna put a number up here so this may target one two three they don't have to be in order you can mix those numbers around okay so on and maybe one or two or as many as your buddy wants to mess with you on he's gonna take a blank piece of notebook paper with a piece of tape and he's gonna cover up the threat okay okay so now we have targets that are pointing guns at you and targets that worst okay we have to make a decision now sure so what he can do then call out a sequence of numbers all right calls out any sequence of numbers any number of targets are up there then he says go you pivot pivot then draw your pistol improperly procedures you do not present the pistol one until your shoulders are squared of the target oh yeah by the way the guy who's calling the numbers needs to remember to step behind the line before he calls the sequence when he calls the numbers you engage those targets in the order it was given however let's say I've covered this up this is target one and I call number one somewhere in my sequence just because that number is term it has been called doesn't mean I don't engage that target because if there's no weapon here he doesn't pose a credible immediate and ongoing threat I have to look at them I have to see them and engage them properly okay so kind of again the poor man's you it's it's gets you an opportunity to check exactly take that moment to evaluate the target and then take the shot if you need it or not exactly brakes you all about it breaks you out of the automatic mode of target shoot shoot the argot shoot who breaks you out of that forces you to make some kind of a low-level decision about what I'm going to shoot what I'm not going to shoot and it's based on what you see yes it's based on what you see that's what's going to happen out there and you're critical incident absolutely you know sound and smell our target indicators but you got to see it before you can shoot and have to make a decision a critical decision in very compressed time frames that this is the proper responses on this target and to use a any kind of weapon in self-defense you really have to be practiced skilled work on getting the right mindset and this is all a part of it that's right this is a critical face you know just because you own a piano doesn't mean that you're ready to play in Carnegie Hall you need to learn how to use this machine yep to the highest level that you can with this instrument sure just because you go down to the gun store and you buy it doesn't mean you're ready to go if you need rain you need practice and you need to be very certain of your talking if you're not sure don't shoot yep very simple you shoot at what you know mm-hmm not at what you guess not out what you think you know not at what you simply surmise you shoot at what you know and are certain of yep that's great advice Bob and thank you for taking the time to talk about target imagination now there's a drill that you can use at your range if you're looking for a range to shoot at visit our website it's called where to shoot org and remember when you're on the range firearm safety depends on you you you
Channel: National Shooting Sports Foundation | NSSF
Views: 62,230
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: Target, Shooting Sportscast, Tips, AR15, how-to, outdoors, Jeff Cooper, sighting, Armalite, tactical rifles, NSSF, instruction, Gun, Gunsite Academy, shooting, firearm safety, Modern Sporting Rifle, MSR, Stance, AR-15, shoot, Discrimination, target shooting, firearms, AR, shooting range, firearm education, firearms training, Shooting Sports, shooting tips, Jeff, Range, Cooper, Col. Jeff Cooper, instructional video, Semi-automatic rifle, tips & tricks, Guns, Accuracy, Rifle
Id: 4mfXjRBjje4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2012
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