Apostle Herman Murray closing at Dr. Shirley Murray Homegoing Celebration

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able to stop by and see him anymore but i believe that what god allowed him to do was to plant a seed on the inside of us and not even though sister murray has gone to her eternal reward i can still hear those seeds i can still hear those words that she preached to us that should talk to us and this is why we're going to make it i wish i could find a few of you just look at somebody and tell them neighbor i got a feeling that everything is going to be all right and we're at a point now where people are not appreciating the fact that we got time now and we're starting to take things for granted you know one of the sad realities of our day is that people are so enamored by the fellowship that they forget that our god is a god of knowledge of wisdom and of purpose he strategically places people in our lives and he places them there so that they can build us what we're torn down so that their words can strengthen us when we're weakened so that they give us what we need in order to face today and you've got folk now amen that are just trying to hook up with folk but they don't understand the transfer end of the exchange you know what i love about those that served with the apostle murray when apostle murray went home to be with the lord they still served with sister murray they didn't leave but they didn't abandon her you know you got something bishop you told me this few years ago we were talking and you said there are people that have an anointing to serve there were people there amen that have that annoying every time you turn around those are the ones that are there and you've got to understand what god is doing because while you're serving god is exposing you to experiences and he's showing you things that you would never have seen before and he's not just putting you there for you to look at everybody else and think that you're better because you got privilege but to them because that's the opportunity that god has given you to glean and to learn those lessons that are going to catapult you into the next phase of life and you've got to realize sons and daughters more than wanting to be in somebody's presence you got to learn how to get what you can while you can it's not just trying to be seen with people because you know you got folk now that just want to be seen with you they numbered by you are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you they're a bunch of groupies that's trying to hang around annoying people because they think they're hanging around it's going to elevate them to a place that god didn't call up but you know what i when i found out i found out that if you learn how to serve if you learn how to humble yourself see we got folk now trying to come up but they coming up too easy super high see back in the day before you preach the sermon you were sweeping floors you were washing windows you were scrubbing toilets but you got folk now because they brought the pasta water too tight they won't even pick up the trash they put on the ground the demolish are right here you don't get up and be grand because of who you're walking next to the only thing that can make you great is the god that you serve and i'm so glad that i had that opportunity to not just be in their presence but i had to get what i could while i could and this is why sons and daughters those of you that are trying to be elevated you can't hang out with weak people and think that you're going to gain the victory we got to take better inventory about ourselves than this we got to learn how to focus on those god relationships and stop trying to hook up and get close to folks that have nothing to deposit in our lives yeah they got a good following but they ain't got no spiritual life they got a good sound but they can't pray for nothing you know the kind of people i want to be around i want to be around those kind of folk and when they blind that are able to walk with god and i want to mock the perfect man and i want to behold the other right i'm not looking for folk that got status i'm looking for folk that got anointing i somebody anointed that would sit me down and somebody that would talk to me somebody that would let me know what i did right and somebody that wasn't afraid to pull me to the office and say you gotta work on this and you know what i'm glad about i'm glad that i listened look at somebody into the neighborhood we can take it from here yes we can i come to tell somebody you got to learn how to be selective with the folk that you surround yourself with in your youth you've got to surround yourself with wisdom and experience and i feel bad for folks that don't appreciate the wisdom of the years you know the bible said the glory of an old man is this great you got to learn how to appreciate those gray-headed folks look at sean and got quiet cause we pushing them in the corner we disrespected him we talking crazy in front of him and the devil is alive you got to learn to appreciate the folk and depend on their wisdom but you know what you need when you get older you need folk around you that got strength and people that are teachable because this relationship y'all don't get quiet here is one that the younger folks need the older folk because they know the way how the older people need the younger ones cause we got the strength that they don't have and so it's got to be a symbiotic relationship we've got to be able to clean from one another i'm starting to feel better now i said we've got to be able to clean from one another and that's why i'm glad when i think about the years that i live with the apostles when i think about the hours that we're studying the word of god when i think about the times i sat with sister mary and she called me on the phone and she talked to me and straightened me out that was sometimes we'd get off the phone and we wouldn't talk for another couple of weeks and she would correlate it in the air and say i guess he mad at me now i was still licking my water when i come to find out that every time she hit me she was trying to make me better and i look at myself here today standing up instead of falling down and i'm grateful that i got straight from the mountaintop when my mother and my father forsake me we can take it from here to hurry and get out of here but i'm trying to tell him there's a war going on and this is not the time to be enamored with personality this is not the time to be church groovys we gotta hook up with the anointing teach me the weapons of war preach me the strategy of survival i don't just want to mimic the root of the right the fruit of the righteous i want to mimic the root of the righteousness i want to know how they live i want to know how they pray i want to know the death they went to in god here we are sons and daughters we've got that responsibility now because god has shifted us we're in a different place now but i come to declare to you we're gonna be just fine when i looked at second samuel i see david that giant killer david the one that killed goliath i see david the one that grabbed the bath and the one that smoked the lion he's labored for years now and here goes david he's still at it he's still going but his mind is a whole lot stronger than his body and you know we get to that place where we're stronger in our spirits that we are in our bodies and we keep trying to go we keep trying to preach we keep trying to handle the load and the bible says that david went out to war same old devils he's got to fight them off but this time bishop david was slower he couldn't pull that load and he started fighting and while david was fighting and even started getting winded he couldn't keep up the pace and the philistines david and david's men pulled david to the side and when the philistines thought he was going to kill david david soldiers through the philistine and that's what i come to tell you thank god that you come to the place where you got people that'll fight for you look at somebody and ask if i can fight for myself can i trust you to fight for me i got to get out of here let this be the last time that you go to war with us you can't fight like you used to you can't have the lord like you used to but because we've been around you because of what you told us you ain't got to fight we can take it from here any consolation you did a child well done and because of your prayers because of your fasting because of your preaching because of your teaching because in your correction we can take it from here i wish i had about seventy two thousand and seventeen earlier look at somebody so that same power that we're sowing low bills that same power that was so insulin that same mantle has fallen to the earth [Music] who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty those same devils oh [Music] that was then 61. it's the same color that's here in 2020. it's gonna be all right i found out that the road gets and the going still my choice when i we're it to them that have no might be increasing strength even you shall face beware [Music] he'll pick you up if you wait he'll renew your street [Music] m
Channel: IFP TV
Views: 81,654
Rating: 4.8863635 out of 5
Id: HJtI4mD5RRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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