Apocalypse Pompeii | Free Adventure Disaster Movie | Full Movie | Full HD | The Asylum

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[Music] the [Music] [Music] speeech fore foree get for [Music] better up againe got okay you must [Music] have m m m [Music] [Music] come on guys keep up nobody mentioned anything about three flights of stairs oh it ABS to its charm honey well this is what you call pcking light sorry couldn't figure out what to leave behind I mean a whole week in Italy can you imagine yeah well what did he pack in there books mostly couldn't you leave some of them behind no way we're going to be seeing pompe dad there's so much to study up on the geological composition of the area the history of okay I got it couldn't you have just given her a Kindle you ever thought about raising my allowance she's your daughter you are too smart for your own good young lady awesome there's a loft awesome more charm yeah more stairs wait a minute how many bedrooms is this oh oh no it's going to be fun oh yeah I am so excited about how everything's turning out dad say hi hi hi Mom Micha and I are getting to tag along on your business trip and get a week's vacation in Italy seeing all the places she's dreamed about you about to get your dream job yeah yeah I know it's working out perfectly yeah hey what is it nothing I'm just a little jine come on I can read you like a book spill it well it's job it's a big deal for me for us you know it's it's a great opportunity you are about to run your own International Security Company and you're going to be great okay listen you'll be here for three months then you get to come home and we never have to worry about money again I'm just worried about this presentation I mean it needs more work stop just no you've been working on it for weeks this is what you do this is who you are it's good it's really really good yeah yeah they're going to love you what I do without you huh nothing hey kiddo you ready yeah you bet Ben V Ben V ladies and Gentlemen please for online sorry I can't go with you guys well we wish you could go to but somebody's got to bring home the bacon come on Mom hey hold on pompe is not going anywhere we'll see you tonight yeah good luck thanks baby I love you yeah I love you too uh princess aren't you forgetting something bye Dad good luck yeah see you tonight be good I will It's Perfectly Normal here in Napoli all over now I promise uh yeah I'm sure it is excuse me a second all right look you guys don't have to go um why don't you um you stay around the hotel stay close see nooly you still want to go baby yeah I mean how many chances am I going to get to see Pompei right okay don't worry I'll keep us safe I'm sure you will baby all right right tick it okay yeah um you look after your mother yeah D and before i' foret you might want to take these just in case sad phones yeah satad phones for GPS tracking yeah sa I phone for GPS tracking really Jeff I got clearance on them dad you do this every time you freak out get over protective and do your whole Soldier thing smartphones can actually lose battery or you could be in an area where there is no service there are so many things we'll take the phones Ed E Soldier come on Mom we're going to miss the tour you worri too much easy with that finger okay [Music] mhm Paul look it's Italy I was looking forward to a carnetta and cappuccino know we shouldn't have overslept this morning hey glad you could join us you're just in time to be hearded aboard the cattle Express yeah come in okay welcome be nice I'm sorry he's grumpy without his morning coffee oh that's okay actually the hurting is our favorite part God Mom I'm Christine this is Paul I'm Lyn and this is my embarrassed daughter Michaela I guess we're all in the same boat today or bus I suppose yeah from dump to a ruin I think I'm going to like this guy okay come come inside okay [Music] welcome come come welcome to pompe [Music] now we all know what caused pompe to P to ruin yes yes the eruption the volcano and there she is Mount vus [Music] [Applause] yes of course found vas exploded and covered the city in Ash but can anyone tell me when the volcano exploded and destroyed our beautiful Pompei yes Miss 79 ad perfeto Miss can you tell us more about vus uh okay it's probably the most dangerous volcano in the world because 3 million people live nearby although there is some dispute about the name it's likely a hybridized Greek and Latin word meaning unquenchable perfet feel free to explore wow Mount vvus has erupted more than 50 times the eruption in 79 ad was the most famous of course the dust poured across the land like a flood one witness wrote and shrouded the city in a Darkness like the black of closed and unlight rooms 2,000 people died and the city was abandoned for almost as many ears it wasn't until 1748 that a group of explorers rediscovered the site surprised to find that underneath a thick layer of dust in debris Pompei was perfectly intact follow me through the back move watch out hey honey did you feel that yes we felt it everything okay okay some of the ruins even collapsed I think a few people are hurt are you and Michael okay yeah we're fine we're fine uh Michael and I are fine I don't want you to worry about that baby look I'm going to reschedule I'm going to come get you guys no honey really we're fine we're just shooking up a bit that's all I'm sure we're going to be back on the bus and back in town any minute now okay you're sure I'm positive I do not want you to miss that meeting baby well Michaela wants to talk to you we'll see you tonight how are are you guys okay is there any place to get a coffee dude love you hi Dad hey princess you okay yeah fine but what is it this morning at the news stand I saw that there had been an eruption in the gpus they said there's been seismic activity everywhere but then I I I've read so many times that there's always activity near an active volcano what are you saying do you think you and Mom are in danger I don't know no no everything's fine I'm just I'm being paranoid Dad no no no no princess that's that's all right look I'll call you when I'm done okay dad seriously everything is fine don't panic really me and Mom have it under control good luck okay thanks you you and Mom be safe bye Dad bye princess and make sure you keep those SA phon hello hello everything okay [Music] yeah Mr Piers very pleased to meet you vior FAO senior Vice President of Operations please uh call me Jeff sir wonderful uh This Way Mr Ros and the others are waiting Giani yes so how do we get out of this place we'll try the entrance first if that does not work we'll try portaro the gate by the by the Ampitheater hey on the other side of the city okay here this way Lynn I must confess I am amazed at your daughter's knowledge of the Tian our fearsome volcano yeah she does her best to keep us amazed that's for sure tell me how is it that you are so drawn to volcanoes my dad was away a lot when I was a kid Marines whenever he went away somewhere I read everything I could about the place he was stationed everything from local Customs to the way the land was formed knowing about where he was really did make me feel closer to him and the more I read the more I realized how much I loved learning about the Earth while other girls were playing with dolls I was playing with rocks there is much to study in Italy perhaps one day you can come live with us when you're a famous geologist I would die to live in Italy that's another small one right perhaps we should go quickly run I of course can implement it and uh have it up and running in 3 months seems like a plan okay do you have a helicopter excuse me does this company have a helicopter Mr P I need to use it Mr Russell my family is in Pompei I'm sorry but I cannot not for this if you try to buy bous you will die I promise you Jeff please you have to listen to Mr Ros you cannot go to [Music] pompe Michaela Mom that's bad honey you there Jeff we're okay but the volcano has I know you you got to find shelter somewhere sturdy with cover find it I'll be there soon are you guys all right is everything okay I don't think you should no stay there I'm coming for you I love you Jeff but really Lyn Jeff Lyn Jeff damn it stay away [Music] Jeff [Music] move move move thank [Music] you excuse me sir I have to get through here get back no one comes through my wife and daughter are in Pompei I have to get through Pompei pom's gun zero no one's going there get back in your car no you don't understand I have to get there back in car now easy buddy back in car or arrest no play [Music] Nintendo [Music] hello Carlo yeah I'll be right there damn it come up okay [Music] yeah [Music] car good God no one's called me that in a few years my dear friend it's good to see you you too despite the circumstances tell me something as soon as I got your call I sent a request to the top of the Italian government there's no go I'm afraid this is uh Pompei is strictly off limits the whole area is off limits we are on standby to evacuate Naples no no no no you you don't understand this is my wife and daughter we're talking about here you think I don't understand that you think I don't remember that debt I owe you from candahar but I tell you this is a major International crisis I would help you if there was any way there is a way there's always a way you know that you're special ops I was special ops in the days when I was Carlo now I'm Colonel Dillard n liazon I'm a pen Pusher you're the same guy come on Carlo come on man there also something else that you don't know how bad just spoken to the head of science at Sapienza dioma Pompei will be under 60t of lava within 4 hours sorry come on get in where am I going where are you going there's nothing we can do you can't stop the bloody volcano man a a get out don't go here come on is that safe it's save it out here [Music] got over there that's it you're going to be all right Mom it'll be fine looks really bad oh my God you realize these guys are going to give you the same answer as the Italian government still got to try right but if you get the answer that I think they're going to give you I'll wait outside for you and meet you here in an hour okay what are you planning Plan B just in case your plan a doesn't pan out I'm not the only person initially who owes you a favor good luck old boy thanks right next time I say let's go get coffee let's go get coffee here let me help you thank you hey there you to save my life out we were just in the neighborhood thanks naine and that's Rashida Lynn michaa thank you it's a hell of a day huh tell me about it weing the ve that you felt something important going to happen to us today me and my big mouth huh hey there you go thanks man no problem next time I won't visit a natural disaster three even is it next time Paul I can't be the only one thinking that hey you okay yeah I guess well it was really lucky that you found this place okay it's exactly what Dad said to find you did really good you did really good baby in theory we should be okay here it withstood the last eruption after all unless it's worse this time worse can it really get any worse Mr Pierce please believe me we'd like nothing better than to assist you in locating your wife and your daughter all I'm asking for is transport sir believe me Captain I don't doubt your ability but as I said it's not that easy it is that easy it is not that easy you heard what your friend Co said word from the Italian government is that everybody's coming out nobody goes in certainly no civilians God only knows what they feel about some Black Ops Commando exactly I'm Black Ops I can make this a cou operation please believe me we're trying to keep you safe this is my wife and daughter talking about yes I get itup them I've done it before many times that's my job look I want to help you really I do neither you nor I can stop a volcano we are now receiving reports from niow Hawaii where a ring of volcanoes have risen from the ocean floor endangering air traffic and local a little over 3 hours pompe will be gone the right now the only thing that I can do is to try and keep you safe that's it I'm sorry that's what we're dealing with so you're not going to help me no Mr Pierce I can't we're heading out of Naples within the hour if you're smart you'll be coming with us if not God help you man you guys have everything those packs our whole lives are in there we've been backpacking through Europe for the past 3 months being is hard to dissuade when he gets an idea in his head like you were putting up a fight are you two married uh not quite yet no are you getting a signal with that no then you might want to conserve your battery for when we get signal at some point really What's your deal dude yeah sorry I work for a travel blog back home just fly around the world take photos of tourist traps it's my first trip to Italy it's exciting hey did you hear that what I don't hear anything I think it's stopped I don't think so well looks like I'm on my own Oh no you're not you were fast good guys are friends we are not much what you all this paper push you could dig up yeah best I could do a CH notice good to see you Soldier Captain Pierce oh look where the Cat Dragged then always looking for work MH GL I'm not doing this on my own Kane we never leave you hanging boss the old band's officially back together for one night only we here we got a problem size of a mountain the family they're at Ground Zero we're getting them out come on let's go okay thank you enough what you I can do all Bo I still here thanks oh uh there is one thing anything anything at all you couldn't give me a a Cher military grade are you out of your mind I'm NATO leaz on this isn't even my country you'll get be CT Marshal all right all right you're right you're absolutely right I'll figure it out yes I'm sure you will yeah good luck thanks again good luck dinner when you come home you come home we got gear locked and loaded whole kit but lacking the Kaboodle we're going to need some kind of a conveyance yeah we're going to get a chopper we need something large enough to hold cargo for transport and extraction plus we need to land on a dime which basically means we need something fast and agile enough to get us out of trouble it's going to be a war zone out there calling some favors with the British Army no we don't have time oh damn come on back it up back it up so we need to secure a chopper here in Naes and fast yep I'm guessing civilian options out of the question then any ideas yeah I know that look what are you planning something Carlo's not going to like if there are many more of that size I don't know whether this Villa is going to hold okay where else can we go Michaela sweetie you've been reading books about volcanoes for as long as I can remember can you think of someplace else some place that's safe safer crap wait Christine do you still have that map of Pompei yes yes I do right so we are here we need to get to here we should get ready to move like now we need to get there before what happens next why what happens next you don't want to know tell us the Heat Surge how much heat are we talking enough everybody go now Mom here what's that just take it come on come on go go go [Music] w all right where are we headed to the only place that has the ride we need JFC Naples yeah isn't that a NATO base and it's an Italian post it's the hard way as usual just where I like it oh come on take a right here come on how much time do we have according to Carlo only a couple of hours hold on hold on let's have a look Let's help him with that car come on C stop you hear that looks like we should have actually stayed home we need to move incoming now come on go go [Music] go [Music] okay so the rocks have stopped that's good right well it's good if you don't want to be hit by flaming rocks but it's not good if you don't like the heat we need to keep moving how much further not far roof is intact come on everyone inside whoa this looks like a death tra to me we can see the entrance from here why can't we just keep going we don't have time when the heat search hits there's no way we can outrun it what we just supposed to believe you you will do well to listen to her all right listen to the girl who almost got us cute inside a collapsing ruin there's nothing falling from the sky this is our chance to get out of here please come with us let's go wait guys seriously please come on I mean they're kind of right it's really small in here good yeah better than I expected we need to shut this door we'll help to block the heat wve when it hits okay Michaela are you sure that this is all right in 1902 a volcano erupted a martinque there was only one Survivor a man in a jail cell everybody unpack or take off the clothes you don't need I need your water too sure wait what are you doing with the water I mean we may need this I need to soak the clothes to plug the cracks in the door that's what the Survivor of martinque did to stay alive except he had to use his own urine what do you think CF we're not going to catch them with their pants down there are gaps what do you think distraction or evasion a little both so give us the run down Target is 1:00 those Choppers are exactly what we need the gunships not rescue vehicles they won't be used for any civilian rescue operation not have any rescue effort right no we're just adding a little Firepower once we're back in the air over pompe it'll be just like back in the sand boox only a little worse exactly that's why we need to be on the offensive how do we get in we find a hole in the perimeter then we stealth in but we'll need a distraction on the outside I'll C that part save me from asking you know me I just like blow things up game on when do we move how about now time's a ticket and uh minimal Force keep your heads [Music] down [Music] this is it search Kaya yeah Mom I am so so proud of you baby mom you are the best best child anyone could have ever asked for oh my I'm sorry rash it's not your fault look if we make it out of this I promise I know a oh my God we made it that was it I mean this just doesn't seem real no none of this makes any sense it's over now right we can rest up here for a few minutes that's the worst of it right come on this is far from over [Music] feel naked doing this in broad daylight you losing your nerve hurricane hell no sorry Carl do [Music] it yeah I know he's late now it should be about time now so you I [Music] that [Music] come on baby start off for [Applause] me we got to go I know I know I'm on it [Music] oh hold [Music] on all right here we [Music] go oh my God so tell us resin volcano expert how we going to die next our main concern is the sulfuric gas for the time being at least deadly in high doses we'd have to be near a lot of Ash for it to POS an immediate threat how much ash a lot of Ash like 10 ft or more we have to go now hey what is it I can tell there's something else nothing nothing anyone needs to worry about Michaela if there's more danger I think we all probably need to know about it okay it's just if vvus is going to erupt again it's going to get worse with every eruption how much worse ever heard of [Music] [Music] katoa all right where is [Music] he [Music] there let's pick him up need open [Music] up come on come on come on Cowboy hey hey hey hey are you okay Soldier yes all right come on hold on hold on we're off this is more fun than taking kabo from the tban K him or he's going to bleed out you all right Kane oh thanks kid just don't pass out till we get there actually don't pass out once we get back that's why you call me a hurricane that's I'm unstoppable baby no you call it hurricane because you're full of f air all right guys come on let's focus Kane I need you up here Al you on calm copy dad you good 5x5 go ahead and hand her over to me Cap all yours I've got it what's R ta we should be there in 35 minutes keeper floor done I'll be damned well all right come on everybody you having any luck you never know Mama's set phones yeah well I think I lost mine back at the Villa it's okay I still got my must have come out when I fell well we're quite a pair aren't we what do you think I don't know seems solid I think we should go in are you okay yeah yeah I'm fine don't worry are you sure yeah it's okay come on it's okay what now look like go go go on let's go come on let's go go sorry I'm so sorry that's SL brought in a lot of Ash that means there's going to be a what hey gu you were talking about earlier and there's a lot of dirt in there too right maybe there's not enough Ash to make it a problem like like like you were saying maybe I'm no expert I could get us all killed no dude we'd be dead already if it wasn't for you none of us knows Jack about volcanoes we're following you it's going to be okay okay so what's their next move boss I'm not sure nothing um hey guys we got company son of a [ __ ] how the hell are they getting on us these are all the same helicopter right what's our speed I'm cranking and banking I don't know what the hell's going on maybe they have jettison balast or maybe they're just more outfitted for attack than they are for transpo or maybe we sto the slowest goddamn helicopter in the Italian Army Kane secure that door on just want to take a few shots get him fall back a lot can happen with a grenade launch I'm not killing innocent Soldiers 2 to three hotel please be advised we have instructions to return you to base acknowledge please be advised that we are under orders to shoot if you will not comply do you understand we will shoot shoot you out of the sky unless you turn round now Jeff please don't do this return to base for us immediately sorry Carlo I have to sir we're uh almost within firing distance sir fire a couple of warning shots fire now Kane how far are we I can get us to that cloud in 3 minutes but they're going to be within firing range in one I think they're in fire range now yeah crap when I said Bing Jets I didn't mean hit him do you understand yes sir right will not happen again sir it will not happen again sir otherwise there could be Court martial should I pursue though sir pursue pursue you are instructed to pursue you use every trick you got but you got us into that cloud got it you guys might want to buckle up for this part [Music] good job two left almost within firing range sir wait wait wait wait think about this if you fire now any shots that you missed could hit the civilian population trying to leave a volcanic eruption down below my advice would be close up yes sir I got this crap no no no no no when I say pull up I don't mean fly up his ass okay looks you's got the biggest [Music] goomies he you really have to do this yeah he [Music] does if he jigs left let him go there are too many civilians around there if he jigs right you can shoot uh sir the microphone is on Sir the mic was yeah my apologies hey it happened sir 23 Hotel be advised we have a firing Solution on you they got a lock oh no they don't 106 did you see that did you see that to the ground that he a commut aircraft that is a civilian in the are whatever you do aort aort aort I'm important sir boarding Mission now 106 returning all right take us [Music] there [Music] how's your ankle it'll be all right [Music] [Music] [Music] so reminds me of the night raids on Baghdad during a GF War this is much worse that's weird just reminds me of hell we should be over Pompei in 15 uh so when we get there how the hell are we going to find them they are not likely to be out in the op and the ruins there a lot of ground and cover in a little time we have yeah but before Michaela and Lynn left the made him take sa phones with him so we can just call no good been trying since we left Naples all the phones have GPS tracking they're Tethered to one another provided they're all functional go one of them's still up the [Music] coordinates Michaela are you down here hey Mom you okay yeah I just got a bit of a headache there the Pompei Museum good Kane when we get to Pompei look for a free standing four-story building it shouldn't be too hard to find what that we've got 45 minutes left for extraction don't worry cap find [Music] it [Music] where's Christine [Music] Christine [Music] Christin again go we have to go everyone we have to go no Mom Mom breathe I help me come on where's Kine Follow Me This [Music] Way [Music] quick is anyone help any clothes I can use I need cloth fast and water yeah help me tear this cloth into strips keep the baking soda over your mouth and breathe through that okay it should absorb the gas which is in the air in serious what the hell was that Mom it's your phone this is yours I thought it was one of those electronic tour guide things or something dad's been trying to track US come on we need to get to Higher Ground now sir something's up what is it do you still have contact negative the connection is gone damn doesn't change anything we still started the museum same plan I on the [Music] [Music] prize Jesus you guys get strapped in we're going to be coming in really hot double Time come on come [Music] on this thing is [Music] solid at least it's keeping the the gas out another earthquake not this time we don't have to have any dynamite in that bag do you not even a firecracker okay well we've got to do something dab was definitely searching for us on the sap bone before it got smashed it had to be him he knows where we are do you think the signal went through it's possible if there's a way Jeff would find it you know the way you guys keep talking about this dude makes some sound like some kind of superhero or something yeah well he kind of is hey I'm the first to get in line to be rescued by Super Dad he'll be here I know it it's too dangerous she's right there's even the slightest chance in hell that he can get to us he will that's what he did for a living for God's sake how we doing Kane touchdown 90 seconds boss all right let's do [Music] this look even if he is coming the bad news is we can't stay here much longer that second eruption a few minutes ago that means there's a chance of a pyroclastic flow a what when a volcano erupts it can heat rocks so hot that it turns to gas that creates a flow which can wash over the ground kind of like like a tidal wave it's probably dangerous right according to the books it can travel at 450 mph and reach temperature tempates of 1,000° C so kind of still no contact no all right we got to assume they're still of the museum we got less than 30 minutes to get in there find them and get the hell out I want it done in 10 copy yeah copy all right visibility is kind of less than zero so I need the flashlights you got to hit the ground running Kane do you have enough room to land on the roof structure seem sound enough but I'm not risking the touchdown I'm going to get right above and keep the engine running for you all right copy let's go 10 minutes we search every engine then we're gone copy copy copy all right let's [Music] go it's sad it's got to be it has to do it [Music] l guys let's do this already they will find us and they will get us out of here but how can you know that I know my husband 5 more minutes please 5 more minutes Len michaa check those rooms over there [Music] hello be l m [Music] Jeff are you in there Dad hey here you guys in there we're here we're in here all right what happened the roof caved in we can't get through all right everyone stay calm we'll have your ey on there in a couple of minutes okay Alita cave on my 20 everyone I found them let's go got to go we can't sit here any longer man this is we got to go we got to go all right they behind this wall roof caved in we need to make a hole tell me we have something for that always come prepared right c 25 seconds could be dead for all I know we got to get out of here all right I need you all to move as far away from the door as possible take cover we got it Dad good look we're going to try and make an exit for you you need to move away from the door move fast and as far away as you can you've got 25 seconds no run run go go go [Music] hi what are you doing help me what are you doing help me you heard the man take C get [Applause] [Music] down any minutes got to be l Dad okay everybody okay all right come on we got to go come on come on come on come on come on guys H bade brade in all right bring her in bring her in that's what I'm talking about let's go baby let's go can't believe you guys are still alive there was on M she kept us [Music] going Hur come on man come on we straight are we straight good good all right come on good one now there's always another way let's fight looks like we need another ride huh she ain't kidding bro [Music] coming the par clastics low it has to be we need to take cover right now how far does this Museum go there's a basement I saw it earlier all right all the way down come on move move move move move move come on let's go go go go go go go go go we going to be okay okay okay go go go go go go go on come on go [Music] go here nice me everyone all right yeah so what do we do now man just chill out down here is this place even safe I hope [Music] so good thing about being a tomb hopefully nothing W get in anything straighten up Soldier he knew the risks give me that you jerk easy all right easy all come on let's take a look at that leg there we go yeah what have you done huh what have you done you all right can you put any weight on it just so volcano experts what do we do now any way out of here just the way we came in so how long before this thing is over sorry I don't know days maybe days can't wait days we'll suffocate in here there must be a way to get a word out to get someone to help us we'll find a way out of here all right D Point stairwell everyone out now come on come on we got scar out of it go get go go [Music] go Dad what do we do clim everyone C go out help me go give me come on move we have to move Dad I'm so sorry who are you I'm making you come here you got nothing to be sorry about okay yeah I'm proud of you what's happening I don't know I haven't read about this in my books that sounds like a there I Can't Believe come on come on come on come on move move move go go go go you're crazy you know that yes hurry up and wait for the C go go go everyone [Music] straing didn't think you'd come for us you maniac only reason I'm here is that 25 years ago I was stuck in a desert and extracted by another maniac and I didn't even know him all the Deb's over now it's paid paid you owe me for me ha of course I [Music] do I didn't see all your team lost the leader in Cade sorry let's get the rest of them home all right I'm going to be easy like find some soup God damn it his air fils keep clogging come on you can do it come on is that it yes yes once we're there fire I'm trying I'm trying I can't control this thing hold on hold on everyone all right back there yeah Carlo [Music] Captain you okay Captain I'm a bloody Colonel you damn silian this been a rocks gone right through my shoulder K front of Center bring Colonel Dillard some first aid right away sir and break out the mor this is andar all over again you're wanting like a chicken try and fly the plane a little bit to the steady oh I seem to remember I flew it very well in Kart and you were still you were still complaining weren't you Hur give me some morphing before you st me for bloody nighting Gale [Music] e [Music] guys I don't want to live in Italy [Music] anymore [Music] reports are coming in the eruptions from Mount vvus are dying down and the series of earthquakes are dissipating while badly damaged from This Disaster Pompei is still [Music] standing [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Asylum Movie Channel
Views: 52,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2023 Movies, Action Movies, Asylum Movies, Blockbuster Movies, Disaster Movies, Full Asylum Movies, Full Free Movies, Full Movies, Full Sci-Fi Movies, Hollywood Movies, Mockbuster Movies, Shark Movies, Sharknado, Syfy Channel, The Asylum, YouTube Movies, Z Nation, movie, action, drama, free movie, full movie, the asylum, disaster movie, B-grade, city, adventure movie, america, American, earth, airplane, volcano, thriller, full hd, world, pompeii, disaster
Id: WbHzH6gITwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 38sec (5258 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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