How To Clean & Lubricate Your AR-15 Series Rifle (HD)

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welcome back everyone what we're doing today is we're going to go over how to clean and lubricate your ar-15 series rifle we are not going to do a detailed clean pay we're not going to do a white belt cleaning we're going to do how I do it generally when I get back from the range and it's just quick cleaning and lubrication for next time every maybe thousand fifteen hundred rounds I do a white glove cleaning with solvents and so on and so forth but typically I don't do that and a are really doesn't eat it contrary to what your drill sergeant I said but um we'll get into it so the first thing you're going to do is obviously make sure your rifle is unloaded so go ahead and depress the mag release around the neck and go ahead and pull your charging in before the rear visually inspect the chamber it is clear you're good to go we're going to go ahead and disassemble it the way you do that is you're going to push the pin back here the rear pin and I apologize I suppose you guys know how to do this our hoodie is going to be for the absolute beginner who does know much about the AR rifle and just Brooklyn home also go ahead and push the front pin out you don't have to do that there are guys they clean the rifles just uh like this but I do like to get the two separate pieces it makes a little bit easier come on go ahead and set this aside for now pull over and go ahead and pull your starting handle and I'll pull out your bolt bolt carrier group and you're charging it and we're going to go ahead and disassemble the bolt to group and the bowl do that take out your little retaining pin here just go ahead and pull it out come out drop your firing pin come straight out push the bolt back a little bit turn your camp in ninety degrees so Penny's here drop that out pull your bolt out you can disassemble the bolt by pushing this uh little cross pin here you do not need to do it for every cleaning them so again like I was saying white Cup thing guys I do that about every thousand fifteen and around this is just typical I went out shot a hundred Raza the range today this is how I clean it when you get into what we need here at CLP here in a spray bottle CLP here and a little oil or it's a Brownells oil or that way you can get into the little specific areas you want to lubricate and the only controversial thing I think I'll say today is I also have some super tech with the um based grease I do use grease you'll see that later in the video but um there's a lot of good gun grease up there I've found that this stuff works just as well I have to but Mobil one grease as well that works just fine too this is just what I picked up and I walked out here I like to use a couple of these polymer toothpick looking things you can use metal ones like this that's fine if you do just go ahead and make sure that you're using a soft metal not a hard metal that'll scratch into your steel and a bunch of patches or as I have here cut up old t-shirts a I use this otis little wire to clean my barrel all guys use the old GI cleaning rods that's fine too if that's what you're going to do just be careful you're not damaging your bore when you do that and that's really all you need so to go ahead and get started with the cleaning what I do is I spray a one of the patches with some CLP go ahead and put it on my little wire that I'm going to run through the barrel the reason you do that first is uh that CLP here if you guys are using solvent that's fine too you let that run down there and it's going to start breaking down the copper deposits that are in your barrel as well as some of the carbon that's in there and I'll start breaking it down and then that'll be that process will be ongoing while you're cleaning your rifle so you can go ahead and let that process work for you next thing I do is I go ahead and take a spray bottle go ahead and spray that CLP right into the chamber let it sit there and you're going to let it sit there for the same reason we're letting it sit in the barrel it just goes it just helps break down that carbon and I do the same here on the outside of my bolt carrier get in there as well where your bolt rides it's a Chrome wine surface of that area it cleans up pretty well run sprayed on the outside of the vault you can just work that CLP around with your hands if you're using solvents again that's fun campaign I have enough CLP I'm just working around there and the firing pin were cassiopeia around there and as well as on your charging handle and the last place I do is close my dust cover and just spray right in the upper receiver and what you're going to do now is everywhere that you just sprayed you're going to go ahead and brush a lot of people use a toothbrush this is mold cleaning a our brush you're just going to brush that CLP around spread it around let's start breaking down that carbon you're going to do that all inside the receiver the outside of the bolt here the inside if you can get in there you can put this one but if your brush doesn't that's fine we'll get to that next and unbolt itself spread that stuff around loosen up those carbon deposits all around charging handle starting out really not all that important in all seriousness your surface being clean campaign your firing pin obviously you want to pay attention to where those carbon build ups are right on the end they're all right here in this little portion brush in there and let that sit now for your lower receiver the lowers don't need to be cleaned all that much as they don't get too dirty I go ahead and I always wipe off the hammer let the hammer go forward just inspect in there if you see any kind of dirt and carbon buildup go ahead and wipe it down I don't on this one so go ahead and release it you do not have to always clean your buffer and buffer spring but for this video I'm going to go ahead and do it honestly I generally only do it when I do the white glove cleaning again which is about every thousand rounds for me what is take your buffer up wipe the outside down any kind of carbon that's out there might be outside of the spring this is a like an oily rag so some of the oil is going to get on there there are guys that do lubricate their buffer and a spring that's fine that's what you want to do it's fine but I think just the whole carrier riding back there deposits occasion nuts that's okay so alright and just put it back in there one thing I should have pointed out though for those of you guys that are new that they are platform the way you get that out this is a little detent right here just go ahead and push that down now that'll help it pop out but that's it for your lower you always clean them back your upper guys everywhere that you just sprayed down with that CLP and worked around the toothbrush all you're going to do is you're going to wipe it up now go ahead and take a patch or a rag or whatever you're doing and wipe that stuff off one part you want to pay attention to is right there on the face your bolt there go ahead and work it around make sure you get all that CLP off there and get all that carbon deposits out and you just do that until you're satisfied that it's clean in the area you want to focus on a lot of guys will talk about the carbon buildup right here on your bolt they say he escaped it off and all that stuff you can't easiest way I found to get it clean is scraping it off like I just said or they make this tool one day I may do a review on this tool just by itself but it's the cat m4 I wish I had that when I was in basic training let me tell you this thing I'm not going to do a full review on it but this thing will help get your AR clean in a hurry set that off to the side cuz not everybody has it so we're not going to use it for the review but our for the demo here I would wipe that off as you can see there give you an idea what it looks like that bolt is clean I mean it's generally clean no worries there go ahead and wipe down your firing pin again guys like I said when you're in basic training and you are the white love these things all the time my opinion and I worked in basic training as cadre for three years for what it's worth you don't need to do that that's your firing pin that is a clean firing pin for our purposes here campaign wipe that up retaining pin what's good upset set off the side now we're going to work on our bolt carrier all right we're going to go ahead and get the inside there with uh one of the pics that we're using again if you guys don't have dental picks or you can use pretty much anything in there now you want to be real careful if you're using metal like I am here that you don't scratch that chrome whines don't push hard on there these are actually clay picks those of you guys that are wondering some real real soft metal it's not dental picks if you guys google clay working material these are soft like real real soft so they're actually probably softer than that chrome but it's what I recommend if you're going to use metal because it is very soft and very unlikely to do any damage to your firearm using these versus some of the tensile picks that guys use out there alright so you can look in there I'm not sure how well that comes off on camera but that is pretty clean one of the things that makes it easier to clean up guys is uh lubricating these rifles properly before you go out if you lubricate these rifles you clean it within a day or two of getting back from the range you don't like that carbon get hard it will make a world of difference in your cleaning these guns next thing you want to do is clean right on top here just in that little groove because carbon does like to build up in there and I'm just going to wipe down everything off the outside of our bolt carrier any kind of all that CLP that's been working and breaking down that carbon from the beginning of the video where we sprayed it around just like that all it a couple different patches here you'd be outside and a lot of guys will tell you really don't even need to clean right down in here what I do and the way I do it is I just put a patch down in there work it around a few times nothing too crazy and it's really it get it to the point that comes out you see how 30 that left now it's just going to do that a couple more times and that'll be the end of our bolt carrier clicks we're getting it into the star chamber now which is right here for those of you don't know this is a GI or cleaning brush you do not have one of these you they do help a lot when you're doing those white dog cleanings that said it's not we're doing here today but um to use it you just insert it on your cleaning rod and spin it around it does a real good job cleaning up that the star chamber with these persons here on the edges one thing I found is if you actually put it in a drill with the GI guide rod hit it real quick on well it'll think it'll make it a lot easier for you but we're not using that again what I'm going to do here is since I already sprayed that CLP earlier in there we're going to go ahead and take our patch whatever it is that you use and just work it around and one thing you want to do here is if you open your dust cover you can get almost the entire thing just from there work all the inside edges of it work it around don't just work where you can see where those lugs go in you know that star chamber obviously there's a rough spot to clean but if you have an angled thing like this they didn't go clean it like this it makes it a lot easier to do but this one's actually not too bad surprisingly I think that COP did get a lot of that but um we're just going to keep going around in there until it comes out as clean as you like it to I'm gonna leave that decision up to you but it's not uber uber important that you get it real clean each times after you fire ten rounds probably dirtier than it was after your first run-through all right guys I'm trying to get a good angle there if you look in that chamber you see that chrome whining all around it obviously this is presuming you have a chrome wine chamber but you can see all that chrome like that in my opinion it's clean enough for a typical range of post range cleaning which is what we're doing here now that we have it at that level what we're going to do is I close that dust cover up I'm going to run these one of these patches just through the inside on both sides of the upper receiver just on the sides to get all that carbon buildup that's a stack up on the side that runs next to the bolt carrier group in there what I'm going to do next is this side which is still clean I'm going to use my angled cleaning tool again get all around where the gas tube comes back because that part is pretty nasty generally speaking and just work it in there keep wiping until it gets clean at least clean enough to where you're comfortable with it but it that way believe me those are you guys I've had to turn your weapons into weapons tools note you can spend a lot of time in that area because the carbon will build up there quickly which makes sense that's where it comes straight back from the I guess gas cool and just keep going until that's like I said as clean as you want it to explain as you're comfortable look for your charging handle just go ahead and wipe the outside of it down there shouldn't be too much carbon on it and make sure you pay attention these little raised areas here because that's where a lot of buildup is and just take your patch and just wipe on the inside there get all that carbon out that's it last part I clean guys is the barrel first part in the last parts we went ahead at the beginning and put that CLP in there and the whole time we've been doing this cleaning it's been working breaking down that carbon and copper again CLP doesn't do the best job in terms of copper buildup but does do some that's why you guys put a lot of rounds three hours every so often you want to run some for clean or not I get rid of that carbon fouling because it will affect your accuracy eventually but at the end here we're going to go ahead and keep running patches through the barrel until they come out as clean as you want now this one's actually not too bad shockingly but I keep running it through and up next to beat lubrication guys alright guys we're going to get into the lubrication here like I said this will probably be the only controversial part of this video but on Iran they are for a long time I found this method works pretty well so if you disagree with it awesome rock on but this is how I do it so we're going to go ahead and just get your hand a little bit of CLP on there to work it around and we're going to Lube lubricate a light coat of CLP around the bolt obviously you want to make sure you get down here as well around the part that I was talked about earlier where the carbon builds up and I take a little bit of my CLP here and also a lot of you guys out there use motor oil and that's fine no issues with that ARS I think it does work relatively well and go ahead and put that just a little ring around on the inside of your bolt carrier and do that and I go ahead and put it in and for those of you guys that are new to the AR platform elute this zoom in here for you needs to be facing like this the extractor needs to be facing out because that's the way it's going to come out of you're off your dust cover take the cam pin and just put a drop of a CLP on there I'll put that in again guys abusing motor oil I have no wish to that I think it works very well as long as using this synthetic motor oil all right put that in there I put no lubrication on the fire and some guys save light lubrication that's fine I put nut on there because I think if you do it's just more crap that can get humped up one man's opinion put the retaining pin in and make sure that we working around there make sure it's working freely ok I I worked like I said they strain for a while I also worked on him for ranges and I can tell you the two biggest reasons I saw a our platform rifles go down its number one magazines number two rifles were to dry under lubrication so just keep that in mind now I take a little bit of this grease again English the M based grease is what I recommend obviously there's a million different types of grease good website if you guys are looking for info on grease is Bob's Bob the oil guy but go ahead just take a look at this is what I'm using I'd use it for a long time this stuff will last your whole life and it works and I go ahead and the lubrication points am i zoom in here for you is anywhere you guys are started just a really new bolt so anywhere that you see the we're starting so right up in here we put a little bit agrees and then right here on the bottom rail as well and we're just going to push that along the bottom okay you guys can see they're starting to be a little bit aware there as well so a little bit of grease up front not using a lot this is how I do it and it works well we're also going to put some grease on the exact same spots on the opposite side there you go as you guys can see I'm not using a ton of grease or guys that really use a lot more grease out there and that's fine you know if works for them and work for them but go ahead and get it I don't know spots right there you can work around there your fingers if you want to make sure you distribute it evenly with that set all you're going to need to do is cycle the gun a couple times and it will be distributed all right and what I also do is I just take over the CLP put it on my hand just put it around the back end of the bolt carrier so that way there's a nice coat CLP on there if you guys are using oil just go ahead and put it on your same spots no issues there all right and now for your charging handle there's three raised areas on this charging handle one right here and then two on each side so go ahead and put a drop on there because those are the biggest friction points of your CLP you're gonna go ahead and put it back in your rifle for the bolt you got shake it out make sure the bolts extended for when you guys are reassembling those get those you guys that are new to the platform we're going to put it right there on your charging handle put it together and that's your upper as I said there are guys out there that do lubricate the buffer spring as well as their buffer I don't that's okay if she do have that but I think the bolt going bolt carrier going back and forth we'll get some move in there I go ahead and reassemble the rifle upper and the lower just like we took it apart because you guys in turn you put the pins through what I'm gonna do now is I'm just cycle the action a few times make sure that lubrication is getting around put the weapon I keep the weapon on on safe excuse me try to pull the trigger nothing happens put the weapon on fire hold the trigger trigger breaks cycle the action release the trigger it resets you've done the cleaning and lubrication of your AR as always guys we have any questions comments concerns feel free to let me know that's how I do it there are other methods they work as well that's how I do it alright thanks guys
Channel: Mrgunsngear Channel
Views: 1,227,137
Rating: 4.9038076 out of 5
Keywords: how to, clean ar-15, ar15, 5.56, Simple, rifle, colt, shooting, maintenance, Shooting Sport (Sport), how to clean ar-15, how to lubricate an ar-15, how to clean and lubricate an ar-15, first time ar-15 owner, how to clean and lubricate an ar 15, how to clean a colt ar-15, how to clean smith and weson sport, breakfree clp, ar-15 cleaning tutorial, g96 clp review, g96 clp vs breakfree
Id: ed9oU8V7-Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2012
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