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there lies [Music] the truth of the matter folks see your glory but they really don't know your story and when they look at you today they just see a final product but the truth of the matter is that you have to go through the process the truth of the matter is what you've been through has prepared you and propelled you for where you are right now come on let's be real tonight because the truth is folks see your smiles but they don't know your struggles but then they hear you shout hallelujah but they don't even know your history that they see you shout glory but they don't even know the grief you've got to deal with it they see your dance in church and don't even know your drama i mean let's be for real people see you now but they didn't know you when you had to struggle and go through some pains and some problems matter of fact is there anybody in here can say you see my praise but you don't even know the pain behind my praise because in spite of everything i've been through tonight i can give god to glory and give him the praise and testimony out of heart i've been to god is a god who will keep you god is a god who will cuff you god is a god who will preserve you let's be real y'all get some people the same age as you and they look like what they've been going through and you gonna sit up in here and you're looking young and kind and you have been through hell and high water you ought to be shout because in spite of the everything you've been through your testimony to nine years out of all i've been through i still got my joy i still got my peace i still got my happiness i still got my love high five somebody for the first time and tell him i don't look like what i've been doing before i shout over a car before i shout over some clothes i'm gonna shout cause he kept me when i couldn't keep myself i just need somebody in this house who can give him glory because you don't look like what you've been going through check this out y'all i i gotta lift this question there's a critical question pastor haley why don't i look like what i've been going through you got time for me to tell you let me live with free body but listen pastor and i promise you i'll holla at y'all later the first reason why you don't look like what you've been through is because your haters didn't make you bitter they made you better already let me just pause it for a moment and tell you that life you're it have some haters and haters are people who don't want to see you prosper haters are people who take out their own frustrations on other people haters are people who will look at you and will hate you and you ain't done nothing to them but they see something in you that they wish they had in them maybe y'all ain't gonna shallow this tonight because you sitting there hater matter of fact look at your neighbors i hope you ain't no hater see because a hater just can't stick around me and not give god the glory a hater just can't look at me and not shout with me i need somebody in here who can give god the glory tonight is because he allowed your haters not to make you bitter but to make you better when they lied on your image when they talked about you in range of better with that's what god does he uses i hate us not to take us out but to give us a testimony are you still sleeping shake somebody down here and tell me i got a testimony i got a testimony check this out y'all because whenever you read the bible in genesis 37 the text says that one day joseph dreams a drink gets this he dreams a dream that one day he'll be exalted above his brother but here is the problem in the passage is that he shares his dreams with his brothers that this build this good place apart put a corner in the middle and just suggest to you tonight you cannot share everything god has shared with you with everybody because some folk can't handle the plans of god on your life god you're in here but watch what happened y'all and because his own brothers could not handle the blessing and the fame of god on joseph life the text says they threw him in a pen and act as if he was dead but it's some shout right here in the passage what his brothers did not know that the bit was just a pit stop to where god was getting ready to take him shake somebody because it's preparing you to where god is getting ready to take you [Music] and so what his brothers how could be his detriment really turns out to be his development oh y'all wha what what what you're in this thing that's going to take you out god will turn around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] david says that lord make your enemies your [Applause] [Music] [Applause] only god will allow your enemies and your haters to lift you up higher so he can prepare a bigger table before them david also said the lord will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies it is child of god no enemies no table but more enemies the bigger the tank [Music] [Music] let it get extremely hot then drop the bags of tea in the water and then she stopped putting all the rest of the ingredients in in this tea i just thought that was backwards i thought you ought to put it all in there and then let it get extremely hot and it's good it's done it's overweight but the lord while i'm walking into the back room y'all i thought it was just real strange that the water get extremely hot to its boiling point then she dropped the bags of tea in the water that's just strange to me and i thought it was so strange that while i was walking to the back room the lord said to me i do you the same way he said sometimes this week but god told me to tell you he's just trying to get the best to come out of you [Applause] but check this out another reason [Music] [Applause] you know some stuff you just can't [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you know you ain't got the finances for it it ain't because of you it's because of favor you [Music] you want to know why you've been sick and you live to tell about it and somebody had the same thing you had and they died from it but yet you didn't trust tonight that's because of the favor of god hold up y'all y'all don't know what real faith is so let me go and put it in a regular term so you can really shout this is how you know when you got favor on your life is when you go to target and you go to the register and you ain't got number twenty dollars in your pocket [Music] [Applause] the story of joseph is flooded with faith because in genesis chapter 37 the bible says that his father gives him a court of many colors but which suggests to us that he's different from all his brothers [Music] because what you fail to realize the anointing on your life is greater than the folk you are associated with but what says jesus gives chapter nine i'm walking through it verse number four the bible says that he has so much favor upon his life that that that they get mad because his father gives them a quarter minute covers but let me show you how famous their fathers him even while in a favor still follows him that he moves from a pit now he's sitting at polymer's house the text says in chapter 39 verse 4 that part of us sets uh joseph over his whole house yeah uh because favor of god on joseph can i suggest to you tonight that that there was some crazy stuff that happened at pogba's house yeah yeah and miss potiphar looks at this young man who looks pretty good [Music] i got to have them for myself but this man respected her husband so much that he says no i cannot [Music] because god has a way of making situations that should be chaotic and crazy and make it to become comfortable [Applause] check this out what's supposed to bring him pain [Applause] [Music] he leaves from potiphar's house now he's sitting up in prison it's amazing because in genesis chapter 39 joseph is put in prison for the wrong reason but here it is y'all god grants him [Music] and even while he's in prison god still grants [Applause] [Applause] he's put in prison for the wrong reason so while he's in prison he he runs into pharaoh's butler and baker while he's in prison he runs into the pharaoh he runs into the president he runs into the butler and the breaker wow he's in jail a text says that he interprets their dream he interprets [Music] [Music] god will put you in an uncomfortable place to give you the proper exposure the third time there's gonna be a charm you don't really shout sometimes god got to get you in the battles of life so he can show you yeah they wanted to kill you but i'm gonna turn around and bless you in front of [Applause] he interprets uh pharaoh's dream and now this favor moves him from the pit to potiphar's house to prison and now he's getting ready to sit in the palace [Applause] but sometime when it don't look like the lord will come [Music] that's why the old folks say he may not come when you want i need that church here but how many of them [Music] [Applause] eyesight watch this and he's elevated to second in command of all of egypt and you missed it right he was just [Music] [Applause] in [Applause] [Applause] got you in it favor can get you out of it look at somebody tell me your favorite got me here favor won't get me out of it that's why i'm shouting tonight because god has a way [Applause] he goes from being a prisoner to prime minister [Applause] leads to his promotion let me say this that some people don't like you because no matter how hard they try they can't beat you and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] through is there anybody in this house who knows you've been in favor of that god if you know you've been in favor back off just follow one time i've been hey i'm going home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is why you don't look like what you've been through since tomorrow it's because god wanted to show your enemies that your pit wasn't perfect [Applause] [Music] don't you know some think just because the last time they saw you [Music] they thought you were going to stay there but what they barely realize when favor is on your life a kid will never be your final destination check this out [Applause] joseph brother says we better go get some help [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] joseph spots his brothers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] recognizing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] his brothers shovel him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] his brothers see him [Music] [Music] is shake your face my condition is not my conclusion that simply means keep reading the story you don't hear [Music] says that i'm sick but my conclusion says i'm blessed [Music] [Music] i don't know about you but i got to praise him because the lord is getting ready to turn some stuff around [Music] the holy ghost [Applause] [Music] [Music] because it should have been [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] and tell your neighbors [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] he died but he didn't say that don't help me [Music] from [Music] excuse me [Music] i three times [Music] i know [Music] uh [Music] [Music] come on [Music] all right [Music] [Music] you
Channel: IFP TV
Views: 486
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 7vbON0NTO8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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