Philly Cheesesteak Casserole. (Low Carb)

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we gonna act like this morning honey we are good morning y'all I'm Rose and Grandma Rose open and pantry and today we GNA do something delicious if you like Philly cheese steak sandwiches you're going to love this this is a Philly cheese steak casserole and I'm using steak this morning a lot of the recipes I looked up online they use ground beef and I've got one on my Channel about five or six months ago that I use ground beef but this one I am using therin steak you can use ribeye steak therin steak you can use whatever steak that uh that you have that's kind of tender so because I'm not putting any meat tenderizer on this but let me tell y'all this this is a good time to share my V to share this video subscribe to my channel hit that little notification Bell up there and it alerts you every time I put on a video so I sure would appreciate that all right I saw a girl the other day she was doing uh a chin an Asian dish and she had flank steak well she cut her steak in little old bitty thin slices like I'm going to do this and then she put a four teaspoon of bacon baking soda on it and salt and then she just stirred that baking soda and salt all up in it she let it sit about 15 minutes and she said it tenderized that meat I haven't tried it I am going to try it but not this morning I haven't tried it yet but maybe some of the gear have tried it maybe maybe a comment if you've already tried that so I looked up online what the bakon soda did and it said it inhibited the protein is that what it said honey of your meat and made it more tendering from yeah the proteins from binding from binding the pH it yeah and made it more tender so I'm going to try that I'm not going to do it today but I am going to try it now I'm going to do this in little bitty thin slices so what I'm going to do now this is a pound and a half steak this is a salor steak so I just cut it in half like that and now it's going to have onions it's going to have Peppers this is a a low low carb dish it's going to have uh heavy cream eggs uh proong cheese swiss cheese now you can use whatever cheese swiss cheese mod jack cheese uh American white American cheese whichever one you want to use but these are the ones I chose to use today so this will be low carb and gluten-free yes low carb and glutenfree okay now I am just if you can see I am slicing this in a little old just little bitty thin slices because when you get a Philly cheese steak sandwich that's the way your steak is cut in little bitty thin slices um like that and I didn't want mine in Long strips that's theas I cut my steak in half and I'm cutting it cross grain it's always um more tender if you cut it cross grain okay I'm not going to make y'all watch me cut this whole steak oh come on no I'm gonna finish cutting this up I'm gonna put some salt on it and I'm G to set it aside then I'm going to come back and I'm going to prep my onions and my peppers and then we'll start this thing cooking okay that looks good I know look you can see how I've got it cut how thin you see that cross the grain cross the grain all right I'm going P a salt a little pepper on this and I in mine am going to put a little whsy sheer sauce doesn't call for it the recipe that I looked up but that's why what I want to do so y'all know I change recipes and that's okay all right cheese she uses I do wh is whis is here and garlic and okay now I've got that I'm going to just fit it right there now we are going to prep our I've changed my cutting board I've washed my knife and so now we're going to prep our uh onions and our peppers and it calls for about you can use whatever Peppers you want these are just the sweet mini peppers uh the sweet Bells the mini and I'm going to cut mine in strips like that and just like pieces like that I don't want long strips but I don't want to just cut in small uh chop them in small pieces either so you can do yours ever how you want to but this way I feel like you'll get a good pepper good bite of pepper in in your casserole okay so I'm just going to cut these Peppers y'all I hope this is is as delicious as I think it will be I have a grandson Cody every time I take him to uh Subway he'd always get a Philly cheese most important most expensive thing on the menu but he loved it so Grandma didn't say anything to him when he was with me he just asked for a Coke and a piece of bread I know why that's the difference grandma's and grandpa's I buy [Music] a okay you old man no you're not Ro is one of the most generous people you will ever meet okay that was about four medium I mean small of the mini peppers or probably one whole and I did different colors just so it would just so it would be pretty and I am doing a whole onion and this is a mediumsized onion so I just peeled it cut it in half and I'm going to chop my [Music] onion not in real small pieces like that kind of roughly kind of big pieces like that cuz I want it about like I did my my Peppers because it's uh it's a casserole and your steak is in pieces your peppers so you want your onions about the same thing so I'm just going to drop this one I'm going to go ahead and turn my burner on back here um because we have got to cook these this steak so I'm going to let my Skillet be getting hot and I had already cut the root end off of this onion when we have onions like this I cut the root end off and leave a good bit and roll a plants sit in the garden and we have onions we grow new onion for every onion we eat we do that's like used to a long time ago I was watching the Walton and Grandpa Walton they were up on the mountain and he cut down a tree and for every tree he cut down he planted a small tree so that's what we do with onions you believe I got property well it made it made a good thing for the show anyway didn't it all right y'all I got my Skillet on behind me you can come over here now honey let me turn these lights on it's supposed to rain today and it's kind of dark in here so uh turn my lights on on all right I'm going to put uh probably 2 tablespoons of oil in my pan I'm going to turn it up high because I wanted to get uh back up a little bit baby you're a little bit too close I wanted to get um uh let me see okay I was looking for a certain spatula this is my little spoonula as y'all can see is turned dark I've had it probably 10 12 years I love this thing I just love it when I'm using non nonstick uh Skillets because it's it's made like a little spoon and a spatula and it's silicone and it has a wooden handle I love it I'm turning this up because I have to cook this meat on high heat and if any juices get in it I'm going to get a little bowl out I'm going to dip those juices out because um I don't want it steaming I don't want my meat steaming I just want it Browning okay so my Skillet is quite hot enough I better change that I put my pepper and my salt in a certain place and if I reach up there I may grab the wrong thing so I'm a creature of habit I told y'all the other day all right uh hey me and that SPO you were a lot of L we both got burned pretty good you okay y'all there's a strong wind in here did y'all hear that this is a half a cup of heavy cream I did not have heavy cream you can back up just a little bit baby I did not have heavy cream I had evaporated milk so that is a half a cup of evaporated milk and to that I'm going to add that's a yard egg so I will crack it on another the bowl so I uh two eggs and a half cup of heavy cream and we're going to be using this in a little bit so go ahead and mix that up while my Skillet I want it I want it screaming hot I want it really hot to Brown this meat and cook it quickly okay and tou oh lawnmower oh my goodness oh good grief honey it does long no it it usually doesn't Okay can y'all see it smoking all right that's the way I want it y'all can y'all can you see that honey that smoke yes [Music] okay they can't hear it I don't think I might set and pick that up but man it is really really now I want it really Brown and I'm leaving it on high heat right now okay I don't think I'm gonna have any juice to cook out so what I need to do is uh I need to soften my cream jues just just a just a little bit while this is cooking W it smells so good y'all wow I know all right I just softened it 10 seconds okay now you can do this in a cast iron skillet if you want to but I love my Skillet here all right a little bit of that juice is cooking out I could have done this in smaller uh with half the me me then the other half the meat but that's okay all right and I wouldn't have had any juice took out but I tell you what I'm going to do you see all this I'm gonna take it out cuz I don't want that in my okay I pour it back on mine when I I know I know but I don't want my meat uh to steam I just want it to to Brown all right now I'm going to leave it on high and all the rest of those juices will cook out the steak is the steak is ready and this is 2 oz of cream cheese so I'm GNA pull it off the burner I'm GNA stir this cream cheese up in it okay okay that looks good mhm y'all I made a mistake I was supposed to put my peppers and onions in there but you know what I'm going to do I'm going to stir this up in here I'm going to get me another Skillet never be out done if you make a mistake in the kitchen don't let it rattle you don't let it get you all upset I'm just going to leave this over here to the side I'm going to get me another skillet and I'm going to sauté my peppers and onions be right back when I get another Skillet all right y'all never ever get out done never get upset in the kitchen cuz you can usually always fix something especially like this so I just got another I'm GNA turn this down some because I had it on high and I'm gonna sauté these for just probably two minutes of so just so my onions get translucent because it's gonna oh I got to turn my oven on it's got to cook in the oven on 350 for like probably 30 minutes so after these cook for about a minute or two then I'm going to put some garlic in my Skillet and I'm going to cook it then I'm going to mix all this together come back while I'll come back and show you but I'm just going to let these saus okay I put one tablespoon of uh after this cooked for a little bit I put one tblspoon of garlic in it now we are going to mix This Together which should have already been done to begin with but that's all right okay there's your peppers onions garlic cream cheese steak now I'm gonna pull this turn this off pull this off the burners because I've got eggs in here back up a little bit baby I've got eggs in here so I'm GNA beat these eggs with my half2 cup of heavy cream two eggs all right now I'm going to mix it in little bit time is that what you do huh a little bit at the time is uh yeah that's yeah you don't have to because it's uh the eggs already mixed in with the cream so they're not going to cook but anyway all right y'all look at that all right now to this I want to put swiss cheese in it but I didn't have any blocks swiss cheese you're supposed to put 3 oz of cheese in it so uh this is an 8 oz pack and there's half the pack here so what I'm going to do I'm going to cut these slices in just little strips and then I'm going to cut them in a little uh chunks and I'm going to put it in there put it in my dish okay so this is about this is really is about 4 oz of cheese here the recipe called for three but four is good all right put that in there and I'm G to stir it around till my cheese melts shouldn't take it but a second CU I want that cheese to melt real good I may pull it I've got my burner off but I'm going to pull it back over here because it's still hot okay now I would have thought we' had scrambled eggs in you put beat eggs in well they were they were beaten in with the cream the heavy cream so oh said I was thinking okay it's not quite melted but it'll melt in the when I put it in the oven I'm just being impatience what it is it would have melted better if it had have been block cheese block cheese melts uh I think this sliced cheese is kind of dried out a little bit once you know because they've already sliced it when it's in a block it's it just doesn't dry out like uh like the slices or the shredd it does all right oh yeah all right now I'm putting this in like this is like a 9 by seven I think um and I'm just going to put a little olive oil in it this is just to keep it from sticking so bad right mm okay all right that oh look at that cheese it's melting mm that cheese is beginning to melt in there and oh look at it it's just stringing can y'all see that all right now I think I've got everything in it now what we're going to do is we're going to put it in my bacon dish come right here baby I don't want to there we go y'all oh my goodness y'all look at that good gracious wow that looks ready now for good oven except the eggs aren't cooked but okay I think I could have put it in a little bit smaller dish but that's okay because I'm I'm going to put cheese over this now your original uh Philly steak has provon cheese in it on it in it whatever so I'm just going to take my proong cheese here and I'm going to put it over the top like this I'm going to put six slices just like that now my oven just came up to Temp we're going to cook this about uh 30 minutes until all my flavors blend my cheese melts and then we'll be back to taste of it for you okay y'all look at that M this is our Philly cheese steak casserole my what's what's this our stuff Roy's got on Roy's glasses he's got the kind that turned dark outside really back here yeah he's been outside he's got the kind that turns dark when you oh my good look at that cheese oh my goodness y'all oh look at that y'all wait a minute this look at that [Music] cheese must turn that plate rotate that plate a little bit let them see the inside of it too see that steak see that smoke okay baby y'all now this is low low carb nothing in it has many CBS okay I got to get a little piece of steak is it good mm me a l car pick of bread bro actually there no cars we've shown it to the all before this is so good that [Music] cheese wow but I tell you what I would like onine some fresh diced [Music] tomatoes now folks it's a casserole but he's making a sandwich out of his you got it he's making a little taco that's a Philly sandwich Ro mhm what you mean Taco okay that's a Philly cheese steak casserole sandwich all right y'all feeds the family family feeds the heart God feeds the soul put deliciousness back in your food now this is really really low carb gluten-free no sugar added zero carb almost so y'all make this it's it is it's really really good all right see y'all next time we going to keep eating but
Channel: Gramma Rose’s Open Pantry
Views: 252,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eikovgNu_2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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