SUPER TANKER Full Movie | Disaster Movies | The Midnight Screening

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[Music] for ready 3 2 one [Music] the football is secure we are Oscar Mike copy that control do you read we are go down here we read you you are clear for takeoff on Runway 0 Niner again with these electrical failures any idea what's going on Carson Tower this is Delta Mary 5 these electrical failures are worsenings please advise over damn it I don't like this we're going to drop down to 5,000 ft oh we just lost navigation stabilize the field now I'm trying Mayday Carson Mayday do you read we're going to have to set her down we're going to have to do it by visual only find us a spot we're having electronic failures we're now attempting emergency landing hurry up I think it's crashed Captain we are unable to stabilize the field the system is [Music] down hey you okay yeah I think so see we did it we did it hey wo [Music] [Music] W you do understand of course this is Eyes Only National Security is at stake yes of course though I still don't know what I'm doing here have it in the private sector for almost 6 years we're well aware of that you seem to done pretty well for yourself Jordan This is a Blast From Your Past I'm told that you had a hand in making this stuff 30 years ago containing it yes but that was another life Admiral now I don't much care what your job description was as I understand it you're the expert and whiskey Hotel don't want you leading on this whiskey Hotel Jord in the white house now when you just listen up we had an incident we flew a sample over you flew a sample you can't move ice 10 through the Earth's magnetic field at that kind of speed it'll build a heck of a charge destabilize its own containment field what happened what is there we had an incident fortunately confined to an installation way up in Northern Alberta and thanks to the Canadians we've managed to keep a lid on it Admiral with all due respect I 10 it was originally derived from a compound extracted from a meteor right look what I'm saying is we didn't understand it then and we don't understand it now it should never have been moved We buried it deep underground and it was supposed to stay down there forever forever is a long time and things changed now that area was approved for oil drilling a year ago oil drilling ice 10 was conceived as a doomsday weapon for the Cold War it was the ultimate deterrent capable of plunging this entire Planet into a Thousand-Year winner you can't use it to fight drugs or terrorism that is why we need your help to RI the world of it for good I was always against burying it secure containment requires a precisely controlled electronic field any any change in the electronic field any power cut t square miles burned to a crisp by less than a gram of it why didn't you send it back where it came from into space into the sun I don't have the budget for that and you know it so please don't waste my time Jordan well then the there's only one option left I suppose sink it in the ocean sink it deep below 15,000 ft where pressure and low temperatures will render the material inert all right I'll need the best of the best on this AB Mr Jordan you will have the United States military behind you when they are the best of the best so so what do we have to do to get it there it will have to be a boat the biggest boat you can lay your hands on well I think we may have just the thing [Music] [Music] attention uh as you were I just want to take a moment to introduce myself I'm Robert Jordan ex director of science and technology for the CIA as you may know I've been put in charge of this operation and I know it's unusual for a civilian to be in command of a joint military operation but I trust the gravity of this situation is obvious to you all so I hope we can run rise together work as a team and above all trust one another yes sir what is your name Randall sir good Randall but ditch the salute please I'm not wearing a uniform I believe you're all aware of the consequences of the destabilization of a single gram of ice 10 considering the fact there's another 63 vials of the stuff in mccre it is no over statement to say that Millions possibly billions of lives are at stake now our mission will be to coordinate the loading of the weapon onto a vessel here the vazar which will be escorted across the Pacific to the Mariana Trench the deepest spot on the planet there she'll be inent tuned so we never have to face another incident like this again the vazar sir she's an ultra large crude carrier largest in her class now for the vazar this will be a one-way Mission once she's over the Mariana Trench she'll be filled with concrete and sank to the bottom okay the containment device on board has been designed to work to a depth of 20,000 ft by which time nature will have taken over the pressure and temperature at those depths will render I 10 completely inert colonel Marvin Hanley of the Army Corps of Engineers will be our pointman on the ship the skipper is Captain Costa speu got his start flying choppers for the Greek navy and for the record served with distinction in the first Gulf War no one knows the ship better than him one last thing Randall run simulation Alpha One please copy ladies and gentlemen what you see here is the projected path of Destruction should we fail in our mission a tidal wave a mile high will sweep out the Western Seaboard and sweep in land as far as Last Vegas far worse secondary destruction will be due to particles thrown up into the atmosphere blocking the sunlight for 1,000 [Music] years you get the idea any questions let's get to work let's go [Music] everybody [Music] sir thanks yes sir so far so good sir yeah let's hope it stays that way something's not right what the hell is that Esa satellites tracking a rogue wave forming 12 clicks away from the vazar sir how big how soon Big 3 minutes just our luck batch me through let's just hope he can ride it out for all our sakes [Music] Captain spiru you have a rogue wave bearing down in you du East it's traveling fast copy heart of starart yes sir this is Captain speo we have a rogue wave headed our way secure all patches I knew it I knew it 12 11 10 seconds ner 8 8 7 6 turn into it turn into it get inside race [Music] [Music] report a man of abort here notify the escorts get the heli out there I'm going down to the control room you have the bridge yes sir let's go move move what's our status it's not good field containment was stabilized by the wave what's our options well procedure calls for a hard reset but we're still waiting on word from setcom waiting yeah why are they waiting that's a good question captain again I recommend a hard reset it's standard protocol we can't do that here Colonel there'll be a breach sir they're waiting for instructions sir Pro injecting less than a minute until containment [Music] collapse vent we're going to vent vent sir what is that mean oh my gosh all right you heard him open a tack room yes sir 45 seconds until containment collapse sir Captain the device is designed to vent small amounts in an emergency situation now this can work destabilize the compound will cavitate and produce a hot gas it's relatively cold where you are so the gas should rise before it expands too much is this going to work Evacuate the tank grp now it's going to be flooded with radiation 30 seconds this is the captain speaking evacuates the tank room we V ing the weapon get out of the tank room [Music] now let us pray 15 14 13 12 11 10 seconds ner [Music] containment has been stabilized yes yes track that cloud Randall what cloud [Music] sir good job okay everything's okay then [Music] what oh that cloud [Music] sir Cruiser is right in its path get them out of there avoid contact with the cloud avoid the cloud we've lost the feed sir give his legs [Music] [Music] f [Music] get me ad brro [Music] mcdonal get me the [Music] Admiral that's pretty much here's the water that passes and it cools down the whole thing it's an amazing PL it's yeah it's a nuclear plant but it's still pretty much amazing hey so you didn't learn anything from Three Mile Island huh three three what listen to me if you want to scram the reactor you have to use sufficient cooling flow to remove the Decay heat and that is why we use pressurized water reactors not enough it takes 28,000 L per hour for each individual field Channel you're not getting anywhere near that look you have significant core damage to reactor 3 you need to shut this place down you're here to fix problems not to shut us down if you want me to fix problem then you shut it down one week tell him okay Ben Clarence do you copy we got you Adam this puppy's all kinds of messed up we're going to shut down through a Regan right yeah yeah looking like that point director must be thrilled not exactly but your sister is over there smoothing things over as usual you guys make one heck of a team at least we got one Diplomat so we're not out of work thank you for the vote of confidence Ben okay it's about time you guys got out of there I don't want you getting Overexposed we're in here now we might as well P the reactor negative Ben Clarence come back to us it's a noo babe they're going for a second opinion what hey if you want to fly me halfway across the world to not listen to me I've got another story for you man SC C ATT temp's not going down stuck valve what got to be okay guys we have to manually override the valve valve valve Jackie valve three valve three radiation levels are ped to the top of the scale if we don't get this valve open we're looking at a meltdown they must open the valve now punching give it all you got Ben temps Rising Adam we're Consultants not Rescuers let them pay the price not [Music] us okay Jackie are they making any Headway yes I think so what Ben what are you doing there's a whole city out there sis it moved I got to throw here then please get out of there now sorry how are we doing Adam you're nearly there oh God I'm not feeling so good Ben get out of there just get out of there now what what is going on why why is there so much radiation in there I don't know oh you got it cting stabilizing open the door and get out out of there now Morgan you can't do that we'll all be fatally exposed flush the room flush the room it's not working Ben it's going to be okay all right just breathe we're going to flush the room we're going to flush the room sorry I don't think I'm going to make it no Ben no Ben Ben B h [Music] hello Adam is that you [Music] hello [Music] we've had an update on the shipping accident we brought you earlier the US Coast Guard reports they are aware of no incidents and that their investigation has concluded that this was a hoax they are now investigating the source of the misinformation in other news sunspots have been causing electrical disturbances across the got cover up written all over it could be right the uh interference patterns can't be sunspot watch his frequencies all wrong really wrong frequency were you some kind of a science doctor something like that you Adam Murphy yep that's me you're coming with us I am yes you are all right whatever you say let's [Music] go Adam Professor Jordan not anymore just playing Robert Jordan these days okay MIT was a long time ago huh sit down [Music] okay I've kept up with your published work and some of the unpublished stuff too yeah well I decided to walk away from that when I realized that we're using for weapon development did they brief you on the way in yeah yeah the broad Strokes um containment failed you decided to vent probably the only choice you had at the time um a bubble formed and pop the expert on containment you know some of your theories about magnetic field superimposition are I've never been tested how about I give you the opportunity I I'm feeling a little bit Rusty at the moment to be honest sir so I know all about Baku you made the right call I killed my best friend and brother-in-law it's time to grow up Adam look we're not talking about weapon development here we're talking about weapon dismantlement Adam I desperately need your help I don't believe I can do it sir besides I I lost my whole team back there Jackie Morgan when did you last speak to them almost two years ago I won't even know where to find them come on they use cell phones like the rest of the world how do you think we found you I don't think they'll follow me again well you may be surprised Murphy go get him clock scking hi Adam what do you here Jackie I'm looking for you and it's good see you haven't lost your groove groove is very important never lose Groove um Jack I didn't have a chance to apologize to you too much sorry we sa lives you be proud that's honor man yeah yeah you look bad yeah I suppose I do what this American soier you got new job yeah and it's a big one and it could be dangerous it could be a lot worse than beu hey man dangerous my middle name I follow you to hell even you don't want me you understand I I understand you have't talk to her huh I figured you for the easy one listen up here's the situation folks we lost a cruiser and far too many good men and women however the vazar is still afloat and back on course now what's become clear is just how unstable containment can be so I'm bringing in a team of Highly skilled containment Specialists to try a novel approach with all due respect sir so far this operation has consisted of one calamity after another now I don't think this is the time for novel approaches standard operating procedure calls for a hard reset now we need to reboot and get the bugs out of the system you will do no such thing Colonel you will stick to protocol is that clear yes [Music] [Music] sir take it easy Kel did you just tell me to take it easy you don't like your boss I expect a little competence from my superiors and we have procedures for this sort of thing that box down there needs a hard reset it's novel ideas to get good people killed colonel come in [Music] Colonel Hy here what are you got a situation sir the system's acting up again damn [Music] it can only hope for the best captain okay let's see what we're dealing with here okay start prepping for a hard reset yes sir Colonel Mr Jordan Mr Jordan is not here right now is he you saw what happened last time operating procedures are quite clear hard reset Sergeant yes sir that man is not my Superior officer he's a damn Cy Corel Hanley what's going on out there it looks like we're losing containment stability again we're going to attempt a hard reset wait Captain speu anything happened out there we don't know about no sir Randall how long have we got minutes sir Colonel a hard reset is ill advised right now the containment is not critical and the system is designed to sell stabilize I'd prefer to wait and see well it's too late for that sir hard reset has been [Music] initiated we've lost device diagnostic sir damn him 10 to one the system would have self- stabilized now it's just a crap shoot [Music] [Music] we're back containment gone critical in two units sir 30 seconds till failure colel vent the damn thing now vent it yes sir again we run the risk of another death Cloud but this is the only option we have to avoid a total system [Music] meltdown get those overflying Choppers out of there flight control get the Choppers out of there get them out we're trying sir but there's too much [Music] interference that's a big cloud sir and it's only going to expand as time goes on well won't that dissipate the energy any matter doesn't behave in conventual ways for now the bigger it gets the bigger the bang start tracking it we need to predict where it's going to pop get me weather estimates that's our best guest sir Hana Lulu how long have we got it's hard to say Sir approximate Dam it Randall 12 hours [Music] sir get me Admiral [Music] McDonald hey what the hell Adam Morgan wait wait wait it's important is this some kind of a joke you're really sick you know that I know probably yeah but I'm not here to make peace with you what I mean I'm here because we need you who's we America the world you you're not making any sense no is this another job yeah wait but it's it's it's different this time please listen the military they created something something really bad some kind of antimatter or nobody really knows what it is but all I can say it's worse than anything you or I could ever imagine we need to get rid of it we need to sink it to the bottom of the ocean so it never comes back to haunt us again now they're having trouble with containment so they need people from the top of the field and that used to be us right me and you you you're in charge of this yeah look at you Adam you you're a wreck after the accident I I couldn't it's couldn't what couldn't talk to me or look at me I could function anytime I saw you I would just so shutting yourself off and drinking yourself into a stoer every day and destroying yourself that was your solution look I I can't do this without you so please just one last [Music] time let's see what these guys are all [Music] about [Music] welcome aboard I'm Colonel Hanley I'm glad you're here Morgan we hope we can be of assistance why did you go ahead with a hard reset and gets orders huh you must be Adam Murphy yes I am I'll have you know that Robert Jordan is not my command in officer nor are you well I was just wondering why you bought me in then is it because you're doing such a fantastic job listen up Murphy if it were up to me this would be 100% military up yeah it was up to you and now we're in the middle of trying to evacuate the whole of Hawaii under the pretense of a hurricane hey hey guys we're in old same chai USA USA USA you want to play Monday Morning Quarterback that's fine with me but you got to learn the game first I know all about Baku and how you killed half your team out there and you follow my lead and you keep in line ma jerk I'm sorry did you just say something little lady little what whoa whoa whoa whoa cor Henry we are here help let's go bridge and say hi Captain you know what did he just say he said we're on board with the program oh that's more like it let's go meet the captain sir yes sir Captain SPO there here this is Adam Morgan and Jackie yes sir at the magnetic containment specialist at Jordan sent over hopefully they'll be of some use welcome abort pleasure to be here we need to get to the tank room ASAP me I guess it's full of radiation we set up an Uplink in a control room below Dex you can use that that means we'll have to figure out how to modulate the field through the network interface no if that were possible don't you think I'd have done it already it's a strip down system never intended for that we took a look at the source code on the way in we think there's a way around the user layer there's no way you're getting in without physical access the network interface was built a military spec that's good milit speak software you're funny guy what did he just say again lead the way Soldier come on you can leave your things here is it all right if he sets up in there sure just L out for him it's a single user system do you understand no it's okay I'm going for Dux is see get the hell out of here you're in move it may be rude access but we're still top level we're going to try a few exploits we scoped out and get behind the interface you see these readings what is that a small utility we threw together on the way over it's scraping data from the confinement chamber monitoring one layer down these are field intensity readings from each of the electromagnets in EDS come on you can't be serious those numbers are all over the place what you're looking at is what happens when a medium's reluctance is Shifting flux density ripples basically oh my God okay essentially the system is doing all it can to stop from losing containment but due to how unpredictable this ice tens crap is it's it's having to work way outside spec in other words if we're going through something soon we're facing catastrophic failure so how long do we have sorry to say but uh looking at these numbers maybe 3 hours I got command line yes nice work Jackie thank you what did he just say we're in got a command line see yeah we should get him to send us a new Matrix switch it out we'll never get it to line not precisely enough okay fine let's just modulate the field look do it man hey hey give us some breathing room please there's a couple of algorithms I want to try out please bring up the feedat projection code okay let's see if we can use statistical analysis to predict the Rel and shifts he's going to try a few algorithms we're sitting on a million Hiroshima here you know what take your time time Murphy I mean what's the worst thing Could Happen Planet wide nuclear winner Morgan get him out of here now let's step outside for a minute shall we who the hell do you think you are do you really think you can charm me with a smile and a hand on my arm I'm not your client lady I'm your commanding officer is that clear hey hey what Admiral we're going to have to break the seal what's bearing down on Honolulu is no hurricane those people down there deserve to know what's coming we are evacuating on a Lulu under pretext of a hurricane and that's just going to have to be good enough Jordan it's a man of National Security we just cannot have the Chinese knowing about I stem they are jumpy enough as it is Hanley what's going on over there it's nothing sir your technicians managed to bypass the basic interface and we now have the ability to manually adjust the field distribution it looks like we'll have this under control a moment sir that is fantastic news I realize Adam's busy but please convey my congratulations to him and his team we'll do sir signing off you insane we can't stabilize the field manually hey just cool it okay this is not the time to test your crackpot theories now you guys hacked in very efficiently that's very nice now just do the math and correct for the deviations it's basic arithmetic get to it now the variant may swing unpredictably do I need to have you removed from this ship or you going to be part of this team you messed up in beu you're not going to mess up again not here not on my watch hey man we can do it fire up and ready to go [Music] [Music] okay let's get to it what is that on the Rader same as that volcano don't know but I sure ain't going through it let's take her up another th000 ft and give that thing a wide birth yes sir controls are responding engines are failing radio's out everything's out we're going into that thing [Music] a more can keep your eye on 1 two three you're starting to I got it you're good wait now he's looking like feedback he bring it down bring it down mine's too high way too high we're heading for containment failure again this is a terrible idea you're the one who wanted to modulate the damn field that was before we realized the electromagnets were shot just continue what you're doing I don't think you understand and I don't need to understand do it something's not right I thought they had it under control [Music] sir damn damn it vent it if we do that it will create another death Cloud we have no other choice [Music] what the hell happened talk to me it's another venting blackout sir Randall it's the press secretary again sir tell her I'm on my way he's on his way keep tracking that cloud copy while the L of flight 199 is tragic I can't comment on what might have caused it at least not until further investigation has been completed these rumors of coverups and conspiracies are simply that rumors why is Honolulu being evacuated I've said it before and I'll say it again there's a class five hurricane bearing down on honol Lulu look this is routine guys but satellite imagery shows no hurricanes foring not to mention the season is wrong what is really going on look Mike I don't know maybe you should ask your weather guy I don't do weather excuse what about reports of expanding Black Death clouds what do you make of those and why is Robert Jordan been attending Secret Pentagon meetings who whoa really really Tom you need to stop getting your information from bloggers and TMZ I have here cia's former head of Science and Technology Robert Jordan who will dispel those rumors for you in person so uh we'll bring him up and then perhaps we can focus on what truly matters getting the word out about hurricane Max getting these people to safety and ending Petty gossip Robert I'd like to read a prepared statement I can't do this these are all fair questions ladies and gentlemen these so-called death clouds are real Robert and must be avoided at all costs although I'm not at Liberty to discuss the details we all need to cooperate in tracking them while keeping as far away from them as possible because they will destroy everything in their path until their energy is expended that unfortunately is all I can say at this time thank you over here you just made me look like a fool you're going to pay for this don't you people get it we have to be honest with the world about this situation you serve at the pleasure of the president she's going to expect your resignation letter she can fire me anytime she wants meanwhile I got a job to do excuse me over here next Christian that was the scene just moments ago where Robert Jordan abandoned his prepared speech and said the following who called Death clouds are real sir I I really think you're going to catch a lot of heat for what you did today but I really respect it people deserve to know what's going on as long as I'm in charge our Mission will be to save as many lives as possible get back to your stations now what the hell's happening on that shipy [Music] [Music] what we told you from the start that this was not possible it was working just fine until you blew it until I blew it well you blaming me now yes madx is sh man oh what the hell did he just say now the electromagnet Matrix is physically shot due to the varing permeability of the ice 10 medium exactly which is why I wanted to replace the damn thing in the first place Colonel a report has come in that the explosion was a cruise ship 1,600 men women and children not a single Survivor what I don't understand is why you of all people are backing him up I made the best call I could in Baku I didn't have a choice you're pathetic Murphy This is not helping [Music] Colonel we were just reviewing the shortcomings of Murphy's idea for the shortcoming around here have nothing to do with Adam's ideas I said enough too many people have died today for me to listen to this now what is your plan going forward I recommend we move to secondary protocol sir I want to hear what Adam has to say thank you what secondary okay so the problem is this ice 10 is displaying wildly varying permeability characteristics the electromagnet Matrix is overloading Way Beyond spec to compensate the elements have mostly degraded by now sir so what do you recommend there's only one option I can see right now and that is to superimpose another field on top of the first hey but that sounds like you'll need physical access we' vented a lot of radiation into that tank room and I doubt very much the seab burs suits could protect you adequately well it's the only option I can see Randall what's your reading in the tank room thousands of curies someone might survive 10 minutes with adequate gear Adam how long do you think you'll need at least an hour there's another way in there's another way to get to that Horror in the tank room there are maintenance tunnels below it will be tight but you should be able ble to get underneath and sew your way in Lon what okay we have a plan executed yes sir come on you guys I'm going to take the hard patch you guys control room okay no you need me down there with you you need Jackie go he's right Adam got to work fast to minimize exposure you're going to need all the hands you can get I can't ask you to follow me down there okay you're not asking I'm ding you I'm coming too I want you downstairs do not talk to me like that we used to be partners remember I just can't I no no no this is not about you there's more at stake here than you and your guilt besides I I miss this stuff you do it's kind of like old times you know I can't understand why anyone would follow you anywhere much less into a situation like this I've heard about you before but now I've seen it for myself really what do you see exactly I see a washed up coward who doesn't have the guts to make the tough decisions and live the [Music] consequences nice try Murphy didn't think you had it in [Music] you what happened to you a little heart to heart with [Music] Henley hey is it hot in here huh [Music] [Music] [Music] found where's Maria Maria Maria H up H up Maria there you [Music] [Applause] areed get me the vzor we're online how are you kids hey boss we've got you all clear here how are your levels nothing too abnormal so far we be extra careful there's a low riding on you trust me we'll be doing our best and don't forget there could be small amounts of the weapon floating around down there all right take it slowly guys what do he [Music] say it's a tight fit without the suits but with them yeah man he's crazy H Ain de too oh come on boys I thought you liked it hot I said I go to H but you pushing it man come on Jackie God be with them I'm into [Music] [Music] that I have to say they are not Greek but very courageous [Music] anyway great I9 I think this is it radiation no worse than most parts of Nevada hey don't make me laugh I got be hey Jackie start cutting into the pipe Morgan and I will test for hot wires we're good on the first couple yeah baby be extra careful now some of those pipes are running high voltage all over it sir good job how much longer till you through about 2 minutes sir you got to come see this not now Rand yes now sir what's the problem what Honolulu when it was hit had generated a massive shock wave headed directly towards the vazar right now point of impact 30 seconds in counting Adam shock wave headed your way brace for impact repeat shock wve headed your way brace for impact be careful Jackie that line you're cutting into is hot and just bre the jacket gentle Jackie gentle that's me gentle jaie repat let he see go again sir we're getting a lot of [Music] interference Jackie Jackie we're almost there keep it together status cour oh my God he's cut it's the Sab saw we have to get him out of here Jackie Jackie Jack Jackie we have to get you out of here um can you help me buddy come on push Jack Jackie we have to crawl back out come on he's losing blood fast push Morgan push push how much longer do we figure the containment Matrix will hold out he said maybe 3 hours 2 hours ago Morgan push push he's stuck [Music] more I him push come on he's stuck he's not budging jaie come on jaie come on Morgan come on push he's not budging come on we got you hang on we're pulling you clear [Music] pull come on come on oh God come on hurry up get this one come on give me a hand [Music] go get the med Jack put some pressure on this put pressure down here on the [Music] wound come on stay with us this pulse is weak Jackie come on Jackie Jackie I'm sorry he's coming [Music] around no no [Music] sorry I failed you no no give [Music] honor I'm American her thank you no ja Jackie Jackie Jackie Jack come on [Music] ja sir coffee sir they've arrived at the location they're over the trench the concrete tankers are rending as we speak in about an hour contain will fail alog together it'll take at least that long to sink her even longer a descent to 15,000 ft what do we do sir attention we are out of options [Music] Jordan hey he we did what we could never seems to be good enough you know sometimes not good enough is the best you can do to it took a lot of Courage for you to be here I know it wasn't easy you know that day in beot we had to get that valve open because millions of people I know and I just can't stop thinking about they knew it too you know when when you beat yourself up like this you take their sacrifice away way Jackie Ben Clarence even me we're not here because you forced us here because we wanted to be and we can make a difference you gave us that chance a chance to do something meaningful that's a gift Adam I've missed you so much me too if ever get off this boat do you think we can cuz I need [Music] you we made it to the rendevu we will fill her with concrete and Scuttle her soon no no no containment will never hold all the concrete will do is make an even bigger bang hundreds of millions will die well not necessarily I tried some of your algorithms on the box up there and uh they work feels been greatly stabilized the damage is done she's right at least one of the ELR ESS will fail about 30 minutes from now no no no you bought us some time hopefully enough enough for what enough for me to go back in there and finish what we started I'm going to no you know we need more than my experimental software running out there we need somebody to tune it while things get out of whack and it will happen when the system begins to fail hey you could Buy's critical minutes you're the only one that could pull it off okay you know I'm right I need you and I need you talk to side okay look I'm coming with you no Colonel with all due respect you are not there's no Seaburn suit to fit you here you'll get hit by severe radiation sickness within minutes you'll never survive and it's going to be me and me alone you canp this just to send by while you play Hero on your own something tells me you're going to get the chance that would be one of the concrete tankers ducking I'm headed to the bridge colel [Music] bye they'll come through they'll find a way it is not looking good from where I am standing and I have been authorized to implement secondary protocol and what exactly is secondary protocol presidential order I'm sorry it's come to this Jordan but it is clear to me that we need to take drastic action which means you are relieved of your duty I have seen everything I need to see here yes ma'am yes ma'am who's that you're talking to is that the president no ma'am not a chance recommend we proceed with pre-approval firing sequence you're planning on firing on the ship do you know what'll happen if you hit that ship with a missile yes ma'am thank you ma'am we will keep the Line open it's not just a missile it's a tactical nuke and we are well aware of what the consequences are there will be a bang but that ship will sink down to the bottom of the trench where it belongs there will be a huge bang this is Admiral MCD Pat me through the law control a bank so big you'll hit four continents with waves a mile high do you have any idea what damage that will do how many hundreds of millions will [Music] die I'm here got it how we doing on time maybe 10 minutes I might be able to stretch it more do [Music] it you hit them with that biger payload and you could tear the whole planet apart dark matter doesn't work like normal matter that's the whole point it'll amplify a million times whatever you throw at it that is not what the presidential Scientific Advisor say well the presidential scientific advisors are dead wrong on this this is Admiral McDon confirm voice print Delta Zulu Tango x-ray put that down M president you are way out of line Jordan firing sequence Delta Bravo is a go release the Hound Miss president Captain shut him up Sir put the phone down now sir I will not damn MC McDonald abort the launch Miss president sir drop the phone sir this is not going to happen Mr Jordan I will fire sir now miss president mcdo abort the [Music] [Music] bird [Music] get out of there Adam get out of there come [Music] on [Music] [Music] you have to bridge now yes sir [Music] I'm in what's the status well let's see here the statistical analysis algorithm just failed and Morgan is balancing loads manually I can buy us a couple minutes baby tops right well you know about the concrete now I'll be scuttling the ship in about 10 minutes or so and uh there's a small matter of a tactical nuke headed towards us I'd say about 8 minutes there Murphy just get those magnets rig and let's get the hell off this boat come on come on Adam I I can't hold it much longer come on you have to get them to call the missile off the Ice T will not go on Earth unless we reach 15,000 ft if that missile hits we're going to yeah Armageddon we know maybe we should just let it blow it's a smaller bang right smaller B yeah Millions still die though so that's still a hell of a lot better than hundreds of [Music] million I'm going to lose it I'm going to lose it I can't I can't hold it anym more don't worry about a missile I got it get the job done yes sir nobody SS my ship until I say [Music] so a I can't come on baby two more seconds I can't hold it [Music] anymore hey come on get a grip St I lost it no you did it yes yes we did it it's done it's done oh God good job baby baby you did it good job Murphy Adam where are you Chopper here and they're about to Scuttle the ship I'm going to have to take a range sh on that Morgan what do you mean this is R hard I'm sorry no no look I'm not buried under tons of concrete I'm over exposed Morgan somebody needs to write this thing down make sure it stays together no Adam no you don't do this to me okay you you get up here right now please please don't leave me alone again listen to me you're going to be okay you stronger than you you know it's time to go no we have to go now no [Music] no what is going on down there Murphy's going to ride it down at the bottom keep keep us stable give me the radio put me on Adam thank God you made it you did it baby you saved us all Colonel Hanley Tinker 6 has expunged its surface load sir okay are we clear to scuttle let's do it it's looking stable out here I'll make sure it stays that way as long as I can I love you I love you [Music] too affirmative you clear the scuttle [Music] both the super tanker and the weapon have been in TB successfully our country as well as the rest of the world owes an enormous debt of gratitude to those brave men and women who fought so valiantly against this disaster in particular Admiral McDon who will receive the Congressional Medal of Honor for having kept our lands and seas protected and our people safe and sound God Bless America secretary how can the public be confident that this won't happen again in the future this terrible weapon was a relic from another time dark days in our nation's history those days are long gone we must put this great ordeal behind us the American people should understand that this is a government they can trust well anyhow I have um here to answer your questions a true American hero Admiral McDonna that [Applause] [Music] thank you Moran Adam was one of the noblest men I've ever met a lot of time you rub people the wrong way most of the time really he was a hard guy to figure out but he was only ever motivated by one thing desire to help others hell I guess you know that already you know where I [Music] [Music] am sorry for your loss you're going to be all right I'm better now than I have been in a long time I know we got off on the wrong foot and I uh guess I didn't see it at first see what why you followed him why you loved him he only cared about doing good just like you I'm just grateful for the time that we had can I offer you a ride anywhere I think I'll just sit here for a little [Music] while [Music]
Channel: The Midnight Screening
Views: 950,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, film, hollywood movies, the midnight screening, free movies, movies 2024, best movies 2024, disaster movies, disaster movie, disaster movies full movie english, best disaster movies, action movies, best action movies 2024, film action, action movies 2024, new action movies 2024, thriller movies, thriller movies 2024, best thriller movies, thriller films, syfy movies, syfy, sci fi channel movies, super tanker movie, supertanker, super tanker, super tanker full movie
Id: fRrRbP1sv9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 43sec (5203 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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