Apostle John Eckhardt (01-12-2020)

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you serve them because you love them come on come on come on let's show the Lord we love them today that's why you do what you do it's not a religion it's not because of man is because of him don't you love them come on love on the Lord [Music] I'm in love with you [Music] how many love the low come on y'all just a little bit you do what you do because you love Jesus you do what you do because you're lucky hallelujah I feel the presence of the Lord in this house God's been so good to me horrible has long been good to you father we honor we praise you for your presence in this house father truly we do what we do because we love you nobody do me high Jesus hate nobody to me like the Lord I love you cheese King nobody do me like Jesus [Music] I can't find nobody to do me like the Lord I love you choose your goodness is greater than me Ella Baha it's greater than all of my worries hey nobody to me like Jesus okay nobody to me like the Lord worship Him just a few minutes worship Him just a few minutes to the Lord how I love you I know I can live without you I need you Jesus I say whoo I can't live without you I'll be sinking sand so father we honor we praise you because there's nobody greater than you there's nobody greater than you thank you for blessing us thank you for keeping us father we won't take today for granted we honor you and thank you for just waking us up this morning thank you for giving us a mind to be in your house where father it is you that work it did and that's both the willing to do of your good pleasure so thank you for working in us thank you Father for using us thank you for allowing your anointing to dwell in us father we stand as unworthy that's so saying thank you thank you for your goodness thank you for your grace father now we release a word in this house that your anointing habits on the way in this house one by one dan I by saying name my name you know what we need you know that we're thirsty you know that we're hungry for you you know that we humble ourselves before you you know father that we need a word for our guidance we need a word for your strength we need a word to learn how to serve you better so father bless the men servant today may your anointing be all around them from the crown of his head from the sole of his feet father made overshadow him strengthen the man of God and father and steaky and Abbasi yella yella ba se tiene Baha even a man of God's desires father refreshed fresh oil can i buy safe sa e la Shanda Baja Fresh : that I buy see about her fresh oil and about saying and Abbas say for all of his labor fresh oil yeah bossy fresh oil and Abbas say Keon Omaha I'm the man of God bless him Shrimpton of granite heart's desire so father we praise you we count victory in this house father we declare that your glory will rest here we declare that souls will be saved we declare that backsliders will be reclaimed we declare that bow down heads will leave lifted we declare that discourage hearts will be encouraged in the mighty name Jesus we give your name all the glory all the honor and all the praise so now come on saints of God let's give our King a high praise let's give our King the high praise come on only the king is worthy only the King is worthy we give him all the praise I need about fifty believers fifteen fifty to lift his name up high because you know he's worthy lift its name up high because he alone is worthy and if he be lifted up his presence will come he dwells in the habitation of the praises of his people lift his name up he's resting here lift his name his glory is here hallelujah hallelujah show some love to your brother your sister just show some love put that all on them show some love to your brothers sister let them know how happy you are that they're here show some love everybody should get some love everybody should get some love let them know how happy that they're here and we're grateful that they're here in the house of God hallelujah we do love the Lord today and I'm so grateful to see so many brothers and sisters here to see and hear the man of God today welcome to this is Pentecost thank you for worshiping with us today family of this is Pentecost praise God for all of our visitors appreciate them we appreciate you for worshiping with us and and there's more in amen for worshiping and caring with us we are so grateful and honored and we apostle had the opportunity to dine last night at Q 1227 but pastor Bennett was working so the joke is that I really believe that lgq hired me as his front of the house operations what else go with my title operations general manager I'm convinced I'm convinced that he did that because it's a it's a field I am learning every day with him and he can truly be the boss of me he he likes that I have to say the baby should I give them water first or should I take them in what you want to do is he loves and it's it's pretty cool working with the man you love every day thank you sweetheart for hiring me thank you it's pretty cool it is it's pretty cool it's pretty cool so past the opportunity he and I still have not had the opportunity to fellowship as we will I consider you my brother and I pray we will grow as friends but you are my brother and I love you and I appreciate the mantle that is on your life and all that God have used you so for a few years because we don't bring a lot of gifts in this house I love with the Lord have done in this house and what he's doing in this house because it's truly been all him it's truly all all every chair everything the car everything has been all him and we give him the glory for that and so he has been the Lord I've been speaking to us for a minute about a pasta Eckhart and I just needed the timing and I'm grateful that when the Lord said that it was time that the man of God was ready and available so again I appreciate your sensitivity to the voice of God so for those of you that might not be familiar and with the man of God this is Pastor John Eckhart and he is the overseer of crusader ministries located in Chicago he is gifted with a strong apostolic anointing and he ministers throughout the United States and overseas he is well sought out after international conference speaker many books some are prayers that let me get anemic lands Mahana prayers that who me who know the title okay this will be a jeopardy okay what is that break curses okay yeah thank you for my let's try to play it off arise and God still speaks opossum Eckhart resides in Chicago with his beautiful wife Wanda and five children so yeah amen amen so last week in the restaurant and I don't know that young lady is here I can't remember name it was she was they were in the restaurant she was in the restaurant and she was having her silent time by herself and she was earning her food and she had your book and she was reading I said he's gonna be I don't know if she seems like he's gonna be with her she's I heard this is great so Amen without further ado we want to leave the man of God time to minister so if everyone could kindly please raise your feet and let's honor the man of God Apostle John occurred in Chicago Illinois [Applause] thank you so much for your warm welcome warm hospitality I do count it an honor to be here in Sacramento California and so honored to be with you women of God and I've heard of your ministry and thank God for your your prayer mental your intercessory mental your prophetic mental and I have an idea not fully of what God wants to do this morning but I believe it's going to be something unusual and how many believe in four unusual things in 2020 and so father I thank you for this door in this region and this mantle and this assignment on this ministry and lord I pray as I minister that there'll be an impartation an activation revelation will come that you would do something new and something fresh for this 2020 season that you brought us into we thank you for a new season new things are you declaring over our lives new doors you're opening in this 2027 we believe it is the season of the double double doors are being open for us and lord I pray that every one here today would receive what you have for them from heaven valishia word release your grace release your power release your anointing let miracles breakthroughs unusual manifestations of your glory come today to catapult us into our future to launch us into the next decade into the next season Lord we give you praise and glory for everyone that has come and look what you're going to do this year an excitement for it we're getting ready for it we're positioning ourselves for it and learn everything that shall happen we give you the praise we give you the glory for it we take none for ourselves but we give it all to you come on put those hands together and give him the praise for everything that he's done what he's going to do what do you do in the days to come we bless you and we thank you in Jesus name Amen amen clamp one more time before you take your seat hey man you can be seated amen thanks again this is my first ministry outside of my local church for this year and for the next decade so I'm try to be prophetic and I know that when God gives me an assignment the first one is very very important because it's really setting the stage for this entire year and also the next decade and so I'm grateful to be here to be with you I do know some very good people in Sacramento I was here a few months ago ministry for dr. Beverly is she here there she has God bless you a woman of God for inviting me to come and I do ministry in Turlock which were flying to Sacramento I'm Minister for Jennifer I've and she's in Turlock California and I do quite a bit of ministry in the Bay Area so I've been in Northern California in this area several times but the first time here for pastor Bennett I found out he's from Detroit Michigan from the middle of the country and I'm from Chicago so anytime you want to invite me when it's 50 below zero in Chicago to come to California don't hesitate to do so and then I had a chance to have dinner last evening at a great great restaurant boy I'm telling you I'm gonna tell everybody I travel all over the world I've been to over 80 nations and sometimes it's not it's not easy to find good food some strange stuff where prayer was not just something you did it was mandatory so I'm so appreciative I had a chance to have dinner with apostle Dennis had a chance to speak with him we hit it off so well he knows he knows everybody and he's of course from Chicago as well and so I really really do appreciate your inviting me to come to be with you here at T IP I didn't know what t IP meant until I got here and when he when my driver drove me up he said welcome to this is Pentecost I like that [Applause] you know I got saved in the Year 1978 this is my 41st year of salvation and I was not raised in the church I was saved in a street meeting and so I never I never heard the word Pentecost I was the first person in my family ever saved the first person through with the Holy Spirit the first person ever to preach and so when I got saved they told me to come to a church and it was called prayer band Pentecostal church and when I went to the church I never heard the word Pentecost I never read the Bible I didn't know one verse in the Bible I I didn't know what Pentecost meant I never I never knew folks like you existed that spoke in tongues lifted their hands it was all new to me and that was January 29 1978 January 30th is the first day I was ever in a Pentecostal church and I've been in church for 41 years amen when I walked in the church my future wife was leading the testimony service and I got married a year later so I would I was 21 she was 19 because in holiness you got married this it was no driving without a license taking it for a spin checking under the hood checking the oil I didn't my pastor was saved in 1929 in Little Rock Arkansas so he was old school and I didn't kiss my wife unto the day I got married now the vents if that's not some testimony I'm not here to condemn you I mean if your testimony is it's better to get married than to burn understand but it wasn't my testimony God was gracious and this is my 40th year of preaching as well I began teaching in 1979 so gun has been so gracious to me being filled with the Holy Ghost you know in our church we tarry for the Holy Ghost and since I didn't know about tearing when I came on the altar and began to clap and thank the Lord I got filled with the Holy Ghost right away and I had some people in the church that were upset with me because they had been 10 for three years but when I came off the street I didn't know any better I just received it I didn't know you had to do three years so I got it on the first day I walked up and rode all through the chair speaking in tongues I was a real holy role I was rolling all through the chores and God baptized me in the Holy Ghost 1978 and my life has not been the same amen and one of the things that I when I when I got invited to come here I am just did some research to look up some of the videos of your pastor and one of the videos I came across was I saw her singing the song of the Lord and to me that caught my attention because I don't instill even though we've been involved in ministry for many years I still don't know a lot of churches where the pastor sings prophetically as very unusual so it really caught my attention and it's something that I have been doing since nineteen 9 for 30 years the Lord had brought us into the prophetic we began to sing prophetically in our church it really changed my church changing my life and when I saw that I said now this is something very unusual and it really it really grabbed my attention because one of my men dates and it's been for 30 years is to teach train activate and impart in the area of the prophetic that is something God has called me to do in 1999 I hosted a conference in Addis Ababa Ethiopia we trained 50 of our members in the prophetic and we trained we planted a church in Ethiopia we trained 50 Ethiopian believers in the prophetic and we have we had 5000 pastors come from all over Africa from the Middle East from Asia to this gathering and so we we determined that we were going to give each of them in depth prophetic word at that time we didn't have smartphones we had to actually bring cassette recorders that's how long I've been saved we were well I got say when they were using cassettes I got saved after 8-track thank God for that but cassettes and so 100 of us prophesied over 5,000 passengers in three days each of them had to prophesy over about 50 pastors and some of those pastors had come from areas such as Sudan Egypt the Middle East Muslim countries where is very difficult to pastor and some of them had never received a prophetic word and when they got those words it changed their lives and they said the word that you gave us in that conference changed us so much until we went back to our nation's many them ended up pastoring megachurches of thousands of people and it showed me the power of the prophetic and as a result of that we have testimonies from all over Africa that was 1999 that was 20 years ago of people who were blessed now there's no way I could have prophesied over 5,000 passengers by myself unless we had trained a hundred people to minister in the prophetic and as a result we were able to minister to 5000 pastors that had come from all over Africa and I was one of the toughest countries that I've ever ministered in is Sudan in Khartoum Sudan is a Muslim country when I went there to preach I preached in a building it was a hundred twenty degrees because it's almost in the middle of the Sahara Desert and I was in a building with no air conditioning no windows and no deodorant I'll let you figure that out after three days I stopped wearing deodorant it was just made no sense and all they had cold to drink with these little those little old coca-cola bottles the small ones and I'm drinking those cokes because they were cold and they were loaded with caffeine so I began to prophesy over everything that moved I was calling about you and the fifth roast and a third row right here BAM you take it take it take it but it's one of the toughest countries I've ever ministered in because it's a Muslim nation not easy for Christians but the Sudanese these people are the darkest people in Africa and but of all the believers I've met around the world I've never met people so strong in God as these Sudanese people the way they prayed the way they worship it's almost as if sometimes when you're in a tough nation you have to grow tough in the things of God and my heart was really joined to these Sudanese people and the many of them would come to Ethiopia when we do conferences in Addis I do it I did a lot of ministering in Ethiopia around the around the country it's the first place I ever went to I saw outside of my room a chimpanzee fight it was like the Bloods and the Crips going at it I didn't know monkeys fart but they were going at it outside my room I'm like oh god what am I doing here watching monkeys fight but God would take you to some unusual places and it all began with me from a prophetic word around 1983 I was doing a small Bible study at that time I was only ministering to a few people many people did not know me I would conduct a Bible study and a friend home and they were about maybe 20 people in the Bible study and one night the Spirit of God failed and two of the women in the congregation fell down grabbed my feet began to weep and began to prophesy over my feet that God was gonna take me around the world I had never been anywhere I've never flown out of the country I didn't have a passport and so I I received it and then God began to open some doors for me around the world and one of the first places I went to was northern Nigeria a Muslim part of Nigeria to do a deliverance gathering and I'm in that gathering almost every woman that came up for prayer had a spirit of barrenness they could not get pregnant these were married women it's one of the most unusual deliverances I've ever been involved in so we had to really pray and come against the spirit of Baroness but in that trip another individual first time overseas this is 1989 began to prophesy over me about an apostolic ministry at that time I didn't know anything about the apostolic I was a pastor I knew nothing about apostles he began to prophesy over my life about having an apostolic homeland so I came back from the gathering with a cassette tape and I played it to my congregation I didn't come back and put apostle on my title and get cars made up because I had one prophetic word but I I let my congregation listen to it and they began to pray about it but those two prophetic words won over my feet another one into my life began to launch me into a ministry I never could have imagined I'd ever have in places I've gone to I was preaching I don't even know why I'm telling these stories but I feel led to do this I was preaching in the nation of Hungary and they said we want to take you to Transylvania I was like the blood of Jesus you get where Dracula from werewolves I'm like they got they got witch crap up there I don't really feel like dealing with not right now so y'all y'all can keep Transylvania I'm like here I'm a hand I am loss in him a man I just I just didn't want to go up into the mountains of Transylvania but in Hungary we began to minister to another group of people gypsies and gypsies are some of the most musical people they're praising worship is unbelievable because of their musical ability and I've never been around people that praise the Lord like gypsies do now they have a lot of demons but if you get the demons out they become strong believers amen God tell someone God will change your life through a prophetic word so that's what I'm going to share today on the importance of the prophetic and I only have so much time to do this but I'm going to demonstrate as well I do have some books I didn't bring any books with me but if you've never read this book is called the prophets manual and it is a book that I've written that talks about all things prophetic corporate prophecy personal prophecy prophetic teams prophetic worship prophetic singing prophetic intercession the gift of prophecy the office of the Prophet where prophets fit in the local church it has a 125 prophetic activations that we do in our church we activate people in the prophetic and take them through prophetic exercises we can't teach anyone how the prophesy but we can teach people how to hear the voice of God and release it and I'm so this book is available it's at amazon.com or christianbook.com and then I have another book called from head to toe which I'm going to demonstrate today it's another activation book that I've written have a prophesy over someone from here to toe every area of their life and I wrote this activation book was something very unusual and we've used it to activate people in the prophetic and then my latest book is called I am Zion I've heard a lot of people talk about Zion but I've never really heard many people teach on the subject of Zion the mountain of God the habitation of God the river of God the City of God the people of God the place of glory the place of deliverance the place of blessing the place of worship the place of the prophets the place of the people of God and so the Lord had me to write a book I've really been writing this book for 10 years it's called I am Zion it's a really it's sian it's not a physical location even though it once was Zion is a spiritual reality we are Zion and what does that represent so I go throughout the scriptures and bring out the whole subject of Zion the heavenly Jerusalem the New Covenant people and so I would encourage you to get a copy of those books if you want to study them I have quite a number of other books I've written over 50 books in the last 30 years and you can get them at amazon.com or christianbook.com or my ministry and John Eckhart daunt global so I'm gonna I want to I've signed these for you a woman of God I want to give them to you [Applause] and of course no matter how many books you read the greatest author is God I said the greatest author is God and I'm gonna read a verse of scripture from the book of Psalms chapter 68 and verse number 8 this is a verse that has changed in my life it is challenged in my life because it speaks about God's presence and God's glory as it relates to prophecy and the prophetic when you read the verse in the King James Version you really don't get the fullness of what this verse says unless you look some of the words up in the original language it says this the earth shook the heavens also dropped at the presence of God say the heavens drop at God's presence said again the heavens drop at God's presence one more time the heavens drop at God's presence now one of the things I believe that is often lacking in churches is the glory and presence of God and just because you're having a church service does not mean God's presence is there and God's glory is there it was always the will of God for his glory to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea one of the reasons why Jesus came was not only to get you to heaven get you to glory but he wants to get glory inside of you he wants our cities to be places of glory he wants our churches to be full of glory which is why I teach so much on the subject of Zion and one of my favorite chapters is Isaiah chapter 60 which says arise and shine for your light has common the glory of the lord has risen upon you the word glory is the word Chabad which means weight God is waiting and in Scripture the word weight represents prosperity as a matter of fact the word fat is a picture of prosperity fat is a picture of prosperity so if you have a few pounds on you don't dismay because in the ancient world in which the Bible was written starvation and lack was real and so many people their greatest challenge was to find food to eat and so anyone that was prosperous was known to have a few pounds now I know in America we deal with a lot of health issues and I'm not promoting being overweight but the fact is that when you're blessed you can't afford to get an extra cupcake and so on the scripture says that those that dwell in the house of the Lord shall be fat and flourishing so fatness represents prosperity as a matter of fact the word fat represents the best you look the word up in the Hebrew it means the best the finest the choices so there are a lot of words in the Hebrew that we look at and one of them is of the word Chabad which means to be waiting God's glorious weighty it refers to weight is as if you tell someone who has power that they have the ability to throw their weight around that means power that means influence arise shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you for darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people but his light shall come upon you and then it says this in Isaiah chapter 60 it says as a result of God's glory coming upon you that your gates shall be open continually that they may bring the force is of the Gentiles unto you the word forces there is a word that I love it's the word Chi l CH ayi L the word chi yeul means wealth riches power influence it means Authority as a matter of fact the word force which is translated wealth which comes as a result of glory listen if you get glory in your life get ready to prosper when you begin to walk in glory you cannot stay broke you cannot be poor when you begin to walk in glory but that word KL is a very interesting word I wrote a book called the Chi ill woman and in Proverbs 31 when it says the virtuous woman that word virtuous is the word Chi ye'll it's only translated virtuous in reference to a woman because it looks like the translators did not want to put a forceful woman or powerful woman or valor woman so they said virtuous woman and there's nothing where were they were wrong with the word virtue because the word virtue also means power because when the woman touched the hem of Jesus garment virtue a power left out of him so God wants to raise up not just kayo people he wants to raise up Taiyo men Kayal women the day of being a broke wheat woman is over listen mean if you can't handle a strong women you don't want to tie heel woman a virtuous woman one of my assignments is to minister to women to encourage women I've quite a number of daughters have more daughters than I do sons because women many times have been held back held down so I love to see women go forth in ministry like your pastor here and really believe God come on people of God that's a blessing and the women are not called to cook chicken in the kitchen God raised up apostle Colonel Sanders to deliver the women from the chicken dinners amen so thank God so I love the subject of glory it brings wealth it brings light it brings comfort it brings favor it brings mercy um it brings multiplication it brings blessing if you read Isaiah 60 from the beginning to the end it gives the characteristics of God's Chabad God's glory God's presence when God's presence is upon a person upon a church so one of my major concerns of when I go to local churches is I want to sense God's glory God's presence because you can run shout flip screen but if there's no glory in it it's really just exercise so I love the presence of God I love the glory of God in the Old Covenant the glory would come like a cloud and when it came men could not stand because again it represents weight that's why sometimes when the glory comes on you I've been I've been put on the floor and I couldn't get up it's like God's weight is upon you and God God holds you down you can't get up under the weight of God that's why when you lay hands on people and the glory hits they fall because when God waits listen if you and what God hits you if you ever come into contact with God's glory you will go down I know we like to stand and be sophisticated and I know there's some preachers that push you down and you give them a courtesy fall so they can leave you alone I understand all that but sometimes when the glory of God hits your life God puts you his weight and when God puts you on this way he does a miracle in your life come on people who come into a church full of demons and full of sickness they need to encounter the weight and the glory of God they don't need religion and tradition they need to encounter God's glory come on if you believe that put those hands together and thank God for glory somebody shout glory in this place [Applause] the glory of God will change your life it will beautify you your saying God's glory it or not the ugly off you you ever rain in the folk you grew up with it that didn't get saved and you send me like my god brother what happened to you my god I didn't even recognize you but when you get around the glory his glory will beautify you amen keep ugly pebbles off of your face so I love the glory I love the presence but this verse tells us something very interesting it says the heavens dropped at the presence of God and that's a picture of Sinai when God's presence came on the mountain when God was given the commandments and all of a sudden it began to rain thunder lightning the rain of God began to fall because of God's presence so some translations say the rain fell from heaven at the presence of God but rain in Scripture is very prophetic it represents blessing it represents in this particular case a very unusual manifestation the word dropped in the Hebrew is the word in the tough in 88 pH it means to fall from heaven it means to fall like rain but it also means to prophesy in the top as a matter of fact sometimes in Scripture God would tell the Prophet to drop the word in the Book of Ezekiel he told Ezekiel dropped the word toward the south so many times the word drops like rain from heaven God drops his word now there's another word that represents the prophetic it's the word Nabi which means to bubble up so many times the prophetic word will bubble up on the inside of someone it'll begin to feel like a river but also the prophetic word can drop from heaven upon your life and you begin to prophesy so another way of looking at this particular verse it says the heavens dropped or the Word of God dropped at the presence of God so when our churches are full of God's presence his word drops the prophetic is released as a matter of fact if you're going to be prophetic in this hour and if you're a real prophet I've often taught about real prophets you can tell what prophets who prophesy really are by what they hate and a real prophet hates when there is no presence when the real prophet gets in a church and there's no glory that prophet will not like it now everybody else can be in enjoying it but the Prophet to be grieved because prophets love God's presence as a matter of fact one of the things that prophets do is they can get anything out of your life that's blocking God's presence where there's sin rebellion disobedience which cramp whatever stopping the presence of God that's what profits will deal with in prayer in a session teaching preaching they remove the jump that prevent God's presence from coming because they true property is not about you looking at them they're about you looking at God and and they're not concerned about their being present they're concerned about whether God is present and so when I go to a region when I go to a nation when I go to a city I'm looking for God's presence because when God's presence is there that's when the word drops so when you're a prophet you love worship you love prayer you love that you love holiness you love the things that bring God's presence because when God's presence is not there it's difficult to prophesy and so when Elijah needed the presence of God he said sinful minstrel I need someone that can play because I don't feel anything here and when the minstrel began to play the hand of the Lord came upon him and he begin the prophesied that's why when your prophetic the music's got to be right that's why the musicians got to be right if you've got somebody sitting on an instrument that is full of perversion you something is wrong because you understand if they don't bring God's presence huh I can't operate without God's presence I can't live without God's presence I can't move without God's presence don't tell somebody I need God's presence and that's the problem we have too many people speaking today with no presence [Music] they have no word god has not dropped anything on from heaven they're just preaching stuff they knew years ago but God always has a fresh word that he would drop for fresh season and I'm here to let you know God has a new word for 2020 thank God for 2017 thank God for 2018 thank God for 2019 but I'm in a prophesy over t IP that God is about to drop something new on you for 2020 come on lift those hands up because God's presence is about to drop say drop on my life Lord I need a new word drop from heaven on my life I need a new word [Music] the heavens drop the word like rain at the presence of God when God's presence comes he drops in new words he drops in new songs he drops in new visions he drops to new dreams why do you need that one of the things that has always troubled me about churches in general and when you've been in ministry for a while you you see them come and go but there's a tendency in man to get stuck in the old and I've seen people mildly anointed by God ten years ago but today their church should be called no jurrasic assembly think about is good it's a dinosaur hmm God is a God of new things tell someone God is a God of new things Isaiah 42 and 9 says this behold the former things have come to pass come on tell someone the former things have come to pass and then God says new things do I declare say new things are declared then God says before they spring forth I tell you of them so one of the things I've learned about the prophetic is that when you get around the prophetic God will use the prophetic to declare something new in your life because God does not want you to be stuck and what he did 5 years ago 10 years ago God wants to move you into something new and I'm here to prophesy over you today that God is about to release something new something fresh in your life there's some new doors about to open for you there's some new relationships God's about to give you there's some new power come on if you believe it put those hands together there's some new power God is about to release there's some new finances coming into your hands there's some new favour about the rest on your life there's some new breakthroughs that you have never seen before why because God is about to release a new word somebody shout new word [Applause] [Music] there's a new word for you which is why you got to connect with somebody prophetic you got to connect with somebody that has a word for you then when they speak it over your life a pastor when they speak a fresh word it breaks you into a new season see the prophetic word is not just information the prophetic word has the power within it to begin to launch you into your next season it's not my might it's not my power it's by the Spirit of God and there's some places you cannot get to unless someone declares it by the Spirit of God over your life sometimes when you're stuck and you're trying to get out of a rut you can't do it but thank God that a one word from God can change your season one word from God can change your life one word from God can launch you into your future it's supernatural I'm not some about all these bootleg prophets those are my real real prophetic ministry you get around that when you get around the presence of God as we come on Sundays we get around the presence of God and God begins to drop words and drop songs and drop words into our life that is designed by God to keep you new to keep you fresh to keep you moving forward and just when you think God has done everything in your life he's gonna do God says I'm gonna do something new you've never seen before God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask a thing just when it seems like you've been anywhere God opens a new door that's what I love about God serving God is an adventure serving God should never become routine and boring too many bored believe us let's go to church go to church nothing new nothing fresh they're bored they're depressed nothing exciting God is the most exciting person in the universe come on there's nothing boring about God come on God is so exciting until you don't have time to get hooked up with junk in the world I'm gonna count much new stuff they come up with God has enough new stuff for me I don't have to be enticed by the new chunk of the world serving God is an adventure you can serve God for twenty thirty forty years and still be full of zeal and full of passion I don't think because you get older and Minister you have to become some old geezer in the spirit I mean done worse than the Geezer demon a man just just just up there amen look you know just just your long gave up on life in Elaine and new people just sister God ain't nothing I had new to it no no God is the god of new things God would do some exciting things for you but it comes by declaration and I've seen this in 40 years of ministry every time it looked like I got to the end of what I knew I'd receive prophetic words that were launched me into a new season a new assignment a new Commission and I began to learn the value of the prophetic and the value of prophecy and the value of prophetic ministers I made in my desire to teaching the train and to activate people in this dimension because I know that many I believe listen I believe that people will leave the earth and stand before God and they'll go to heaven but gotta tell them you never did half but what I had you to do you let people you let demons you let your flesh keep you out of my best for you I ask so much more for you but you never knew it you never walked in it you never received it because you got around the wrong people and you're going to happen but God said you only went through a couple of chapters and so much more for you but you never knew it you never heard it you never walked in it so tell somebody God's got more for you come on just somebody else guys got more for you and he's gonna release that in your life he's gonna tell you what it is and when you hear it something's gonna break inside of you and instead of you lying down dying Amen you're not ready to die I will live and not die I'm not finished God you've got some more things for me to do 2020 and beyond I'm not yet finished listen when people write you off and tell you it's over tell the devil devil you a liar God's got a fresh word for me God's got a fresh assignment for me I'm not yet finished walking with God come on don't let people stop you from the Nick season of your life I'm in a proper sign your letter in shall be greater then your former in the glory of the ladder shall be greater than the glory of the former as a matter of fact I'm proper sign that everything you learned before was preparation for something greater in the days to come come on put those hands together and begin to thank God for greater greater greater greater greater greater greater greater oh come on put those hands together give more praise lift your boys shout hallelujah and playing God he's about to release something new something fresh in your life he said call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you knew not God's about to show you some stuff you've never seen before he's about to release a word you've never heard before he's about to take come on you oughta faint God boy he's about to take you place you've never been before he's about to raise you up to a level you never walked in before you thought it was over the devil said it is over but the devil is a liar we rebuked you with the word of the Lord come on put those hands together lift your voice and shout glory in this place [Applause] hallelujah do you believe him do you believe him do you believe him do you believe them you're not just in another church you're in a church of God's glory a church of presence you're in a church that believes in the Word of God you are promised I this will be a strong prophetic house and people will walk through those doors with no hope and no vision but they'll sit in these seats and the word of the Lord will , to break hopelessness off of their life and depression and defeat offer their life and release them into their destiny Oh [Applause] hallelujah say when they say behold the former things have come to pass and new things new things new things do I declare before they spring forth I tell you of them just somebody get ready they're springing forth come on tell them tell them get ready they're springing for they're springing forth they're springing forth in 2020 they're springing forth they're springing forth they're springing forth for you businesses you thought you never have houses you thought you never live in come on bank accounts you thought you never have ministries you thought you could never do come on people of God places you've never been you're about to go people you about to meet you never knew before God's about to do books you've never written you about to write songs you never sang you about the sing god I'm here to prophesy this morning that there's a new wave about to hit this house there's a new wind about to hit this house there's a new Gloria about they hit this house so come on lift those hands and receive a new wind a new wind a new wind [Music] ask somebody next to you do you need anything new in your life how many need something new how many need something little the old was good for ten years ago but now it's a new day hey man I need some fresh I need something new I need a fresh anointing I need a new door I need a new glory I need some new favor new favor our Papa signed new favors about to hit your life new favor Oh hallelujah hallelujah tell somebody you're not going into 2020 with the old tell them you're going in with the new there's a new fire coming on your life your prayer life is about to get new your worship is about to get new your money is about to get new come on your strength is about to be renewed like the Eagle no new new new new you're about to meet some new people you bout to meet some wealthy people come on I'm not just talking my safe folk I'm telling my someone say wealthy folk you bout to meet let's go open some doors for you and connect you with some people and some places you've never been before don't limit God to tongue talking folk God can you sent us open doors for you come on God can use people that don't know God to reach out and bless you and help you and take you somewhere you've never been before they're not gonna take in the sin but they're gonna take you into a new door come on tell somebody don't limit God in this next season God's about to do some unusual thing and I hear the Lord saying this he says get ready for the unusual get ready for something you never seen before for the Lord said this is the season of the unusual I'm gonna do some special unusual things don't limit me to what you've had in the past but get ready to be surprised says the Lord I'm gonna surprise many of you with new things you've never imagined you can have I'm about to do things so don't drawback don't limit me I'm about to break boundaries and limitations off of your life I'm about to take you into realms you've never knew before I'm about to give you under standing in revelation wisdom that you've never had before set the Lord and the Lord said get ready for a new wisdom it's gonna come upon your life and this wisdom is gonna be a key that will unlock doors that have been shut up and taking the realms you've never walked in before so Lord said get ready for new wisdom get ready for new knowledge get ready for new understanding get ready but new insight until my word for I'm gonna open up the scriptures to you and conte you to see things you've never seen before and hear words you've never heard before and the Lord said even get ready for unusual words to be preached from this platform if I'm gonna give the woman of God very unusual words it's gonna be something different you're gonna see I've never heard that before I never heard that kind of message before for the Lord said many of sent in the house of God and they said I've heard that before I've heard that before I've heard that before but the Lord said I've got things you've never heard before I'm gonna release words you've never heard before and it's gonna break you into realms you've never known before I'm gonna give you a new prese I'm gonna give you a new song I'm gonna give you new sounds in music it's gonna take you in the different realms I'm gonna put a new anointing on the instruments of this house said the Lord to release a new sound I'm gonna cause new songs to be sung in this place new revelation is gonna come forth to take you into a new level the Lord said because you've been faithful to walk with me I've done great things for you in the past but the Lord said get ready for a new season of growth and expansion uh get ready for a new season of worship and Gloria get ready for a new season of the unusual sense God I'm gonna do unusual healings unusual deliverances unusual miracles in this place set the Lord so don't limit Mia but get ready for the unusual it's gonna be different up and mean you're gonna say I've never seen that before I've never heard that before I've been in church all my life and I've never seen that before the Lord said you have not yet seen everything I'm about to release up I'm about to do exceeding abundantly of all that you can ask a think so get ready for the nuisance gotta get ready for the unusual get ready for the different up the listen I called you to be a different kind of church I didn't call you to be like everybody else and so there's a different kind of anointing up there's a special anointing this arrest on this house and I'll send the hard cases I'll send the difficult cases but when they walk in the door and experience my glory and my presence you see breakthrough after breakthrough and miracle after miracle come on put those hands together lift your voice and give God a shout of praise in this place [Applause] or somebody shout hallelujah [Applause] and I hear the Lord saying get ready for and use your wealth unusual finances yet ready for your bank accounts to experience the unusual get ready to enjoy the unusual in gold and silver I'm gonna release it in this hour says the Lord I'm gonna do unusu I'm gonna raise up unuse your businesses I'm gonna give you unusual ideas I'm gonna give you unusual inventions I'm gonna give you unused your strategies and many were say has never been done like that before with the Lord said number I'm about to drop the unusual in the lives of my people up and you'll not just do what men have done before when they say it can't be done this way you're gonna create a new way sis gotta so get ready for and use your strategies unuse your blueprints unusual ideas come on lift your hands I see I'll receive the unusual I receive the new thing hallelujah the law says they've been birthed in prayer and the law said your prayer has been a womb you become pregnant with the unusual now get ready to deliver and bring it forth says the Lord you're gonna see it happen unusual birthing it's taking place in this ministry and the law that I've come even today I've come at the beginning of this year to launch you and to release my word over your life what you could not do on your own get ready to do by the power of my spirit and the Lord said the things that used to frustrate you in the past will not frustrate you in the days to come and the things that used to be difficult in the past will be easy in the days to come I hear the Lord saying this coming a new ease a new ease a new ease in the gloria a new Iza you're not toil you're not labor in heavy labor but there'll be a new ease and even as you travail it'll come forth says the Lord before you call I will answer before you speak I would say here am I so get ready for an usual answers to your prayers see I'm ready for the unusual Lord so I believe your word I receive the new thing in my life thank you Lord for this next season will be a season of the new for me your word is launching me into the new I will not be held back by the old said again I will not be held back by the old I'm stepping into the new get a prayer partner get someone next to you grab hands we're gonna pray with for each other now I want you to face them want you to face him one-on-one with somebody I want you to face them hallelujah I want you to speak over your brother speak of your cersei I declare new things over your life I believe God with you for a new season in your life let the prophetic word be released over your life God is doing something new in your life I pray for you I bless you I speak over you i decree Isaiah 42 and 9 the former things have come to pass and new things do I declare before they spring forth I tell you of them thank you Lord for showing them the new thing new dreams new visions new wisdom new power new glory in your life new doors are being opened for you new connections in your life new answers to your prayers new miracles you will see in 2020 and beyond now listen this is when I heard when you were finishing speaking to each other I heard this I heard the Lord say get ready for new surprises new surprises I have a spiritual daughter they released a word at the end of the year call out of the blue when something comes out of the blue and like his pet comes out of nowhere out of the blue blessings but the blue also means heaven just somebody get ready for some out of the blue blessings unexpected come on somebody say unexpected it like it comes out of the blue you are looking forward yes it shows up out of the blue it's like a surprise it's going to hit your life thank you Father holla come on lift those hands one more time will you hallelujah let's just worship for a moment hallelujah just play musicians I'll follow you [Music] come on just worship Him new Souls [Music] new soul [Music] I'm gonna sing a new song [Music] over you I'm gonna sing a new song over you when you gather to worship Me I'm gonna sing a song that will set you free I'm gonna sing a new song over you that will release things brand-new when you worship me I'm gonna sing to you a new song that's gonna break you through get ready my children I'm gonna sing over you something new something new something new and these new souls that you were here in the days to come these songs from heaven you hear them in the days to come [Music] I was singing over you [Music] I was singing over you my soul my soul I was singing over you my soul my soul and when you hear my soul it would change everything when you hear the words the worst that I was seeing get ready my children to hear this song then I was seeing miracles these songs will bring in this house shall be known as a place where there is a soul yes this house shall be known as a place where you hear the Lord sing this place will be known where the Lord sings and changes everything [Music] get ready to heal get ready to heal get ready to heal in this new year when I sing this song miracles miracles [Music] yes yes yes [Music] hallelujah hallelujah I want to minister to the woman of God when I come into a house I always try to speak over the leadership faster thank your Lord shut your hands toward her today the Lord said daughter you've been one that if desired the fullness of the Spirit and even as you've named this ministry this is Pentecost because you've known the power of the Holy Ghost and you've not moved away from that you've seen others move away from the Holy Ghost and you said I'm not going to do that I'm gonna stay with the Spirit of God and the Lord said now daughter get ready for a new release of the Spirit of God upon your life a new release of the prophetic shall begin to flow through you but the Lord said you're not just be one that was singing and prophesy and priest but you'll raise up others I'm gonna cause a knife Restonic grace even activate and help others move until we're not given you said the Lord and the Lord said you'll be a woman of impartation you'll be a woman of activation you'll be one that's able to go into places and change the very atmosphere and even cause an atmosphere of glory to come when you minister and the glory of God comes I'm gonna gut my word in your mouth so that you can prophesy the Lord said get ready don't know if I'm gonna even shift this house into a new realm of glory the Lord say you've been faithful in the past and you've come to this place now get ready to cross over into a new place you've never been before the Lord said this is your new year will be a year of the cross over not just in the natural but in the spiritual said the Lord and as you're coming into 2020 I'm doing a new thing in your life I'm refreshing you you poured out much you've given much but I'm pouring it back into you and I'm putting a fresh anointing on you and your head shall be anointed with oil and your cups your run-over and I know the OpenFlow many will be healed and delivered and set free set the Lord but I'm gonna do a new thing even in the prophetic of this house I'm gonna raise the prophetic level of this house even as I cause Ezekiel to go into the river and he went beyond the ink goes beyond the knees beyond the loins beyond the shoulders up and he got into the river that was so deep you could swim it here and the Lord said I'm taking you out deeper in the prophetic I'm taking you out deeper into the things of the Spirit of God and I'm gonna use you as a model to others can be provoked and say we need to move in the spirit as well we need to go out deeper than we've gone before for many have desired to stay in the shallow but the Lord said I'm taking you into the deep don't be afraid don't drop back for this prophetic word it's about to release you into a new season of teaching and training and activation and impartation and revelation and release of the prophetic and the lesson I'll give you many sons and daughters with prophetic Mantle's on their life and you'll be able to teach them train them in prayer train them in the prophetic train them in worship set the Lord up you'll be able to raise up that school that'll be like a Sam your school up with the young prophets show , and they'll gather understand you to be taught up and to be trained and to be released up into a new realm of glory set the Lord of listen I'm coming to Sacramento to raise up the prophetic water level up the Lord said they've been great ministry in this city up but I've come to make some changes I've come to release a new floor it'll not be Church as usual it'll not be getting in a certain time and get out a certain time it'll be a glory release it'll be a glory wave that's so coming to this city and it's so coming to this house set the Lord and you'll not build your house based on what you've seen in the past you'll not build your house based on what others are doing but I'll give you my word of wisdom I'll give you my blueprint I'll give you my strategy I'll give you my wisdom as to how to build up I'll call you to bring in the right people I'll cause you to be sensitive who to bring in when to bring them in what to release set the Lord up I'll put unusual words in your mouth to release and at times you'll say this is crazy I can't speak this but Lord said when you release it up get ready for miracles get ready for breakthrough so get ready for new things get ready for a new season for a new wind is about to blow on your life daughter I've seen your sacrifice I've seen your humility I've seen your praise I've seen your lifestyle up and the Lord said I got Rick get ready because you obeyed me now a prophetic wind is about to hit your life and the prophetic River about the flow into this house said the Lord the river of God will flow in this house this place shall be known as a place of the river if you get there there's a river of healing there's a river of deliverance there's a river of worship there's a river of glory there's a river of miracles the river of God will flow in that house and water water refreshing shall be your portion and the Lord said I've come to refresh you I've come to stripping you poured out so much but the Lord said you'll not be empty you'll be one with the overflow even though you pour out I'll fill your backup I'll never let you lack up I'll never let you be empty I'll always keep you full because you poured out so much because you've given so much I'm gonna give it back to you pressed down shaken together running over shall men give unto your bosom so get ready for the overflow and this is this is an unusual word I'm about to give you the Lord said many women who have become pastors have been broken down by the assaults of hail but the Lord said it will not be in your case you will not be a casualty you'll not be a statistic you'll not be one of the women that says oh ministry is so hard for a woman no not on you daughter I'm gonna cause your yoke to be easy and your burden to be light I'm gonna cart you to be healthy I'm gonna cart you to be strong in the days to come and no weapon formed against you shall prosper [Music] the strength of God shall be your portion the strength of God shall be your portion come on stretch your hands toward and bless him hallelujah [Music] hallelujah and this sees this shall be a season of release but you'll not have to do it all but you'll have others that will be released you'll not be overburdened but you'll have sons and daughters that will do even what you do [Music] and you'll send out many in the days to come and they will go and I will multiply you you're not doing all the love but I give you many sons and daughters to stand with you and you will be strong so get ready for a new season of release you release them teach them send them out and they will go and carry the river the river from your belly the river of God will flow from your innermost being yes you will know these will come out of you these things are brand new say Lord we bless her say Lord we bless them let your word release her into new things and just like this restaurant is a new endeavor it's a sign over your ministry and over your marriage that I'm doing something new yes this new business endeavor as you come into 2020 it's a prophetic sign that I'm doing something new in your finances wealth riches for you will have projects in the future and you're not have to struggle with finances the loss and I'll give you more than enough somebody tell more than enough come on shout more than you know yes yes thank you Lord do do you have any prophetic ministers in your in your in your house you do are they recognized or by tell them to come up they'll come up or okay I want the prophetic ministers in this house to come I want to pray for you [Music] well I pray for these ministers I pray Lord as I lay hands on their beer fresh impartation ah Oh glory for the for the prophetic the Lord said Gary the word will become sharper and clearer there'll be a stronger flow that will come out of you to speak corporately to speak individually to fulfill your assignment as prophetic ministers in the house of the Lord and so father as I lay hands on them I thank you for a new release the Lord said you're not only prophesy your train others in the days to come for their many young emerging prophetic voices that'll be released in the days to come and you'll be the ones that will be instrumental in training and activating and releasing them in their gifts and in their callings and so far I thank you for using this company this company this prophetic company the Lord said you'll be the nucleus you'll be the foundation of what I'm laying in this house in the prophetic the Lord said you have been faithful you've been those that have walked through the process now get ready I'm gonna give you even the curriculum and even the strategy to teach and train others that will come into this house many of them are sitting in the house and you'll be the ones that will help identify he'll release help activate them in prayer in the prophetic in worship and in glory step the Lord and the Lord said there be many in this region we're looking for a prophetic house and many have said I don't know where to go where my gifts will be recognized and released but the Lord said I'll cause you even to help others in their prophetic journey in their prophetic growing in their prophetic knowing up to help get them to the place they need to get to says the Lord so get ready I've come to release a word over you that will launch you and many of you were right and you'll even write books in the days to come even books on the things I've taught you and the revelations I've given you I'm putting the scribes pin in your hand and you're not just prophesied you're right set the Lord and your writings were blessed and stir others so get ready for the new season of prophetic writing and prophetic scribes being raised up in prophetic singers of and prophetic intercessors and preaching and teaching prophets shall be a Rye arise in this house and in this region set the Lord up I come there and stir you up up I've come to challenge you I've come to stretch you to step off the boat and begin to walk on the water do not limit yourself I'm gonna show your dreams and visions up in the night season and give you even the ability to interpret the dreams of people who come and say I don't know where this dream represents so get ready for a new release a new release father bless them and let them move forward in this house in the days to come in Jesus name come on clap if you believe God people to God come on do it like you really mean it [Music] come on give him some praise just for a few moments [Music] hallelujah hallelujah I'm finished but I want you to remember that the prophetic is very supernatural there's not just somebody speaking a word the prophetic releases miracles changes lives and that's what we're called to do and to believe how many believe something news about to hit your life I believe it I'm believe God's about to do something new in the life of your pastor come on how many believe that we all need something new we do sometimes you can look at a strong person strong in prayer stronger than a walk with Donna feel as if what she's got everything no we all need it I needed you needed we all needed because when it's all over a human we need something new to look forward to to move into so I want you to believe God for great new things happening in this house and in this fellowship and in Sacramento come on do you believe it and let me say this woman of God any if you need me for anything feel free to let me know anything I can do this is my life I love sewing into men and women of God anything I can do for you let me know I'll come I'll bring teams I'll activate our train I mean we do all that stuff anything you need let me know let me know we just did a activation in Vallejo was anybody in those activations oh look at ya I knew y'all proper sign there in Vallejo we did an activation it was phenomenal we spent about five hours activating people in the prophetic getting their prophetic flow released only time I've ever done one in Northern California we go around the country doing this and it's been amazing the results of people really stepping up in the prophetic and lies the churches being just changed and transformed it's really really amazing so whatever I can do feel free to call me anything I can do if you don't call me I still love you still be your friend but thank God for your your warm house and I'm having me to come and if and always if it if it looks like this shirts a little big on me I just finished a forty day fast so I lost a little worried okay so that's why everything looking kind of big I haven't been able to shop yet because I want to believe God is constant pounding hey man let's clap as the woman of God comes come on put those hands together and thank God for her praise God for the apostille come on family do better than that you can do better than that praise God for the Apostle praise God for the gift so much was affirmed confirmed and anchored and even when you started with the Isaiah 60 that is the scripture that the Lord gave us for 20/20 of be light for his glorious coming you can have your seed in his presence I for two years two years I have the Lord began to drop you in my spirit two years ago and he kept saying I'll tell you when I'll tell you when and then every now and then I like you know bring your name up before me he would just say I'll tell you when but everything you gave were things that the Lord had been talking to me about towards the end of this year but I just wait on the confirmation and we recognize the harvest of our church just like you would think we put a sign up and said you know if you're 30 and under join our church I don't know we just have lots of Millennials and young people but the Lord said to us he's I want you to recognize the harvest that I'm sending and recognize the roots that I gave you and all I want you to do is to release it so that they can release it to their next generation so part of 2020 is preparing the next generation to be our next generals our next prophets our next apostles in that the devil is a liar the Millennials are not crazy they're anointed and they will carry the gospel of Jesus Christ the devil is crazy they're not crazy they're caught to carry an anointing and so I could go on and on manna God but you affirmed and you confirmed and I appreciate your humility I appreciate your sensitivity I appreciate all of your sons and daughters that's here tonight and that and today they have worship with us and have spread the gospel with us we want to quickly just be a blessing to the man who got on for the houses whatever you purpose in your house month your heart my husband and I are gonna start this offering off for five hundred dollars and it's whatever you purpose in your heart we want to be a blessing to the house we want to be a blessing to the man of God to all the family members of this is Pentecost we just ask that you pay your tithing or offerings like we do those of you that are guests today if you want to sow a seed into the man of God we ask that you would do that and just share in this spirit of giving with us I am anticipating the day and it's you know I you know where money is just not an issue because the gospel is too great I believe with all of my heart God is gonna back different things because it's time for the kingdom of heaven to go throughout all the world and I'm the kind of person that I don't let money stop me so I work with a little like I work with a lot I will not let money be the reason for not doing the will of God I will use all things all things free I'll use Hall volunteers but I will let nothing called money stop what God wants to do so everything we've done everything we've accomplished have been by God's grace and the faith of God believing him and trusting him the Lord has continued to act to this church daily financially spiritually monetarily and even with the harvest I'm excited about twenty twentieth preparing a people to reach a harvest we are light and we want to see clearly the anointing that he's placed on our lives for 2020 we want to see clearly that he really did snatch us out of darkness and into this marvelous light to show forth his praise when when a pasta started giving his testimony that he wasn't raised in the church and things are nudged my husband I said well there's the connection because 70% of our church is from the street so they all have your story and that's the reason why I was so relatable and God allowed you to share it but how many know it's time to rise up and be light to go get our brothers and sisters and darkness that's why he saved us that's why he saved us and to all of you that are visiting today thank you even if you've sacrificed to come away from your church thank you and I appreciate your leaders for allowing you to come but if you do not have a church home I pray you come this is the time to get under a good covering and I want you to just keep visiting I don't collect members I believe in building the body of Christ and we're family we're family and so when you become a part of this house you're part of a family is just the expansion of the kingdom of heaven memberships are for social clubs yeah the body of Christ is one body and we are family you're my brother you're my sister so if you do not have a church home and if you're searching for a church home I will ask you to do is keep visiting just keep visiting and feel the Spirit of God you have to know you have to feel comfortable with where you go don't play with your soul don't play with your soul don't join places that are popular join places that are feeding you that you're growing you're expanding don't play with your soul where you will spend eternity don't play with your soul so as you're preparing your gifts before the Lord I'm gonna ask one to just stand one of our armor bears please stand with Minister Daryl while he's at the altar but we're gonna ask you to stand quickly and if we could just get a little worship and praise God for the word that was spoken over even our minstrels and it cuz worship is crucial in this house it is seriously everything he said just wow just yeah I can't stand a dry Church I just can't I can't I can't I can't I mean a pasta we'll have services where that is it it's just praying because everybody was too dry I can't even you can't even preach in the dry atmosphere and say yeah all that is true all that is true I'm I my musician said that other musicians have called them and said I will never play for your pastor again because I told them don't be in the club don't play don't take me to the club keep me in the church that bothers me because the sounds are different the sounds are different so Wow Amen my brother indeed all right sweetheart you're standing from all of this building you're standing with your best gift to the family members of this is Pentecost you're preparing your ties you're offering everything we do that are the givers in this house and so ours we know we've gotten it by giving everything we are blessed people we are prosperous people because we believe in sowing and God continues to give seed unto the sword we are not broke but we are blessed he's bless us with houses and land because we are swords and we are givers so I'm gonna try to do this as best as I can first I think I'll take my outside sections if you don't mind facing the wall coming around from the rear and coming around to our middle section of you don't mind sitting for just one moment as the outside sections face the wall and please begin you from the rear if you have come around if our porters will please escort them we're bringing some sort of gift before the Lord whatever you have whatever you purpose in your heart we're asking you to give it unto the house of the Lord just bring it down a little bit but keep playing for me let me tell you what we do not do but keep playing let me tell you what we do not do I do not depend on people to bless the men and women of God when we have people come when we have people come minister in this house we are already prepared to bless them already prepared to bless them so what you're doing is you're giving it unto God because of the seed that have been deposited into you you're giving it back into the house so they're coming around they're coming around with your seed offering and we are blessing the city [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we ask that you please stay with us and don't leave just yet there's something else we just want to share with you so if you could just stay with us we're gonna dismiss you momentarily but just stay with us until the end I appreciate it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] our sinners section if you would kindly stand to our Center section and we're coming from the rear we're coming around thank you for your giving thank you so much everyone sandy
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Views: 21,776
Rating: 4.7603307 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Tamara Bennett\, 2020, Apostle John Eckhardt
Id: 6vujTofkNfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 5sec (6845 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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