THE CREW - Full Movie | Airplane Disaster

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[Music] what are you doing there I'm in charge of thego you're violating safety measures get down here what are you doing do you want to break your legs my fault sir there was a soft Lage what have you got there special cargo uh for victims of the flood all right proceed no tricks yes sir come on this way B more that's it last container no worries me I wasn't worried it's just that the the last time we sent it on the train half of it was stolen where is the captain where there he is no need to shout Madam nothing will happen to your boxes first of all I'm not Madam to you and these aren't boxes it's humanitarian cargo for victims of the flood and toys for the orphanage we collected it from the whole region what is it it's not ours it's ours attention hello Madam what's this this has nothing to do with you a good customer is having a party his daughter is getting married wait we've got humanitarian caros I've spent a lot of time getting all the paperwork clear not raise your voice at me I promise to deliver your stuff and I will you should be thanking me thank you thank you thank you thank you General Sir we'll be over way with the SUVs they will be within the limits listen up tomorrow we need to be at the house of the Newly Weds with these cars shining like on parade is that clear yes I'm sorry can you deliver this please there's a boy in the orphanage Daniel he's waiting for it okay the man who's meeting you knows will you deliver it okay sure thank you so much [Music] I asked you to be more gentle you scratched the car no one expected such a storm we can crash in these conditions I order you to keep fing we need to fly over it don't fly over it it's impossible with such a heavy plane the cars are weighing it down we're six tons overweight what who is in charge here I'm in charge we need to drop drop the cargo or we will crash don't drop the charity stuff the hell people need this cargo children drop it they can collect more that is an order why are you looking at me do it you have the plane I have the plane what is your name McCoy hurry up I will write you a reference in a difficult situation pilot MCO I did not hesitate then listen up these are Captain's Order what a day Kevin it's horrible po let's go home there's no fish to catch there will be who is is during such a [Music] storm did that just happen was it vodka tell me why do you care care so much I don't care McCoy don't forget to return your key for the room so what makes no difference better to be rational you understand There Are Rules they ask you to turn turn they ask you to close your eyes close them people will do their own business and then they'll help you tell with such rules where does that get you all the money we could have been paid now you can't even fly a crop duster you're blacklisted you're trying to make me feel worse cheers look you're a great pilot you can't live without flying you die I know you everything's fine why are you so stubborn go and speak with your father ask him to help you having your father how did you manage to be in such a hole well let's hope he helps you I'll say again I won't ask him why because of Pride he won't help he's not going to like this what will you do haven't decided Alex I know they wanted to fire me too thank you for taking over forget it please go to Moscow talk to your father no just listen to me there's no point in continuing this conversation you do realize you just killed my career I didn't I wrote a report that mentions you cannot work as a pilot for our Airline I'm not competent to work in your company you're the one has it all figured out here this one doesn't fit I'm sorry this one IA are you the only pilot here none of your trainees become Pilots sorry perhaps this is because of you Perhaps it is perhaps I should be the one to not allow unbalanced and unattentive people to fly planes and this is what I do goodbye problem is they're all and no SKS hello why are you late sorry I I got lost are you going to say that to the passengers where's your paperwork why is your CV so bad okay get into the simulator standard takeoff weather is good Gear's up flaps position that was good Michael add some clouds and moderate turbulence you should take Echelon 160 it will be better then did you hear me I hear you I prefer my way he's flying over nice Michael please let's add a bit more and right engine powering the engine coming in for landing at the nearest airport Michael - 5 deg C Runway 18 Tailwind Leonard that's too much break break break the runway's too short break [Music] so what he touched down I look at the facts a military pilot crashed the plane anything else he was doing great you failed him on purpose because you hated when someone does things differently as always not here Grandes yeah pilot Bedford yes pilot Saunders here pilot Peterson yeah he s on the ropes There Are Rules there are instructions and procedures and his references couldn't be worse so don't protect him I'm not protecting anyone in those circumstances even you wouldn't have landed the plane no one would okay hold this start the same [Music] simulation why are you kicking it is it yours I don't think so still look like it idiot parked it like this I don't know a woman would never park a car like this must be one of the pilots what was he thinking give me the keys why we'll try to fly over it keys are you a pilot yeah thank you this is for you keys I'm Alex Sandra Sandra can you give me a lift to the station [Music] Leo you need to sign the exam protocol what are you thinking about Mr Pilot EX pilot ex-pilot I failed to test today actually are you a bad student on the contrary I wanted to show the instructor what I'm capable of and he failed me you need to be smarter what do you mean what do you do by the way I don't do crazy things the flying is crazy for you arguing with the instructor is crazy a be your confidence what's more important for you flying or your ego does my ego have to do with this this is what I like about men what do I have to do with it everyone is to blame but yourself pick up the phone will you why are you saying this you wouldn't understand I wouldn't understand as if only you understand everything who you quiet what please be quiet yes what I will get out of the car [Music] yes [Music] this doesn't mean anything it will all depend on your performance you are not a pilot yet you are a trainee you're still on trial you will obey my instructions and working directives after each flight we make a report on how you have performed but note I see everything and if something goes wrong you're out clear thank you thank you sir and I'm sorry for not taking the right Echelon make sure you have the passenger and cargo report on my desk by 9:00 a.m. is that clear okay how are you good hello Leo 124 124 was 124 airports I'll catch up with you soon you count well good job I'll ask them to transfer you to accounting McCoy get the paperwork yes sir they've given me a trainee again I'd rather fly alone Munich wow hi hello you look at me as if I'm here by mistake where are you flying to Amsterdam I'm flying to Munich congratulations we'll be back at the same time this is my first flight celebration afterwards do you know the restaurant crane crane thanks I'd prefer Amsterdam is she a pilot too who the girl you're talking to Sandra are you here to work or what my fault mcoy good morning peace meet our new second pilot trainy McCoy hi girls hello oh sorry man I didn't see there yeah I'm very hard to see so how about a climbing wall Vicki what let's go together it'll be fun Andrew I'm having enough fun without a climbing wall mhm I'm Victoria nice to meet you nice to meet you too I'm the head of the stewards if you need anything please come to me got it Andrew you're not a pilot I don't want to be Vicki is only nice to Pilots I can live with that good afternoon ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking my name is Leo Fitzgerald on behalf of the crew I welcome you on board our plane flying from Moscow to Munich the flight time will be 2 hours and 55 minutes I wish you a pleasant flight flight 117 is ready for takeoff Flight 117 you're cleared for takeoff run you have the plane let's take off no stunts please toal is at Max 100 knots check takeoff Speedo landing gear up gear up we are finally home is everything okay the passengers are worried everything is good sweetheart can you give me some coffee no sugar please mcoy first military operation this is not a military flight it's a civil Airline and inside you have passengers not Marines with parachutes 200 Souls that just want to get home is that clear it was my fault I pulled up too fast but nobody died don't even joke like that now listen to me me carefully today I will not file a report on your incorrect takeoff but this is the first and the last time and I will not tolerate rudess towards members of the crew what are you talking about how you spoke to Andrew he is your colleague it was a joke I always thought it was more of a woman's job up in the sky every job is a man's job do you have a wife and kids who yes uh no a kamakazi you don't care about yourself and you'll end up killing your passengers so so McCoy you have been warned can I congratulate you yes these are for you thank you so they got upset turned their backs on each other and then Sylvia from the second Department comes in and says I just saw something what did you say something did you say something no you don't like it I can give you a cutlet what happened they gave me a difficult training oh my God again a difficult trainee you should spend more time with your son you have a family you know we have a normal family husband works wife works son is an idiot he is not an idiot he just doesn't see you much I don't see you that much quiet what's wrong quiet what happened Stanley have you got mad do you realize that this is a third floor it's fine what's fine how many times do I have to tell you there is a door in the house stop climbing Through the Windows what if you fall who will put you back together what is this what is it new are you getting ready for the prison huh maybe you should also to start drinking I don't drink or smoke I'm Mr Clean who nice of you to ask how is your Spanish we're getting on pretty well stop talking to me like that when are your exams they must be coming up don't know yet well who does I'm not going to be a lawy come on let me put you into flight school so what then I can become like you wait like a taxi driver what can I go to sleep now sleep that's good idea how can you speak to him can I go to sleep Stanley I forbid you to close the door Stanley did you hear me stop pounding on it stop it I hear you I forbid you to close the door I want did you hear me if you have someone in your company Spanish well maybe are you even listening to me do not shut the door on me nice [Music] son oh Lord hello Mr fitgerald got a minute McCoy wait listen Laura there's someone I know who desperately needs help in learning Spanish you mean tutoring mhm I'd love to but I don't tutor Laura Laura it's important is he your relative well it's my son actually the school taught the language poorly and he didn't pass the exam look he's talented in general but Idol and you're trustworthy please help just don't give him any lenen will you come tonight Mr it's Gerald you know I'm busy I I rarely see my husband I beg you please help well you know I'd be very good come so we're agreed as always well let's go [Music] please stow away your tray tables Vicki what are you doing on Sunday Andrew if we are talking about me spending time with you then I will be busy Landing GE down flaps landing position going away for another round landing gear up Gear Up flaps position one speed is good position One Flat 17 going for another approach give me control I have the plane you have the plane are you crazy do you know what you're doing sorry weird Leo the whole Tower's going crazy yeah bad fault yeah but if it wasn't for you yes you could have gone wrong almost fired that traine the captain of the other plane took completely the wrong Echelon he directed his plane to the same Runway you were headed I don't know how you saw it in the fog so what what do you mean the Turkish Boeing if you didn't react as fast as you did and didn't turn around for a second approach I can't even begin to imagine what could have happened hi hi I must say this sh what is going on studying with this new Jor good okay do you want something to eat I will tell you this train surprised us all today Uno just [Music] [Music] wait [Music] you are so beautiful thanks for the compliment most beautiful pilot in the world so complicated being a pilot well do you know what it's like to be a and a woman how much it can break you you have to work even harder just to be treated equally otherwise you get trampled on if before the flight they announc dear passengers this is second pilot Sandra Coleman and the passengers start yelling a woman behind the controls do you know how tough that is well we're talking to each other like two pilots not two lovers first of all you're not a pilot yet you're a trainee I don't think it's a good idea I come over anymore is he Stanley yes he's a good boy don't worry about being stried okay [Music] your coffee thank you strong thank you black no sugar Vicky get back inside the plane Andrew does our second pilot seem a bit strange today if you get inside the plane please go inside what's going on here this is a revolution Vicki how long were they keep us here quiet this is the tower they're checking all the passengers they'll only allow foreigners to leave the locals will made here why such are the rules proceed just be careful out there look at steps Don't Panic please okay where's my husband okay where's your husband sit down please what happens to the others we can't take them why not read out the Control Card wait let's try to do something sir we can contact the consulate read it out [Music] these are foreign citizens we are not allowed to interfere this is their [Music] business oh a hi what hey your rules are rubbish Alex where's your cork screw look people die but we still have to follow the rules yes this is exactly what a girl wants to hear SRA what's that have to do with it do you know what happened what we were in Africa there were refugees we could have taken them on board I know about we weren't allowed so why are you acting like this I'm just interested why do all men start crying in difficult situations why didn't you just stop the plane what was the problem Sandra let's not get into it what you're so brave but only in the kitchen huh are you crazy don't yell at me Sandra no one is yelling don't yell at me do you want to fight that's it not single web more Hello taxi Sandra can you send a car number two roseby Road first entrance passenger will be waiting downstairs thank you you're not a pilot you're just a woman behind the controls hello you think that I fly lot I don't don't have you finished with your glasses when are we going to take off soon You' think that I fly a lot I don't my granddaughter organized Wonder have a lovely FL can I get sir thank you would you like anything no oh finally Flight 117 all passengers are on board we are ready to take off sir your seats are here please go on there fasten your seat out and have a good flight excuse me can I have some cognac we can't serve it now as about to leave I'll bring it as soon as we take off do you know who this is do you read the papers do you watch TV don't play around one minute sir that passenger is demanding cognac we give it to him let him choke trim up at 30% controls check well yeah thank you R try good please put out your cigarette it's prohibited to smoke on board during the flight what will you do maybe get out please put out your cigarette you are violating rules on board what rules what are you saying relax sit down get out of here sit down please don't touch him sir we have an emergency they've hit an it's fine believe don't interfere it's fine believe me don't call me stay in your seat the pilot is not allowed to leave the cabin one second it might be provocation or they could be taking the pl TR McCoy please put out your cigarette who the heck are you I'm the second pilot so go and fly mind your own business and pay attention what the hell sit down just now this is Flight 117 we have an emergency coming back to the terminal well I have to say this trainee was a disaster what is he studying say come on you can do more I can't do any more hello goodbye I told you he's been little devil I knew he was up to something can you see he's mad the door should have been locked you said it yourself don't lock the door get away from the bar do you know what you're doing do you realize he has a husband in my team do you know how this is going to make me look what kind of husband is he he's never at home like you what what what are you thinking what does he think what did you tell him nothing darling said nothing for you a commander or what how did you let this kid out of the cabin the video's all over the Internet a fight on an airplane I'm just back from headquarters there is a big attack on our Airline we might not make it I need to fire you well fire me what can you repeat that I will not say that I am sorry in fact I envy this kid I was taught to stay quiet to keep my mouth shut whatever the problem put up with it it says no here and underlined here we are afraid of everything we hide behind you think you're the only one we don't even know who every day my day is the same and I live with it and he doesn't because he is the right man first you need to teach him some manners he has to behave himself and respect authority one of our planes is being charted privately it flies today we Chang the crew you are the pilot the job is for a month minimum it'll give us some breathing space you will need to take two experienced second Pilots you may choose them as you like and we are firing this kid that's it no we're not come again we're not firing him is he your son or something no he's not he's a great pilot we have hands you and me he has wings he does things in the air that I'm not capable of so thank you but I'm not flying without him that is my decision let him be beside me what about exams they will kick him out of college you will take the money returns I want to spend more time with them it will be good for the both of us you can't do that fire or something I left half of his things at home I forgot to pack his socks I will buy everything there okay but don't forget to why are you so dressed up what why so dressed up me why I go to work like this always every day why get down from there did you hear what I said what's point of taking him away for a month he needs to study I could keep an eye on him this is nonsense s stop behave yourself son a kiss okay let's say goodbye bye and darling don't forget to return your security pass socks goodbye bye McCoy please meet our second pilot be flying together for the next four weeks sir we will talk later first shift Coleman McCoy you're next let's prepare for takeoff hello hello can I stay here you can't stay in the cockpit go inside the cabin take the bag carefully and flight attendants are off limits okay Captain yes did you request me on purpose yes they say you have a light hand Sandra prepare for takeoff don't gain weight because you're constantly stressed mhm you fly all the time you're constantly burning calories because you were sitting walking I'm being serious with you if you lived at home now it would be a different matter you know yeah yeah seriously I see Alex Alex Captain's calling you do you know Kwo it's a volcanic island to the north of here they just reported an earthquake and there is a possibility of aftershocks they're asking for help to evacuate the wounded we are the closest to it and we have no passengers the airline is saying it's at her own discretion let's go this is 117 changing course to can wo flight 117 we will not be able to get you permission you will let me take the pilot sey negative the airport there is on a rock the approach is incredibly difficult so Sandra is a more experienced pilot you been here come here come here I can't feel on my way I can't be on my way Captain Hamstead wait please I need to give you a shot get off me Captain hello hello hello hello good that you made it very good you will take our Specialists women and children there are some wounded buses will arrive with people any moment now you need to take everyone everyone well the locals fly too there are no locals here only people that come to work here on the factories is this a Russian plane yeah will you take her huh sure we'll take you we need to refuel and then we'll fly I don't have a now we'll take you without a passort can we fly will you will you take the bodies as well what bodies the dead there's a lot of them an awful lot let's deal with the ones that are alive first what's the forecast I I don't know I really don't know well who does know listen to me the volcano is the problem we have to fly out of here now can't you see calm down the buses will arrive and then you can fly they'll be here soon well where are they do you know anything stop don't shout at him he's in shock his wife just died Peter I have to do it to calm you down I'm going to the tower come back quickly Sandra go to the Medics find out what's happening there yes sir here here here not going to go a this way over here over here this way come on I I think I think I'm going to I'm begging you my husband hurt his back we must fly can you help get him on the plane he I need to get out of here for hours one plane left another plane left and yet look at me I'm still okay be right back [Music] for [Applause] Barry Barry watch out [Music] SC out everybody look out out I'm coming give me a [Music] ey just come with me just calm down keep calm stay with me calm down calm down come with me I've got you I've got you where are you parents your parents help help D it D it where are you where are you where's my boy that's got it you got it Tandra thee here C Cal are you okay Alex get to the plane don't P please please do not everybody quiet don't be afraid everything will be fine Stanley Stanley for Cher come here help me calm down calm down leave the plane calm down stay Cal to the and stay here after a few minutes we will try and leave we need permission before take off you stay here and you stay calm you will be safe please don't pic what happened Alex have you seen Stanley where is Stanley why does he get go come here what did I tell you do not move from this spot okay we're getting out of here you can't the main Runway is damaged there's a crack in it and a section is missing we can't take off we need to call for help but it will be M before we hear anything what's over there behind the water tower over there there's another Runway but he completely engulfed in flames can you see the main fuel tanks are there they're on fire they could EXP Lo well once the fire's burnt out we could try to use it but a plane that heavy can't take off and a Runway that short it won't get enough speed it's impossible ah here are the buses here here over here Sterling be quiet sir don't worry step away from the plane we'll be able to take everyone Please don't panic step away from the plane maybe we try to extinguish the fire on the second Runway we could try to use the water tower what's the point there's not enough Runway we'll end up in the sea so what do we do I don't know yet where we go what are you talking about tell me tell me please where where do I have to go tell me run to thee go back to the plane but it's your responsibility who is in charge here you in charge no where is the captain there he is Captain sir stop my name is margarit we must drive back my sister and kids are there there so there more people there where are they one more boss is stay in the mountains I told her to come with me but she's just so stubborn I told her to come with me she has two kids she's just an idiot Captain when can we start boarding wait we can't do it yet I don't know what to do with them I'm asking the drivers to go back but they won't there's been a landslide can we take this mini bus we can try but there's about 30 people there they won't all fit into one vehicle what should we do I'm going no you're not sir we can't fly yet anyway I'll be quick you're a pilot your job is the plane stay here and leave them like we did in Africa let's go let's leave them here what are we here for anyway I'll be quick wait I I'll show you the way I got it stay here stay safe they'll manage without you this is not a job for a child not seven if you haven't noticed Captain Captain allow me to go with him he won't be able to take everyone Andrew please watch my kid okay what's that I don't know what's going on what what is it it's above the factory what's going on don't worry it'll be fine what's going on as long as there are no more ques what is it what's going on well it must be fine because the lights are back on what's happening what's happening why aren't we boarding tell us we'll need to wait tell us what to do the runway is damaged all flights are canell calm calm down on somebody's we're leaving let's go we're leaving no without him let's go I'm not leaving without Maxwell John John what are you doing come back back I can't leave my sister's here wait wait what's going on calm down I'm still trying to get hold to my sister Helen where is John he wanted that plane sh how Helen it's going to take off I don't know oh my God R oh my God oh my God help help us help right here please are you here for us there's a child stuck there where in the bus the bus was hit by rocks and he's stuck there we can't P him out help us I brought house help us keep going everyone come on your son is in there help help Stanley help him please Stanley Stanley get out of there I'm here mom is he alive it's okay it's okay get people to the class we we need to evacuate what should I do we'll be evacuated shortly let's get organized follow me everyone keep moving everyone keep moving I'm here are you hurt no all here I can't my leg's dark give me a hand push with your leg push with your leg again it will work help what is it on the radio there's they saying it's really bad laa is coming down from the mountains it will be here soon I can't I can't see where are [Music] you [Music] St St what come on hurry up She haven't got Time come on do this come on H up okay quickest attack come on okay that's it Qui up there let's go come on in the bus in the bus come on let's go quick what's that plan which one that one the small cargo BL is it operational it should be where are the Pilots Dead all dead the whole crew that's a short takeoff distance there's a chance that we could make it what if we can't we don't have a choice we need to get out of here you're not going to put these passengers in the cargo bay are you I am ready the passengers we're waiting for the buses and then we take off we need to go back go back where the airport's ahead of us quiet come on come on come on I'm trying hold on I'm trying the point do something everyone out of the bus now help go go go quick get out of the car get out of the bus get out of the car quick on come on hatri P get on the roof can you hear me are you okay yeah sure look at me thank you I want to get off okay I don't like is that the airport there any other Road listen up everyone does anyone know another way to the airport we go down the mountain down stay that's right on Ming onck in are the buses here I don't understand what Ro are they supposed to drive on there's nothing there they're not coming back if were not in the air in 5 minutes there won't be a Runway there'll be nothing left everyone get on [Music] board is the plane refueled if you're alive will make it go inside the plane go first we go first I'm right behind you all right right behind you come inside the flame okay give me a [Music] moment [Music] [Music] flaps down let's go everything will be okay breathe deeper good it'll be fine hold it like this everything unraid of really afraid of get stay calm stay calm this is a critical moment sir there's not enough Runway take off come on everyone that's it you next come on dad dad soon McCoy McCoy there's no one here what do you mean who will fire the plane there's no Runway what are we going to do so what are you going to do now we're going to burn a alive here wait just wait who's in charge who's the captain are you the captain yes what are we going to do I'll figure this out we're asking to you how are we going to take off we'll take off using the second Runway at the end of the field get on board hurry up Let everyone on let's go up the stairs everything will be fine remain calm please watch your step please hurry up the stairs quick let's go come on let the kid through quick hurry let's go up the stairs please everything's going to be okay thee down don't worry she's on the other plane put your seat sit down please sit down sit down sit down [Music] [Music] [Music] sit down please sit [Music] down why did we stop Captain what's the delay there's burning fuel on the runway so what do we do do you see that Tower there's water in there the fire we'll push the tower and it will collapse and put out fuel on the runway we'll have a few seconds to take off and what if it doesn't collapse enough we'll discuss that after we land go back to the cabin they need you there for w [Music] come on come on come on come on w come on come on what's that there a fire we're on fire Don't Panic please do not panic everybody quiet don't be afraid everything will be fine sit down please sit down McCoy relax everything's fine sit with me getting boring without you come on come on Don't Be Afraid fire in the left engine everything's under control keep the passengers calm how gently you're the man for the job the plane is going through volcanic ash there's fire in the engine because how soon will they clear the ash cloud we don't know there's a possibility of firing the second engine is there a landing strip nearby what Landing Strip there's only ocean it worked the fire's out but the engine's not working fire in the second engine decreasing speed trying to put out the Flames sir please close the [Music] blinds thanks for coming who is the pilot a trainee we recently hi him I'm not engaging in the extinguishers or the engine will s [Music] come on come on come on come on come on I'm clear of the ashcloud [Music] eyes out Stanley huh go to the cabin see what's going on there excuse me are you going to serve food you know there's hungry people here there's a strong vibration the engines they're clogged with Ash and there is a problem with the landing gear ready the nearest airport Peter we need to ready the nearest airport they won't manage to fly further ready the nearest airport that is their only chance new information switch to Second channel the fuel tank was damaged during takeoff it's leaking I'm losing fuel it's not enough to fly to the mainland I repeat fuel tank is that you sir try TR mcoy mcoy you're alive yes how are you are you okay how's Sandra she is fine where's stabby here put these on put them on can you hear me can you hear me I would never have abandoned you Stanley Stanley can you hear me sir sorry it's me I got it trainy I'm alive grow up are you 5 years old he waited for us till the very end he refueled our plane stop whining we're losing fuel here's the plan I'll try and land on water you will call the ships and pick up everyone that survives they don't have other options you could have the whole Navy out there but landing a cargo plane on water in such conditions is suicide Leo how much fuel you have left I have about 20 minutes if I'm lucky can you make it to land so what procedures do we have for this there are no procedures for this I I once saw on TV there was this guy that climbed from one plane to another in midair sir I have I have an idea as one of my relatives says crazy idea crazy that's something we need right now we dropped to a minimum altitude to 10,000 ft is it possible yes can you hold a minimum speed speed of 350 knots no more yes pressure will be close to normal I'll open the door I'll come in from your tail and you will open the cargo ban and we will and we will transfer the passengers on a wire to my plane is it possible at all theoretically yes but no one has ever tried it it's suicide we need to call the emergency services maybe they have something to recommend this is real life not a circus there's too many people don't you understand they don't have a choice the planes will collide the wind's too strong they won't be able to stay stable 117 I'm not allowing you to risk it you'll have one engine you'll be lucky to land your own plane I prohibit it you'll be locked up if you don't comply we need to land first Stanley we're not a military flight with parachutes for everyone we have 200 Souls about 200 attention please this is pilot Alex McCoy our plane is on its way to the mainland soon you will all be safe but there is another the plane near us it's damaged and has people on board they won't make it if we don't help them we'll need to take a risk and try to transfer them to our plane I can't make this decision on my own I need your support unanimously all those in favor why you still sitting there go count they can't risk it six the instructions how will we look each other in the eye after this that's easy for you to say you've never been in their situation are you sure and who will answer for this let's not interfere then [Music] [Music] Accord to me I have kids [Music] [Music] there it is keep calm I see it okay guys you two go and get ready open the door just be careful there Stanley huh I need you to work together right I'm going to go and help can I come with you no you're in charge here it's my mom on that plane fasten your seat come on then here we go one more [Applause] time one more time everyone together now everyone together now push it won't open [Music] okay come [Music] on Captain I can't open it I'm sorry sorry [Music] Alex listen to me dad dad is that you it's me who else could it be who else listen carefully I have an idea what idea as always a crazy idea lift the floor in the compartment the instructions say we can't go in there while the plane is in the air there's avionics and navigation systems there I wrote those instructions but those were for normal situations and you are far from normal there lift that floor in the compartment F opening the cargo hatch it opens up so it should work and if it doesn't work just kick it out it's all there you can lift the passengers through that hatch I don't know if it will work we'll make it work hold the lower Echelon and hold the distance got it got it get down and hold on hold on kick it on free hey Dad thank you three fine sit sit down okay it's okay we're going to get you safe attention passengers my name is Sandra Coleman I am your second pilot we will now board the second plane in the air check your bags and cases put on any warm clothes that you have if you have creams or gels put them on your faces and hands if we Panic we will all die everything will be fine don't if we stay calm we will it like this I will give you my daughter's phone number please can you make sure that you call her for me will you please come on don't panic you will call her yourself I'm not getting in there I'm staying sorry her name is Sophie please I haven't seen her in seven years my sister was on that bus with her two children with two kids I told her to go with me but she wouldn't listen we argued and the last words I told her is that she was an idiot I hate myself for that I said on the lines wrong move back carefully move back yeah we're opening the hatch move back [Music] I [Music] I need to get even closer to the cable I'm going to have to turn the plane use the rudder but carefully got it using the rudder [Music] move come on move let's go one careful friends got it we're ready sir now you must hold the altitude and speed I'll watch the distance come here okay honey you go first you go first I'm right behind you all right I'm right behind you they're newly WS she won't go without him it's too heavy I need some help everyone help please Care on push quickly carefully push ja [Music] careful you're next [Applause] ready here it comes good come on hurry come on get out first get out here we go here we go okay easy easy careful careful careful with the child careful with the [Music] child easy [Music] easy over here over here sit sit down sit [Music] down Captain Fitzgerald the first part's on board you're doing great attention passengers does anyone have any spare warm clothes we need to get them to the other plane so they can transfer the rest of the people safely please take this please thank you keep it here here take my coat take mine yes okay yes Fel is on the limit losing altitude keep going near there we need we need more take the clothes careful with his back careful take it keep yourself warm keep everything Qui keep the H can fall apart oh my God there's too many people Let It Go protect [Music] yourself hold it hold it stay there P come on everyone keep it moving me [Music] me are you injured injured hold them is he this is scary easy easy get your hand off help keep it under your head yes yes sit down are you okay could be worse he's gone he's gone he's gone that's what places better go back to your son he's not my son actually he's the neighbor's kid when the earthquake hit his mother died I don't know how to tell [Music] him got it the basket is caught easy eay they're heading directly into a storm can you do this any faster captain we're sending the last party go with them no I won't leave you go I said quickly go please go Vicki hold on hold on quick Sandra get on go get on hold on tight hold [Music] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me your M hold the [Music] legs careful give me your hand hold on hold come on there's lots of room for everyone SP give me don't Stop keep moving don't keep going come on come on don't stop come on come on come on come on don't stop come on seat belt [Music] ATI Natasha oh my God you're alive oh my God I'm so glad to see you give me your hand [Music] [Applause] [Music] Captain go to autopilot now the basket's broken let's use this rope here TI on we'll go [Music] together tell her to FY lower lower lower [Music] lower who's that that go up trainy up go go up give me your [Music] hand [Music] [Music] h [Music] Alex thank you is the captain on board slow and slow slow that's it you are awesome like Mr Clean almost Andrew don't worry I'm [Music] okay you said that Mom was on the other [Music] plane help you shouldn't even be moving I'm trying to help you uhhuh go to the compartment I'll help you come on get up it's okay go thank you Captain I wanted to say that I was a bit harsh back there on the island a bit this is the captain of Flight 117 Leo Fitzgerald the crew and the passengers are on board Leo take control second pilot McCoy will fly the plane okay 17 we're planning to land you at the nearest airport but we received a storm warning it's now closed there's a storm there and the clouds are very low the wind is very strong can you make it to the other airport our engine's at its limits it's full of Ash the second engine is out we won't get through the storm we'll be landing at the nearest airport prepare the runway Sandra leave us for a minute get out I can't do it I can't let her do it she's more experienced I didn't train for this neither did I and Lord did she sir I'm scared there are so many people on board I'm try not to think about it but I can't help it I've already done everything I can I can't do it my hands are shaking I'm very scared I'm scared too even more scared than you are you at least can hold the controls I can't do that this plane is extremely reliable others would have fallen apart in such conditions like in the simulator remember it's almost a same now you can do it maintain balance until the end when you touch down decrease speed until the wing touches the ground it'll get ripped off that's it we'll discuss this when we landed 117 I'm diverting you to Petra pavlos good luck well it's with God now Vicki time to make the announcement try to stay calm I can do it if you want me to yeah I I'll do it attention passengers we are getting ready for landing please follow our instructions store your trays away stay calm what you [Applause] doing the over must sit and make sure that all luggage is underneath you gentlemen don't be afraid it's scarier on the mines return your head breest to the upright position and make sure that all luggage the lights have gone out we're coming in get ready for emergency landing flashlight I need a flashlight put the headrest up please the exits are located on the left and right side of the cabin stay calm and listen to instruction okayo can you hear me let's play When We Touch down hold your arms and legs like this got it no I don't want to leave I don't want to leave I don't want to leave my sister down secure the overhead lockers and make sure all luggage is underneath you listen it's okay pleas help us okay stay calm it's okay sit down stay calm it's fine sit down deploy faps faps position three speed check position three hold the place steady control tower get fire tracks and ambulances to the [Music] runway I can't see the runway I can't see it you should have the guys I'm F by navigation critical altitude I can't see the wrong way I can't see the wrun way I see it I see it Landing flying by sight attention safety [Music] position PR trust engage Hold Steady until the wings T is down hold days hold days hold the pl hold it a not the softest Landing not the softest you passed did you land tell me did you land what about the passengers we landed calmly no rush please move any high he [Music] shoes [Music] run if okay there are experienced people meeting you at the bottom there are experienced people meeting you at the bot don't be afraid they'll pick you up care they'll pick you up don't be afraid follow the marshals all be [Music] okay [Music] please move away from the escap sh Natasha passing my pH thank you here take it call your daughter call her tell her everything's going to be all right it will all be [Music] okay mom was on the other [Music] plane that's [Music] it Andrew I if you were talking about me spending time with you then I'm [Music] free Alex a moment S one moment [Music] what [Music] why didn't you wake me up what's happened everything's okay what's with the hand it's fine [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought what if we go on holiday somewhere with a bit of sun [Music] together [Music] pilot Johnston pilot CER here pilot shefford here pilot Martin pilot Coleman Haven got a chance pilot Coleman oh pilot McCoy here trainee McCoy here traine Fitzgerald I'm here to the ropes try Fitzgerald now won be embarrassed go on get up there trainy F Gerald come on train McCoy catching up with [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] what
Channel: Janson TV - Free Movies & Shows
Views: 44,434
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Keywords: the crew, the crew movie, new movie, best movie, action movie, drama, drama movie, action drama movie, free movie, free movies, free full movies, the crew full movie, the crew 2, air force, airforce, air force movies, air force movie, the crew plane, the crew full movie in english, movies in english, foreign movie, action movies in english, volcanic island, plane over volcano, the crew movie kareena kapoor, airplane crew movie, movies 2024, new movies, free movie 2024
Id: wB3pOD3CsFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 13sec (7393 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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