Apostle Herman Murray | Deliverance Service

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[Applause] [Music] everything is going down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] going yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] now [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i'm is [Music] right [Music] [Music] i know [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the world is [Music] [Music] [Music] i know i [Applause] i know [Music] come on [Music] is we might as well give it to him come on elder come on [Music] [Music] me [Applause] time [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] take the limit off of god and praise him come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] what person come out come on [Music] come on you may as well put them hands together [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] house [Music] [Applause] [Music] is whatever you need [Music] [Music] whatever is [Music] come on come on [Music] what [Applause] [Music] [Music] glory glory glory [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory glory glory [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh one more time [Applause] [Laughter] warriors make some noise in the house [Music] this entire house has been dedicated to the victory so you may as well open up your mouth and give god some praise in the house tonight hallelujah hey man we're just going to keep it rolling this next song song simply says jesus my rock this song is currently being played on the radios right now this is our single come on put your hands together everybody [Music] come on everybody right here say jesus hallelujah how many know he's your rock on [Music] thank you jesus thank you for being alright he's my fortress say jesus here's my [Music] tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] my fortress is [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] is [Applause] jesus about salvation [Applause] simply says [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] one more time everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah he's worthy of all praise everything that we need [Applause] you've been waiting for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] is [Applause] oh [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] all you want to oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] is [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] my is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh everybody oh let's praise him i see your hands i don't hear your voice [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] somebody need god to do something special for you [Music] [Music] hallelujah amen amen god bless you you may be seated in the presence of the lord we're so blessed to be here tonight thank god amen for his keeping power i thank god amen that have been saved all day and no evil have i done thank god for a test on anybody just glad you still got your testimony amen been saved sanctified amen filled with the holy ghost amen and god is keeping me right now thank god amen let's give this choir a great big round of applause tonight i'll tell you god is moving in this service already and we praise god thank god amen for everyone that's here tonight this is special deliverance night amen this is the time when i don't get what you come needing amen god to do you come with your faith believing that he's still an able god anybody still know god is able amen that ought to be the greatest encouragement amen that you could ever have to know that you still serve a very capable a very able god what is he able to do exceeding abundantly above anything i can ask of me amen if i can think of it or conceive of it god is able to do infinitely greater than what i can imagine amen and we praise god tonight amen you know the devil is is still doing what he's always done amen trying to stop the people of god trying to hinder progress but the good news is amen god is still in control you ought to look at somebody until the neighbor of god is still in control amen and god will give us the ability the power to make it through whatever it is that we face in this life so i would encourage you tonight i don't know your situation amen i don't know the specifics of your circumstance as a matter of fact it really don't matter amen because god has the power to do whatever it is that you need him to do the question is are you willing to let god have his way amen look at that name and tell them there is a word from the lord amen and i am a lover of the word of god i love mine tonight i brought mine you got your bible don't you come on hold that power thank god amen because everything else is going down but the word of our god the book of second corinthians the 10th chapter amen second corinthians chapter number 10 and i want to begin reading at the third verse let's read amen verse 3 verse 4 verse 5 and verse 6 amen second corinthians chapter number 10 amen verse number three through verse number six and when you have it say amen oh familiar passage of scripture but i want you to listen tonight amen because the enemy is fighting so many people and we just we need to understand who it is we're fighting and we need to know how it is that we can gain the victory amen you know by no means do we magnify the devil we don't do that amen as a matter of fact i try to call him a lie at least twice before i even eat breakfast amen we don't magnify him amen but now uh we have to know what we're dealing with and we have to know uh that god has given us strategies for the victory y'all believe that amen that god does not want you to live in anything less than total and complete victory and i know there's a lot of people that are not there hey man they live and and it's to the point now where even when you look at people in the house of god it's so sad i was thinking about it the other night so many people are serving god with a defeatist attitude they just but they claim to serve god but their expectations is that nothing's going to happen they lay hands on the sick and in their mind uh they believe that god is able to raise people above the sick beds but they don't believe it's gonna happen amen but listen if you're going to ask god to do anything it has to be a settled issue in your mind that when i ask god i have the confidence to believe that god is able to do this right now amen if you lay hands on the sick expect that the sick shall recover the bible says you can have it if you believe it and then what he said he said if you believe and don't doubt you could even speak to mountains and tell mountains to get out of your way so if you're going to ask god if you're going to pray if you're going to seek god amen you have to have it settled already that god not only can he but he will yeah and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his real we know what and if we know that he heareth us then what then we already know we have the petitions that the things that we desire of him so i'm not serving god with a defeatist attitude hey man i'm not already throwing in the towel while giving the public amen perception that i'm still holding on to faith no listen if it's victory that i'm looking for that i'm not stopping until i have the victory i don't care what happens i don't care amen how long things get because you know sometimes what you see with your eyes can discourage you but i don't care what you're looking at amen you've got to believe that god is able to turn things all the way around second corinthians 10 and 3. when you have it say amen read what the bible says for though we walk in the flesh but though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh we do that war after the flesh for the weapons for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal re but mighty through god but they are mighty you've got to know this our weapons are mighty through god through god to the pulling down of stronghold somebody say strongholds uh-huh casting down imagination casting down the imagination and every high thing had exalted itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled when your obedience fulfilled just look at somebody and and just tell them strongholds and imaginations that's what i want to talk to you about tonight i want to talk to you about strongholds and imaginations it is it is it is a fact amen that so many times we we fail to gain the victory because we don't know on what level it is that we are expected to fight thank you amen but brothers and sisters tonight whenever there is an involvement in serious things things that matter anytime you involve yourself or engage in any type of real activity with things that are serious and things that really matter there is something called a cold conduct that should cover your behavior there should never come a time when you are not bound by this code of conduct as a matter of fact those that are in authority should be able to look at you and expect that you should act in accordance with this code of conduct at all times there should there should never be a time when you feel like you take a break amen from the expected behavior you know especially if you work for the government if you work for amen the government at all there is a certain representation that you are expected to maintain while you are working there and you've got to remember this code of conduct at all times uh you should never act in a manner that is not in accordance with this code of conduct amen and when it comes to being a child of god amen that's serious that's something that really does matter and do you know even spiritually there is a code of conduct that god expects for us to live by young and quiet now amen god expects amen us to govern ourselves accordingly to the way that he has prescribed that we should behave there should never come a time when as a child of god i am acting out of accordance with the established code of conduct i don't care who i'm around y'all not gonna say nothing i don't care who comes to visit me i don't care where i am i don't care what church i'm at i don't care if i'm on vacation or if i'm on my honeymoon amen there is always an expectation that i am going to act in accordance with what god amen has prescribed as the behavior that we should see in a child of god now brothers and sisters we are saved we are the children of god but yet and still we still have strong connections to this world we still have to pay bills we still amen must uh uh shop for the things that are necessary we still have to eat we still amen have to work there's so many things that we still must do amen uh because it connects us to this world we cannot get away from it but now as a child of god there are certain things i cannot do amen i can never try to solve a spiritual problem by carnal means there are some kind of things i've got to do amen i've got to pay my bills i've got to act amen because i'm still in the world even if i'm not a part of this world amen there are some things that i've got to do and they are on a carnal level amen but now when it comes down to solving spiritual problems god never told us that we've got to solve spiritual problems by carnal means in other words he says now though we walk in the flesh that's not how we fight we we're here amen we're citizens of the world amen now that's not how we solve our spiritual problems remember there's a code of thunder and if we're going to abide by this code of conduct that means that while we are engaged amen we've got to always remember how it is that we are expected to behave and you've got to understand this brothers and sisters amen we must be able to recognize where we are and who it is that we're fighting because that's going to open up our understanding as to what is expected of us if we look at the world and only see it in carnal uh views if we look at the things that happen to us and we're not spiritual at all then what we will find ourselves doing and that is acting in a manner that is not in accordance with god's code of conduct amen when you look at the person on your job and the people that are so contentious against you if you're not careful you'll start to look at them and say that's my enemy and if you see that as your enemy then the way that you handle that will be carnal and it will be out of accord with what god has prescribed for you amen but the bible tells us what is that ii corinthians 2 and 11 the bible said lest satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices in other words we've got to be able to recognize the devil wherever he is yo y'all gonna help me y'all gonna sit there and look tonight amen you've got to be able to recognize when you are under a spiritual attack because if you don't recognize it as that then you'll find yourself amen acting against people instead of acting against the spirit that's trying to hinder what god is doing in your life but i come to tell you tonight that i don't care how much they lie i don't care how conniving they are amen the people that are against you that's trying to undermine you they are not your real enemy or y'all hearing it and you can waste your time fighting people but in doing so you are not in accordance with the will of god amen you've got to see through the actions of the people and see all the way into the spirit and see that it's satan behind it all y'all ain't gonna help me can i preach for a minute here hey man you've got to recognize the devil wherever he is sometimes he'll show up in the people hey and then live in the house next to you sometimes you'll show up in the folk that live in your house he'll show up in the people on your job amen but you've got to recognize him as the devil wherever it is that he shows up and that's the reason why amen you got to stop all of this contention with people which is she lying on me she's doing this and she's doing that if you become a striker hey man if you become vengeful then you are not acting in accordance to god's prescribed code of conduct but you got to learn how to love the person and hate the spirit that's using them yeah lord i feel like i need to preach for a minute here amen you got to learn how to recognize who the real enemy is touch somebody and tell the neighbor the devil's behind it all hey amen it's the devil it's the mean nasty devil and you know how he operates can i tell you he loves to operate in the anonymity in other words what the devil will do amen he'll move and he'll get people to act and then he'll hide himself in the shadows and got you looking at people crazy that you're talking to people crazy hey man you can't get along with nobody because you feel like the person that is the enemy but can i tell you tonight amen that there is a war going on and the devil's behind it all you know the devil loves the folk not to be able to get along he'd love for that to happen in the church hey man you come in the church sitting up in the house of god amen they can't get along with nobody how many times do you have to change your seat before you realize amen that the devil's using somebody if he ain't using both of you can i preach for a minute here you gotta stop letting the devil make enemies y'all all right and i'm trying to tell you because some of us got things we need god to do for us we got prayers we need god to answer amen and god's not hearing our prayer amen because we're still shouldn't have holding animosity and envy and strife amen listen you got to be willing to let that stuff go so that god will hear your prayer i wish i could get somebody to touch your neighbor and tell the neighbor the devil did it the devil did it amen stop blaming people the devil did that but apostle you don't understand they lied and got the fired off the child oh they might have been used by the devil amen but the devil's behind it all and that's the reason why amen god says you've got to recognize amen all of the devil's devices because although people are not your enemy there are more times at night with a whole lot of hope amen will allow the devil to use them in order to frustrate what god desires to do in your life and you know you've got a lot of folk wanting to let go amen and throw in the towel because somebody did this and somebody said that well listen if that's all it takes in order for the devil to get the victory over you then you don't stand a chance in the world but you know what you gotta do you gotta settle it now and tell yourself i don't care who don't like me i don't care who talk about me i don't care who lying on me i don't care how they're trying to push me away i don't know y'all ain't saying nothing here i don't care if it's your kids if it's your husband if it's your wife you've got to center this thing now i'm not going to let this move me from where god has planted me i'm going to love the person but devil i'm coming your way you always say can i preach for a minute here look at somebody and tell the neighbor the devil did it [Applause] we blaming god and we're blaming people but the reality is the devil did it and we know that he's always working do you know the devil never take a day off the devil is focused he he never rests he's always operating on one level or another he's always looking for somebody else that he can use see when you're focused like that yeah i remember uh one of the the the talk show host a couple of years back retired and uh i can't remember was it 25 or 30 years of this talk show and she boasted that she never missed the day has a friend of mine whose father worked for the post office he told me his daddy was so dedicated that his dad had worked at the post office for 35 years and never missed a day he said he was so determined to get to work he'd get to work extra early see he ain't like some of us we feel like if we got to be there by eight that means as long as we clock in before eight we own time no that's not what that mean that means eight is the latest you can be there hey man you know you can get that 6 30. but you want to come sliding in the parking lot burning your rubber hey man just so you make it in by that wasn't it he said one morning his father had a flat on the way to the post office to go to work he stopped changed the flat came back home took a shower changed his clothes and then left and went back to work and was still early y'all ain't saying nothing that's what happens when you're diligent and when you really take your job seriously i know some of us don't we don't know nothing about all that amen because if we behind too slow people on the freeway we already calling ahead look like i'm gonna be late traffic heavy oh you ought to be ashamed of yourself look at y'all getting quiet but when you're serious about what you do hey man you're not trying to take off as a matter of fact you're trying to do more to accomplish your goal and you know this is what the devil's doing the devil don't never take a day off as a matter of fact he's always looking for some way that he can accomplish his goal in a greater way so although we don't magnify the devil we would be foolish not to study hey man the his strategies of war i don't know about you but i don't want to lose this battle and i sure don't want to lose the world amen i got to know who i'm fighting i need to know how that rascal is fighting so i'll know how to wage war and fight the good fight of painting myself also i know that he's always working but we also know that we are not helpless look at somebody and tell them you're not helpless i know you're crying and i know there are times when people come amen to the altar and they act like the world amen it's all against them they act like it's over apostle you don't understand hell no you don't get it i do get it but you know what i know i know you are not helpless i know you got a hard situation i know you're hurting but you know what else i know i know you got a god that's able to do exceeding abundantly of all you can ask or think look at somebody tell them you're not helpless [Applause] get me luke 10 and 18. and he said unto them and he said unto them i beheld satan as lightning i've beheld satan as lightning reap far from heaven lord he how did he fall i beheld satan as lightning fall he didn't stop drop and roll out of heaven now he fell forcefully from heaven i saw it when it happened jesus said i saw this satan fell from heaven read behold i give unto you power then he says to them behold i give unto you what does he give you power he gives you power somebody say powwow he said i give unto you power so stop acting like you're helpless you're not helpless you got power read tread on serpents to tread on serpents are you are you hearing this you have power to crush serpents and scorpions and scorpions yo lord these are poisonous amen adversaries see nobody a snake will bite you and inject poison into you scorpions would do the same you don't have hey man a pet scorpion that you play with y'all getting quiet see we acting like this stuff now you know people just crazy a snake is gonna always be a snake yeah there's gonna always be an enemy but jesus said i gave you power over this enemy see it as an enemy you know you got folk now trying to keep snakes in the house yeah but a snake of the snake and to me the only good snake is a dead one i'll just be honest with you all right man i i told you a few years ago and and conveniently he can't remember this but me and brother fred typical one day went out to traders village and we were just we were just out there and he claimed he don't remember this for i think it's just selective memory and and we were out there and they had sister eben this this this what you call them boy constrictors or something and it was huge i can't tell you how many guys it looks like about six or seven people were standing there holding this snake and i had never touched the snake before i'd always been told they slimy they cold you know they just it's somebody's snake i don't like to see i don't like the way lick his tongue i don't like the way he move just look like he just floated through that i can't stand a snake disgusting but the head of the stake was way down at the other hand and i'm back here by the tail and and i said this is gonna be my day i'm going to conquer this fear today i'm going to touch this snake and that will always have bragging rights i touched the snake before and so the head i don't know i touched the snake feel like a arm just feel like a muscle wasn't wet wasn't slimy it wasn't cold so i kind of touched it a couple of times and running okay it ain't what i thought it was and i turned around and walked off now he says he don't remember this but he touched the back of my arm and when he touched the back of my arm i had a whole conversation with myself and my mind just like that my mind said that snake felt you touch him and his head came all the way around to see who and that's him touching you and in a split second i went running and screaming through traitor village throwing stuff trying to get away listen you don't play with snakes touch somebody and tell them neighbor snake is always a snake hey man instead of trying to see it as something that you can get along with something that you can cohabitate the devil is alive jesus said the only time you need to deal with him it's when you're walking on him and crushing him he said i give you power over all the power of the enemy you can crush me i always say nothing here i don't care how the devil is trying to get you because you know what a snake could do don't you either snake is going to poison you a stick is going to squeeze you to death some enemies you've got hey man you are you always saying that you know before you fool with them they can bite you you not even know it but you got some of them that'll hug you real tight lord y'all don't get quiet you don't know that's a constrictor he ain't hugging you he's squeezing you to death you got a whopper jesus and i'll give you power over all of y'all ain't saying nothing to him and then these power to tread on serpent scorpions and over all the power of the enemy look at somebody tell them you are not helpless because jesus said nothing shall by any means hurt you i know y'all tired and going ahead to the house but i wish i could find about 21 of you that'll shake that neighbor's hand and tell them neighbor i refuse to be hurt by this the devil is a liar god gave me too much power and you think i'm going to die the devil is a liar [Applause] it hurts but i'm not helpless not helpless i give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall buy that mean no way at all nothing shall by any means hurt you so now all we got to do is recognize who the enemy is and if we recognize who the enemy is that will inform us to the proper weapon that we use uh uh get me ephesians 6 and 12. y'all gonna walk with me for a while just just a little while right ephesians six and twelve before we wrestle not against flesh and blood hear this now but apostle you don't understand what he's doing to me see you you can't solve spiritual problems by carnal means see and sometimes you just trying to run out of a situation because you don't have the the patience and the stamina to believe god for different and childish men ain't saved i'm leaving him i i never seen myself married to somebody that wasn't loving the lord well y'all getting quiet now no you you you shouldn't not not that you can't see yourself married to them you shouldn't have been able to see yourself marrying somebody that didn't love the law but if your husband was saved when you married him and he backslid look at y'all ain't saying nothing hey we believe do we believe god can still do anything have you cheated on you no he just ain't coming to church and i just can't stand the fact that i'm going to church and he's sitting up at the house watching tv and you don't divorce him for that show me where you got calls to walk out of that the problem is you don't have the stamina and the perseverance to pray until god changes your y'all getting quiet now you've got to believe that i don't care hey man what comes i don't care what happens proud not only changes things prayer changes people y'all going to turn on here so what does he say you read it again for we wrestle not against flesh and blood against flesh and blood that person is not your problem we don't wrestle against flesh and blood amen understand this the devil is a spirit now if he was flesh and blood then yeah go to the gym and train and come on back and handle that but the devil is a spirit and i don't care what kind of gun you got i don't care how strong you are y'all ain't saying nothing physically i don't care hey man what kind of car you drive well let him step out in the street i got him oh no he's a spirit do you hear that amen that means your wrestling your fight is not with flesh and blood you can't fight the devil with your fist you can't fight the devil with a gun y'all getting quiet amen as a matter of fact hey man spirits are not stopped because you put a bullet in them if you kill the person that demon will come right out of your sweat and go right and find somebody else you don't get rid of a devil with a physical weapon because we don't wrestle against flesh and blood read but against principality hear this now against principality against powers power against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness spiritual wickedness in high place in high places in other words you've got a whole list of enemies and none of them are carnal or physical so don't allow the enemy to turn your attention against other people you gotta hone in and focus on that devil that's trying to ruin your do you know it's a demon that's trying to ruin your marriage that's the work of a devil you're always saying nothing here that's the work of a devil amen that's trying to throw some of this sickness and some of these diseases on you that's the work of a devil that got you tormented at night and y'all gonna get quiet here amen don't have no peace in your mind so filthy they can't even walk through your own house without turning on every light that's nobody about the whack of a devil so we don't wrestle against flesh and blood we got to know who we are so people are not the enemy the devil is although people can let the devil use them at times he still says for though we walk after the flesh that's not how we are no i know you you go and put gas in your car and ain't nothing spiritual about that that's all carnal but when it comes down to solving the problems of your life amen these things are spiritual in nature so he says we don't walk after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal are y'all hearing me that's the reason why you've got to deny yourself when jesus said if you come after me deny yourself in other words you've got to stop doing things your way touch somebody and tell the neighbor stop doing things your way see because i know how some of us would love to get out of situations you got folk right now trying to live holy and claiming to be saved and every time something comes up hey man you trying to give people a piece of your mind come on now you're gonna need your mind tell somebody and tell them keep all of your mind cause amen you're gonna need your mind to serve the lord and move forward from here that's not how you win amen by having a stronger argument or conversation that the next person see we don't like that kind of talk because we want to do stuff that make our flesh feel good but our weapons are not carnal i don't care are you hearing me i don't care what they do to you i don't care what they say to you there is a code of conduct that god expects for you to live by and he said when they reviled him he didn't rebel again are you always saying nothing he said you do good to people that do evil to you that's the code of conduct your weapons are not carnal so stop trying to out talk people stop trying to out argue people stop trying to give people a piece of your mind you always say nothing here because if the devil can get you out of the spirit and get you carnal then while you argue you're gonna end up cursing after [Applause] see that's the devil's goal to get you carnal instead of spiritual but god said that's not how i want you to fight the devil's trying his best to get you in a place where your conduct is not the kind that god can approve of and if god don't approve of it then you just spinning your wheels because he's not going to give increase in anything that he does not approve of so he said our weapons are not carnal but they're god we got weapons they're just not carnal but our weapons are mighty through god hear this now to the pulling down of strongholds you know what a stronghold is a stronghold is one of the enemies weapons that he uses to hold you strong in other words it's something that won't let you go and somebody's sitting here tonight you thought you were just going through one of them basic trials or no you have found yourself wrestling with a stronghold you have done everything in the world that you know to do to get past this to get over this and the reality is it's still there it's still looking you in your face you're always saying nothing here and somebody told you all you got to do hey man it shot your way out of it and you just came to church and every time they were playing music you were just up shot until your knees got sore he made it until you fly oh god the shoulder your shoe was flopping under you and you just sit up and just shine i'm coming out of this i'm coming out of this i'm going to shout my way out and you didn't realize what you were dealing with was a strong and can i tell you something about a stronghold he meant everything you ain't gonna shout your way out of or jump up three times and turn around and tell them god is pulling me out of this well he might pull you out later but when you get through turning around sometime hey man that thing is going to be stabbing you and looking at you right in your eye telling you when you get through circling and spinning you're still gonna have to deal with me what do you do when the problem that you're dealing with is a stronghold you know what it wants to do a stronghold wants to frustrate you that's what it wanted to do it wouldn't last so long that it even outlasts your patience that it outlasts your prayer life are you always saying nothing here see the devil knows he can't pull you out so what the devil will do he'll try to outlast you how are y'all gonna get quiet could i preach to somebody here that's what the devil's trying to do hey man he's looking at you knowing that you get it in your mind already i haven't been in this for two months i hadn't been in this for three years oh listen there was a woman that had an issue for 12 long years and they hear you are complaining and about to throw in the towel because it's been a couple of weeks the bible said if you faint in the day of adversity it's because your strength was small that means you didn't have a whole lot to start with but the devil's trying to outlast you but look at somebody and tell them maybe the devil is alive tell him he's not gonna outlast me tell him i'm gonna outlast him i'm gonna wait on the lord and be of good courage knowing that he shall strengthen my god i feel like i want to preach to somebody look at somebody tell him that's a stronghold yeah that's what it is a stronghold it's something that has been strengthened and fortified i know a stronghold name like a little white naked pencil a stronghold it's a reinforced concrete wall are you that's a stronghold i stronghold a cardboard box a stronghold is a jail cell and some of you the devil got you locked in this shell he's got a stronghold over your life you're trying to get beyond it but every time you turn around your mind is going back there you're trying to get clear but god said you got power look at somebody tell the neighbor you got some power and you know what the bible says he said that the weapons of my warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through god did you hear what i just told you i thought at least three of y'all was gonna jump up and shout i said the mighty through god to the pound of strongholds you know what that means that means it's possible for this stronghold to come down but you can't give up you can't stop praying you can't get frustrated you speak a parable unto them to this end that men are always to pray and not faith saying there was a woman in the city with an unjust church this woman kept going back this judge for a stronghold he had authority he wasn't moving wasn't going nowhere what the bible says because this woman kept coming and that's what i come to tell you look at somebody and tell them they were just at last the devil that's all you got to do you just got to make sure you could never give up before you do we used to play a game when we were little it was called mercy when you lock hands you had to bring them hands back until somebody got frustrated and cried out for mercy i ain't drawn in the town i'm gonna have to last that rash [Applause] to the pulling down a stronghold some of these things you dealing with it's a spiritual problem but god said you gotta pull it down touch your body and cut them pull it down pull it down that means that those things that the enemy has erected in your life and in your mind you have to willfully and forcefully pull it down you know what this is saying to you all you have to do is determine that this cannot remain a part of my life can i tell you what some of us do we start accepting some of this stuff because it gives us a reason to act up y'all ain't saying nothing here well it's been there so long it's been now and we want to act how we want to act and because it's fair we have an excuse well the only reason why i'm acting like this is because of this i know you got to decide that this will no longer be a part of my life i've got to forcefully and willfully pull this town you know what that means that means i got to choose to walk away from this because that are you always saying nothing here if we can get this stuff in our mind amen and get it in our heart that we got power over all the power of the enemy and that the weapons of our warfare are still mighty through god then we can pour down these strongholds all you got to do is decide that i'm going to believe god above what i hear with my ear above what i see with my eyes and everything the devil's trying to convince me of it's got to come down in the name of jesus what time somebody tell them you can do it you can do the job oh yes you can you can pour this down it's going to take some strength it's going to take some determination it's going to take the willfulness to let go but you can pull this down [Applause] some things are on the top because you allow it you're acting like the devil really does have an advantage over you and the bible said he does not some of this stuff we are letting this stuff stay and god said pull it down y'all ain't saying can i preach for a minute you know what a temptation is a temptation is a desire that you have that brings conflict when associated with the greater good that you know to do i'm not tempted by cocaine ain't never smoke dope i ain't saying i remember years ago i preached and we had a service young man got saved and he came to the office and dropped some stuff off said i don't need this no more i want to hold on to god the other looked in the bag there was a gun there was a bag of cocaine about this big other things we had to call the police to come get it but he said i'm letting this y'all getting quiet here i'm gonna let this stuff go see sometimes not all the time but sometimes you got people claiming they want deliverance but they don't want to let nothing go now for me seeing that thing of cocaine there was no temptation to me i didn't try to put no lines on my desk and snort him the devil don't tell me with cocaine that ain't gonna work with me y'all getting quiet here see the devil know what flavor you like if you like strawberry he know chocolate ain't no temptation for you but if you like strawberry and he brings your strawberry then that means you have to decide even though this is what i love and submit me make me want to turn around and tie into this strawberry that's greater good so i resist temptation temptation is not temptation unless there's something you want to do that's why jesus said when you pray ask god don't lead me into temptation because if i get to the point that i'm tempted that means it's something i want to do boy y'all ain't saying nothing here if i get to the point where i'm tempted to do this that means something in me want to do this and when i reach the level of temptation that means the only thing left is an opportunity boy y'all getting quiet here i guess i better hurry up so he says pour down the strongholds sometimes the stronghold doesn't really have power over you you're giving it power because sometimes in you you're really not ready to walk away from it and you're saying stuff like every time i turn around it's there ask yourself how willing are you to really walk away from because he said you can pull it down so if you can pull this down then there are times you got to ask yourself why haven't it have i been making excuses for being here because secretly i'm comfortable having it here just in case i want to go back to it let me hush so the enemy wants to use everything against us and turn it all into a stronghold a stronghold is something strengthened or fortified hear this it is an attempt to nullify the word of god and the facts of the gospel but it must be brought down and after we have broke down and pulled down strongholds then he says we must cast down imaginations you know what an imagination is it's a made-up scenario and there are times when the enemy will make stuff up and plant that in your mind and the longer you let that fairytale marinade in your mind the more truth it looks like see see we were always taught now i love the simplicity uh the way my pastor preached it he said uh we can't stop birds from flying over our head no way we can do that and every night then we'll get affected by them flying over our heads yeah well what if a bird tried to build a nest in my hair i got something to say about that let me say this to you because i get this all the time a pastor the devil told me i wasn't saying and what you tell him you just listen have i seen who the devil told me i wasn't saying i'm at the altar apostle i need you to pray for me i need strength god the devil told me i went and you let him run you back to it come on now the devil is always going to fight your mind are y'all hearing me he's always going to try to convince you of something remember how faith draws god to you but fear draws everything that you're fearful of job said it's the things that i feared the most [Music] that's what came upon me sometimes you're attracting stuff because the enemy plant those thoughts in your mind and you let that stuff actually marinate and i never got you looking at yourself crazy did i do that you see somebody walking down the street they have naked and you look at us the law that's a shame she didn't put some clothes on and you're going about your business and the devil said you just lusted oh i just lost it i'm going to hell come on now listen you can't stop the devil from bringing stuff to your mind that's where he's going to fight you do you know that's the battlefield touch somebody and tell the neighbor that's why god said god's your mind you got to make sure that the devil don't plant couch in your mind going to hell behind an imagination losing the victory behind a made-up situation but the bible says you cast that stuff down the devil is talking to you don't you just sit there and listen to him cast it down father the devil told me i was gonna die and you believed him and now it's altered the way you live in your life oh i had a dream that i died and now you scared to drive your car to work you just cared to leave the house you scared the cook won't you turn the stove on you scared of everything because the devil said you were gonna die and that's altering the way you live listen that's not god's way for you do you know the devil loves to get inside your head if he can get your mind he can control you y'all getting quiet here and god said that's why those things that the devil is trying to put in your mind i need you to cast that down because if the devil can convince you that you can then you can if the devil can convince you that it don't make sense try it then you will never try and he knows that without faith it's impossible to please god so he'll give you every reason why you should doubt god's word why you should believe you're going to die why you should think things are never going to get better but i got to tell you now i came to rebuke that devil tonight and tell you that strongholds and imaginations will not be the ruin of your life i command you in the name of jesus to take strength in the word of god cast down imagination pour down strongholds and go on and do what god called you to do [Applause] and look at what he says you want to know how how badly most imaginations are i'm almost done romans 1 and 21-22 i'll read it because you put your bibles up when i saw you he says because that when they knew god they glorified him not as god neither were they thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was dark you see the negative effects of a vain imagination then he says professing themselves to be wise they became fools whatever you believe the devil he'll make a fool out of you to be able to talk to your mind and tell you you can't do what god told you to do and he'll make a fool out of you convince you that you'll never be free of this you'll always wrestle with that there is no real deliverance for you you'll never fit in god will never make anything worth using out of you that's a vain imagination and if you allow the devil to plant that seed in your mind after a while you're going to stop trying when you convince yourself that no matter what you do nothing's ever going to change you're going to stop trying if the devil can convince you god's not listening he's angry with you then after a while you're going to ask what is the use in praying what is the use of holding on what is the use of perseverance if he can plant a sin in your mind listen that's why you got to rebuke that y'all getting quiet now you got to guard your mind and some of you it's not that you couldn't have been out of this trial long before now it's the fact that the devil convinced you that this trial was stronger than the promise that god made over your life but the devil is a liar you know that by now don't you you know that god's word in him is yay and amen don't you know it you know that god is not a man that he should laugh neither the son of man that he should repent you know that right now don't you ah you always say nothing you know that no weapon form against you shall prosper you know that a thousand shall fall at your side ten thousand that's your right hand you know all of that don't why keep listening to the devil [Applause] casting down imaginations and look at what he's saying imaginations defined as false ideas about god false doctrine because you know you got people preaching now god is through healing people he's through working miracles you got to cast that stuff down if you sick in the hospital i don't want nobody coming out that way you know god ain't working no more miracles listen cast that down what you come here for to tell me what god won't do see you got to watch that because listen the devil was sending folk right up in church that would challenge you on the level of everything that the preacher is saying to build your faith but god is doing that but now let's just be real oh listen god will do for me whatever i can believe him to do the bible said if i ask it according to his will now he's saying that if i flip through the page of the best book and find out what god said he wouldn't do who are you to tell me that he won't i believe he was talking to me [Applause] human pride self-sufficiency self-righteousness anything that sets itself up against god is an imagination it's not real it's just lying it's boastful but it's lying and then look at what he says bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ let's end this bringing into that means arresting anything that's trying to convince you of anything that god didn't say did god say satan would destroy you he did he said satan was going to destroy you he read that the bible said it by his mercy that we are not consumed the bible said he did not turn us over unto the will of our enemy i don't read that nowhere so if there's a thought in your mind tonight if you're sick in your body and the devil is telling you god's not going to heal you arrest that y'all ain't saying nothing you better rest that your marriage is destroyed your husband is never coming back arrest that sort so you got to learn how to expel anything that is telling you something contrary to the word of god and you know the devil would love for you to believe that stuff but touch somebody and tell a neighbor bring it captive that means you gotta arrest it you gotta lock it down lock it up every time the devil tells you i know what god said but ain't no but when god said it can happen it can happen and if the devil says otherwise i'm bringing that out in the captivity the devil is a liar [Applause] first of all can you really bring every thought into captivity can you really do that oh yes you can if he says you can't bend you can't i'll prove it what is that philippians point eight y'all y'all i want you to hear this since i want to read that real real quick philippians 4 and 8. finally brethren finally brethren whatsoever things are true the reason why some of us still having these crazy thoughts that we can get rid of is we still feeding our mind a bunch of crazy things see you can't feed your mind carnality all day and then when stuff pop off now all of a sudden you're trying to muster up the faith to believe god for the supernatural and the miraculous it don't work like that you gotta feed your faith every day see that's the problem some of us just too carnal and then we want to flip it on and so i'm believing god tell us you and i listen you can't call him a lie after y'all been tripping out and hanging out all day come on now if you're gonna be holy be holy if you're gonna be righteous be righteous and if you want god to give you victory then you've got to feed yourself everything that's going to coincide with what god have already said over you finally brethren read whatsoever things are true or true whatsoever things are honest honest whatsoever things are just just whatsoever things up here whatsoever things are lovely lovely whatsoever things are good reports if there be any virtues virtue and if there be any praise think on these things think about this kind of stuff stop listening to people giving you every reason why you cannot trust god why you cannot be delivered why god cannot use you you got to dismiss those you always saying nothing touch somebody and tell them they will dismiss and dismiss them are you always saying nothing here stop listening you're gonna need get me isaiah 26 and 3. thou wilt keep him imperfect is it possible to keep my mind is it possible to bring my thoughts captive he said he will keep us in perfect perfect peace that means you don't have to go crazy do you hear me you don't have to lose your mouth a pastor you don't understand i don't know whether i'm coming and going i don't know i just feel like i'm losing my mind that's the devil on you he said but he would keep you in perfect peace the saints on medication i ain't fighting medicine but i'm telling you it's not god's will that we walking around don't hardly know our name he said he'll keep us in perfect peace if we keep our mind stayed on him re because he trusted indeed because he trusted in the give me romans 12 and and 1 and 2. i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god by the mercy of god that you present your body present your body a living sacrifice a living sacrifice holy holy acceptable lord ain't nobody said holy i just cried holy and i didn't hear nobody he said present your body has a living sacrifice holder [Applause] holy read acceptable unto god which is your reasonable servant read it and be not conformed to this world did you hear what he said don't be conformed to this world re but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind by the renewing of your mind so yes it is very possible for you to even have victory in your mind yes it is that's why the bible said if you believe it and don't doubt it see because sometimes we can claim we believe in god for a whole lot of stuff but on the inside are we secretly harboring some doubt i know god can but i don't think he can do it for me i believe what he did for her but i don't know if he can do it for me so you're praying but you're really not believing you believe but you don't believe but he said be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god i want you to stand to your feet tonight it's not that god cannot give you the victory as a matter of fact he's already done that did you hear what i just told you god have already given you the victory that's why the bible says you're more than a conqueror a conqueror has to fight for the victory but you have a victory that you didn't fight for it was one for you so that means you got a victory and didn't have to get your hands dirty that makes you more than a conqueror that's what he said you are more than a conqueror so you are not fighting for the victory you already have the victory but if the devil can keep you confined by strongholds and imaginations then you'll have the victory but not be convinced that you are victorious everything is just like it needs to be it's conducive to your victory but you walk around feeling like a failure feeling like a loser because the enemy have convinced you of something that is not in accordance with what god has said now whose report are you going to believe whose report because the devil will convince your mind and you know what what let me tell you why i hate that that that mean low down rash because the devil knows how to set the scene are y'all listening to me he knows how to set the scene he knows all of your greatest fears he knows all of these and you know what the devil will do the devil will make sure you see everything that will convince you that it's just like he's saying oh i know what god said god said you're healed but the devil said you're gonna die and you know what the devil will make sure he'll make sure you feel every pain he'll make sure there are spots that show up on the x-ray the doctor said i don't know what to do and ain't nothing but the machine dirty and especially a hit as you convinced you died you know how strong your mind is your mind can create things y'all ain't saying nothing they tell a story of a woman that was hypnotized elder see that's why you got to be careful with folk fooling around with your brain see a hypnotist hypnotize his people and tell him they chickens and got grown men and grown women walking around a bit clucking like a chicken that's what happened if the devil can get his hand on your mind then he'll make suggestions to you and have you acting in ways that's really not in accord with who you are that's what the devil's trying to do the devil's trying to hypnotize a whole lot of people because he knows once he gets you hypnotized now he can make suggestions and once he makes that suggestion to you every time you hear a bell ring you're going to cluck like a chicken and now he doesn't make that suggestion and you reacted and responded the way that he has you've got to stop guard your mind your mind is so powerful you don't even believe there was a a hypnotist that hypnotized a woman and told her that a quarter had a quarter in his hand and told it was something like a coal of fire and he put it on her arm and they said when he took it off there was a small blister there her mind had convinced her body that this was hot and if the devil can get control of your mind he'll convince you of everything else that god didn't say and you'll have more faith in what god cannot do then you'll have his ability to work for you casting down imaginations pulling down strongholds i'm moving everything that's going to hinder me from believing god for the victory i'm going to have it in every area of my life you got to tell yourself that now i'm going to have victory in every area of my life i'm going to do what god said i could do i'm going to have what he said i can have and i know the enemy is going to fight my mind but i'm going to fight back and god is going to give me victory i want you if there's one here that's not saved you don't know the lord and the pardon of your sin i want you to raise that hand lift that hand is there one god bless you hallelujah elders would you you help us pray god [Music] shoes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god will do [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] lift those hands everybody just lift the way you stand hallelujah oh bless his name hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah the devil will not defeat you with strongholds and imaginations you're not helpless you have to take authority [Music] put it down cast it down go on and do what god have called you to do it's going to happen because god said it it's going to happen because you're going to believe it you're going to take god at his word and you're going to see his hand moving in your life you're going to see god supernaturally start to put the pieces of the puzzle together because you're trusting in him and the bible promised that we resist the devil he will flee from us stop accepting what he's saying stop listening to his lies pull it down cast it down victory belongs to you if you believe that clap your hands and praise god like you know you got the victory hallelujah god bless you hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] oh what a mighty god we serve what a mighty god [Music] we serve certainly tonight we're hoping trust that we've said something that strengthens you in your walk with the lord amen you've got to believe what he said sometimes believing is the hardest thing to do nobody said it was easy it's just something that you've got to do it's necessary and if you can furnish that faith nothing shall be impossible unto you amen god bless you tonight certainly again hope and trust that you found strength in the word of the lord amen tomorrow morning sunday school begins at 9 45 not 9 46 come on out amen let's learn of the ways of the lord not only that amen but we are one week away you
Channel: IFP TV
Views: 542
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Id: 4XQ1PJM77lE
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Length: 112min 16sec (6736 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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