Aphmau Is a KILLER In Minecraft!

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Aphmau = Goddess of Youtube

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gachalife12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

so good

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/leawolf20 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 16 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gachalife12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 17 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey Ian I hope this place has good candy Legend has it they give out full-size candy bars [Music] we're surrounded by cuteness don't forget to check out our Halloween memos buckets and slime only at aphmau.com thanks and happy Halloween when my friend almost kills me it pushes me over the edge now I'm the Killer and all of my friends will have to run and hide from me before I get my revenge hey you sorry to scare you I just wanted to see if you wanted to like And subscribe thanks [Laughter] baby hang on don't leave me here help I guess they're really gonna leave me out here in the spooky press alone that was a mean prank oh wait what is this place someone here hi nice to meet you hello [Music] what whoa what happened I look so scary wait a minute I think I can use this to my advantage no I think I can show the guys on the server who the real scaredy cat is so good yeah we did no she'll never come to the sleepover because she's too scared [Music] oh oh now we can play um what was that pierce what what was what was that I saw something in the window I swear something in the window what are you two screaming about oh okay oh I said what what is going on there's nothing we just just no that was our imaginations there was a thing in the window I swear let me look here I don't see anything out there yes nothing out there just scary Thunder he might have been some sort of killer sort of person out there I don't know right Killers don't exist in Minecraft they're just stories meant to scare you what are you take Herobrine oh yeah it's like Herobrine in terms of service they're all the same thing I think we'll have another way to scare them let's see if I just go over here and maybe if you get on the table take a look there just like Pierce was you're all right fine just okay there's nothing out there you probably just saw something from the lightning are you sure I mean Pierce says I'm going into the kitchen exactly what I heard something in here it's me you idiots why did you set up a trap for yourself that doesn't seem like a good plan oh you know I just wanted to hang around I did it let me help you down there you go are you guys ready for a sleepover wait uh well what are you doing here aren't you too scared to sleep over yeah no because you guys were the ones who pushed me off that well that's really you're overreacting calm down we already pranked her once guys all right let's let's just leave it be we gotta go that one time uh awkward um hey uh how about we uh stay in and you know just have a movie night or something yeah that's a great idea come on let's go to the movie theater okay okay uh is it here oh a movie yeah wow hey wait isn't it nice to clean up nice for a spot like this yeah uh yeah so uh what movie do you guys want to watch scary I guess right oh yeah yeah there's this new documentary on the history of God I've been dying to watch oh that's not really scary oh it's scary because it's about gold I don't have just hit the lights off now we're going to return the lights off you know maybe we could uh watch the movie with the lights on you know just yeah oh come on don't be a baby noise that he's gonna get us here but you're being a good host and saying lights off from every night come on let's just go ahead and watch the thing already hey die wow in the dark guys [Music] nothing's gonna happen [Applause] what if they're not a killer oh God [Laughter] don't forget about we need to save ourselves rule number one died don't stay last in the room no please don't don't please don't come any closer don't go good boy stop it's just meow not gonna spooky killer Stampy no no no no actually I'm here to get you out so let me just pick you up like this there we go all right oh see this is my base it's back where you know you guys uh see me off a cliff I'm so sorry we all laughed at you earlier you are totally not a scaredy cat no this is a cool haunted place yeah I know pearsonian put you guys up to it so it's perfectly fine anyway I'm gonna go scare the guys okay you stay here safe I'm gonna go scare everybody else all right okay yeah okay also I'll forgive you if you help me get back at the rest of them ah deal I got you back fam Perfect all right chill here for a bit and I'll take care of the rest of the guys uh oh uh one more thing uh can I uh do you have any cookies of course I need you all right I'll be right back have fun okay all right let's see what are the guys uh oh they're in the basement I actually have a secret way into the basement let's see um where are you what are we gonna do guys what are we gonna do like anything's out there actually out to get us right right right you sure why don't we why was no screaming like that I mean it's annoying maybe he saw he was out of cookies or something what was that puppy wait a minute actually guys what's we left aphmau didn't we that's right that's still up there oh we gotta go check on her do we have to though of course half we can't just leave her up there all right okay okay I'm gonna go up there right after Ian goes up there first you know what fight there's nothing to be scared of and obviously I am the most bravest of I mean this is your house I mean anyone worth the worth being a homeowner would be one to protect their house first as well go go go go I'm fine I'll go yeah about is there anything at it okay guys you're all right yeah yeah I saw a spider but where where's go we were escaping from the Killer what killer I've been up here the whole time and everything seems fine you didn't see the killer wait what about noise I can't believe it oh well let's go see what kind of stuff he has Ian uh hey you know what he's not gonna need it anymore you know I bet the monsters after you guys because you were being such jerks trying to steal noise stuff it's not stealing if he's guided laughing and making me fall off a cliff earlier oh [Music] [Music] um no I was just thinking of a joke from earlier sure what's a joke knock knock who's there interrupting okay anyway let's go look at noise stuff [Music] what I I don't know I didn't hit that um what was that we need to get higher grounds yo what if the killer just wants like I don't know make some cake nope that's a bad knife that's a bad knife [Applause] have mercy on me oh this is it oh Goodbye cruel world you can't do anything to me I'm not scared of you oh okay maybe I am scared I'm actually pretty scared oh where do I go what no wait this is a dead end Powers no no stay back stay back stay back [Laughter] [Music] calm down you said we were such a big baby wait a minute wait I I'm confused what is going on here uh we make his buddies are they good I I can see that give me an empty glass okay okay yeah I need more look real talk so I managed to find uh you know some supplies to surprise you guys for you know hurting me earlier I just thought it was gonna be a funny prank at the time it's just how about this if you want a funny prank you can help me get back at Pierce and Ian oh getting back at Pearson Ian that's what I live for exactly all right so what do we do you got anything that we can use Zayn oh do I have anything well why don't you go ahead and take this what does this do oh you'll see after noi and I do a little prep work around the server oh that's exciting all right let me get going back all right there's something on This Server it's taking everyone I'm getting out of here oh the windows they're fired why are they barking [Music] through the window babies there we go all right some of these traps should get them let's find out what piercing thing went down oh they fell into one all right let's see um my goodness what happened [Music] oh no uh maybe maybe you guys need to apologize ask for anything bad that you've done what what oh that doesn't make any sense yeah sure it's just a killer chasing us and being mean you know I especially think that uh maybe if the killer saw how much of a baby you were they probably would leave laughing too exactly [Music] it sure does seem like The Killers after you guys were being jerks if you just apologize for breaking maybe the killer would stop yeah no no no no no no no no no no no I don't think so fine you know what there's annoying things did you ask for something uh Pizza I think hey oh whoa where'd you get those oh we found these back at the cabin oh perfect perfect okay all right let's use them and go all right ready to scare them yeah [Music] keep going go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go apologize you can't touch us you're leaving me behind oh great oh hey guys I hope you want you to do one thing why I just just stop my sheep I love them apologize [Music] for what what are you doing I mean pranking almost I don't even talk about it get him boys yep wait what yes ma'am yeah okay I'm sorry also Ian just abandoned you I know I can't believe this I thought he was a friend but you want your revenge I mean if I knew what that meant I'd be very excited I'm sure it means you get back at him Pierce oh yeah I'll do that one so what you think in halfmal it's time for the ultimate prank [Laughter] like donkey off a cliff no okay he's over there I'm gonna go talk to him don't come out if he apologizes let him know but if he doesn't uh we'll see all right ready okay have fun [Music] well everyone's almost I don't know how to tell you this I thought but it's not just one killer there are three now innocent little Pierce I tried my best to save him I fought as valiantly as I could even threw myself in the way so brave I know I know I am what are we gonna do well I've been thinking about it a lot and there's only one way to solve this oh my apology no I'm The Killers ourselves oh yes I know it's a brilliant plan okay and then uh you know I'm just setting up a trap digging a pit gonna cover it up with somebody what what was that oh I'm sorry I I startled oh you know I understand uh don't worry you'll be safe with me because I'm so broke here take this oh let's see sorry sorry it's fine well okay maybe not no I don't see anything about are you there hello is anyone ready by the way you're laughing I'm here too I'm too young to die I got so much gold to cat I can't die I'm serious get up okay she's not a baby I am I'm the baby [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] what yeah uh it's us a surprise oh that was so good she gotcha let's get forget you for ditching me yeah and for pranking me no um yeah and abandoning me uh yeah and you just just being you yeah well yeah mine I'm sorry everyone okay stop pranking one another and watch a movie kill all the server guys oh lights are off
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,827,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, killer aphmau, aphmau killed, aphmau kidnapped, killed in minecraft, kidnapped in minecraft, ein kidnapped, pierce kidnapped, zane kidnapped, noi kidnapped, halloween aphmau, halloween minecraft, scary aphmau, scary minecraft, spooky aphmau, aphmau monster, ein halloween, haunted aphmau, haunted minecraft
Id: iAQQDZ3vy0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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