April and Andy (Behind The Scenes) | Parks and Recreation

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hey I'm Chris Pratt I'm Aubrey and this is us talking about us check it out know that nailed that down so we're done with that I guess Oh Andy I have a very interesting business proposal for you I'm moving a lot of heavy stuff out of my place this week can I help you move I'm really good at it afterwards I'll hit the cardboard for the boxes and I use it for break dancing I'll go too really cuz an hour ago you told me you'd rather watch a sex tape of your grandparents uh the moment that I felt like oh maybe there could be something with our characters was actually the last episode of the first season when Andy is trying to explain what kind of music mousetrap makes and no one understands that and then I improvise like a tiny thing where I was like I totally get it it's like matchbox 20 Meets The Fray so Rock whoa again I don't really like to find it I totally go in that moment I was like I feel like April would think Andy is really cute and maybe that'll be something I didn't think you would become anything until they paired us up for the hunting episode Andy like an hour I really have to pee can you just sit here for two seconds just listen okay yes you know I think they liked our characters but I have a feeling that they didn't really know what to do with their what it was and so they put us in a room together and there's the first time we ever had a story together because at the time and II was still very much in love with Ann and sort of blind to what was happening with April where is everyone hunting trip hunting trip did Mark oh yeah that's cool at least he's not with Ann no Ann's there how come he gets to do all the things I want to do go hunting and maybe a deer will eat him but I don't think that'll happen probably and I remember Greg was like you know we're just gonna see if Andy and April have chemistry and if so what kind and what it would be like so it was kind of a moment for us to like play with each other and I think after that long day everyone was like oh this is totally gonna happen you know if I give you a hickey it would totally make you jealous I don't know I think that's pretty gross seems kind of weird what's weird about one friend sucking on another friend's neck but I never thought that we would get married I just was hoping that we would having some kind of art and it worked and then we rollin and II really kind of became one character I don't know I guess we're dating it's new whatever I don't like labels go away my favorite episode is and I think it was one of my very favorite moments happened so many but one of them was so great that they used it for April's title sequence for the show where she's walking away from Andy at the shoeshine stand and the camera catches her smiling why are you asking me because I don't know there's no loss to ask kind of young you're in good hands I'm gonna come up with something really really good really yeah okay you got that yeah that was my favorite big deal and sweater swap what is this I really like the kind of love they have for each other and maybe that's what people respond to is it's like an unconditional kind of love where Andy not so smart but April loves him anyway we are in love so we didn't overthink it I mean seriously I cannot emphasize how little we thought about this all right you can really tell that they're best friends so yeah it's like there's something cool about seeing two people that are really in love but that can also be like really weird with each other I definitely think April's journey and her kind of maturity level and like openness and all that stuff was affected by her relationship Hey we're almost done so you can leave soon yes I'll take you for an ice cream mountain and then we can go choose our caskets cut wise everything we do have to be cloaked in like 15 layers of irony there's something on ironic ever since you've been hanging out with that meathead you've become completely lame you know what we're breaking up and then you can't make out with me when you're drunk anymore fine then I'll make out with Benton Pass no he's my boyfriend you need to make out with both of us or none of us fine none of you fine I think in those early episodes when we were messing around with each other those were some of the first moments that you even saw April's smile or laugh and I remember as an actor feeling like remembering that and that was such a big deal for me because it was like I could kind of show these other layers that I hadn't shown before and I think that was just like a jumping-off point and then from there I kind of like grow up basically on the show pretty much we're gonna miss each other this show is for the fans is gonna live on forever but we what the that is the beauty of being a fan of Parks and Recreation is that anytime you want to see you can go on Netflix you can see it and you can go on your DVR and see or you can put in the DVD and see it but for us it's not about the idea that our showing he's gonna live forever because that's not where we enjoy the show not in the medium of shell no television we enjoyed creating it and making it and that's coming to an end and so that's very sad for us because you know we're we're not fans of the show we are the people who are making the show just like life it's a beautiful thing but you enter it knowing that it will end one day our tears aren't because we feel like we haven't lived a full life here on the show it's just that it's coming to an end it's very emotional for us [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] what is this moving on my dream plan to show the greatest band ever I got the greatest wife in the world Mary [Applause] we're totally gonna do it later if there was a spinoff of Andy and April my guess it would be like procedural crime drama right mixed with Cheaper by the Dozen like they're fighting crime but they have like 10 kids second nightmare at home too many kids I would like to do like a cable spin-off though much super dark really dark where like you really see any an April just had like really like up sex scenes and like you know like really get into it really getting into behind the bedroom door she puts me in a diaper side yeah and she changes your a bad baby uh I got from Google yes it's sick that's my me that's just the power just spitballin here right 300 white we just got a green light from NBC okay good great make it happen [Music]
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 5,792,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parks and recreation, interview, behind the scenes, farewell season, andy, april, character, Aubrey Plaza, Chris Pratt, April and Andy, NBC, Parks and Recreation, Amy Poehler, Aziz Ansari, Nick Offerman, Rashida Jones, Leslie Knope, Ron Swanson, Paul Schneider, Rob Lowe, Adam Scott, Greg Daniels, funny, humor, comedy thursday, Best, Comedy, Series
Id: sM82m4NpdmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 27 2015
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