Bishop Herman Murray 3 14 2021

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come on everybody lift it up in the house sing it sing i want more [Music] thank you jesus come on and lift those hands lift those legs yes lord hallelujah hallelujah [Music] thank you lord come on come on just give him something he's worthy of today that's it just if you want it just ask him for it hallelujah if you need more just asking for it thank you jesus oh bless his name [Music] that's it that's it come on come on come on he'll pour it out one more come on you can ask him i want more jesus come on can i hear you just one more time i want more come on tell the lord i want more [Music] jesus i want more yes sir yes sir god bless you if you can't take your [Music] seat yes god yes lord hallelujah i feel his presence i want more one more [Music] jesus [Music] hmm he made your promise [Music] if your hunger and thirst after righteousness [Music] he said you'd be filled he's a god of his word hallelujah always higher heights [Music] always deeper depths in god if you need more you can just ask him ask him ask him ask him ask him ask him just ask him one more time i want more [Music] oh [Music] i can't live without you i can't breathe without you how can i make it another day you you're the strength of my life [Music] you're the joy of my soul i want more [Music] jesus i want more um [Music] yes sir oh i love him yes sir i love him today hallelujah thank you jesus for your presence thank you for your power oh oh yes sir [Music] i love jesus [Music] jesus loves me oh i've been i'm in love with jesus he's in love with me yeah yeah i'm in love with jesus [Music] he's in love with me can i hear you say i love jesus i love jesus he loves me jesus loves me i know he does yet and i love jesus oh he loves me [Music] jesus and jesus whisper his name jesus whisper his name jesus come on whisper his name jesus and he will come to you hey whisper his name jesus [Music] whisper his name [Music] whisper his name jesus and he will come to you hey call out his name jesus call out his name jesus call out his name jesus and he will answer you yes he will come on call out his name jesus [Music] call out his name jesus call out his name jesus and he will answer you come on here shout out his name [Music] jesus shout out his name jesus shout out his name he will run to you come on shout out shout out his name you come on and shout out his name come on and shout out his name [Music] jesus you shout out his name jesus come on you can shout his name he will shout his name jesus come on and shout his name [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh they told me if you call him [Music] he would answer prayer [Music] they told me whatever you want the lord to do just get it on your mind get it on your mind [Music] whatever whatever you want the lord to do [Music] he'll do what he'll do and he'll do it he'll do do with no other power with no other power [Music] what no other power no the power [Music] power can do [Applause] yes jesus yes jesus [Music] yes jesus [Music] lord something happened when i call that name [Music] come on let's shout his name one more time shout out his name in the name of jesus jesus name jesus shout his name his name or take your seat if you can [Music] [Music] my [Music] you just watch it in the hospital he'll he'll come and see about you hallelujah something about the name of jesus something about the name of jesus healing takes place deliverance takes place comes at the name of jesus demons tremble cancer dies at the name of jesus your turn destroyed and the burdens are lifted and the chains are broken and the shackles are loose in the name of jesus [Music] every knee shall die and every every tongue confess at the name of jesus [Music] have you ever called him did he show up for you i said did he show up for you then come on and give him the best praise you can give him right now hallelujah oh my soul magnify the name of the lord i tell you god is in the midst of his people ah yes sir and we bless him today thank god for his power [Music] you know i wouldn't have a religion i couldn't feel sometime no no i thank god for for what i feel and i tell you he's working all kind of miracles in the midst of his people i [Music] i was looking at sister pam sing that song [Music] and i've been praying for weeks asking god to work a miracle i i included that in my fast this week [Music] god touch about it and i know y'all been praying too we've been praying i've been saying god touch your body and resurrect your body and and and and i and i was sitting there looking today and i said i am still praying and i i remember sister mary she said god done been here done his work and gone [Music] i'm still praying that god healed it and he didn't already done the work i'm trying to hey i'm trying to tell you the word of god is quick and powerful [Music] and he's still working miracles just look at somebody and tell them that god ain't through he he's not through working [Music] miracles [Applause] what a mighty [Music] a mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty night and night at nighty night and god we serve whoa my god take your seat if you can [Music] let's get in there y'all better stop because the lord is [Music] he's doing some great things for us and i'm glad about what he's done i'm glad i'm here to see him do it because people are telling us that god don't do this kind of stuff anymore amen i feel sorry for people to go to churches where they tell you if you get sick just go home and die no no sir send me somewhere where the preacher gonna tell me by his stripes we were here send me somewhere where they gonna elevate my faith to believe god for greater than what i got right now oh no the grave came praise him somebody got to live to tell the story y'all ain't saying nothing amen i thank god for what he's doing and i appreciate his power and his presence and for drawing last night there was a family i don't know if they're still here today amen they came from houston last night amen i don't know if they're still in the city they may have gone back amen but the young man was telling us that we watch this this church every day we watch you all every day and we came from houston believing god for miracle and if thou canist believe all things are possible to him that believeth and i'm telling you there's some more miracles on my list i'm waiting on god to perform amen i'm checking them off i hope you wrote your list out cause because for everybody that i did yes for everybody that'll believe god get your pen ready [Applause] you about to start checking off items on your prayer list one by one [Music] you can hand the ocean you're gonna see god work i'm trying to preach can y'all sit down just just take your seat so i can [Music] ah i believe god look at somebody and tell them neighbor there's a word from the lord [Music] so so so so so so so so so so my you asked for a breakthrough you ask them for breakthroughs here it is you ask him to deliver we ask him for souls here it is let the redeemed of the lord say itself thank you jesus oh somebody's coming to the door somebody's coming to the law oh the holy ghost yes in the name of jesus so in the name of jesus can i get you to clap your hands so can you praise the lord so receive it yes ma'am we hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah all that feels important god bless he's coming back home give us your name esther williams williams sylvester williams and he's coming back home a long time god bless you would you clap your hands and let's receive him now people have lied on god and said that god couldn't do it he wouldn't work miracles but god is working miracles all around us we're seeing it we're seeing it happen with somebody make sure brother williams is taking care of make sure he gets what he needs lord look in this camera right this this is sister stephanie we know her she raised it she kept my dog a few weeks ago maybe a month or two ago i got a phone call hold that music i got a phone call from her mother and i couldn't believe what the phone call said and i listened to the the voicemail i think me later than you were listening to the voicemail that can't be right call call sister janice on the phone so i can speak to i need to know is what i'm hearing correct sister stephanie left her house one day went to take care of some business and was coming back home that's just a few weeks ago some young men approached her when she got out of a car young ladies that's why you got to be very very i don't even if it's the daytime young men do they walked up to an aster if they could have a phone charger she told him well no i can't give you my charger and she asked them do y'all live here in these apartments and they i think they told a yeah and then one of them pulled a gun out and shot her in the chest i'm talking about this this woman of god that's standing here next to me now y'all act like this this kind of stuff just happened every day watch this woman because point-blank range in the middle of the afternoon with people around shot her in the chest she falls on the ground behind the car but she knows what they want so she hands them her keys they crank the car up while she's laying on the ground behind the car shot with a bullet wound in her chest god gives her the mental faculties and the spiritual strength physical strength to get up and move out from behind the car before they ran over she moves out of the way oh yahweh y'all ain't listening this kinda she gets out the way i wouldn't let her tell it but i feel like she'll run all the way around here with the microphone and i won't get it back she moves out the way and people come come to her to her rescue people around and while she's laying there she's telling them call my mother and call this and people are actually helping her and when i get this on my voicemail i feel like it couldn't be right i had to call and now tell me again what this voicemail said she was on her way to the hospital get to the hospital took her into surgery talked to a mother i think it was the next day and said she didn't have no pain she was sitting up feeling good and and and god raised up listen i'm trying to tell you what god will do god put his hands on this woman raise her up and the very next day she sit up on the computer in the hospital doing work and suffer the internet looking for stuff i'm trying to tell you god is a miracle working and just a few weeks later she's standing up in here with us praising god now listen if you can't praise god for nothing else look at what our god has done oh you ought to tell somebody i still believe in miracles [Music] lord i i can't imagine in that situation and she's so sweet and come to find out the young man was when was he 14 14 years old willing to take this woman's life for a phone charge in a car 14 years old we better get back to training them up in the way they should go i'm looking at this and i want you to lift your hands this way i want you to pray for strength pray that god settles her heart and a mind oh because all the pain is not physical and i'm praying that god would do what needs to be done that he would send strength now father in the name of jesus as we stand at this sacred altar in this hallowed place at this time father i pray that you would lay your hands on her now touch her body and touch your mind touch your heart god strengthen her spirit now in the name of jesus oh father only you know the things that she's dealing with as a result of that encounter and i pray that the blood of jesus christ would cover her every place god where she needs strength and where she needs the healing touch oh god resurrected now in every area of her life make up better than she was in the name of jesus and what the enemies sought to steal father giving back in the devil and we thank you for it now we give you praise we give you glory and we honor you come on somebody give god the best you got hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god touch them now in the name of jesus send your strength and we believe you for it oh god hallelujah somebody clap your hands and praise him i said can you can you clap your hands can you [Music] can you clap i mean like god been good to you [Music] hallelujah lift those hands lift them lift up lift them lift up lift them lift them lord have mercy [Music] i said lift your hands lift your hands lift your hands i thank you i thank you lord thank you for what you're doing thank you for your presence and your power hallelujah thank you jesus oh god i love you can you tell him how much you love him come on come on just talk to him talk to him yes god i love him today god bless you take your seat we had seven saved and ten were baptized with the holy ghost oh y'all act like y'all see that every day come on now hallelujah hallelujah i'm telling you he's pouring it out on us and everybody that wants it can have it they used to sing a song that said god's got a miracle for you you can have it just reach up and grab it gods got a miracle for you lord thank god for what he's done in our midst oh i appreciate him i appreciate the lord oh we could have been here about an hour and a half today because he like i didn't have nothing to preach amen but i found out that when god get ready you got to move you got to learn to step back and let the lord have his way i could have preached the whole hour and that was no guarantee that anybody would have come to this altar and got saved and a lot of people do that we programmed god and we just well i don't study this and i'm gonna preach this go ahead but i learned that when god is ready he said you can't come unless unless you're drone and when he starts drawing people to the altar when people start coming to be saved and nobody even asked him that's god drawing hearts i'm telling you you can blow your lungs out preaching and that's no guarantee oh but where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and thank god for all that he has done today thank god for the moving of his spirit hallelujah i'm telling you he did the work today and only heaven has a record of what all god has done for us this week how he's touched us how many yokes he's destroyed i'm telling you god is faithful to his word and faithful to his people thank god one more time lift those hands up and just praise the lord hallelujah thank you jesus oh thank you jesus thank him for his thank him for what he's doing for your brother and your sister thank him hallelujah [Music] there were some that needed a touch they didn't just want it they needed god to do it and he's the kind of god that honors our faith and i'm so grateful now there are those and i i want you to let me say this now don't go back to being carnal amen when god works a work like this and he moves and we've placed ourselves before him we can't we can't this this is not a seasonal thing amen and this this has to now be the character of our life amen amen this this is this is who we are now this is who you are you can't go back to being carnal amen well the week is over and then back to no no ain't no normal no no sir you know so you you can't go back to that to that stuff and that old way of doing you got to maintain this you know about maintaining stuff you buy a new car you got to keep keep keep the tires rotated the odds you got to maintain it y'all don't get quite you you know about maintaining stuff amen you got to maintain what god has put in you don't go back amen to doing that other stuff listen god is proving his word right now before our very eyes what we've asked him to do he's doing it and it can't be nobody but god so we're not going back anywhere but back we're not of them that draw back unto perdition but we are of them that believe this to the saving of our souls and i'm telling you god is the kind of god that's still raising people up out of hospital beds yes he is yes he is he's still curing diseases he's still touching body organs and waking them up he'll do it amen let us walk in the faith of god and the power that he gives and i'm telling you amen i love it when god begins to move thank god for each and every one of you i appreciate those of you that have come from far near you believe god thank you amen for joining us today thank you for praying for us and we'll be here tonight i gotta i gotta fill feeling god amen it's just up to something we don't we don't know what it is but but god's got plans for us amen and i want to be right in the middle middle and the center of his wheel amen i want you to go from here today and go home and pray and just thank god for what he's done for us thank god for how he's moving thank god for his anointing that we feel and i tell you we'll come listen if you were not here last night the man of god preached amen i guess amen he preached so strong we didn't win in that sermon two days thank god amen are we still fed and now god is moving amen this is what he's doing amen as a result of our praise and our prayer and our seeking god i thank god oh he's moving yes he is god is doing some stuff and he's not through god bless you all then nothing further amen all right well we had this this seven saved and ten baptized with the holy ghost as we leave can we praise god for 17 souls i said as we dismiss can we praise god for 17 souls he did the drawing he did the shaving he called his own altar call today and he moved by his power and he's not through
Channel: Steve Assink
Views: 8,274
Rating: 4.8352942 out of 5
Id: xSXOk8oR52o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 57sec (3117 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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