Pastor Tamara Bennett "Think Clearly Part II" (01-26-20)

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we're here for you we came expecting you just do nobody can do what are you [Music] cuz we're here we got up this morning we need a move you know how the blessings you know how to reach us [Music] we came expecting you Father the name of Jesus we thank you and we praise you because you're so great because you're so phenomenal we really did come here for you for if you're not here father then there's no reason for us to be here but we came because you are our strength you are life you are a hope so father today we ask that you speak to us one by one name by name we ask that you bless us as only you can do father you're the only one that sees all things understands all things knows all things father you are the author and the finisher of our faith father we come to you because we know that you have begun this great work in us and we know it's gonna take you to finish it so we look unto the hills from which cometh our help all of our help comes from you yell Abbas a key Indaba Siraj our hope our joy it's all in Abba see it said I Shonda Baja it's in you Jesus isn't you that we move it's in you that we live it's in you that we have our being so have I no way in this place father send a word that will bless us encourage us strengthen us make us wiser by thy word make us stronger by your anointing and father we declare great things in this house and Jesus name all the people of God said amen come on and give your king of thunderous praise as you're expecting a mood give him a thunderous praises are expecting a mood hallelujah please thank God for my husband and companion today praise God for Eldrick you and all the ministers and all the elders praise God for our psalmist's and our minstrels of music please hug your brother your sister and say pastor bin and miss you just hugs everybody got to get a hug so that's the Bennett miss whoo Wow what a journey it's been this week I want you to help me thank God for the sons and daughters that prayed this weekend kept the flame alive keepers of the flame keepers of the flame keepers of the flame keepers of the flame I appreciate them for the keepers of the flame that kept the flame alive we will forever be a church that is built on prayer we come looking for Jesus we come looking for a move from Jesus did he meet you did he meet you that's what happens when you come looking for Jesus and by the grace of God we will never be a personality ministry the urate is personality in this house is Jesus and to him be all the glory he said if you call on my name I'll come nigh to you so power is in the name of Jesus so we greet you today and to all of our brothers and sisters on social media we love you with the love of Jesus Christ thank God for Houston and all the brothers and sisters that came all the way from everywhere was a phenomenal move of God and I appreciate them and my new filing sister passed additional Andrea Taylor just helped me thank God for her you didn't meet her but she is a phenomenal woman of God and beautiful connection in the spirit so grateful to be able to serve with her in the body of Christ I'm gonna try to get to the word is this is something that's very dear to my heart 2020 is already proving to be a very special year and everything about us is shifting and it's changing and I'm super excited about what he's doing and walking with Him to learn him better I feel the transformation in my mind and my thoughts and my approach to things with God and I feel his strength and his boldness that he has called us to do great works amen he has called us to do great works not minuscule works not average works but great works and it is according to our ability but unless I believe it and thinking and receive it and I will be minuscule I think it was possible eckhart that put it best heaven gonna look up and say whoa I mean you did make it here thank you stop doing some things but all the works you could have done for God if only you had a believe so I don't want to get cheated out of nothing I don't want to get cheated out of nothing that God has for me so what I want to try to do is I want to try to review just a little bit on last week what the Lord is talking about thinking clearly he's telling us in 2020 to see clearly see clearly who we are as children of the king who will never be in the streets again will never be those people that we used to be we will never be those people again ever ever ever never everything that Satan tried to do with us it is canceled it is over we are on our way to great works being sons and daughters of the Most High God getting our definition of what that looks like what does purpose look like through the eyes of God how does he see me so that I can begin to see myself as he sees me how do I get my past from behind me so that I can see my future so clearly that's where we are we want to see clearly and that can only happen through the word and the more that you hear the word and the more that you apply the word the more that you believe the word and you have to believe the word to become what he's asked you to become because the word is saying some things that are phenomenal how is it possible that you're telling me that you could take my sins and put them in a sea of forgetfulness as though I have never done them I can't even contain that in my mind but if you say it I believe it can that happen how how can I be who I am as Papa - how could be I I'd be a blasphemer and a murderer how can I be that and then all of a sudden you said that all things are passed away and behold everything becomes new and you call me the ministry how can that happen I don't know but I believe it I need some people to understand that's how it works it's where you really do take on the mind of Christ and become like the mind of Christ because what you know it's not you that's doing it it's him and so the phase that we want to talk about right now is to begin to think clearly because if I don't if I don't get my thought process right then everything else will just be what it is it'll be words will be air and they'll just drift around me but if I get my thought process right then I'll begin to know how to apply it and church this is the this is the Avenue that we're going into and for some it might be a huge level of maturity which is great some it might be another level of discipline but whatever it might be for you it will bring growth whatever it's gonna take for you to get this to understand this it will bring growth we are on our way to a place that we've never imagined imagined in our mind imagined in our finances imagined in our families imagined in our homes imagine in our occupations imagined in our neighborhoods in our communities we are the game changers we are the Trailblazers we are the trendsetters he called us to be this we will never be average will never be like anybody else we can't compare ourselves to anyone because we are a spiritual vessel in a carnal world so there's no comparison except two things in our spiritual so if I gotta find my new identity I gotta find it in the word cuz there's nothing out here that's gonna look like me y'all better understand what I'm trying to tell you there is nothing there is no social media there is no star there's no acne there is no politician that's gonna look and think like me I am a spiritual vessel that's just passing my way through let me start thinking like my father Jesus come on and give them some praise up in this house soon we are it's where we're going so think clearly here we go just a little review first slice so first lie scriptures for as a man thinketh in his heart so it's key and I'm gonna try not to navigate on all this but I promise you I could preach last week all over again but I'm gonna try not to cuz I got to keep this thing moving but as a man thinketh in his heart so is he grab that and understand that I am in control of my destiny and if I think I'm a failure guess what you gonna do talk back to me but if I think God have called me to greatness guess what I'm gonna be where as a man thinketh in his heart so is he not gonna work with these we gonna tear away in layers it doesn't matter about your past I got to go a lot of places it doesn't matter about what debris Satan put over me if I think I am a victim then I'll always be a victim but if I think that I am a Victoire and that's why God brought me out of it then I'm gonna walk in victory I need y'all to work with me as a man thinketh in his heart so is he understand that one of the greatest weapons that Satan have for you please Lord help me to teach this and let me slow down one of the greatest methods that Satan can bring to you is to make you doubt God there's Church please understand there's no question that God exists don't even get caught up in this insane world don't even get caught up in an in an atheist conversation don't even get caught up the Bible said that um he said a man that said that there is no God the Bible said he is corrupt he is an abominable so don't even get in conversations with people that don't believe there's a God God exists there's historical facts there are spiritual facts there are a cloud of witnesses I mean I know what John saw but girl I know folk that was saved and know the Lord and have gone on a beat no John saw never I know people that was in that not that Jesus is real now so one of the greatest weapons that Satan have is to make you doubt God it is factually proven he has power he is able to deliver he is able to bring breakthroughs he's able to transform your mind he's able to change lifestyles he's able to heal marriages I'm able to heal your body I and it's proven Jesus is able so it was with the blind man when jesus healed the blind man describes affairs it just could not come to her what happened what happened I don't I don't know I just I was flying and then and now I see who I yeah no no wait a minute now were you legally blind or just needed bifocals - sorry Joe sorry I just could not comprehend it like I mean like do you have a disability card prove to me you were blazing yeah here's my card I was legally blind I've been getting money cuz I couldn't see wait go get his mom and dad could not believe he said yeah they said listen since he was a child he came in here he couldn't see nothing but he said look I can't fix it I once was blind I see it is proven Jesus is a healer I need praise up in this house I got time to convince you about the miracles God have done in my life I just know I'm free you can ask me how to happen and why don't they have to lay hands and why don't you have to go it don't matter about all that I once was blind but now I see I need some believers and say I know I'm I know him I know him I know him so one of the greatest weapons that Satan have is to try to convince you Jesus don't exist because if you don't think he's existing and if you don't believe he has the power that he has then nothing in you is gonna try to tap into his way of thinking you will saddle for the norm you will settle for the negativity you will settle for all of the evil Church all of the evil that is destined to hit your mind because you chose to believe God is not real as a man thinketh in his heart so is he and the proof of who you are oh Lord I love you so much and what you believe is by what I see of you you control your destiny period we're not doing that no more pass the bend and a go do it I hope y'all don't take it personal I'm my peten no evil no more I patnik evil is evil and God is good evilness of the devil and God is of goodness and grace and mercy you can't fix it so I know it takes time it takes time to get our minds transform because we're coming out of layers of stuff Church layers of stuff that we heard that wasn't right and that we've seen that wasn't true and then all of a sudden we'll get an experience with God all of us ache we'll have an encounter with God that is unlike any truck we have ever experienced in our life something so what is that I'm called Jesus I'm called hi the son of the highest honey praise up in this house I need praise up in this house I have to show you a new way of thinking this world is corrupt this world is evil you got evil people evil thoughts evil company he said but as a man thinketh in his heart so is he here we go next lesson what is that thinking thinking is my conscious mind it exists of my reasoning and it is formed by things I see things I've touched things I've smelled my senses what they've been exposed to my environment all of these things i'ma trying to move it on all of these things shaped my thinking who I follow who's my influencer who's in my life who's are my teachers what's my circle because you will become like the people you hang around can't hang around unbelievers and doubters and questioners of God and expect you gonna get your mind change it's not you have put yourself in unnecessary warfare unnecessary confusion and the sad thing is you delay your own kingdom change and transformation so reasoning and whom I'm around who I see who's my greatest company they begin to shape my thinking thinking does not just happen out of the air this is why they talk about children and and teaching children how to read early and if you take a child mother Holle I love her to pieces was one of the wisest counselors for me when we were raising our girls and mother Hass said to me she said pastor finish she said make books their favorite toy so you know how kids today they think they know what they want parents let me just this especially when they're infants they don't know nothing wait I mean y'all know they don't know nothing and we acne knows she wants that no she don't know what she wants they don't know nothing they know what I tell them to know that's what you go no you go no what'd I tell you - well I tried to give it to her and she just didn't want it yet cuz she don't know what's good for her I know what's good for her she told me that is so I didn't so you know the Qun are always puppets we always tried these kids girls have been traveling since they were born so we always bought little books play books squeaky books right and so I got I got a I got a I got a picture of them that one time they were in their room and I hadn't heard from you know and then I we went up in their room and and they had all these books they couldn't really read at the time he was like three and four two and three whatever they were but all they had all these books all over the floor and they had little crowns on their head and they talking and I was like wow it works because of all the things they could have been playing with of all the things they could have been doing it's because we made them believe books are the best toy ever so you are formed and you are shaped by your environment you are formed in you are shaped about what you bring into your circle Church I got to keep on talking about this you if you continue to bring negativity in your life it's gonna be challenging to think positive try not to go into social things again i'ma say here not and I mean this cuz I want our house to understand and I pray that the house will then it become infectious again we will not I will not as a leader in a pastor and elder Kuna I will not as parents we will not feed to our next generation in justice over opportunities because when you do that church you are crippling their mind before they ever get into the real world our children or please I mean our children do not need to know more statistics about our people in prison the statistics about our people in college and are people that have degrees and are people that have started businesses and our people that are politicians and senators and governors and mayors and City Council's and teachers and doctors and lawyers and sportsmen week they need to know those that is I got 20 people that's about all I need to just because we're forming their thinking educate them on what's not right and things that are in just absolutely but that will not be our conversation around the tape if anything the conversation will be how are we gonna break odds how are we gonna change the game because we got to get in the game to change the game don't be afraid of the game you can go as y'all know my quote is Jesus leveled the plane come on come on as a man thinketh in his heart give me a reason help my reasoning help my thinking here we go so there's actually six I mentioned three last week but there's actually six layers of thinking give me the first slide the first layer is knowledge and so it's what you know and again that comes from all kind of sources whatever your sources are again let me just keep working this just a little bit young people I'm trying to work with you definitely are young adults you know listen I ain't got no issues about rapping different things the issue I have what are the lyrics saying because if you're listening to that morning noon and night or while you're getting a shower or while you're getting dressed or while you're getting a car is kind of challenging for you to think anything else but the negativity of what they're saying that is programming your mind what you don't understand is you are programming your mind whatever you listen to whatever knowledge you take in however you take it in that's going to be what you know and what you know becomes your shrimp good bad right or wrong what you know becomes your strength and as I said for me when the Lord saved me he had to take me on a very fast pace he had to take me on a very fast discipline but it was necessary because when he was transforming me for that I could do what I do today so when God brings you on the route Wow I'm not talking to you personally but maybe I am when God takes you on a route don't despise the route the route is taking you to your next cuz I got to change your thinking and the knowledge you have right now is Street knowledge that goes nowhere works nowhere but the streets whatever knowledge you have it's gonna work and the atmosphere you learned it that's where it will be prominent but it ain't gonna work nowhere else and the only thing that is a pure knowledge that has no boundaries is the knowledge of Jesus Christ the only wisdom that has no boundaries it's the wisdom of Jesus Christ that can be applied in every facet of your life and so when the scripture says about knowledge a wise man is strong yes a man of knowledge increases in strength when he had to do the double take him he said that's anything whatever you are knowledgeable in my husband is knowledgeable in food and he is strong in food but don't ask him to do no open-heart surgery on you whatever you have knowledge in it's what you will be strong in and yet an open-heart surgery can't cook me a meal whatever you are strong in will be your knowledge that you've gained is which will be strong and so one of the first areas that begin to form your thinking is knowledge the stuff you take in however it's taken in begins to form your thinking the second part that changes it is next slide here we go is the comprehension which is through wisdom is a house building and by understanding it is established so my comprehension is how I began to get us stablish wow this is so good right now and so church when I talk about knowledge I'm even talking about your degrees I'm even talking about your phd's and your masters all of these things have formed a knowledge and don't get it twisted and don't become arrogant and don't become prideful to think that because you have that then surely I can just walk up in the things of God cuz that's not the case and please let me help you understand something that you may downplay or hold your nose up in the air at the brother in the street that has nothing but Street knowledge because you have your PhD but your PhD is equal to his Street knowledge and neither one of them will work in the things of God so it works with this genius man called Nicodemus and Nicodemus went on to Jesus he said a teacher okay well first of all I'm gonna excuse you for demoting me as a teacher but okay what you want teacher you know what is this thing called eternal like he said what he said dude you don't know you got to be born again okay biologically because according to the DNA are you serious are you seriously asking me do you think your big old 200-pound self will go back up at your mama's womb so this is this is that kind of thing I gotta change your thinking cuz you're thinking too carnal I need you to copy here cuz you're not gonna be established you cannot be established by what you hear and by what you know you're established by what you understand and the proof that you understand it is you know how to apply it you learn how to apply it so do you know how many people can quote scriptures but don't live the scripture I know it but I don't not apply it's still a struggle to apply it so we got first how that what forms my thinking knowledge forms my thinking the second thing is what I understand of the knowledge that I gained what I understand that begins to form my thinking third one is my application application behold the fear of the Lord that is wisdom and depart from evil that means I got to do something to get that wisdom and so with the father the way that I began to change my thinking church is by what I apply oh this is so good you're working with me whatever I apply now lightbulbs go off of what I learned it doesn't make sense to me right now it's just words it doesn't make sense until I apply it I got several I mean you got your own analogies to give my husband if I could use that for a minute we got these young men and he'll talk about a young man they're gonna culinary school and they paint they spend thousands of dollars thousands to go to culinary field and they're watching the you know the different cooking shows and they've seen themselves as a judge one day and they see themselves as a restaurant to soar and I've not only heard it from my husband I've seen in the multiple shows and the first thing that happens when you come into that kitchen they tell you hit the dish pit and they started because if you're gonna be a quote-unquote Executive Chef you need to understand what it takes to run a complete kitchen I'm just using this as an analogy right now they'll go from that and then cutting or whatever whatever the point is they understand terminology so the benefit is if he says I don't know honey name a cut cuz I you ain't goin bears me or I'm gonna try to name it and I chef I'm talkin to you know kind of chalk cuz if you tell me I will say cut what but name what i julienne right any who don't say no more so like Julian I knew that one any hope the good thing is they know what that is cuz I learned it but not gonna actually keep doing it do you understand what I'm sayin so now my application of it I get it I get it I can work at him yeah okay maybe that was too much okay not everybody some people not everybody some people kind of like rolling the joint not everybody know I got your attention see I know it I know it I know it point is it's not until you know to pull it tight and then gotta roll a little bit pull it okay stop it don't think it too much cuz it's too wet stop my point is Stefan I was looking like pastor I have no idea what you're discussing it's not you apply a theme that you get the knowledge of how to really do it and then once you get that knowledge you've got this and that's when you begin to say I know what I'm doing you say that cuz you applied that knowledge the Holy Spirit is saying I need to change your thinking and the only thing you know are the ways of evil how to live evil that's all you know and until you do what I ask you to do to apply my word because if you applied then you'll see and I'll start changing your mind in the way you think I had to learn to hold my peace and that God fight my battle Church I tell you as a witness God can handle your bid your enemy way better than you look cursing words Yolo cursing words don't do nothing but if you really shut up and start praying ask God to bless show enemy you look up and they got cancer you honey when you learn to apply his principles and you learn to apply his word then the revelation starts coming and that's when you become bold and your mindsets starts changing three other areas of thinking so we know that knowledge is one of them that begins to form our thinking comprehension what I understand it forms my thinking application because I've applied it it forms my thinking okay so let's keep going the other thing that forms our thinking is analysis so then so analysis is this is a process it's a method of studying the nature of a theme or determining its essential features or relationships so now that I've experienced it and now that I've applied it now I'm analyzing it I get why it does what it does I get what it's for I get true stories so again I'm sorry just let me use this again one of those times you know we were cooking in the kitchen it was something like this still whatever we were cooking and so I'm I'm chopping and souls like it was a combination of like like like onions and potatoes just different things so I'm cutting and I'm cutting in so he came in he had cut one part and I'm coming and I'm gonna do the potatoes and like he was doing the onions or whatever so he came back and he said babe no he said you have to cut it the same size as the onions he said everything has to be cut the same size so the bite size is equal you don't have no you know big old potatoes and small onion he said then the flavors blend better my point is also now I'd get the reason why so I've applied it I've done it but not get the reason why when you begin to analyze something's you begin to understand the why what it's for what the purpose of it is for so it's the process or method of studying a nature of something or determining its essential features and their relations here we go the another one that is important is the synthesis and like this one so this is the combining of elements of separate materials here we go I see the separate materials I can still talk about a too stupid the separate materials but when they come together why look what it does so these are separate units and now so you get a church that this is now the after process of application it's the after process and the problem that happens in many of our life starts is that we'll get knowledge we'll get the comprehension we'll even get the applications but we don't take the time to then begin to analyze our lives analyze relationships analyze our marriage we don't let it keep walking to the synthesis stage of I get that marriages right I get that I'm supposed to be married but now how do we become one I get it I get that I need to be saved I did and I've given my heart to Christ and I did it and I've applied this thing and now I'm in the house of God but I haven't really analysed God how you have saved us individually to make us one body one so how do we now work together as one it's the synthesis stage and this is all part of changing my thinking oh Lord I love you so much and I've gotta get knowledge Lord I love you so much I've gotta get knowledge of what is this thing called the kingdom of heaven and what is my part here on earth as the king why did you choose to me I know where I came from the father this is the gift I know that I have where does it fit in the body of Christ let me start analyzing my walk with you so I can change my thinking so I can get rid of rejection that tells me I'm not needed so I can get rid of abuse that says this is who you are help me to analyze my own house and heart why did you choose me it's a way of thinking it's a way of thinking I've had to let the Lord take me through my childhood as painful as it was I had to let the Lord make me say my abusers name I had to let him do it so they no longer had power over me that God you was there all the time it could have been worse but I did it there's a harvest that need to know you're able to deliver there's a harvest that need to know that if you did it for me you can do it for them so I will be one with you and no shame shame analyze your walk get the knowledge of what he saved you comprehend it apply it and then the last stage here we go the last stage is the evaluation valuations the judge will determine now the significance were the worth change change your thinking think clearly think clearly I had to go through what I went through I had to become what I had because of the worth he has to put on my like do not deny your anointing don't deny your gifts don't suffocate him stop waiting for permission stop looking for so many excuses just trust God that he'd know me save me kept me cuz I've got value to him it's my evaluation me we have to think clearly Church 2020 he's calling us to do great works all the signs are here that Jesus is soon to come he's not gonna pick anybody else he picked you and he is chosen you and the only thing that's gonna limit you from doing great things is the way you think about you as a man thinketh in his heart that is what you will be so I admit it Satan can come at us and he can attack us and we can fall and I could think I'm a failure or I could say he caught me at the wrong time I was vulnerable I was weak let me get back up cuz this is not my end I [Applause] don't think he saved me to fail I better help me I don't think he saved me but I don't think he saved me to fail I need some praise up in this house I need some prayed to some Saints the other week now just at the table I'm just losing it I understand that this thing is a process can I just keep talking and testify this has been a minute it's been a minute I know and it's like you know I messed up inside my eyes I talk about my mother boy and and the teacher who she was in my life and and the impartation that I received I know my destiny and I know I'm called to be like that I know I am a mother in this generation to a harvest of souls and our harvests of people and the truth is that I'm kind of like pushed it back and let me just kind of do this on the side and and I know it's here for but let me push it back and that's when you keep hearing me say to own it I'm having to own it I was sharing with him the other day about when we were in services with mother waiting my dears again still talking about God changing my mind and changing my heart and so yes I had my history of things but when God saved me he put me on a very fast route and I'll tell him how the days where we will be in disturbances so like the church we were at master last night I don't know it was maybe 700 people with every was a full house and that was mother Boyd's norm that was norm and it was enorm at of those seventy seven hundred and seven people seventy percent go beyond the floor by the time the service is over that was just the anointing that she carried and i remember when she first started you know of course she's seen some things to me that I don't see she's she's marking me to some things that God is saying about me that I don't know and so I remember when she were praying so cuz she's moving in the services and so she would give me the mic and she would say pray what you see so we had to stay up high like this and watching her pray for the people and so that's where can your musicians help me out for just one moment just one Camela bin so this is what what our version of tearing was back in our day so I'm I'm a nurse at the time and so that's all I know so I'm gonna just give me a nice a nice easy beat just a nice here we go just a nice ok China I need you to hold it cuz you weren't there give me a nice skinny here oh here we go give a little bit drink you me so he'll Cheers he'll mg8 us give up break through line give them a break to he'll Chi and it's watching save that in mind Jesus save that in mind jeez hear my cry gee this will go on for hours he love Jesus you see somebody else you're trying to find ok tell them yes just tell them yes down in my soul I need a washing my soul says my soul see yes my soul says my soul see I direct like it my soul see yes my soul say yes yes to your will Jesus you see your way I'm looking yes to your wheelchair help me the souls in trouble help me my soul's in bondage help me but bring me out bring me ours would be hours and you're trying to follow four hours and I told them and I told them it started changing my think [Music] you're just the nurse and you're and there's people at the altar and she would tell me go pray with this person pray what and so because you don't know what to pray you gotta ask Jesus what do I pray what know like classes for this scripture you don't get it twisted that's good and that's right but there's a thing called the Holy Ghost that when I don't know what to pray it make it in their system I had to change my thinking [Music] bah-bah-bah bahah en el océano baja he can never have say en la Loba ha open your heart and tell god yes right now he's ready to change some things right now tell him yes cuz he's ready to change come up where God is come o come o come on I gotta change your thinking si Omaha Oh Marcia an Omaha so there by the time I start praying for myself I knew how the Holy Ghost would work and because the Holy Ghost is without respect a person's the Holy Ghost ain't gonna let me pray for other and not pray for my own soul so I knew how to get down on my knees and cry oh Jesus shut about deliver my soul high bring me out Jesus [Music] janosh video bah bah-bah-bah bahah open your heart until God is open your heart until gone yes this will take the power of the Holy Ghost hi I'm changing your man your man I'm changing your man I'm changing your mouth [Music] [Music] yes look yes Lord that was your access word yes Lord yes Lord you're right yes Lord I want to be changed yes all I need you yes not I want to come [Music] that's the way the anointing get in he gets him by yury s it gets him by your yes yes uncle change you yes I have called you Oh My yes [Music] don't quit John he's changing you don't question he's changing you no question he's changing you [Music] [Music] [Music] and experience it's what you call the synthesis stage that you become one with the father and he becomes one with you the Holy Ghost said I got to let you know what my anointing feels like and either your belly shall flow rivers of living waters it's what I feel like when I wake up in the morning Jesus is like this is what angels feel like it honor your belly shall flow rivers of living waters so what's your the think evaluation is when you get the knowledge but the power you possess it's knowing your worth yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord think clearly think clearly with me think clearly think clearly with me Jesus give me the next slide what say in the presence of the Lord go pass all these slides go pass all of these go to the next one to go here we go think clearly and say in the presence of the Lord say in the presence of the Lord the disciples have been following Jesus I want you to stay in his presence kind I want you to catch this the disciples had been following Jesus in whole three years the essence of Jesus assignment was to change their thinking so he continued to expose them to signs and wonders and miracles because he was changing their thinking from the law to manifestation we are living my sweet daughter my sweet daughter everything about you whoa he's doing this working units from inside out whoa whoa it's inside out daughter whoa and you're not even gonna know you [Music] by the end of this year fear nothing just obey fear nothing only obey walk walk yes see walk closed Jesus constantly through the Bible stories he would give these parables and then it will be multitudes of people and then he would turn to his disciples he said but for you I need you to get the revelation cuz I'm changing your thinking and you Lord Jesus are in my presence and following me because I've chosen you to be an example of the way so you will experience some things that your peers will not express its because of things I need to change in your mind about me and do not ignore you I'll show you for you dare to be afraid of losing your life you dare be afraid of loosing your life for all you will get up and pray when I tell you get Abbas key and I buy the things I must show you so the disciples walked with Jesus because he wanted these twelve that were hand-picked to be a messenger to be an example of what it looks like to walk with Jesus so in this particular passage they were going to another side and they have forgotten to bring their food and I'm just telling the story for the sake of time they forgot to bring their food and so they didn't want to tell Jesus it but because Jesus know what's your thoughts afar off where you gonna hide your thoughts from with Jesus the Bible says he perceived what they were thinking he said I'm trying to understand that this passage he said don't you remember like that 255 moles of bread remember that miracle he said I remember here we go he said neither the seven loaves of four thousand and how many baskets he took up that how is it that you do not understand next slide here we go that you do not understand what I'm doing how do you not still understand Church this is the awakening of the body of Christ how many miracles do I need to perform for you before you leave the stage of being blessed and shift to start analyzing Who I am how long you gonna stay in this stage of I'm only obedient oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh I've done what he said you're only in the application stage I'm shifted to the synthesis stage be like me walk as one with me the disciples were trying so hard and he's saying you're really living beneath your knee you're only at three stages the knowledge you know me the understanding he is Jesus I believe he's Jesus and then the application we're here we obeyed you we followed you he's what I need you to start analyzing my work Simon do you do you know that I'm a mere working God and if you do then why are you doubting you're gonna eat when I've already shown you I can feed thousand I got with me said this and this is the stages I started singing so here was the analytical state because Jesus constantly tried their knowledge anybody knows a great teacher checks for understanding part of a superb teacher it's not giving you knowledge only that's called dictating but a wise facilitator is gonna check for understanding did you get it so this was part of that so then was familiar scripture Jesus said when he came into the coasts of Caesarea he asked his disciples he said so hold on man say that I am I'm checking understanding you're walking with me I'm performing signs and wonders and miracles well hold on men say that I am and they said well some say you're John the Baptist okay some say that your Alliance okay some say that you Jeremiah okay he says it Lyman said you wanted a prophecy he said okay but these are not people walking with me these are not people that I've done things for these are not people that have witnessed my signs and wonders so now let me ask y'all a question but who do you say that I am this is the sage that God is shifting the church he said I need you to think clearly do only know me as a provider do you only know me as a healer so why do you keep operating with me it's an extract impartation you're walking extract from me does that make sense y'all that distance who God is and then there's me do y'all understand what I'm saying just let me work it from it but if I'm the hope of more that come in you then I'm with you you're me and I'm you she said say that I am Simon Peter as he said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God then Simon you now have entered the analytical stage you are clear Who I am here we go next slide so then watch this so here we are the simple state so Jesus asked for Sam until he super blessed about Simon Peter cuz we're becoming one now cuz I know there's no way you would have that understanding if something came from heaven so now you're walking with me we're becoming one are y'all working with me you've entered this stage that you understand who I am and let me show you how much I understand you are so now all God please all God please I love this part so I can't come into my revelation he cannot tell me the revelation of who I am until I'm clear who he is can I say that again so you may have been whatever you were in the world and so you're coming to the church and you're praying and you're doing this see Church work with me as if you're still running from that person is this making sense like I'm running because I don't ever want to do that again I'm running for Jesus they say yeah there's a time when you do that and then there's a time I'm stuffed when I'm here because I am Kingdom cuz I'm called to be Kingdom I'm called to subdued the heavens in the herb just like my father I'm running from the evil I have whipped evil it is over as a man thinketh in his heart so if you keep thinking that you're only safe so that you don't go to hell and I'm only saying so I don't commit sin then that's gonna be your walk but if you think I'm saying cuz I was called before the world began and then it does not get up here when I shall be but I'm gonna be just like my father I walk in a different mentality I never gonna be who I used to be cuz I don't think of myself as he said upon this reason that Peter let me tell you who you come to you through revelation of the father and now that you know who you are me and that may tell you who you are you are Simon Peter my thinking it's changing how I thought I was just a fisherman no no no you ain't just a fisherman bro and I say unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock Peter this is who you are I will build my church you said in Peter the gates of Hell will not prevail against you can you be that hell can't come against you that was way too weak do you believe that church do you believe help cannot come against me cuz I gotta believe it to start thinking like it to start applying it to sargon understanding of it Angela there are stages even in men and women of God who preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and this is part of my own personal world if I stay with scripture scripture has told me that in the last days we will be persecuted for the gospel of Jesus Christ scripture told me that they that have got me must suffer persecution so because I understand that then Angela I don't take any tests lightly that I consider it part of my making for that day cuz he's not gonna call me to something I can handle Oh Lord oh Lord I'm way out here now I feel so good Wow why not past a minute because I was created by him before the world begin so he already made me have the DNA I need the substance I need the tenacity I need the boldness I need the strength that I didn't create me he created me stopping me from doing it is thinking I can do it just like him I'm out here but I am out here so so then I get it's just an angel that I know my end I know my end y'all my singing it's like I'm so bold and not scared cuz that's flesh and this gonna be what it is please join work y'all working with your pastor but what I'm focused on it's my aunt told me that so what do I do I have to allow the father to keep changing my thinking cuz Tami will be afraid when you talk about but Jesus are tell me big wine and keep on moving I got Tami will say I've been not preached this because it's gonna offend people but he'll say but if you don't preach the truth they'll never be free breach when I tell you to brace does this go bring freedom upon this rock the churches won't be built on the revelation you know who Jesus is and when you get the revelation of who Jesus is you got barriers all around you hell can't get to you he can threaten he can bark he can talk he can't touch you cuz the wire told me you can here we go last days and then he said evaluation determined it's worth here's your worth imma give you the keys to the kingdom the valuation when you get done letting God change you're thinking the end stages you will have power with him he said the evaluation outside you will have keys to the kingdom and the authority you walk in is whatsoever that you bind on earth I will bind in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven everybody stand to your feet the Lord is saying think clear think clearly Church he's not gonna put more on you than you can bear he's not because he's called you you have to take every test that's just that so I'm gonna get the word I gotta apply the warning just like school I gotta be tested did I get it it's just like school and these tests are to increase your thinking it's not to break you it's to shift you to different stages into the application stage it could be that you failed that test cuz you didn't do what he told you to do you got the knowledge you got the understanding but you didn't apply some analytical teach i remember if i can use to turn my synthesis stage so i really would consider the time with mother boyd and although I consider all those my beginning of knowledge and understanding even though I was raised in the church I didn't have a knowledge of who God was they were telling me about him I heard these Bible stories but I didn't know so those were my stages my surgeon stages of understanding and then application working with him was and being a nurse that was just doing what I was told but when I was left here by myself with no help no resources not knowing he started moving into an analytical stage God why you know where are we going with this the synthesis stage when I had no help nowhere and when he was sin help when his word would say some things and then evaluation to be able to walk in an authority and the power this is our constant evolution with him and we grow with him and we know him the Holy Ghost the same 20/20 think clearly because as long as the enemy can make you think you were who you were you're never walking that Authority you won't even use it because he'll make you think you're not worthy you won't even pull it down girl I'm telling you what I know you'll be in the midst of some sort of worse and that devil to bring some pass up to you you'll be on your knees to pray and he'll bring up junk you did when you was 12 never apologize for your brother when you hit him when he was sleep and he'd you need to make that right double you have lost your man I'm telling you he'll bring up junk until your mind starts getting changed lift those hands to the Lord I know this might have been kind of out there for some people but I hope you got your portion walk away with something walk away with let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus you want to walk away with something as a man thinketh in his heart so is he what do you think about you what do you think about where you're gonna be where do you think about what God hand is on your life hands are lifted to the Lord he's calling you he's calling you 2020 2020 this entire house is on a great assignment and I'm so excited about what he's shifting us to I'm my soul is so happy that I know every soul that he's joined to this vineyard I'm looking at all the souls and saying everybody's got purpose and imagine if we all walked in our authority imagine if we all walked in our Authority imagine if we all thought like him start changing our thinking and so it starts in small areas because he's developing your thinking it's starting a small test a small trial and he's sayin you gonna trust me cuz this too is gonna shift my husband I went I was looking at the politician things and he said you know don't you think it's interesting he said most of these politicians and he they 70 some years old they 75 he said how dare I think my life is over then God ain't got more for me to do are y'all hearing what I'm saying age ain't nothing but a number his spirit is eternal his spirit don't get tired his spirit don't have arthritis his spirit ain't bipolar its strong its constant to the kingdom of God there is no end hands are lifted to the Lord I need to talk to some of our young people you bet you may have been raised in this church or different things that the devil maker trying to take you on different routes and he could maybe almost tell you you're too far to the way he's a-lyin wonder he's a lying wonder change your thinking change your thinking hands are lifted to the Lord he's shifting some things so the end of that tale for me is I know my destiny this would be just like my mother and I'm owning it and I'm not delaying it it is what it is and it will be what it needs to be to this generation your hands are lifted your hands are lifted coming in the spirit of truth introducing levels of anointing introducing levels of impartation introducing levels and richness of the word if you're here today and you say you know what I'm changing my thinking I want you to come now you're coming now you're coming now cuz you're changing your thinking you know God's got greater things for you you're changing your thinking you're changing your you're changing your thinking you're changing your thinking you know God's got greater things for you praise them because they're coming praise them because they're coming praise them cuz they're coming I need to hear praise I don't hear praises I don't hear praise from the people that I need people that remember when you needed somebody to praise them for you he's changing it you're changing your thinking you're changing your thinking you're changing it you're changing it greater things greater things greater things you're changing your thinking greater things I need praise they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming I'm a kingdom builder I'm a kingdom builder come on come on I'm changing my thinking on the kingdom builder I'm not just average on the kingdom builder I'm Makena in my past is not the destiny of my future I'm a kingdom builder come on come on come on come on you're coming I need you to praise Him as you're coming I need workers to come quickly and stand with the brothers and sisters I'm the intercessors uneveness it should come quickly stand with them Rochelle sense and with Alex stand with them send with them stand with them you're coming find somebody you're standing with them cuz I'm believing God with you I'm believing God with you for the change he's changing your thinking he's changing your thinking I will never be who I was never I will never be that person again I will never be that person again you're at this altar cuz you're saying I believe you Jesus I believe you Jesus I believe you Jesus [Music] your life is marked with the Lord tell me what you go to time is right now [Music] today he's gonna make it [Music] cuz the hand of the Lord don't you here to hold me you he's calling you Diana please tell me I gotta change my mind I gotta change when I think about me God really is calling me really is funny Jesus is calling [Music] doors to me by my name he knows me by my name tell me why - the time is right now I gotta make up my mind [Applause] [Music] it's a harvester toll Jesus it's called [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] here and by your name [Music] falling you to buy your day [Music] I make mistakes I make mistakes I make mistakes mistakes [Music] [Music] when I call you by your name [Music] just watch me everything will change no what you need no I know what you need I know what you need I know what you I know what you I know what you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's calling you yes it's changing it's necessary for the glory of the Lord to come into the house because the things that you see begin to change your thinking it's necessary for the move of God to be unique because it changes your way of thinking it's necessary for you to experience some things that I've never known the church to be like he said is necessary so I can change your way of thinking think clearly that God is omnipotent think clearly that God is awesome think clearly that he is bigger than my problem think clearly think clearly think clearly think clearly think clearly think clearly that Who I am is not the end of who I will be think clearly being clear yes yes Lord yes Lord we acknowledge you in this house yes sir we acknowledge your presence yes we acknowledge your anointing who acknowledge you clearly there's necessary for the house of God to have experiences that will change your mind about who Jesus is and the more you see and the more you experience unique things that will change your thinking about who God is it's necessary for the glory of the Lord to come in the house it's necessary there's a man of God that when he gave his life to Christ he said I went to a service and I saw the presence of God on all these adults and things he said it was when I saw the presence of God falling on children he said I knew these kids couldn't be faking that he gave His life to Christ because of what he saw it changed his thinking it's necessary for certain things to happen in the house of God is it a change your way of thinking just by what you see hallelujah the presence of Lord is in this house we acknowledge in 2020 we're going to see clearly and we're starting by thinking clearly it's gonna be amazing in December what we gonna look like it's gonna be amazing what this house is gonna look like it's gonna be amazing it's gonna be amazing what your life is gonna look like all because you changed your way of thinking so then your whole atmosphere started changing your household started changing everything started changing your job started changing your job choices you kept settling for things but you stopped cuz you started thinking differently how you think about you 2020 upon this rock he's building this church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it you just mad scene you can rattle your cage but I needed that to happen cuz it pushed me to change my way of thinking cuz I don't ever want to be crazy again never gonna be naive again I'm not gonna be a wimp again hallelujah hallelujah you're in the presence of the Lord and I need him to stay right here and I need those that set this altar please stay with the souls please please need no one alone honey if you don't mind if you could please just stay right there please if you don't mind just say right there if you don't mind if everybody could just stay with these Souls say with these Souls he's changing yep and everything you dream and everything you imagine it can be everything you dream and everything you can imagine it really can be I'm changing your thinking so don't be discouraged when it doesn't happen immediately I'm removing layers I'm removing layers by what you do and as you do I will give you revelation I will give you revelation as you do your application it's gonna get of Revelation so don't be wearing a Jean de bas see don't compare yourself to others he and I don't say what you should have and could have the Lord saying I can pay you in one day kela I can pay you in one day and it will change your life forever I hear the Lord saying watch it watch and see if I won't watch and see why I hear the Lord saying watch one blessing will change your life forever I need praise because this man of God is about to go somewhere this man of God is about to go so I got you saying I hear the Lord saying you're my son and I and I can I get a little more praise you just need to hear those claps and then I need you to hear my angels applauding for your Greek hey I never say Keanu Baha I need you to hear those claps like angels applauding for your success yeah yell about Shonda Baha'i praise can he hear it a little louder I need you to hear it my Angels applauding for your success you got angels applauding for your success Annie praise I need praise I need praise uh-oh I hear it I hear it I need to come on I need some praise here the celebration of angels here are the celebrations of angels for your success you did it you overcame it you conquered it come on let me hear it let me hear it you did it you overcame it you conquered it here and here the celebration here the celebration here the celebration here the celebration you did it you did it you did it all that you've been trying to do oh you did it you did it here's the celebration and it's greater it's greater than you could have imagined it's greater it's greater here the celebration I need a praise to go on I need a place I need a place I need a praise few more seconds few more seconds few more seconds here the price to the price you're the prize hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we got angels fighting for us we got angels fighting for us Oh close your eyes and hear that please hear that praise of angels so happy for you they made it over they made it over they made it over they did it they did it they didn't they held on to the end they did it oh look at the celebration look at it listen listen here to class here to class we celebrate so we knew you could do it we knew it we know it we knew it we know it look at what you did look at what you did look at what you are confident [Music] ha ha ha no yet to the highest king hallelujah the one that gives us the victory hallelujah here the price we get a price to the highest king well he has given us the victory [Music] hallelujah give it structure hallelujah given my highest praise hallelujah for it does not yet appear what I shall be no I'm gonna look just like him it's giving me the victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] until a joy down in my soul I feel a little joy down in my soul I really do hear angels celebrating we got the victory I need a praise up in this house the word has gone forth and it's landed in system it's landed in some good ground things about to change whoa things are about to come floor [Music] this coming forces coming forth it's landed on good ground it's landed it's landed us some good ground things are about to come forth it's coming forth its landing on some good cloud [Music] the anointing of the Lord this has landed on some good ground church we're about to see some supernatural danger we're about to see some great things in this house it's landing a good crowd [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell you it's partners yes it is I try to take my children it's worse you won't win [Music] try to take my side when I kept Belize and I kept fighting [Music] it's barking so much [Music] by [Music] has changed battles not mine it belongs to the is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you picked the wrong right one when the devil came after you he picked the wrong the wrong one for him but the right one to win this bet he picked the wrong right one wrong one for him but the right one cuz you didn't know I was anointed for this that's why you can't take us out I'm anointed for this you're anointed for that you're anointed for this hallelujah we're preparing ourselves forgiving this is who we are it's what we do everything we have we've gotten there by blessing and by giving we know who we are the Lord is raising up this house he's raising up the wealth and the blessings of this house to all of our business I greet you for the love of Jesus Christ I would apologize for the length of service but I think he wanted you to see some things because you want to change your thumb just to be in the presence of people that love to be in the presence of the Lord what kind of people are they people are they that can use I want to change your thinking because I'm without respect to persons there's no unique person it's just people that believe it and start applying it changing our thinking think clearly 2020 know who you are know who you are know the power that you possess know the anointing that you possess know your calling is know your gifts say at the feet of Jesus stay in the application phase until God keeps revealing himself to you the revelation of who God is comes by doing and the reason why you work out your salvation and States they where me just a little bit the reason why you work it out is because the more you do the more knowledge you gain of him the more that you apply the word the more you become wise in him if you need a tithing envelope hands are raised hands are lifted if you need an offering envelope of course you can give it by text you can give it on the app whichever way that you see fit a lot is happening this year meet us here Wednesday night Wednesday night meet us here to talk about our business plan all members please be here if we have guests here then they'll just be a part of it but Saints I need everybody here we want to share with you some things the Lord is putting on our heart for 2020 it's gonna be great we're trying to ship some things and we're trying to do some things deliberately to get our minds start changing we're recognizing that we're coming in on all different levels different levels some members are coming into the church will already have experiences with God they already have ministry and walk with God you've got some people that know nothing about the Lord this is their first time experience and then you've got people that's been walking with the Lord for a minute we want to recognize all those different levels and know how we can move into our synthesis stage that we walk in harmony we walk as one we walk as one and the valuations that he's given us all power and authority so my analytical stages I just got to know my assignment and then I got to know where I fit who I am and what asset do I bring to the table what do I bring to the body of Christ churches you start in the small things I'm to keep saying that to you it is the small things Church and don't get weary it is the small things it is the small things that begin to give you revelation of bigger things I you know I just go on no no no I won't be y'all heard almost every service I could go on and on because my mind keep reflecting it was a small thing of just being a nurse in the church it was a small thing and I was good with that I was content I could have done that forever and that was just serving the water and things I was content with that and not knowing I was gonna move again and God's gonna shift again so we go from faith to faith and glory to glorious remain faithful and the smaller things and then I learned God in that and I learned God in different things this was just - I'm in my journey I got stripped out of everything when I think when I see little 19 year olds now I get so tickled I'm like he had me in full-time ministry at 19 and I look at them they dress all cute as I missed all those faces I was in white with big ol nurses shoes like this with those thick y'all remember back to big white tights like that act like grippers whatever what was that doing wearing that at 19 but that was my to time all the time oh I wore regular clothes to just clean up around the house but also clean up clothes then I was in church but I get it I get it I get what it took for me to get my mind change and for God to start making me think differently see so my stages was filling the burden of people that was my training we we pray what people think hours hours we prayed with people and tarry with people and that was from city to city to city and so I began to learn how to feel people how to feel the need of people and how to serve people I was going from city to city from coast to coast and so I get it and he is making me feel the Kingdom not understanding what he had already destined for my life y'all understand what I'm saying and when you're faithful to another man's ministry scripture says that in your time I've got you and so understand Church many of you many of you are faithful to this ministry and that is what God's gonna pay you because you are called to greatness to come on I mean that I anticipate great branches great branches coming from this house that you will lack nothing because God's paying you fortune cuz he's changing your mind I want you to get up in this rhythm but definitely for many of us in that next generation there's an annoying you've got to carry you can't be average you can't you've got to carry a heavier anointing and so the discipline and the impartation and your experiences what he's telling me Carmen is let it go let them experience it and start teaching them what that is and what that means I'm again time with Phil me when I started getting visitations from God it was just nobody could tell me what they meant but mother boy cuz that was my teacher and she made me relax to be with receiving and she told me back in my day see I didn't have nobody to we gonna move as you're getting here offering well the boy was probably about there's a picture of her she's probably about talking about her so much lately but she was probably about and her young 20s or something like that or she could have been younger I don't remember answer you got to ask somebody else like my brother there's a picture of her she this cute little petite body she had these thick curls and her hands were lifted like this and behind her people were laid out everywhere this is in the south she didn't know what that gift of land on hands what she didn't know what it was and she was in the choir and she was just trying to sing in the choir and she would lift her hands people would just pass on on the anointing well again back in the day people didn't you know you didn't let women weren't used y'all know what I'm saying but she had a beautiful passion oh man Oh older past and father and so she she started getting ashamed cuz they started saying you know Stella Kaine singing in the choir today because instead of seeing everybody on the floor we don't get to finish singing so so they said her name is they say stomach ain't seen her so she went to her 500 gods when he said daughter he said daughter I don't know what this gift is I just know it came from God so what thrust her to have to seek God for herself and find Scripture and so God will talk to her she had a second grade education and so she didn't have she didn't know many where she couldn't read very well but she made sure her daughters did so her till she made sure they went to school and got their education so the Lord would speak to her in her ears and then she would get her daughter's you say say is there scripture says and her daughters would find it and so that's where reading came from she had to have a reader because she couldn't read so she wouldn't have so then and then you had to be an anointed reader cuz it had to sound like she heard it and so that's where all that nothing with nothing we did and that's why I'm not gonna say I moved away for something but some things I did cuz people mocked it because you didn't understand the revelation of it and I won't allow the anointing of God to be mine but copied or disrespected or made fun of or so you are anointed to read like you had to be searched you couldn't just never be churches this lady took off read listen I need a reading late and the Lord said she said no no you came grading that she felt bad she said what I mean is you can read but not for me cuz it had to be a certain sound in the anointing because that's how God talked to her and taught her Scripture my father being her pastor who was a student to the word he was her balance and so when God began to use mother boy she wore hankies and next you know people doing it today I'm not saying God didn't tell him I'm telling what I saw that God gave mother boy she didn't want to do it because she didn't want to be like witchy and people talking about her and witch crap you don't know what I'm saying she didn't want that so she told God no he told her give me 500 days the consecration you gonna stop telling me no so then she went to my father and she told my father and my father just went in consecration prayer that's when God took him to acts 19 when Paul the Bible said Paul said from his body came aprons and handkerchiefs he delivered them unto the sick and they were healed of their diseases the point what she wasn't gonna move outside the word you understand what I'm saying but when God have validated you some things he'll ask you to do it may be out of your mind but I'll show you by the word it's all real clear for me Wow so I'm not making a spooky I'm not gonna make us mystical or any of that that's not what we're doing but I will tell you it will take supernatural methods and things to get a work done in the kingdom of heaven and he wants us to be prepared for that to not second-guess him but watch him do some phenomenal things Church we know the world is in trouble and we know the world needs help and God has anointed us to do is give the Lord some praise let me release a word in this house let me release a word in your house I feel the hand of the Lord saying so then don't be surprised by inventions I will give you I hear the Lord saying don't be surprised and this is where I'm telling you to take your mind out take your mind and start thinking like me there are mentions and things that the world need the Lord said don't take it mighty that I will give you inventions that will bring Kingdom wealth to build the kingdom of God I need some praise up in this his uniqueness is to meet needs on earth that the earth will need but we will know clearly why he's blessing us know that our businesses and things he's gonna continue to expand it it's gonna continue to blow up and be blessed because he's given us the wealth to build the Kingdom money will not wear us we will wear our money and tell our money what to do prays again prays again we understand it's just a tool it's a tool to do what God have asked us to do believers are standing with their ties and their offerings believers are standing with their tithes and our offerings believers are standing with our ties and are offering I don't even need to say that if we're faithful over just God bless me what a hundred dollars and if I'm faithful of paying my ten dollars on my hundred then that hundred could turn to a thousand and that thousand could turn into ten thousand and that ten thousand can turn to a hundred thousand and that hundred thousand could turn into a million that million could turn into a hundred million a hundred million could turn into a billion it really can keep evolving as we prove to the Lord we get it we get our simon in church as he grows you with every level there's a new test there's a new test at every level so as god increases you church the reason why some of your tests are different is because you've shifted and you're not in that same place so some things that seems odd or unique i've never gone through this thing before you've never thought this way before either you're thinking differently of the things of god you got your seed and this lift it before the Lord you've got your seed and it's lifted before the Lord thinking clearly thinking clearly hallelujah all right wait I want to do it with you [Music] we're getting ready for a twenty year I've got my wonderful brothers and sisters that are already saying that I got you past a minute I'll be there to support you I appreciate that so hold on I'm getting my seat so we could do this together so we could do this together we can do this together here we go here it comes here comes here comes and it's there all right our seat is lifted before the Lord Father I thank you and I praise you for the sea that we're giving into your house we thank your father because we know we only have it because you've provided for us father your words that the money answers all things so thank you Lord for supplying our nee that all things can be answered but father we also recognize it is a tool to build the kingdom of heaven and father where there is no money you give us great favor but father we stand with everything that we're giving and we give it a cheerfully father and we give it without grudging so father bless every household as you continue to do father bless the businesses in this house father bless the men and the women of God bless husbands and fathers open up doors supernaturally bless wives and our children father set the legacy in this house that never have I seen the righteous forsaken nor the seed begging bread father may the blessings go from generation to generation because we have learned to be Kingdom builders so father we declare this blessing and that every scene that is being sold is coming back to his thirty sixty and a hundredfold I'm a wealthy man given to our bosoms that we may have it to give again and all the people of God said Amen all right come on from all of the buildings [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] every small thing every little thing you did it just for me [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 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Channel: Pastor Tamara Bennett
Views: 3,796
Rating: 4.9669423 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Tamara Bennett, 2020
Id: 6pYY7tR1uVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 38sec (7778 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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