april ludgate being mean for 8 minutes straight | Parks and Recreation | Comedy Bites

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yippee road trip who's excited to go to bloomington is that where you're gonna sit i'm driving where else would i sit trunk i thought you weren't gonna do valentine's day this year because that she beast moved away i believe her name was satan her name was anne oh the gps says we should take 495 to 270. but check out this cool alternate route my god that is so interesting to me because i'm a map salesman i will photoshop his face can you photoshop your life with better decisions jerry okay where's your costume honey he's wearing a costume he's going as lame andy just wants you to be proud of him and his music so this isn't really about being right it's more about being supportive oh wow i didn't realize you were a marriage counselor anne sorry my instinct is to be mean to you i understand i want another nurse well there are none we're stretched pretty thin right now then i want a janitor they can do what you do right yep nurses and janitors are totally interchangeable except no one dresses up like a janitor when they want to be i actually think you look really good except for the stick up your butt what do you think druid was it nathaniel ellis man i feel like these interns do not respect or like me at all honestly you could loosen up a bit on the font stuff and everything in general uh oh wow look at that did you draw that uh nope i didn't no no no it's really good i mean you're a you're a great artist i can't do this look i don't care who you're related to i'm your boss and you can't keep disrespecting me like this man i didn't draw it your daughter did it what her april's not my daughter she's my friend does everyone think she's my daughter whatever point is she would never do that to me sorry dad i love games that turn people against each other you guys will never believe what i just found on jerry's facebook a friend burn so are you gonna vote for me sister april it's unethical for me to show you favoritism you and i are like family coffee is seven dollars yes right of course you might be able to sneak out early you get snacks i'll bring music we'll jam out to some sweet tunage you know what this is awesome actually no i don't want to go anymore oh okay just kidding see you in 10 minutes okay just kidding we're not going road trip so we're going yes where's jerry by the way why isn't he back how long does it take to fill bird feeders maybe he fell into the toilet remember when he fell into the toilet oh sorry guys sorry i'm late i got confused and took a shower after i got dressed because i'm jerry i thought you might like a fresh set of pillows are you trying to smother me help the nurse is trying to smother me to death with a pillow okay never mind stay back do you like my nails april you finalized a rental right shut up anne i told you never to talk to me that was champion oh my god i'm sorry bad dog yes everything's fine with the rental ben you know that i despise you and that i want you and all people on earth to be miserable right sure what does leslie always say i don't know weird stuff about waffles come on april get in here peace come on do it get somebody i don't care about that prize but i'm gonna win because i want his happiness to go away are you getting ready for your nightly skype date with andy and london you look lovely i'm going to murder you a thousand times okay there's always been a little distance between me and april and i thought this would maybe i don't know give us a chance to get a little closer maybe even i don't like anne soundtrack to pulp fiction soundtrack to singles soundtrack to gross point blank why do you have so many soundtracks oh well uh i kind of look at it like it's your favorite director's making a mixtape just for you oh hey ann are you still a nurse or did they fire you because you slept with all the doctors do you want to try that again hey i'm thinking about getting a new phone do you guys like your phones i've never used a phone in my life i'm just an impartial bunny but i think anne sucks also i'm the zodiac killer hey dude do you play ultimate yeah i play intramural at georgetown dude so did i in college whoa you guys should get married [Music] my blankets are on the floor do you want the door open or shut uh opens fine okay i hope you like toriyamas oh cool what and i just stole your phone and texted every guy in it that the baby was there it's not that big of a deal data had never felt this way before of course data had never felt anything before but captain picard couldn't help but note the smile that crept over his mechanical but lifelike face i'm gonna murder you i understand just one sec as they walked down the hall into the bridge we have a couple house rolls though yeah sure of course you can't use the front door you have to climb in through the back window no personal phone conversations if you ever speak to me in spanish please use the formal uth dead and no electricity after 6 pm she's joking okay you can use as much free electricity as you want it's free a couple more rules if you ever watch a sad movie you have to wear mascara so we can see whether or not you've been crying there's no noise a lot on mondays and no tv after breakfast hey april i was looking to get some new music and i was wondering if you could recommend anything the internet i really like your haircut where where'd you get it prison how's your sister doing she has the shingles who's your favorite character on sex in the city alf yeah i love cup gangs alice hates you annie has herpes if what's your problem my problem is you smell us ben told you to finish the website and if you don't do it i swear to god i'm gonna murder you in your sleep i know where you live 14th street right i'm gonna get a melon baller and scoop your eyes out and eat them and your congressman uncle's gonna have to buy you a dog to drag your eyeless face around do you understand me yes do it okay i wanted to make fun of stupid people while i get drunk my two true passions oh being nice made me feel terrible i took ron's advice i very maturely and straightforwardly left anonymous comments about donna online it's kind of weird when she just starts raining compliments on you huh don't try to bond with me i can't win is your name glenn yeah i sat behind you in middle school band do you still play the clarinet yeah have you been man so i long for a day when women in government will simply be seen as people in government but until then i will work to make pawnee my wonderful hometown as good as it can be what do you think i think you should lose the first line and the last line and all of the other lines and instead just walk up to the mic and meow really loudly for eight minutes okay anne's leaving town and saying painful goodbyes to loved ones greatest day of my life you
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 2,782,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: april ludgate being mean, april ludgate mean, april ludgate parks and recreation, april ludgate best moments, april ludgate wine tasting, april ludgate men are better, april ludgate stay back slut, april ludgate stay back, april vs ann, april and ann singing, april and ann parks and rec, april being mean to ann, april vs ann parks and recreation, ben and april road trip, ben and april daughter, can you photoshop your life with better decisions jerry, ben and april friendship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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