"A Repenting Heart" (9-12-21) Pastor Tamara Bennett

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people that's got prayer that we know how to enter into his presence that we understand things happen we are changed in the presence of the lord hallelujah he may have your seat in his presence we do give honor to god today my husband and his absence and all of our ministers and elders and men and women of god that we love so much we love you to all of our brothers and sisters online thank you so much sons and daughters in the gospel thank you so much for being a part of our service today attempt to get into the word today as the lord is preparing us and shifting some things and you can stand that worship real quietly for me um i'm especially honored that um you know fellowship is who we are is what we are it's what we believe we believe the body of christ have many many many branches and i'm excited anytime that god connects me to somebody else other branches in the kingdom of heaven what's beautiful about when god connects his people there's an immediate kindredness and you're hearing the same things speaking the same things of god and i'm so grateful today that the lord have connected us with a man of god you all know my brother and my friend pastor francis that is no stranger in this house he's been to many of our prayer services and had our shut-in and overnight prayer services with them he's been a trusted friend and gift in the body of christ there are many amen amen amen there's many circles and arenas that i do outside of this house that because of pastor francis he's invited me to that table many many many times and have allowed me to rub shoulders with many great people and influential people i'm grateful that he's introduced me to a new brother his name is brother tom pastor tom can you stand up tom and kevin just wave your hands these are our brothers can you help me praise god for them they decided to come and worship with us i'm gonna have him greet you momentarily after we minister today but um he's no stranger in the body of christ um he's one of those men of god that have literally walked i believe is over 20 000 miles um from the north to the south to the east to the west of this great nation of the united states of america all praying for every state i need real yep yep yep some of us can't walk from here to the corner let alone so yes can you honor the man of god and appreciate him and i thank god for his sacrifice and what god have given him that we would pray and so the other night i don't know tracy if you got those pictures for me so the other night friday night he and some saints came together and they prayed at the capitol we know that there's a big shift that's about to happen in our state uh we need to pray on what direction that goes to the entire world or i should say nation for sure the united states is watching us and what happens in california sets the tone for most of our nation so we gotta pray for those in government amen so they were privileged to pray in the capitol on this past friday he and some more of our saints join together and i know it only takes two or three for god to hear us and make some shift and some things amen so we appreciate him and his prayer ministry and his passion for those in government and people in rulership that we are to pray for them that we might lead a peaceable and a quiet life so i always appreciate brothers and sisters in the gospel that understand our kingdom agenda more than a political agenda amen if we put more attention on that kingdom agenda we would see a whole lot of shifting in this earth i want to share as we know that we've been talking about the charge um something that i was as you know thank god thank you for our little short vacation and thank you for minister daryl thank you so much man of god for ministering to your brothers and sisters appreciate you brother appreciate you son he's a true son minister daryl is a true son he's a true son he loves this house and he loves god's people and he has proven that over and over daryl is the one that go see about your kids go see about your dog that need to get picked up from the vet i mean he'll pray and intercede i'm just saying he's he's one of those ministers he doesn't take anybody for granted but he makes everybody feel important mr darrell i appreciate you honestly i appreciate the love that you have rendered to the saints i appreciate you um so um we want to um i i don't i i'm i'm my heart is very um delicate before the lord um as he said something very clear to me and it's shifting where we know about the charge and where we're going in church i really pray that we truly are taking in the word of god that he's saying and getting ready for it but it was a simple little statement that i heard in my spirit and it is that as we see the end times it's not something that we're supposed to be fearful and scared but instead god wants us to be ready and prepared and so the end times should not shock us um and when i say end times church even the angels don't know when the second coming of jesus christ is but i do know that through biblical history the church always goes through these dispensations and changes and highs and lows and it shifts the earth and things shift surely um in the day of noah when they didn't believe that it really could rain and wipe out the entire earth it was a way that god shifted surely in the day of pentecost when the power of god fell and when the saints had to go into hiding and yet god had 12 that preached the kingdom of god throughout the world there's shift there's highs there's lows i can keep going back we know that when the day of moses when he had to tell them to put the blood post over the door because i'm about to come through here here's what i'm saying god doesn't allow things to happen that he doesn't prepare the church he prepares us we are all under the sun and we will experience the same thing but because god loved the righteous hallelujah and here's the cry of the righteous he prepares us and he is a keeper of us surely if i even talk about joseph that god gave the revelation that a famine is coming but god allow one man to be able to be the distribution of goods and things in the earth the point is again he put it in the hands of one of his righteous ones and so i think that is absolutely where we have to mature as the people of god and we really really really do have to begin to examine and make sure we stay true to our kingdom agenda there's so much happening in the earth and it's going to continue to happen and obviously we are under a new dispensation the earth have shifted um i was watching um one of the 9 11 commentaries and they were showing how from 2021 when a 911 happened which my heart goes out to all the survivors and to the family members that are still dealing with the grief of that tragedy we continue to pray for them and it will never ever ever never be forgotten um even as i was watching one of those commentaries and they were showing how much the earth has changed from that time to now and how in that time how people came together and they really did tear down political walls and et cetera and they came together for one common goal and that is to protect our nation and we know that that's when security got crazy at airports and security guards and we you know you couldn't take water through all of those things happen from 9 11 and the various terrorist attacks but they were showing how we kind of complied and people just kind of did what they had to do to be able to get through it and how the day is so much different now and there's so much controversy and so much conflict but if i stay with scripture the bible said that in the last days he said the love of many will wax cold it's gonna you know you don't care as much and it's about me and my and so it's very important that we as believers that we don't get caught up in the trends of this world but we stay true to our kingdom agenda everything that it's going to take for us to survive whatever this next shifting will be church is going to lie in our hearts everything and the anchoring that is necessary and without an option it's not optional the anchoring has to be that our hearts are anchored in god kovit absolutely revealed a lot of what was in our heart it revealed a lot and a lot of things you you came out of composure you know we came out of i don't know everything because it was almost like i really think that subliminally some people had this mind like we're at the end of the world and who cares like who cares like you know some folk that tried to live safe for a while finally said i'm just gonna do what i want to do i don't know but our hearts got tried during this whole pandemic and the fear the panic the uncertainty the devastations the deaths etc and so where we have to be prepared is in our hearts because what we're going to ride out is going to be based on our faith that either i'm going to believe god with all of my heart because if i believe it what will i do you're going to move you react based on what you believe you respond in all of life and all of circumstances you respond based on what you believe and it is critical that we get a true anchoring and get rooted and grounded in who you believe in and so um i i really don't think i'm gonna be able to finish this today so i just want to kind of begin the process because um he's been speaking to me about a repenting heart and um i've shared it on the morning 6 a.m call and it just every single day every day he's been whispering tell me you got to keep a repenting heart um we as believers i think it's like children you know like you know i got my teen girls and i got our older children and i think you know they'll end up doing something that's silly and you'll correct them but they know that they shouldn't have done that because i'm older than this and you try to fix it no i didn't mean it like that what i was trying to do i think we do the same thing to god i think we get so mature or so experienced or think we know him and when you fall into different things or you do different things you're almost too embarrassed to come to god to have to ask for repentance over some things so you just act like it didn't happen you know when you bumped your head on the cabinet and you said that s word that you shouldn't have said oh that didn't happen to you my bad maybe the baby toe on the corner of the bed i don't know maybe it didn't happen to you and you never said i'm sorry you just let it go okay i know i go too personal okay fine my point is a repenting heart says i get it and i acknowledge it and i accept it but i gotta change from it because if you don't change it'll become easier and you're not saying it just cause you bumped your head you saying it in conversation and you saying it just because you saying it cause your team didn't win y'all you saying it cause your direct deposit didn't go through i'm just saying if you don't acknowledge it then sin get fluid you you gotta ice scene you gotta you gotta freeze it but it'll get fluid and then after a while if you're not careful your conscience ain't even there and you know what line we love well i'm not perfect and so we miss the growth the bearing fruit we miss the glory we miss the elements and the elevations of faith because we didn't stay humble enough before the lord with a repenting heart so i want to share very familiar um for those of us that have been in ministry or have been in the body of christ and then for those of us that are new to the body of christ i want to make us just kind of do this rebooting resetting that we're doing to reset what god is saying about the purpose and the grounds of the heart so repenting heart here we go so the bible said in matthew 13 and 18 jesus was given a parable and i just could not put it all up there but the disciples asked jesus why are you why are you telling us what this means jesus said you gotta understand he said there are people that have ears but they they can't hear they have no comprehension of spiritual things he said so no matter what i say it's going to sound like a story when you're not when the hand how do i want to say this when your heart is hard you have no spiritual comprehension so it becomes stories and therefore there's no penetration there's no brokenness there's no change it's just a story jesus was telling the disciples he said they just got ears but they can't hear me he said they can't understand he said they got eyes but they can't see they can't see what i'm saying to them spiritually he can't kind of catch a vision they can't he said but to you you're supposed to know the mysteries hallelujah hallelujah the praying spirit that my heart is panting after god is don't let me see it for what it is but let me see it in your eyes give me your understanding because what is is obvious and there's two worlds that are constantly existing parallel to each other are y'all with me is this okay they're parallel and it's important i can see this world because i'm carnal it's easy but give me a praying spirit that i might see in the spirit let me hear constantly constantly let me hear what the spirit is telling the church so he said to them he said now hear you there for the parable of the sword he said when anyone here at the word of the kingdom because you've got to get understanding about the kingdom we're shifting y'all okay he said when any man hear the word of the kingdom and understandeth it not he said then cometh the wicked one and he catcheth the way that which was sown in his heart i'm reading from the king james version and this is a seed which receiveth seed by the wayside because you didn't get an understanding you heard the word you could say the message was powerful you could say oh my god it was a great word but i need you to tell it back to me in your own words i need the church to understand i'm so serious about my assignment that klbs is not like let's meet online it's trying to do a check and balance did you understand the word because we can't do this religious thing no more church we can't do this coming to church just because i said i've got to understand the word and i got to understand it in my heart i can't understand it because i can't i can't say to you if you're if you're my co-worker and you're inquiring about the love of jesus christ i cannot give you a video of my pastor i've got to be able to explain his love for myself because i understand it i can't give you a link to a youtube message i need to be able to tell you for myself because i understand him and what is the true understanding i need to understand what he requires of me the greatest understanding i've got to get is how does this word apply to me um lord jesus lord you can't do that no more that i wish so and so was here to get that message you can't do that no more you're here we can't do that anymore that we want to be seen or who was here we can't do that anymore i got to know this and i've got to get an understanding we can't have foolish pride that i don't want to ask certain questions because i should know better no i'll ask i'll ask i have no shame in getting an understanding pastor you don't understand that no break it down again what did you mean what does that word mean i don't get it well who else said that break it down let me get an understanding why do i need that understanding because it's only at the point of understanding i can agree with it there's no conception in confusion none why do people get fired from a job you didn't understand the assignment you went to training and you just went through the motions and then it was time for you to do what you were supposed to do you didn't do it every time but you just went through training so you mean to tell me you sat through eight weeks of training and never got an understanding when nobody else asked questions like well that was stupid because everybody else is doing what they were supposed to do and you were left without understanding so understanding getting an understanding what is god asking of me church our histories are all different our sinful activities are all different are y'all with me um um i'm trying not to detour so we used to teach this a lot and it's understanding that satan has a file on us and the reason why i kind of stopped teaching a lot of this so much is because people went too much into the demonic world and didn't stay enough in the god world but you got to know and i need you to understand understand this satan has a file on you because he tried you you took the bait and he told his imps write that down that one worked it's a file and so when he needs to try you he got his imps which one is it well they got a love spirit okay what do they like well they kind of like them tall slim okay send one well they kind of like a little player so okay make him up have him go over there yeah see i don't like to teach this because it's too far out there for some people and it's too much of a reality but this is how the spirit world works that's how it works so again i stick with my scripture y'all know about her every man is why y'all saying this soul here we go every man is when he is from his own and he got you on file he got your file now the reason why i got to take this word individually because god know and satan know but i gotta get an understanding how he got in the house and the more i get an understanding of god's righteousness the more what he made me do becomes little because god's righteousness is over it so i gotta get an understanding how powerful is the word oh hallelujah shout hallelujah shout hallelujah now i heard you say you will put them up under my feet but how deep under my feet you're not working with me i heard your words say that all things are passed away behold all things become new how new can i really be in you oh i need some praise to act like i need to understand it i need to understand it my understanding is because it's night and day shot hallelujah it's night and day there is no comparison so i gotta get an understanding is how great is my god i feel one strong clap one strong how mighty is god mighty in battle i got a battle how mighty are you in my battle i need to praise and tell them yes lord i need a praise and tell them yes lord i need a praise shout hallelujah so give me understanding i cannot hear these words as though it's some fabled story if david did it what a stone what's my stone in 2021 i need y'all to work with me what's my stone give me understanding and i let the church tell them yes lord i need a praise tell them yes lord yes lord yes lord give me understanding without understanding the word here we go next slide it's wayside it had no penetration that's why you can't pull up the message that's why you can't give an understanding it didn't go anywhere in your heart it landed nowhere it's on the wayside because you didn't get understanding here we go next one he said now the other one next slide here we go he said the thirteen word but he that received the seeded two are stony places the same is he that heareth the word and you receive it with joy you're emotional you're so excited now you're just the opposite my god that was a powerful word girl you should have been there you're just the opposite powerful word of god yet no root no root we did a wonderful crying at the altar we wept hands were laid we purged we did all of that but as soon as satan came against you no root so you fell again got you again you're discouraged again you're ready to backslide again you're doubting god again no root what happened you heard it with joy he said but no root in himself but do it for a little bit oh but when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word by and by you're offended the same truth the same word if you start drifting away that same truth will offend you it's the same truth the same truth that brought you out delivered you gave you your breakthrough when you start switching that same truth will be offensive to you he said your heart is too sony it's an emotional here this is what we cannot be and so i'm done with trying to get a church to say amen after everything i say i'm done i don't need your amens i need your truth i need your heart i need your heart telling him yes i don't need your amen i need your heart telling god yes to the word i used to give a lot of different examples and again it's because i'm trying to mature some gross but i used to give a lot of different examples when the holy spirit interjects and say tell him yes lord this is not a feeling it's not because i don't know what else i want to say i'm not one of those preachers hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah i'm not one of those i know what i need to say but i also know it's like feeding a child and when you're feeding a baby you can't keep stuffing the food down the baby's mouth you need him to swallow it here we go airplane it's almost like that what you're saying is god i know we just brought something uh-oh there was a wall right there i'm not sure if they got it so let's give the lord a yes help me to swallow it help me to swallow that word help me to accept that word you are training your heart you are training your heart do you know how many messages i heard that made me mad that i could feel something twisting and itching and i can't scratch it but i'm mad but when i gave god a yes because my heart is trying to please him your heart saying yes breaks through all of that and swallows it yes lord i need a praise in this house and tell them yes there's a there is a conception of the word that's got to break up your heart so the stony heart doesn't want to accept truth y'all got to know it's not personal it's all of us all of us have a stony heart the carnal mind is enmity against god it hates truth it hates the spirit mind but because god has called me as enough of me that i'm telling him yes i want you more than i want the carnal mind so the stony heart is the heart that you received it emotionally emotionally but when you really had to get tried on that by and by you backed up what now let me tell you why i'm i'm here for a second in my own spirit because what you don't know is what the persecution is you don't know what that persecution might be that's going to try your truth you don't know what tribulation will arise that's going to try your truth and so i got to get understanding so i can get rooted in god and it's got to be a definite i'm not moving because i know him for myself i know him he says so the sony heart is the heart that heard the word and emotions he's but as soon as test and trial i don't know what they listen listen listen i don't deal with this but it's one i'm going to eventually i keep saying i've been saying it for 20 years and i've never done it i'm going to do it one day let me tell you something even down to you receiving the word of god god have blessed you you find a ministry that has blessed you god is delivering you and you'll get a demon that'll tell you well you know god don't call women to preach i know i'm telling the truth right now it'll be a persecution on the word you've received and you're saying yeah but i got my breakthrough i mean demons got off my back i mean i god never had my life my family and you're gonna be it's a persecution that will come to try to root up your word so you don't know how he's going to try you the devil comes with small things he comes with trivial things he'll come with it don't take all that he'll come with religious spirits he'll come with all this to try to uproot and you're saying all i know is i need the word in my heart and whatever messenger is helping my heart to get broken to receive the word my soul says yes here we go next slide so the stony heart is an offended heart it's the heart that have no root it's just emotions here we go next one we're almost done he said then he also that received the seed among the thorns see that heareth the word but then the cares of this world you got a lot going on and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word and you become unfruitful yeah y'all notice the scary one right here and everything we do there's a balance in church you do have to monitor when your job when your family when what you need to do starts outweighing what god asks you to do that's a thorn when my commitment is not i'm just giving my own testimony we know you know we got the restaurant we're doing different things but you have no idea how much i purposely have things in my life to keep my balance and my commitment to him there can never be money a job a car a house that has presidents over what god has asked you to do it can't ever be the reason why you couldn't worship it can't ever be the reason why you couldn't do what god had asked you to do and you need to examine your self and you need to look at your own spiritual time card and if you've got hundreds of hours in things of this world the cares of this world that you no doubt you can be prosperous because you know why you sowed into it and the laws of sowing and reaping works no matter what whatever you sow so if you sow into your education years and years you probably are pretty edumacated but if i had to balance and look at how fruitful you are in the spirit you coming up anorexic and almost homeless in the spirit something's wrong i cannot lord i love you so much i cannot i cannot bear more natural fruit than i do spiritual that means it's choking me somewhere and you can have a great family y'all understand what i'm saying i'm not taking that from you i'm not taken from your beautiful home i'm not taking that from you but if you are not bearing fruit in the spirit the bible said when i come i want to find you working i need to find you in my will and when we talk about as i say so many times when we talk about the second coming of jesus christ as i said it doesn't mean you're going to be here for the rapture it's him coming after you that's also your second coming that's yours have will he find you fruitful hallelujah will he find you a binding abiding in the things of god in the work of god you understand he will use anything he will use your marriage he will use your spouse he'll use your children's soccer games you're not gonna let me tell the truth he'll let you use it it'll use anything to choke it i don't know what you need to do to get a balance but you can't let it choke your fruitfulness in god there is no business there is no business that is greater or have more prevalence in our lives than the business of jesus christ that is the priority of our business come on so you have to do what you need to do that it has priority my 6 a.m prayer in the mornings that we do it's for me whether two people show or 200 or 300 i do it for me because i'm keeping tammy in check with her assignment with god getting in the presence of god so that when i have to deal with a secular job my spirit is elevated because i prayed my day do you understand what i'm saying because all of those cares is stuff stuff your job your boss getting on your nerve co-workers you can't stand tell the truth the soccer mom picking up kids your car cleaning up your house tell the truth all these are cares their cares you'll stay home and clean up your house before you come to the house of prayer i'm just saying something's not balanced something's not balanced and you have to balance that church again the lord is saying i need you to prepare your heart keep me as a priority to me right now all these camps in the earth i was talking to my brother tom just that quick and you see it all in the earth there's these camps you know political camp the rebellious camp the make america great camp the camps the blm camp camps camps everywhere the colvid camp the vaccine camp the no vaccine camp the mass camp the nomad y'all know what i'm saying it's a frivolous mess he said that'll come and distract you and you'll look up and you'll be caught in these conversations and these cares he said then when i need you to remember what i ministers on sunday as a word to keep you you can't because the cares choked so he says these that are thorns here we go and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word and he becometh unfruitful here we go next one we're trying to bring it in it's an unfruitful heart and an unfruitful heart is because of the cares of this world to our single brothers and sisters god's going to bless you with that companion he is he's gonna bless you as i like to say with the companion that will add and not take away with the companion that will be a blessing and not a burden he will but until then don't be distracted and let the devil take you into wantonness and let the devil take you in loneliness and you miss this season of getting to know god for yourself it is a delightful delightful season here we go last one but he that receiveth seed into good ground is he that heareth the word and then get an understanding you heard it and you took your time and when the service was over you went back through the scriptures on your own you watched it again because there were some things that said when the word is being ministered some things that are say that a prick you write that down i need to see god what are you saying to me that heareth the word and understandeth it and then which also bear fruit and bring it forth some a hundred some sixty some sixty some fold some sixty and some thirty there's fruit church as we are entering into these end times and as we're watching all of this chaos all around us it is critical that we keep our right heart towards god and towards our kingdom agenda i'm gonna share this story and then we're gonna pray i was reminded of the story of david and we know that david was chosen to be king over israel when he was just a shepherd's boy and the bible said that when they prayed for david when samuel prayed for david the bible said that the oil remained and then we know the story david goes on and he kills goliath now he's part of the army and as he's growing in the army then they get jealous and the people again begin to praise david david has killed saul has killed his thousands david has killed his ten thousands david is being glorified for the glory of god that was on his life the anointing that was on his life it was obvious and then david becomes king but then david's heart became arrogant david's heart began to get caught up in the things of this world so he sees this woman bathsheba and he falls madly in lusts with her until he has to have her and we know the story you give me some worship and we're going to pray he goes on he falls with her while her husband is in battle he falls with her and now she's pregnant i gotta fix it david hart left honesty it left understanding the cares of this world trapped him his own lusts and sins trapped him so now david's trying to fix it so he put a hit out on her husband he starts lying he starts coming conniving he gets her husband drunk hopefully he's so drunk he'll go and sleep with his wife so he can think that's his baby but uriah had so much honor that he said i know i'm drunk as i could be but i wouldn't feel right to be with my boo and my soldiers are out there fighting so i'm good so now he gotta kill him he kills him uriah dies david's lies are all covered he's good all good all right now let me go on and keep being king how many know everything done in darkness come to the light i'm talking about good ground i'm talking about a repenting heart so here comes nathan yo david um can i see you for a minute yeah bro yeah come on in he said yo like um there was this man he had everything like houses land cattle he had everything yeah yeah and then there was this one man he only had like this one little sheep you know he had nice little trailer park but he was good okay the rich man took the one man she what david what should happen to him he should be killed how dare he be so inconsiderate selfish unthoughtful how dare you be so self-centered yo man that's you he said david god gave you all of israel he gave you all of jerusalem he gave you your king's wives he said david and if you hadn't wanted anything else anything such and such all you had to do was ask now i love this story because what i want us to mature to is that a good ground heart doesn't mean i do everything perfect but it does mean it's a heart that can be broken to truth to understanding david when he saw his ways hence is why david is a man after god's own heart when he saw his own ways here we go this is the prayer that david prayed and david said here we go in psalms 51 he said lord he said i need you to wash me thoroughly for mine iniquities he said i need you to cleanse me we're going on a journey church and this journey with god is not something you become righteous overnight but nor should you be arrogant nor should you become pompous he said lord wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for what is a good ground i acknowledge my transgressions he said that my sin is ever before thee and father i'm not gonna blame bathsheba because i don't know why she was taking a bath outside but that's another story i'm not gonna blame her of course it could have been custom i don't know i'm not going to blame her i'm going to take it i'ma own it because if she would have paraded but naked it still didn't give me a right so i'mma own it i'ma own it against thee and the only have i sinned and done this evil in thy sight church i know we're saved and i know we're believers but i promise you there's something very very fragile that god is saying i just need you to keep a repenting heart scripture says and i quote it often if god were to mark iniquity who could stand because we don't even know when we're not doing his will do you understand what i'm saying even when we've tried our best you don't even know he says so cleanse thou me from secret faults in other words god when something arises out of my heart that i had no idea i would do this against you lord i'm sorry forgive me when i make an action that i thought i was farther than this but i found out i was and i'll rejoice when i fell into this temptation i'll rejoice because i found out and thank you for an opportunity to repent again are y'all with me stand your feet he says so wash me through it from my iniquity cleanse me from my sin for acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before thee and against thee thee and only have i sinned here we go next one he said that thou this is the part that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest and be clear when you judge so father again because i'm owning it i want you to be clear that i'm not i'm not i don't want you to see nobody justify come to me so that when you watch me i'm washed thoroughly when you purge me i'm purged completely are y'all with me are you with me a repenting heart we're preparing in the month of october all of this is getting us ready because we're going into a 21 day revival in october hallelujah hallelujah and right now we're preparing our heart reset reboot and rebirth i'm looking for a leap not a touch i want a leap in the spirit realm i want to leap hallelujah all of this is preparing us this is not the season for you to blame your spouse for your marital trouble take it own it on what you could have done differently what you could do better this is not the season to blame nobody because you know why i got to get anchored i'm getting anchored god the other day about two sundays ago when the glory of god was so heavy in the house there was something there was a presence and a force that was so heavy and he kept saying you got to get anchored and i felt the weight like an anchor and it was going through my heart and it was doing like this it was so heavy and i felt it going through my soul he says got a land in your feet where you'll never be moved the anchoring of god it's a glory church it's a glory that rests in your soul where you will never be moved part of that transition part of that drop down has got to go through your mind it's got to go through your spirit it's got to go through your heart and then it's got to anchor on the grounds of your heart that you will not be moved hands are lifted before the lord hands are lifted before the lord if you're here today and you don't know the lord jesus christ as your personal savior this is for you this is your opportunity to get anchored this is your opportunity for we have all sin and fallen short of his glory but a repenting heart says i just did it against you god and i'm not blaming anybody else i'm not pointing the finger at anybody else i'm coming to you it's when bitterness i won't let it take me over i need you to praise them and souls are coming i need you to praise them as souls is coming i need you to praise him it's when you won't let bitterness live in your heart you won't let unforgiveness live in your heart i need you to praise them as they're still coming i need you to praise them as they're still coming they're still coming i need you to praise them as they're still coming they're still coming i need you to praise them i need you to praise him i need a real praise i need a real praise it's when you won't let unforgiveness live in your heart do you know you can't even let your own paths hinder you you got to free yourself from your own past that who you were you will never be again i need to praise them as they're still coming still coming still coming still coming still coming i need praise i need praise they're still coming a repenting heart a repenting still coming i need praise they're still coming i need workers to come i need intercessors to come i need prayer warriors to come help me pray help me pray help me pray while they're at this altar help me pray while they're at this altar help me pray help me pray help me pray help me pray it's a repenting heart because i only did it against you god i did it against you and so the renewing the rebooting the resetting is i'm getting in position with you and i'm not blaming anybody else nope i listen we all got a history we all have had things happen to us and if you're not careful those things of your past will try to hold you down you gotta say my past ain't even gonna hold me i got more over here they're still coming praise them as they're still coming praise them as they're still coming come on come on church come on church we will not move in hypocrisy we won't do it we won't worship with unclean hands but church we're coming before the lord when an honest and a sincere heart praise them as they're coming the brokenness of god the brokenness of god the brokenness of god the brokenness of god the brokenness of god the brokenness of the lord the brokenness the brokenness of the lord the breakness i'm coming before you with a broken spirit and a contri heart sister joyce i need your help oh lord thou will not despise a broken spirit and a contrite heart oh lord thou will not despise a repenting heart says lord is between you and me so as you're here at this altar you're talking to your king he's your king he's your lord and savior he's your righteous god he's your forgiving god he's your understanding god he's the god that knows the why you serve a god that knows the why yep he understands the why yes he understands the why yes he understands the why yep and there's grace and there's forgiveness and there's mercy for choices there's grace and there's mercy when i've made the wrong choice he understands the why he understands he understands he said i got grace for that yes i got grace for that i got mercy for that and don't you ever get tired of coming hey coming to me where else are you supposed to come back to me hi where else are you supposed to run but to me hi hi i got enough mercy [Music] i got enough grace i'll cover then that i see i got enough mercy i got enough grace i got enough mercy i got enough grace i can cover my love covers high a multitude a multitude a multitude i cover a multitude i cover a multitude i cover a multitude i cover a multitude i cover a multitude of i see [Music] my love covers [Applause] [Music] i got enough grace i got enough love i got enough grace i got enough love i got enough i got enough i got enough i got enough love i got enough grace then that about c i never i got enough but you gotta come to me [Applause] yeah i got enough i got enough jesus [Music] everything on me jesus jesus call his name jesus jesus jesus he's the one that can help jesus jesus jesus [Music] oh jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus we're calling on you jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus let me call his name jesus jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] i got the power to change jesus i got the power to change jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] [Music] jesus jesus jesus we call you jesus jesus jesus watch me do it watch me do it jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus help me to call his name jesus jesus jesus christ jesus i'm gonna call his name jesus jesus jesus help me to call his name jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus something happens when i call him jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus jesus everything i need is in your name jesus jesus all of the help i need jesus jesus oh the strength i need jesus jesus jesus oh the strength i need jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus not every one of these shows is at this altar we come before you and first lord we just ask you to forgive us forgive us our iniquities forgive us our sins forgive us for those things that we have done that's not pleasing in thy sight we come before you with the repenting heart against thee and the only lord have we done this against thee and the only lord you're the only one that matters you're the one that matters you're the one that matters that i please you lord you're the one that matters so i need you to wash me i need you to cleanse me i need you to purge me because you're the one that matters in the name of jesus lord break up all stony heart and give me that heart of flesh let me feel jesus let me feel you when i've gone too far let me feel you when i've gone too far let me feel you jesus when i've done too much let me feel you oh may my heart be said about kian become anchored in you and ned give me understanding according to thy word i want to please you i want to walk up right before you i want to do those things pleasing in thy sight and i promise you lord i will give you all the glory i will give you all the praise so i declare today father all things are passed away i declare today father things have become new i declare today father the sony heart is breaking up and i declare a new heart is coming in that will walk after you that will hear you that will obey you i declare it in jesus name hallelujah give the lord some praise give the lord some praise give the lord some praise we declare it we declare it we declare it we declare it give the lord some praise we declare it we're declaring we declare it today today today a shift is happening a shift is happening in my heart today a shift is happening in my mind today a shift is happening i need praise to all these shows us at this altar may they say in the presence of the lord i need workers to stay with them i just want to please you lord i just want to please you lord i just want to please you lord i just want to please you a repenting heart i just want to please you just to please you lord [Music] i want [Music] please make my life better i want to please you that's what a repenting heart will do lord [Music] this [Music] i want is spirit [Music] [Music] i want to please [Music] this is my daily prayer this is my daily bread [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus make my life let me know what you required [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please make my life give me a praying spirit jesus i want to please you give me a praying spirit [Music] may i be broken in thy presence jesus i want to please you may i be broken in your prayers i want to please you [Music] i want to please [Music] if you don't have a church home we would love you to be a part of our church family you just want to get anchored somewhere to grow you want to get anchored somewhere where you can hear the word and you can keep bringing forth fruit you want to get anchored somewhere where you know that there is power and deliverance and breakthrough so that you can be free to do the master's will for as truly scripture is right i come that you might have life and i want you to have a great life the will of god is that we have a great life and he's saying and i'm the one to show you how to do it so there's no comparison between him and satan none he said every way i teach you everything i'm taking you through the only reason why you don't understand it because it's so great it's so magnificent it's so amazing it's so blessed it's so privileged he said the life that i have for you but you gotta receive it in your heart and then obey me and follow me and trust me as he sold us at this altar if you do not have a church home we want you to be a part of our church family we want our workers to please take your name and number and make sure that we can stay in touch with you while the dove is still in this house i'm going to turn in the hands of my brother brother tom i just want him to introduce himself to you and just greet you in jesus name he's our brother that i'm grateful for the work that god is giving him again it's an extension to the body of what god is doing help me thank god for my brother tom as he comes at this time god bless you church i'm going to start by thanking this lady over here god bless you tomorrow um we uh i've i've actually had the honor of leading about 32 000 miles of prayer walk so far and we're in the middle of a thank you brother and we're in the middle of a of a twenty thousand miler right now that's called unbroken here's where that name came from i was uh my wife's mom my wife oh my gosh um god bless all you guys that that got somebody good you got the second best gal that's good for you she and i were down to santa we live in nashville we were down in oh my background here you go you ready songwriter turned down record deals to train to be a pastor then turn down parishes so there you go and uh and then started the phone started ringing and i started becoming a frequent flyer and then somewhere along the way god said do a prayer walk across the country and we thought it was silly and who would ever do that but you know you can stand it for five six months that was 20 years ago hallelujah um and uh man god has used it so uh so much to tell you about what's going on but i want to focus on on what we're doing right now and why it brought us here to sacramento i'm blown away by the emphasis on say yes because you can't have an emphasis on say yes unless you have an emphasis on praying with your ears nobody talks about that honey nobody has a saying because you do and i do there's two of us hallelujah you almost never ever ever hear it i probably i've probably been in a thousand pulpits and the question i get asked the most by senior pastors right now in the bible believing church how do you hear the lord too many of us our prayer life is yakityak don't talk back really you're sitting at the table with the king of everything and you're gonna do all the talking holy cow is that stupid on purpose or what
Channel: Pastor Tamara Bennett
Views: 2,384
Rating: 4.8991594 out of 5
Id: 2J-pm_dwPQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 29sec (4049 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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