John Eckhardt at Limitless 2018

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much more could you ask he is a general of Apostolic Reformation and in this hour God has raised him up to impact nations impact regions impact cities and impact you he's a pioneer of the deliverance movement and demons just I mean you could almost feel him quake when he landed this afternoon and he lives in Chicago with his beautiful wonderful wonderful wife who we love Wanda his five kids and his new grandchild so Atlanta which you welcome our beloved Apostle John Eckhart [Music] hallelujah well thank you so much young y'all go you all are gonna make me cry don't make me cry amen you may be seated thank you so much it's always good to be back in Life Center and be around so many people that I've known for so many years and have been so kind to me and I did hear that all the speakers had been to prison thank God I didn't know I wouldn't do well in prison I told them no I've not been there but I know you've already had a great time most of the ministers I know in this conference I love the title limitless come on limitless I love it and thank you so much for coming out I want to give a few brief announcements of some things that I'm doing and then I have a word I'm gonna preach that I've I've never preached this before it's something the Lord gave me for tonight so it's I believe it's gonna really really challenge you and bless your life how many want to break some limitations in your life so I do want to thank again your your invitation I think I'll be here in the morning ministering as well okay I'll be here in the morning and then I'll go back home to Chicago pray for Chicago that weather will get warm this has been the longest coldest winter I am too so tired of being cold I'm still cutting heat on in my on my home I hope that we get warmed up and my wife needs to go fishing yeah and I needed to go fishing and a good way she does good but when she's not fishing she's not happy so prey for prey from weather and I'll be going back and have you know as we get into the spring and summer months of ministry so many conferences I was I was sharing with pastor Mary she asked me that I know a certain individual I know quite a number of Ministers because I've been in ministry for close to 40 years but there are so many new fresh voices that God is raising up it is just unbelievable the number of gifts and callings and people that are coming forward through social media all over the world I'm always amazed at how many gifts God gives our God is an abundant Giver I'm always amazed at how many anointed people God has raised up it is raising up from generation to generation and I'm excited about the kingdom advancing but I don't know everyone and when I see all these new fresh voices being raised up many of them in their teens 20s 30s it is it is just exciting what God is doing and I believe the best is yet to come come on I believe the best is yet to come I really do that God always wants to do a new thing and I believe one of the purposes of the prophetic and I know this is a prophetic house I always encourage you to come here when they call me they say where can I go to get activated where can I go in the Atlanta area where people can be activated and trained in the prophetic I always tell them go to Life Center Dunwoody you'll get activated because I believe that God God is releasing so many people into the prophetic and one of my foundational verses is Isaiah chapter 42 which says behold the former things have come to pass and new things do I declare before they spring forth I tell you of them God is the god of a new thing and when God is doing something new in your life it's always fresh exciting I don't believe you should ever get bored with God God is the most interesting person in the universe he's the most fascinating interesting entity that will ever be and if you become bored and routine when it comes to serving God you're not tapping into the new thing you know I often ask God what will we do in eternity after a billion years in heaven I think about stuff like this I believe that after millions of years were still gonna be learning things about God that we didn't know before God is unfathomable he is he is so deep you could never exhaust the knowledge of God and I am committed as I get older I'm in my sixtieth year of life and I am I have a little grand granddaughter now she calls me papa hi papa and she just takes my heart I'm telling you and I I am committed that even though I'm getting older that God will renew your youth like the ego you know there's some verses that really become important to you as you get older when your 20s you don't think about these verses but as you get older God will renew your youth like the Eagle and that's my prayer for everyone here many of you have known for many years it's so great to see people still worshiping praising serving God year after year after year that is that is such a blessing to see people who have been steadfast who've been consistent and I want to encourage I don't know how many of you while I'm thinking of this I don't know how many of you have been watching me on social media I've been doing a word of knowledge challenge anyone anyone okay in case you're not aware of it I'm on every morning at 9:00 a.m. which is 10:00 a.m. your time here in the east in the Eastern time zone but I'm doing something I've never done before I've taught on word of knowledge in connection with prophecy and the gifts of the Spirit but I'm really challenging believers to stir up stretch out move in the word of knowledge and I've been having people come on my facebook life that moving the word of knowledge names dates I was in a meeting and a preacher called out someone's bank account number and I was pretty critical of it I said now I don't need anyone calling on my bank account number because I know it so unless I lost it until I heard a testimony and I'm using shambo's book called God's secrets he was in a restaurant and that there was a couple he was preaching in a city there was a couple sitting behind him that he didn't know and they had a little a little girl that kept staring at him well that make you uncomfortable when kids keep staring at you so he turned around he was just you know kind of greeting the the the little girl and he got into a conversation with the parents and they asked him what are you doing in town he said what I'm here I'm a minister I'm here ministering the Word of the Lord and as he was talking to this couple the Lord gave him a number and he said does this number mean anything to you and when he read the number it was a bank account number and the couple freaked out and one of the and they said you know what what are you some kind of you know witch doctor or and he said the Lord gave me that banker then he asked him are you having any financial problems and they said yes we're having some major financial problems and we don't know what to do and he said the Lord is concerned about your finances and he began to prophesy to them about God doing something in their finances and if the Lord gave me that bank account number because the Lord wants you to know he's concerned about your bank account anybody here believing God is concerned about your bank account okay how many know God knows your bank account he knows what's in it he knows was not in it and the man was so amazed he said you know I don't even believe in God and it convicted him so much when he got that word of knowledge it was assigned to him until he wanted then to accept the Lord because of a word of knowledge God can give your bank account enough and I'm not I'm not here to read bank account numbers I'm just saying when I used to hear that and not and I know some preachers can take advantage of that and you know but when I heard used to hear that I just say you know God doesn't give people phone numbers and bank account numbers and names and addresses so I heard that testimony and it really it really touched me to tell people but now I'm not telling you to go out and try to figure out folk bank account numbers but I'm simply saying this word of knowledge challenge I'm really challenging people because God has given me names and dresses anniversary date sometime he gives anniversary dates because he's concerned about your marriage your birthday addresses things that happen at a certain time in your life so I'm doing this word of knowledge challenge I've never done it before and I'm child beliebers to not only desired a prophesy but desire spiritual gifts and one of them is the word of knowledge because it can be using evangelism the prophetic deliverance healing prayer counseling I can give you information about people you're ministering to it is a phenomenal gift that causes people to wonder and be in all because God knows every detail about your life and these gifts are not just for the church they're for the marketplace come on they're not just for the church service they're for the marketplace and so I'm doing that I'll start again Monday I took two days off because I was preaching in Kentucky at the fire to Kentucky yesterday had to fly here this morning so if you want to join me on Facebook lied I'm gonna bring on some real strong prophetic people that operate in the world of knowledge we're actually operating in it as we pray for people right on Facebook live we have about a thousand people that join us and we're getting names and getting addresses and getting children's names and people are getting miracles so something I'm really pressing into it the Lord told me he said many of my people don't press into these things says desire spiritual gifts and that's a gift sometimes and sometimes and the Lord showed me this he said many people you you operate in this but because you thought it was strange and weird you you pushed it down and you stopped doing it as my fact some people said God don't show me anything else I'm also gonna have a discerning of spirits challenge because some of these people that Saints are following I know you're not operating in discerning of spirits you couldn't lead that give out a manifest accidentally every six years well you see some so I believe these gifts I believe this we're talking limitless I believe these gifts can break limitations word of knowledge word of wisdom discerning the spirits we talk a lot of our prophecy I've been grateful to activate people in their prophetic but I'm sometimes we need to stretch out a little more and believe God and when God gives you things when you're praying for people when you're talking to people when God gives you details of their life to shared with them in a humble way even if you have to take a chance and miss it because he that is one of those gifts were you either hit it or miss it that's what we don't step into it if you if you say somebody does this date mean thing to you and they say no see a prophecy you can promise out to someone and and it could be a general prophecy and it can't you don't necessarily know right away whether it's right or wrong it may take time to manifest but the word of knowledge is specific right they're black or white right or wrong but I really believe that God wants to break some limits off of us and when it comes to the Holy Spirit and that the more we move stir up the gift of God neglect not the gift that is in you the more we are step and the Lord showed me this he said I I'm calling people to step out the boat and walk on the water do things you've never done before and then that they're not a lot of churches that teach this this church does life center does on the activating the gifts of the Spirit so they're not a lot of places you can even share this now because sometimes preachers and ministers have kind of intimidated people because we're so afraid of false prophets until we're afraid to step out and what God has given us so I'm doing that word of knowledge challenge I don't know how I'm gonna how long I'm gonna do it and have different I've had about four or five people on that operate strong in the word of knowledge I also believe in impartation I believe when you get around that kind of anointing you can get an impartation forward when you see it you can you can begin to believe God for to be stirred up in your life so God is gonna break limit Asians off of us when it comes to the not only prophecy but word of knowledge word of wisdom discerning of spirits and I'm telling you when that begins to happen get ready for some miracles come on get ready for some breakthroughs you have not seen before come on somebody say limitless but that's that I love I love that title limitless God wants to break some limitations I did bring a few books with me on this one I'm still encouraging people to get this book unshakable it is on the subject of schizophrenia and double mindedness which I believe that 99% of the people in the world have a problem with but that's just me and it is really all of us deal with some instability and God wants to stabilize you and make a deliverance makes you stable deliverance stabilizes you if there's any instability confusion up and down in and out back and forth wavering doubting not consistent in your walk with God your relationships with other people your marriage if whatever's not consistent in your life God wants to stabilize I've also written a book called the Psalm 112 promise from Psalm 112 that is kind of the opposite of this book it talks about the stable prosperous man the characteristics of a stable person God wants you to be stable he does not want unstable people so this book is a if you're in deliverance I believe that the schizophrenic double minded revelation is a must because many of the people you deal with have this pattern these demons in their life that you need to discern and need to pray for so that is available and then I have the prophets manual I believe I I am I had this book with me the last time I came it is a book that has all the activations that we do it's not a book only for prophets but anyone who wants to be prophetic I encourage you to get a copy I owe this book to someone I told you I send it to you and I didn't come and get it well yet she knows see I didn't forget I didn't forget as soon as I saw you I said I got to get her booked you're welcome I didn't promise anybody else a book data I got discerning a spirits now don't try me okay and then I have a new book one of my passions we've been having ASAP gatherings around the country we did one in Orlando it was phenomenal we bring psalmist's minstrels together from all over the country we worship prophetically seeing new songs we do deliverance Kevin Leo ministers with me and that we just didn't want in Dallas it was it was it was phenomenal even greater than the first one we're gonna we're gonna do one in Atlanta later this year and I have a book called the spirit of a South the Lord has really given me a burden to see a new generation of prophetic worshipers raised up that really really tap into the glory I'm gonna talk about this some and this evening's message the glory realm and God is doing an amazing thing in praise and worship and and the prophetic is a part of praising worship the song of the Lord new song psalmist minstrels dancers the things that we bring together to release the glory of God so that is available they may have a few other books my son my son and my daughter-in-law are here they'll be taking care of the book table so I may I may be able to come out and sign some books it makes me feel famous when I do that so I may come out and sign a few books take a few pictures you know and selfies and everything my son told me daddy do not take any more selfies you've reached your selfie limit so I'll be I probably come out I may I'll see how it goes with the service and come out and sign some books but please please do go and one final announcement I usually don't spend this much time I'm doing a webinar June 6th and 7th I've really been doing a webinar almost every month it's a part of our online school of ministry I love social media because you can reach people all over the world and I've been to 80 nations when I first began to go to nations we did not have these phones there was no internet there was no Facebook there was no periscope there was no Facebook live there was no Instagram and I went to many nations and you couldn't just pick up a phone and call home but now you can cut on the phone and I have people that follow me from Africa Asia Europe Australia around the world it is really amazing and I believe that we should use technology and this generation they don't even use Bibles anymore they come to church with phones now and they do five things at one time they text talk and still listening you preach and so I'm doing these online webinars now for those of you who may not be that familiar with the prophetic I know in this church you've you've been taught the prophetic so this may not be applicable to you but if you're here and the title of this next webinar is called how to develop a prophetic culture in the local church and be joined by Michelle McClean Walters we're gonna talk about how to not just prophesy but how do you raise up a prophetic culture all the elements of the prophetic within a local church because I believe that the prophetic is a culture it's a lifestyle it's not something you just do every now and then and I'm it's gonna be six hours of teaching there is a registration fee for it and you can go to John Eckhart and it'll be a Wednesday night and Thursday night from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. which is the 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time six hours of teaching if you miss any of it we provide the replays you're getting watch the teaching over and over again but I'm gonna be teaching on the prophetic how to develop a prophetic culture because there's still quite a number of people that really do not know about the prophetic but thank God it is increasing and much more than when we first started moving in these things years ago it is increasing I'm excited about the the things that God is about to do prophecy can also break limitations off of your life I said prophecy can break limitations off of your life the Lord gave me a word several weeks ago I mean I've been doing a lot of preaching on the glory realm the Lord has really given me insight into the realm of glory that I've never had before and when I first began to preach for the first I would say ten years of my ministry I heard very few messages on the subject of glory no one really that I knew was preaching much on the subject except one woman of God who's gone on to be with the Lord now roof Heflin wrote several books on the glory round but it wasn't something that was talked about we were shout glory will believe we're going to glory one day but I didn't really have much revelation of the glory realm and then when I got connected to the prophetic and many of you know my testimony of why I love this church so much because this church is the church that helped us become into the prophetic and and because of the impartation activation of this ministry our church came into the prophetic that was that was almost 30 years ago so I really owe this church an eternal death because it changed my life it changed my life it changed my ministry and then when I got involved in the prophetic I got involved more in prophetic worship and we begin to just have some some very glorious services i I couldn't define what glory was but I knew when it would come sometimes you don't know what the glory is but you know when it ain't you've been in the service for the glory ain't ya you know it's not there and so we would have these glorious services and the glory of God would come in and we'd worship we'd bow down prophesy people get healed delivered and we really access that realm through glory through worship and the Lord taught me that worship is a gateway into the realm of glory so worship is very important because it really opens up that glory round but even though we would experience glory I would preach on it every now and then I really did not have a full understanding of glory until I began to study the subject in the scripture and I begin to go into every verse of scripture I began to analyze every verse of scripture and the Lord began to give me a revelation of the glory realm which is the presence of God that you can live in and abide in all the days of your life and the Lord told me he said I want my people to have glory encounters and a part of the Apostolic and prophets ministry which which makes those gifts so unique is that apostles and prophets have have an evangelist and other gifts do as well but especially apostles and prophets when they minister one of their what are their graces is to cause you to have an experience it's not just teaching about the glory you need to experience the glory we can talk about it we can define it we can look at the Greek the Hebrew we can look at scriptures you can have a mental knowledge of it you can memorize scriptures but glory is something that you need to experience Isaiah experience the glory of God and it caused him to be sin when he saw the Lord High and lifted up then the Lord said who will go for us who were we sin he said here send me and so any church that has the glory of God in it you be you have an anointing to sin people that's that that's how the Apostolic is released you'll send more people when the glory of God is in your midst because the glory of God has has the ability to release people into their purpose into the destiny and the church has been built by God to be a habitation of the spirit the church is unlike any other institution or group on the planet we're not just people who get together and ask some services we're people that come together and God's presence and glorious in our midst and God does miraculous things for us we're the habitation of God we're the temple of God God's presence is in our midst and oh and the word for glory is the Hebrew word Chabad kab OD it means a weight it means heaviness and in Orlando I was on the platform and Naomi rain began to sing over me prophetically and I felt the weight of God come on me so strong until I couldn't stand now most of us have fallen under the power of God the weight of God but this was different when I when I fail I couldn't get up it was this it was it was as if the weight of God's presence was on me and then when they tried to pick me up they couldn't pick me up and so I began to think about weight heaviness and I just could not connect every time I do a word study on glory weight Chabad through Google and look up words different articles it would always say a weight represents prosperity but I could not make a connection between weight and prosperity I just couldn't connect the two and so what I did was I went in the scripture and I looked up every time the word weight away is mentioned in the Bible now I'm a Bible nerd so I look up worse than other people don't look up I did a word study on weight and I found this out that gold and silver was measured by weight the amount of weight of the gold and silver determine its value we don't weigh money today we have paper money but in in biblical days they would bring gold and silver and weigh it and so the Lord began to show me that the glory will bring weight it will bring gold and silver it will bring prosperity into your life and I believe that one of the major areas that God wants to break is in the area of financial he wants to break limits off of your finances and I believe that when you get around the glory there's a weight of God it's gonna begin to come on your life and you talking about limitless God's gonna take you into some financial breakthroughs you've never experienced before but you've got to be a lover of God's glory a lover of God's presence we're not having all these conferences just to sing some songs and have a good time and listen to a preacher and go home we're coming here to get under the cloud the weight of God because God wants to break some limits in your life so the weight of God comes on your yen up on the floor that's a good thing I said that's a good thing that's the weight of God coming on your life and some of us have done extensive corporate time come on Levi does some extensive carpet time at one time and you're like when the weight of God comes on you and you're always falling and when the man of God the woman of God lays hands on you and you fall under the power of God and you lay there well what is God doing God is putting his weight on you God is putting his glory on your life God wants to break you through into another realm of limit and so I've been preaching on the glory primarily from Isaiah 60 trunks all the things when you arise shine their light has come the glory of the Lord is risen upon you and that's an amazing chapter I preached from it so many times it talks about enlargement it talks about an increase it talks about prosperity abundance it talks about excellence favor it talks about Shalom peace prosperity it's just it's an amazing talk about sons and daughters coming it talks about wealth I yield coming in to you your gates being open it is just a fascinating chapter that talks about what happens when you begin to get around the glory of God let me say this if you have to drive two hours to find a church with some glory I would drive too if I have to move to another place I refuse to go to a place where there's no glory I refuse to go to a church where there's no glory I need the glory in my life am i talking to someone tonight I need the presence of God and they're too many people they they they live a lifestyle outside the glory realm because they don't realize that realm is the realm of God and when you get into that particular realm you will begin to experience miracles and breakthroughs and signs and wonders and unusual things the Lord gave me a word when I preached on the glory realm he said tell my people I want to do special miracles for them the Bible says God did special miracles by the hands of Paul special means on a different class unusual miracles God wants to do something unusual now we know we have used your miracles we've seen miracles and deliverances and breakthroughs but but God wants to do something special something unusual something extraordinary and even if you've experienced some miracles in your life there's a class of miracles you can get into I'm not just talking about financial I'm healing miracles creative miracles I'm telling my miracles of salvation for loved ones you thought but didn't have any hope would never come to God I'm telling my miracles in your business miracles in the marketplace I'm telling my something special how many want something special on your life God do some special miracles and so several weeks ago I was preaching and the Lord gave me a word called faith for the glory that's the phrase the Lord gave me faith for the glory and he took me to John chapter 11 where Jesus comes to the tomb of Lazarus he's dead he's been buried put in a tomb and he's talking about the resurrection and the life and he says this to Martha she said Lord if you would have been here my brother would have not died so she was upset with Jesus and the Lord said these words if you will believe you will see the glory of God go and tell somebody if you will believe you will see the glory of God now most of us have heard great messages on faith using your faith believe in God and I've always been taught to use my faith for healing for financial breakthrough for salvation whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them but I never was taught to use my faith for the glory that was never taught to me I didn't even know you can use your faith for the glory and the Lord said this to me he said tell my people I want them to use their faith to see my glory in their life and the Lord said this to me said tell my people that many of them they come to church they come to conferences they hope something will happen but many of them never used their faith that every time they get together my glory will manifest he said tell my people that when they come and they worship and they pray to expect my glory to show up because there's some things I want to do for them that will happen in the glory realm and the Lord said this to me he said tell my people that the glory realm is the mega Ram he said tell my people that the gluon the glory realm there is nothing impossible he said tell my people when I when I thought about this conference he said tell my people that the glory realm is the limitless realm that if you ever get around that realm and have you ever engaged it through worship through prayer if you ever assess it if you ever allow it it's wait to come on you that things that you've never experienced you begin to experience and then so I began to change my attitude I begin when I come to the house of God and we begin to worship or pray or when someone is preaching and the glory of God shows up and I sense God's presence I'm learning it's not just for me to enjoy and say that was a great service but I'm learning that I need to release my faith that there's some things that God wants to do in my life that I've never experienced before some miracles some special miracles some breakthroughs some signs some wonders I may not even know all about what they are because God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think God wants to do some things that go beyond your prayer life oh I hear this tell somebody the Lord is not limited to your prayer life he does exceeding above all you can ask sometimes we're asking too small our faith is it's too small but God says I'll go beyond what you ask or think go until God is not limited to your thoughts I hope you're getting this tonight because of God was limits to our thoughts we were some of us wouldn't get any miracles ain't man but thank god he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think and so the Lord said tell my people that when they get when they understand the glory realm and when they get around the glory realm and when they move in that realm then then I want them to use their faith and believe me for miracles and breakthroughs and signs and wonders I want to break limitations I want to do something unusual in their life and so I don't care how long you've been around the glory this realm is a room where we go from glory to glory you may have been on one level of glory but there's another level that God is bringing us into we're learning how to engage God we're learning how to access that realm we're learning how the worship and prophesy we're learning how to pray in ways we've never done before and God has taken us to another level of glory and I'm here to prophesy to you tonight get ready for some breakthroughs in your life that you've never seen before you may be saved for years but God is about to do something his glory is coming so heavy upon your life there's a weight I said there's a weight that's coming on your life that is heavier that has ever been on your life before it's a greater weight say Lord increase the weight of your glory all my life let it get heavier then it's ever been before come on clap your hands and lift them lift your voice with a shout of praise if you believe that hallelujah [Applause] this is what I'm believing for I am NOT ready to retire I'm ready for more I believe in the glory realm there's Beauty the glory realm our keep the ugly off your life it will it are not too ugly out your life I went to a they asked you to preach a funeral for a young man from my old neighborhood I've not seen some of the people that I grew up with in 40 years and when I saw some of these people I was like my god brother you missed the altar call it's true they're not for walk up to you say you remember me do you were like what who are you what happened to you my god like you've been run over by the ugly train brother you should have you should get in the glory you need some worship in your life come on to your beautify the meek with salvation salvation beautifies you so I'm believing God for some glory and that word kept coming to me if you believe you will see the glory of God and then the Lord told me to tell us people this he said I want to show my people my glory more than they won't it God delights in manifesting his glory he wants to show himself strong the eyes of the Lord run to and fro to show himself strong on the behalf of those God is looking the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea I will fill this house with my glory the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the glory of the former house the Lord comes in glory when the Lord shall build up Zion he shall appear in his glory when when so God is building us up where's ayan the Lord has been building us up why he is not building us up just to build us up he says when the Lord shall build up Zion he shall appear in his glory all this building that we've been doing for years God is getting ready to show his glory anybody been in the building process come on you've been being built through prayer built through the word built through worship built through the prophetic you've been built God's been building you up making you strong making you a place of his habitation and the Lord said tell my people I want to manifest my glory in their life more than they could ever imagine and the Lord said tell my people that when my glory manifests and they really understand that realm that there are some limitations that are no longer gonna be able to hold you back there's some barriers you're about to break I'm preaching better than you responding tonight there's some barriers that you're about to break there's some boundaries you're about to go over there's some enlargement you're about to experience there's some breakthroughs that you could not get before but get ready God wants me to tell you tonight get ready for breakthroughs that you couldn't get last year and I hear the Lord saying stuff you could not do before you're gonna be able to do in the days to come places you could not go before doors that would not open for you before [Music] [Applause] finances that you couldn't handle before come on somebody ought to receive this word I'm releasing tonight things you couldn't understand before this Glory's gonna touch your life take a seat now god I told you to stand now and tell you to sit down okay preachers do now let me expand this word for this limitless conference he's at the tomb of Lazarus Lazarus is in a tomb behind a stone he can't get out and Jesus says roll or take away the stone when I walked in this service tonight I knew I would preach on faith for the glory but the Lord told me to tell you he's taking away the stone [Applause] [Music] I said he's taken away the stone in other words whatever limited you you couldn't get out and not only is he taking away the stone he's unwrapping the grave clothes there's some stuff in your life you thought was dead it's been wrapped up you've given up on it some dreams some visions you've given up on it is not only is it dead it's wrapped up in grave clothes not only is it wrapped up in grave clothes it's been put the enemy has put it in a tomb and put a stone in front so you could not get out but the Lord says if you believe to see my glory I'm gonna take away the stone I'm calling you out I'm removing the grave close up I'm breaking the limitations and stuff you could not do before I prophesied tonight get ready get ready get ready to come out [Applause] mmm [Applause] use your faith for the glory believe God for its glory to show up in your life they know the amazing thing about this story is I read it I kept reading chapter 11 I encourage you to read John 11 that after Lazarus came forth that limitation was broken folks that were there that saw it ran out and told the Pharisees and the Pharisees began the plot so I heard the Lord saying this that when you break limitations everybody's not going to be happy about it as a matter of fact God would do some things in your life that makes your enemies upset I see some of y'all they never had any enemies if you do anything for God you're gonna get some some haters folk love to see you limited folk love to see you broke sick defeated depress sad they're used to that but the moment the glory hits your life and they see it as an event one of the most amazing things in description of your study this when they when they want to kill Jesus they also wanted to put Lazarus to death now can you imagine you already died once [Music] [Applause] and they want to kill you again Lazar is like look I had nothing to do with this I was I was his minding my own business now y'all want to kill me I was just in the tomb and he called me out because he was such a testimony of the power of God and the Lord wants you to know that when he does something in your life he makes you a living testimony and then will folk look at your life they cannot deny God is real they cannot deny the power of God they cannot deny what God has done for your life and I keep hearing this I hear the Lord saying this that what God is about to do in your life will be undeniable it'll be undeniable it'll be undeniable it'll be so big it'll be so great it'll be undeniable say Lord do something in my life that'll be undeniable see when when the wind that when when somebody's been dead for days you can't you can't make that miracle up Amen you can't deny that's real you because that's not normal when you've been dead for days buried stone wrapped up in grave clothes by this time he's thinking he's already decaying that's one of those undeniable miracles it ain't one of the miracles were was where they thought somebody was dead and he woke up four hours later cuz they really weren't dead now we're talking about something that's undeniable God wants to do something in your life that is so undeniable he wants to take away the stone he wants to remove the grave closer he wants to make you a living witness a living testimony but you've got to believe tell somebody you've got to believe tell them again you've got to believe come on one more time you've got to believe the glory realm Lord I'm believing for your glory to be on my life in such a way until every limitation is broken from my life Lord I'm not just believing for another good service I'm not just believing to hear another good word I'm not just believing to get another good prophecy I'm not just believing to get hands laid on me Lord I'm believing for something bigger I'm believing for that glory realm that weight that Chabad to touch in my life because anyone who gets into that realm something supernatural happens in your life Moses when he got in the glory realm when he came down his face was shining with the glory of God that that that realm will cause you to shine that realm will cause people to see you that realm will promote you that realm will lift you up arise shine your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you God is ready to promote some people God is ready to exalt some people God is ready to raise some people up God is ready to take some nobodies and make them some somebodies God is ready to take the rejects up and turn them into something that Footwear folk gave up on you God is ready to do something in your life that people would find hard to believe not only have we limited ourselves but people put limits on you they think they've got you all figured out they think you'll never go any further than this and people will try to hold you down and push you down and hate on you and jealous about you and they don't know what you believe in God for let you know that when the glory comes no man up no woman no devil even yourself your family will not be able to limit you anymore some of you I've talked about to break out of family limitations some of you about to break out of cultural limitations some of you about to break out of religious limitations some of you about to break out of financial limitations you're about to break out of sickness limitations of you're about to break out of limitations in your business your job your career I prophesied I release you tonight the glory is about to hit your life in a way that you've never known before and it's going to be limitless it's gonna be limitless it's going to be limitless somebody shout limitless in this place [Applause] limitless limitless limitless you probably thought you've gone as far as you can go but God said is you gonna go further you probably thought you'd go as deep as you can go but God says you're about to go deeper you probably thought you've experienced everything you're gonna experience in life maybe you've gotten a little older and the devil told you you you know you're older now it's about it no God says there's another level I'm there's some things I'm gonna do before you leave this earth you're not gonna leave this earth on the same level your own now and just when folk county out and say you're to hold up you're the wrong color you're the wrong gender you're the wrong family you're the wrong name you did too much you made too many mistakes God is saying if you believe for this glory realm come on lift you and say Lord put it on me tonight so I release my faith I believe you to see the glory manifests in my life I want the glory I want your presence I want your waiter I want your heaviness on my life let it increase I want to experience your beauty your glory your power your majesty your light your brilliance in the name of Jesus Lord I believe you are God of glory I believe I don't have to live my life without your presence without your glory Lord by faith I come into a new place I enter into the glory Roma and I'll not come and go I will abide I was staying I will live in that realm all the days of my life and I will experience breakthroughs mega miracles unusual favor and I will live a limitless life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes Oh stand to your feet for a moment lift your hands I feel the anointing hallelujah hallelujah Han de la basura bossy canal Amazon doe bracket America bah-bah-bah Sombra Seco de la Bessette hola Marcela catalana Seto Horan and a likkle Rose Vashti Lopakhin de la la ba so beseech Allah BA say come on begin to pray in the Holy Ghost that the gifts of the Spirit be stirred up tonight Hondo lo Burroughs Bostic a rebus economist a day brando loboteca nana matzo en la Mikoto Lobos it'll Alaba so Talib ah Thank You lowbrow Simon de Lobo Rika de lavaz so Tallulah bozo monsieur le bassin alleluia alleluia alleluia now I'm hearing the I'm hearing I'm hearing the names Jeanie and Jennifer Jeanie Jennifer that's you come up here quickly Jenny Jennifer if that's you come up here quickly come on keep those hands lifted keep those hands lifted keep those hands lifted hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let the glory of God fall fall fall fall ball-ball [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on lift those hands they let it fall [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to come No [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes look said I know you by name daughter I call you by name tonight that I might say that you're special to me and I've come to confirm my love over you tonight to do a new thing in your life the Lord said don't be afraid don't draw back it's a new season for you as you come even to this limitless conference the word limitless is now being written over your life and the law said not even you would know breakthroughs in this season of your life in your family a new realm by faith I bring you into don't be afraid the things you decree in the things you speak over your family generations to come shall no breakthrough shall no miracles shall no signs and wonders far cause you to have a legacy in your life a legacy a blessing a legacy of breakthrough a legacy of limitless shall be a portion in this hour in this day in this season thank you Father hallelujah [Music] and I hear the name Rodney ro D anyway how know this is for her or pure here come Rodney couscous [Music] oh no I need Rodney but what's your name crying okay what are you here for [Music] okay father I rebuke infirmity sickness I curse it from the root in the name of Jesus and Lord let what the doctors say is impossible to heal I come against incurable diseases let the glory of God touch the bodies of everyone in this room when the doctor says there's no cure how many believe God is the Great Physician I speak of cheer over your life and I commend this sickness to come out of your body I committed to leave your body I command it to exit from your body and I come in every spirit behind it every spirit of infirmity every spirit are a premature death to go in the name of Jesus I pray Lord to miracle a breakthrough in healing anyone else the doctors told you you have an incurable disease come up here right now [Music] cancer lupus hallelujah oh come on keep praying people of God glory everyone I touch the Lord take away the stone unwrapped the grave clothes ha ha so two levels were you glory Haley [Music] I commend these incurable diseases to leave your body I commend the spirits behind them to come out I come in Spears of infirmity to go in the name of Jesus I cast you out by the power of God I command that sickness to leave your body leave you Chili's you'll never you're stuffing your bones in the name of Jesus everyone I touch you Mustafa Oh [Music] Sigmund [Music] my kidneys people are dying this school should again those can't be supported again in the name of Jesus [Music] oh gee worship [Applause] [Music] [Music] restoration [Music] [Music] take away you not me Barry [Music] love chief Wasserman [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as I was praying with sickness I heard that word recover but the Lord said is not just for health [Music] but it's a word tonight [Music] for things that you lost [Music] things you went through things you suffered these that knocked you down [Music] these that push you in the gut [Music] things that knocked you back Sal will recover Siwan the glory of God comes on my life there is recovery I will recover our coverall [Applause] recover recover recover I speak recovery tonight hallelujah come on lift those hands and pray in the Holy Ghost seek [Music] [Music] [Music] I hear the Lord saying this some of you are gonna get your breath back you're gonna recover your breath it's like when I was up here us it's like I'll I saw the enemy it's like he points people in the stomach I mean know what it feels like to get the breath knocked out you and the Lord shows me their people that what you went through it was like it was a punch in your gut it knocked the breath out of you but the Lord said you're gonna get your breath back you're gonna breathe again say Lord let me recover my breath let me breathe again and that's not just for natural it takes breath to be what you do when you're out of breath you're tired when you lose your breath you're tired you faint you get weary but I hear the Lord saying tonight my glory if you believe I'm gonna give you a breath back stuff that slowed you down and even stopped you you're gonna pick up your speed again come on people of God somebody shout hallelujah in this place [Applause] [Music] [Music] how many feel your fate being stirred tonight God is challenging you to believe for his glory I don't care what it looks like I don't care what it feels like God wants you to use your faith for its glory his presence his weight his heaviness to come on your life [Music] this is not for the pulpit this is for everyday living your business your career God told me to challenge people in their faith to believe for this he wants to do it then I said tell my people to believe me for the glory it's another realm you're gonna believe us something bigger than you've ever believed before I know you're believing for finances healings miracles but will you get the glory all that's taken care of as it is all taken care off I said it's all taken care of in the glory everything you need is in the glory [Music] and not just what you need more than enough not just what you need but extraordinary in this limited conference I don't want you to come in just say I went to another nice conference called limitless that word is a prophetic word I said that word is a prophetic word and the conveners of this conference [Music] prophet Katherine they're believing God that is you come the crumbs there believe in God is you come you're stepping into a new realm [Music] we're not listen we're not here for nice fancy titles we believe this and the Lord told me to tell you the glory it's gonna bring you to the limitless realm so I want you to grab it and so I grabbed it by faith grab it by faith it's available God wants you to have it step into it by faith limitless limitless I must say this I'm finished the Lord said if I can raise Lazarus from the dead I can do it for you [Applause] because we're Lazarus if it was over [Music] it was over he was buried huh me know when you bury someone is over he wasn't at the hospital he didn't just die he wasn't in the living room it was over he had been wrapped up put in a tomb and a stone had been put in front of it he was already decaying and the Lord wants you to know tell you that if he could do it for Lazarus tell somebody he can do it for you tell them but you got to believe [Music] thank you Father every Lazarus in this place every Lazarus condition in this place ha everything has been given up a day to your life I promise I decree is coming forth I said is coming forth the Lord has taken away the stone you know when I get into a prophetic church it just keeps flowing [Music] now here the Lord saying this when this thing's hits you I'm gonna call you by your name [Music] he called Lazarus by his name say god knows my name he's gonna call me by my name [Music] a miracle my name not somebody else's name in my name [Music] now the count of three I want you to shout your name out and I want you to give God a praise in this place are you ready one generated [Music] [Music] when you said your name something was activated in the spirit realm ha ha ha [Music] [Music] [Music] listen I'm almost finished [Music] somebody say wait say heaviness [Music] when men and women gave it was weighed so many talents of gold so many talents of silver the woman came that Jesus and it says she gave a pound of spikenard to annoying him and the Lord told me he said III weigh everything and he said I went you're giving and somebody next to you how much does you're giving away [Music] heavier giving weightier giving is coming to the church and the Lord told me this he says son when my glory shows up they're gonna be offerings that are so weighty and so supernatural he said my people will give way to your offerings and then I'm going to increase my weight on their finances say Lord increase your weight on my finances on my business on my money let the weight of your glory rest on my giving hallelujah tonight before we go how many feel like you heard a word from the Lord tonight I said how many feel you heard a word from the Lord tonight I release what God has given me to tell you and I believe that word can change your life don't let it go after the service she's speaking it confessing it moving in it don't let it die grab it walk in it but tonight I want to challenge you in your giving some of you this may be the first evening you've come to limitless some of you have registered for the day's session some of you have come for the night sessions but I want to challenge you and you're giving tonight then one of the one of the numbers that God keeps giving me as I preach on the glory is the number 1,000 it's found in Isaiah 60 verse 22 a little one shall become a thousand a small one a strong nation I the Lord will hasten it in his time the glory brings you into the realm of thousands a thousand thousand is a million thousands and tens of thousands the glory but the Lord said also that people were sold by the thousands some of you your giving has been at a certain level but I believe there at least ten people in this service tonight that God is gonna challenge to sew a seat of at least $1,000 tonight and I want to challenge you to meet that challenge and I want you to come and stand here on the front there are others that may not have that to give but you can give a see ix extraordinary seed and unusual scene to bless this meeting and I pray that as you do it that limitless will come to your finances the weight of God's glory would come to your finances and I want you to spy some of you Lords gonna challenge to give a seed of $500 for some of you 200 for some of you a hundred some of you the best seat you can give I want you to soar tonight and I want to pray for you I want to speak over your life limitless in your finances and in your business so that's you I want you to get an envelope I want you to fill it out if I one of those numbers I call I want you to come and stand here on the front I know you don't have to but I want you to because I want to touch you and pray for you limitless over your finances increase and glory over your business and your finances I want you to believe God for the glory to touch your finances business wealth riches ideas inventions business ideas favor promotions supernatural increase money that's owed to you being released inheritance land property [Music] people leaving you money that you didn't even expect I believe God can do something like that for you hallelujah and I want everyone to participate in this offering and let's believe God for the glory to touch our finances again those numbers I believe they're ten four thousand some for five hundred some for 200 some for 100 you can't give that much you're not limited to those numbers God may speak to you to give a different kind of seed he may even be more than a thousand I don't want to limit God God may speak as someone who saw a seed of ten thousand for this meeting I believe in meetings like this they will not only meet the budget but will go over the budget because God is the God are more than enough here noice your head with all and your cup runs over for that's you obey God and God would do something supernatural in your life so come and stand here if you have those seats I mentioned I want to pray for everyone I'm gonna bless everyone here tonight even if your seat is small give your best God will multiply it and in the days to come I believe God will put bigger seats in your hands and your giving will become wavier way to your giving way to your giving way to your giving and weightier breakthroughs in your finances hallelujah anyone need an envelope raise your hand if they haven't waited on your way raise your hand want to wait on everyone thank you Jesus and as soon as you're ready I want you to stand whatever size your seat is [Music] just because you're not up here does not mean the glories not gonna hit your finances on the pray for everyone but I need you to stand hallelujah against so you're gonna recover money you lost recover property you lost recover inheritance you lost I believe the word recover is over your life tonight [Music] limitless recoveries let it come father and Lord everyone that's standing on this autumn hallelujah with this seed in their hand Lord I speak ha glory over your finances they wanna touch Lord glory over your business let the state of glory come high Abbasi over your life in the name of Jesus they wanna touch I impart the Spade of glory for their business their finances their money their ministry their church father Oh glory to God hallelujah every need met daughter more than enough for your sacrifice and your years of service get ready as harvest time for you harvest season for you thank you lord hallelujah glory yes thank you Jesus hallelujah come on Larry raise those hands people of God bless hondo beseech Allah ministry glory financial business glory they wanna touch Lord hallelujah those in the second row can I step up here let me touch you good to see you man a guy [Applause] [Music] blessing hallelujah glory you businessman yes glory limitless over your business over your church your ministry in the name of Jesus hallelujah all glory to God limitless sitting years recover all recover all health wealth prosperity and favor I speak it over your life a new glory rests on you a new favor rests on your life I release it by faith hallelujah thank you Jesus come on lift those hands hallelujah blow [Applause] anybody I didn't touch step up put your offer I forgot I forgot to get your offering just put it in my hand here but let's put it down on the on the front right here on the halter here we don't pick it up thank you Jesus those who came up put it down here those I didn't touch it raise your hands as I didn't touch him glory on your finances thank you Jesus that the spirit of glory rest on the father in the name of Jesus everyone I touch Lord the spirit of blue come on those who have that I did come embrace your hands everyone in the building I pray the spit of glory come on your finances your business your money I pray for a new glory to touch your life and for your fate to be stirred to believe God for increase in your finances and as you step into that glory round everything you need is in that realm everything you desire more than enough I promise I'll over your life come on lift those hands and receive it I promise I as you touch that realm everything you need is in that real finances cars vehicles hallelujah office base whatever you need hallelujah - did your grandchildren vacations halleluyah halleluyah father release it by faith glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God or attic come on let go sans for a few more moments I tell people to lift their hands a lot but I want you to open up and receive hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah honey hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory on your finances yes see I believe for the glory of God to touch my finances my business I will have financial glory in my life said again I will have financial glory in my life one more time our financial glory in my life anyone who didn't bring your offering bring it now bring it now anyone who didn't come bring it now bring it now bring it now just place it here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Life Center Atlanta
Views: 88,271
Rating: 4.8327427 out of 5
Keywords: The Life Center, Life Center Ministries, Dr. Buddy Crum, Dr. Mary Crum, Apostle Buddy Crum, Life Center Atlanta, Apostolic Ministry, Prophetic Word, Prophetic Ministry, John Eckhardt, John Eckhardt Ministries
Id: 8J_heVwHz2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 17sec (6257 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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