Apostle Herman L Murray Sermon

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Now, you're going to touch that. That's okay. But it's god has been you and god. They said 600. 600 thousand people perish because of the pandemic. So, when I was coming to Alabama, that let's me know that you have at least 600 thousand reasons why you want to praise the lord. At least 600. thousand reasons why. So, let's hear a Come on. If god has not been good to in here right now. Take your right hand one more time. his goodness and his mercy. I'm telling you for your grace and to all of you, the people of the lord that have had here tonight in this great Pentecost 2021. Let's let's go again. And now we're going to, we're going to uh and this is a sanctified house and I'm sanctified people that lets us know that we are in the right place at the right time for the right miracle and I don't know if that's the spirit of expectation. I know god's going to meet our expectation on tonight. He's going to meet our needs. Let's bless god for all these great men and women of god. It's wonderful guest. of bishops and pastors and elders that have come tonight. Let us ask god for the visionary and the of the tabernacle of praise United Churches Apostle Bishop TD. from the conclusion of her greed. you come on up. Now, you have the conclusion of her breeding. We're going to ask a visitor, any visitor is given an acceptance to this greeting and then uh after that, we're going to ask this great choir, great National Pentecost choir explosion choir that has been singing every night under the power of the Holy Ghost they come. they're going to sing after that. We uh welcome. Thank you on behalf of the the monument on the eighth National Pentecost. We would like to welcome you to the I'm sorry. we would like to welcome you into that. You want, if you feel the need to shout, you shout, If you feel the need to tell you to you do that. You know. what we do. Thank you so much. Is there an acceptance of that? Anybody want to accept that? Well, alright. Well, we all accept it in Jesus name. We put the power of god in this place. Come on now. Pentecost explosion. Let's clap our hands and receive them as they come in the name of sing to the glory of god. you lord. Thank you lord. us the victory. through our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We just thank you lord. Somebody said I had to. I have 10 thousand. $10000. that we have to have. Some of us. 30. years ago, 20 years ago. Maybe longer than that. We had something back then that we would have a service called testimony service. I have time to have testimony service tonight and some of our churches, we had a testimony service out because we didn't know what we're going to say when they got up but uh I'm sure that there's about fifty of you all that can testify tonight. You've got this microphone in the state of god during this pandemic. God has been good to me. Come on Here. Don't start. Alright, I'll be trying to get our prayers. Bishop. My name's Carl. Locked in in the back. I was getting ready to dance but we had to give this announcement at Bishop's car Locked in back in the back. Amen. And uh would you please be kind enough to move it Also, somebody else, please a purse or something next to you but you can have enough to put it in front of your seat. Would you be kind of the let's make room. We want everybody to have room and uh you may have to do an SOS. What's that for preaching as well as over If you have some space next to you and I'm going to wipe the house, I'm like, you know, different parts of the world but you may have to do an SOS and you may have to scoot over because it's it's pandemonium in this place tonight. the Holy Ghost is here right now. You. with this program. high praise expression. sister. A minister Santo Wiley, associate pastor of Heaven Ministries, Pensacola, Florida. Come on. let's see you tonight. as we see Jesus everybody. In the We're going to Let's go. All the people in the thing Tonight, we're talking about amen. In the Bible reminds me of the book of Luke chapter number seventeen verses eleven to nineteen. That simply talks about how when was going through Jerusalem, I mean the family and he came upon tens. Lord have mercy and the Bible said that those tens saw him in a whole another city and said, master, have mercy on us and I find it ironic that they was going through in their bodies. y'all y'all y'all ain't going to me. Come on this Pentecost, right? Oh, the spirit of the disease of leprosy. Your bones, your bodies, your nerves, your ailments. but the Bible said, that was nothing wrong with their mouth. Oh, come on now. They say now, have mercy on me and the Bible didn't declare that he caught the attention of Jesus and sometimes you gotta open your mouth so loud did you get your ticket of god? That's why it's home. You can't be quiet in church. That's why you can't sit down on fire. Why? Because when you think of the goodness of Jesus, for me. I don't know what you got going on. and I thank you. over here. Oh **** What you waiting for? your mouth and you say I thank god. Let's do this. That's it. You. to the glory. You can get Let me say. It's a good cause. Thank you. would you be kind enough to rest on your feet? You want to hear a voice is He is elected and selected. He has anointed and anointed. Would you be kind enough to cut your hair for bishop? Why are you putting your hands open your mouth? You clap. Open your mouth. We're in the midst of a hard time on tonight. Gotta move quick and I'm trying to get out of the way. but anybody just to be here. glad to be alive. God tells us around here. Sometime I have one of my members from California that moved to Chicago. She called me one morning and we were talking. She said, bishop, I keep waking up with this headache. I said, what you said She said, I keep waking up with this headache. I said, what did you say? She said, I keep waking up with this headache. I said, that's your blessing. You keep waking up Look at somebody say I keep waking up. I'm that I give you. three. Come on. let's celebrate our NC doing an awesome job tonight. His way and when they get here, we don't want to tarry. Amen. Uh we have for all of these uh power that's on this Come on, let's say a word. I've been out in the audience. Let's celebrate them as well. Doctor James Bolton. Come on. Let's praise god. Amen. Listen, we gotta get solos but I've gotta look. we got him in the house. You might want to get him. Amen. Amen. Come on. Let's thank god for it. Amen. I speak of the he's not here but he's on his way. Come on. Let's pray to god. Amen. Uh come on. Uh Come on. Listen y'all. We've been doing this and I mean the lord has been blessing us each night uh over the last few days. Y'all listen, we've been doing this since Sunday. We did. We just start tonight. We've been doing this since you've been to church. They've been in this place and tomorrow night. Amen. And tomorrow day. Amen. All the way from Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Bishop home with Administrative day. Amen. you will be with us on tomorrow night. Amen. and Saturday night. We have musical. Amen. going to come on. We're going to be doing this every Sunday morning. Yours truly will be at the message and on Sunday night. this this this uh this dynamo in this program, he's going to be preaching us out on Sunday night We have a voice. I want to for those that are watching our live. Amen. And we want to invite you to be a part of our giving here. You can go to our Cash App Money TDM Ministry money sign, TDM Ministry and you can share their ad on my Cash App or you can go to our website TOPUC dot org. Amen. TOPUC dot org and you can give that on Givelify. We will be praying for you in the service in just a few minutes and stay tuned. We'll be right back. We appreciate you so very kindly. We are so happy to have pastor James Bolton in the house. We are so happy to have preacher that he is a dynamic singer. Let's go. Herman. Bishop James. James Bolton is in the house and we're going to ask him to come at this time. Come on. Clap your hands for him as we come Come on. give the lord a praise. No more. of the lord tonight. God bless you. You know I'm not being here. I'm somebody called me today and told me about your service going on and I have no idea. I'm sitting at home and I said, well, I'm going to go. I was support my friend and I hadn't seen in a while but just a part of this song. you don't think that's right. you. know, I'm I'm a ten to 22. you go back to your country and there's there's no red light and there's no way. Alright. Alright. that Jesus is there. never goes on that he was always saying for the preacher preacher, I just want to share one verse of the song. It says, three. in his churches. You really have a problem for people to praise god. You don't have to be You don't have to be on the praise team. You're going to be sitting up in the audience. I had to say something a while ago. I'm so glad I'm community is such an awesome deal. as we prepare for the word of the lord on tonight. God has been good to us all week. being around those. what I am. I am. I can take us even higher. our speaker for tomorrow night. Bishop will be in the house. and then we'll have anointing consecration. So, it's as well. I'll tell y'all, we're going to be having everything now. Uh I celebrated the lord for allowing us to amen to have this great man of god that's here tonight. We met in the Bahamas and he and I was on the same card of the ministry for a conference and the lord has allowed us to amen. meet him. and gone to heaven and I thank god to be able to call you my friend. I thank god for the of god. uh connected us with divine connection. and I thank god for what he's done in the opportunity to be there in Dallas and it has a tremendous work there. Amen. Let's celebrate now. Amen. it's just a joy and I thank god for him accepting our intimidation to come. Amen and share here in Mobile, Alabama. I'll tell you something, you know, a sense of the word. amen IIII. Thank god for the saints that we live there in Dallas but you know what? They're doing the same thing in Dallas that we're doing here in now Amen. And I thank god for somebody that don't mind preaching holiness Amen. Amen. Amen. And a day when it's really not popular but I thank god for you. I thank god. Amen for all that he has done for this meeting as we prepare to present the man of god Uh so, this is coming man is Deborah Dixon and she's and immediately. I want everybody to stand to your feet. Amen and receive a bishop Apostle, her and Mary all the way from this at this time. Praise the lord everybody. I didn't have the same I enjoyed myself. So, bishop Berry to the chief apostle this bishop Monica, to all the speakers, Bishop pastor 0, the Leon in there. Come on. Come on. Put your hands together. Of the lord has changed. In your mouth and let's praise the lord. He's been good. That is plan to be shaped by and filled with the holy Ghost. Glad you've been filled with the Holy Ghost. Come on, clap your hands and give him praise with you. my soul doesn't Amen. In the name of the lord. while you're standing in the Bible, tells us that it's only right That's right. Amen. And the elders that rule well be counted worthy. not just honor but a double honor. Amen. The Bible says, we should highly esteem him. Yes. And at the time now, when people don't want the preacher to have no kind of honor, and they talk about you for doing what's right. So, you're worshiping a man. You know, this ain't man. Worship. It's just right. Amen. To give honor to whom honor is due and we thank god for the apostle Timothy. Clap your hands and to this wonderful host of ministry. that's here tonight and to all of you, our father's children. God bless you. Take your seat in the presence of the lord. What a fellowship What a joy. I'm just grateful to be back in the house of the lord one more time. I was I was glad when they said unto me, it's time to go to church. Lord, after the year we've had last year, I'm just glad to see you in church. I'm just I'm just the man that didn't keep everybody away. Amen. You got something for him and they're scared to go to church. They go everywhere else. was scared to go to church. They go hang out that they they did Walmart touching the same room. Everybody else been touching. And then the devil. You can't come to church. Amen. They used to say if I go from but let me go from the house of god. I can't think of no better place to go to heaven than the house of god and I keep trying to tell people except the lord keep the city they watch. watch it anyway. We got to depend on god and I'm just grateful tonight that god has brought us together one more time. I'm thankful for those that came with me. Amen. Seem like I go back home and I talk about mobile so much that every time I come, I got somebody new. Amen. We want to make it tonight and I thank god my mother is here. And last time I was here at the service, I looked over. She had a lot of people taking pictures with her and I'm trying to figure out what they take a picture of. you that I'm grateful tonight to be here. I'll be honest with you. Amen. Apostle. I haven't flown since March of last year. and I had no intentions to fly on a plane but you got him and when you call me settle on my nerves and I got all that if you ask me. Amen. Amen. The Bible says, if a man has raised he must show himself A lot of times we say stuff like, well, if you want friends, you gotta be friends but that's not what the Bible says. The Bible says, if you have friends, you have a responsibility to that Amen. And I thank god Amen for this wonderful and blessed opportunity that I haven't traveled. Amen In a year and 3 months to preach. So, this is the first time around. So I trust you. So, if I can't get it together tonight, amen. just come back the next time I'm in the area and I'll be better. Is that alright? Look at somebody and tell a neighbor. There is a word from the lord. everything but the word of our god. Wait for tonight. I see a couple of my my son's in ministry here. Thank god for even pastor and his wife. Amen. I thank god for pastor Smiley. Amen. God bless you. I'm honored to have them travel all this way to be with us in this service tonight. Galatia is the first chapter I just want to talk to you but I'm going to give you the best I can. I want to talk to you tonight. Amen. Just talking to your heart if you would. We're living in some serious things. and sadly, people are not taking the tithes with the gravity that they deserve. Jesus is coming soon. and I know church folk would've got excited when I said that. let me try it again. I said, Jesus is coming soon. The problem that is that he's not coming to start a church. He already did that. He's coming to receive unto himself. A glorious. It's too early for y'all to be this way. A glorious church He said without a stop. without a ring. or any but that it should be who I am. god. Look at somebody and tell them holiness is still right. Oh, look at somebody else and tell the holiness after all of this time. He's still looking for a holy church and that's what we got to do when you get here. Amen. He's not coming to give us opportunity. We have an opportunity now. Amen. And it's so sad that in the hour that we're living in, people are not living with the and the respect for the times that we should have. You know, the Bible says about the sons of Isaac but they had knowledge of the time. They they understood the time and they We have to make sure that we're right. according to the word. for y'all. I'm just trying to find at least seventeen folk that's going to help me preach tonight. Amen. That's one and two and three and four. Amen. Alright. Alright. you look at somebody and tell them we're going to heaven over here. They can play church and they but we're going to heaven over here. Galatians one the third through the ninth verses Galatians the first chapter verses 345678 and nine Alright. Amen. I I hear the gospel up in the balcony. Amen. Thank god for members Amen. Here tonight Galatians one and three. When you have to say amen. Amen. And the Bible gives us this intelligence. Grace be to you and peace from god the father and from our lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this evil world According to the will of god and of our father, to whom be glory forever. and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Amen. that you are so removed. from the hill. that call you into the grace of Christ. unto another gospel. which is not another but there'll be some that trouble you. and we provide the gospel of Christ. but look at this is how you know whether or not you got a real preacher, a real man or woman of god. Paul said, I'm going to include myself in this is that we have the time. I would tell you to do what I say but ignore what you see me doing. Amen. But but Paul says, even if an angel or or if I well, y'all don't got quiet now. It's pastors. It's time now to teach people to stick with god and we're trying to make people like us. I'm trying to make people like him. Amen. Paul said, no way or an angel come preaching anything. any of the gospel unto you that which we have preached unto you. Let him be a curse as we set the before. So, I'm now began to preach any other gospel unto you that that he had received. Let him be a person that you'll soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ. That to another gospel which is not another but there'll be some that troll you who would pervert. Yes sir. twist, mango gospel light of Christ. I want to talk tonight about redefining Christianity The word of the lord is already with us. Take this seat tonight with his presence. Now, y'all won't let me preach today, aren't you? Alright. It it it it seems now. so careless. Been taking it on the title of being a Christian. without fully understanding what being a Christian is all about. It's popular now. I ain't never thought I'd see a day with me in a part of the church would be popular. Amen. And I think part of the problem with the popularity of the church lies in the fact that there have been those that have tried so so firmly to merge the church with everything that was not the church until everybody that was outside now feels comfortable because the Saint out there and I see it. It is true, brothers and sisters that when the lord calls a man, amen into the body of Christ. The Bible says, he calls it out of darkness. Amen. Out of darkness, out of weakness and he calls it over into this marvelous light. The Bible tells us in first John, we cannot say that we have fellowship with god and walk in darkness. If we if we say that we fellowship with him and walk in the spirit and do not the truth of god is light and in him, there is no darkness at all. Amen. That means that when we come to god, we've got to come all the way out of the world and we got to come over into this new and living way and that's what it means to be a child of god. It is so popular now that everybody brags about being a Christian. Amen everybody. Amen. On the award shows that and after the boxing match the bracket after everything that they do as if being a Christian nothing more than making a confession and you know, I think sometimes we gotta go back and clear this up because it ought to be a Christian. Amen. People that all they gotta do now is just walk that out and say a few words and then everything is alright but that's not what Jesus said. Jesus said, if any man will come after me, he's got himself. Take up his cross and follow him every day. Do you realize that this is a way that this is the way that the lord requires us to be comfortable with the idea of dying every day? What do you need by that to yourself? back to your flesh, back to the flesh of this world. It is a sad thing now. Like to see what we call in this hour. Christianity because it looks nothing Like what the Bible tells us, it don't look like y'all get it because it feel good coming out. You got to know that when we love the pages of the word of god, God and if we're going to be his children, amen. We have been taught in this hour. Amen. Let me say this. Thank god for good leadership and if you got a leader up here and you know, amen, somebody up here Clap your hands and thank god. good leadership. because you did not meet us all over the country. that you can't hardly find and I'm telling you now, sons and daughters here at a point where people have dropped them off and they dropped it because we wanted more members. We wanted more popularity. We wanted more money and so in order to gain on, amen, somebody let it slip. Amen. We don't let them know take over everything. Don't come up in here now. what I'm trying to tell you that it's still means something to be a child of god. You got to holy as he is holy Jesus said, every day that you live, you got to take up your cross and follow him. You know what that mean? That means you gotta understand children of god and persecution and suffering is just a part of this life and I feel sorry for those that say that don't want nobody talking about. Amen and they'll say because you gotta be a part of the in crowd. You know what I told him? I'm saying the people that hang with me, the crowd why y'all ain't you in the end? I'm giving a minute to be this. now. he he said in that was the first place that they call them Christians. You know why they call a Christian that anyhow, when they looked at them, they look like Christ. they talk like Christ. You can hear his teachings in their words and what's up to his spirit that activated their ministry and people that weren't even a part of the disciple a new Christian. what they call it? Some of us behind our back. here. I wonder what kind of stuff they say about this. We got to go to walk and like him and I know it's not popular because when you're really hold it, you stick out like a sore thumb but I got to tell you, I'm not here to fit in. because the world that even if god ain't got that believes in righteousness exalts a nation I wish y'all get out of here tonight. Look at somebody and tell them It's what he's calling. For the lord. It's going to be a constable warfare. It's the kingdom of the devil and the kingdom of flesh. I'm trying to hurry up and get out of here. When you're when you say that. innocent people in the house tonight when you're finished, I said it is the lord. I got a wait, wait for it. See Hey, y'all. Hey, man. Can I tell you? I saved and it used to be. That was a part of our testimony. I'm so glad I'm so glad I'm I'm We don't hear nothing about that no more. Everybody want to be saved but nobody want to be saved. You You're sanctified. You can't do what you want to do when you're saying you don't look like you want to look. You can't go where you want to go. I just in your spirit. Because they both belong to trying to get it. Nobody this but I'm just trying to tell you that when it comes down to god, god want all of you can tell him I want it all. I don't know what this is. The only person that share you when you live for the devil. He had all of you and now when you come to god, god just get the top. I guess I'm going to show up. I want it all. Bring your bring your head. Oh. Here we go. Here we go. We're at a point now where the enemy is trying to read the time. What it means to be a child of god. and sadly got people that are fighting for line and sinker but the Bible said it will happen just like this. He said it a lot of times, many will depart from the faith that he didn't say they would leave the church. He said they will depart from the faith. you got. Can I talk about you Because I don't know you. I'm talking about you but now you got to go the church but they don't love god. See, that's the problem. but they really didn't love god. How can you say that? I tell you. He said because if you love me, look at him and he said, you're a king. My commandments don't tell me you love god. and every word that the preacher preach you got to have a conversation about it because you don't want to line up Look at y'all. Come on down this road. Every preacher preacher and you don't like that you're sitting up in the house, you're mad because he won't let your kids run all over the church and be a bad influence on everybody else. I come to you at your right. Stop. I'm sorry. He ain't **** If you're going to be, it's got to be holy. a because we're the situation now where the parents are on their way to heaven and the children are going to hell from the pew. I'm trying to tell you. it's if it's good for your grandma, it's good for you. and your grandchild. Believe that god is going to be a family. but we just at that point, The people don't want to preach this. they get angry. And if I preach to them, they'll just go down the street. and enjoy somebody else's church. and now You ain't talking about no here because how many things of holiness. Amen. Preach us but you're not a hostage in their own church. feel like they can't preach. feel like they can't deal with stuff. Amen. Because there's always a preacher down the street trying to put your members. I'm not trying to cut them to come down here. I'll let you preach. I'll let you look at y'all. You always got somebody in your ear trying to tell you too hard. on your life. I don't know how good it is That time for you but can I tell you if you're going to heaven, you don't have to go with your hands lifted. Ain't going to have to be cleaned. going to heaven. your heart got to be right but you need to go all the way down the street and still go to hell. You didn't do nothing to you're not talking to somebody here but if you're going to heaven, you're going to have to line up with the truth of the word. You know, the Bible said they will depart from the faith giving heed to you. these images. and David. Y'all give me a minute. because you said that there was something that crept in unaware. Look at somebody and ask him how you get here. you. They're creepy. Oh my god. You ain't talking about you. I'm I'm talking about I'm just talking. Amen. He said there was some people that crept in and they kept in unawares. Now, how did they come in unawares how to the Bible says about being slept. and that's the reason why the preachers ain't got to stand up to be gatekeepers. but y'all ain't saying they ask John the Baptist. They said, are you the one? God said, I'm not the one but I'm just y'all and he said, I'm the friend of the you know, What a friend in the backroom is a word. Schmidt with somebody that the black girl trusted because what the bride was in the chamber, he would send the showman in the chamber with the red and he had to trust his name because he was not himself with the way he had to trust that he wouldn't swallow. He wouldn't try to touch him. He wouldn't try to be because they were in the room by them. The show will close the door and he would knock the door to keep a woman lovers. I'm going to yell that he had to get some people out but this was a time a whole bunch of people wanted to get their hands on this and that's why he had to be a good friend because he kept the door closed until he heard the voice of the bridegroom Everybody else that was knocking down, I need to knock it down. and that's why I come to tell you. we've got to be the show. We got to be the ones that keep the door closed and keep that up lovers. if the devil's trying to come in and explore the ground and then Jesus comes, he said he's coming to present unto himself I'm or any such thing. It's time to go back to preaching holiness because it's easy to keep the stuff out than it is to get it out. and I guess I'm going to So, we we have a responsibility We have a responsibility to keep our unwanted love that are trying to come in and spoil the church. y'all. The devil's never going to. He's never going to stop. He's going to try and try and try and the only time you can breathe a sigh of relief is when you cross the threshold in heaven and you know you have made it and your sword man has been struck in the same time. That's it. Until then, you're going to have to wake up every day. You're going to have to wake up every day with your mind made up that he's not going to turn me on and look at how he's trying to read it down. what we do as a church that's happening. that said that the devil is not fighting religion. He's too smart for that. what he's doing now instead is producing a counterfeit Christianity That is so much like the real thing. that good Christians are even afraid to speak out against us. I think it was Spurgeon that said the the the goal of this hour, it is not just the design between the right and the wrong. It is now to have the level of discernment so that you can tell the difference between the right and the right Amen. We got now all of a sudden everybody's speaking in tongues. Oh, you heard folks speaking in tongues. All of the holy spirit. and they call us holy Now, the spirit get on it. Sometimes you find yourself under the overflow and don't know where you got that but now we got everybody's shouting. Everybody's speaking at some time to come you. That's why this hour you can't be fooled by all that The Bible talks about denying signs and wonders and even when people come to the altar, don't stop praying just because you hear a gun coming I ain't about to come Alright. If the holy ghost behind it but if you're still speaking in tongue and you are convicted by the sin in your life, that is not the Holy Ghost. I'm trying to get back in the swing of it. Amen. In the Bible, there was a he shall receive power I hear it a lot of times. and people are being told it's alright. You can speak in tongues. and and and and and god knows that you're just flesh This is when the preacher get in trouble. That's right. It's the flesh. He knows you can't. you can't help yourself and the good thing about it is that we are the grace now. So, You don't have to worry about all of that. We are the place that that that's something they don't understand. Grace. because if you look at it, is that the lord under the law, we are there ain't no reason for you to slack up because under the law, you have to be calling the bed with somebody but under grace, he said, if you look at a woman to lust after you've already committed adultery in your heart. You know what? God ain't taking no excuses under the grace because grace not an excuse to sin. Grace means you got help. and if he's helping you, then why can't you live right? If he's helping you Can't you live on it? If you Why can't you stop cussing? Why can't you stop? I understand. We understand. Lord have mercy in this generation. I'm How do you get all these weak things? Like y'all before? they can't take it? it? Then we come to this place. shouting and all of these times where it's all that time. your sentiments tonight. I do understand the Bible myself. used to be when folk about it. they come to church. Couldn't wait to get to church just to stand outside and go to go and you know what they say when they have to testify. They say I've been saved all day. We have I done but we don't hear that testimony anymore. While we did not. I'm saved but I still cuss it. So the holy ghost can get you. about that. That's Pentecost. You gotta understand the Pentecost of the spirit because people say Pentecost But you know what? Jesus told Peter? He said, listen, Satan desires to have you and the steps that but I'm praying for you that your When you get converted, be strengthening your. The problem is we got more power that ain't got no power and because they can do it and speak in tongues. We feel like about what the devil is a liar. that if the of that will make you free. Here we go. As you know, people and that's so you know what I found out. You can make the Bible say anything. Just take one scripture from here. One scripture, people have used the Bible to justify to justify everything. You can make the Bible say whatever you want to say. If you just take a little piece over here and a little piece of that but you have to understand what he means. You can be. and still didn't see it. I'm trying to figure out where do we get this from? because we didn't get it from the scriptures. You show me one person. that got the holy ghost in the New Testament. that the Bible records. they went back and did anything like they did before they got to go Tell me one person that was filled with the Holy ghost and the Bible said that they got the holy Ghost. They went right back to living like they did before. You won't find it nowhere. Y'all look like that. Want me to shut up? Hey, brother. The Bible says, for all have sinned. and I'm kind of short. of the glory of god. They have used that scripture. down any conversation. about why you should live on it and be separated from sin. Now, we have redefined salvation until salvation doesn't mean the difference, Alright? because all of it. and what people take that to me. is saints and sinners. y'all. and they tell us that you can be saved. and still living in sin. You you can't do it. because all have said so you shut up talking to me about them. You just gotta say hi to me because you act like you are all perfect and all of that kind of and the Bible says all have said you didn't close the I believe it Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. to Romans. Let's let's let's look. Let's look. Romans the third chapter. Let let's look and see what he's talking about because hold on, stop using this stuff against us and we're going to get something we can keep in our pocket. Amen. So that we can resist and come back around of the mountains of the gates. That is not must be stopped. Can you get Romans chapter? I want you to look at it. Look, look. look at my, look at what the first verse says, what advantage had to choose or what is there of the circumcision? Is that what you said? Look at the new person. What then are we me who's coming here? He's talking about the Jews. Are we are Jews better and Gentiles. Uh huh. I choose. the Gentiles. That's what he's saying. No. in our lives what we have before. of Jews and Gentiles that they are all under the sea. Wait a minute. So, he's not talking about saints and sinners. Who is he talking about? boy. Look at y'all. shoes and Gentile. Oh. Some of y'all looking like Look at this. There is nothing righteous. No, not one. That is not understanding that there is nothing that seek after god. Who is he talking about? Jews and Gentiles. He's not talking about saints and sinners. So, when you get over to the 23rd verse and he says, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god. He's not talking about saints and sinners. talking about Jews and Gentiles. So, don't tell me I'm saved and I still gotta see the devil is a liar but for this purpose was the son of god manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. I don't know. Jesus said, let him. That's without sin. Cast the first stone. That is not what Jesus said. They brought a woman to Jesus. And the Bible says that they call them. They had to go. Where was this man at? They brought her and set her down before Jesus and said, what should we do with this wall? The law says, you can do that. What do you say? Are you going to speak against the law? Amen. What are you going to do? Are you going to throw the law the window or are you going to kill this woman? Show that you have no compassion. The Bible said, Jesus going to take on the ground as if he didn't even hear them. The Bible said, he looked up and said unto them that he who is without sin, among you, He never said that he without sin cast the first stone. He said, if y'all the ones with the stones in your hands, haven't seen it can be free. accelerated from sin. Look at the woman and said, go and sin no more. when you get saved and sanctified, you come out of sin and the stuff you used to do places that you used to. They're trying to redefine They're trying to tell us that it don't mean what it is. It used to be. How many people in the old days? It's and he showed up. Great speakers. They gotta be one at a time. There's this word means and have a whole conversation with me and great I don't care how much Greek you speak. You speak up by an English word before I understand it. and because now we have our education. because now we have degrees. We can tell god what he's made mistakes in the world. and we're back there. Should have never been in there and that one over there should've never been in that. That's right. Let me tell you something. If god's got all power, you know, he can't give us a good without flaws. if he cares about us and he has all of this power. you mean he can't do no better than to give us something woman. full of mistakes he couldn't do no better than this. They try to redefine us. and said that there are those that are allowing it to happen. We act like we can't stand up for fathers. and said, don't move the landlord's You have to tell me. that. that the problem now is that there are a lot of people. I hate to have to say it like this. There are a lot of people that are casting. Yeah. And overseeing and leading who have a problem with the church. That's right. I want to live. It's because of the stuff they talk. or if I was at home, I'd tell you to shut up but since I've been at home, I would never say nothing like that to you. Amen. Come on now. is still alive. He tells us to stand in the way and see and ask for the old about seventeen of you. Look at somebody and tell them to always better. It's just him. He is shining. Who can I talk to somebody? There's new stuff. ain't strong enough to deliver. You can say what you want about the old church but they have some power in god. That's the reason why here. Don't let them cast out devils. but when we talk about us, we talk about who's a great businessman. and the devil and we have the pinnacle of anointing. All we got is a bunch of and bring him up here. Bring that up. Up. What's your name? I'm going to tell you the name of your girlfriend. Don't say nothing. me. for somebody. that want to walk in the power of god. He's somebody that wants to be real with god. He's looking for somebody that understands that it's it's not about power nor at night but it's my spirit. The church is the most powerful person on earth. that the devil's trying to get us off. He's trying to give us a new mandate now. I was so worried last year. about the church of the lord Jesus Christ. because it seemed like the enemy was giving us a new mandate. one other than to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Can I tell you? Yes, the black man needs god but the white man needs it. When y'all get quiet now. And and we gotta be careful that we always always remain the church that's of Jesus Christ. Amen. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh we we we gotta remember he called us to reach everybody. and there's nothing that I can do in my personal life. Come on. That should affect my spiritual life to where I can't reach some people because of the stuff I got going on in my personal life. I don't want to post up on Facebook. That makes people look at it and then I can't wear them because of the stuff they saw me writing about. The enemy is trying to redefine mandate. but anything other than the church that Jesus left is not the church at all and look at what Paul says, I guess I'm coming around the corner. I don't know which one but he said I'm wrong. I'm disturbed. Yeah. It bothers me. And sure. are. so soon. grew up in church. went to college for one semester. and now everything you were taught. is it? You don't have to find out what the devil's going to speak about. It don't take you about 2 weeks to end up in a foreign country. That's right. some of us across the street and stood up for our country. at the church around the corner but at a bit of our country, How did it happen so soon and look at what he says. a mother that you're so soon removed. He didn't saved from that church. You used to go to He said from him, this, let me let me close this. This is interesting because you have people now that says the back. I don't believe god. I just let that church but if you didn't take the standard of holiness with you, whatever you You can't just leave that church. You that you're so soon removed from him and doing that. There is This is the gospel. Now, everybody's concerned about who the real Jews are. Why does that matter? I told you, he just said Jews and Gentiles. they are on the scene. but now they're trying to tell you, you're wrong. because you don't subscribe to all of this stuff and it don't make sense. It'll be a majoring in the minors. all of this stuff that don't really matter. We gaining ground in that and we're losing ground and all the stuff that when it does matter, They're trying to bring it back. What we have going on? Now, just as I said, there are people who are not satisfied with god. Alright? Some of them most of them don't know now but they'll tell us what we should do and how we should behave. and we don't even realize that they're falling into the world and pleasing god. Don't know People are now getting more worldly as the days church. that still believes in that old They they don't they don't say that that that what they call it all one hundreds. but those are songs that brought people over. Those are songs kind of experience but now if you ain't got no pump on it and no on it, then we don't want it and you sit up in church now. Can't even think this up. I mean this gospel, you can't shut this thing. He makes me feel good and I'm with him all night long. He holds me and make me feel better than anybody ever. And we just sitting up there and trying to fix in the church. They're trying to be the time. But can I tell you something? Ain't nothing like that old time way. You can give me some, you know about Jesus. Give me some. Jesus said if you believe in me, out of your daddy. He said out of your belly. Y'all. Look at somebody and tell them. Let's do that. Sound good? but it can't keep going. They were shouting. Get out of here. To your feet. Look at your body and tell them The Bible says, I got it. come out of sin. You're going to hell. Tell him I'm going to heaven. If they tell me they only got twelve sheets of that they only got eleven left. That's what the field. At least $32000. and Twenty-six of you. Look at your name. You don't want to get there. I prophesy to you today. I don't want to get that. The lord That was in your name. God saved you from me. I know. that tells me to help me that there was some people that think they're saved but they're on their way to hell. according to your ideals. your sins according to the word of god. It's got to be you. and the one that make you want to change. is right. Just give me the word. I'm not going to heaven. and I'm going According to the road map, he gave me It's the truth. and I know you can't remember. I used to have a great say. 2 months ago. she said, we have to but if they ask me how to get to heaven, I know how to get better. Turn right and go straight. It's go. the best you can. that we cannot be what he called us to be. and people are invited and they're accepting it. So, what I'm going to do what we're seeing now. rise of something that looks like us. It sounds like us. They don't pay our musicians to lead our church and come over and play with us. So now they shout like Look at somebody and tell him somebody stole my identity. They don't look like me but that ain't me. That's why Paul says will not prevail. You know what that means? That means there's a name when we get through. we don't live When we say We know what. think about it. I what you see? Don't mind what you're hearing. Everything else is going down. of the word. preachers. We got a preacher now we know Jesus. And one thing. why are you standing? out of a woman at the church years ago? She called me to the hospital. When I went to the hospital. she says, I need to talk to you. because I need you to tell me what to do. She said. they want me to tell him soon whether or not I want another operation that may not help at all. She said but I asked you to come because I need you to tell me what should I do? Should I take the surgery? or should I just go home to be with the lord? And when she said that to me, something hit me in the top of my head that seemed like it went all through me. because I realized in that moment, people Come on. are willing to live or die. because of our words. This woman was willing to lay down and die if I say it, go home to me, that's a whole lot of power to have. and that's why we gotta be more than you know, we can't we can't be We have to be jealous. They care for the people. And I'm not talking about the shepherds of skinny sheep. but people couldn't live or die. based on the word we preach. I wish I would say the people of god out for the poor. in the church. You didn't bother me. you and me. Bishop. It's right. That's right. That's all. We're in that hour now. We're we're in that hour and brothers and sisters, this thing is almost over. Jesus. And the Bible says, Satan will come down and have a great rep when he understands that his timing is short. That's why what we're seeing now is coming against a heavily. We gotta do something We got to stand. We will lose another generation of the church. If don't nobody stand up for truth and righteousness. what they want. Holy ghost for the whole world. and if they're going through the same hell we're going through, they don't have to be holy just like we are. holy tonight. we get back. Maybe there's somebody here. That was her life. I'm not staged. Somebody invited me here tonight and so they're having services and to get to be in a real way. people that have joined the church but they haven't joined the family. that our sons and daughters of god but they find us and that's not going to get us in it. What? I don't want to be is operated. and then Jesus come. and I'm still there. nothing but the righteous. She's got all the righteous. He that work in righteousness is righteous. The ones tonight. If there's someone here that's not saved, you don't know or maybe you're not filled with the Holy Ghost, you can come I'll pray with him if you because 1 Day, it's going to be over. This thing is going to be over. and he that is holy. that would be able to be That is righteous and to be righteous. is our opportunity. if you come and if you need the Holy Ghost, I want you to come. Maybe you need another touch of his mouth. Maybe you'll feel with the holy Ghost. You need some strength. I want you to come but god will give you the strength to say Come on. Thank god for these that are coming. but it's getting hard for me to hold on. I haven't let go. It's my intention to go all the way with god. And I'll be honest with you. I'm fighting in my mind. You know what I found out about the thing that more people in this room in their mind that are fighting for their bodies That's it. You thanking god. for a reason to hold on. because you feel yourself getting weaker. You feel yourself shrinking and drawing back. but tonight, it affects you. I want you to come. Come on. What a great opportunity today. to ask the lord for your strength. Ask him to renew you. It's just wanted to say one. I know his powers. The Bible tells us that if we confess our sins, faith unjust. To forgive us. That's all we need to do. He's faithful. and just the beginning. Your power. Yes, the lord. Yes, lord. Have your way. Holy ghost. Come on. Keep moving. Thank you. Go away. what's right. didn't come this far. I don't see nobody. Yes, lord.
Channel: IFP TV
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Id: tWyK5BUkhaw
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Length: 159min 4sec (9544 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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